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比较行星学是一门由天文学和地球科学交叉形成的学科。比较行星学以地球作为参照物,研究行星及其卫星的大气物理、化学和动力性质、表面特征、内部化学组分和构造、磁场性质、气候环境以及生命存在可能性。虽然比较行星学在我国还没有形成独立和完善的学科体系,但参加比较行星学分会场的人数远超预期,说明人们对这一新兴学科有强烈兴趣。提交的论文大致可分为3个部分:太阳系行星、太阳系外行星和月球探测。来自海内外的学者展示了他们最新的研究成果。  相似文献   

晚期重轰击(一般又称为月球灾难,简称LHB)指的是距今约3.8~4.1 Ga时段月球受到大量陨石的轰击,于月面上形成的大量撞击坑,并推论地球、水星、金星和火星也经历了这样一次重轰击。Nice模式是关于太阳系动力学演化的一种设想:在初始原行星气体星盘消散之后很久,大行星从最初紧凑的组构迁移到目前的位置。这个行星迁移理论用来解释包括内太阳系的晚期重轰击,以及Oort云、Kuiper带、海王星和木星Trojans行星等形成的历史事件。  相似文献   

轨道靠近恒星的太阳系外大行星的发现导致对星盘与行星相互作用和行星迁移形式的广泛研究。行星迁移发生在行星与气体或星子的星盘之间进行潮汐相互作用时,这造成行星轨道参数,特别是半主轴的变更。早期研究建立了I型和II型行星迁移方式,分别对应于小质量行星和形成能隙的大质量行星。另外,讨论了新的能够快速迁移的III型迁移方式,它可以使大质量星盘中的行星直接向内或向外迁移。  相似文献   

本文评述了星云和星子假说、太阳星云的崩塌、星盘的形成和演化、颗粒生长、星子增生、类地行星和类木行星的形成、行星迁移,以及太阳和行星的演化。  相似文献   

宇宙中恒星的演化始于巨星的形成 ,后者的质量是太阳系的数百倍 ,寿命估计为数百万年。重元素合成于巨星的内部。它们控制了巨星爆炸过程中 (超新星 )形成的气态云和盘状物的冷凝加速度。冷凝和旋转的加速导致后代恒星质量越来越小 ,寿命越来越长 ,直到形成像太阳这样的小星体 ,其质量为 1.989× 10 30 kg ,寿命已有几十亿年。这些小恒星的形成是冷凝过程中产生的水成冰氢星子不断聚集的结果。上一代巨星的原始星盘中的物质只有一小部分参与了冰氢星子的形成。这些星体形成于致密、高速旋转的原始恒星星盘中 ,周围环绕着巨行星和褐矮星。由于星体达到恒星状态 ,它们开始影响原恒星盘 ,结果导致星体相互分散 ,同时 ,最近的巨星发生表面去气作用。后者可以从巨星到恒星的质量衰减得到证实。UpsilonAndromedae、5 5Cancri和HD16 84 4 3等天体的巨行星记载了这样的事实。太阳系中的表面去气作用主要反映在近太阳巨星的流体外壳完全消失。由于流体外壳消失 ,铁硅酸盐熔融核暴露地表 ,形成小的类地行星。木星也经历过表面去气作用 ,依据是木星具有很高的平均密度 (1.3g cm3) ,几乎是土星密度 (0 .7g cm3)的两倍。因此 ,类地行星的形成经历了两个阶段 :原行星 (其父巨星具有重的熔融核 )和正常行星 (在其父行星  相似文献   

太阳系探测的进展与比较行星学的主要科学问题   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
回顾了太阳系的探测历程,综合分析了太阳系探测的发展趋势。未来的太阳系探测将以月球与火星探测为主线,适度开展太阳系其他行星及其卫星、小行星和彗星的考察性探测。21世纪将是全面探测太阳系并为人类社会长期可持续发展服务的新时代。随着太阳系探测的进展,通过系统比较地球与类地行星的大气层与水体的形成演化过程、地形地貌与地质构造特征、岩石类型、热历史与内部结构等方面的共性与特性研究,表明行星的质量大小和行星与太阳的距离的相互耦合,制约了行星的形成和演化的复杂过程。比较行星学已成为指导太阳系探测的科学理论体系。  相似文献   

名义无水矿物(NAMs)是岩石行星地幔中水的主要载体,研究地幔中主要NAMs的水溶解度可以帮助我们估测岩石行星地幔理论上的储水能力,并间接约束其内部的实际含水量。通过统计和统计学习算法等数据科学方法,本文旨在介绍并总结前人对地球、火星和系外行星地幔储水能力的模拟研究工作。本文首先回顾了岩石行星地幔储水能力的热力学理论模型;然后围绕地球和火星的两个实例研究,探讨了如何使用包括稳健回归拟合、蒙特卡罗方法和自助聚集算法等方法,把原子尺度的水溶解度实验数据点和其测量误差转化成行星尺度的储水能力模型;接着介绍了系外行星观测的大样本数据是如何帮助我们理解系外岩石行星储水能力的统计学性质;最后讨论了数据科学方法在矿物物理学研究中的局限性,并对如何更好地将统计及统计学习算法与矿物物理数据研究相结合作出展望。  相似文献   

<正> 前不久,R.P.谢尔登提出了一个新的成磷假说——冰环模式。现据录音简单介绍一下该假说的梗概。冰环按现代流行观点,太阳系原为一旋涡式物质团。以后发生分离,大旋涡形成太阳,小旋涡形成行星,组成太阳系。就构成太阳系诸行星的物质密度而论,靠近太阳的都是密度较大的石质行星,远离太阳的多为密度较小的气体性质的行星(冥王星除外)。据观测,从木星往外,除冥王星外都有一个“环带”,其中土星的环带最大。这  相似文献   

近年来有关太阳系天体中等挥发性元素的研究掀起了一波浪潮。锌作为中等挥发性元素,其稳定同位素对于高温挥发过程具有很好的指示作用。因此,在行星科学领域锌同位素逐渐成为研究星云和行星演化的一个理想工具。本文系统地归纳了各类陨石和行星天体储库的锌同位素组成,并对不同种类的陨石以及地外样品(碳质球粒陨石、普通球粒陨石、顽火辉石球粒陨石、橄辉无球粒陨石、铁陨石、石铁陨石、月球陨石和Apollo样品、火星陨石、灶神星陨石等)中的锌稳定同位素研究内容进行了较全面的总结。主要包括不同陨石和行星锌同位素组成的控制因素以及锌同位素对太阳系内星云过程和行星过程的指示;同时,简要论述了锌同位素在太阳系形成和演化过程中的分馏机制,并立足目前的研究基础,探讨锌同位素在行星科学领域的研究前景和发展趋势。  相似文献   

丁悌平 《地学前缘》1998,5(1):131-141
Sojourner与火星探测丁悌平(地质矿产部矿床地质研究所,北京,100037)自阿波罗登月飞行开始,人类进入了太阳系行星及卫星进行实地访问的新纪元。70年代的海盗着陆器对火星的探测,80年代旅行者1号与2号对土星、木星及其卫星的近距离观测,90年...  相似文献   

《Comptes Rendus Geoscience》2015,347(3):153-158
The detection and characterization of exoplanets have made huge progresses since the first discoveries in the late 1990s. In particular, the independent measurement of the mass and radius of planets, by combining the transit and radial-velocity techniques, allowed exploring their density and hence, their internal structure. With CoRoT (2007–2012), the pioneering CNES space-based mission in this investigation, about thirty new planets were characterized. CoRoT has enhanced the diversity of giant exoplanets and discovered the first telluric exoplanet. Following CoRoT, the NASA Kepler mission has extended our knowledge to small size planets, multiple systems and planets orbiting binaries. Exploring these new worlds will continue with the NASA/TESS (2017) and ESA/PLATO (2024) missions.  相似文献   

High-accuracy light curves for the binaries with exoplanets Kepler-5b, Kepler-6b, and Kepler-7b have been analyzed. The radii of the stars and the planets and the orbital inclinations of the binaries are derived. Reliable estimates of the linear and quadratic limb-darkening coefficients and their confidence intervals (uncertainties) are presented.  相似文献   

Astronomy Reports - The studies of close-orbit gaseous exoplanets—hot Jupiters and warm Neptunes—are reviewed. Transit spectral observations of the Hubble Space Telescope stimulated the...  相似文献   

Astronomy Reports - The interpretation of high-precision transit light curves of binary systems with exoplanets Kepler-5b, Kepler-6b, and Kepler-7b is performed for three different epochs. It has...  相似文献   

用荧光分光光度法及紫外分光光度法测定了陕西延川等地区5000个化探样品,并进行了条件试验。荧光测试采用积分方式,紫外测试采用微量流动注射进样方法。采用新的方法节约了试剂用量,提高了测量精密度。  相似文献   

在简要介绍显微荧光光度术的基础上,着重阐述其在烃源岩显微组分特征,有机质热演化,有机质类型,烃类生成与运移,以及富氢显微组分生烃机理等方面的研究进展,充分展现了其在烃源岩研究与评价中具有良好的应用价值。  相似文献   

We have obtained data on various brightness states of the polar MT Dra over five years of observations, including the first multicolor photometry for this close binary. We confirm the known orbital period, which has remained constant over 17 years, which is unusual for cataclysmic binaries. Our observations in October 2006 demonstrated a transition of the polar to its low brightness state within one day.  相似文献   

The magma ocean concept was first conceived to explain the geology of the Moon, but hemispherical or global oceans of silicate melt could be a widespread “lava world” phase of rocky planet accretion, and could persist on planets on short-period orbits around other stars. The formation and crystallization of magma oceans could be a defining stage in the assembly of a core, origin of a crust, initiation of tectonics, and formation of an atmosphere. The last decade has seen significant advances in our understanding of this phenomenon through analysis of terrestrial and extraterrestrial samples, planetary missions, and astronomical observations of exoplanets. This review describes the energetic basis of magma oceans and lava worlds and the lava lake analogs available for study on Earth and Io. It provides an overview of evidence for magma oceans throughout the Solar System and considers the factors that control the rocks these magma oceans leave behind. It describes research on theoretical and observed exoplanets that could host extant magma oceans and summarizes efforts to detect and characterize them. It reviews modeling of the evolution of magma oceans as a result of crystallization and evaporation, the interaction with the underlying solid mantle, and the effects of planetary rotation. The review also considers theoretical investigations on the formation of an atmosphere in concert with the magma ocean and in response to irradiation from the host star, and possible end-states. Finally, it describes needs and gaps in our knowledge and points to future opportunities with new planetary missions and space telescopes to identify and better characterize lava worlds around nearby stars.  相似文献   

We have carried out photometry and spectroscopy of the star V1327 Aql (R = 16 m ) as part of our program of observations of poorly studied cataclysmic variables using the 1.5-m optical Russian—Turkish telescope (RTT-150, Turkey) and the 6-m telescope of the Special Astrophysical Observatory of the Russian Academy of Sciences. After analyzing our photometry, we have re-classified the variable as an RR Lyrae star. Our BV R photometry during 10 nights reveals brightness variations with the period 12h49m, with the B, V, and R amplitudes being 1.36 m , 1.13 m , and 1.11 m , respectively. We derived the first estimates of the star’s atmospheric parameters from our moderate-resolution spectra: T eff = 6280 K, log g = 3.3, [M/H] = ?1.05. The extremely high radial velocity of the star’s motion (V R = ?470 km/s) and the star’s large distances to the Galactic center (13.1 kpc) and disk (4.2 kpc) testify to a probable extragalactic origin of this object.  相似文献   

Amethod for determining the most probable spectral types, color excesses E B-V , and distances of stars from multicolor photometry is described. The main idea of the method is modeling the photometric data using various models for the stellar spectra and the interstellar extinction law, and applying the maximum likelihood method. The reliability of the method is estimated using stars with known spectral types and WBVR photometry, based on the empirical library of stellar spectra of Pickles and the model for the interstellar extinction law developed by Fluks et al.  相似文献   

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