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通过长江河口高潮滩芦苇带沉积物柱状样CYLWA 1活性铁、有机质、粒度分析及磁性测量,探讨潮滩植物对沉积物铁的地球化学循环及磁性特征变化的影响。结果显示,沉积物柱状样总体上以Fe2 + 占优势,且含量随深度逐渐增加。但在亚表层 (10~ 2 0cm),由于根系的释氧作用,存在着以Fe3 + 占优势的氧化层。在 10~ 2 0cm这一氧化层,指示细颗粒磁性矿物的参数 (χfd、χARM)明显减小,而反映磁性矿物类型的参数 (BCR、SIRM/ χ)显著增大,指示了亚铁磁性矿物颗粒变粗,不完整反铁磁性矿物明显富集,这一现象反映了氧化层不完整反铁磁性矿物的相对富集  相似文献   

A process-based numerical model is applied to investigate sediment transport dynamics and sediment budget in tide-dominated estuaries under different salt marsh erosion scenarios. Using a typical funnel-shaped estuary (Ribble Estuary, UK) as a study site, it is found that the remobilization of sediments within the estuary is increased as a result of the tidal inundation of the eroded salt marsh. The landward export of the finest sediment is also intensified. The relationship between salt marsh erosion and net landward export of sediments has been found to be non-linear—with the first 30% salt marsh erosion causing most of the predicted export. The presence of vegetation also influences the sediment budget. Results suggest that vegetation reduces the amount of sediment being transported upstream. Again, the trapping effect of salt marsh in terms of plant density is non-linear. Whilst a vegetated surface with a stem density of 64 plants/m2 decreased the net landward export of very fine sand by around 50%, a further increase in stem density from 64 to 512 plants/m2 had a relatively small effect.  相似文献   

We examined the effects of seasonal salinity changes on sediment ammonium (NH4 +) adsorption and exchange across the sediment–water interface in the Parker River Estuary, by means of seasonal field sampling, laboratory adsorption experiments, and modeling. The fraction of dissolved NH4 + relative to adsorbed NH4 + in oligohaline sediments rose significantly with increased pore water salinity over the season. Laboratory experiments demonstrated that small (∼3) increases in salinity from freshwater conditions had the greatest effect on NH4 + adsorption by reducing the exchangeable pool from 69% to 14% of the total NH4 + in the upper estuary sediments that experience large (0–20) seasonal salinity shifts. NH4 + dynamics did not appear to be significantly affected by salinity in sediments of the lower estuary where salinities under 10 were not measured. We further assessed the importance of salinity-mediated desorption by constructing a simple mechanistic numerical model for pore water chloride and NH4 + diffusion for sediments of the upper estuary. The model predicted pore water salinity and NH4 + profiles that fit measured profiles very well and described a seasonal pattern of NH4 + flux from the sediment that was significantly affected by salinity. The model demonstrated that changes in salinity on several timescales (tidally, seasonally, and annually) can significantly alter the magnitude and timing of NH4 + release from the sediments. Salinity-mediated desorption and fluxes of NH4 + from sediments in the upper estuary can be of similar magnitude to rates of organic nitrogen mineralization and may therefore be important in supporting estuarine productivity when watershed inputs of N are low.  相似文献   

This study was designed to investigate seasonal changes on food available for benthic consumers in relation to tidal levels and sediment depth in an estuarine beach. The relationships between the biochemical characteristics of sedimentary organic matter and benthic macrofauna were analyzed quarterly over 2 years (from January 1997 to January 1999), in an estuarine soft intertidal zone from the NW coast of Spain (42°64′04″N, 8°88′36″W). Sediment samples were collected to provide a two-dimensional view of macroinfauna distribution in the intertidal zone and its relationship with the quantity and quality of the organic matter. The nutritional value of organic matter (i.e., lipid, protein, and carbohydrate) and the content of chlorophyll a of the sediment were measured. Macrofaunal assemblages and food availability in the sediment were studied at three tidal levels on the shore: two intertidal and one supratidal. Macroinfauna and biochemical compounds showed a clear vertical stratification with the highest macrofaunal abundance at the superficial layer of the sediment, where redox potential discontinuity was also observed. Crustaceans were found mainly inhabiting the supratidal level of the estuarine beach, while polychaetes and mollusks occupied the intertidal level. Food availability, measured as biopolymeric carbon, and also chlorophyll a from the sediment were better related to macroinfauna abundance, biomass, and abundance of main taxonomic groups. Macrofauna assemblages showed particular distribution in both vertical and horizontal ranges suggesting specific preferences to several abiotic factors. No clear seasonal pattern was found in macrofauna and sedimentary organic characteristics suggesting that macrofaunal assemblages are controlled by complex and unpredictable factors, including small-scale changes in substrate and hydrological characteristics.  相似文献   

Confidence in the use of macroalgae as an indicator of estuarine eutrophication is limited by the lack of quantitative data on the thresholds of its adverse effects on benthic habitat quality. In the present study, we utilized sediment profile imagery (SPI) to identify thresholds of adverse effects of macroalgal biomass, sediment organic carbon (% OC) and sediment nitrogen (% N) concentrations on the apparent Redox Potential Discontinuity (aRPD), the depth that marks the boundary between oxic near-surface sediment and the underlying suboxic or anoxic sediment. At 16 sites in eight California estuaries, SPI, macroalgal biomass, sediment percent fines, % OC, and % N were analyzed at 20 locations along an intertidal transect. Classification and Regression Tree (CART) analysis was used to identify step thresholds associated with a transition from "reference" or natural background levels of macroalgae, defined as that range in which no effect on aRPD was detected. Ranges of 3–15 g dw macroalgae m?2, 0.4–0.7 % OC and 0.05–0.07 % N were identified as transition zones from reference conditions across these estuaries. Piecewise regression analysis was used to identify exhaustion thresholds, defined as a region along the stress–response curve where severe adverse effects occur; levels of 175 g dw macroalgae m?2, 1.1 % OC and 0.1 % N were identified as thresholds associated with a shallowing of aRPD to near zero depths. As an indicator of ecosystem condition, shallow aRPD has been related to reduced volume and quality for benthic infauna and alteration in community structure. These effects have been linked to reduced availability of forage for fish, birds and other invertebrates, as well as to undesirable changes in biogeochemical cycling.  相似文献   

天津市潮间带柱状沉积物中重金属的污染历史及来源判别   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
利用因子分析和元素含量特征分析两种方法,对天津市潮间带的4个无扰动沉积物柱样的46个样品进行了重金属分析,并探讨了重金属的来源方式和富集原因.研究结果表明,天津市潮间带的重金属可分为3类:1)Fe、Cr、Al及Mn元素主要受环境背景值的影响,2)Hg和Cd受人为活动的影响较大,3)AS、Zn、Pb、Cu及Ni受环境背景值及人类活动的双重影响,且影响大小随所在位置的不同而变化.结合210Pb和137Cs测年结果,定量确定了天津市潮间带小于0.063 mm粒级沉积物中N1等11种重金属元素的环境背景值,并以此为基础,进一步探讨了重金属富集年代、富集量及污染历史和人类活动的关系,发现多数重金属的污染始于1910年代,并在1954年之后富集量增加.  相似文献   

杭州湾庵东滨岸潮间带软底质沉积中发现的造迹动物有泥螺、珠带拟蟹守螺、弹涂鱼、宁波泥蟹、沙蚕、竹蛏、虹光亮樱蛤、海葵以及鸟类和植物等,包括软体动物、节肢动物、环节动物、脊索动物、腔肠动物等5个动物门类,共计8属,营造的生物遗迹主要有运动迹(爬迹、拖迹、足辙迹)、居住迹、觅食迹(进食迹)、生殖迹、停息迹、排泄迹、逃逸迹以及鸟类足迹和植物根迹等。分析表明潮间带不同的沉积环境,造迹生物及其遗迹的主要类型、空间分布、丰度、多样性具有明显的差异。1)研究区潮间带不同的沉积环境,造迹生物种类与分布不同,其遗迹的主要类型和分布特征具有明显的差异性,高潮区沉积物主要是富含有机质的砂质泥,生物遗迹包括珠带拟蟹守螺拖迹、停息迹和生殖迹,泥螺拖迹和停息迹,宁波泥蟹的觅食迹、居住迹和足辙迹,沙蚕的拖迹、觅食迹、居住迹和排泄迹,弹涂鱼的爬行迹和居住迹,以及鸟类足迹和植物根迹,其中层面遗迹以珠带拟蟹守螺的拖迹、沙蚕拖迹和觅食迹丰度最高,层内遗迹以沙蚕居住潜穴丰度最高,分布面积最广,扰动程度强烈,宁波泥蟹居住潜穴局部密集,扰动程度强烈,植物根迹密集,深度可达50~60 cm,这些生物遗迹常与平行直脊波痕和干涉波痕共生。中潮区沉积物主要由灰色粉砂和含砂粉砂构成,含水率较高,植被较稀疏。中潮区平坦的潮坪上生物遗迹主要由虹光亮樱蛤的居住潜穴和竹蛏的居住潜穴和摄食迹组成,丰度较高,具有少量泥螺拖迹以及植物根迹和鸟足迹。在中潮区潮沟两侧,沉积物颗粒较细,常见珠带拟蟹守螺的拖迹,宁波泥蟹的居住潜穴、足辙迹,弹涂鱼的爬迹。中潮区潮坪上多发育舌型波痕,生物遗迹多与舌型波痕共生。低潮区沉积物主要是灰色粉砂和粉砂质砂,含水率高,多为汤底,无植被,常见遗迹主要是虹光亮樱蛤的居住潜穴,竹蛏的居住潜穴以及少量海葵居住潜穴。2)沉积物的粒度、含水率影响遗迹的清晰度;3)由于受潮水、波浪运动的冲刷作用,沉积物表面的遗迹易被破坏,保存率极低,底内动物的居住潜穴保存率相对较高。该研究不仅为杭州湾潮间带沉积环境研究提供了新的现代生物遗迹信息,而且也可为古代强潮河口湾潮间带沉积环境中的古遗迹学研究提供借鉴。  相似文献   

长江口崇明东滩沉积物间隙水中营养盐剖面及其数学模拟   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2005年410月,对长江口崇明东滩潮间带高潮滩站位沉积物间隙水中营养盐成分进行了每月一次的连续观测。结果表明,该站点间隙水中营养盐NH4+和S iO32-的浓度一般在200400μmol/L之间;NO2-+NO3-以及PO43-浓度一般在1μmol/L以下,但9月份后的3次采样得到的沉积柱表层(010 cm)NO2-+NO3-浓度则一般超过10μmol/L,甚至接近100μmol/L。沉积物中有机N含量以及受粘土矿物含量影响的蛋白石(BS i)的溶解度是决定间隙水中NH4+和S iO32-的浓度的主要因素。间隙水中S iO32-浓度和温度之间存在着显著的正相关关系(P<0.01),说明其主要是受温度影响的溶解过程的控制;而NH4+浓度与温度之间没有明显的相关关系,说明与S iO32-相比,沉积物中NH4+产出的控制因素较为复杂。我们采用了经典的早期成岩方程对NH4+和S iO32-浓度剖面进行了数学模拟,在模型中考虑了扩散作用、埋藏作用以及营养盐的代谢作用等因素。模拟结果表明,通过改变扩散项系数基本可以模拟出营养盐剖面中间浓度高、上下浓度低的总体趋势。此外,沉积速率和代谢反应速率也在不同程度上对模拟结果产生影响。   相似文献   

210Pb geochronologies of Cd, Cu, Hg, and Pb fluxes were obtained from the intertidal mudflat sediments of the coastal lagoons Chiricahueto, Estero de Urías, and Ohuira in the Mexican Pacific. The Cu and Hg sediment concentrations at the three lagoons fell within the ranges of 6–76 μg g−1 and 0.1 to 592 ng g−1, respectively; Chiricahueto and Estero de Urías sediments had comparable Cd and Pb concentrations within the ranges of 0.2–2.1 μg g−1 and 10–67 μg g−1, respectively; whereas in Ohuira lagoon, Cd concentrations were lower (0.1–0.5 μg g−1) and Pb concentrations were higher (115–180 μg g−1) than in the other lagoons. The metal fluxes (μg cm−2 y−1) for the three lagoons fell within the ranges of 0.02–0.15 for Cd, 0.7–6.0 for Cu, 0.001–0.045 for Hg, and 0.7–20 for Pb. The Hg pollution in Estero de Urías was attributed to the exhausts of the thermoelectric plant of Mazatlan and the metal enrichment in Chiricahueto and Ohuira was related to the agrochemical wastes from the croplands surrounding these lagoons.  相似文献   

Doklady Earth Sciences - We describe a new find of a dinosaur in the Southern Urals, a fragment of long bone of a large dinosaur from the Upper Cretaceous (Upper Santonian–Lower Campanian)...  相似文献   

王庆  孟庆海 《地层学杂志》1999,23(4):277-282
全新世以来山东半岛东北部沿岸的相对海面(基准面)变化控制了入海河流河谷内全新统的发育,并通过影响进入海岸带碎屑物质的类型与数量,深刻影响了海岸带全新统的发育。全新世早期(10~6ka B. P.)快速的相对海面上升导致河谷溯源堆积,河流输沙中的推移质均堆积于河谷中,仅有悬移质进入海岸带堆积,因而海岸全新统下部均为细粒的海湾、湖、沼泽相沉积。全新世中期(6~4ka B.P.)时海面虽已相对稳定,但早期基准面上升导致的河谷堆积作用仍在进行,因而中全新统的粗碎屑海岸沉积均为源于基岩海岸侵蚀的含贝壳砂砾石。从全新世后期(4ka B.P.以来)开始有较丰富的河流推移质输沙进入海岸带,但由于不同规模河流对相对海面变化的地貌响应有显著差别,不同河流对海岸全新统发育的影响各不相同。上述结论为精确地解释低序列、小尺度地层层序提供了理论依据  相似文献   

The results of recent studies of the isotope and chemical composition of the waters and breccias that erupted from mud volcanoes of Kerch Peninsula are presented. It was found that the waters of the volcanoes considered were characterized by low salinity, a chloride–hydrocarbonate–sodium composition, and an increased 18O content. The breccias were enriched in organic matter and some microelements (Li, Se, Hg, etc.). As for petrogenic elements, depletion of Ca in the breccias is noted.  相似文献   

泥河湾盆地沉积物粒度组分与磁化率变化相关性研究   总被引:25,自引:6,他引:25  
杨小强  李华梅 《沉积学报》2002,20(4):675-679
以泥河湾盆地郝家台剖面为例,分析沉积物粒级组分与磁化率大小变化的相关性。从厚约 12 2m的剖面选取 80 0多个样品,分别测试从 0.2~ 5 0 0 μm各个粒度区间颗粒的百分含量和质量磁化率。通过计算它们之间的相关关系,认为湖相沉积物磁化率的变化与 0.2~ 35 μm间细粒物质的含量,特别是与 0.2~ 7.5 μm区间悬浮物质的含量反相关,而与 35~ 5 0 0 μm间较粗粒物质的含量正相关。这种相关性与顶部的黄土堆积刚好相反,反映了二者之间磁化率不同的变化机制。据此可认为以外源碎屑输入为主的湖泊中,沉积物磁化率的变化主要受控于外源铁磁性矿物,它反映了湖水面的升降,蕴涵着一定的古气候信息。  相似文献   

Eutrophication and the development of persistent opportunistic macroalgal blooms are recognised as one of the main detrimental effects of increased anthropogenic pressures on estuarine and coastal systems. This study aimed to highlight the interplay between pressures and controlling physical factors on ecosystem functioning. The hypothesis that hydrological regime can control the growth of opportunistic macroalgae was tested with the study of two Irish estuaries, the Argideen and the Blackwater, with similar nutrient loading sources but divergent hydrological regimes. Seasonal monitoring data was initially examination, while the application of a pre-existing box model allowed a further analysis of the influence of residence time and nutrient load modifications on macroalgal growth. Seasonal oscillations in monitored river flow rates altered nutrient transfer from the catchments to the estuaries in both cases, as is shown through differences between winter and summer nutrient concentrations. In the Argideen, however, the relative contribution of phosphorus (P) from adjacent marine waters was high due to the shorter residence times and greater influx of marine water into the estuary. Modelling studies showed that in the Argideen Estuary, P load reduction would have potentially minimal impact on macroalgal growth due to the shorter residence time which increased the influx of P from marine sources. Nitrogen (N) load reduction of 60 % had a significant, albeit limited, impact on macroalgae and was insufficient in achieving the environmental objectives for this waterbody. For the more river-dominated Blackwater Estuary, modelled reductions in P resulted in a considerable decrease in biomass. Any further P decreases would accentuate the existing disparity in estuarine N:P ratios with possible repercussions for N transport to the coastal system. Hence, the hydrological complexity of estuarine systems demonstrated dictates that a portfolio of separate, but complimentary, management approaches may be required to address eutrophication in these estuaries.  相似文献   

The geochemical cycles of iron and sulphur in marine sediments are strongly intertwined and give rise to a complex network of redox and precipitation reactions. Bioturbation refers to all modes of transport of particles and solutes induced by larger organisms, and in the present-day seafloor, bioturbation is one of the most important factors controlling the biogeochemical cycling of iron and sulphur. To better understand how bioturbation controls Fe and S cycling, we developed reactive transport model of a coastal sediment impacted by faunal activity. Subsequently, we performed a model sensitivity analysis, separately investigating the two different transport modes of bioturbation, i.e. bio-mixing (solid particle transport) and bio-irrigation (enhanced solute transport). This analysis reveals that bio-mixing and bio-irrigation have distinct—and largely opposing effects on both the iron and sulphur cycles. Bio-mixing enhances transport between the oxic and suboxic zones, thus promoting the reduction of oxidised species (e.g. iron oxyhydroxides) and the oxidation of reduced species (e.g. iron sulphides). Through the re-oxidation of iron sulphides, bio-mixing strongly enhances the recycling of Fe and S between their reduced and oxidised states. Bio-irrigation on the other hand removes reduced solutes, i.e. ferrous iron and free sulphide, from the sediment pore water. These reduced species are then reoxidised in the overlying water and not recycled within the sediment column, which leads to a decrease in Fe and S recycling. Overall, our results demonstrate that the ecology of the macrofauna (inducing bio-mixing or bio-irrigation, or both) matters when assessing their impact on sediment geochemistry. This finding seems particularly relevant for sedimentary cycling across Cambrian transition, when benthic fauna started colonizing and reworking the seafloor.  相似文献   

The detailed study of sections of two boreholes drilled on the Murmansk Rise of the Barents Sea provided new data on lithology, granulometric composition of sediments, and distribution of oxides and some minerals of the heavy fraction. The biostratigraphic subdivision of Upper Quaternary sediments is based on foraminifers. The recovered glaciomarine Quaternary sediments accumulated in marine periglacial environments. Foraminiferal assemblages dominated by Retroelphidium clavatumand Cassidulina reniforme, which reflect extreme (proximal and distal) glaciomarine environments are replaced upward the section by those formed in normal marine environments. The latter are dominated by Nonion labradoricumand Melonis barleeanus.  相似文献   

The protection of groundwater dependent ecosystems in Otago, New Zealand   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Surface waters (streams, rivers, and wetlands) are the most important groundwater dependent ecosystems (GDEs) in Otago, New Zealand. Pumping wells in the vicinity can deplete water in the GDE. In Otago, most of the surface water resources are allocated and a method, which would assist in the implementation of water management policy, is needed to acknowledge the strong hydraulic link between surface and shallow groundwater. A simplified method has been developed which derives a numerical relationship between the bore pumping rate and the distance between the bore and surface water body beyond which depletion is considered insignificant. A range of GDE depletion scenarios are examined at various combinations of hydraulic parameters to find a minimum distance for a given pumping rate, at which 90% of the modelled surface water depletion scenarios become less than a threshold GDE depletion after a specified time. A buffer zone, based on the minimum distance is placed around GDEs, and groundwater abstraction rights within the buffer are subject to stricter rules. Applicants wishing to abstract from bores within the buffer zone will need to address the environmental impact of the proposed activity on the GDE.  相似文献   

Rocks of the greenschist facies in eastern Otago, New Zealand, have been investigated in an area some thirteen to sixteen kilometers wide and sixty-five kilometers long extending northeastwards approximately normal to the boundary of the schist with lower grade rocks. Quartzo-feldspathic schists predominate but greenschists and metacherts occur sporadically throughout the area. At the southwestern edge of the area schists are in the chlorite zone, slightly above the high-grade limit of pumpellyite. Metamorphic grade increases toward the northeast into the biotite zone which occupies about half the terrane studied and is believed to be everywhere little advanced in metamorphic grade past that of the biotite isograd. Some 130 mineral specimens have been partially analysed with the electron probe. Results derived from these data as well as other mineralogical investigation are as follows: Albite contains a maximum of 1% anorthite plus orthoclase in epidote-bearing rocks from all parts of the area.Compositions of epidotes range from 12% to 32% Ca2Fe3(SiO4)3(OH), but most lie between 15% and 20%, a compositional field thought by Strens (1965) and Holdaway (1965) to occupy a miscibility gap in the epidote series. Zoning in some epidotes suggests a history of early growth of small, sparse iron-rich epidotes, and later growth of relatively large amounts of iron-poor epidote probably caused by breakdown of prehnite and/or pumpellyite. Muscovites vary widely in celadonite content; but the composition shows little if any dependence on metamorphic grade within the area studied. Most tend to be celadonite-rich, and in this respect are similar in composition to muscovites from rocks of the glaucophane-schist facies.Chlorites range widely in Mg/Fe; but Al/Mg+Fe is relatively uniform. Chlorites associated with actinolite tend to have higher Mg/Fe than those associated with stilpnomelane. Following the classification of Foster (1962) most chlorites are brunsvigite and some are ripidolite. Textural and chemical relations between biotite and coexisting minerals demonstrate that, contrary to some previous suggestions, biotite is not a relict mineral. An alteration product of chlorite bears strong resemblance to biotite, and previous misidentification of this mineral as biotite has caused much confusion regarding the distribution and metamorphic significance of biotite in Otago schists.An attempt to determine the reaction producing biotite is not successful. Possibly biotitebearing rocks have slightly higher biotite component than rocks of the chlorite zone. All newly formed amphibole found in eastern Otago is pale green, Al- and Na-poor actinolite. One of the chemical conditions necessary for the formation of actinolite in schists of eastern Otago is a relatively high Mg/Fe+Al ratio.Stilpnomelane is an integral part of assemblages in which it occurs, being developed under conditions of relatively low and in rocks with a high Fe/Mg + Al ratio. The present highly oxidized state of all stilpnomelane observed in this study is probably not a primary feature of the mineral but developed after metamorphism.Porphyroblastic garnets are accessory constituents in about half the quartzo-feldspathic schists collected from the biotite zone but are extremely rare in specimens of the same lithology from the chlorite zone. Either a garnet-producing reaction began in quartzo-feldspathic schists at about the biotite isograd, or rocks of biotite zone tend to have slightly higher garnet component than those of the chlorite zone. Composition of the garnets ranges widely, extremes being: 77% spess., 18% gross., 5% alm.; 25% spess., 50% gross., 25% alm.; 15% spess., 30% gross., 55% alm. Most of the variation in composition is controlled by host rock composition, but garnets at higher grade tend to have lower spessartine content. The garnets are zoned; generally Mn decreases and Fe increases from core to rim.For the most part chemical equilibrium among different grains and minerals was closely approached over distances of at least a few millimeters. However, profound disequilibrium exists within some individual grains, such as a zoned garnet which over a distance of only 15 microns ranges in spessartine content from 77% in the core to 35% on the rim.This report is a condensed version of part of the author's Ph.D. thesis (Brown, 1966), University of California, Berkeley.  相似文献   

Tectonic deformation of Pleistocene sediments is occurring within the plate-boundary zone in the North Island of New Zealand. Folds, associated with an active fault, are forming mainly by flexural-slip, and contain comformable and unconformable relations which show that the folding started ca 1.0 Ma. Simple geometric models of fold growth indicate that the fold structure has shortened at an average rate of 0.76 ± 0.1 mm a−1 across 4.5 km, though with an increase in the last 100 Ka of about 1.8 times the average rate, which is entirely compatible with the rate of shortening observed in the last 50 years from retriangulation studies. Areas for 15 km to the southeast of the fold structures show significantly lower horizontal shortening rates. The strain rates across the plate-boundary zone vary both with position and time, with a negative correlation between the uplift pattern and the inferred geological shortening rates. This can be explained by the presence of large semi-rigid blocks within the plate-boundary zone which are back-tilting and overriding weaker more rapidly deforming areas. The available evidence suggests that a large proportion of the deformation is occurring seismically.  相似文献   

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