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A 1D analytical framework is implemented in a narrow convergent estuary that is 78 km in length (the Guadiana, Southern Iberia) to evaluate the tidal dynamics along the channel, including the effects of neap-spring amplitude variations at the mouth. The close match between the observations (damping from the mouth to ~ 30 km, shoaling upstream) and outputs from semi-closed channel solutions indicates that the M2 tide is reflected at the estuary head. The model is used to determine the contribution of reflection to the dynamics of the propagating wave. This contribution is mainly confined to the upper one third of the estuary. The relatively constant mean wave height along the channel (<?10% variations) partly results from reflection effects that also modify significantly the wave celerity and the phase difference between tidal velocity and elevation (contradicting the definition of an “ideal” estuary). Furthermore, from the mouth to ~ 50 km, the variable friction experienced by the incident wave at neap and spring tides produces wave shoaling and damping, respectively. As a result, the wave celerity is largest at neap tide along this lower reach, although the mean water level is highest in spring. Overall, the presented analytical framework is useful for describing the main tidal properties along estuaries considering various forcings (amplitude, period) at the estuary mouth and the proposed method could be applicable to other estuaries with small tidal amplitude to depth ratio and negligible river discharge.  相似文献   

毛兴华  顾圣华  唐桂兰 《水文》2013,33(2):11-14
利用代表潮位站吴淞站19752010年实测资料,分析了长江口潮位变化对潮型的影响。研究结果表明,随着年平均潮位的上升,代表站年平均高(低)潮位会相应抬升,二者线性相关关系非常密切,而潮差、潮历时与年平均潮位的相关关系不明显。另外,年最高(低)高(低)潮位、年最大涨(落)潮潮差、年最大(小)涨(落)潮历时等各项极值与年平均潮位变化也没有明显的相关关系。  相似文献   

A 3-D coastal ocean model with a tidal turbine module was used in this paper to study the effects of tidal energy extraction on temperature and salinity stratification and density-driven two-layer estuarine circulation. Numerical experiments with various turbine array configurations were carried out to investigate the changes in tidally averaged temperature, salinity, and velocity profiles in an idealized stratified estuary that connects to coastal water through a narrow tidal channel. The model was driven by tides, river inflow, and sea surface heat flux. To represent the realistic size of commercial tidal farms, model simulations were conducted based on a small percentage (less than 10 %) of the total number of turbines that would generate the maximum extractable energy in the system. Model results show that extraction of tidal in-stream energy will increase the vertical mixing and decrease the stratification in the estuary. Installation of in-stream tidal farm will cause a phase lag in tidal wave, which leads to large differences in tidal currents between baseline and tidal farm conditions. Extraction of tidal energy in an estuarine system has stronger impact on the tidally averaged salinity, temperature, and velocity in the surface layer than the bottom layer even though the turbine hub height is close to the bottom. Finally, model results also indicate that extraction of tidal energy weakens the two-layer estuarine circulation, especially during neap tides when tidal mixing is weakest and energy extraction is smallest.  相似文献   

Newly hatched horsehoe crabs (Limulus polyphemus) were exposed to autoclaved Bunker C oil for 8 weeks. Autoclaving served to prevent bacterial degradation of stored oil and to drive off the volatile fraction of the oil. The oil was introduced in the form of a whole oil suspension. Minimum lethal dose was shown to be 2.25 mg per 1. Concentrations greater than 0.25 mg per 1 caused a delay in molting.  相似文献   

The effects of reduced tidal flushing on post-hurricane mangrove recovery were measured across a gradient of hurricane disturbance (in order of decreasing wind intensity: Captiva, North Sanibel, Central Sanibel, and East Sanibel). Each region consisted of replicate study plots with either reduced tidal exchange (tidally restricted location) or an open tidal connection (tidally unrestricted location). Locations with reduced tidal exchange displayed significantly lower (two-way ANOVA, p ≤ 0.0001) tidal amplitude, decreased seedling densities, and decreased productivity (recruitment, growth, and litter fall) when compared to the tidally unrestricted locations. Results also indicated significant regional variations in measures of mangrove stand structure (seedlings and canopy) and productivity (recruitment, growth, and litter fall) up to 4-years post-hurricane disturbance. These findings suggest that the legacy effects from hurricane disturbance vary with degree of wind intensity, acting both independently and synergistically with the effects of tidal restriction to influence post-hurricane mangrove structure and function.  相似文献   

Measurements over an annual cycle of longitudinal and vertical salinity distributions in a small sub-estuary, the Tavy Estuary, UK, are used to illustrate the dependence of salt intrusion and stratification on environmental variables. The interpretations are aided by vertical profiling and near-bed data recorded in the main channel and on the mudflats. Generally, high water (HW) salt intrusion at the bed is close to the tidal limit and is dominated by runoff and winds, with decreasing salt intrusion associated with increasing runoff and increasing up-estuary winds (or vice versa). Tidal effects are not statistically significant because of two compensating processes: the long tidal excursion, which is comparable with the sub-estuary length for all but the smallest neap tides, and the enhanced, near-bed, buoyancy-driven salt transport that occurs at small neap tides close to the limit of saline intrusion. The effect of wind on HW surface salt intrusion in the main channel is not statistically significant, partly because it is obscured by the opposing local and estuary-wide effects of an up-estuary or down-estuary wind stress. These processes are investigated using a simple tidal model that incorporates lateral, channel–mudflat bathymetry and reproduces, approximately, observed channel and mudflat velocities. Surface salinity at HW increases with tidal range because of enhanced spring-tide vertical mixing—a process that also reduces salinity stratification. Stratification increases with runoff because of increased buoyancy inputs and decreases with up-estuary winds because of reduced near-bed salt intrusion. Stratification and plume formation are interpreted in terms of the bulk and estuarine Richardson Numbers, and processes at the confluence of the sub-estuary and main estuary are described.  相似文献   

环境磁学样品干燥过程中的磁性效应   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
对长江口南岸潮滩沉积物柱样和表层样品的烘干、风干和冻干法处理,然后进行系统磁性测量和水分、有机质的测定。实验结果得知:以冻干法为参照,烘干和风干方法对样品的磁参数的稳定性影响很小,但研究质地粘重样品时,应避免采用风干方法或校正风干样含水量质量后计算相关的磁参数。有机质的含量与主要磁参数成正相关,它对磁参数的影响很小  相似文献   

Salt marshes are an important transition zone between terrestrial and marine ecosystems, and in their natural state, they often function to cycle or trap terrestrially derived nutrients and organic matter. Many US salt marshes were ditched during the twentieth century, potentially altering their functionality. The goal of this 4-year study was to assess the impact of water from ditches within seven salt marshes on estuarine water quality and plankton communities within four estuaries on Long Island, NY, USA. We found that concentrations of inorganic nutrients (ammonium, phosphate), dissolved and particulate organic nitrogen and carbon (POC, PON, DOC, DON), and total coliform bacteria were significantly enriched in salt marsh ditches compared to the estuaries they discharged into. In addition, concentrations of ammonium and DON became more enriched in ditches as tidal levels decreased, suggesting these constituents were generated in situ. Quantification of nitrogen sources in Flanders Bay, NY, suggested salt marsh ditches could represent a substantial source of N to this estuary during summer months. Experimental incubations demonstrated that water from salt marsh ditches was capable of significantly enhancing the growth of multiple classes of phytoplankton, with large diatoms and dinoflagellates displaying the most dramatic increases in growth. Experiments further demonstrated that salt marsh ditchwater was capable of significantly enhancing pelagic respiration rates, suggesting discharge from ditches could influence estuarine oxygen consumption. In summary, this study demonstrates that tidal draining of salt marsh ditches is capable of degrading multiple aspects of estuarine water quality.  相似文献   

Drying estuarine sandbanks experience only that part of the tidal cycle around high water. In a partially progressive tidal wave, this means that the duration of the flood over the sandbank will be greater than that of the ebb: a process of tidal rectification. In this paper, we propose the hypothesis that this leads to flood-directed tidal residual currents over drying sandbanks. The hypothesis is tested by observation and a 2-D hydrodynamical model in the Conwy estuary, a vertically well-mixed macrotidal estuary in North Wales. The observations include tide gauge data, tidal cycle boat surveys, and fixed current meter data. The data show weak flood-directed residual currents over a drying sandbank and much stronger ebb-directed residuals in the channels along the sides of the sandbank. The model reproduces the observations in the vicinity of the sandbank and shows that the tidal rectification mechanism produces a general pattern of residual circulation in the estuary, with flood-directed flow in the drying areas and ebb-directed flow in the channels. The flood residuals are most marked near the estuary mouth where the tidal wave is most progressive in nature. The main application of this mechanism is believed to be in the transport of bedload sediment. The flood-directed residuals will tend to move the tops of the sandbanks upstream.  相似文献   

The interaction of plant and microbial communities are known to influence the dynamics of methane emission in wetlands. Plant manipulations were conducted in an organic rich (JB-organic) and a mineral rich (JB-mineral) site in a tidal freshwater wetland to determine if plant removal impacted archaeal populations. In concert, a suite of process-based measurements also determined the effects of plant removal on rates of methanogenesis and Fe-reduction. The microbial populations were analyzed with clone libraries of the SSU ribosomal RNA (rRNA) gene from selected plots, and terminal restriction length polymorphism (tRFLP) of the SSU rRNA and the methyl-coenzyme M reductase (mcrA) gene. Overall, methanogenesis dominated anaerobic carbon mineralization at both sites during the most active growing season. A total of 114 SSU rRNA clones from four different plots revealed a diversity of Euryarchaeota including representatives of the Methanomicrobiales, Methanosarcinales and Thermoplasmatales. The clone libraries were dominated by the Thaumarchaeota, accounting for 65 % of clones, although their diversity was low. A total of 112 tRFLP profiles were generated from 56 samples from 25 subplots; the patterns for both SSU rRNA and mcrA showed little variation between sites, either with plant treatment or with the growing season. Overall these results suggest that wetland soil archaeal populations were resilient to changes in the associated surface plant communities. The work also revealed the presence of novel, mesophilic Thaumarchaeota of unknown metabolic function.  相似文献   

We report the results of a 5-year fertilization experiment in a central Long Island Sound salt marsh, aimed at understanding the impacts of high nutrient loads on marsh elevational processes. Fertilization with nitrogen led to some significant changes in marsh processes, specifically increases in aboveground primary production and in CO2 fluxes from the soil. However, neither nitrogen nor phosphorus fertilization led to elevation loss (relative to controls), reduced soil carbon, or a decrease in belowground primary production, all of which have been proposed as links between elevated nutrient loads and marsh drowning. Our data suggest that high nutrient levels increase gross carbon loss from the sediment, but that this is compensated for by other processes, leading to no net deleterious effect of nutrient loading on carbon storage or on marsh stability with respect to sea level rise.  相似文献   

本文对聚全物驱油试验获得聚合物溶液的方式和聚合物浓度、粘度的测定进行了研究和比较,得到了辉锐公司自动混配装置中的可编程控制器设置浓度的修正值。此研究对控制聚合物浓度稳定、准确地注入和聚合物驱油效果的评价具有实际价值。  相似文献   

对潮流量测验误差控制的探讨   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
宋政峰  杜迎燕 《水文》2014,34(1):35-38
通过感潮河流流量测验误差试验成果,对潮流量测验Ⅰ、Ⅱ、Ⅲ型误差的影响进行分析,对潮流量测验中误差控制指标和潮流期内测次分布提出建议。  相似文献   

Disturbance is an important factor influencing plant species composition and diversity. We addressed changes in plant composition and soil characteristics in Estero de Punta Banda, Baja California, Mexico following 22 years of disturbance by tidal exclusion. Currently, sediments in the non-tidal site are dry, 26 ± 1% moisture, and hypersaline, 143 ± 12; while those at the tidal marsh are wet, 36.2 ± 1% moisture, with 40.3 ± 2.6 salinity. The non-tidal site has lost seven species including annuals, short- and long-lived perennials, ephemerals, and parasites. Current dominants are the perennials Batis maritima and Sarcocornia pacifica. Average species richness at the non-tidal site is 4.4 ± 0.32 vs.10 ± 0.18 species per square meter at the tidal site. Average species diversity index is lower at the diked area. The general biodiversity loss that results from tidal exclusion in arid estuaries, contrasts with the species-rich communities that develop in diked humid-climate estuaries.  相似文献   

For energetic reasons, iron reduction suppresses methanogenesis in tidal freshwater wetlands; however, when iron reduction is limited by iron oxide availability, methanogenesis dominates anaerobic carbon mineralization. Plants can mediate this microbial competition by releasing oxygen into the rhizosphere and supplying oxidized iron for iron reducers. We utilized a plant removal experiment in two wetland sites to test the hypothesis that, in the absence of plants, rates of iron reduction would be diminished, allowing methanogenesis to dominate anaerobic metabolism. In both sites, methanogenesis was the primary anaerobic mineralization pathway, with iron reduction dominating only early and late in the growing season in the site with a less organic soil. These patterns were not influenced by the presence of plants, demonstrating that plants were not a key control of microbial metabolism. Instead, we suggest that site conditions, including soil chemistry, and temperature are important controls of the pathways of anaerobic metabolism.  相似文献   

Tidal triggering of reservoir-associated earthquakes   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Fred W. Klein   《Engineering Geology》1976,10(2-4):197-210
If the effect of a reservoir is to bring a fault zone gradually to failure and trigger an earthquake, then it is reasonable that rapidly fluctuating tidal stresses may influence the time of the induced earthquakes. An examination of earthquakes from eight reservoirs shows that earthquakes at six sites occur at preferred times in the semidiurnal tidal cycle. Tidal-stress orientations and the phase within the semidiurnal tidal cycle were calculated for only the largest earthquakes occurring at each site. This insures the elimination of aftershocks and selects earthquakes which are independent of each other. Sites of a significant earthquake/tide correlation with less than a 3% chance of occurring randomly include Hebgen Lake, Mont., U.S.A.; Kariba, Rhodesia; Kerr Dam, Mont., U.S.A.; Kremasta, Greece; Lake Mead, Nev., U.S.A.; and Monteynard, France. Each data set includes from about ten to twenty earthquakes. In most of the above cases earthquake triggering seems to occur when tidal stress enhances slip, i.e., when tidal stresses are oriented to enhance the tectonic stress.  相似文献   

长江口潮流速垂线分布规律研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
河道中流速沿垂线的分布规律是研究许多河床动力学问题的关键.长江口潮流河段涨、落潮流垂线流速分布有其特殊规律,因此根据长江口实测水流流速资料,分析流速垂线分布的规律性具有重要意义.本文通过对长江口的实例运用对数线性扩展分布模式计算分析,并与传统的对数分布模式进行比较,结果表明,对数线性扩展分布模式在各层数据上都与实测数据具有更好的相关性.  相似文献   

傅太生  姚允龙  陆益 《水文》2007,27(4):56-58
以镇江站为例。采用相应水位变化相关法预报长江干流感潮河段的潮位。该方法实用可靠。  相似文献   

感潮河段洪水受上游洪水和下游潮水的共同作用,且河道断面复杂,这些因素加剧了糙率取值的难度.本文通过糙率影响试验,分析了糙率改变对感潮河段计算水位的影响.在具有明显漫滩的断面,将糙率取值分为漫滩糙率和主槽糙率后再进行水位计算.试验结果表明,糙率值的改变对计算水位影响较大,且对感潮河段洪水过程的不同阶段影响程度不同;漫潍糙率的改变对漫滩洪水位影响很大,主槽糙率的改变对低水位影响较大.  相似文献   

水文地质井水位潮汐效应分析方法研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对横县02号井水位和气压近9个月的观测数据采用小波变换进行长趋势变化和短周期变化的分离,然后利用Clark气压估计方法和固体潮估计方法,对其气压效应和固体潮效应进行深入探讨,分析该井水位微动态信息特征。主要结论如下:(1)井孔具有较高灵敏度,能够观测到井水位的微动态变化。(2)该井气压效率为14.898mm/hPa、固体潮影响系数为-0.1511mm/μGal。本研究计算处理方法对井水位、气压观测数据的长趋势变化和短周期变化的分离效果明显,而且与单纯采用Clark方法相比,可以将气压和固体潮影响系数计算精度提高10%左右,在实际操作性上优于传统回归分析方法。  相似文献   

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