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The Jabal Mabal-prospect of Al Bayda area is covered by meta-volcano sedimentary rocks. The importance of the study area comes from previous studies, which proved that the area has mineralization zones at the periphery of Jabal Al-Mabal. These mineralized zones lie along northwest-southeast shear zones, which occur inside the meta-volcanic rocks. The previous studies concluded that the mineralization was mostly associated with sulphides, especially at the reduction zones. These sulphides give a good response to electrical or electromagnetic techniques. The present study uses electrically induced polarization and Genie electromagnetic surveys to explore the extension of the mineralization zones at the subsurface. The self-potential (SP) technique shows numerous of mineralized zones. Most of these zones are distributed in the southern area along the contact between the quartz and gabbro. The induced polarization (IP) method has been applied on the selected profiles to delineate the subsurface contact between calcite, gabbro and quartz in Al-Jarra Valley and to calculate the shape and depth of the mineralization zones in the subsurface along these profiles. The Genie electromagnetic survey, which has been applied on selected profiles, delineated some weak mineralization occurrences corresponding to the shear zones. The integration of the results obtained using these three techniques, in addition to the different ground geophysical methods previously used, makes it possible to determine the most appropriate zones for development of exploration at the area of investigation.  相似文献   

Studying the landslide and rockfall in Yemen still in its preliminary stage. Al Gayah rockfall site is a chronic problem as many other areas in the Republic of Yemen. The present authors have tried to highlight, and find best solution for this problem for the first time. Field work, collecting data and laboratory test for many rock samples such physical properties, chemical for major elements and thin section have been carried out. The physical properties performed according to ASTM, and then the result have been gotten and discussed.  相似文献   

IntroductionRockfalls and landslides can be considered as a natural geological phenomena that indicate the move-ment of the rocks and soil/sand. It occurs at the sites of slopes of high mountains cliffs, hanging valleys, rims and faults due to the movemen…  相似文献   

物探方法在济南市鸭旺口地热普查中发挥了重要作用,取得了明显的地质效果。利用重力、磁法圈定了大张庄岩体与围岩的接触界线;利用电测深曲线和视电阻率断面图划分了地层,推断了基岩中的隐伏断裂构造;利用浅层测温确定了地热异常带。物探方法简便快捷,经济有效。  相似文献   

根据水文地质调查确定物探靶区,采用激发极化四极电测深法进行物探确定井位。实践证明,水文地质调查和物探联合定井在缺水地区寻找深层地下水方面有较强的推广利用价值。  相似文献   

随着我国矿产勘查开发力度的不断加强,地表矿、浅部矿、易识别矿日趋减少,矿产勘查工作正朝着寻找隐伏矿、深部矿、难识别矿的方向转变。因此,深部地质勘查研究日趋具有非常重要的意义。在招远市留仙庄矿区利用可控源音频大地电磁测深(CSAMT)及频谱激电测深(SIP)法对深部异常进行查探,共布设2条物探剖面,分别为108号、132号勘探线剖面。通过CSAMT与SIP测量工作,大致确定了招平断裂带的产状,对2条剖面CSAMT测量结果对比,大致确定了2条剖面所测区域在招平断裂带沿产状向下延伸位置及对应关系,圈定了3处高极化异常区域。该次工作充分发挥物探优势,验证了物探方法在深部找矿勘查中的有效性,总结了存在的问题,为下一步地质勘查工作提供可靠依据。  相似文献   

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