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The prediction of active landslide displacement is a critical component of an early warning system and helps prevent property damage and loss of human lives. For the colluvial landslides in the Three Gorges Reservoir, the monitored displacement, precipitation, and reservoir level indicated that the characteristics of the deformations were closely related to the seasonal fluctuation of rainfall and reservoir level and that the displacement curve versus time showed a stepwise pattern. Besides the geological conditions, landslide displacement also depended on the variation in the influencing factors. Two typical colluvial landslides, the Baishuihe landslide and the Bazimen landslide, were selected for case studies. To analyze the different response components of the total displacement, the accumulated displacement was divided into a trend and a periodic component using a time series model. For the prediction of the periodic displacement, a back-propagation neural network model was adopted with selected factors including (1) the accumulated precipitation during the last 1-month period, (2) the accumulated precipitation over a 2-month period, (3) change of reservoir level during the last 1 month, (4) the average elevation of the reservoir level in the current month, and (5) the accumulated displacement increment during 1 year. The prediction of the displacement showed a periodic response in the displacement as a function of the variation of the influencing factors. The prediction model provided a good representation of the measured slide displacement behavior at the Baishuihe and the Bazimen sites, which can be adopted for displacement prediction and early warning of colluvial landslides in the Three Gorges Reservoir.  相似文献   

Li  Bing  Tang  Huiming  Gong  Wenping  Cheng  Zhan  Li  Tianzheng  Wang  Lei 《Landslides》2022,19(4):963-976
Landslides - The evaluation of landslide runout behavior plays a vital role in the risk assessment of landslides. In this study, the runout behavior of a landslide that occurred on December 10,...  相似文献   

Carbon dioxide (CO2) emission from the river-type reservoir is an hotspot of carbon cycle within inland waters. However, related studies on the different types of reservoirs are still inadequate. Therefore, we sampled the Three Gorges Reservoir (TGR), a typical river-type reservoir having both river and lake characteristics, using an online system (HydroCTM/CO2) and YSI-6600v2 meter to determine the partial pressure of carbon dioxide (pCO2) and physical chemical parameters in 2013. The results showed that the CO2 flux from the mainstream ranged from 26.1 to 92.2 mg CO2/m2 h with average CO2 fluxes of 50.0 mg/m2 h. The CO2 fluxes from the tributary ranged from ?10.91 to 53.95 mg CO2/m2 h with area-weighted average CO2 fluxes of 11.4 mg/m2 h. The main stream emits CO2 to the atmosphere the whole year; however, the surface water of the tributary can sometimes act as a sink of CO2 for the atmosphere. As the operation of the TGR, the tributary became more favorable to photosynthetic uptake of CO2 especially in summer. The total CO2 flux was estimated to be 0.34 and 0.03 Tg CO2/year from the mainstream and the tributaries, respectively. Our emission rates are lower than previous estimates, but they are in agreement with the average CO2 flux from temperate reservoirs estimated by Barros et al. (Nat Geosci 4(9):593–596, 2011).  相似文献   

Mechanism of the Anlesi landslide in the Three Gorges Reservoir, China   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Many gentle dip translational rock slides have taken place in the Three Gorges Reservoir, China. In order to study the mechanism of these translational rock slides, the authors use the Anlesi landslide as a typical case study to investigate in detail. Field investigations show that the slip zones of the Anlesi landslide were formed from a white mudstone in Jurassic red strata. X-ray diffraction and infrared ray analysis showed that the main mineral components of the slip zones are montmorillonite, illite, feldspar and quartz. Laboratory tests indicate that the slip zone soils are silty clay, of medium-swelling potential, the shear strength decreasing significantly as the slip zone attracts water and saturates.The main factors contributing to the Anlesi landslide are recent tectonic activity, incompetent beds, and intensive rainfall. Recent tectonic activity had caused shear failure along the incompetent beds, and joints within the sandstone. With the effect of intensive rainfall, water percolates to the incompetent beds along tectonic fissures, resulting in swelling of the soil material and high groundwater pressures within fissures in the strata. As a consequence, the Anlesi slope is prone to slide along these incompetent beds.Flac3D software was used to simulate the mechanism of the Anlesi landslide considering the rheological properties of soil and rock. The simulation results demonstrate that the stress, displacement and failure area changes with simulated creep time. The maximum displacement in the X direction reaches 7.59 m after 200-year simulated creep. Therefore, the mechanism of the Anlesi landslide can be illustrated considering the rheological properties of Jurassic red strata.  相似文献   

康家嘴滑坡为三峡水库区一大型滑坡。受河流冲刷掏蚀、地层岩性、地下水、暴雨及洪水涨落等内外因素的影响而产生。地层岩性的抗剪强度指标是最根本的因素,且受其它诸因素的影响。文中采用传递系数法计算稳定系数的公式,计算不同强度参数下的稳定系数,并在EXCEL中进行强度参数与稳定系数关系曲线的拟合。根据曲线变化情况,通过敏感分析确定其中影响滑坡稳定性的最敏感和较敏感因素。c、φ值与稳定系数之间存在明显的线性关系,尤其是φ值对滑坡稳定系数影响最为显著。这为滑坡稳定性计算提供可靠依据。  相似文献   

三峡库区千将坪滑坡失稳探讨   总被引:8,自引:2,他引:6  
千将坪滑坡是三峡水库二期蓄水到139m高程水位期问发生的特大型滑坡,也是三峡库区近年来发生的规模较大的滑坡,受到了多方面的关注.滑体物质组成包括上部为残坡积粘土夹碎石和老滑坡堆积体、下部为沙镇溪组泥质粉砂岩两部分,沿基岩软层顺层下滑.根据滑动特征,可划分为顺层滑动、切层剪出以及滑覆堵江和过江反冲区三个区.本文重点研究了降雨、水库蓄水以及组合因素下滑坡稳定性变化特征.在蓄水前自然状态下,整体稳定系数K=1.18.未蓄水时暴雨状态下,稳定系数K=0.97,与蓄水前自然状态下比较,稳定系数降低20.9%;仅考虑蓄水而未降雨时,滑坡的稳定系数K=0.99,与蓄水前自然状态下比较,稳定系数降低18.3%;在蓄水到134m+强暴雨状态下,稳定系数K=0.93,与蓄水前自然状态下比较,稳定系数降低24.8%.反映了蓄水和降雨二者的组合对滑坡失稳影响是非常明显的.  相似文献   

秭归县膨胀土是继在三峡库区巫山县、奉节县和兴山县发现膨胀土之后发现的又一处膨胀土,从而揭示了三峡库区膨胀土的地域性。秭归县膨胀土与三峡其他地方的膨胀土一样发育于特殊的地质环境内,具有坡洪积成因和较均一土体结构。土的膨胀性主要取决于其中的蒙脱石,测试表明有效蒙脱石含量达18.67%,以中等混层比的伊利石/蒙脱石(I/S)混层矿物形式存在。土具有高塑限、高液限和低抗剪强度。判别表明,它达到了国内外膨胀土标准和界限。  相似文献   

三峡库区四方碑滑坡稳定性与变形趋势预测   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
三峡水库建成后,库水位周期性涨落和暴雨产生的渗流作用导致大量古滑坡的复活或新滑坡的发生。以库区近水平层状结构的四方碑滑坡为例,依据库水位实际调动,将水位从175 m至145 m不同降速与50年一遇暴雨进行工况组合,计算4种工况下滑坡的稳定性及破坏概率。然后采用Geo-studio软件的Sigma模块对滑坡进行变形模拟,运用R/S分析方法判断滑坡的变形持续性,并结合野外调查情况,综合评价分析四方碑滑坡的稳定性。结果表明:滑坡在各工况下整体均处于基本稳定状态,具有低危险性;变形模拟结果显示滑坡前缘位移最大,与野外调查情况一致;各监测点Hurst指数均介于0.5~1,表明时间序列具有正持续性,在研究的时间限度内滑坡的局部破坏增强,应在汛期加强对滑坡前缘的巡查和预警。  相似文献   

The Qianjiangping landslide is a large planar rock slide which occurred in July 14, 2003 shortly after the water level reached 135 m in the Three Gorges Reservoir, China. The landslide destroyed 4 factories and 129 houses, took 24 lives, and made 1,200 people homeless. Field investigation shows that the contributing factors for the landslide are the geological structure of the slope, the previous surface of rupture, the water level rise, and continuous rainfall. In order to reveal the mechanism and failure process of the landslide, numerical simulation was conducted on Qianjiangping slope before sliding. Based on the characteristics and the engineering conditions of the landslide, the topography and the geological profiles of Qianjiangping slope before sliding is reconstructed. The seepage field of Qianjiangping slope before sliding was simulated with the Geostudio software. The results show that ground water table rises and bends to the slope during the rise of water level, and the slope surface becomes partially saturated within the period of continuous rainfall. Using the ground water table obtained above, the failure process of Qianjiangping slope is simulated with the Flac3D software. The results demonstrate that the shear strain increment, displacement, and shear failure area of the slope increased greatly after the water level rose and continuous rained, and the landslide was triggered by the combined effect both of water level rise and continuous rainfall. The development of shear strain increment, displacement, and shear failure area of the slope shows that the landslide was retrogressive in the lower part of the slope and progressive in the upper part of the slope.  相似文献   

黄河三峡库区的涌浪灾害风险不容忽视,经验公式是宜优先考虑的涌浪快捷评价方法.对黄河三峡焦家崖头2012年2月7日的黄土滑坡和涌浪进行调查,分析了黄土滑坡及涌浪的特征.采用9种涌浪经典计算公式,计算了涌浪的初始浪高、对岸爬高等特征参数.与调查结果对比表明,采用美国土木工程师协会推荐法、水科院算法、Huber and Hager模型和潘家铮算法获取的焦家崖头黄土滑坡诱发的涌浪特征参数均接近实际,其确定的校正系数分别为2.14、1.92、0.6和0.66,对比考虑安全性和经济性后推荐采用潘家铮算法预测黄河三峡的涌浪.  相似文献   

三峡库区安渡滑坡成因机制分析与稳定性预测   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
奉节县安渡滑坡正处于蠕滑变形-加速变形阶段,其破坏力极大、影响甚广.本文在深入分析滑坡地质特征、结构特征和变形特征的基础上,对滑坡的成因机制和影响因素进行了深入研究.采用传递系数法计算并评价其稳定性.研究表明,安渡滑坡体目前处于不稳定状态,三峡水库蓄水到175m或遭遇长时间高强度的暴雨时,可能整体失稳.  相似文献   

The influences of suspended particles (SPs) on NH4 + adsorption and nitritation occurring in the water system of the Three Gorges Reservoir (TGR) were evaluated in this study. The results indicated that the adsorption of NH4 + was significantly affected by the SPs concentration under the conditions typically present in the TGR. The amount of ammonia adsorbed per unit weight of suspended particles was inverse proportional to the concentration of suspended particles. However, the influences of the particle size and the organic matter concentration existing in SPs were insignificant under the experimental conditions. The effects of suspended particles on nitritation were determined by the use of ammonia-oxidizing bacteria (AOB) strain SW16, identified as Nitrosomonas nitrosa, which was isolated from sediment samples of the TGR. Suspended particle concentration in water–sediment solution played an important role in the nitritation process. The rate of nitritation enhanced with the increase of the suspended particle concentration. It was found that the critical factor controlling ammonia oxidizing rate was the AOB biomass resulting from the AOB growth rate. Moreover, results demonstrated that both particle size and organic matter content showed little effect on the nitritation process under the experimental conditions.  相似文献   

Xiao  Ting  Yin  Kunlong  Yao  Tianlu  Liu  Shuhao 《中国地球化学学报》2019,38(5):654-669

Landslide susceptibility mapping is vital for landslide risk management and urban planning. In this study, we used three statistical models [frequency ratio, certainty factor and index of entropy (IOE)] and a machine learning model [random forest (RF)] for landslide susceptibility mapping in Wanzhou County, China. First, a landslide inventory map was prepared using earlier geotechnical investigation reports, aerial images, and field surveys. Then, the redundant factors were excluded from the initial fourteen landslide causal factors via factor correlation analysis. To determine the most effective causal factors, landslide susceptibility evaluations were performed based on four cases with different combinations of factors (“cases”). In the analysis, 465 (70%) landslide locations were randomly selected for model training, and 200 (30%) landslide locations were selected for verification. The results showed that case 3 produced the best performance for the statistical models and that case 2 produced the best performance for the RF model. Finally, the receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve was used to verify the accuracy of each model’s results for its respective optimal case. The ROC curve analysis showed that the machine learning model performed better than the other three models, and among the three statistical models, the IOE model with weight coefficients was superior.


三峡库区新城区迁建多采用就地后靠方式,工程扰动叠加强降雨往往诱发滑坡失稳。基于重庆巫山江东小区金鸡岭滑坡,对其影响因素和成因机制进行探讨。工程扰动不仅是传统认为的后缘加载、前缘削脚作用,更重要的是坡体表层土方堆填阻断了滑坡体地表水泄流通道,使地表水向地下水转化。强降雨作用下滑坡体内地下水位明显升高,导致金鸡岭滑坡2018年8月1日前后发生较大变形。采取降水井抽排地下水等应急处置后,滑坡变形明显趋缓,可见工程扰动导致的地下水升高是该滑坡诱发的关键因素。数值模拟表明,工程扰动后稳定系数明显降低,对应堆填区渗流场变化明显,渗流加剧,孔隙水压力、水力梯度、总水头上升,结合达西定律与有效应力原理可知渗透力增加,抗剪强度削弱,诱发滑坡变形。  相似文献   

本文通过对三峡库区重庆市丰都县龙孔乡楠竹新房子滑坡的物质组成、变形特征以及影响因素的深入研究,认为水是该滑坡形成的极为重要的因素,进行了滑坡稳定性分析,根据计算结果提出了治理该滑坡的工程技术方案,着重对锚拉抗滑桩防治工程设计进行了分析论证.  相似文献   

在地震地质背景研究的基础上,运用神经网络理论中改进的BP算法对三峡水库诱发地震强度进行了预测研究.预测结果表明,秭归盆地高桥断裂近库段有可能诱发Ms>6.0级的地震,可能诱发4.5<Ms<6.0级地震的库段有庙河口-九湾溪、九湾溪-路口子断层沿线、瞿塘峡北岸库段、大宁河西岸近库段;仙女山断层沿线、高桥断裂灰岩区远库段、巴东以南灰岩区库段等;可能诱发3.0<Ms<4.5级地震的库段有巴东-官渡口砂页岩区、巴东以南灰岩区库段,其它库段均为Ms<3.0级.  相似文献   

The 2 September 2014 Shanshucao landslide,Three Gorges Reservoir,China   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

The July 14, 2003 Qianjiangping landslide,Three Gorges Reservoir,China   总被引:8,自引:7,他引:8  
The Qianjiangping landslide occurred after the first impoundment of the Three Gorges Reservoir in July 2003. Field investigation revealed that failure occurred when the reservoir reached 135 m, but the stability of the affected slope was already reduced by pre-existing bedding-plane shears, quarrying of mudstone from the landslide toe, and previous heavy rain. A possible explanation of the rapid and long runout mechanism of the landslide is that movement on a bedding-plane shear ruptured the calcite cement and rapidly reduced the sandstone strength to residual shear strength.  相似文献   

三峡库区移民迁建工程地质问题与对策   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
三峡工程库区地处渝东、鄂西山区地带,丘陵占21.7%,山地占74%,平坝仅占4.3%,而这些平坝中最低的一部分又将被水库淹没。库区人口多,长期过度开垦,水土流失严重,后备土地资源缺少,地质环境容量极为有限,人地关系紧张,移民安置难度大,移民总人口达120万人。在1993年至1997年一期移民中,共安置了8.2万移民,在2003年将需搬迁安置约50万人,三期移民在2009年前必须完成。因此,二期、三期移民工作比一期任务更为艰巨、时间更为紧迫。如果说,三峡工程成败在移民的话,那么移民的成败在某种程度上取决于地质。本文对库区移民工程建设中的工程地质,特别是地质灾害及其防治问题进行了研究。  相似文献   

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