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岩体边坡工程中的位移监测及分析   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
边坡工程的监测取决于监测人员对岩(土)体介质的认识程度和选择相应的方法和手段。通过对江西德兴铜矿大山村选矿厂东部边坡和北部楔形地质结构体稳定状况的监测,阐述了在边坡工程中位移监测的应用及有关分析。  相似文献   

一种简单的岩体地下洞室地震安全评价方法   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:3  
提出了动应力集中因子代表值的概念,以合理反映地震荷载作用下地下洞室围岩的动应力集中程度,并将动应力集中因子代表值,作为洞室地震响应的关键特征来衡量洞室地震响应的大小。应用显示有限差分法,讨论了地震动加速度幅值、洞室埋深、围岩岩体级别、衬砌混凝土厚度、衬砌混凝土强度等级与动应力集中因子代表值的相关关系。研究表明,动应力集中因子代表值与这5个因素均近似呈线性关系。在此基础上给出了有(无)衬砌支护结构两种情况的地震安全评价公式,提出了岩体地下洞室的地震安全评价方法。应用提出的评价方法,分别对唐山余震地震作用下溪洛渡水电站超大型地下洞室群的地震安全性进行了评价,所得结果与Dowding-Rozen及Sharma-Judd的评价方法结果一致。分析还表明,文中提出的岩体地下工程的地震安全评价方法的评价结果是偏于安全的。  相似文献   

基于广义Hoek-Brown强度准则的岩质边坡开挖稳定性分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
宗全兵  徐卫亚 《岩土力学》2008,29(11):3071-3076
导出了广义Hoek-Brown强度准则的弹塑性矩阵计算方法,并将其用于一岩质开挖边坡施工过程模拟。同时,利用Hoek所提出的参数等效化方法对岩质开挖边坡的稳定性进行强度折减分析,揭示了开挖施工过程中边坡临界失稳模式的演变、发展过程。分析结果表明,边坡的应力-应变场、位移场、边坡的稳定性及其临界失稳模式的演变过程与采用传统的Mohr-Coulomb强度准则的发展过程是一致的,但用Hoek所提出的等效Mohr-Coulomb强度参数可能会高估边坡的稳定性。  相似文献   

程圣国  方坤河  罗先启  刘德富 《岩土力学》2006,27(Z1):1141-1144
应用力学手段研究顺层岩质边坡失稳机理以及顺层岩质边坡稳定与其刚度密切相关在该领域获得了较多研究者认可,力学分析也成为顺层岩质边坡稳定研究的重要手段之一,在顺层岩质边坡刚度对其稳定的影响获得广泛的关注同时,却未能有人专门研究其刚度与其破坏特性之间的关系,为此在总结前人研究成果基础上,采用柔度作为其刚度指标,认为顺层岩质边坡破坏力学模型、破坏形态以及临界长度与其柔度大小密切相关,在其柔度小于临界柔度值时,可简化为杆模型,在其柔度值大于其临界柔度值时,根据其实际坡长,可简化为梁或杆模型,并分析了柔度大小与其破坏特征之间的关系,指出溃屈破坏一般只在特定的情况下发生。  相似文献   

文章主要介绍了钻孔倾斜仪自动化测试系统在古错落体内部及路基、岩土边坡等工程的稳定性监测方法和自动化测试技术方面的应用.文中列举了大量的实例和图、照片,可供读者参考.  相似文献   

Slope stability estimation is an engineering problem that involves several parameters. The interactions between factors that affect slope instability are complex and multi-factorial, so often it is difficult to describe the slope stability mathematically. This paper, proposes the use of a genetic algorithm (GA) as a heuristic search method to find a regression model for analyzing the slope stability. For this purpose, an evolutionary algorithm based on GA was used to develop a regression model for prediction of factor of safety (FS) for circular mode failure. The proposed GA uses the root mean squared error as the fitness function and searches among a large number of possible regression models to choose the best for estimation of FS from six geotechnical and geometrical parameters. For validation of the model and checking its efficiency, a validation dataset was used to evaluate FS using the proposed model and a previously developed mathematical GA based model in the literature. Results have shown that the presented model in this study was capable of evaluating FS at a higher level of confidence regarding the other model (R = 0.89 for presented model in this study comparing R = 0.78 for the other model) and can be efficient enough to be used as a simple mathematical tool for evaluation of factor of safety for circular mode failure especially in preliminary stages of the designing phase.  相似文献   

The slope instability is connected to a large diversity of causative and triggering factors, ranging from inherent geological structure to the environmental conditions. Thus, assessment and prediction of slope failure hazard is a difficult and complex multi-parametric problem. In contrast to the analytic approaches, the systems approaches are able to consider infinite number of affecting parameters and assess the interactions of each couple of the parameters in the system. This paper presents a complete application of the rock engineering systems approach in prediction of the instability potential of rock slopes in 15 stations along a 20?km section of the Khosh-Yeylagh Main Road, Iran as the case study of the research. In this research, the main objective has been defining the principal causative and triggering factors responsible for the manifestation of slope instability phenomena, quantify their interactions, obtain their weighted coefficients, and calculate the slope instability index, which refers to the inherent potential instability of each slope of the examined region. The final results have been mapped to highlight the rock slopes susceptible to instability. Finally, as a preliminary validation on the utilization of systems approach in the study region, the stability of investigated rock slopes were analyzed using an empirical method and the results were compared. The comparisons showed a rather good coincidence between the given classes of two methods.  相似文献   

刘建军  李跃明  车爱兰 《岩土力学》2011,32(Z2):666-672
岩质边坡稳定性分析中常用的Mohr-Coulomb、Drucker-Prager屈服准则,其未考虑中间主应力效应或拉压不等效应,较难反映三维复杂边坡空间应力状态。统一强度理论包含了一系列破坏准则,通过调整参数b可反映中间主应力或中间主切应力的影响程度。利用ABAQUS开发了基于统一强度理论材料子程序(UMAT),首先以三维含结构面岩质边坡为例,采用强度折减法,分别计算 为0、0.25、0.5、0.75 与 1 共5种考虑中间主应力不同程度情况下三维含结构面岩质边坡动安全系数曲线。计算结果表明:不同 值情况下所得动安全系数数值不同,但曲线变化形状一样,最小安全系数均发生在相同时刻;另外,为更清晰地了解三维真实应力状态对安全系数的影响,从三维岩质边坡中抽取二维剖面进行了同样的计算。结果表明,在相同 值情况下,三维模型计算所得安全系数较二维模型大;随着 的增大,安全系数增大,说明不考虑中间主应力的二维计算结果低估了安全系数的大小,即三维真实应力状态下的边坡应具有更高的稳定性  相似文献   

刘海军  赵建军  巨能攀 《岩土力学》2016,37(Z1):289-294
以岩质边坡倾倒破坏地质过程分析为基础,假定岩体倾倒破坏过程中始终处于力平衡状态以及层面上下缘存在着阻止剪切错动破坏的层间阻力,岩体中某一点应力根据弹性力学原理可以简化为垂直的自重应力和水平的侧应力,将倾倒破坏岩体的力学过程概化为平面应变模型,并基于最大拉应力破坏准则,推导出岩体倾倒折断破坏深度的临界公式。实例计算及讨论表明,倾倒破坏临界深度理论适用范围广,并且考虑了边坡水平应力,计算结果更加符合实际破坏特征。另外,边坡坡角、岩层倾角及厚度对岩体倾倒破坏深度影响具有较大影响,特别是层面倾角50°~70°时边坡最易发生倾倒破坏。  相似文献   

边坡工程中岩石力学参数随机模糊选取研究   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:9  
刘春 《岩土力学》2004,25(8):1327-1329
岩石样本值既存在随机性,又存在模糊性。传统的统计方法不适应处理模糊性。采用随机-模糊处理方法对边坡工程中岩石力学参数进行分析,并对计算中的隶属函数取值及迭代方式进行了讨论。通过实例计算和分析认为,随机-模糊处理方法更符合实际,优于传统方法。  相似文献   

《Engineering Geology》2007,89(1-2):129-143
The objective of this paper is to present a new rock mass classification system which can be appropriate for rock slope stability assessment. In this paper an evaluation model based on combining the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) and the Fuzzy Delphi method (FDM) was presented for assessing slope rock mass quality estimates. This research treats the slope rock mass classification as a group decision problem, and applies the fuzzy logic theory as the criterion to calculate the weighting factors. In addition, several rock slopes of the Southern Cross-Island Highway in Taiwan were selected as the case study examples. After determining the slope rock mass quality estimates for each cases, the Linear Discriminant Analysis (LDA) model was used to classify those that are stable or not, and the discriminant functions which can determine failure probability of rock slopes were carried out by the LDA procedure. Afterward, the results may be compared with slope unstable hazards occurring actually, and then the relation and difference between them were discussed. Results show that the proposed method can be used to assess the stability of rock slopes according to the rock mass classification procedure and the failure probability in the early stage.  相似文献   

岩体质量等级指标是岩石边坡稳定性评价的基础,新修订的《工程岩体分级标准》增加了边坡工程岩体质量(QISERM)指标[BQ]的计算公式,包含一个反映边坡倾角与主要结构面倾角间关系影响的修正系数F_3,其由结构面倾角与边坡坡面倾角之差确定。文中讨论了规范中F_3的确定方法存在的缺陷,建议其取值改由结构面倾角与边坡坡面在结构面倾向方向上的视倾角之差来确定。通过13 357个算例的对比计算,统计了新标准取值方法和文中建议方法获得的边坡工程岩体质量指标[BQ]值之间的差值。结果表明,当主要结构面类型与延伸性修正系数λ=0.6时,差值在40以内,其中78.3%的算例中差值小于5;当λ=1时,差值在60以内,其中有68.7%的算例中差值小于5。文中提出的方法相比新标准取值方法在理论上更完备,精度上更准确,可为边坡工程岩体质量指标计算提供参考。  相似文献   

Kita-Uebaru natural rock slope failure and its back analysis   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
A large landslide occurred in Kita-Uebaru (or Asato) area of Nakagusuku village in Okinawa Island (Japan) on 10 June 2006 after a rainy period of about 9 days. The total rainfall was 126 mm from June 8 till the time of the landslide this period. This landslide destroyed several buildings and roads, and the total travel distance of the landslide was about 110 m. In this article, the authors were concerned with the initiation conditions of Kita-Uebaru landslide and post-failure motions of the landslide body. The observations made in the landslide area, structural geology analyses and outcomes of geotechnical investigations are described first. Then, possible causes of the landslide are investigated through back analyses using as inputs the geological structure and the strength properties of planes of discontinuities involved in the sliding processes. The final part of the article is concerned with the simulation of post-failure motions of the landslide body. The results of the investigations and back analyses indicate that the failure plane was bi-planar and the heavy torrential rainy period for about 3 days was the main cause of initiation of the landslide. The mechanical model presented in this article was capable of capturing the overall features of the landslide body following the initiation of the failure.  相似文献   

在对层状边坡岩体结构进行稳定性分析的过程中,屈曲和溃屈是两个主要问题。针对边坡岩体结构的赋存特点和分岔特性,以及研究方法仅采用线性理论和已有研究成果只停留在结构屈曲层面上的状况,文章应用初始后屈曲理论和突变理论探讨了岩体结构的屈曲性态和溃屈性态,给出了边坡岩体上部滑动段滑动的条件,得出了边坡岩体的分岔方程和溃屈方程,指出了分岔方程的适用条件和溃屈方程的适用范围,确定了边坡岩体后屈曲状态下溃屈破坏的下限,建立了岩体结构溃屈破坏的判据,并以雅砻江下游的霸王山边坡为例进行研究。结果表明:边坡岩体的赋存状况决定了其势函数的分岔集,从边坡的分岔集可衍生出结构在分岔状态下的分岔载荷和分岔方程;分岔方程表达了边坡岩体结构的屈曲状态,也表达了结构出现屈曲的准则;边坡岩体的赋存状况还决定了岩体结构溃屈破坏时岩体材料屈服的取值范围,而岩体结构溃屈破坏的上限或下限则取决于岩体材料的屈服极限。  相似文献   

复杂岩质边坡主要受结构面发育状态控制形成多种类型的变形破坏模式,与土质边坡迥异。本文以招商局漳州开发区11号山西段边坡为例,基于现场地质调查,对其主要节理面进行统计分析和变形模式评判,并对圆弧滑动破坏、楔形体破坏、平面滑动破坏及滚石破坏等各种破坏类型进行定量化评价,进而对边坡整体稳定性进行分析评价,为治理该复杂岩质边坡提出合理化建议,并总结形成复杂岩质边坡稳定性分析的评价思路和基本流程。  相似文献   

针对边坡小概率破坏的高效模拟问题,提出采用方向模拟方法进行计算,介绍了方向模拟的基本理论和楔形体破坏功能函数的算法,编制了岩质边坡楔形体破坏概率的方向模拟的Matlab程序,分别将方向模拟结果与重要抽样模拟、子集模拟的计算结果进行了对比分析。结果表明,方向模拟与子集模拟一样适合于小概率破坏的计算,方向模拟方法在抽样次数较少的情况下就能获得较高的计算精度,与其他两种方法相比效率更高。  相似文献   

杨保军  何杰  吉刚  赵廷华 《岩土力学》2014,35(8):2335-2341
在岩质边坡滑动-倾倒组合破坏地质力学模型的基础上,采用改进的传递系数法,提出了岩质边坡滑动-倾倒组合破坏的解析分析方法,并对初始下滑推力及岩块底部的凝聚力进行敏感性分析。与传递系数法相似,将边坡体几何力学参数及潜在倾倒岩块编号作为变量,使得每个倾倒岩块的稳定性分析具有统一的表达式,并易于采用Microsoft excel进行程序化分析。分析结果表明:岩块底面的凝聚力对下部潜在倾倒区域的破坏模式影响较大,随着岩块底面凝聚力的增加,潜在倾倒区域发生倾倒破坏的块体呈逐渐增加的趋势,而发生滑动破坏的块体则明显较少,岩块底面倾角对坡体整体稳定性影响较大;随着岩块底面倾角的增大,整个坡体的稳定性逐渐降低。  相似文献   

杨涛  刘涌江  杨兵  陈伟明 《岩土力学》2014,35(6):1756-1761
复杂基坑边坡具有明显的三维效应,目前计算方法尚不便准确计算其三维稳定性,不便于确定其空间失稳范围。在三维数值计算结果的基础上,选用Bezier双三次曲面对通过节点的位移等值面进行拟合,以位移等值面作为基坑边坡局部破坏面,据此计算出垂直破坏面的正应力和滑动方向的剪应力,提出新的点安全系数定义为该点抗剪强度与滑动方向上剪应力的比值,整体安全系数为等值面上点安全系数对面积的加权平均值。分析了某师范大学基坑边坡的稳定性,结果表明,点安全系数在剖面分布上呈中部小,内、外高的分布特征,小于1.06的区域从坡脚延伸至坡顶,揭示了滑动面的位置,最危险滑动面为15 mm的位移等值面。通过与刚体极限平衡法比较,验证了特定剖面上二者计算结果的一致性  相似文献   

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