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Landslides are serious geohazards that occur under a variety of climatic conditions and can cause many casualties and significant economic losses. Centrifuge modelling, as a representative type of physical modelling, provides a realistic simulation of the stress level in a small-scale model and has been applied over the last 50 years to develop a better understanding of landslides. With recent developments in this technology, the application of centrifuge modelling in landslide science has significantly increased. Here, we present an overview of physical models that can capture landslide processes during centrifuge modelling. This review focuses on (i) the experimental principles and considerations, (ii) landslide models subjected to various triggering factors, including centrifugal acceleration, rainfall, earthquakes, water level changes, thawing permafrost, excavation, external loading and miscellaneous conditions, and (iii) different methods for mitigating landslides modelled in centrifuge, such as the application of nails, piles, geotextiles, vegetation, etc. The behaviors of all the centrifuge models are discussed, with emphasis on the deformation and failure mechanisms and experimental techniques. Based on this review, we provide a best-practice methodology for preparing a centrifuge landslide test and propose further efforts in terms of the seven aspects of model materials, testing design and equipment, measurement methods, scaling laws, full-scale test applications, landslide early warning, and 3D modelling to better understand the complex behaviour of landslides.  相似文献   

熔体包裹体是岩浆岩中矿物生长或结晶过程中捕获的少量硅酸盐熔体,成为地球深部过程的重要见证者。因此,有效识别其记录的岩浆演化信息显得十分重要。文章在前人对熔体包裹体研究的基础上,系统梳理其研究方法,总结了5步研究过程:① 利用偏光显微镜,开展详细的岩相学观察以识别具有代表性的熔体包裹体类型;② 为加热实验和成分分析制备样品;③ 利用高温热台,对熔体包裹体进行加热实验使其内部均一化,并测得捕获温度;④ 通过电子探针、二次离子探针、LA-ICP-MS、显微激光拉曼等技术对熔体包裹体中的主、微量元素、同位素以及挥发分组成进行分析测试;⑤ 熔体包裹体数据分析,与全岩成分和相关实验得出的流体成分进行对比。虽然熔体包裹体的研究经历了近百年的发展,但有效还原其代表的初始岩浆信息,仍然是当前研究的难点和热点。尤其是地球系统科学发展引发宜居地球深部过程的探讨,使得开展熔体包裹体分析新方法的探讨成为重中之重。  相似文献   

随着现代信息技术快速发展,人们获取滑坡现场各类监测信息的能力越来越强,积累的现场监测数据也愈来愈多,如何充分、精细化地利用监测数据已成为滑坡监测预警工作中重点关注的问题。为此,本文以土质滑坡为研究对象,采用强度折减有限元方法开展地表倾斜变形时空演化特征理论研究,发现地表倾斜变形在滑动面扩展至贯通期间出现"速率排序跃迁"现象,在滑动面贯通后出现"速率突变"现象。采用地表倾斜变形与内部滑动面之间的这种定量化关联特性,可以为土质滑坡中短期预测预报方法研究提供新的视角和方向。利用理论研究成果,本文进一步开展地表倾斜变形监测关键技术研究,讨论基于MEMS加速度计的倾角传感器的测量原理与测量精度,分析环境温差波动对倾角测量误差的影响,最后介绍基于竖直倾角测量方式研制的普适型滑坡地表倾斜变形监测设备——坡体浅层倾斜变形测量仪。  相似文献   

山地灾害事件发生的年代是理解其发育机制并作出预测的基础.在长时间尺度上,常用的测牟方法有光释光、14C、宇宙成因核素和火山灰测年等,其中的关键是能否在剖面中寻找到合适的测年物质.短时间尺度的测年方法以树轮为主,辅以地衣测年.在山地灾害中,不仅灾害沉积本身,其相关沉积物对事件年代也具有指示意义.在实际应用中,根据测年材料...  相似文献   

A simulation chain for early prediction of rainfall-induced landslides   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
A new simulation chain for early prediction of rainfall-induced landslides in unsaturated soils is presented. It includes a special computational weather code for forecasting the evolution of the synoptic weather and its changes due to interaction with the Earth’s surface (rainfall pattern), and a hydro-mechanical code to analyse rainfall effects on slope stability by computing degree of saturation and pore pressure changes due to rainwater infiltration. The linkage between these two numerical codes is ensured by an interface with the aim of bringing the data provided by the first code, which operates at basin or slope scale. The simulation chain can work in computational times that may be considered suitable for civil protection operations.  相似文献   

Cold-water coral banks and submarine landslides: a review   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper aims to review the relation between cold-water coral bank development and submarine landslides. Both are common features on continental margins, but so far it has not been reviewed which effect—if at all—they may have upon each other. Indirect and direct relations between coral banks and landslides are evaluated here, based on four case studies: the Magellan Mound Province in the Porcupine Seabight, where fossil coral banks appear partly on top of a buried slide deposit; the Sula Ridge Reef Complex and the Storegga landslide both off mid-Norway; and the Mauritania coral bank province, associated with the Mauritanian Slide Complex. For each of these locations, positive and negative relationships between both features are discussed, based on available datasets. Locally submarine landslides might directly favour coral bank development by creating substratum where corals can settle on, enhancing turbulence due to abrupt seabed morphological variations and, in some cases, causing fluid seepage. In turn, some of these processes may contribute to increased food availability and lower sedimentation rates. Landslides can also affect coral bank development by direct erosion of the coral banks, and by the instantaneous increase of turbidity, which may smother the corals. On the other hand, coral banks might have a stabilising function and delay or stop the headwall retrogradation of submarine landslides. Although local relationships can be deduced from these case studies, no general and direct relationship exists between submarine landslides and cold-water coral banks.  相似文献   

Parameter identification is one of the key elements in the construction of models in geosciences. However, inherent difficulties such as the instability of ill-posed problems or the presence of multiple local optima may impede the execution of this task. Regularization methods and Bayesian formulations, such as the maximum a posteriori estimation approach, have been used to overcome those complications. Nevertheless, in some instances, a more in-depth analysis of the inverse problem is advisable before obtaining estimates of the optimal parameters. The Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) methods used in Bayesian inference have been applied in the last 10 years in several fields of geosciences such as hydrology, geophysics or reservoir engineering. In the present paper, a compilation of basic tools for inference and a case study illustrating the practical application of them are given. Firstly, an introduction to the Bayesian approach to the inverse problem is provided together with the most common sampling algorithms with MCMC chains. Secondly, a series of estimators for quantities of interest, such as the marginal densities or the normalization constant of the posterior distribution of the parameters, are reviewed. Those reduce the computational cost significantly, using only the time needed to obtain a sample of the posterior probability density function. The use of the information theory principles for the experimental design and for the ill-posedness diagnosis is also introduced. Finally, a case study based on a highly instrumented well test found in the literature is presented. The results obtained are compared with the ones computed by the maximum likelihood estimation approach.  相似文献   

Spatial statistics for urban analysis: A review of techniques with examples   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
Traditionally, urban analysis has been quick to adopt and benefit from developments in technology (e.g., microcomputer, GIS) and techniques (e.g., statistics, mathematical programming). This has not been the case, however, with newer methods of spatial analysis — in particular, spatial statistics. Only recently has this situation started to change. This paper documents the confluence of spatial statistics and urban analysis by first reviewing developments in spatial statistics, and then presenting examples of recent applications in urban analysis. The developments reviewed fall under the rubric of global and local forms of spatial analysis, and cover three major technical issues: spatial association, spatial heterogeneity and the modifiable areal unit problem. The examples highlight the relevance and usefulness of the techniques reviewed for urban transportation and land-use applications. The paper concludes with conjectures concerning future developments at the intersection of spatial statistics and urban analysis.  相似文献   

Traditionally, urban analysis has been quick to adopt and benefit from developments in technology (e.g., microcomputer, GIS) and techniques (e.g., statistics, mathematical programming). This has not been the case, however, with newer methods of spatial analysis — in particular, spatial statistics. Only recently has this situation started to change. This paper documents the confluence of spatial statistics and urban analysis by first reviewing developments in spatial statistics, and then presenting examples of recent applications in urban analysis. The developments reviewed fall under the rubric of global and local forms of spatial analysis, and cover three major technical issues: spatial association, spatial heterogeneity and the modifiable areal unit problem. The examples highlight the relevance and usefulness of the techniques reviewed for urban transportation and land-use applications. The paper concludes with conjectures concerning future developments at the intersection of spatial statistics and urban analysis.  相似文献   

Slope inclinometers for landslides   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
Slope inclinometers/indicators are used to determine the magnitude, rate, direction, depth, and type of landslide movement. This information is usually vitally important for understanding the cause, behavior, and remediation of a landslide. However, many inclinometer measurements fail to achieve these intended aims because of lack of appreciation of the many factors that need to be correctly implemented during installation, monitoring, and data reduction to yield useful data. This paper presents some guidelines for understanding, installing, and interpreting slope inclinometers and presents three case histories that illustrate some of the pitfalls that can develop if these guidelines are not followed.  相似文献   

随着新的观测技术和理论的快速发展,环境同位素示踪技术在分析与地震孕育、发生有关的地下水动态信息中有可能发挥重要作用。简单介绍了稳定同位素2H、18O以及放射性同位素3H、14C的特征与示踪技术,详细阐述前人应用环境同位素在地下水活动规律中所开展的研究,包括地下水的补给来源、地下热水的循环深度、水岩相互作用、地下水的年龄等,并重点分析了这种示踪技术在研究地下水对构造活动发生和对应力应变响应等方面的应用。积极推进环境同位素示踪技术的应用,对地下流体地震前兆信息的评估、地震活动性强度的判定、流体在孕震过程中作用的探讨,以及井孔映震效能的评价等方面的研究具有重要的意义。  相似文献   

Efficient waste paper recycling has a significant role in the sustainable environment. Recyclable waste paper as a fundamental ingredient of municipal solid wastes (MSWs) is indeed an “urban ore”. Waste papers are considered as the solid recovered fuel which is recovered from MSW. Recyclable waste papers are segregated into various grades to produce high-quality products. Moreover, sorted paper streams save energy, chemicals, and water, as well as reduce sludge and rejects. Information technology is widely integrated with the waste management industry into its operations such as recycling, reuse, segregating based on categories and so on. This review article focuses on the life cycle of waste paper and existing waste paper sorting techniques. In the paper industry, many types of sensors are used in different mechanical and optical waste paper sorting systems. Such sensors include lignin, gloss, stiffness, mid-infrared, infrared, and color sensors. In this review, also described the effectiveness of different waste paper sorting systems, and finally, recommended appropriate waste paper sorting techniques based on effectiveness and low-cost implementation.  相似文献   

Received, March 1999/Revised, May 1999/Accepted, June 1999  相似文献   

In the last several decades, population growth in the cities of the Andes has caused urban areas to expand into landslide-prone areas. Fatal landslides affecting urban settlements are especially frequent in cities located in the Neogene intramontane basins of the Andes. These basins have similar situations and include geographical and geological features that frequently generate ground instabilities. We studied the characteristics of the mass movements observed in these basins by carrying out a detailed analysis of four landslides that have occurred in the Loja Basin (Ecuador). This multi-method study integrated geophysical, geotechnical methods, mineralogical studies and analyses of precipitation time series. Our study characterizes the slope movements as active, slow-moving, complex earthslide earthflows. According to Differential GPS measurements, these landslides move at velocities of up to several metres per year. Electrical resistivity tomography profiles show that most of the landslides are mainly surficial. Time-series analyses of precipitation reveal that rainfall events that are not exceptionally intensive can reactivate these landslides. This characteristic and the development of these landslides on low-gradient slopes are explained using the results obtained from the geotechnical and mineralogical analyses. We find that the smectite clay minerals detected in the mobilized geological formations, combined with the tropical climate of the northern Andean region, induce the observed weak slope stability conditions. The conceptual model for the studied landslides may aid in assessing landslide-prone areas in Loja and other Neogene intramontane basins of the Andes and can help to mitigate the associated risks.  相似文献   

This paper deals with the landslides that are reactivated by a groundwater level increase owing to rainfall. These landslides are usually characterized by low displacement rate with deformations essentially concentrated within a narrow shear zone above which the unstable soil mass moves like a rigid body (i.e., with a horizontal displacement profile that is essentially constant with depth). In view of this evidence, a new method based on a simple sliding block model is proposed in the present study for a preliminary evaluation of landslide mobility. Unlike other existing methods that provide an evaluation of landslide mobility on the basis of groundwater level measurements, the present method directly relates landslide movements to rain recordings. This possibility constitutes a significant advantage from a practical viewpoint because it allows future displacement scenarios to be predicted from expected rainfall scenarios. In addition, the present method requires a limited number of parameters as input data, many of which can be obtained from conventional geotechnical tests. To evaluate the other parameters involved, an efficient calibration procedure is also proposed. Four case studies documented in the literature are analyzed to assess the capability of the present method to reproduce the main features of the slope response to rainfall. In all these case studies, both groundwater level variations and landslide displacements observed in field are well approximated by the method.  相似文献   

Low-frequency geoelectrical methods include mainly self-potential, resistivity, and induced polarization techniques, which have potential in many environmental and hydrogeological applications. They provide complementary information to each other and to in-situ measurements. The self-potential method is a passive measurement of the electrical response associated with the in-situ generation of electrical current due to the flow of pore water in porous media, a salinity gradient, and/or the concentration of redox-active species. Under some conditions, this method can be used to visualize groundwater flow, to determine permeability, and to detect preferential flow paths. Electrical resistivity is dependent on the water content, the temperature, the salinity of the pore water, and the clay content and mineralogy. Time-lapse resistivity can be used to assess the permeability and dispersivity distributions and to monitor contaminant plumes. Induced polarization characterizes the ability of rocks to reversibly store electrical energy. It can be used to image permeability and to monitor chemistry of the pore water–minerals interface. These geophysical methods, reviewed in this paper, should always be used in concert with additional in-situ measurements (e.g. in-situ pumping tests, chemical measurements of the pore water), for instance through joint inversion schemes, which is an area of fertile on-going research.  相似文献   

A finite element approach for the analysis of active slow-moving landslides   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
In the present paper, a finite element approach is proposed to analyse the mobility of active landslides which are controlled by groundwater fluctuations within the slope. These landslides are usually characterised by low displacement rates with deformations that are essentially concentrated within a narrow shear zone above which the unstable soil mass moves with deformations of no great concern. The proposed approach utilises an elasto-viscoplastic constitutive model in conjunction with a Mohr-Coulomb yield function to describe the behaviour of the soil in the shear zone. For the other soils involved by the landslide, an elastic model is used for the sake of simplicity. A significant advantage of the present method lies in the fact that few constitutive parameters are required as input data, the most of which can be readily obtained by conventional geotechnical tests. The rest of the required parameters should be calibrated on the basis of the available monitoring data concerning the change in the piezometric levels and the associated movements of the unstable soil mass. After being calibrated and validated, the proposed approach can be used to predict future landslide movements owing to expected groundwater fluctuations or to assess the effectiveness of drainage systems which are designed to control the landslide mobility. The method is applied to back-predict the observed field behaviour of three active slow-moving landslides documented in the literature.  相似文献   

In many environments, landslides preserved in the geologic record can be analyzed to determine the likelihood of seismic triggering. If evidence indicates that a seismic origin is likely for a landslide or group of landslides, and if the landslides can be dated, then a paleo-earthquake can be inferred, and some of its characteristics can be estimated. Such paleoseismic landslide studies thus can help reconstruct the seismic history of a site or region. In regions that contain multiple seismic sources and in regions where surface faulting is absent, paleoseismic ground-failure studies are valuable tools in hazard and risk studies that are more concerned with shaking hazards than with interpretation of the movement histories of individual faults. Paleoseismic landslide analysis involves three steps: (1) identifying a feature as a landslide, (2) dating the landslide, and (3) showing that the landslide was triggered by earthquake shaking. This paper addresses each of these steps and discusses methods for interpreting the results of such studies by reviewing the current state of knowledge of paleoseismic landslide analysis.  相似文献   

The paper illustrates a method for scenario-based, quantitative estimation of physical vulnerability of the built environment to landslides. The rationale and main features of the procedure are presented in the context of quantitative risk estimation. Vulnerability is defined quantitatively as a function of landslide intensity and the susceptibility of vulnerable elements. Reference terminology is presented and discussed. Models for the quantification of intensity and susceptibility for some categories of elements at risk such as structures and persons are proposed. An example application is illustrated.  相似文献   

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