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用小波变换方法反演接收函数   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15       下载免费PDF全文
提出了一种用小波变换方法反演接收函数的新方法. 通过对接收函数作离散小波变换,将接收函数展开到不同分辨尺度,从一给定的初始模型出发,分别在不同分辨尺度上用广义线性反演方法,对展开后的接收函数进行反演. 并将低阶接收函数的反演结果作为高阶接收函数的初始模型,在大尺度空间找到包含全局极小值的一个邻域,并逐步缩小该邻域.渐进地获取介质结构的跳变信息,从而保证反演结果稳定地收敛到全局极小点,降低接收函数波形反演对初始模型的依赖,尽可能克服波形反演的非唯一性,得到比较可靠的高分辨率的地壳上地幔速度结构.  相似文献   

接收函数方法的研究综述   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12       下载免费PDF全文
从远震体波波形数据中提取的P波接收函数和S波接收函数已经成为研究台站下方地壳上地幔速度间断面的最有效的方法之一.P波接收函数已经被广泛应用于获取地壳内部S波速度结构、地壳厚度及物质成分组成、地幔过渡带的厚度变化以及岩石圈地幔的间断面等,而S波接收函数是P波接收函数的一个很好的补充,因为在Moho和地幔过渡带之间的深度范围内,Sp转换波比来自浅部间断面的多次波到达早,而在P波接收函数中,相同深度范围的间断面的Ps转换波往往被来自浅部间断面的多次波干扰或者淹没,因此S波接收函数是目前获取岩石圈地幔深度范围内速度间断面结构(如Moho和LAB)的比较有效的方法,比面波观测具有更高的分辨率.本文详细阐述了P波接收函数和S波接收函数的方法原理以及在地壳上地幔速度间断面的研究中所采用的研究思路.  相似文献   

接收函数法是目前地震波研究常用方法,以佛子岭地震台数字化仪器记录的远震事件数据为基础,使用Wiener滤波方法进行接收函数计算,应用H-Kappa叠加法,通过Ps转换波等震相拟合,反演台基的莫霍面深度、波速比及泊松比.  相似文献   

In this article,we analyze the characters of SV-component receiver function of teleseismic body waves and its advantages in mapping the S-wave velocity structure of crust in detail.Similar to radial receiver function,SV-component receiver function can be obtained by directly deconvolving the P-component from the SV-component of teleseismic recordings.Our analyses indicate that the change of amplitude of SV-component receiver function against the change of epicentral distance is less than that of radial receiver function.Moreover,the waveform of SV-component receiver function is simpler than the radial receiver function and gives prominence to the PS converted phases that are the most sensitive to the shear wave velocity structure in the inversion.The synthetic tests show that the convergence of SV-component receiver function inversion is faster than tnat of the radial receiver function inversion.As an example,we investigate the S-wave velocity structure beneath HIA sta-tion by using the SV-component receiver function inversion method.  相似文献   

选取重庆地震台2010年至2012年记录的60个远震宽频带数字地震记录,采用频率域反褶积法获得台站的接收函数,采用H-Kappa叠加方法反演台站下方的地壳厚度和泊松比,作为台站下方波速反演的约束条件,以减少反演的非唯一性.计算结果显示,重庆地震台下方地壳厚度为42 km,与中国大陆中西部地区Moho面深度在38-45 km保持一致.该研究对增强该区的深部地质构造特征、分析孕震机制等具有积极意义.  相似文献   

1 Tectonic environment and geophysical background There are two kinds of continental-oceanic contacts relationship: the Atlantic and the Pacific type. The Atlantic type is characterized by extension and lower relative activity. The continent nearby the ocean is stable and its edge is of extension and block tectonics. Europe, Africa and American belong to this kind. The Pacific type is characterized by compression and shear com-pression. The continent near the ocean is more active than othe…  相似文献   

利用上海地震台阵16个台站记录的远震资料,采用接收函数线性反演方法,对台阵下的地壳速度结构进行研究,获得了研究区域内地壳厚度和地壳速度的分布特征。研究结果表明,研究区域Moho面深度约为33±2 km,Moho面深度基本不变,地幔顶部S波速度约4.4 km/s,地壳内没有发现明显的低速层。  相似文献   

为有效提高山西测震台网震相识别精度,在论述小波变换原理基础上,结合台网记录的震相特征,针对干扰大、能量弱的震相,采用小波变换进行分析。常见噪声干扰相对地震信号频率较高,小波变换能够有效压制噪声,提高震相识别精度;对于能量较弱的震相,可以利用小波变换分解信号,按频率逐层进行震相识别。分析认为,小波变换是识别山西地区震相的有效方法。  相似文献   

根据天山及其邻近区域88个宽频带地震台站的接收函数和欧亚大陆的基阶瑞利波群速度图像, 联合反演了这些台站下的地壳上地幔一维S波速度结构. 在这些速度模型的基础上, 利用线性各向同性变差克里金空间插值技术得到了该区域的地壳上地幔三维S波速度模型. 通过在垂向不同深度上的切片和横向上剖面投影的方式, 显示和分析了天山及其邻区地壳上地幔的剪切波速度特性与构造特性之间的关系. 结果表明, 天山及其邻区的地壳结构垂向上分为上、 中、 下3层, 每层的界面大致位于20, 40和50 km, 并且这些界面的起伏随不同块体的构造差异而变化. 天山地区和塔里木盆地隆起区的上地壳表现为高速特征, 而沉积盆地大部分地区和山前坳陷区的上地壳则表现为低速特征. 东、 西天山之间下地壳存在的近南北向低速带以及上地幔高速盖层在深度上的差异均说明东、 西天山在构造活动和形变上有明显的差别, 这种差别可能是由于印度板块与欧亚大陆的碰撞对它们产生的不同影响而造成的.  相似文献   

Aso Volcano experienced a huge pyroclastic eruption 90 thousand years ago, and formed a large caldera (18 km × 25 km). In order to test the hypothesis of a magma body in the mid and lower crust that has been suggested geophysically and geochemically, we investigated seismic velocity discontinuities and velocity structure beneath Aso Caldera using receiver functions and a genetic algorithm inversion. We confirm the existence of the Moho at depths between 30 km and 35 km and a large velocity anomaly should exist in the deep portion of the crust beneath Aso Caldera, from imaging of receiver functions observed only at stations outside the caldera. As a result of a more detailed examination with GA inversion, a low velocity layer is detected at depths between 10 km and 24 km beneath the western part of the caldera. S-wave velocity of the layer is estimated to be 2.0–2.4 km/s. We estimate that the low velocity layer contains at most 15% melt or 30% aqueous fluid. The layer exists near the Conrad and at the same depths as the swarm of the low frequency earthquakes and a compressional and dilatational deformation source which are expected to be caused by fluid movement beneath the middle-eastern part of the caldera. Fluid contained in the layer might be related with huge pyroclastic eruptions of Aso Volcano.  相似文献   

接收函数方法及其新的进展   总被引:7,自引:2,他引:7  
远震P波波形数据中包含了大量地震台站下方地壳和上地幔速度间断面所产生的PS转换波及其多次反射波的信息,由此提取的接收函数是了解地壳上地幔速度细结构的重要步骤手段之一.最近几年,接收函数和面波联合反演方法获得了较大的成功,两种分别对两种波形进行拟合,对反演的速度结构提供了有效的约束.地震勘探中的一些成熟技术被引进接收函数的数据处理,使其可用于地壳和上地幔主要速度界面的侧向变化研究.为增强接收函数的信噪比,将不同事件提取的接收函数进行分类,按方位角进行叠加,可以反应一些速度界面的横向变化.接收函数方法可用于PS转换震相的剪切波分裂研究.泊松比是推测地球内部物质构成的有效参数之一.接收函数方法分离出的转换波为获取泊松比提供了一条行之有效的便捷途径,单一的地震台远震记录中转换波可以估计点位下面地壳Vp/Vs值.另一方面,一些最新的反演技术被引入接收函数的反演.例如,格子收索方法力图解决接收函数反演中的不稳定性和非唯一性问题,格子搜索设计比较容易地结合先验约束并保证搜索是全空间的,避免了使用任何初始模型.该方法能保证在格子的间隔和参数的限度内获得全局最小,该方法被用于中东、南美及临近地区的深部结构.相邻算法是基于计算几何的概念而构建的一种非线性反演方法.该方法避免了此前一些方法(遗传算法、模拟退火)的一些缺陷,如大量样本的舍弃、过多参数的引进等,该算法对我国的五大连池和腾冲火山区的深部结构的反演,以及滇西地区的深部动力学研究获得了良好的效果.  相似文献   

IntroductionSince1980(s,theteleseismicreceiverfunctionhasbeenbroadlyappliedtoexploringthecrustalanduppermantlestructure.Thatthismethoddrawssomanyattentionsisnotonlybecauseitscheapercostandhighverticalresolution,butalsobecauseitcanbeusedforexploringthelateralvariationofthecrustalstructure.IntheUSnationalresearchprogramofthecontinentaldynamicsmuchemphasiswasgiventothereceiverfunctionmethod(Phinney,1989).Uptonow,the1-Dreceiverfunctioninversiontechniquehasbecomesophisticatedandmanypracticalresul…  相似文献   

本文使用位于喜马拉雅东构造结地区布置的24个宽频带地震台站记录的远震波形数据,利用P波接收函数的方法研究了台站下方的Moho面深度、泊松比和地壳速度结构.结果表明,东构造结内Moho面深度呈现出自南西向北东方向逐渐变深的趋势,地壳厚度在54~60 km范围内,其中东久一米林走滑断裂带附近Moho面最浅,东构造结周围拉萨地块的Moho面深度在60 km以上.东构造结西部东久一米林走滑断裂带附近地壳泊松比较高.嘉黎断裂带南北两侧的泊松比差别较大,说明该断裂带两侧地壳结构存在显著差异.东构造结周边拉萨地块地壳内普遍存在低速层,分布在20~40 km深度范围内,厚度约为5~15 km.  相似文献   

Using seismic data of about one year recorded by 18 broadband stations of ASCENT project,we obtained 2547 receiver functions in the northeastern Tibetan Plateau.The Moho depths under 14 stations were calculated by applying the H-κ domain search algorithm.The Moho depths under the stations with lower signal-noise ratio(SNR) were estimated by the time delay of the PS conversion.Results show that the Moho depth varies in a range of ~40–60 km.The Moho near the Haiyuan fault is vague,and its depth is larger than those on its two sides.In the Qinling-Qilian Block,the Moho becomes shallower gradually from west to east.To the east of 105°E,the average depth of the Moho is 45 km,whereas the west is 50 km or even deeper.Combining our results with surface wave research,we suggest a boundary between the Qinling and the Qilian Mountains at around 105°E.S wave velocities beneath 15 stations have been obtained through a linear inversion by using Crust2.0 as an initial model,and the crustal thickness that was derived by H-κ domain search algorithm was also taken into account.The results are very similar to the results of previous active source studies.The resulting figure indicates that low velocity layers developed in the middle and lower crust beneath the transition zone of the Tibet Block and western Qinling,which may be related to regional faults and deep earth dynamics.The velocity of the middle and lower crust increases from the Songpan Block to the northeastern margin of Tibetan Plateau.Based on the velocity of the crust,the distribution of the low velocity zone and the composition of the curst(Poisson's ratio),we infer that the crust thickening results from the crust shortening along the direction of compression.  相似文献   

上海及其邻近地区上地幔间断面接收函数的研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
利用上海及其邻近地区地震台网两个剖面上自2002年以来256个远震记录,提取得到高质量的接收函数,通过对这些接收函数的共转换点叠加得到研究区的间断面的分布及形态.研究结果表明,剖面上的上地幔间断面410 km,660 km间断面没有明显的起伏变化,从而证实了西太平洋俯冲带对中国东部的影响在东北、华北和华东有显著差别.  相似文献   

本文提出并试验了一种基于接收函数建立区域模型进行震源机制反演的方法.选取四川地震台网记录的M≥3且信噪比高的近震波形资料,反演得到了芦山地震序列中74个地震的震源机制.通过对震源深度和震源机制的综合分析,探讨了芦山地震的发震构造和区域应力场状态.采用接收函数方法反演获取了26个台站下方的S波速度结构,对不同区域的台站反演结果进行叠加平均,以此区域平均S波速度作为本文震源机制反演使用的区域模型的S波速度;区域模型的P波速度由经验公式给出.反演稳定性测试表明,使用不同模型或对原始波形记录加入随机噪声的反演结果与原始反演相比,震源深度最大误差为1 km,断层面各参数误差水平也很低,且显示的发震类型是一致的,其中随机噪声带来的误差小于模型带来的误差.主震反演得到的震源机制解为:震源深度17 km,矩震级6.47;节面Ⅰ走向213°,倾角51°,滑动角98°;节面Ⅱ走向20°,倾角40°,滑动角80°;显示芦山主震可视为纯逆冲型地震,发震构造可能是某个具有较大倾角的逆冲断层,而不是低缓的推覆构造的基底滑脱面.同时本文反演获取的73个M≥3余震的震源机制绝大多数也显示了类似的发震类型,逆冲型地震为67个,占92%,具有绝对优势;走滑型地震为5个,正断型地震为1个.其中5个走滑型地震中的4个均分布在震源区的东北端.整个芦山地震序列深度集中在12~20 km,且沿震源区短轴的余震深度剖面有自西向东呈逐步变浅的趋势,呈现清晰的铲形断面结构,结合本地地质构造,可以推断芦山地震序列主要发生在龙门山前山断裂以东的逆冲推覆体内的一个隐伏断裂上.P轴方位角优势方位与区域应力场及汶川震源区南段的相一致,表明芦山序列地震活动主要受区域应力场控制,且汶川震后该区应该不存在应力场变化.P轴仰角随深度分布则显示了孕震层在浅部为脆性上地壳,而深部已经进入了中地壳低速层.断层面的几何形态简单,倾角均值在不同深度保持稳定在55°左右,与主震倾角接近,这与汶川震源区南段的研究结果明显不同,揭示了龙门山断裂带南段与此次芦山发震断裂在断层面几何形态上的明显差异.  相似文献   

The S wave velocity structure in Changbaishan volcanic region was obtained from teleseismic receiver func-tion modeling. The results show that there exist distinct low velocity layers in crust in volcano area. Beneath WQD station near to the Tianchi caldera the low velocity layer at 8 km depth is 20 km thick with the lowest S-wave velocity about 2.2 km/s. At EDO station located 50 km north of Tianchi caldera,no obvious crustal low velocity layer is detected. In the volcanic re-gion,the thickness of crustal ...  相似文献   

Measurement of interstation phase velocity by wavelet transformation   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
In this paper,we present wavelet transformation method to measure interstation phase velocity. We use Morlet wavelet function as mother wavelet to filter two seismograms at various period of interest,and correlate the wavelet filtered seismograms to form cross-correlogram. If both wavelet filtered signals are in phase at that period,the phase of the cross-correlogram is a minimum. Using 3-spline interpolation to transform cross-correlation matrix to a phase velocity verse period image,it is convenient for u...  相似文献   

To determine the crustal structure in central Tibet, we used teleseismic waveform data recorded by 18 stations in the INDEPTH-Ⅲ seismic array across the central Tibet from the central Lhasa terrane to the central Qiangtang terrane. The S-wave velocity structures beneath stations are determined by inverting the stacked radial receiver function using the GA method. The first order features in the receiver function are modeled. Our results show that the Moho in Qiangtang is about 8 km shallower than that in Lhasa terrane along the INDEPTH-Ⅲ profile. It maybe suggests the northward subduction of the Lhasa mantle lid beneath the Qiangtang terrane is affected by the India-Asia collision. We conclude that there exist low velocity zone in the middle crust across the northern Lhasa and Qiangtang terrane, which can be related to the high temperature upper mantle beneath that.  相似文献   

周立  林强  范涛 《地震工程学报》2019,41(6):1553-1559
随着复杂速度结构反演的发展和高性能计算能力的提升,基于高精度3D介质模型计算格林函数反演震源机制更具可行性。中小地震因具有更好的覆盖和近似点源效应,在区域结构成像中有着广泛的应用。基于波形类的反演方法如波动方程层析成像\,全波形反演都需要震源机制解,而传统的震源机制反演方法不能很好地应用于中小地震。采用有限差分法构建应变格林张量(Strain Green Tensor,SGT)数据库,将合成波形和实际波形按震相截窗并滤波到不同的频带范围,先通过最小化互相关走时差来进行震源重定位,再通过最小化波形残差反演震源机制。通过合成数据测试验证方法的正确性,随后将该方法应用于青藏高原东部边缘龙门山地区,反演一系列M_W3.4~5.7的中小地震震源机制。由于应变格林张量数据库可预先构建,该方法可以应用于(近)实时震源机制解反演。  相似文献   

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