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Evidence is presented for redshift quantization and variability as detected in global studies done in the rest frame of the cosmic background radiation. Quantization is strong and consistent with predictions derived from concepts associated with multidimensional time. Nine families of periods are possible but not equally likely. The most basic family contains previously known periods of 73 and 36 km s–1 and shorter harmonics at 18.3 and 9.15 km s–1. Several approaches to evaluating the significance of quantization are employed and the dependence on redshift, the width and shape of 21 cm profiles and morphology is discussed. Common properties between samples define several basic classes of galaxies. Quantization is consistently optimized for a transformation vertex very close to the vertex of the cosmic background dipole. Relationships between cosmocentric and galactocentric rest frames are discussed.  相似文献   

The Tully–Fisher Relationship (TFR) is utilized to identify anomalous redshifts in normal spiral galaxies. Three redshift anomalies are identified in this analysis: (1) several clusters of galaxies are examined, in which late type spirals have significant excess redshifts relative to early-type spirals in the same clusters; (2) galaxies of morphology similar to ScI galaxies are found to have a systematic excess redshift relative to the redshifts expected if the Hubble Constant is 72 km s−1 Mpc−1; (3) individual galaxies, pairs, and groups are identified which strongly deviate from the predictions of a smooth Hubble flow. These redshift deviations are significantly larger than can be explained by peculiar motions and TFR errors. It is concluded that the redshift anomalies identified in this analysis are consistent with previous claims for large non-cosmological (intrinsic) redshifts.  相似文献   

The current status of a continuing programme of tests for redshift periodicity or ‘quantization’ of nearby bright galaxies is described. So far the redshifts of over 250 galaxies with high-precision HI profiles have been used in the study. In consistently selected sub-samples of the datasets of sufficient precision examined so far, the redshift distribution has been found to be strongly quantized in the galactocentric frame of reference. The phenomenon is easily seen by eye and apparently cannot be ascribed to statistical artefacts, selection procedures or flawed reduction techniques. Two galactocentric periodicities have so far been detected, ∼ 71 .5km s-1 in the Virgo cluster, and ∼37. 5km s-1 for all other spiral galaxies within ∼ 2600km s-1. The formal confidence levels associated with these results are extremely high.  相似文献   

Galaxies of redshiftz ≲ 1000 km s−1 are investigated. In the South Galactic Hemisphere there are two large concentrations of these galaxies. One is in the direction of the centre of the Local Group, roughly aligned with M 31 and M 33. The other concentration is centred almost 80 degrees away on the sky and involves the next nearest galaxies to the Local Group, NGC 55, NGC 300 and NGC 253. The large scale and isolation of these concentrations, and the continuity of their redshifts require that they are all galaxies at the same, relatively close distance of the brightest group members. The fainter members of the group have higher redshifts, mimicking to some extent a Hubble relation. But if they are all at the same average distance the higher redshifts must be due to a cause other than velocity. The redshifts of the galaxies in the central areas of these groups all obey a quantization interval of δcz0 = 72.4 kms−1. This is the same quantization found by William Tifft, and later by others, in all physical groups and pairs which have been tested. The quantization discovered here, however, extends over a larger interval in redshift than heretofore encountered. The majority of redshifts used in the present analysis are accurate to ± 8 km s−1. The deviation of those redshifts from multiples of 72.4 km s-1 averages ±8.2 km s−1. The astonishing result, however, is that for those redshifts which are known more accurately, the deviation from modulo 72.4 drops to a value between 3 and 4 km s−1! The amount of relative velocity allowed these galaxies is therefore implied to be less than this extremely small value.  相似文献   

The most accurate data on galaxy types, corrected apparent magnitudes and redshifts as given in the Sandage-TammanRevised Shapley-Ames catalog are analyzed. It is shown that Sb galaxies of the same luminosity class as M31 and M81 define a narrow Hubble relation withH 0=65 –6 +15 km s–1 Mpc–1.In contrast, Sc galaxies deviate strongly towars higher redshift from a linear, log redshift—apparent magnitude relation. Not all this deviation can be selection effect due to increasing volume sampled at increasing redshift (Malmquist bias). Physical associations of groups of galaxies in theRSA Catalog are used to establish the existence of various amounts of excess (non-velocity) redshifts among Sc and allied types of galaxies.Independent distances fromHi line width — luminosity criterion (Tully-Fisher) are analyzed. It is shown that this criterion gives much smaller distances than redshifts do for galaxies which deviate above the Hubble line. Unless the Tully-Fisher relation gives too small distances for more luminous galaxies, this confirms the excess redshift to be intrinsic to the Galaxy. But it is next demonstrated, that for low redshift galaxies, there is no discrepancy between redshift and Tully-Fisher distance even though there is a wide range of absolute magnitudes.If Tully-Fisher distances are accepted, the onlly alternative to having a Hubble constant which increases strongly with distance is to have a component of the higher redshift Sc's contributed by a non-recessional redshift. Streaming motions would have to be large, increase with distance and be always in the receding sence. It is shown here that the Sc's which deviate most from the Hubble relation and have the largest discrepancies with Tully-Filsher distances lie predominantly in the sky toward very nearby groups of galaxies. If they were at these closer distances the discordant galaxies, mostly ScI's, would have dwarfish physical properties but not so unprecedented as the large sizes which result from redshift distances.Finally the interaction of specific high redshift ScI's with nearby galaxies is presented as an independent proof that ScI's are generally small, low luminosity galaxies. This result furnishes insight into the long standing puzzle of how apparently distant ScI's can interact with nearby galaxies such as in Stephan's Quintet, Seyfert's Sextet and NGC 4151/4156.  相似文献   

The Tully–Fisher relationship (TFR) has been shown to have a relatively small observed scatter of ∼±0.35 mag implying an intrinsic scatter < ±0.30 mag. However, when the TFR is calibrated from distances derived from the Hubble relation for field galaxies scatter is consistently found to be ±0.64 to ±0.84 mag. This significantly larger scatter requires that intrinsic TFR scatter is actually much larger than ±0.30 mag, that field galaxies have an intrinsic TFR scatter much larger than cluster spirals, or that field galaxies have a velocity dispersion relative to the Hubble flow in excess of 1000 km s−1. Each of these potential explanations faces difficulties and contradicted by available data and the results of previous studies. An alternative explanation is that the measured redshifts of galaxies are composed of a cosmological redshift component predicted from the value of the Hubble constant and a superimposed intrinsic redshift component previously identified in other studies. This intrinsic redshift component may exceed 5000 km s−1 in individual galaxies. In this alternative scenario a possible value for the Hubble constant is 55–60 km s−1 Mpc−1.  相似文献   

The published photographic profile of 3C 206 (reported in the low redshift sample of quasars by Wyckoffet al., 1981) has been deconvolved from the PSF by means of an effective restoration procedure. The deconvolved photometric structure of the quasar consists of a central point-like source, containing 68% of the integrated luminosity, an intermediate region of about 10 kpc radius (H 0=60 km s–1 Mpc–1,q 0=0) and an external region with nearly-linear slope and brightness level of the profile similar to those of the corresponding regions in giant elliptical and cD galaxies. The result confirms the previous findings in 3C 273, PKS 2135+147, and PKS 0812+020 obtained in the same way.  相似文献   

It is more appropriate to study the dynamics and evolution of compact groups using a sample of isolated compact groups in the nearby vicinity of which there are no accordant redshift galaxies. To look for isolated compact groups we inspected the environment of 78 Shakhbazian compact groups, with known redshifts. We found that 26 of nearby groups with V < 40000 km s−1 are isolated compact groups in the vicinity of which up to a projected distance of 1 Mpc there are no accordant redshift galaxies. For four of them, the redshift of only two members are known, so their being groups is not certain. In the vicinities of eleven distant groups (V > 40000 km s−1) no accordant redshift galaxies are detected as well. The reason for this may be the faintness of galaxies there. These groups may possibly be isolated.  相似文献   

Samples of 97 and 117 high-precision 21 cm redshifts of spiral galaxies within the Local Supercluster were obtained in order to test claims that extragalactic redshifts are periodic (P36 km s–1) when referred to the centre of the Galaxy. The power spectral density of the redshifts, when so referred, exhibits an extremely strong peak at 37.5 km s–1. The signal is seen independently with seven major radio telescopes. Its significance was assessed by comparison with the spectral power distributions of synthetic datasets constructed so as to closely mimic the overall properties of the real datasets employed; it was found to be real rather than due to chance at an extremely high confidence level. The signal was subjected to various tests for robustness such as partitioning of data, increase of strength with precision and size of sample, and stability of the correcting vector. In every respect tested, it behaved like a physically real phenomenon. The periodicity is particularly strong within small groups and associations of galaxies, showing no sign of an intrinsic spread 3 km s–1.  相似文献   

Observations of line-of-sight velocities of gases in magnetic fields in weak plages near disk centre confirm the systematic downward velocity of 0.5 km s–1, and show fluctuations about this mean by a rather uncertain 0.2 km s–1. Some of the fluctuations show a fairly regular period around 5.5 min.  相似文献   

Summary The status of the cosmic distance scale problem in early 1989 is reviewed. Internally consistent distances to Local Group galaxies are given in Tables 5 and 6. Within the Local Group the distance scale is found to be 11±5% smaller than that previously adopted by Sandage and Tammann. Distances to nearby galaxies are used as stepping stones to the Virgo cluster. The interpretation of the Tully-Fisher observations of Virgo spirals is found to be ambiguous because it is not yet clear which spirals are cluster members and which are background objects. Distance estimates of the Virgo cluster obtained by different techniques are listed in Table 11. The distance modulus of the Virgo cluster is found to be 31.5±0.2, corresponding to a distance of 20±2 Mpc. The elliptical galaxies in the core of the Virgo cluster haveV 0=1200±46 kms–1, which corresponds toV LG=1082±48 km s–1. With an infall velocity of 250±50 km s–1 this yields a cosmological redshiftV=1332±69 km s–1, from which a Hubble parameter H0=67±8 km s–1 Mpc–1 is obtained. Space Telescope observations of distant Cepheids, Tully-Fisher observations of spirals in the Hercules eluster, and interference filter observations of Virgo planetary nebulae in the light of [OIII], should soon result in a major improvement in the accuracy with which H0 is known.  相似文献   

The conventional interpretation of the cosmic background radiation (CBR) as a relic of the Big Bang assumes that the intergalactic medium is highly transparent to radio frequency radiation. Previous work (Lerner, 1990) used the well-known correlation of IR and radio luminosities of spiral galaxies to test this assumption. That analysis, using 237 Shapley-Ames galaxies showed that radio luminosity (L R ) for a given IR-luminosity, declines with distance, implying that the IGM strongly absorbs radio frequency radiation. That absorption has now been confirmed using a sample of 301 IR-bright galaxies. Using two independent methods of determining the correlation of IR and radio luminosities of spiral and interacting galaxies, the sample shows that for a givenL IR ,L R D –0.32±0.04 over a range of distances from 0.7-300 Mpc. (H 0 = 75 km s–1 Mpc–1). The correlation is significant at the 8 or 10–14 level. Absorption by the IGM is the only reasonable explanation for this correlation. The existence of such absorption implies that neither the isotropy nor the spectrum of the CBR are primordial and that neither is evidence for a Big Bang.  相似文献   

An object located approximately atl=8°,b=–4° with a mean radial velocity of –212.3 km s–1 has been observed in the 21 cm neutral hydrogen line. The mean weighted velocity dispersion is 11.2 km s–1 and the total mass is estimated to be 190R 2 (kpc) solar masses. We discuss possible interpretations of the origin and nature of this object. The most likely interpretation is that we observe an expanding object which has been ejected from the galactic nucleus.  相似文献   

We report 21-cm H  i line observations of 161 galaxies located behind the Milky Way, in the Puppis region. The observations have been carried out with the Nançay radio telescope, resulting in 101 detections. Most of the galaxies observed appear in the ESO catalogue, and present apparent diameters larger than 1.6 arcmin. We show that the detection rate is strongly related to the apparent diameter; it is as high as 76 per cent for diameters larger than 1.6 arcmin. Half of the non-detections result, in fact, from an insufficient velocity coverage. Global parameters of the detected galaxies are computed, after a careful discussion of the correction for Galactic absorption. Our H  I data are then compared with those obtained by Kraan-Korteweg & Huchtmeier with the Effelsberg radio telescope for 20 galaxies observed in common: the agreement is excellent, implying respective uncertainties on recession velocities and on H  I fluxes lower than 10 km s−1 and 2 Jy km s−1 on average. Finally, we find that the detected galaxies follow well the correlation between the optical linear diameter and the H  I mass found by Haynes & Giovanelli. This result shows that our diameter corrections for Galactic absorption AB are quite good, except for eight objects which are heavily obscured ( AB 2.3), or have a very small diameter, lower than 0.5 arcmin.  相似文献   

It is well-known that galaxies tend to form elongated associations stretching many degrees across the sky. It is shown here that especially galaxies of about 3000 to 5000 km s-1 redshift define narrow filaments of from 10 to 50° in length. The surprising feature is that galaxies of very bright apparent magnitude tend to occur at the centre or ends of these alignments. The 20 brightest galaxies in apparent magnitude north of °= 0° are investigated here and of the 14 which are uncrowded by nearby bright galaxies, a total of 13 have well marked lines and concentrations of fainter, higher redshift galaxies  相似文献   

The gradual acceleration, through viscous coupling to a wind, of molecular hydrogen in turbulent boundary layers around obstacle clumps is proposed to be responsible for the widths of the emission features with full widths at zero intensity of greater than 100 km s–1.  相似文献   

The properties of explosive events in the solar transition zone are presented by means of detailed examples and statistical analyses. These events are observed as regions of exceptionally high velocity ( 100 km s–1) in profiles of Civ, formed at 105 K, observed with the High Resolution Telescope and Spectrograph (HRTS). The following average properties have been determined from observations obtained during the third rocket flight of the HRTS: full width at half maximum extent along the slit - 1.6 × 103 km; maximum velocity - 110 km s–1; peak emission measure - 4 × 1041 cm–3; lifetime - 60 s; birthrate - 4 × 10–21 cm–2 s–1 in a coronal hole and 1 × 10–20 cm–2 s–1 in the quiet Sun; mass - 6 × 108 g; and, kinetic energy - 6 × 1022 erg. The 6 examples show that there are considerable variations from these average parameters in individual events. Although small, the events show considerable spatial structure and are not point-like objects. A spatial separation is often detected between the positions of the red and blue shifted components and consequently the profile cannot be explained by turbulence alone. Mass motions in the events appear to be isotropic because the maximum observed velocity does not show any correlation with heliographic latitude. Apparent motions of the 100 km s–1 plasmas during their 60 s lifetime should be detected but none are seen. The spatial frequency of occurrence shows a maximum near latitudes of 40–50°, but otherwise their sites seem to be randomly distributed. There is enough mass in the explosive events that they could make a substantial contribution to the solar wind. It is hard to explain the heating of typical quiet structures by the release of energy in explosive events.  相似文献   

During the summer and fall of 1971, Doppler spectroheliograms were obtained for several sunspots located near the solar limb. These observations confirm a previous result based on the study of only a few sunspots that in the plage-free photosphere surrounding sunspots the spatially-averaged, horizontal flow tends to be outward at 0.5–1.0 km s–1 for distances typically 10000–20000 km beyond the outer boundary of the penumbra. It is suggested that these material motions are the means by which small-scale fragments of magnetic flux are carried away from sunspots.Operated by the Association of Universities for Research in Astronomy, Inc., under contract with the National Science Foundation.  相似文献   

Seismic refraction data, obtained at the Apollo 14 and 16 sites, when combined with other lunar seismic data, allow a compressional wave velocity profile of the lunar near-surface and crust to be derived. The regolith, although variable in thickness over the lunar surface, possesses surprisingly similar seismic properties. Underlying the regolith at both the Apollo 14 Fra Mauro site and the Apollo 16 Descartes site is low-velocity brecciated material or impact derived debris. Key features of the lunar seismic velocity profile are: (i) velocity increases from 100–300 m s–1 in the upper 100 m to 4 km s–1 at 5 km depth, (ii) a more gradual increase from 4 km s–1 to 6 km s–1 at 25 km depth, (iii) a discontinuity at a depth of 25 km and (iv) a constant value of 7 km s–1 at depths from 25 km to about 60 km. The exact details of the velocity variation in the upper 5 to 10 km of the Moon cannot yet be resolved but self-compression of rock powders cannot duplicate the observed magnitude of the velocity change and the steep velocity-depth gradient. Other textural or compositional changes must be important in the upper 5 km of the Moon. The only serious candidates for the lower lunar crust are anorthositic or gabbroic rocks.Paper dedicated to Professor Harold C. Urey on the occasion of his 80th birthday on 29 April, 1973.  相似文献   

Self-consistent simulations of seven groups of galaxies with halos have been performed to find a constraint upon the size of missing halos around spiral galaxies. An initial galaxy, which consists of 100 superstars, has half-mass radius 41 kpc and central velocity dispersion 235 km s–1. The simulations start from the epoch of maximum expansion. The initial conditions involve a variety of spatial distributions of galaxies, and the velocity dispersion of galaxies as would be permitted for maximum expansion. Dense groups having collapse times shorter than (2/3)H 0 –1 are shown to form multiple mergers in a Hubble timeH 0 –1 . From a comparison of the frequencies of cD galaxies, or multiple mergers, in observed and simulated groups, it is concluded that the effective radius of missing halos is less than 41 kpc.Paper presented at the IAU Third Asian-Pacific Regional Meeting, held in Kyoto, Japan, between 30 September–6 October, 1984.  相似文献   

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