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Spatiotemporal characteristics of interannual temperature variations in the Tsushima Strait are investigated on the basis of historical hydrographic data applying the same procedures as Senjyu et al. (2006). Empirical orthogonal function (EOF) analysis revealed that the most energetic mode of variation (the EOF first mode), which accounts for about 31.5% of the total variance, is the in-phase temperature change for the entire strait. The wintertime temperature variation described by the first mode is associated with the wintertime heat flux in the northern East China Sea, while they are poorly correlated in other seasons. The large standard deviation in the time coefficient of the first mode in August suggests a relationship with the horizontal heat advection in summer in the northern East China Sea. On the other hand, the EOF second mode, which explains about 12.6% of the total variance, is associated with the stratification and baroclinicity in the strait. The time coefficient of the EOF second mode negatively correlates with the baroclinic volume transport through the strait in summer. Comparison of temporal variations among the leading EOF modes for temperature and salinity shows no significant correlations. This indicates that the principal modes of variation in temperature and salinity vary independently within an interannual timescale.  相似文献   

Transient,seasonal and interannual variability of the Taiwan Strait current   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
We have constructed a fine-resolution model with realistic bathymetry to study the spatial and temporal variations of circulation in the Taiwan Strait (TS). The TS model with a resolution of 3~10 km derives its open boundary conditions from a larger-scale model. The QSCAT/NCEP winds and AVHRR SST provide forcing at the sea surface. Because of the high resolution in model grids and forcing, the model achieves a previously unavailable level of agreement with most observations. On biweekly time scales surface-trapped current reversals often lead to Strait transport reversals if the northeasterly wind bursts in winter are sufficiently strong. On seasonal time scales the northward current is the strongest in summer since both summer monsoon and pressure gradient force are northward. The summer northward current appears to be relatively unimpeded by the Changyun Rise (CYR) and bifurcates slightly near the surface. With the arrival of the northeast monsoon in fall, downwind movement of China Coastal Water (CCW) is blocked by the northward current near 25.5°N and 120°E. In winter, the northward current weakens even more as the northeasterly monsoon strengthens. The CCW moves downwind along the western boundary; the CYR blocks part of the CCW and forces a U-shaped flow pattern in the northern Strait. Past studies have failed to reveal an anticyclonic eddy that develops on the northern flank of CYR in winter. On interannual time scales a weakened northeast monsoon during El Niño reduces advection of the cold CCW from the north and enhances intrusion of warm water from the south, resulting in warming in the TS.  相似文献   

基于1982-2016年的OISST资料分析了西-亚北极锋(The Western Subarctic front,WSAF;37°N-45°N,146°E-152°E)强度与位置的季节及年际变化特征,结果表明:冬季WSAF强度最大,平均位置最靠南;夏季WSAF强度最小,平均位置最靠北;春秋两季WSAF强度、平均位置相当,位于冬夏之间;1982-2016年,WSAF强度逐渐增强,分布位置逐渐缓慢南移;各季节WSAF强度最大值稳定位于149°E附近,WSAF平均位置自西向东不断北移。在此基础上,分析了不同季节WSAF强度与黑潮-亲潮交汇区(The Kuroshio-Oyashio Confluence Region,KOCR)内水体性质的关系:KOCR内黑潮水特征显著时WSAF强度小,黑潮水特征不显著时WSAF强度大;利用EOF分析探寻了WSAF强度年际变化与KOCR内海温的关系:不同季节内WSAF年际变化与KOCR内海温相关性不显著,春、夏、秋季,随着KOCR内海温升高,WSAF强度减弱,而冬季WSAF强度随KOCR内海温升高而增强。  相似文献   

The character of the water exchange in the Denmark Strait for the period of 1958–2006 is studied based on the results of the numerical experiments using the model of the ocean circulation developed at the Institute of Numerical Mathematics of the Russian Academy of Sciences with a resolution of 0.25 degrees in latitude and longitude with 27 vertical levels. The calculations were performed for the North Atlantic area from 30° S, including the Arctic Ocean and the Bering Sea. The width of the Denmark Strait at 66° N is about 650 km, and the depth is approximately 550 m. The fields of the temperature, salinity, and density and the components of the current velocities were simulated. In this period, the average overflow of dense waters with the conventional potential density σ0 > 27.80 to the North Atlantic through the Denmark Strait was 1.86 ± 0.96 Sv, and, for the nearbottom and intermediate waters with σ0 > 27.50, it was 3.84 ± 1.31 Sv. The maximum values of the overflow transport through the strait were recorded in 1962, 1972, 1983, 1990, and 2000. Exactly these years showed the highest values of the North Atlantic oscillation (NAO) index. This fact confirms the domination of the decadal variability of the hydrogeological processes in the North Atlantic. The model section of the current velocity through the strait showed the occurrence of at least four well marked jets that vertically occupy the entire sectional area from the surface to the bottom. The two jets divided by a northward jet at the strait’s middle move southward along the Greenland slope. The northward current along Iceland is also identified. This structure of the currents is also supported by the analysis of the observed variability of the absolute topography of the ocean’s surface.  相似文献   

吕宋海峡水交换季节和年际变化特征的数值模拟研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用ROMS(Regional Ocean Modeling System)建立了一套覆盖西北太平洋的涡尺度分辨率环流模型,并对吕宋海峡附近的环流进行了模拟研究。结果表明,吕宋海峡120.75°E断面净流量季节变化显著,全年均为西向输运,6月份达到最小,为0.40×106 m3/s,然后逐渐增大,在12月份达到最大,为6.14×106 m3/s,全年平均流量为3.04×106 m3/s。在500 m以浅,秋、冬季都有明显的黑潮流套存在,并伴有黑潮分支入侵南海,而春、夏季黑潮南海分支减弱或消失,黑潮入侵不明显。在500 m以深,冬、春季,吕宋海峡以东有非常明显的南向流存在,流速约10 cm/s,而到了夏、秋季该南向流出现明显的减弱,黑潮与南海的水交换主要通过吕宋海峡以北的吕宋海沟进行。在垂向结构上,120.75°E断面浅层呈多流核结构,并且流核的位置和强弱受黑潮的季节性变化影响显著,深层流的季节变化不大。在年际尺度方面,吕宋海峡年际体积输运量异常与Niño3.4滞后6个月相关系数达到41.6%,吕宋海峡水交换与ENSO现象有较为显著的正相关关系,并存在2~3 a和准8 a周期的年际变化。  相似文献   

Coupled modeling of currents and wind waves in the Kerch Strait   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We present a numerical model of the dynamics of the Kerch Strait allowing one to perform the coordinated analysis of the fields of currents and wind waves. The model includes the spectral wave module and the hydrodynamic block of currents. The influence of waves on the currents is taken into account in the hydrodynamic block both via the surface and bottom tangential stresses and via the radiation stresses. In order to take into account the inverse influence of currents upon the waves, we use the fields of currents and sea level from the hydrodynamic block in the wave module. The specific features of the structure of currents and wind waves in the strait are studied for the typical wave situations. The results of the coupled and separate simulation are compared and the importance of taking into account the mechanisms of interaction between waves and currents in the analysis of the dynamic processes in the strait is demonstrated. __________ Translated from Morskoi Gidrofizicheskii Zhurnal, No. 5, pp. 3–20, September–October, 2007.  相似文献   

The connectivity between the interannual salinity variations in the Tsushima and Cheju Straits has been investigated on the basis of historical hydrographic data. Salinity in the Cheju Strait correlates positively with that in the western channel of the Tsushima Strait, but does not show a significant correlation with that in the eastern channel. Empirical orthogonal function (EOF) and singular value decomposition (SVD) analyses of temperature and salinity in the Cheju Strait revealed that salinity in the strait is associated with the cold bottom water in summer. Drastic freshening in the Cheju Strait occurs in a period when the Cheju Current intensifies. The results allow us to hypothesize that the mechanism of interannual salinity variations in the Cheju Strait and western channel of the Tsushima Strait is as follows. The intrusion of cold bottom water into the Cheju Strait in summer intensifies the Cheju Current by increasing the baroclinicity. Since colder bottom water develops a stronger eastward surface current, the larger volume of the Changjiang diluted water is drawn into the strait, which results in a lower salinity condition in the Cheju Strait. As the water in the Cheju Strait flows into the western channel of the Tsushima Strait, salinity in the western channel varies synchronously. This hypothesis is supported by SVD analysis of temperature in the Cheju Strait and salinity in the Tsushima Strait. The salinity condition in the East China Sea is suggested to be another important influence on salinity in the western channel of the Tsushima Strait.  相似文献   

The problem of the numerical analysis of currents in the Kerch Strait is studied within the framework of a linear nonstationary two-dimensional model in the nondivergent approximation. We describe the actual situation when the motion is induced by a breeze against the background of the daily average northeast wind. The breeze is specified as acting in a narrow coastal strip and can be classified as a zonal wind. The variations of circulation near the Tuzla Island are studied in detail. It is shown that the contribution of the breeze circulation to the total circulation can be significant for the explanation of the processes running in the Kerch Strait. __________ Translated from Morskoi Gidrofizicheskii Zhurnal, No. 6, pp. 16–27, November–December, 2007.  相似文献   

Data from the first systematic survey of inorganic carbon parameters on a global scale, the GEOSECS program, are compared with those collected during WOCE/JGOFS to study the changes in carbon and other geochemical properties, and anthropogenic CO2 increase in the Atlantic Ocean from the 1970s to the early 1990s. This first data-based estimate of CO2 increase over this period was accomplished by adjusting the GEOSECS data set to be consistent with recent high-quality carbon data. Multiple Linear Regression (MLR) and extended Multiple Linear Regression (eMLR) analyses to these carbon data are applied by regressing DIC with potential temperature, salinity, AOU, silica, and PO4 in three latitudinal regions for the western and eastern basins in the Atlantic Ocean. The results from MLR (and eMLR provided in parentheses) indicate that the mean anthropogenic CO2 uptake rate in the western basin is 0.70 (0.53) mol m?2 yr?1 for the region north of 15°N; 0.53 (0.36) mol m?2 yr?1 for the equatorial region between 15°N and 15°S; and 0.83 (0.35) mol m?2 yr?1 in the South Atlantic south of 15°S. For the eastern basin an estimate of 0.57 (0.45) mol m?2 yr?1 is obtained for the equatorial region, and 0.28 (0.34) mol m?2 yr?1 for the South Atlantic south of 15°S. The results of using eMLR are systematically lower than those from MLR method in the western basin. The anthropogenic CO2 increase is also estimated in the upper thermocline from salinity normalized DIC after correction for AOU along the isopycnal surfaces. For these depths the results are consistent with the CO2 uptake rates derived from both MLR and eMLR methods.  相似文献   

南海北部表层颗粒有机碳的季节和年际变化遥感分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
海洋颗粒有机碳(POC)是海洋固碳的一个关键参数。为了研究南海北部陆架及海盆表层POC浓度的时空分布特征以及变化趋势,本文利用2009-2011年4个季节的实测数据,对NASA发布的MODIS/AQUA卫星月平均POC遥感产品,进行了验证和校正;并利用校正后的遥感数据分析了2003-2014年POC的时空分布特征和变化趋势。发现POC遥感产品与南海北部实测数据具有较好的线性关系(R2=0.72),但存在系统性偏高,需利用实测数据对遥感数据进行区域性校正。分析校正后的遥感数据发现,南海北部陆架POC浓度较高,平均为(33.34±8.02)mg/m3;吕宋海峡西南海域浓度较低,平均为(29.25±6.20)mg/m3;中央海盆区浓度最低,平均为(27.02±4.84)mg/m3。春夏季POC浓度较低,最低值一般出现在5月,冬季(12月至翌年1月)POC浓度达到最高。利用2003-2014年的长时间序列遥感叶绿素(Chl a)和海表温度(SST)、混合层深度(MLD)模式数据,以及实测数据对南海北部POC浓度的影响机制进行了分析。发现POC与Chl a在秋冬呈现较好的相关关系(R2=0.51),但在春夏季较离散,表明秋冬季生物作用对POC影响较大。2003-2014年期间,POC与Chl a、MLD及SST存在明显的年际变化,但并没有显著的上升或下降趋势。  相似文献   

On the basis of the archival hydrological data, recently accumulated data of buoy profilometers, and the array of satellite data on sea-surface temperature, we estimate the interannual variability of the renewal of waters of the cold intermediate layer in the Black Sea for the last two decades. We propose a procedure of estimation of the intensity of renewal of waters for this layer according to the data on sea-surface temperature in the winter period without taking into account the vertical profiles of temperature. It is indicated that the last 50 yr are characterized by the alternation of periods with different intensities of ventilation of the upper layer of the sea. We analyze the correlations between the temperature of waters of the cold intermediate layer and the winter temperature of air (according to the data of meteorological stations located on the north coast of the Black Sea) and the level of salinity in the surface layer of the sea. The role played by the last factor is emphasized.  相似文献   

The analysis of the macroalgae distribution along the salinity gradient in the Azov Sea, the Kerch strait, and Taman Bay during the summer allowed finding two macroalgae complexes. The first complex (brackish) is formed by algae belonging to the Enteromorpha, Cladophora, Rhizoclonium, and Chaetomorpha genera in the Taganrog Gulf. The second complex (marine) with dominating algae belonging to the Enteromorpha, Chaetomorpha, Ceramium, and Polysiphonia inhabits the littoral part of the Azov Sea itself, the Kerch Strait, and Taman Bay. The saprobe analysis of the flora showed that the majority of macroalgae species inhabiting the Azov Sea are represented by meso- and polysaprobes and a small number of oligosaprobe species inhabit the Kerch Strait. The biggest species diversity of macroalgae was noted in the southwestern part of the sea; the value of Shannon’s index was 0.65 in the Taganrog Gulf, 1.04 in the Azov Sea, 1.38 in Taman Bay. The leading role in the littoral communities of Taganrog Gulf belongs to aquatic flowering plants with Potamogeton perfoliatus being dominant; as the salinity increases, the share of such species as P. pectinatus, Zostera marina, Z. noltii, Ruppia maritime, and Zannichellia major starts to increase.  相似文献   

2005年7月在台湾海峡南部发现花水母亚纲(Anthomedusae Haeckel,1879)筒螅水母科(Tubulariidae Fleming,1828)刺泳水母属(Plotocnide Wagner,1885)1个新种——台湾刺泳水母(Plotocnixie taiwanensissp.nov.)和软水母亚纲(Leptomedusae Haeckel,1866)和平水母科(EirenidaeHaeckel,1879)伊能水母属(Irenium Haeckel,1879)1个新种——多手伊能水母(Irenium polynenumsp.nov.).  相似文献   

JGOFS-KERFIX (KERguelen point FIXe) time-series station, located south of the polar front in the Indian sector of the Antarctic Ocean, was occupied monthly between January 1990 and March 1995. Annual cycles of dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC), total alkalinity (TALK), oxygen (O2) and nutrients (nitrate, silicate, phosphate and ammonia) in the upper ocean are presented for this site. From seasonal drawdown of nutrients and DIC, we estimate a spring–summer net community production of 3.2±0.5 mol m−2 and C/N/P ratios of 100/16/1. The Si/N ratio varies between 1.8 and 3, suggesting low iron concentrations. The spring–summer biogenic silicon export derived from silicate drawdown is 1.18 mol m−2, consistent with model estimates of silicate export at this site. Seasonal and interannual variations of oxygen, nitrate and DIC due to physical and biological processes are quantified using a simple month-to-month budget formulation. From these budgets, an annual net community production of 5.7±3.3 mol m−2 yr−1 is estimated, about twice the averaged spring–summer production, indicating that, at KERFIX, there is a positive net community production throughout the year. Air–sea CO2 fluxes show that KERFIX is a strong CO2 sink for the atmosphere of 2.4–5.1 mol m−2 yr−1 in 1993, depending on the gas exchange formulation used. A 2.1–3.3 mol m−2 yr−1 outgassing of O2 is observed at KERFIX except in 1993 and 1994 where a decreasing trend of temperature induces an increase of O2 solubility.  相似文献   

The climatic trends and basic features of seasonal variations in and anomalies of the concentration of methane in the atmospheric surface layer are considered on the basis of the current notion of the processes that form the global field of methane in the Earth’s atmosphere. Measurement data on the surface concentration of methane, which were obtained in Moscow and at a number of observation stations in Europe and Siberia in the fall-winter period of the first decade of the 21st century, have been analyzed. It is shown that, in the anomalously warm winter months of 2006/2007, the concentration of methane in the atmosphere over Moscow was higher than in the previous and following years. The excess concentration of methane amounted to 10% in March 2007, which is higher than the mean range of seasonal variations in the monthly mean concentration of surface methane. A comparison between the data obtained in Moscow and the data obtained at three stations of the NOAA global monitoring network and at three Russian Hydrometeorological Research Center stations shows the high spatial variability of the methane concentration in the atmosphere over northern Eurasia. The complex and multifactor processes that determine the content of methane in the atmospheric surface layer result in noticeable spatial and interannual deviations from the mean seasonal cycle of its concentration, which can manifest themselves on both regional and global scales. It is possible that the resumed increase in the content of methane in the Earth’s atmosphere recorded in 2007 (after its relative stabilization in the early 2000s) at the global monitoring network was also caused, to some extent, by the anomalously warm winter of 2006–2007 in northern Europe and western Siberia.  相似文献   

The multiple-parameter linear regression method (Monitoring global ocean carbon inventories. Ocean Observing System Development Panel, Texas A&M University, College Station, TX, 1995, 54pp; Global Biogeochem. Cycles 13 (1999) 179) is used to compare inorganic carbon data from the GEOSECS CO2 survey in the Pacific Ocean in 1973 to the WOCE/JGOFS global CO2 survey in the 1990s. A model of total dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC) as a function of five variables (AOU, θ, S, Si, and PO4) has been developed from the recent CO2 survey data (namely CGC91 and CGC96) in the Pacific Ocean. After correcting for a systematic DIC offset of −30.3±7 μmol kg−1 from the GEOSECS data, the residual DIC based on this model as computed from GEOSECS data has been used to estimate the anthropogenic CO2 penetration in the Pacific Ocean. In the Northeast Pacific, we obtained an increase of CO2 of 21.3±7.9 mol m−2 over the period from GEOSECS in 1973 to CGC91 in 1991. This gives a mean anthropogenic CO2 uptake rate of 1.3±0.5 mol m−2 yr−1 over this 17 year time period. In the South Pacific, north of 50°S between 180° and 120°W region, the integrated anthropogenic CO2 inventory is estimated to be 19.7±5.7 mol m−2 over the period from GEOSECS in 1974 to CGC96 in 1996. The equivalent mean CO2 uptake rate is estimated to be 0.9±0.3 mol m−2 yr−1 over the 22 years. These results are compared with the isopycnal method (Nature 396 (1998) 560) to estimate the anthropogenic CO2 signal in the Northeast Pacific (30°N, 152°W) at the crossover region between CGC91 and GEOSECS. The results of the isopycnal method are consistent with those derived from the MLR method. Both methods show an increase in anthropogenic CO2 inventory in the ocean over two decades that is consistent with the increase expected if the ocean uptake has kept pace with the atmospheric CO2 increase.  相似文献   

台湾海峡生态系统对海洋环境年际变动的响应分析   总被引:13,自引:2,他引:13  
通过比较1985~2001年的海表温度与其间收集的现场营养盐、浮游植物和浮游动物丰度及群落结构变动信号,以及1971~1998年的中上层鱼类渔获量变动信息,发现了台湾海峡生态系统对物理环境年际变动产生的响应迹象.1997 年夏季台湾海峡处于偏冷状态,南部近岸上升流强度减弱;1997年冬季正值一个较强的暖事件发展到顶峰,北上入侵暖水强度增强、浙闽沿岸冷水强度减弱.导致这两个时期营养盐分布特征改变,发生了一系列从浮游植物到浮游动物,从生物量到群落结构的异常响应,暖水性中上层鱼类渔获量则似乎呈现出El Niño年偏高的趋势.根据有限的辅助证据推测,El Niño很可能不是控制台湾海峡海洋环境年际变动的强信号,而台湾海峡的气候海洋生态长期低频变动可能更多地受到东亚季风中国边缘海系统的控制.  相似文献   

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