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西安翠华山山崩地质遗迹及资源评价   总被引:24,自引:6,他引:24  
吴成基  彭永祥 《山地学报》2001,19(4):359-362
西安翠华山山崩地质遗迹被举为“中国山崩奇观”,该山崩遗迹成因特殊、规模壮观、体量巨大、形态保存完整、景观奇特。在分析了山崩产生的构造、岩性和地貌等条件的基础上探讨了山崩形成的过程,认为历史时期的多次地震和强降水是山崩产生的重要触发因素,评价了山崩地质遗迹的资源特点,阐述了其在科学研究、科普教育和旅游方面的重要价值。  相似文献   

陕西西安翠华山地质景观遗迹成因探析   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
翠华山国家地质公园位于西安市南郊,包括水湫池、甘湫池和大坪三个景区。新的实地调查发现,甘湫池景区是一座罕见的古基岩滑坡,具有古滑坡可观察的景观形态特征,甘湫池不足堰塞湖,而是古滑坡形成的拉张洼地;水湫池堰塞坝的沉积物具有典型的“泥砾”结构,在形态特征上属于粘性重力流的碎屑流堆积;其坝体的形成与景区现有崩塌堆积无关;从空间分布和层序关系来看,景区内现有的崩塌砾石均堆积在古滑坡和泥石流堆积之上,由于各处具有不同的形态和结构特征,应具有成因的多样性和时间的多期性。  相似文献   

近日,由中国科学院院士刘嘉麒和德国波茨坦地学研究中心两位教授组成的地质科考组到阿尔山考察了驼峰岭天池、天山天池、杜鹃湖、地池、燕山等火山、湖泊地质地貌,并根据地质地貌的不同提取火山岩样品,收获了三枚火山弹。刘嘉麒是中国科学院地质与地球物理研究所研究员、中科院院士,他是第一个把玛珥湖概念引入中国的科学  相似文献   

山西湿地资源及可持续利用研究   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
张峰  上官铁梁 《地理研究》1999,18(4):420-427
山西湿地主要地各河流流域、湖泊和水库及周围地区,主要由河口(内陆)湿地、充湿地1湖泊湿地、水库湿地和沼泽及草甸湿地等组成总面积经久2146km^2。山西湿地有着丰富的自然资源,包括:(1)生物资源有植物1209种,其中野大豆为国家3级保护植物;资源植物7类,其中饲草植物蕴藏量最大;植被资源有70个群系,以 一植物群落占绝对优势;动物455种,其中国家1.2缘保护动物17种,鱼类资源70种。(2)土  相似文献   

长白山天池水化学   总被引:7,自引:4,他引:3  
长白山自然保护区是目前我国最大的自然保护区,也是国际生物圈保留地网之组成部分。长白山是一座休火山,在火山锥体的顶部中央处,有一地势凹陷的火山口,积水成湖,这就是驰名中外的长白山天池。天池是中朝两国界湖,也是我国东北海拔最高的湖泊。至今基本未受人类生产活动的直接影响。湖水的化学组成状况主要受控于自然因素,因此,开展天池水化学组成的研究,对于森林生态、环境保护、地质找矿,以及表生带化学元素迁移途径和机理的阐明等都具有十分重要的意义。  相似文献   

郭振宇  鲁爱华 《地理教学》2011,(18):40-44,5
一、课标解读 1.学习内容 (1)水是地理环境组成要素之一。地球上的水主要包括大气水、陆地水和海洋水三部分,其中可以被人们开发利用的水称之为水资源。陆地水体类型有很多,主要包括地表水和地下水。河流水、冰川水、湖泊水、沼泽水等都是典型的地表水。地表水这部分知识重点要抓住各种水体之间的补给关系以及河流水的特征这两个核心知识点。地下水包括潜水和承压水,第一个隔水层是潜水和承压水的分界线,潜水位线、承压水位线、承压水补给区是这部分的重要知识点。  相似文献   

长白山天池区是松花江、鸭绿江、图们江的发源地,也是全国著名的旅游胜地。研究结合天池区地形地貌条件以及特殊的地质岩性和环状-放射状断裂构造特征,分析了天池水循环条件和水动力特征,明确了环状断裂构造的水力“消峰”作用和放射状断裂的导水作用,论证了天池补给区的地下水分水岭外扩的可能性。在天池区水循环与水动力条件分析的基础上,基于天池区2003—2020年气象水文监测数据,利用水均衡法对天池水量平衡进行了计算分析,结果显示,天池区的降水条件可以维持天池的水量平衡,距离环天池地表分水岭外侧高程850~2 200 m范围内的大气降水可以维持天池年排泄量3 600万m3的水量平衡,水量平衡区对应的地表高程平均高于天池水面(2 189.7 m)约125 m。  相似文献   

堰塞湖(dammed lake)是由火山熔岩流,冰碛物或由地震活动等原因引起山崩滑坡体等堵截山谷,河谷或河床后贮水而形成的湖泊。由火山熔岩流堵截而形成的湖泊又称为熔岩堰塞湖。  相似文献   

分析了现有灾异史料所覆盖时段(1803-1958年)西藏水灾的时空变化特征。研究指出:①1803-1958年,西藏水灾发生(县)次数波动比较大;19世纪40-80年代为西藏的水灾多发期;1924、1954年为严重水灾发生年;②西藏水灾空间分布差异显著,主要分布在“一江两河”地区。其中,日喀则、山南地区的水灾(县)次最多,其次为拉萨市、林芝地区,昌都、阿里、那曲地区则水灾发生相对较少;③高强度的持续降水为西藏水灾发生的关键诱导因子,河流暴涨、漫溢、改道为重要媒体,山崩、雪崩、山洪及泥石流等要素为特定地貌条件下的主要致灾因子,雹灾、地水上涌等也是不容忽视的致灾因子;④19世纪40-80年代西藏气候湿润。  相似文献   

南极乔治王岛化石山剖面的化石山组主要由沉积火山碎屑岩(包括沉火山角砾岩和沉凝灰岩)组成,上部夹正常沉积岩和两层薄煤层,形成从粗到细的两个沉积旋回,第1旋回的沉火山然砾岩和沉凝灰岩由不同粒级的火山岩屑,斜长石屑和细火山基质组成,火山碎屑物质含量在90%以上,沉积特征显示从火山碎屑流(?)到低密度流堆积性质,其中第1,2层沉凝灰岩受强烈的沸石化(浊沸石和方沸石)作用,而泥级沉凝灰岩夹层的细火山尘物质多  相似文献   

Chun-Hung Wu  Su-Chin Chen   《Geomorphology》2009,112(3-4):190-204
This work provides a landslide susceptibility assessment model for rainfall-induced landslides in Central Taiwan based on the analytical hierarchy process method. The model considers rainfall and six site factors, including slope, geology, vegetation, soil moisture, road development and historical landslides. The rainfall factor consists of 10-day antecedent rainfall and total rainfall during a rainfall event. Landslide susceptibility values are calculated for both before and after the beginning of a rainfall event. The 175 landslide cases with detailed field surveys are used to determine a landslide-susceptibility threshold value of 9.0. When a landslide susceptibility assessment value exceeds the threshold value, slope failure is likely to occur. Three zones with different landslide susceptibility levels (below, slightly above, and far above the threshold) are identified. The 9149 landslides caused by Typhoon Toraji in Central Taiwan are utilized to validate the study's result. Approximately, 0.2%, 0.4% and 15.3% of the typhoon-caused landslides are located in the three landslide susceptibility zones, respectively. Three villages with 6.6%, 0.4% and 4.9% of the landslides respectively are used to validate the accuracy of the landslide susceptibility map and analyze the main causes of landslides. The landslide susceptibility assessment model can be used to evaluate susceptibility relative to accumulated rainfall, and is useful as an early warning and landslide monitoring tool.  相似文献   

数字地形分析在滑坡研究中的应用综述   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
高效的数字地形分析(Digital Terrain Analysis,DTA)是滑坡预测与评估研究的重要手段。文章综述了DTA在滑坡研究中的应用现状,基本内容包括地形因子分析、地形形态分析、地形单元划分以及DEM与滑坡模型的结合分析。地形因子分析的应用多而广,主要思路是在地形因子与滑坡发育的关系研究基础上分析其滑坡敏感性,进而构建滑坡预测和评估模型;地形形态分析是滑坡识别的重要手段,加强地貌形态和滑坡发育的关系研究有助于对潜在滑坡地形的识别;地形单元划分能为滑坡研究提供统计和分析单元;DEM与滑坡专业模型的结合方式多样,程度各异。同时,从尺度选择与转换的角度探讨了DTA滑坡研究的尺度问题,分析了DTA的局限性,指出DEM不能提供完备无误的地形信息,DTA不能完全取代常规的地形分析。最后,基于以上论述对未来的研究趋势提出了展望。  相似文献   

During the last decade, slope failures were reported in a 500 km2 study area in the Geba–Werei catchment, northern Ethiopia, a region where landslides were not considered an important hazard before. Field observations, however, revealed that many of the failures were actually reactivations of old deep-seated landslides after land use changes. Therefore, this study was conducted (1) to explore the importance of environmental factors controlling landslide occurrence and (2) to estimate future landslide susceptibility. A landslide inventory map of the study area derived from aerial photograph interpretation and field checks shows the location of 57 landslides and six zones with multiple landslides, mainly complex slides and debris flows. In total 14.8% of the area is affected by an old landslide. For the landslide susceptibility modelling, weights of evidence (WofE), was applied and five different models were produced. After comparison of the models and spatial validation using Receiver Operating Characteristic curves and Kappa values, a model combining data on elevation, hillslope gradient, aspect, geology and distance to faults was selected. This model confirmed our hypothesis that deep-seated landslides are located on hillslopes with a moderate slope gradient (i.e. 5°–13°). The depletion areas are expected on and along the border of plateaus where weathered basalts rich in smectite clays are found, and the landslide debris is expected to accumulate on the Amba Aradam sandstone and upper Antalo limestone. As future landslides are believed to occur on inherently unstable hillslopes similar to those where deep-seated landslides occurred, the classified landslide susceptibility map allows delineating zones where human interventions decreasing slope stability might cause slope failures. The results obtained demonstrate that the applied methodology could be used in similar areas where information on the location of landslides is essential for present-day hazard analysis.  相似文献   

为探究哈尼梯田世界文化景观遗产地核心区滑坡灾害时空分布规律,以Google Earth 0.55 m分辨率的2005、2009、2015年3期遥感影像为基础,结合实地走访调查,建立滑坡数据库,在ArcGIS 10.2平台上计算滑坡点的最邻近指数、K函数曲线及密度分布。结果显示:1)哈尼梯田遗产核心区2005、2009、2015年的滑坡数量分别为184、337和285个,对应最邻近指数为0.556、0.603、0.628;最显著聚集的空间尺度为1 000 m,从聚集向离散分布转变的空间尺度阈值分别为2.9、3.9、3.6 km。2)3个年份滑坡点高密度区占比逐渐增加(2.3%→5.8%→8.3%),中密度区占比亦逐渐增大(15.7%→21.8%→27.9%),低密度区占比逐渐减小(82.0%→72.5%→66.8%)。3)需要重点防范滑坡灾害风险的区域为森林区的西段和东段,村寨区的多依树、硐浦、勐品、水卜龙等地,以及阿勐控河和碧猛河流域内的梯田区。综上,研究区2005-2015年滑坡空间格局发生了显著变化,随着人类活动对地表景观干预程度不断加大,滑坡灾害风险增加了更多的不确定性。  相似文献   

During previous work in the San Juan Mountains of Colorado, we observed that headwater (first-order) streams draining landslides were often characterized by the presence of beaver (Castor canadensis) dams whereas other headwater tributaries typically lacked evidence of beaver. Here, we hypothesize that hummocky landslide topography attracts beaver. To test the hypothesis, we examined 10 landslides and 11 adjacent headwater streams in the area, noting location, vegetation, elevation, and evidence of beaver activity, and then compared the landslide and non-landslide headwater streams using the G-test to determine whether or not variables were independent of one another. We reject the null hypothesis that beaver dam presence is unrelated to landslide deposits (p = 0.003). We further hypothesize that this relationship results from differences in stream gradient and concavity between landslide streams and other streams. We found streams on landslides to have a greater portion of their gradients below what geologic and ecologic literature suggests is a reasonable upper threshold (12%) for beaver dam maintenance. Additionally, streams on landslides are more concave. We conclude that the relationship between beaver presence and landslides results from a higher proportion of reaches below the 12% threshold and increased concavity of headwater streams on landslides.  相似文献   

滑坡危险度评价的地形判别法   总被引:10,自引:1,他引:10  
樊晓一  乔建平 《山地学报》2004,22(6):730-734
选取影响滑坡发育的坡度、坡形、坡向、坡体的相对高度和地形与地层产状的组合关系5个主要地形因素,结合三峡库区重点滑坡段(云阳-巫山)205个滑坡统计资料,利用地形判别法,对典型滑坡危险度进行评价。将各地形判别因子在区域滑坡发育上的贡献率作为评价典型滑坡危险度的评价值,利用层次分析法,建立典型滑坡危险度判别矩阵。将判别矩阵的归一化特征向量作为判别因子的权重,得到典型滑坡的危险度。通过建立典型滑坡危险度评价表,对滑坡进行有效的管理。此研究方法有效地避免了对评价因子赋值的主观性,并提出了对不同危险度等级的滑坡管理措施。  相似文献   

Active landslides are evident throughout Bridger-Teton National Forest (BTNF), and northwestern Wyoming has one of the highest landslide densities in the country. Land use changes and increased demands for infrastructure challenge BTNF personnel to better understand landslide processes in order to make informed land management decisions. Despite recent population growth in the region, research on landslide phenomena is lacking. In this study, soil and geomorphic properties related to landslide occurrence were studied at 18 landslides in the BTNF. Landslides were categorized as active or inactive based on geomorphic features. Landslide soil characteristics including texture, shrink-swell potential, clay mineralogy, and horizonation were compared on active and inactive landslides. The results indicate that soil characteristics related to the degree of soil formation are different on active and inactive landslides. Soil characteristics such as plasticity, shrink-swell potential, and clay mineralogy influence slope stability and were distinctly different on active and inactive landslides, especially in C horizons. This study shows that soil characteristics and slope geomorphic properties may be useful for assessing landslide frequency. Our results support a hypothesis that landslide occurrence in the BTNF is related to weathering of soil and unconsolidated material, which affects clay mineralogy.  相似文献   

Monitoring and assessment of landslide hazard is an important task for decision making and policy planning in the landslide area. Massive landslides, caused by the catastrophic Chi‐Chi earthquake in 1999, occurred in Central Taiwan, especially at Chiufenershan area in Nantou county. This study proposed two useful indicators coupled with the Self‐organizing map (SOM) neural network and the Preference Ranking Organization METHod for Enrichment Evaluations (PROMETHEE) technique to quickly extract accurate post‐quake landslides from multi‐temporal Système Probatoire de l'Observation de la Terre (SPOT) images. A GIS‐based system was developed to simplify and integrate the procedures such as image pre‐processing, the SOM training, the PROMETHEE calculation, landslide extraction and accuracy assessment. The evaluated result shows that the landslide area soon after the earthquake is 209.50 ha (Kappa coefficient 96.88%). Over seven years of vegetation recovery, the denudation area has declined to 112.64 ha (Kappa coefficient 90.64%). Most earthquake‐induced landslides could be restored by natural vegetation succession. The developed system is a useful decision‐making tool for landslide area planning.  相似文献   

地形对黄土高原滑坡的影响   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
高分辨率地形与影像数据的缺乏已成为研究地表现象、特征与过程的重要瓶颈。低成本无人机设备和摄影测量技术的发展,打开了地学领域获取高分辨率数据的大门,大大提高了地质灾害野外调查与灾害编目的精度与效率。本文通过无人机野外调查和遥感室内目视解译,构建了一个包含307个黄土滑坡属性的数据库。在此基础上,通过数字地形分析和数理统计等方法,总结归纳了黄土滑坡样本数据的分布规律,探讨了地形对黄土滑坡分布的影响,阐述了地形相对高差对最长滑动距离、滑坡周长、滑坡面积的影响,提出了基于传统经验公式拟合的滑坡规模快速预测公式。结果表明:① 滑坡规模—频率分布具有明显的规律性,不同最大长度、最大宽度和周长的黄土滑坡数量分布均呈现正偏态分布,而不同面积的滑坡数量分布则服从幂函数分布;② 地形对黄土滑坡发育控制作用明显,不同地形高差、平均坡度、坡形的斜坡单元滑坡发育数量差异较大;③ 地形相对高差与滑坡的最长滑距、周长和面积的拟合曲线很好地符合幂律分布规律,但不同地形区的拟合效果有所差异,黄土丘陵区拟合效果最好,黄土高原全区次之,黄土台塬区最差;④ 本文建立的黄土滑坡规模快速预测模型,为黄土滑坡灾害调查提供了经验公式支撑。  相似文献   

Landslide hazard mapping is a fundamental tool for disaster management activities in mountainous terrains. The main purpose of this study is to evaluate the predictive power of weights-of-evidence modelling in landslide hazard assessment in the Lesser Himalaya of Nepal. The modelling was performed within a geographical information system (GIS), to derive a landslide hazard map of the south-western marginal hills of the Kathmandu Valley. Thematic maps representing various factors (e.g., slope, aspect, relief, flow accumulation, distance to drainage, soil depth, engineering soil type, landuse, geology, distance to road and extreme one-day rainfall) that are related to landslide activity were generated, using field data and GIS techniques, at a scale of 1:10,000. Landslide events of the 1970s, 1980s, and 1990s were used to assess the Bayesian probability of landslides in each cell unit with respect to the causative factors. To assess the accuracy of the resulting landslide hazard map, it was correlated with a map of landslides triggered by the 2002 extreme rainfall events. The accuracy of the map was evaluated by various techniques, including the area under the curve, success rate and prediction rate. The resulting landslide hazard value calculated from the old landslide data showed a prediction accuracy of > 80%. The analysis suggests that geomorphological and human-related factors play significant roles in determining the probability value, while geological factors play only minor roles. Finally, after the rectification of the landslide hazard values of the new landslides using those of the old landslides, a landslide hazard map with > 88% prediction accuracy was prepared. The methodology appears to have extensive applicability to the Lesser Himalaya of Nepal, with the limitation that the model's performance is contingent on the availability of data from past landslides.  相似文献   

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