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The Nellore schist belt (NSB) is one of the prominent schist belts of southern India. It is thrust over an unmetamorphosed Proterozoic sedimentary sequence (Cuddapah Basin) in the west and in turn is overthrust by the Eastern Ghats Granulite Terrain (EGGT) in the east. Metamorphic grade has been considered to be either greenschist to amphibolite facies or else to show high- and low-grade groups of rocks. Detailed mineralogical and P, T studies on representative rock types across the high- to low-grade groups (metapelite and metadacite from the high- and low-grade groups respectively) near Vinjamuru reveal that there are high (M1) and medium (M2) grade metamorphic events. While metapelite documents both M1 and M2 events, metadacite shows only the M2 event, thus indicating the presence of high- and medium-grade groups of rocks in the NSB. The stable mineral assemblage during the early prograde part of M1 was Qtz+St1+Ms1+Pl1+Bt±Grt, which subsequently suffered high-grade metamorphic conditions (T∽715–765°C and P∽8·6–9·2 kbar) leading to the demise of St1 and melting of Ms1. In contrast, medium-grade metamorphism (M2) is characterized by the stable association of St2+Qz. Quantitative geothermobarometry suggests T=520–570°C and P=6·1-6·8 kbar, and these results show good consistency with the average P, T estimates obtained from the THERMOCALC program. This metamorphic episode is probably coeval with the 900 Ma granulite facies metamorphic event in the EGGT. The superimposition of M2 over M1 probably has led to widespread retrogression of the high-grade rocks to medium grade, thereby giving the general impression of a greenschist to amphibolite facies gradation. © 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Petrographic examinations and electron microprobe analyses of Proterozoic granitic rocks, SE Sweden aimed to characterize and unravel the mechanisms and conditions of plagioclase alterations. These alterations include saussuritization, albitization and replacement of plagioclase by K‐feldspar. The hydrothermal alterations, which are inferred to have occurred at ca. 250–400°C, resulted in concomitant formation of Al‐rich titanite, epidote, calcite, pumpellyite, prehnite and iron oxides. Replacement of plagioclase by K‐feldspar occurs in red‐stained zones, which have developed close to thin fractures owing to the precipitation of tiny Fe‐oxide pigment particles within the altered plagioclase, whereas saussuritized plagioclase has less systematic spatial relationships to these fractures. Albitization of plagioclase occurred in rocks that are poor in biotite compared to rocks that suffered extensive saussuritization. The chemical and textural characterization of various types of plagioclase alterations allows elucidation of the granitic hydrothermal systems. Features of feldspar alteration in the granitic rocks are similar to those encountered in feldspathic sandstones and should hence be considered in studies on diagenetic changes of siliciclastic successions during basin evolution. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Abstract Regional metamorphic rocks that form Late Palaeozoic subduction complexes in central Queensland, Australia, are products of two metamorphic episodes. Synaccretion metamorphism (M1) gave rise to prehnite-pumpellyite and greenschist facies rocks, whereas a subsequent episode (M2) at about 250 Ma formed upper greenschist to upper amphibolite facies rocks of both intermediate- and low-pressure type, probably in a compressive arc or back-arc setting. A similar pattern can be recognized for 1000 km along the New England Fold Belt, although at several localities, where higher grade rocks are exposed, metamorphism was essentially continuous over the M1-M2 interval, with a rapid rise in geothermal gradient at the end of accretion. Where out-stepping of tectonic elements has occurred at long-lived convergent margins elsewhere, similar overprinting of high- by lower-pressure facies series is anticipated, complicating the tectonic interpretation of metamorphism. The discrete character of metamorphic events may be blurred where conditions giving rise to a major episode of accretion and out-stepping are followed by the subduction of a major heat source.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Paragonite-bearing amphibolites occur interbedded with a garbenschist-micaschist sequence in the Austroalpine Schneeberg Complex, southern Tyrol. The mineral assemblage mainly comprises paragonite + Mg-hornblende/tschermakite + quartz + plagioclase + biotite + ankerite + Ti-phase + garnet ± muscovite. Equilibrium P–T conditions for this assemblage are 550–600°C and 8–10 kbar estimated from garnet–amphibole–plagioclase–ilmenite–rutile and Si contents of phengitic muscovites. In the vicinity of amphibole, paragonite is replaced by symplectitic chlorite + plagioclase + margarite +± biotite assemblages. Muscovite in the vicinity of amphibole reacts to form plagioclase + biotite + margarite symplectites. The reaction of white mica + hornblende is the result of decompression during uplift of the Schneeberg Complex. The breakdown of paragonite + hornblende is a water-consuming reaction and therefore it is controlled by the availability of fluid on the retrogressive P–T path. Paragonite + hornblende is a high-temperature equivalent of the common blueschist-assemblage paragonite + glaucophane in Ca-bearing systems and represents restricted P–T conditions just below omphacite stability in a mafic bulk system. While paragonite + glaucophane breakdown to chlorite + albite marks the blueschist/greenschist transition, the paragonite + hornblende breakdown observed in Schneeberg Complex rocks is indicative of a transition from epidote-amphibolite facies to greenschist facies conditions at a flatter P–T gradient of the metamorphic path compared to subduction-zone environments. Ar/Ar dating of paragonite yields an age of 84.5 ± 1 Ma, corroborating an Eoalpine high-pressure metamorphic event within the Austroalpine unit west of the Tauern Window. Eclogites that occur in the Ötztal Crystalline Basement south of the Schneeberg Complex are thought to be associated with this Eoalpine metamorphic event.  相似文献   

Hydration reactions are direct evidence of fluid–rock interaction during regional metamorphism. In this study, hydration reactions to produce retrograde actinolite in mafic schists are investigated to evaluate the controlling factors on the reaction progress. Mafic schists in the Sanbagawa belt contain amphibole coexisting with epidote, chlorite, plagioclase and quartz. Amphibole typically shows two types of compositional zoning from core to rim: barroisite → hornblende → actinolite in the high‐grade zone, and winchite → actinolite in the low‐grade zone. Both types indicate that amphibole grew during the exhumation stage of the metamorphic belt. Microstructures of amphibole zoning and mass‐balance relations suggest that: (1) the actinolite‐forming reactions proceeded at the expense of the preexisting amphibole; and (2) the breakdown reaction of hornblende consumed more H2O fluid than that of winchite, when one mole of preexisting amphibole was reacted. Reaction progress is indicated by the volume fraction of actinolite to total amphibole, Yact, with the following details: (1) reaction proceeded homogeneously in each mafic layer; (2) the extent of the hornblende breakdown reaction is commonly low (Yact < 0.5), but it increases drastically in the high‐grade part of the garnet zone (Yact > 0.7); and (3) the extent of the winchite breakdown reaction is commonly high (Yact > 0.7). Many microcracks are observed within hornblende, and the extent of hornblende breakdown reaction is correlated with the size reduction of the hornblende core. Brittle fracturing of hornblende may have enhanced retrograde reaction progress by increasing of influx of H2O and the surface area of hornblende. In contrast to high‐grade rocks, the winchite breakdown reaction is well advanced in the low‐grade rocks, where reaction progress is not associated with brittle fracturing of winchite. The high extent of the reaction in the low‐grade rocks may be due to small size of winchite before the reaction.  相似文献   

Eclogites of the Dabie Region: Retrograde Metamorphismand Fluid Evolution   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Based upon fluid effects, retrograde metamorphism of eclogites in the Dabie region can be divided into the fluid-poor, fluid-bearing and fluid-rich stages. The fluid-poor stage is marked by polymorphic inversion, recrystallization and exsolution of solid solutions, and is thought to represent eclogite-facies retrograde environments. The fluid-bearing stage is likely to have occurred at the late stage of ecologite-facies diaphthorosis and is represented by kyanite porphyroblasts, rutile, and sodic pyroxene in association with high-pressure hydrous minerals such as phengite and zoisite (clinozoisite) without significant amount of hydrous minerals such as amphibole, epidote and biotite. The fluid-rich stage might have commenced concomitantly with lower amphibolite-facies diaphthoresis and persisted all the way towards the near-surface environment. The product of this stage is characterized by plentiful hydrous and volatile-bearing phases.The dissemination-type rutile mineralizations in eclogites might have  相似文献   

大别山北部榴辉岩的退变质特征及其地质意义   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:3  
研究了大别山北部榴辉岩的变质岩岩石学。结果表明,该区榴辉岩相变质作用可分为早期(超高压)和晚期(高压)两个阶段,并在折返过程中形成了一系列特征性的退变质显微构造。其中,退变质结构主要包括:(1)由于压力降低而出溶形成的一些定向针状或叶片状矿物包裹体,如钠质单斜辉石中石英及石榴子石中的金红石、单斜辉石和磷灰石等;(2)冠状体或后成合晶,特别是石榴子石外围发育两期(“双层”)后成合晶;(3)反应边或退变边,如绿辉石的透辉石退变边、透辉石的角闪石退变边和金红石的钛铁矿退变边等。这些退变质结构为本区榴辉岩高级变质岩的快速折返过程和抬升历史提供了强有力的岩石学依据;石榴子石中针状矿物出溶体进一步证明研究区榴辉岩早期经历了超高压变质作用,峰期变质压力应大干4.0GPa,甚至可能达到5~7GPa或更高。  相似文献   

Robert F. Martin   《Lithos》2006,91(1-4):125-136
The origin of A-type granites and rhyolites are ultimately relatable to mantle-derived melts and fluids in a zone undergoing extension. The basaltic magmas are accompanied by an alkaline fluid phase, dominantly H2O + CO2, which will induce alkali metasomatism of the granulitic crust above. The distinctive mineralogy and geochemistry are thus a direct result of the tectonic environment of formation. Metaluminous and peralkaline granites are magmatic compositions that typically contain evidence of crust and mantle in their genetic baggage, but peraluminous A-type granites may well be caused by efficient loss of alkalis during epizonal degassing. A-type granites and rhyolites are members of a vast family of rift-related magmas that include those of syenitic, nepheline syenitic and carbonatitic character. The fluid phase at work is alkaline. It can carry a host of trace elements in solution, in particular the high-field-strength elements and the rare earths. It can fenitize and fertilize a refractory lower crust, and prepare the precursor for near-complete melting. Some examples of A-type granitic magma do arise by efficient fractional crystallization of a mantle-derived basaltic magma, with or without accompanying assimilation, but many arise by partial or complete melting of an alkali-metasomatized crust.  相似文献   

Vein-controlled retrograde infiltration of H2O-CO2 fluids into Dalradian epidote amphibolite facies rocks of the SW Scottish Highlands under greenschist facies conditions resulted in alteration of calcite-rich marble bands to dolomite and spatially associated 18O enrichment of about 10%. on a scale of metres. Fluid inclusion data indicate that the retrograde fluid was an H2O-salt mixture with a low CO2 content, and that the temperature of the fluid was about 400d? C. Detailed petrographic and textural (backscattered electron imaging) studies at one garnet-grade locality show that advection of fluid into marbles proceeded by a calcite-calcite grain edge flow mechanism, while alteration of non-carbonate wall-rock is associated with veinlets and microcracks. Stable isotopic analysis of carbonates from marble bands provides evidence for advection of isotopic fronts through carbonate wall-rocks perpendicular to dolomite veins, and fluid fluxes in the range 2.4–28.6 m3/m2 have been computed from measured advection distances. Coincidence of isotope and reaction fronts is considered to result from reaction-enhanced kinetics of isotope exchange at the reaction front. Front advection distances are related to the proportion of calcite to quartz in each marble band, with the largest advection distance occurring in nearly pure calcite matrix. This relationship indicates that fluid flow in carbonates is only possible along fluid-calcite-calcite grain edges. However, experimental constraints on dihedral angles in calcite-fluid systems require that pervasive infiltration occurred in response to calcite dissolution initiated at calcite-calcite grain junctions rather than to an open calcite pore geometry. The regional extent of the retrograde infiltration event has been documented from the high δ18O of dolomite-ankerite carbonates from veins and host-rocks over an area of least 50 × 50 km in the SW Scottish Highlands. Isotopically exotic 18O-rich retrograde fluids have moved rapidly upwards through the crust, inducing isotopic exchange and mineral reaction in wall-rocks only where lithology, pore geometry or mineral solubilities, pressure and temperature have been appropriate for pervasive infiltration to occur.  相似文献   

The metamorphic history of mafic exotic blocks from a tectonic melange zone within an allochthonous ophiolitic terrane (Marmora Terrane) of the Pan-African Gariep orogenic belt in south-western Namibia was studied, based on mineral parageneses and amphibole composition. Glaucophane described previously from these rocks could not be verified. Instead, two types of blue amphiboles were distinguished: (i) rims of (ferro-) edenitic to pargasitic to barroisitic hornblende composition around brownish amphibole phenocrysts replacing magmatic clinopyroxene, and (ii) deep blue porphyroblasts of magnesio-riebeckite with little ferro-glaucophane component in a highly metasomatized albite-rich rock. Textural and mineralogical evidence, particularly the existence of up to three different amphibole generations in metagabbro samples, supports a multiphase metamorphic history experienced by these exotic blocks. The first metamorphic event, M1, is interpreted as very low- P hydrothermal oceanic metamorphism that affected the igneous protoliths at up to amphibolite facies temperatures. Subsequent M2 metamorphism was syntectonic and is characterized by temperatures similar to those attained during M1 but higher pressures indicating burial to 15–20 km. This event is related to a subduction process. The third metamorphic event, M3, was low grade and of regional nature. It is the only one recorded in the sedimentary envelope of the exotic blocks. The formation of magnesio-riebeckite is considered a retrograde reaction at greenschist facies during M2. The results indicate that in the Gariep belt subduction and subsequent obduction have occurred, although blueschist facies metamorphism has not been reached.  相似文献   

羌塘中部高压变质带的退变质作用及其构造侵位   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
董永胜  李才  施建荣  王生云 《岩石学报》2009,25(9):2303-2309
羌塘中部的高压变质带主要由榴辉岩、石榴石白云母片岩和蓝片岩等组成,它们在遭受高压变质作用之后折返,构造侵位于晚古生代展金组地层中,二者以韧性变形带为接触边界.本文以高压变质带中的榴辉岩和韧性变形带为研究对象,讨论了高压变质带折返过程中的退变质作用特征及折返时代.研究表明,榴辉岩在高峰期变质作用之后的折返过程中经历了由榴辉岩相→蓝片岩相→绿帘角闪岩相的退变质作用演化过程;在高压变质带构造侵位过程形成的韧性变形带中,白云母石英片岩的白云母40Ar-39Ar坪年龄为219±2Ma.高压变质带在219Ma左右构造侵位于展金组地层中,并于214Ma之前最终抬升出露地表.  相似文献   

Abstract An analytical electron microscope study of almandine garnet from a metamorphosed Al–Fe‐rich rock revealed detailed composition profiles and defect microstructures of resorption zoning along fluid‐infiltrated veins and even into the garnet/ilmenite (inclusion) interface. This indicates a limited volume diffusion for the cations in substitution (mainly Ca and Fe) and an interface‐controlled partition for the extension of a composition‐invariant margin. A corrugated interface between the Ca‐rich margin/zone and the almandine garnet core is characterized by dislocation arrays and recovery texture further suggesting a resorption process facilitated by diffusion‐induced recrystallization, diffusion‐induced dislocation migration and diffusion–induced grain boundary migration. Integrated microstructural and chemical studies are essential for understanding the underlying mechanisms of processes such as garnet zoning and its modification. Without this understanding, it will not be possible to reliably use garnet compositions for thermobarometry and other applications that rely on garnet chemical information.  相似文献   

Li-F granites all over the world can be represented by three end members, i. e., the Na-rich ongonite (O), the K-rich xianghualingite (X) and the Si-rich topazite (T). Characters and criteria are presented for these end-member rocks. Vertical zoning in Li-F granites, as reflected by increasing normative Q and C (corundum) and decreasing ALK (K2O+ Na2O) with increasing content of fluorine, can be explained using the three-end-member scheme in terms of petrochemistry and norms. Considering the difference in melt structure, viscosity and density between the end members, in couple with the regularities that govern the Na-K and SiALK segregation known from field evidence and experiments, it is suggested that the three end members may have resulted from liquid segregation (immiscibility) rather than from crystal fractionation as commonly believed.  相似文献   

The Omeo Metamorphic Complex forms the southern end of the Wagga Metamorphic Belt, which is the main locus of Palaeozoic low-pressure metamorphism in the Lachlan Fold Belt, south-eastern Australia. It comprises metamorphosed Ordovician quartz-rich turbidites originally derived from Precambrian cratonic rocks. Prograde regional metamorphism occurred in the early Silurian, very soon after sedimentation had ceased. The sequence of metamorphic zones, with increasing grade, is: chlorite, biotite, cordierite, andalusite–K-feldspar and sillimanite–K-feldspar. Migmatites occur in the sillimanite–K-feldspar zone, but large bodies of S-type granite were derived from rocks underlying the exposed Ordovician sequence. P and T estimates for the highest grade rocks are T = 700°C and P = 3.5 kbar, indicating a very high P–T gradient of 65°C/km.
The high heat flow during prograde metamorphism probably resulted from a combination of a thermal anomaly persisting from a pre-metamorphic back-arc basin environment, and intrusion of hot, mantle-derived magmas into the lower and middle crust.
Regional retrograde metamorphism coincided with a general reheating of the crust in the Siluro-Devonian, accompanied by intrusion of many I-type plutons and resetting of the K–Ar dates of some earlier plutons. The Omeo Metamorphic Complex was exposed to erosion at this time.  相似文献   

新疆准噶尔地区也布山、庙儿沟两个晚古生代后碰撞准铝一过铝质花岗岩体中,广泛发育大量的暗色微粒闪长质包体。岩石学、矿物学、主量元素和微量元素地球化学研究表明,包体与其寄主岩存在明显的亲缘关系。东准噶尔也布山黑云母花岗岩体中的暗色微粒包体与寄主岩有相似的地球化学成分,表明它是与寄主花岗岩相同成因的同源包体,是来自上地幔的基性岩浆经过高度演化、结晶分异的产物;西准噶尔庙儿沟二长花岗岩体中含钾长石斑晶的微粒包体则主要是由幔源的下地壳基性岩部分熔融形成的残余体,被酸性岩浆携带并发生成分上的同化和混染,最后在上地壳侵位的产物。同准噶尔碱性花岗岩一样,载荷包体的准铝一过铝质花岗岩是晚古生代后碰撞阶段构造一岩浆活动的岩石类型之一,其形成和演化标志了准噶尔地区后碰撞幔源岩浆底侵作用导致大陆地壳垂向生长的过程。  相似文献   

Documentation of pressure–temperature (P–T) histories across an epidote‐amphibolite facies culmination provides new insight into the tectono‐thermal evolution of the Brooks Range collisional orogen. Thermobarometry reveals that the highest grade rocks formed at peak temperatures of 560–600 °C and at pressures of 8–9.5 kbar. The thermal culmination coincides with the apex of a structural dome defined by oppositely dipping S2 crenulation cleavages suggesting post‐metamorphic doming. South of the thermal culmination, greenschist facies and lowermost epidote‐amphibolite facies rocks preserve widespread evidence for an early blueschist facies metamorphism. In contrast, no evidence for an early blueschist facies metamorphism was found in similar grade rocks of the northern flank, indicating that the southern flank underwent initial deeper burial during southward underthrusting of the continental margin. Thus, while the dome shows a symmetric distribution of peak temperatures, the P–T paths followed by the two flanks must have varied. This variation suggests that final thermal re‐equilibration to greenschist and epidote–amphibolite facies conditions did not result from a simple process of southward underthrusting followed by thermal re‐equilibration from the bottom upward. The new data are inconsistent with a previous model that invokes such re‐equilibration, along with northward thrusting of epidote–amphibolite facies rocks over lower grade rocks presently on the southern flank of the culmination, to produce an inverted metamorphic field gradient. Instead, it is suggested that following blueschist facies metamorphism, rocks of the southern and northern flanks were juxtaposed, during which time the more deeply buried south flank was partially emplaced above rocks to the north, where they escaped Albian epidote–amphibolite facies overprinting. Porphyroblast growth, which post‐dates the main fabric on the north flank of the culmination may be the result of Albian thermal re‐equilibration following this deformation. Post‐metamorphic doming resulted from a combination of Albian‐Cenomanian extension and Tertiary deformation.  相似文献   

对中国东部A型花岗岩有代表性的碾子山、山海关、崂山、苏州以及魁岐岩体的Nd-Sr-O同位素地球化学组成进行了系统研究。经过筛选的全岩Rb-Sr等时线拟合结果表明,基本未遭受岩浆期后大气降水交换的苏州和魁岐Rb-Sr等时线年龄分别是108±10Ma和109±5Ma,它们代表岩浆冷却结晶时代。其它遭受热液蚀变较为显著的碾子山、山海关以及崂山岩体Rb-Sr等时线年龄的地质意义不明确。全岩εNd(t)、(87Sr/86Sr)0以及锆石δ18O综合示踪研究表明,中国东部A型花岗岩可能起源于曾经历过高温海水热液交换的再循环下部俯冲洋壳的部分熔融。模型计算结果表明,碾子山、山海关以及崂山等岩体所表现出的εNd(t)-δ18O脱耦变化与大洋沉积物析出流体与下覆辉长岩洋壳之间不同程度的交代有关。在此基础上,提出了中国东部A型花岗岩统一的成因模式,并对其地球动力学意义进行了讨论。  相似文献   

王舫  刘福来  刘平华 《岩石学报》2011,27(11):3280-3294
片麻岩是点苍山-哀牢山变质杂岩带最常见的岩石类型,主要由夕线石榴黑云二长片麻岩、石榴黑云斜长片麻岩以及含十字石蓝晶夕线石榴片麻岩所组成,其原岩的化学成分与华北克拉通典型孔兹岩系十分相似.岩相学、成因矿物学和变质反应性质研究以及温压条件估算结果表明,研究区片麻岩类岩石变质峰期的温压条件为T=700~770℃,P=0.5~0.8GPa,已达到或接近麻粒岩相变质,晚期退变质阶段的温压条件为T=600~650℃,P=0.35~0.45GPa.片麻岩变质演化的P-T轨迹具有顺时针型式.在麻粒岩相变质阶段,片麻岩类岩石普遍发生深熔作用,主要表现为含水矿物黑云母的脱水熔融和长英质矿物的部分熔融.该项研究对于进一步揭示青藏高原东南缘点苍山-哀牢山造山带的变质演化深熔作用机理及动力学过程具有重要的科学意义.  相似文献   


Stratoid granites constitute a major feature of the Precambrien basement of Madagascar. A detailed structural study was carried out NNW of Antananarivo. New zircon isotopic data on a typical alkaline granite ascertain their Panafrican age (585 Ma). The sheets of granites metric to kilometric of thickness, are interlayered with migmatitic gneisses and amphibolites. Their internal structures, determined by anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility measurements, everywhere yield foliations gently dipping to the west, and lineations striking WSW-ENE. These structures were mostly acquired at the magmatic stage in the granites, in the country-rocks they resulted from high-temperature plastic deformation.

The very constant structural pattern, interpreted in terms of shear deformation of a section of the crust, as well as the low P (P = 4 - 5 kb) - high T (T # 750°C) conditions, suggest that the emplacement of the stratoid granites was coeval with a late-orogenic stage in the Panafrican Mozambique belt, and possibly linked to the thinning of the lithosphere.  相似文献   

内蒙古大青山地区石榴混合花岗质岩石地球化学特征及成因   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
内蒙古大青山地区太古宙孔兹岩系在发生麻粒岩相变质作用的同时,榴云片麻岩岩组中的石榴黑云片麻岩在近水平剪切构造变形过程中发生部分熔融,形成了石榴混合花岗质岩石。现有证据表明,它们形成于新太古代晚期,在矿物组成、地球化学特征上,大体继承了石榴黑云片麻岩,而它们的结构和地球化学特征尤其是REE分布型式的变异又反映了其部分熔融和演化。尽管该石榴混合花岗质岩体规模小,但在矿物组成、结构和地球化学特征上显示出明显的不均一性,形成了高K2O低Na2O、CaO,稀土元素总量低,具正Eu异常和低K2O高Na2O、CaO,稀土元素总量高,具负Eu异常的两类石榴混合花岗质岩石。综合研究发现,这两类石榴混合花岗质岩石的形成与部分熔融及随后的流动过程中熔体与残留体的逐渐分离有关,前者残留体、残留矿物相极少,富长英质;而后者残留体和残留矿物相对较多,因而富镁铁质,并且控制REE行为的矿物相如石榴石和独居石、磷灰石、锆石等相对富集,从而造成了两类石榴混合花岗质岩石稀土元素分布型式的差异,与桑干地区成因相似、成熟度较高的古元古代花岗岩具有较大差别。  相似文献   

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