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为了探测二战时遗留的地下废弃炸弹,我们开展了磁总场梯度探测模拟实验.在此基础上探讨一些确定磁性体位置和范围的数据处理技术,如自适应化极、垂直二阶导数、三维解析信号及欧拉反褶积反演计算等.将这套数据采集的方法、数据处理的方法运用到实际的废弃炸弹探测中去,取得了一定的效果.研究表明:梯度磁测对于探测地表浅而小的磁性体效果较好、速度快,其数据采取自适应化极方法、垂直二阶导数的方法基本能够确定废弃炸弹的位置及个数,同时采用三维解析信号的数据处理方法能够确定废弃炸弹的方向,采用欧拉反褶积的方法能够确定废弃炸弹的埋藏深度. 相似文献
频率域的快速傅立叶变换法是由航磁总场转换梯度分量和梯度分量之间相互转换的常用方法.但是,利用实测数据资料对方法的应用效果进行分析的研究较少,尤其是梯度分量之间的转换,主要是由于同时观测水平及垂直梯度的三轴向梯度测量技术刚刚起步,可利用的相关数据资料较少.本文首先利用模型研究了转换方法的特点,在此基础上重点对实例的转换结果进行分析.我们进行了总场转换梯度和水平梯度与垂直梯度间的相互转换计算,并将两组转换结果与实测梯度进行了详细的对比和分析.该实例的转换结果表明,总体来看利用总场转换的梯度,和梯度分量之间相互转换的结果都与实测梯度数据具有较好的对应关系,但相比而言,梯度之间的转换结果与实测数据吻合的更好.转换结果与实测数据的良好一致性,证明了转换方法的有效性,同时也验证了各测量参量的可靠性. 相似文献
利用东亚及邻区49个地磁台1970-1979年、H、Z的实测年均值,逐年计算、缓制了蒙古异常的地磁非偶极场等值图,给出了蒙古异常非偶极场Zn分量的焦点位置和强度变化及其对中国东北地区地磁场的影响量级,计算表明蒙古异常的年变化是该区地磁场年变化的主要成份。 相似文献
低纬度磁异常化极的伪倾角方法改进 总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1
基于改造化极因子的低磁纬度频率域化极方法具有计算速度快、控制参数少、操作简单、化极稳定等优点.本文分析压制因子法和伪倾角法的化极因子特征及其控制参数的影响,在此基础上改进伪倾角法的化极因子,即在磁偏角垂直方向及附近采用伪倾角法化极因子,而在其他方向采用常规频率域化极因子.改进后的伪倾角法既能有效压制磁偏角垂直方向及附近化极因子的放大作用,使得化极稳定,又能减少其他方向有效信号的化极特征的损失,提高化极精度.理论模型数据试验表明本文改进方法有效.利用本文改进方法对南海海域磁总场异常数据进行了变磁倾角化极,得到南海海域化极磁异常,这为研究南海大地构造特征和岩浆活动提供重要的参考资料. 相似文献
在异常选编工作中,往往需要剔除掉区域背景场的干扰,从而寻找浅部异常的一些信息,因为区域背景场往往是由一些火山岩、侵入岩所引起,当然也不排除大型矿床所引起的可能性,航磁总场是区域场和局部场的叠加,因此异常往往会因为某种方式被忽略掉.梯度数据具有压制深部异常体、突出浅部异常体信息的特点,这就为梯度数据能够方便地提取异常提供了理论支持.在中国的北部某地区进行了航磁全轴梯度测量飞行,获得了横向梯度、纵向梯度和垂向梯度数据,利用实测数据总结出梯度数据与地质体异常之间的关系,确定了异常选编原则,为今后梯度数据确定异常奠定了基础,同时分析了实测的垂向梯度数据相比于转换的垂向梯度数据在异常反映上信息更丰富. 相似文献
研究青藏高原及邻近地区地壳磁异常场分布特征,对认识该区岩石圈结构和演化以及区域地球动力学过程有重要意义.本文根据地面、航空、海洋和卫星磁测资料构建的最新一代高阶地磁场模型NGDC-EMM-720-V3,分析青藏高原及邻区地壳磁异常及其垂直梯度的展布规律、磁异常衰减特征、不同波长带对磁异常的贡献和磁异常与岩石圈区域构造的关系.结果显示,青藏高原正负磁异常都较弱,周边地区磁异常强,其分界与高原区域构造的边界基本吻合.磁异常在青藏高原中西部呈近东西走向,西南部和东部形成弧形状,东南部为近南北走向,与构造走向基本一致.东、西构造结地区形成强的负异常焦点.青藏高原内部各新生代地块的磁异常无明显差异,磁异常与地壳厚度没有直接对应关系.在青藏高原弱磁异常背景上,拉萨地块、祁连地块、柴达木地块和川滇菱形地块叠加有相对较强的地壳浅部的短波长磁场.喜马拉雅分布着东西向强负磁异常带,主要由地壳深部和中部的中长波长带产生.四川盆地和塔里木盆地的磁性构造层稳定.高原南部不同高度处的磁异常变化较大,揭示出从地壳深部到浅层地表的磁性构造发生过剧烈变化. 相似文献
Summary A method called the zero-line method for interpreting the total field magnetic anomalies of spherical bodies is described. The contour of zero-anomaly is controlled by a linear equation of the typeAx
2 +By
2 +Cxy +Dx +Ey +F = 0, where the coefficientsA toF are related to the depth of the sphere and the parameters relating to its position and magnetisation. From the coordinates (x, y) of the various points lying on the zero-contour, five normal equations for the above equation are set and solved for the various coefficients. The various parameters relating to the position and magnetisation of the sphere are then determined from these coefficients. It is expected that similar methods can be developed for interpreting magnetic anomalies of other three dimensional bodies also. 相似文献
球形磁性地质体是地质勘探中广泛遇到的基本地质体之一,选择合适的磁异常分析方法对其磁场进行准确正演计算具有重要的意义.为了准确快速地求解球形磁性地质体磁场特征,本文提出了一种基于磁偶极子构造原理求解球形磁性地质体磁场的数值计算方法,对球形磁性地质体按半径由小增大进行多层单元分割,再对每层单元进行块单元分割,将每个块单元视为"磁偶极子",利用基本磁偶极子公式计算了所有块单元在探测平面(线)的磁场大小,同时分析了球体磁场的剖面特征,并将数值解与解析解结果进行了对比和误差分析,最后建立双球组合模型结合Comsol多物理场仿真工具对其仿真对比,验证了磁偶极子构造法求解球体磁场的准确性.研究结果表明:数值解法结果与解析解结果磁异常波动趋势完全一致;不同测点处绝对误差有所差别,但磁异常值均在1 nT以下.本文提出的数值解法无需复杂的数学推导,计算结果稳定可靠. 相似文献
R. Hide 《地球物理与天体物理流体动力学》2013,107(1-4):207-209
Abstract Coriolis forces stimulate dynamo action in a rapidly-rotating fluid by promoting complexities in the pattern of fluid motions, notably departures from symmetry about the axis of rotation. This pattern and its time variations determine the instantaneous form and temporal behaviour of the magnetic field so produced. Instantaneous magnetic fields will usually exhibit in their broad-scale features approximate alignment with the rotation axis. This is borne out by observations of the magnetic fields of the Earth, Jupiter and Saturn, and it is likely on general grounds that Neptune will be found to have an aligned magnetic field. But, as is shown by laboratory and theoretical studies of thermal convection in rapidly-rotating fluids, for some ranges of rotation speed, rate of heating, etc. certain patterns can occur which in electrically-conducting fluids would produce magnetic fields exhibiting departures from alignment with the rotation axis, which instantaneously could be quite pronounced but would average out to very small values over sufficiently long periods of time. These findings indicate obvious strategies for theoretical studies towards the interpretation of Uranus's eccentric magnetic field (which need not invoke departures from axial symmetry in the thermal, mechanical or electrical boundary conditions of the dynamo region within the planet) and for further observational studies. 相似文献
根据卫星磁异常(△X,△Y,△Z)的球冠谐和模型和地磁场的不谐模型,得到了卫星总强度磁异常(△F)的三维模型,计算出中国及邻近地区不同高度(h=0,100,200,300,400,500km)的卫星磁异常,绘制出相应高度的总强度磁异常分布图。讨论和分析了卫星总强度磁异常的分布特征,以及卫星磁异常随高度的变化。 相似文献
对豫南及邻区6个地磁台站的地磁总场F日值数据做相关分析,研究信阳、卢氏、金寨、钟祥、十堰、应城这6个地磁台站数据的相关性异常,结合研究区发生的2次显著地震事件,即2018年2月9日河南淅川ML 4.3地震、2018年7月10河南固始ML 4.0地震进行综合分析,结果表明:①在地震发生前,地磁台站存在空间相关系数的低值异... 相似文献
利用THEMIS THC卫星观测数据统计分析近地等离子体片中磁场扰动和等离子体整体流的速度扰动的关系,研究Alfven波动的活动性.研究结果表明:1)等离子体整体流的速度扰动幅度依赖于平均速度的大小,速度扰动幅度随平均速度的增加而增加;2)速度扰动幅度与磁场扰动幅度存在较强的正相关性;3)磁场扰动幅度与AE指数密切相关,磁场扰动幅度随着AE指数增加而增加,而速度扰动幅度与AE指数之间没有明显的相关性;4)Alfven比与AE指数的相关系数较小,但能够看出Alfven比随着AE指数增加而减小的趋势;5)速度扰动幅度和磁场扰动幅度与尾向距离及距中性片距离的关系不明显. 相似文献
位场数据归一化总水平导数垂向导数边缘识别方法(英文) 总被引:9,自引:4,他引:9
位场数据边缘识别技术常常用来识别地质体的边缘位置.本文提出了一种新的位场数据边缘识别方法--归一化总水平导数垂向导数,它具有边缘探测和边缘增强两种功能.该方法首先计算位场数据的总水平导数THDR和总水平导数THDR的n阶垂向导数VDRn,并对n阶垂向导数VDRn采用取大于0的阈值技术得到总水平导数峰值PTHDR,该值可以用来进行边缘探测;其次,计算总水平导数峰值PTHDR与总水平导数THDR的比,并用最大值进行归一化得到归一化总水平导数垂向导数,该值可以用来进行边缘增强;最后,通过理论模型和实际资料检验了方法的有效性和可靠性. 相似文献
Interactive 3D forward modeling of total field surface and three-component borehole magnetic data for the Daye iron-ore deposit (Central China) 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Yushan Yang Yuanyuan Li Tianyou Liu Yinglin Zhan Jie Feng 《Journal of Applied Geophysics》2011,75(2):254-263
The ground magnetic response of deep ore bodies in the Daye iron-ore deposit is relatively weak, and sometimes concealed by the strong magnetic background of shallower sources. Apart from the low-quality ground magnetic data, another critical problem for reconstructing the deep skarn-type ore bodies is developing a versatile inversion scheme that can simultaneously resolve 3D sources with arbitrary shapes. In this case, we resort to interactive 3D forward modeling solution with the joint use of two data sets-total field surface and three-component borehole magnetic data. Joint inversion of the two data sets is expected to help resolve the ambiguity associated with either data set and greatly reduces the nonuniqueness of the magnetic inversion. Such nonuniqueness is especially severe when a 3-D distribution of magnetic susceptibility, instead of a simple body, is sought from the inversion.In this paper, we calculate the magnetic field on the surface and in the borehole caused by 3D arbitrarily-shaped bodies with the triple integral method. The complex 3D magnetic sources having arbitrary shapes are constructed with cross-sections, termination points and facets in our visualization technology. We specify, interactively and in a user-friendly environment, the outline of the sources in terms of geometric elements and their magnetic parameters. The method automatically fits the observations within a prescribed precision. If dissatisfied, the user can redefine the model parameters and proceed to a new inversion. The method's ability to interpret a complicated 3D geologic environment is demonstrated on synthetic models and real data profiles in the Daye iron-ore deposit in central China. The interactive forward modeling results in all tests demonstrate a good correlation of estimated magnetic sources with corresponding known geologic features. 相似文献
An analytical formulation is developed for the resultant electromagnetic field of an oscillating vertical magnetic dipole located over a thin conductive sheet of infinite extent. The sheet is characterized by a conductivity-thickness product or conductance d that may be a function of the horizontal coordinates. The system of integral equations arising in the general formulation is simplified greatly when azimuthal symmetry prevails. Numerical results for a Gaussian variation of d in the radial direction are presented for the case of a symmetrically located source. These results are for the fields at the level of the source dipole over the conductive sheet. It is shown that the quadrature response of the sheet is enhanced when there is rapid variation of the conductance. The null in the resultant wave tilt is also found to be shifted toward the direction of increasing conductance. 相似文献