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Evidence for Precambrian fossil eukaryotic microorganisms has been based on: (1) the presence of internal ‘spots’ which have been variously interpreted to be remains of nuclei or pyrenoids of photosynthetic plastids or other organelles; (2) tetrahedral tetrad arrangement of cells; (3) trilete scars interpreted to be indicative of meiotic division: (4) large cell diameters; and (5) putative mitotic cell divisions. These features have been reported in fossils preserved in Precambrian cherts. We have studied modern microbial mats, thought to be analogues of Precambrian fossil communities, and found they may be silicified by laboratory procedures. In microbial mats from Baja California we have found many ‘spot cells’ that we could identify as remains of cyanophytes. We have silicified the newly discovered large prokaryotic coccoid green alga Prochloron and have found that it, like many cyanophytes previously silicified, preserves its structure and maintains its initial dimensions. In laboratory-silicified prokaryotic organisms we have found that all of the above criteria, supposedly characteristic of eukaryotes, can be observed. We conclude that there is no compelling morphological evidence for fossil eukaryotic microbes from Precambrian cherts.  相似文献   

In the course of experimenting on the laboratory silification of algal cells and algal mats a series of organosilicon compounds was employed in attempts to simulate fossilization. These compounds provided a silica source for emplacement in the organic matrices of the algae. It was found that during the silicification process silicon acetate, triethoxysilane propylamine and tetraethylorthosilicate (tetraethoxysilane) yielded hydrolytic products which supported growth of microbes. Large numbers of microorganisms: several fungi, including yeast and an Aspergillus sp. and Pseudomonas aeruginosa were isolated from salt solutions containing these organosilicon compounds as the sole source of carbon. The rate of hydrolysis yielding silica for emplacement was not affected by growth of these microorganisms. The isolation and growth of pure cultures of P. aeruginosa on either triethylsilane propylamine or tetraethylorthosilicate is described.  相似文献   

From a study of extant arthropods (particularly insects) and plants it is clear that there are many close interactions between the two groups, which must have co-evolved over a considerable period of time. Surprisingly, the fossil record of such interactions has hardly been studied and has therefore often been assumed to be non-existent. Interactions include feeding (e.g. leaf and spore/pollen feeding, leaf mining and wood boring), shelter (e.g. the formation of galls), transport, and reproduction (flower pollination). There is fossil evidence for all of these interactions from the time that arthropods and plants first colonized the land. The shortage of data results from lack of study rather than a real absence of interactions.  相似文献   

When most people hear the word 'fossil' they tend to conjure up images of giant dinosaurs such as Tyrannosaurus rex or shelled marine invertebrates. Prior to the Hollywood blockbuster movie Jurassic Park , which was based on recreating dinosaurs through extracting their DNA from fossil mosquitoes preserved in amber, few non-palaeontologists would entertain the notion that small, soft-bodied organisms such as insects occur in the fossil record. However, insects and spiders are common as fossils in amber, where they are often preserved with life-like fidelity, and they also occur to a lesser degree in carbonate rocks.  相似文献   

《Cretaceous Research》2008,29(1):27-39
In fossil vertebrate eggs, the most commonly reported abnormality consists of an unusually thick shell with one or more superimposed eggshell layers. Although rare, taxonomically referable abnormal specimens provide a more reliable basis for inferences regarding reproductive biology of extinct taxa. Eggshell abnormalities recognized in a Cretaceous turtle and three dinosaurs (hadrosaur, sauropod, theropod) are assigned to these taxa base on: 1) normal eggs containing embryos within the same clutch, 2) identical eggshell microstructure as eggs containing embryonic remains from the same stratum; and 3) inclusion of normal eggs of the same oospecies in a cladistic analysis of egg characters. Distinguishing multiple eggshell layers of biological origin from those produced by taphonomic processes is a critical component in the study of fossil specimens. Features useful for distinguishing a pathological condition in fossil eggs include: 1) multiple eggshell layers separated by permineralized membrane, 2) close conformation of the base of the outer eggshell to the unweathered surface of the underlying egg, and 3) structural relationships of eggshell features (e.g. pore truncation, intercalated membrane and shell fragments, optical continuity of superimposed fragments). Documentation of microstructural features of abnormal eggshell provides important information on the timing and magnitude of stress and facilitates recognition of phylogenetically significant patterns of egg abnormality in the fossil record.  相似文献   

Melanins are polymeric phenolic pigments classified into two groups based on their chemical structures and molecular precursors: eumelanin (brown–black) and pheomelanin (yellow–red). Eumelanin is highly resilient and has a proven fossil record, extending back at least ∼200 Ma. It is widespread in the biological world, occurring in fungi, the ink sacs of cephalopods, the feathers of birds, and the hair, skin, eyes, brain and inner ears of mammals. Although the presence and chemical attributes of fossil eumelanin have been documented, there are few data constraining its long term survival. Here we use a diversity of analytical techniques to compare the chemistry and morphology of fossilized cephalopod ink from three deposits of similar age and lithology, but different maturation histories. We demonstrate that the chemistry of eumelanin begins to alter at the onset of the oil window and is largely independent of age. The decrease in surviving melanin is accompanied by an increase in the relative abundance of organic macromolecular material (kerogen) but, critically for the correct interpretation of fossils, is not accompanied by a consistent change in granule morphology.  相似文献   

犀类是我国华南地区更新世地层中最为常见的化石哺乳动物类群之一。本文对广西崇左三合大洞中发现的犀牛化石材料进行了形态特征描述,并与我国华南地区第四纪相关属种以及东南亚地区所发现的化石和现生种进行了比较,从牙齿形态特征和大小等方面来看,认为三合大洞中的标本应该归入爪哇犀(Rhinoceros sondaicus)。此次所发现的爪哇犀(Rhinoceros sondaicus)化石根据相关文献记录,应该是爪哇犀化石在我国更新世地层中的首次报道,并且是我国有关爪哇犀的最早记录。形态学研究表明,该地区早更新世早期的扶绥岩亮洞、鲤鱼山百孔洞以及泊岳山巨猿洞发现的扶绥犀(Rhinoceros fusuiensis)可能是爪哇犀的直接祖先。三合大洞中爪哇犀的发现进一步丰富了我国华南地区独角犀的种类,填补了该种类在我国更新世地层中缺乏化石记录的空白。  相似文献   

The Eocene rocks of southern Wyoming have provided a spectacular discovery of fossil bones and teeth. The remains of 25 titanotheres were found all together in one place less than 100 m square. Some of these horse-like mammals were young, some very old; and they were part of a herd. The geological and social evidence indicates that they perished together in a flash flood.  相似文献   

The first partial skeleton of a stegosaurian dinosaur was discovered in a brick pit in Swindon, UK in 1874. Since then, numerous stegosaurian remains have been discovered from Europe, North America, Africa and Asia, and continue to be discovered regularly. Stegosaurs are known from the Middle Jurassic to the Early Cretaceous; no definitive evidence of the clade is known from younger deposits. New discoveries are improving our understanding of stegosaur biology and showing that stegosaurs were more morphologically diverse than was previously realized. A new phylogeny, which includes all valid stegosaurian taxa, largely agrees with previous studies and shows the European Dacentrurinae was sister taxon to Stegosaurus. Poor resolution at the base of Stegosauria is probably due to the fragmentary nature of many of the Chinese taxa.  相似文献   

The present study investigated the prevalence of pathogenic organisms (Salmonella spp, Vibrio cholerae, and Shigella spp) and their correlation to the abundance of faecal indicator organisms in water and riverbed sediments in the Apies River, South Africa. In all, 558 water and sediment samples were collected from 10 sites in the river (May 2013–February 2014) and analysed through culture and molecular (real-time PCR) techniques. Concentrations of faecal indicator organisms in sediments reached 1.39 × 105 (±standard deviation) CFU/100 mL. All three pathogens were detected in water and sediments. Pathogens were mostly detected in sediments at sites influenced either by wastewater treatment works or by informal settlements. During the wet and dry seasons (water column), a strong positive correlation was observed between E. coli and all pathogens; C. perfringens only correlated with V. cholerae. Within sediments, strong positive correlations were only observed between E. coli and Salmonella spp, E. coli and V. cholerae (dry season); E. coli and V. cholerae and E. coli and Shigella spp (wet season). No correlation was observed between sediments C. perfringens counts and all the pathogens. Thus, sediments of the Apies River harbour pathogenic organisms. Correlation between E. coli and pathogenic organisms in the sediments suggests that E. coli could also be an indicator of pathogens’ presence. However, the lack of a correlation between E. coli and some pathogens in sediments and between C. perfringens and all the pathogens highlights the need to investigate for more indicators of pathogens’ presence in this complex matrix.  相似文献   

从系统剖面连续测年的角度,利用K-Ar年代学方法并结合前人工作,确定了辽西四合屯剖面的六个火山活动期和含古生物化石的湖相沉积地层的顶底时间界限。六期火山活动分别为133.6~133.1Ma、、.126.1Ma、、-122Ma和~113Ma。其中第四期活动最为强烈。侵入含古生物化石的湖相沉积层的火山岩的年龄为124.4Ma,其上覆火山岩年龄为124.2Ma,下伏火山岩的年龄为124.6~125.1Ma,因此,该湖相沉积地层的持续时间应为大约1Ma。  相似文献   

The Younger Dryas stadial (11 000-10 000 yr BP) was an abrupt return to a glacial climate during the termination of the last glaciation. We have reconstructed atmospheric CO2 concentrations from a high-resolution sequence of fossil Salix herbacea leaves through this climatic oscillation from Kråkenes, western Norway, using the relationship between leaf stomatal density and atmospheric CO2 concentration. High Allerød CO2 values (median 273 ppmv) decreased rapidly during 130–200 14C-years of the late Allerød to ca. 210 ppmv at the start of the Younger Dryas. They then increased steadily through the Younger Dryas, reaching typical interglacial values once more (ca. 275 ppmv) in the Holocene. The rapid late Allerød decrease in CO2 concentration preceded the Younger Dryas temperature drop, possibly by several decades. This striking pattern of changes has not so far been recorded unambiguously in temporally coarse measurements of atmospheric CO2 from ice cores. Our observed late-glacial CO2 changes have implications for global modelling of the ocean-atmosphere-biosphere over the last glacial-interglacial transition.  相似文献   

Biostratigraphical and palaeoecological analyses of cores along a transect from Femer Belt to the Arkona Basin reveal that North Sea waters began to enter the western Baltic Sea between 8600 and 8400 calibrated years BP. Studies of diatoms indicate that Mecklenburg Bay was characterised by slightly brackish-water conditions between 8400 and 8000 cal. years BP. At around 8000 cal. years BP increasing salinity is indicated by a strong dominance of the diatoms Paralia sulcata and Dimeregramma minor. Some centuries later another diatom assemblage appeared and became dominant in Mecklenburg Bay. This assemblage includes Hyalinella lateripunctata and Pravifusus hyalinus species typical of shallow water areas along the Atlantic coast today. At this time the first marine molluscs made their appearance. The oldest shell of a marine mollusc found in our material is dated to 7600 cal. years BP. The associated assemblage that includes adult specimens of the gastropod Aporrhais pespelicani indicates higher salinities than today.During the Littorina Sea stage a marine diatom flora with P. sulcata, Catenula adhaerens and D. minor crossed the Darss Sill and became widely distributed in the Arkona Basin, Pomeranian Bay and the Baltic Sea proper. In contrast, taxa indicative of the Hyalinella lateripunctata/P. hyalinus assemblage are only found west of the Darss Sill in Femer Belt and Mecklenburg Bay. Apparently, the Darss Sill threshold has been acting as an important salinity border from around 7800 cal. years BP until today.  相似文献   

米兰科维奇理论从地球轨道要素周期性变化驱动气候波动的角度出发,对第四纪时期古气候的周期性特征做出了成功的解释。近年来对更长尺度的贝加尔湖古气候记录的研究结果表明,晚中新世-上新世的气候变化具有40ka的周期性变化,气候环境演变和太阳辐射量的变化密切相关[1,2]。古气候的周期性演化研究要求研究材料具有较准确的时间标尺、连续记录的地层和较高的样品分辨率。中国黄土高原地处中纬度地区,对太阳辐射的变化比较敏感,保存连续完整的晚第三纪风成沉积为研究长尺度的气候变化周期提供了可能,但限于一些气候代用指标在晚第三纪地层中的适用性,古气候变化周期方面的研究还比较少。  相似文献   

Fossil anguine lizard specimens from several Turkish localities are described in this paper. The material comes from ten different localities, spanning a large geographic area consisting of both parts of the European Turkey and Anatolia, and ranging in age from the Oligocene to the Late Miocene. In certain cases, the generic determination was possible and, accordingly, members of Ophisaurus and Anguis were identified and described in detail. The specimens of Anguis, found in different, Middle and Late Miocene localities from Anatolia, represent two of only a few fossil occurrences of this taxon. Moreover, the material reported herein represents the oldest occurrences of anguine lizards, not only from Turkey, but from southeastern Europe and the Eastern Mediterranean basin as a whole. These rare records provide important information about the dispersal routes of anguines from Europe to Asia and significantly enhance our understanding of their biogeography.  相似文献   

《Chemical Geology》1992,94(3):183-192
The Siwalik Sequence of northern Pakistan contains a 16-Ma record of paleosol carbonate and fossil teeth from which a record of paleovegetation can potentially be reconstructed and compared. The carbon isotopic composition of paleosol carbonate and organic matter from Siwalik strata reflects a major paleoecological change on the floodplains of major rivers beginning7.3 Ma ago. By 6 Ma C3-dominated plant communities, probably composed of mostly trees and shrubs, were displaced by nearly continuous C4 grassland. We find that the carbon isotopic ratios in herbivore tooth enamel reflect this dramatic ecologic shift. Carbonate in enamel older than 7 Ma averages −11‰ in δ13CPDB, consistent with a largely C3 diet. Enamel from the Plio-PIeistocene averages +1.9‰ in δ13C, similar to the value displayed by modern C4 grazers. Analysis of post-burial carbonate cements, and the concordance with isotopic evidence from paleosols argues strongly against major isotopic alteration of the enamel, while coexisting bone may have been altered early in burial. This study confirms that enamel apatite is useful for paleodietary reconstruction much further back in the geologic record than was previously thought.  相似文献   

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