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The theoretical horizontal resistivity profiles Over an outcropping vertical dyke with two-electrode and Schlumberger electrode systems are discussed. The two-electrode array seems very useful in locating the highly conducting thick or thin vein, while the Schlumberger (gradient) array is suited to detect the conducting vein of low and moderately high resistivity contrast and as well as the resistive vein of all widths and resistivity contrasts. Besides, the inline gradient array has a distinction of establishing a clue to evaluate the resistivity contrast of the vein.  相似文献   

Theoretical broadside resistivity profiles over an outcropping dyke of infinite depth extent with three Wenner configurations (namely Alpha, Beta and Gamma), Schlumberger, and two-electrode configurations of various electrode spacings and for various reflection factors are presented. The broadside profiles qualitatively indicate that the shape of the anomaly is invariant with the electrode configurations. The various electrode configurations can be arranged in decreasing order of magnitude of anomalies as Beta Wenner, Alpha Wenner, Schlumberger, Gamma Wenner, and two-electrode. The broadside Wenner profiles also show larger anomalies compared to those in inline profiles.  相似文献   

An interpretation method is suggested for apparent resistivity profiles over a medium of continuously varying resistivity. The medium is replaced by an equivalent laminated system of constant resistivity in each layer and evaluated by superposition. The approximation facilitates detailed subsurface profiling as required for underground storage projects or water infiltration schemes.  相似文献   

The problem of numerical evaluation of apparent resistivity curves is treated by finite difference modeling. The models proposed are set up in cylindrical coordinates and yield the potential field due to a point source located in a radially symmetric environment. The Schlumberger configuration, widely used for surface measurements, is emphasized. However, the treatment is equally applicable to other similar situations such as the computation of synthetic electric logs when the resistivity of the borehole fluid is different from that of the surrounding uniform or stratified medium. Moreover, the individual layers may not necessarily be isotropic. The medium under investigation is discretized by using a very coarse system of horizontal and vertical grid lines whose distance from the source increases logarithmically; consequently, the physical dimensions of the medium can be made “infinite” without affecting the numerical size of the model. Finer features such as a thin but anomalously resistive or conductive bed which would ordinarily be missed in coarse discretization are accurately taken into account, since the calculations are done in terms of the Dar Zarrouk parameters derived from the exact resistivity distribution of the model. This enables one to compute the potential field by inverting a small sparse matrix. When the medium comprises only a few layers, the efficiency of the finite-difference model is comparable to that of the known analytical methods; for more complicated structures, however, the finite-difference model becomes more efficient. The accuracy of finite-difference results is demonstrated by comparing them with the corresponding analytically obtained data.  相似文献   

In this paper a technique for computing type curves for the two-electrode resistivity soundings is presented. It is shown that the apparent resistivity due to the system can be represented by a convolution integral. Thus, it is possible to apply the principle of digital linear filtering and compute the desired type-curves. The filter function required for the purpose is found to be identical with that used to compute the EM sounding curves for the two coplanar horizontal loop system. It is further shown that from the two-electrode apparent-resistivity expression one can easily derive the apparent resistivities for other configurations. A comparison of depths of investigation for various systems reveals that the two-electrode system has greater depth of investigation than other conventional systems. This is also supported by the field example presented in the end, which illustrates the relative performance of the two-electrode system vis-a-vis the Wenner system.  相似文献   

Induced polarization and resistivity model studies over thin dykes for varying resistivity contrasts, depth of burial, and dip angles show striking parallelism of the surface apparent resistivity contours with the boundary of the body. This effect may be utilized for the estimation of strike length of the body. Results show that intermediate values of the electrode spacing is satisfactory for detection under widely varying conditions of resistivity contrast and depth. The percentage frequency effect (P.F.E.) and the metal factor (M.F.) responses are found to be more sensitive to the variation in the depth of burial than the resistivity responses. Pseudosections for P.F.E. and M.F. are concentrated much closer to the body than the resistivity pseudo-sections.  相似文献   

A number of resistivity profiles over dolerite and metadolerite dykes have been taken using Wenner and Schlumberger configurations around Dhanbad in order to find the potential of these for water accumulation. These dykes give rise to both resistivity highs and lows as compared to the background. The results are discussed in the light of known theories. Some suitable sites for water accumulation have been delineated.  相似文献   

Harmonic steady-state solutions for magnetic and electric vector components are obtained for a layered transitional earth in a vertical magnetic dipole field. The conduction currents dominate the displacement currents. The time factor eiωt is implied. MKS units are used.  相似文献   

The allowance for the influence of a vertical contact is evaluated on Wenner resistivity sounding curves, which are graphically constructed on bilogarithmic paper over simple composite earth models consisting of a vertical contact separating two- or three layered earth on one side and a homogeneous medium on the other side. The error incurred in the graphical constructions is explored. Finally, the use of these graphically constructed sounding curves is shown in the interpretation of two Wenner field soundings measured in a complex geologic area.  相似文献   

A simple mathematical technique based on regressional analysis allows the transformation of dipolar, Wenner and two-electrode apparent resistivity sounding curves to Schlumberger ones. The algorithm is suitable for a programmable pocket calculator and the accuracy is very high. This has been demonstrated by comparing Schlumberger master curves with transformations of master curves for the other configurations for the same model.  相似文献   

Forward filters to transform the apparent resistivity function over a layered half-space into the resistivity transform have been derived for a number of sample intervals. The filters have no apparent Gibbs' oscillations and hence require no phase shift. In addition, the end points of the filter were modified to compensate for truncation. The filters were tested on simulated ascending and descending two-layer cases. As expected, “dense” filters with sample spacing of In (10)/6 or smaller performed very well. However, even “sparse” filters with spacing of In (10)/2 and a total of nine coefficients have peak errors of less than 5% for p1:p2 ratios of 10–6 to 106. If a peak error of 5.5% is acceptable, then an even sparser filter with only seven coefficients at a spacing of 3 In (10)/5 may be used.  相似文献   

The digital computer technique described for interpreting resistivity soundings over a horizontally stratified earth requires two steps. First, the kernel function is evaluated numerically from the inverse Hankel transform of the observed apparent resistivity curve. Special attention is given to the inversion of resistivity data recorded over a section with a resistant basement. The second step consists in the least-squares estimation of layer resistivities and thicknesses from the kernel function. For the case of S or T-equivalent beds only one layer-parameter can be obtained, either the longitudinal conductance, or the transverse resistance respectively. Two examples given in the paper show that a wide tolerance is permitted for Choosing the starting values of the layering parameters in the successive approximation procedure. Another important feature for practical applications is good convergence of the iterations. The method is probably best suited for interpreting profiles of electrical soundings with the purpose of mapping approximately horizontal interfaces at depth.  相似文献   

A direct interpretation scheme is developed which is capable of determining most of the geological features of a ground which can be assumed to be two dimensional in structure. This scheme extends the earlier work of Pekeris (1940) and Koefoed (1968) to the case where the basal layer of a ground is undulating. It also has a limited use for finding the parameters of a dipping dyke in the lower medium. Though the top and dip of the dyke can be determined, this is not true for the thickness.  相似文献   

The method of field differences using two parallel bipole sources is described. The system possesses much greater resolving power and investigating depth than the conventional Schlumberger configuration. Of the two variations, the longitudinal field difference has about two and half times greater depth of investigation than the transverse one. Practical advantage of the present technique over the Schlumberger system in reducing the ambiguity in interpretation due to equivalent layered structures is demonstrated on a theoretical example.  相似文献   

An earth model with a transition layer (anisotropic inhomogeneous) is considered. The inhomogeneity in σv (vertical conductivity) of the transition layer is represented by a power law variation. Expressions for potential distribution in the upper layer, transition layer and bottom layer are obtained by solving appropriate differential equation for each layer. By utilizing the boundary conditions, expressions of apparent resistivity for Wenner and Schlumberger configurations are derived. Numerical analysis is performed for linear and quadratic variation of σv. The results are presented in the form of theoretical apparent resistivity curves for both configurations. Negative apparent resistivities are the interesting feature of this analysis.  相似文献   

Model tank inline resistivity profiles with Wenner and two-electrode systems obtained over two vertical, parallel, infinitely conducting dykes submerged in water show that the two-electrode resistivity anomalies resolve better than the four-electrodes Wenner. anomalies. In contrast, the broadside resistivity anomalies obtained with a Wenner configuration resolve much better than those obtained with two-electrode configuration over an identical ground structure.  相似文献   

The process of VES interpretation is discussed, including the following points. (a) Preliminary interpretation by means of master curves. It is shown that the positions of the auxiliary points K and Q depend on the resistivity of the substratum. The interpretation is improved if the auxiliary points are determined separately for each master curve. (b) The individual parts of the measured curves are shifted in overlapping MN electrode positions so that the total sum of squares of the shifts is minimal. (c) The ambiguity may be reduced by means of supplementary information or assumptions on the resistivities. Fixing the resistivities is not always possible because discrepancies may arise between the ground measurement and the well-logging data. The simultaneous interpretation of several VES curves is recommended assuming constant resistivities. This assumption may be subsequently verified by means of the F-test. (d) A nonlinear algorithm is proposed for the determination of confidence intervals. As the multi-dimensional confidence intervals are often very complicated, it is recommended to construct only one-dimensional confidence intervals for the estimable parametric functions. (e) A ‘double-least-squares’ optimization technique is presented. The optimization is performed on the estimable parametric functions, and the individual parameters are determined so that the solution remains near the initial guess. This technique is faster than the singular value decomposition.  相似文献   

In vertical seismic profile's (VSP's) shot with a large source offset, rays from shot to receiver can have large angles of incidence. Shear waves generated by the source and by conversions at interfaces are likely to be recorded by both the vertical and the horizontal geophones. Varying angles of incidence may give strong variations in the recorded amplitudes. Separation of P- and SV-waves and recovery of their full amplitudes are important for proper processing and interpretation of the data. A P-S separation filter for three-component offset VSP data is presented which performs this operation. The separation filter is applied in the k-f domain and needs an estimate of the P- and S-velocities along the borehole as input. Implementation and stability aspects of the filter are considered. The filter was tested on an 1800 m offset VSP and appeared to be robust. Large velocity variations along the borehole could be handled and results were superior to those obtained by velocity filtering.  相似文献   

Motivated by several papers by Indian colleagues suggesting that a single-pole array is the most favorable one for locating electrically conductive targets in the underground, detailed measurements were carried out with different electrode arrays over a well-known graphite deposit near Pfaffenreuth, Germany. The following arrays were used: (1) Wenner array; (2) single-pole array; (3) half-Wenner array; (4) half-Schlumberger array. Each of the arrays established the location of the main graphite deposit. The half-Schlumberger array turned out to be the most reliable one since it showed details which were only very poorly indicated by the other arrays or not at all. Mathematical modeling of three-dimensional bodies simulating the geological situation for this deposit were carried out. These results show an unexpectedly good correlation with the measured effects.  相似文献   

The technique of linear digital filtering developed for the computation of standard curves for conventional resistivity and electromagnetic depth soundings is applied to the determination of filter coefficients for the computation of dipole curves from the resistivity transform function by convolution. In designing the filter function from which the coefficients are derived, a sampling interval shorter than the one used in the earlier work on resistivity sounding is found to be necessary. The performance of the filter sets is tested and found to be highly accurate. The method is also simple and very fast in application.  相似文献   

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