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Traditional and polar vertical electrical sounding (VES) techniques were used for computing and characterizing the transmissivity of the Quaternary and Palaeogene aquifers in the Khanasser Valley, northern Syria. The VES technique with its different applied approaches is inexpensive, easy and gives rapid results with high spatial resolution. The Dar-Zarrouk parameters were determined to estimate the groundwater potential of the aquifers. The results show the mean transmissivity of the Quaternary aquifer to be 49 m2/d (minimum: 10 m2/d; maximum: 131 m2/d; standard deviation: 32 m2/d), and that of the Palaeogene aquifer is 0.94 m2/d (minimum: 0.31 m2/d; maximum: 1.54 m2/d; standard deviation: 0.33 m2/d).

Editor D. Koutsoyiannis

Citation Asfahani, J., 2013. Groundwater potential estimation using vertical electrical sounding measurements in the semi-arid Khanasser Valley region, Syria. Hydrological Sciences Journal, 58 (2), 468--482.  相似文献   

An integrated study using geophysical method in combination with pumping tests and geochemical method was carried out to delineate groundwater potential zones in Mian Channu area of Pakistan. Vertical electrical soundings (VES) using Schlumberger configuration with maximum current electrode spacing (AB/2 = 200 m) were conducted at 50 stations and 10 pumping tests at borehole sites were performed in close proximity to 10 of the VES stations. The aim of this study is to establish a correlation between the hydraulic parameters obtained from geophysical method and pumping tests so that the aquifer potential can be estimated from the geoelectrical surface measurements where no pumping tests exist. The aquifer parameters, namely, transmissivity and hydraulic conductivity were estimated from Dar Zarrouyk parameters by interpreting the layer parameters such as true resistivities and thicknesses. Geoelectrical succession of five‐layer strata (i.e., topsoil, clay, clay sand, sand, and sand gravel) with sand as a dominant lithology was found in the study area. Physicochemical parameters interpreted by World Health Organization and Food and Agriculture Organization were well correlated with the aquifer parameters obtained by geoelectrical method and pumping tests. The aquifer potential zones identified by modeled resistivity, Dar Zarrouk parameters, pumped aquifer parameters, and physicochemical parameters reveal that sand and gravel sand with high values of transmissivity and hydraulic conductivity are highly promising water bearing layers in northwest of the study area. Strong correlation between estimated and pumped aquifer parameters suggest that, in case of sparse well data, geophysical technique is useful to estimate the hydraulic potential of the aquifer with varying lithology.  相似文献   

The productivity and the water quality of coastal aquifers can be highly heterogeneous in a complex environment. The characterization of these aquifers can be improved by hydrogeological and complementary geophysical surveys. Such an integrated approach is developed in a non-consolidated coastal aquifer in Myanmar (previously named Burma).A preliminary hydrogeological survey is conducted to know better the targeted aquifers. Then, 25 sites are selected to characterize aquifers through borehole drillings and pumping tests implementation. In the same sites, magnetic resonance soundings (MRS) and vertical electrical soundings (VES) are carried out. Geophysical results are compared to hydrogeological data, and geophysical parameters are used to characterize aquifers using conversion equations. Finally, combining the analysis of technical and economical impacts of geophysics, a methodology is proposed to characterize non-consolidated coastal aquifers.Depth and thickness of saturated zone is determined by means of MRS in 68% of the sites (evaluated with 34 soundings). The average accuracy of confined storativity estimated with MRS is ± 6% (evaluated over 7 pumping tests) whereas the average accuracy of transmissivity estimation with MRS is ± 45% (evaluated using 15 pumping tests). To reduce uncertainty in VES interpretation, the aquifer geometry estimated with MRS is used as a fixed parameter in VES inversion. The accuracy of groundwater electrical conductivity evaluation from 15 VES is enough to estimate the risk of water salinity. In addition, the maximum depth of penetration of the MRS depends on the rocks' electrical resistivity and is between 20 and 80 m at the study area.  相似文献   

Electrical resistivity survey is conducted in the Khanasser Valley, considered as a semi-arid region in Northern Syria, to guide and control fresh water well drilling. Vertical Electrical Soundings (VES) are carried out near the existing wells, which were also used to measure salinity and conductivity of water samplings. Resistivity and hydrogeological data combination made it possible to establish empirical relationships between earth resistivity, water resistivity, and the amount of total dissolved solids (TDS). These relationships are used in the present research in order to follow the TDS salinity variations, both in lateral and depth directions, along the longitudinal profile LP3, located in Khanasser Valley. Apparent salinity map under this profile is established for Quaternary and Paleogene deposits, and boundaries of suitable areas for fresh water well drilling in the totality of the Khanasser Valley are drawn. It was shown that excessive fresh-water depletion may affect the groundwater quality by upward seepage of saline water. Therefore, it is important to keep the fresh-salt water interface in a stationary situation. The geoelectrical methods widely contribute in determining the position of such interface, and can be easily applied in similar arid areas.  相似文献   

The aim of this study is to define and characterize water bearing geological formation and to test the possibility of using geophysical techniques to determine the hydrogeological parameters in three areas in the Vientiane basin, Laos. The investigated areas are part of the Khorat Plateau where halite is naturally occurring at depths as shallow as 50 m in the Thangon Formation. Magnetic Resonance Sounding (MRS) has been used in combination with Vertical Electrical Sounding (VES) in different geological environments. In total, 46 sites have been investigated and the MRS and VES recognized the stratigraphic unit N2Q1–3, consisting of alluvial unconsolidated sediments, as the main water bearing unit. The aquifer thickness varies usually between 10 and 40 m and the depth to the main aquifer range from 5 to 15 m. The free water content is here up to 30%, and the decay times vary between 100 and 400 ms, suggesting a mean pore size equivalent to fine sand to gravel. The resistivity is highly variable, but usually around 10–1500 Ω-m, except for some sites in areas 1 and 2, where the aquifer is of low resistivity, probably related to salt water. Hydraulic and storage-related parameters such as transmissivity, hydraulic column, have been estimated from the MRS. The MRS together with VES has been shown to be a useful and important tool for identifying and distinguishing freshwater from possible salt-affected water as well as the salt-related clay layer of the Thangon Formation. This clay layer is characterized by very low free water content and a resistivity lower than 5 Ω-m and can be found in all 3 areas at depths from 15 to 50 m.  相似文献   

Magnetic Resonance Sounding (MRS) is nowadays accepted as a new geophysical method that can be used for a reliable determination of the ground water content distribution in the top 150 m. A great effort has also been made in MRS development to deduce the hydraulic transmissivity, based on empiric relationships of the permeability with a factor F which is calculated with NMR parameters measured at laboratory scale. To use this relationship under field conditions a calibration coefficient CT = Tpt / F has to be previously established, which demands the knowledge of the transmissivity Tpt evaluated in the pumping test. The transmissivity can then be calculated at any other site of the same aquifer using the relation Tmrs = CTF. The CT values reported suggest a certain relationship with the lithology, but with a great dispersion and contradictory results. MRS surveys carried out in alluvial aquifers in Spain have shown that the value of CT evaluated at one site may not be valid at another place of the same aquifer, because of the great heterogeneity of this kind of geological environment. The demand of a pumping test at each site where a MRS is measured invalidates the method actually used for MRS transmissivity evaluation. More than 50 MRS have been used to propose a new methodology. The aquifers visited cover a great range of transmissivities (from 2 × 10− 6 to 9 × 10− 3 m2/s). The MRS signal amplitude varies between 20 and 1400 nV, the signal/noise ratio is in the range from 0.6 to 42, and the value of the decay time constant varies from 200 to 800 ms. It has been demonstrated that when the transmissivity increases, the value of F decreases, and CT increases, except for certain groups of MRS taken at the same aquifer or part of one aquifer, for which F increases with Tpt, keeping CT constant. A function CT(F) of the type CT = mF− n has been obtained that allows the transmissivity evaluation without the need of Tpt. Considering that both values of transmissivity, Tpt and Tmrs, are subjected to deviations due to the experimental errors as well as due to evaluation errors, the prediction achieved by the proposed equation is rather good. To perform a better evaluation of the values of the coefficients m and n it is necessary to have a greater number of MR soundings of good quality and with a trustworthy inversion at locations where a really comparable and good performed pumping test is available, covering a sufficient range of transmissivities. Though the data we have used do not always fulfil these conditions, the result is promising. Once a trustable function is available, the forecast of the transmissivity using MRS will not need the existence of any pumping test in the area. The general extension of this methodology demands the availability of MRS taken at all kinds of geological and hydrogeological environments, which is impossible without the existence of a universal MRS data base.  相似文献   


Leakage properties and the potential for land subsidence due to groundwater withdrawal from a multi-aquifer water supply system were investigated by applying leaky type curve and one dimensional consolidation models to drawdown data that were obtained during a pumping test experiment in an aquifer-aquitard system. The producing aquifer has transmissivity and storativity values of 5.3 × 10?3 m2 s?1 and 9.54 × 10?4 respectively. It is recharged through leakage at a rate of 5.67 × 10?8 m s?1, giving a leakage amount of more than 0.007 m3 s?1. Drainage of the aquifer-aquitard system could result in aquitard compaction of between 50 and 180 mm year?1 for pumping periods of 6 and 22 h day?1, respectively. The observed leakage has important implications for land subsidence problems and waste disposal practices in the area.  相似文献   

We present a workflow to estimate geostatistical aquifer parameters from pumping test data using the Python package welltestpy . The procedure of pumping test analysis is exemplified for two data sets from the Horkheimer Insel site and from the Lauswiesen site, Germany. The analysis is based on a semi-analytical drawdown solution from the upscaling approach Radial Coarse Graining, which enables to infer log-transmissivity variance and horizontal correlation length, beside mean transmissivity, and storativity, from pumping test data. We estimate these parameters of aquifer heterogeneity from type-curve analysis and determine their sensitivity. This procedure, implemented in welltestpy , is a template for analyzing any pumping test. It goes beyond the possibilities of standard methods, for example, based on Theis' equation, which are limited to mean transmissivity and storativity. A sensitivity study showed the impact of observation well positions on the parameter estimation quality. The insights of this study help to optimize future test setups for geostatistical aquifer analysis and provides guidance for investigating pumping tests with regard to aquifer statistics using the open-source software package welltestpy .  相似文献   

Cem B. Avci  A. Ufuk Sahin 《水文研究》2014,28(23):5739-5754
Pumping tests are one of the most commonly used in situ testing techniques for assessing aquifer hydraulic properties. Numerous researches have been conducted to predict the effects of aquifer heterogeneity on the groundwater levels during pumping tests. The objectives of the present work were as follows: (1) to predict drawdown conditions and to estimate aquifer properties during pumping tests undertaken in radially symmetric heterogeneous aquifers, and (2) to identify a method for assessing the transmissivity field along the radial coordinate in radially symmetric and fully heterogeneous transmissivity fields. The first objective was achieved by expanding an existing analytical drawdown formulation that was valid for a radially symmetric confined aquifer with two concentric zones around the pumping well to an N concentric zone confined aquifer having a constant transmissivity value within each zone. The formulation was evaluated for aquifers with three and four concentric zones to assess the effects of the transmissivity field on the drawdown conditions. The specific conditions under which aquifer properties could be identified using traditional methods of analysis were also evaluated. The second objective was achieved by implementing the inverse solution algorithm (ISA), which was developed for petroleum reservoirs to groundwater aquifer settings. The results showed that the drawdown values are influenced by a volumetric integral of a weighting function and the transmissivity field within the cone of depression. The weighting function migrates in tandem with the expanding cone of depression. The ability of the ISA to predict radially symmetric and log‐normally distributed transmissivity fields was assessed against analytical and numerical benchmarks. The results of this investigation indicated that the ISA method is a viable technique for evaluating the radial transmissivity variations of heterogeneous aquifer settings. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Abstract. A method to calculate aquifer transmissivity, storage coefficient, and the leakage coefficient from pumping test data for a leaky aquifer is presented. The method is carried out by a computer program and is based on a minimization of the sum of squares of differences between drawdown in the observation well and the theoretical values from the Hantush and Jacob formula. No user defined starting points are necessary. Random error estimates for the parameters are given. Applications of the method are illustrated using data from pumping tests performed in leaky aquifers at the Cauca River Valley, Colombia.  相似文献   

This study suggested a numerical model using the Tabu search algorithm along with the Adjoint State method to identify the hydrogeological characteristics of an anisotropic groundwater aquifer. The Tabu search algorithm was applied to identify the anisotropic transmissivity components to avoid a local optimum. Then, the Adjoint State method was used to calculate the sensitivity of the parameters in order to increase the efficiency of the optimization. For an anisotropic and homogeneous aquifer, results showed that the optimal procedure presented combining the Tabu search algorithm and the Adjoint State method might successfully identify the values of the transmissivity components. If the duration of the pumping test was long enough (12‐h pumping test), the value of the transmissivity components could be optimized with type‐curve, straight‐line, and Tabu search methods, along with the Adjoint State methods. If the duration of the pumping test was short (0·5‐h pumping test), the Tabu search method, along with the Adjoint State method proposed herein, might successfully optimize the transmissivity components. For an anisotropic but heterogeneous aquifer, results showed that the suggested optimal procedure still successfully identified the values of the transmissivity components. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Accurate estimation of aquifer parameters, especially from crystalline hard rock area, assumes a special significance for management of groundwater resources. The aquifer parameters are usually estimated through pumping tests carried out on water wells. While it may be costly and time consuming for carrying out pumping tests at a number of sites, the application of geophysical methods in combination with hydro-geochemical information proves to be potential and cost effective to estimate aquifer parameters. Here a method to estimate aquifer parameters such as hydraulic conductivity, formation factor, porosity and transmissivity is presented by utilizing electrical conductivity values analysed via hydro-geochemical analysis of existing wells and the respective vertical electrical sounding (VES) points of Sindhudurg district, western Maharashtra, India. Further, prior to interpolating the distribution of aquifer parameters of the study area, variogram modelling was carried out using data driven techniques of kriging, automatic relevance determination based Bayesian neural networks (ARD-BNN) and adaptive neuro-fuzzy neural networks (ANFIS). In total, four variogram model fitting techniques such as spherical, exponential, ARD-BNN and ANFIS were compared. According to the obtained results, the spherical variogram model in interpolating transmissivity, ARD-BNN variogram model in interpolating porosity, exponential variogram model in interpolating aquifer thickness and ANFIS variogram model in interpolating hydraulic conductivity outperformed rest of the variogram models. Accordingly, the accurate aquifer parameters maps of the study area were produced by using the best variogram model. The present results suggest that there are relatively high value of hydraulic conductivity, porosity and transmissivity at Parule, Mogarne, Kudal, and Zarap, which would be useful to characterize the aquifer system over western Maharashtra.  相似文献   

Magnetic Resonance Sounding (MRS) is nowadays accepted as a new geophysical method that can be used for a reliable determination of the ground water content distribution in the top 150 m. A great effort has also been made in MRS development to deduce the hydraulic transmissivity, based on empiric relationships of the permeability with a factor F which is calculated with NMR parameters measured at laboratory scale. To use this relationship under field conditions a calibration coefficient CT = Tpt / F has to be previously established, which demands the knowledge of the transmissivity Tpt evaluated in the pumping test. The transmissivity can then be calculated at any other site of the same aquifer using the relation Tmrs = CTF. The CT values reported suggest a certain relationship with the lithology, but with a great dispersion and contradictory results. MRS surveys carried out in alluvial aquifers in Spain have shown that the value of CT evaluated at one site may not be valid at another place of the same aquifer, because of the great heterogeneity of this kind of geological environment. The demand of a pumping test at each site where a MRS is measured invalidates the method actually used for MRS transmissivity evaluation. More than 50 MRS have been used to propose a new methodology. The aquifers visited cover a great range of transmissivities (from 2 × 10 6 to 9 × 10 3 m2/s). The MRS signal amplitude varies between 20 and 1400 nV, the signal/noise ratio is in the range from 0.6 to 42, and the value of the decay time constant varies from 200 to 800 ms. It has been demonstrated that when the transmissivity increases, the value of F decreases, and CT increases, except for certain groups of MRS taken at the same aquifer or part of one aquifer, for which F increases with Tpt, keeping CT constant. A function CT(F) of the type CT = mF n has been obtained that allows the transmissivity evaluation without the need of Tpt. Considering that both values of transmissivity, Tpt and Tmrs, are subjected to deviations due to the experimental errors as well as due to evaluation errors, the prediction achieved by the proposed equation is rather good. To perform a better evaluation of the values of the coefficients m and n it is necessary to have a greater number of MR soundings of good quality and with a trustworthy inversion at locations where a really comparable and good performed pumping test is available, covering a sufficient range of transmissivities. Though the data we have used do not always fulfil these conditions, the result is promising. Once a trustable function is available, the forecast of the transmissivity using MRS will not need the existence of any pumping test in the area. The general extension of this methodology demands the availability of MRS taken at all kinds of geological and hydrogeological environments, which is impossible without the existence of a universal MRS data base.  相似文献   


An investigation on the groundwater potentials of the Egbe-Mopa area in central Nigeria, underlain by the Basement Complex, is presented. The investigation involved mapping of the subsurface by use of vertical electrical soundings; measurement of depth to groundwater; and evaluation of hydraulic conductivity, transmissivity and yield by means of pumping test interpretation. The results indicate subsurface units that range from three to five resistivity layers; depth to groundwater of 0–10 m; overburden thickness of 3–16 m; hydraulic conductivity of 6.2?×?10?6 to 3.4?×?10?4 m/s; transmissivity of 4.3?×?10?7 to 2?×?10?3 m2/s; and groundwater yield of 0.2–2.5 L/s. The hydraulic head assessments revealed a general northward groundwater flow direction. The study identified three aquifer potential types, of high, medium and low productivity, respectively. Based on the longitudinal conductance of the overburden units, four distinct Aquifer Protective Capacity zones were delineated, namely, poor, weak, moderate and good.

Citation Okogbue, C.O. and Omonona, O.V., 2013. Groundwater potential of Egbe-Mopa basement area, central Nigeria. Hydrological Sciences Journal, 58 (4), 826–840.  相似文献   


An approach for better understanding of the physical implication of estimated aquifer parameters is demonstrated by analysing the pumping test data at Cottam in the Nottingham aquifer, UK. A sensitivity analysis showed that the area represented by the estimated parameters was much smaller than the area covered by the depression cone. After parameters are estimated, further research should be carried out to understand what portions of the aquifer the parameters represent. The parameters estimated at Cottam represented mainly aquifer features between roughly 100 and 2000 m. The sensitivity analysis also showed that the observed drawdown being satisfactorily matched by a model with uniform parameters does not prove that the aquifer is homogeneous. Slightly anomalous data may imply the existence of large anomalous zones. Although the drawdowns at Cottam could be ‘satisfactorily’ fitted by a model with uniform parameters, the fit could be improved by a model using a more permeable aquifer but with a zone about 700 m wide and with 42% less transmissivity.  相似文献   

In large-scale pumping projects, such as mine dewatering, predictions are often made about the rate of groundwater level recovery after pumping has ceased. However, these predictions may be impacted by geological uncertainty—including the presence of undetected impermeable barriers. During pumping, an impermeable barrier may be undetected if it is located beyond the maximum extent of the cone of depression; yet it may still control drawdown during the recovery phase. This has implications for regional-scale modeling and monitoring of groundwater level recovery. In this article, non-dimensional solutions are developed to show the conditions under which a barrier may be undetected during pumping but still significantly impact groundwater level recovery. The magnitude of the impact from an undetected barrier will increase as the ratio of pumping rate to aquifer transmissivity increases. The results are exemplified for a hypothetical aquifer with an unknown barrier 3 km from a pumping well. The difference in drawdown between a model with and without a barrier may be <1 m in the 10 years while pumping is occurring, but up to 50 m after pumping has ceased.  相似文献   

An integrated approach of geoelectrical and hydrochemical investigation surveys was proposed for indicating contact regions between saline and fresh groundwater in the Khanasser valley region, northern Syria. The qualitative and quantitative interpretations of 34 vertical electrical soundings (VES) enable to characterize the salt water intrusion laterally and vertically. The established iso-apparent resistivity maps for different AB/2 spacings obviously indicate the presence of a lowresistivity (less than 4 Ohm·m) zone related to the salt water intrusion in the Quaternary and Paleogene deposits. The different hydrochemical and geophysical parameters, such as electrical resistivity, total dissolved solids (TDS) and major ions concentrations used to characterize the salt water intrusion gave almost similar results in locating and mapping the different boundaries of the groundwater salinity. The proposed approach is useful for mapping the interface between different groundwater qualities, and can be therefore used to successfully characterize the salt water intrusion phenomenon in other semi-arid regions. The application of such an approach is a powerful tool and can be used for water resource management in the water scarce areas.  相似文献   

Experimental hydraulic heads and electrical (self-potential) signals associated with a pumping test were used in an inverse model to estimate the transmissivity distribution of a real aquifer. Several works reported in the literature show that there is a relatively good linear relationship between the hydraulic heads in the aquifer and electrical signals measured at the ground surface. In this experimental test field, first, the current coupling coefficient was determined by the best fit between experimental and modeled self-potential signals at the end of the pumping phase. Soon afterward, with the hydraulic heads obtained from the self-potential signals, the transmissivity distribution of the aquifer was conditioned by means an inverse model based on the successive linear estimator (SLE). To further substantiate the estimated T field from the SLE analysis, we analyzed the drawdown rate, the derivative of the drawdown with respect to the ln(t), because the drawdown rate is highly sensitive to the variability in the transmissivity field. In our opinion, these results show that self-potential signals allow the monitoring of subsurface flow in the course of pumping experiments, and that electrical potentials serve as a good complement to piezometric observations to condition and characterize the transmissivity distribution of an aquifer.  相似文献   

《Advances in water resources》2005,28(10):1057-1075
The theory of a pumping test or a slug test to measure aquifer transmissivity or storativity assumes that the aquifer properties are uniform around the well. The response of the drawdown to small spatial variations in aquifer properties in the volume of influence is determined by spatial weighting functions or Fréchet kernels, which in general are functions of space and time. The Fréchet kernels determine the effective “volume of influence” of the measurements at any time. Under the assumption that the well is a line sink we derive explicit analytical expressions for the Fréchet kernels for storativity and for transmissivity for both pumping and slug tests. We also derive the total sensitivity functions for uniform variations in storativity and transmissivity and show that they are the spatial integrals of the Fréchet kernels. We consider both the case of separate pumping and observation wells and also the radially symmetric case of observations made at the pumped or slugged well. The “volume of influence” is symmetric with respect to the pumping or slugged well and the observation well, and far from the well the contours of equal spatial sensitivity approach the shapes of ellipses with a well at each focus, rather than circles centered on the pumping well. We use the analytical solutions to investigate the nature of the singularities in the spatial sensitivity functions around the wells, which govern the importance of inhomogeneities close to the well or observation point.  相似文献   

We developed a method to estimate aquifer transmissivity from the hydraulic-head data associated with the normal cyclic operation of a water supply well thus avoiding the need for interrupting the water supply associated with a traditional aquifer test. The method is based on an analytical solution that relates the aquifer's transmissivity to the standard deviation of the hydraulic-head fluctuations in one or more observation wells that are due to the periodic pumping of the production well. We analyzed the resulting analytical solution and demonstrated that when the observation wells are located near the pumping well, the solution has a simple, Dupuit like form. Numerical analysis demonstrates that the analytical solution can also be used for a quasi-periodic pumping of the supply well. Simulation of cyclic pumping in a statistically heterogeneous medium confirms that the method is suitable for analyzing the transmissivity of weakly or moderately heterogeneous aquifers. If only one observation well is available, and the shift in the phase of hydraulic-head oscillations between the pumping well and the observation well is not identifiable. Prior knowledge of aquifer's hydraulic diffusivity is required to obtain the value of the aquifer transmissivity.  相似文献   

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