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We present J , H and K -band spectroscopy of Cygnus A, spanning 1.0–2.4 μm in the rest-frame and hence several rovibrational H2, H recombination and [Fe  ii ] emission lines. The lines are spatially extended by up to 6 kpc from the nucleus, but their distinct kinematics indicate that the three groups (H, H2 and [Fe  ii ]) are not wholly produced in the same gas. The broadest line, [Fe  ii ] λ 1.644, exhibits a non-Gaussian profile with a broad base (FWHM≃1040 km s−1), perhaps because of the interaction with the radio source. Extinctions to the line-emitting regions substantially exceed earlier measurements based on optical H recombination lines.
Hard X-rays from the quasar nucleus are likely to dominate the excitation of the H2 emission. The results of Maloney, Hollenbach & Tielens are thus used to infer the total mass of gas in H2 v=1–0 S(1)-emitting clouds as a function of radius, for gas densities of 103 and 105 cm−3, and stopping column densities N H=1022–1024 cm−2. Assuming azimuthal symmetry, at least 2.3×108 M of such material is present within 5 kpc of the nucleus, if the line-emitting clouds see an unobscured quasar spectrum. Alternatively, if the bulk of the X-ray absorption to the nucleus inferred by Ueno et al. actually arises in a circumnuclear torus, the implied gas mass rises to ∼1010 M. The latter plausibly accounts for 109 yr of mass deposition from the cluster cooling flow, for which within this radius.  相似文献   

We have obtained near-infrared spectroscopy of a small sample of powerful compact steep-spectrum (CSS) radio sources mainly, but not exclusively, from the 3CR sample. We find no differences between the distributions in the equivalent width and luminosity of the [O  iii ]λ5007 line for our sample and other larger, presumably older, high-redshift 3C objects, suggesting that the underlying quasar luminosity remains roughly constant as quasars age. We also find a possible broad line in 3C 241, adding to recent evidence for broad lines in some radio galaxies.  相似文献   

We search for a dichotomy/bimodality between radio-loud (RL) and radio-quiet (RQ) type 1 active galactic nuclei (AGN). We examine several samples of Slogan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) quasi-stellar objects (QSOs) with high signal-to-noise ratio optical spectra and matching Faint Images of the Radio Sky at Twenty-cm/NRAO VLA Sky Survey (FIRST/NVSS) radio observations. We use the radio data to identify the weakest RL sources with a Fanaroff–Riley type II (FR II) structure to define a RL/RQ boundary which corresponds to log   L 1.4 GHz= 31.6  erg s−1 Hz−1. We measure the properties of broad-line Hβ and Fe  ii emission to define the optical plane of a 4DE1 spectroscopic diagnostic space. The RL quasars occupy a much more restricted domain in this optical plane compared to the RQ sources, which a 2D Kolmogorov–Smirnov test finds to be highly significant. This tells us that the range of broad-line region kinematics and structure for RL sources is more restricted than for the RQ QSOs, which supports the notion of dichotomy. FR II and CD RL sources also show significant 4DE1 domain differences that likely reflect differences in line-of-sight orientation (inclined versus face-on, respectively) for these two classes. The possibility of a distinct radio-intermediate (RI) population between RQ and RL source is disfavoured because a 4DE1 diagnostic space comparison shows no difference between RI and RQ sources. We show that searches for dichotomy in radio versus bolometric luminosity diagrams will yield ambiguous results mainly because in a reasonably complete sample, the radio brightest RQ sources will be numerous enough to blur the gap between RQ and RL sources. Within resolution constraints of NVSS and FIRST, we find no FR I sources among the broad-line quasar population.  相似文献   

We present new spectroscopic observations of the southern radio galaxy         . Despite the flat-spectrum character of the radio emission from this source, our optical spectra show no sign of the broad permitted lines and non-stellar continuum characteristic of quasar nuclei and broad-line radio galaxies. However, the high-ionization forbidden lines, including [O  iii ] λλ 5007, 4959, are unusually broad for a narrow-line radio galaxy     , and are blueshifted by 600 km s−1 relative to the low-ionization lines such as [O  ii ] λλ 3726,3729. The [O  ii ] lines are also considerably narrower     than the [O  iii ] lines, and have a redshift consistent with that of the recently detected H  i 21-cm absorption-line system. Whereas the kinematics of the [O  iii ] emission lines are consistent with outflow in an inner narrow-line region, the properties of the [O  ii ] emission lines suggest that they are emitted by a more extended and quiescent gaseous component. We argue that, given the radio properties of the source, our line of sight is likely to be lying close to the direction of bulk outflow of the radio jets. In this case it is probable that the quasar nucleus is entirely obscured at optical wavelengths by the material responsible for the H  i absorption-line system. The unusually broad [O  iii ] emission lines suggest that the radio source is intrinsically compact. Overall, our data are consistent the idea that     is a radio source in an early stage of evolution.  相似文献   

We present high-quality long-slit spectra for three nearby powerful radio galaxies – 3C 293, 3C 305 and PKS 1345+12. These were taken with the aim of characterizing the young stellar populations (YSP), and thereby investigating the evolution of the host galaxies, as well as the events that triggered the activity. Isochrone spectral synthesis modelling of the wide wavelength coverage spectra of nuclear and off-nuclear continuum-emitting regions have been used to estimate the ages, masses and luminosities of the YSP component, taking full account of reddening effects and potential contamination by activity-related components. We find that the YSP make a substantial contribution to the continuum flux in the off-nuclear regions on a radial scale of 1–20 kpc in all three objects. Moreover, in two objects we find evidence for reddened post-starburst stellar populations in the near-nuclear regions of the host galaxies. The YSP are relatively old (0.1–2 Gyr), massive  (109 < M YSP < 2 × 1010 M)  and make up a large proportion (∼1–50 per cent) of the total stellar mass in the regions of the galaxies sampled by the observations. Overall, these results are consistent with the idea that the nuclear activity of active galactic nuclei in some radio galaxies is triggered by major gas-rich mergers. Therefore, these radio galaxies form part of the subset of early-type galaxies that is evolving most rapidly in the local Universe. Intriguingly, the results also suggest that the radio jets are triggered relatively late in the merger sequence, and that there is an evolutionary link between radio galaxies and luminous/ultraluminous infrared galaxies.  相似文献   

We present deep near-infrared images, taken with the Subaru Telescope, of the region around the   z =1.08  radio source 3C 356 which show it to be associated with a poor cluster of galaxies. We discuss evidence that this cluster comprises two subclusters traced by the two galaxies previously proposed as identifications for 3C 356, which both seem to harbour active galactic nuclei, and which have the disturbed morphologies expected if they underwent an interpenetrating collision at the time the radio jets were triggered. We explain the high luminosity and temperature of the diffuse X-ray emission from this system as the result of shock heating of intracluster gas by the merger of two galaxy groups. Taken together with the results on other well-studied powerful radio sources, we suggest that the key ingredient for triggering a powerful radio source, at least at epochs corresponding to   z ∼1  , is a galaxy–galaxy interaction which can be orchestrated by the merger of their parent subclusters. This provides an explanation for the rapid decline in the number density of powerful radio sources since   z ∼1  . We argue that attempts to use distant radio-selected clusters to trace the formation and evolution of the general cluster population must address ways in which X-ray properties can be influenced by the radio source, both directly, by mechanisms such as inverse Compton scattering, and indirectly, by the fact that the radio source may be preferentially triggered at a specific time during the formation of the cluster.  相似文献   

Infrared variability properties of the blazar 3C 279   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The long-term (about 27 years) near-infrared K light curve is constructed from the published literature for the blazar 3C 279. The Jurkevich method is adopted to analyse the periodicity, and a strong 7.1±0.44 yr period is found, suggesting that the next near-infrared outburst will occur in 2002/03. The correlation between colour index (spectral index) and magnitude is discussed, and a significant correlation between ( J − H ) and K is found with a correlation coefficient r =0.72 ( p =2.0×10−10), which is consistent with Brown et al.'s proposal.  相似文献   

We study the geometry of the Hβ broad emission region by comparing the M BH values derived from Hβ through the virial relation with those obtained from the host galaxy luminosity in a sample of 36 low-redshift  ( z ∼ 0.3)  quasars. This comparison lets us infer the geometrical factor f needed to deproject the line-of-sight velocity component of the emitting gas. The wide range of f values we found, together with the strong dependence of f on the observed linewidth, suggests that a disc-like model for the broad-line region is preferable to an isotropic model, both for radio-loud and radio-quiet quasars. We examined similar observations of the C  iv line and found no correlation in the width of the two lines. Our results indicate that an inflated disc broad-line region, in which the Carbon line is emitted in a flat disc while Hβ is produced in a geometrically thick region, can account for the observed differences in the width and shape of the two emission lines.  相似文献   

We perform N -body simulations of encounters between spherical systems surrounded by a spherical halo. Following a preceding paper with a similar aim, the initial systems include a spherical Jaffe model for the luminous matter and a Hernquist model for the halo. The merger remnants from this sample are mainly slowly rotating, prolate spheroids with a radially anisotropic velocity distribution. The results are compared with real-life ellipticals and with the models without halo in Paper I. We argue that elliptical galaxies with evidence of dark matter could be formed in the field via a merger of spheroids surrounded by a dark matter halo, while ellipticals with no evidence of dark matter might be formed via a merger of two spheroids in a cluster.  相似文献   

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