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杨灿  汪齐松 《测绘通报》2019,(12):112-115
随着地理信息大数据时代的到来,地理信息与多个行业领域日益深度融合,产生了海量的多源异构数据。多源丰富的空间数据为经济社会发展提供基础支撑作用的同时,其异构性也给数据共享和应用带来了问题与挑战。针对地理空间数据多源、异构、不一致性的现状及特点,本文提出了数据库模式融合与数据库实例融合为一体的多源地理空间数据融合流程与方法,并以基础地理信息、地理国情普查等实例数据进行了分析,为多源空间数据共享与应用提供了解决思路。  相似文献   

基于多源遥感数据的西藏羌多地区地质构造解译   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
多光谱遥感数据的空间分辨率通常是为解决资源和环境等特定问题而设置的,但是地质构造从区域到手标本可划分为不同尺度,因而单一遥感数据并不能满足多尺度的构造解译。为此,以西藏羌多地区为研究区,利用ETM+,ASTER,WorldView2及DEM等多源遥感数据的综合优势,从30 m空间分辨率的ETM+和15 m空间分辨率的ASTER到0.5 m空间分辨率的WorldView2这2个层次上解译研究区的构造,取得了显著成效。首先,基于传统的构造信息解译标志,用ETM+数据进行构造架构解译,同时运用ASTER数据的波段运算结果间接反映构造信息;然后,开展WorldView2高空间分辨率数据的综合构造解译分析;最后,在野外验证的基础上,对解译的构造信息进行室内修正。研究区的地质构造解译结果表明,综合多源遥感数据可以大大提高地质构造解译的准确率,并在较短的时间内取得较好的应用效果。  相似文献   

姜芸  王军 《测绘工程》2010,19(4):34-38
随着遥感技术的发展,同一区域的多源遥感影像数据越来越丰富。以哈大齐为例,利用ETM+和SPOT-5数据探讨不同遥感信息融合在土地利用过程中的处理方法,比较不同融合算法在土地分类中的差异,并进行定性和定量比较。为有关部门进行土地规划、管理提供科学依据有着十分重要的意义。  相似文献   

本文提出了利用空间数据库中已有的DEM、DOM、DLG和新影像进行三维变化检测,在此基础上提取二维变化信息的技术框架。探讨了基于DEM的VLL物方影像匹配方法、多尺度表达的数字高程模型,以及自适应窗口大小和变化阈值的确定等用于三维变化检测的关键技术。这些思想和方法在实验中得到初步证实。  相似文献   

多源遥感数据管理与远程处理集成实现   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对目前对多源遥感影像数据管理与远程处理的集成应用研究较少的现状,文章基于FTP、关系数据库和空间数据库引擎设计多源遥感影像数据及其元数据与快视图数据的一体化管理方案,基于Web Service与PCI-EASI设计遥感影像远程处理服务,并对多源遥感影像数据管理与远程处理功能进行集成,通过综合运用FTP和Web Service技术,提高了数据管理效率和应用的灵活性。最后以"粤港澳水质遥感监测系统"为例,实现了对多源遥感影像数据的有效管理及水质监测业务的系统化,验证了研究成果的可行性和实用性。  相似文献   

Automatic change detection of geo-spatial data from imagery   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The problems and diffi-culty of current change detection tech-niques are presented. Then, according to whether image registration is done before change detection algorithms,the authors classify the change detec-tion into two categories:the change de-tection after image registration and the change detection simultaneous with image registration. For the former,four topics including the change detec-tion between new image and old im-age, the change detection between new image and old map, the change detec-tion between new image/old image and old map, and the change detection be-tween new multi-source images and old map/image are introduced. For the latter, three categories, i. e. the change detection between old DEM,DOM and new non-rectification image,the change detection between old DLG, DRG and new non-rectification image, and the 3D change detection between old 4D products and new multi-overlapped photos, are dis-cussed.  相似文献   

遥感技术为库容曲线的重构带来了新思路,但仍存在多源遥感影像数据难以直接应用、水库批量面积提取效率低等问题,难以形成一套系统化、流程化的方法进行广泛应用。基于此,本文提出了多源时相遥感影像数据耦合的库容曲线重构方法,并重构了深圳市径心水库的水位-库容关系曲线。试验证明,重构后的库容曲线常水位区间的库容曲线偏离率在4.23%~11.5%之间,能够为径心水库的调度管理提供参考,同时对全国库容曲线无法及时重构的水库具有参考意义。  相似文献   

The Alberta Oil Sands (AOS) is a unique area in Canada undergoing significant disturbance and recovery due to a variety of anthropogenic and natural factors. Accurately quantifying these changes in space and time is important for assessing ecosystem status and trends. In this research, we implemented an approach to combine Landsat time series for the period 1984–2012 with ancillary change datasets to derive detailed change attribution in the AOS. Detected changes were attributed to causes including fire, forest harvest, surface mining, insect damage, flooding, regeneration, and several generic change classes (abrupt/gradual, with/without regeneration) with accuracies ranging from 74% to 100% for classes that occurred frequently. Lower accuracies were found for the generic gradual change classes which accounted for less than 3% of the affected area. Timing of abrupt change events were generally well captured to within ±1 year. For gradual changes timing was less accurate and variable by change type. A land-cover time series was also created to provide information on “from-to” change. A basic accuracy assessment of the land cover showed it to be of moderate accuracy, approximately 69%. Results show that fire was the major cause of change in the region. As expected, surface mine development and related activities have increased since 2000. Insect damage has become a more significant agent of change in the region. Further investigation is required to determine if insect damage is greater than past historical events and to determine if industrial development is linked to the increasing trend observed.  相似文献   

遥感变化检测技术及其应用综述   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
从遥感变化检测前的准备工作和技术流程入手,对变化检测技术及应用现状作了简要介绍,综述了近些年来常用的几种遥感变化检测方法,即图像差值法、图像比值法、主成分分析法、植被指数法、分类后比较法。分析了遥感变化检测在国土资源、森林火灾、海洋、军事等方面发挥的重要作用。  相似文献   

遥感影像变化检测方法探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用同一区域不同时相的遥感影像进行变化检测的应用一直是遥感应用研究的热点之一.本文对遥感变化检测技术的研究现状和新进展进行了一定的归纳和总结,对以往分类方法进行了介绍,分别对基于像素、基于对象以及结合特定理论的变化检测方法进行了重点讨论,并对每种方法涉及的理论和最新研究进展进行了评述.  相似文献   

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