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According to the earlier international studies on the coupled ice-ocean model and the hydrology, meteorology, and ice features in the Bohai Sea, a coupled ice-ocean model is developed based on the National Marine Environment Forecast Center‘ s (NMEFC) numerical forecasting ice model of the Bohai Sea and the Princeton ocean model (POM). In the coupled model, the transfer of momentum and heat between ocean and ice is two-way, and the change of ice thickness and concentration depends on heat budget not only at the surface and bottom of ice, but also at the surface of open water between ices. The dynamic and thermodynamic coupling process is expatiated emphatically. Some thermodynamic parameters are discussed as well.  相似文献   

1 IntroductionAs an important compartment of global cli-mate system, the development and variation ofsea ice directly affect the global atmosphere andocean environment, especially the deep watersformation and circulation. Therefore, it be-comes one of the keys of the global climatestudy to explore the coupling physical processof sea ice to atmosphere and ocean in the cli-mate system and to set up the global coupledairiceocean system. The studies on the in-teraction of iceocean and its coupled…  相似文献   

A coupled ice-ocean model for the Bohai Sea Ⅱ. Case study   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The coupled ice-ocean model for the Bohai Sea is used for simulating the freezing, melting, and variation of ice cover and the heat balance at the sea-ice, air-ice, and air-sea interfaces of the Bohai Sea during the entire winter in 1998-1999 and 2000-2001. The coupled model is forced by real time numerical weather prediction fields. The results show that the thermodynamic effects of atmosphere and ocean are very important for the evolvement of ice in the Bohai Sea, especially in the period of ice freezing and melting. Ocean heat flux plays a key role in the thermodynamic coupling. The simulation also presents the different thermodynamic features in the ice covered region and the marginal ice zone. Ice thickness, heat budget at the interface, and surface sea temperature, etc. between the two representative points are discussed.  相似文献   

The coupled ice-ocean model for the Bohai Sea is used for simulating the freezing, melting, and variation of ice cover and the heat balance at the sea-ice, air-ice, and air-sea interfaces of the Bohai Sea during the entire winter in 1998~1999 and 2000~2001. The coupled model is forced by real time numerical weather prediction fields. The results show that the thermodynamic effects of atmosphere and ocean are very important for the evolvement of ice in the Bohai Sea, especially in the period of ice freezing and melting. Ocean heat flux plays a key role in the thermodynamic coupling. The simulation also presents the different thermodynamic features in the ice covered region and the marginal ice zone. Ice thickness, heat budget at the interface, and surface sea temperature, etc. between the two representative points are discussed.  相似文献   

A coupled ice-ocean model for the Bohai Sea Ⅱ. Case study   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
1 Introduction As mentioned in the previous paper (Su et al., 2004), investigation and application of the coupled ice- ocean model play an important role in the polar and climate research. In recent years, great attention is paid to the research on coupled models of ice margin zone and regional seas and its application in marine engineering and forecasting. For example, simulation study on seasonal evolution rule of sea ice and upper layer ocean during a winter in the Labrador Sea was conduct…  相似文献   

In this paper,on the basis of the heat conduction equation without consideration of the advection and turbulence effects,one-dimensional model for describing surface sea temperature (Ts),bottom sea temperature (Th) and the thickness of the upper homogeneous layer (h) is developed in terms of the dimensionless temperature θT and depth η and self-simulation function θT-f(η) of vertical temperature profile by means of historical temperature data.The results of trial prediction with our one-dimensional model on Ts,Th,h,the thickness and gradient of thermocline are satisfactory to some extent.  相似文献   

The carbon cycle of lower trophic level in the Bohai Sea is studied with a three-dimensional biological and physical coupled model. The influences of the processes (including horizontal advection, river nutrient load, active transport etc. ) on the phytoplankton biomass and its evolution are estimated. The Bohai Sea is a weak sink of the CO2 in the atmosphere. During the cycle, 13.7% of the gross production of the phytoplankton enter the higher trophic level and 76.8 % of it are consumed by the respiration itself. The nutrient reproduction comes mainly from the internal biogeochemical loop and the rem-ineralization is an important mechanism of the nutrient transfer from organic form to inorganic. Horizontal advection decreases the total biomass and the eutrophication in some sea areas. Change in the nutrient load of a river can only adjust the local system near its estuary. Controlling the input of the nutrient, which limits the alga growth, can be very useful in lessening the phytoplankton biomass.  相似文献   

In this paper, on the basis of the heat conduction equation without consideration of the advection and turbulence effects, one-dimensional model for describing surface sea temperature ( T1), bottom sea temperature ( Tt ) and the thickness of the upper homogeneous layer ( h ) is developed in terms of the dimensionless temperature θT and depth η and self-simulation function θT - f(η) of vertical temperature profile by means of historical temperature data.The results of trial prediction with our one-dimensional model on T, Th, h , the thickness and gradient of thermocline are satisfactory to some extent.  相似文献   

Studyonshort-rangenumericalforecastingofoceancurrentintheEastChinaSea—II.Three-dimensionaldiagnosticmodelanditsapplicationint...  相似文献   

Aquasi-three-dimensionalnumericalpredictionmodelofsalinitystructureinBohaiSeaandHuanghaiSea¥SunWeiyangandWangZongshan(Receive...  相似文献   

A one-dimentional three-layer model for the thermal structure in the Huanghai Sea is presented in this study, me model consists of the upper mixed layer caused by heating and wind mixing, the lower mixed layer driven by tidal mixing, and the thermocline with certain thickness. The entrainment velocities of the upper and lower layers are obtained respectively. The results show that the model is capable of describing the development and decline processes of the seasonal thermocline in the Huanghai Sea, simulating successfully the Huanghai Sea Cold Water Mass, the nearshore front and surface cold water off North Jiangsu and explaining reasonably their formation mechanisms as well as the strong thermocline off Qingdao. It is suggested that the tidal mixing plays key role in the formation of the nearshore front off North Jiangsu and the strong thermocline off Qingdao. The wind mixing and the tidal mixing make the lower layer water with high nutrients go up to the upper layer. This physical process may be sig  相似文献   

Quaternary marine ostracoda on the west coast of the Bohai Sea   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
According to the results of analysis of the marine ostracoda biofacies from over 160 drilled holes on the west coast of the Bohai Sea, i.e. Hebei and Shandong Provinces, Tianjin, and the east part of Beijing, the present paper is a discussion of their palaeoecological and stratigraphigical significance. The investigation of ostracoda thanatocoenoces in the modern coastal zone suggests that the distribution of marine ostracoda has been controlled by the salinity and depth of water. The study of Quaternary marine ostracoda should be concentrated mainly on the determination of their biofacies and palaeogeographigical conditions, so as to provide evidence for the determination of transgression range, palaeoshoreline and sca-leve! changes.  相似文献   

Simulations from a coupled ice–ocean model that highlight the importance of synoptic forcing on sea-ice dynamics are described. The ocean model is a non-hydrostatic primitive equation model coupled to a dynamic thermodynamic sea ice model. The ice modelling sensitivity study presented here is part of an ongoing research programme to define the role played by sea ice in the energy balance of the Greenland Sea. The different categories of sea ice found in the subpolar regions are simulated through the use of equations for thin ice, thick ice and the Marginal Ice Zone. A basin scale numerical model of the Greenland, Iceland and Norwegian Seas has a horizontal resolution of 20 km and a vertical grid spacing of 50 m. This resolution is adequate for resolving the mesoscale topographic structures known to control the circulation in this region. The spin-up reproduces the main features of the circulation, including the cyclonic gyres in the Norwegian and Greenland Basins and Iceland Plateau. Topographic steering of the flow is evident. The baroclinic Rossby radius of deformation is between 5 and 10 km so that the model is not eddy-resolving. The coupled ice–ocean model was run for a period of two weeks. The influence of horizontal resolution of the atmospheric model was tested by comparing simulations using six hourly wind fields from the ECMWF with those generated using six hourly fields from a HIRLAM, with horizontal resolutions of 1° and 0.18° respectively. The simulations show reasonable agreement with satellite ice compactness data and data of ice transports across sections at 79°N, 75°N and Denmark Strait.  相似文献   

The palaeochannel evolution in the study region is divided into four stages by such methods as 14C dating. Sea water intrusion through palaeochannels has been studied as a focal point. Palaeochannels are the main passageways through which the sea water intrudes at a higher speed, through many means and in a changeable dynamic state.  相似文献   

A two-layers model for the summer circulation of the East China Sea   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Atwo-layersmodelforthesummercirculationoftheEastChinaSea¥LiangXiangsanandSuJilan(SecondInstituteofOceanography,StateOceanicAd...  相似文献   

-Based on a two-dimensional numerical M2 tidal model of the Huanghai and Bohai Seas, sediment transport of particles with different sizes in the computational area is given. It is concluded that tidal currents play an important role in sediment transport and deposition in the Huanghai and Bohai Seas.  相似文献   

- On the basis of the fact that the sharp thermocHne in the Bohai Sea and the northern Huanghai Sea is often distributed in the deep valley areas, it has been long thought that the reason of the formation of the sharp thermocHne is that the cold water can be easily kept in valleys. But recent investigations carried out in the southern Huanghai Sea in summer show that all of the sharp thermocHne areas were distributed in the shallow sloping-bottom areas but not in the deep valley areas. Only in autumn would the sharp thermoclines translate to the deep valley areas. In summer, they are characterized by shallow upper mixing layer and thin thickness in the southern Huanghai Sea. In addition to entrainment coming from lower boundary of upper mixing layer the entrainment from upper border of bottom homogeneous layer induced by tidal mixing also plays an important role in the growth and decay of thermoclines in these seas.  相似文献   

The Spanish Mackerel Scomberomorus niphonius (C. et V.), a fish of the upper layer lukewarm water quick in movement, migrates over long distances in shoals. With the development of the nylon drift net the annual catch of such fish has increased rapidly. Since  相似文献   

IThe Phytoplankton spoteS succession is a major characteristic Of PhytOPlankton behavior inthe an, and is Of major swificance tO PhytOPlankton d~cs and in coupling the PhytOPlankton cornxnunity to hasher trophic levels (Smayda, 1980). But another conception species ence that be defined by BraarUd often confUSeS with speCies sucCeSSion. Spotes su~ is thechange of speCies compeition within a given water mass resulting from changing physical,chemical and biological factors within the wa…  相似文献   

INTRODUCTIONTheBohaiSeaisaninnerseaofChinaandasmoothborderofthewesternPacificOcean ,withanextensionofabout 5 5 0kmfromnorthtosouthand 30 0kmfromeasttowest.Itisstronglytidallyinfluencedand ,moreover,byatmosphericdriftingofwindstressandcurrentsofwarmthandsalt.T…  相似文献   

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