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Ashok  N. M.  Chandrasekhar  T.  Ragland  Sam  Bhatt  H. C. 《Experimental Astronomy》1994,4(3-4):177-188
A recently developed near infrared high speed photometer intended for lunar oc-cultation studies is described. The primary scientific objective is to reach milli arc second levels of angular resolution so that circumstellar structure of the occulted sources can be resolved. Near infrared sky brightness close to the lunar limb is also studied. Angular diameter derived from the observed occultation of IRC +20169 is presented and system performance discussed.  相似文献   

High speed photometry during the lunar occultation of a stellar system provides an effective means of achieving high angular resolution in one dimension at the sub arc second level which is well suited for resolving close binary projected separations in the range of 10–100 milliarc seconds. An optical fast photometer designed for such a purpose is described and some results from the initial observations taken with the system including the resolution of a projected separation of 55 milli arcsecond in one binary system are detailed.  相似文献   

We present the results of a detailed spectral analysis of optically faint hard X-ray sources in the Chandra deep fields selected on the basis of their high X-ray to optical flux ratio (X/O). The stacked spectra of high X/O sources in both Chandra deep fields, fitted with a single power-law model, are much harder than the spectrum of the X-ray background (XRB). The average slope is also insensitive to the 2–8 keV flux, being approximately constant around Γ≃ 1 over more than two decades, strongly indicating that high X/O sources represent the most obscured component of the XRB. For about half of the sample, a redshift estimate (in most of the cases a photometric redshift) is available from the literature. Individual fits of a few of the brightest objects and of stacked spectra in different redshift bins imply column densities in the range  1022–1023.5 cm−2  . A trend of increasing absorption towards higher redshifts is suggested.  相似文献   

In view of the scheduled satellite mission EXOSAT (European X-Ray Observatory Satellite) of ESA (European Space Agency) the lunar occultation technique to determine the position of point-like X-ray sources is investigated. An error analysis for the source coordinates resulting from this technique is presented and an occultation strategy is proposed to achieve optimum lunar occultations. The analysis takes into account the errors of the space coordinates of the satellite and the Moon, the unevenness of the lunar surface, the intensities of source and background, the apparent angular velocity of the Moon as seen from the satellite, the finite sizes of the preoccultation position error boxes of the X-ray sources and the inaccuracies in the satellite orbit correction manoeuvres necessary to achieve the occultations.  相似文献   

In view of the scheduled satellite mission EXOSAT (European X-Ray Observatory Satellite) of ESA (European Space Agency) the lunar occultation technique to determine the position of point-like X-ray sources is investigated. In particular, this paper explores the accuracy of the determination of the starting and ending time of an occultation, both of which are directly related to the size of the resulting position error box. An attempt is made to calculate analytically the distribution function of the estimated starting time, and some corresponding numerical evaluations are given. Finally, it is shown by Monte Carlo simulations that a slightly modifiedX 2-minimum method can be used to analyse the X-ray occultation data.  相似文献   

A detailed study of the infrared radiation from galactic X-ray sources indicates that the galactic bulge sources and X-ray binary sources have different infrared emission characteristics. The galactic bulge sources seem to show a power law dependence between the X-ray flux and the infrared flux emitted by the X-ray source. The results presented suggests that the infrared radiation in the galactic bulge sources is dominated by free-free radiation and, in the case of eclipsing binary sources, the black-body emission from the early-type companion star contributes significantly to the infrared radiation.  相似文献   

For four selected fields in the Catalogue of IRAS Faint Sources we have calculated the two-point correlation function of the galaxies and the correlation fractal dimension. The results show that the galaxies in all the fields are clustered on small angular scales. On larger scales, the distribution can be well expressed by a multi-level fractal. On still larger scales, possible typical scales can be detected using un-normalized pair counts. The average results for the four fields are consistent with previous results for the all-sky IRAS point sources and other sky surveys.  相似文献   

We present the data and analysis of VLBI observations at 1.6, 5 and 15 GHz of a sample of faint gigahertz peaked spectrum (GPS) sources selected from the Westerbork Northern Sky Survey. The 5-GHz observations involved a global array of 16 stations and yielded data on the total sample of 47 sources. A subsample of 26 GPS sources with peak frequencies     and/or peak flux densities     was observed with the VLBA at 15 GHz. A second subsample of 29 sources, with     was observed at 1.6 GHz using a 14-station global VLBI array. In this way, 44 of the 47 sources (94 per cent) in the sample were observed above and at or below their spectral peak. Spectral decomposition allowed us to identify three, 11, seven and two objects as compact symmetric objects, compact doubles, core–jet and complex sources, respectively. However, many of the sources classified as compact double or core–jet sources show only two components making their classification rather tentative. This may explain why the strong morphological dichotomy of GPS quasars and galaxies found for radio-bright GPS sources is not as clear in this faint sample.  相似文献   

We present spectroscopic observations of a sample of faint gigahertz peaked‐spectrum (GPS) radio sources drawn from the Westerbork Northern Sky Survey (WENSS). Redshifts have been determined for 19 (40 per cent) of the objects. The optical spectra of the GPS sources identified with low‐redshift galaxies show deep stellar absorption features. This confirms previous suggestions that their optical light is not significantly contaminated by active galactic nucleus-related emission, but is dominated by a population of old (>9 Gyr) and metal-rich (>0.2 [Fe/H]) stars, justifying the use of these (probably) young radio sources as probes of galaxy evolution. The optical spectra of GPS sources identified with quasars are indistinguishable from those of flat-spectrum quasars, and clearly different from the spectra of compact steep‐spectrum (CSS) quasars. The redshift distribution of the GPS quasars in our radio-faint sample is comparable to that of the bright samples presented in the literature, peaking at z ∼2–3. It is unlikely that a significant population of low-redshift GPS quasars is missed as a result of selection effects in our sample. We therefore claim that there is a genuine difference between the redshift distributions of GPS galaxies and quasars, which, because it is present in both the radio-faint and bright samples, cannot be caused by a redshift–luminosity degeneracy. It is therefore unlikely that the GPS quasars and galaxies are unified by orientation, unless the quasar opening angle is a strong function of redshift. We suggest that the GPS quasars and galaxies are unrelated populations and just happen to have identical observed radio spectral properties, and hypothesize that GPS quasars are a subclass of flat-spectrum quasars.  相似文献   

A sample of 47 faint Gigahertz Peaked Spectrum (GPS) radio sources selected from the Westerbork Northern Sky Survey (WENSS) has been imaged in the optical and near-infrared, resulting in an identification fraction of 87 per cent. The R  −  I R  −  K colours of the faint optical counterparts are as expected for passively evolving elliptical galaxies, assuming that they follow the R -band Hubble diagram as determined for radio-bright GPS galaxies. We find evidence that the radio spectral properties of the GPS quasars are different from those of GPS galaxies. The observed distribution of radio spectral peak frequencies for GPS sources optically identified with bright stellar objects (presumably quasars) is shifted compared with GPS sources identified with faint or extended optical objects (presumably galaxies), in the sense that a GPS quasar is likely to have a higher peak frequency than a GPS galaxy. This means that the true peak frequency distribution is different for the GPS galaxies and quasars, because the sample selection effects are independent of optical identification. The correlation between peak frequency and redshift that has been suggested for bright sources has not been found in this sample; no correlation exists between R magnitude (and therefore redshift) and peak frequency for the GPS galaxies. We therefore believe that the claimed correlation is actually caused by the dependence of the peak frequency on optical host, because the GPS galaxies are generally at lower redshifts than the quasars. The difference in the peak frequency distributions of the GPS galaxies and quasars is further evidence against the hypothesis that they form a single class of object.  相似文献   

Matija Ćuk 《Icarus》2012,218(1):69-79
The Moon has suffered intense impact bombardment ending at 3.9 Gyr ago, and this bombardment probably affected all of the inner Solar System. Basin magnetization signatures and lunar crater size-distributions indicate that the last episode of bombardment at about 3.85 Gyr ago was less extensive than previously thought. We explore the contribution of the primordial Mars-crosser population to early lunar bombardment. We find that Mars-crosser population initially decays with a 80-Myr half-life, with the long tail of survivors clustering on temporarily non-Mars-crossing orbits between 1.8 and 2 AU. These survivors decay with half-life of about 600 Myr and are progenitors of the extant Hungaria asteroid group in the same region. We estimate the primordial Mars-crosser population contained about 0.01–0.02 Earth masses. Such initial population is consistent with no lunar basins forming after 3.8 Gya and the amount of mass in the Hungaria group. As they survive longer and in greater numbers than other primordial populations, Mars-crossers are the best candidate for forming the majority of lunar craters and basins, including most of the Nectarian system. However, this remnant population cannot produce Imbrium and Orientale basins, which formed too late and are too large to be part of a smooth bombardment. We propose that the Imbrian basins and craters formed in a discrete event, consistent with the basin magnetization signatures and crater size-distributions. This late “impactor shower” would be triggered by a collisional disruption of a Vesta-sized body from this primordial Mars-crossing population (Wetherill, G.W. [1975]. Proc. Lunar Sci. Conf. 6, 1539–1561) that was still comparable to the present-day asteroid belt a 3.9 Gya. This tidal disruption lead to a short-lived spike in bombardment by non-chondritic impactors with a non-asteroidal size–frequency distribution, in agreement with available evidence. This body (“Wetherill’s object”) also uniquely matches the constraints for the parent body of mesosiderite meteorites. We propose that the present-day sources of mesosiderites are multi-km-sized asteroids residing in the Hungaria group, that have been implanted there soon after the original disruption of their parent 3.9 Gyr ago.  相似文献   

Ultraluminous X-ray sources (ULXs) are amongst the most intriguing of X-ray source classes. Their extreme luminosities—greater than 1039 erg s?1 in the 0.3–10 keV band alone—suggest either the presence of black holes larger than those regularly encountered in our own Galaxy (the Galactic centre excepted), or sources apparently radiating well above the Eddington limit. We review the insights afforded us by studies of their X-ray emission, focussing on what this reveals about the underlying compact object. In particular, we discuss recent deep observations of ULXs by the XMM-Newton observatory, and how the unprecedented data quality provided by this mission is starting to discriminate between the different physical models for these extraordinary X-ray emitters.  相似文献   

《New Astronomy Reviews》1999,43(8-10):629-632
We present preliminary results from a VLBI survey at λ=6 cm of a sample of 35 sources with flux densities of 2–100 mJy. These sources were selected from the VLA FIRST survey at λ=20 cm, in a 3 degree field around the bright calibrator 1156+295, simply by imposing S20>10 mJy and θ<5 arcsec. MERLIN observations at λ6 cm detected 70/127 of these sources with a threshold of 2 mJy at 50 mas resolution and the closest 35 of these to the calibrator were observed with the VLBA+EVN in snapshot mode at λ6 cm. These sources are a mixture of flat and steep-spectrum sources and include: weak flat-spectrum nuclei of large radio galaxies, low power AGN in nearby galaxies and radio quiet quasars. With these short observations, the sensitivity is limited and most appear as either core-jets or simple point sources on the milliarcsec scale. Nonetheless, it is encouraging that with only 10 minutes observation per source, at least 35% of all sources with S20>10 mJy can be detected and imaged with global 6 cm VLBI.  相似文献   

The significance of tidal interactions in the evolution of the faint radio population (sub-mJy) is studied using a deep and homogeneous radio survey (1.4 GHz), covering an area of 3.14 deg2 and complete to a flux density of 0.4 mJy. Optical photometric and spectroscopic data are also available for this sample. A statistical approach is employed to identify candidate physical associations between radio sources and optically selected 'field' galaxies. We find an excess of close pairs around optically identified faint radio sources, albeit at a low significance level, implying that the pairing fraction of the sub-mJy radio sources is similar to that of 'field' galaxies (at the same magnitude limit) but higher than that of local galaxies.  相似文献   

We present the results of a pilot study in which we obtained Multi-Element Radio Linked Interferometer Network (MERLIN) L-band snapshot images of the 20 strongest radio sources from a sample of 123 radio objects that exhibit significant flux density variations at 1.4 GHz on a seven year base-line. The sample was created using FIRST VLA B-array data from 1995 and 2002 on a strip around zero declination near the south Galactic cap. The primary purpose is to assess the presence of radio jets and provide direct evidence between long-term variability and jet structures, as several models suggest. The radio structure of all the sources in this subsample appears very compact and our high resolution MERLIN observations reveal for the first time the presence of small milli-arcsecond (mas) jets and/or jet-like extensions in 17 of the 20 variable sources (literature data show core-jet structures or hints of extended structure in the other three objects which are point sources in our MERLIN observations). In the future we will use the radio results from the complete study, in combination with their optical Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) data, in order to investigate trends and possible differences or similarities between the quasars and galaxies that host these radio sources, and so examine existing unification schemes or open up new aspects in AGN unification.  相似文献   

Abstract Remote sensing studies are the primary means of solar system exploration. In particular, spectral reflectance measurements involve determinations of the nature and compositions of other worlds through analysis of absorption features characteristic of the surface chemistry and mineralogy. These studies are particularly applicable to “airless” solar system bodies (e.g., the Moon), because atmospheres, such as on Earth, tend to interfere with the reflectance spectrum. The precision of the spectral measurements is greatly increased by calibration with actual lunar soils. In the past, these calibrations were done using particle-counting data collected for the study of soil formation processes, soil classification, and provenance determination. These particle counting data, while valuable in those areas of study, neither identify the true volume percentages of soil particles, nor give the true modal values for the various phases (i.e., minerals and glasses) which make up the soil grains. These data are paramount for accurate spectral reflectance calibrations. Therefore, in this paper, a new technique is presented that involves x-ray digital-imaging of lunar soils using an energy dispersive spectrometer (EDS) on an electron microprobe. In contrast to particle counting with an optical microscope, the digital-imaging method allows precise volume percentages of soil grains to be determined, including absolute modal abundances of the various phases locked within the particles as well as their chemistry. In order to validate this method for characterization of lunar soils, the technique was applied to four Apollo 17 soils that were previously described by Heiken and McKay (1974) via particle counts with an optical microscope, and similar results were obtained. In addition to verifying the x-ray digital-imaging technique, the obtained data were applied in order to better understand the lunar-soil formational process, specifically the variation of particle types with maturity.  相似文献   

A lunar occultation (LO) technique in the near-infrared (NIR) provides angular resolution down to milliarcseconds for an occulted source, even with ground- based 1 m class telescopes. LO observations are limited to brighter objects because they require a high signal-to-noise ratio (S/N ~40) for proper extraction of angular diameter values. Hence, methods to improve the S/N ratio by reducing noise using Fourier and wavelet transforms have been explored in this study. A sample of 54 NIR LO light curves observed with the IR camera at Mt Abu Observatory has been used. It is seen that both Fourier and wavelet methods have shown an improvement in S/N compared to the original data. However, the application of wavelet transforms causes a slight smoothing of the fringes and results in a higher value for angular diameter. Fourier transforms which reduce discrete noise frequencies do not distort the fringe. The Fourier transform method seems to be effective in improving the S/N, as well as improving the model fit, particularly in the fainter regime of our sample. These methods also provide a better model fit for brighter sources in some cases, though there may not be a significant imorovement in S/N.  相似文献   

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