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An experimental study is reported on the distributions of trace amounts of Rb and Cs between some trioctahedral micas and a hydrothermal solution at 600°C and 1000 bars. The equilibrium constant KXmin = (X/K)aq/(X/K)min varies considerably with the composition of micas. KCsmin is equal to 4.2 for phlogopite of theoretical composition, whereas it becomes equal to 8 for a mica close to eastonite. It reaches up to 17 for a mica in which Mg is largely substituted by Al. In annite, Fe(II) analogue of phlogopite, KCsmin becomes equal to 1.8. With Rb, the variations of the equilibrium constant are smaller than with Cs. KRbmin is 0.65 for phlogopite and increases up to 1.9 for a more aluminous mica. It is 0.44 for annite.The distributions depend very much on the ratios Mg/Fe and Si/Al of the trioctahedral micas. Consequences in geothermometrical interpretation of alkali trace element distributions in natural rocks are considered.  相似文献   

Resume La convection de la vapeur d'eau formée en profondeur dans une zone fumerollienne crée en surface une anomalie hydrique, thermique et électrique, cette dernière pouvant être la plus sensible à une variation de l'activité thermique profonde. L'amplitude des anomalies dépend de la position du site par rapport à la configuration de l'activité magmatique, mais aussi des conditions hydrogéologiques locales. La surveillance spatiale et temporelle des éruptions à partir du phénomène convectif hydrique doit tenir compte de ces conditions.
The water steam convection existing below a fumarolic area creates hydraulic, thermal and electric anomalies, the electric anomaly being probably the most correlated to a change of the deep thermal activity. The anomaly range depends on the position of the site connected with the configuration of the magmatic activity, but also on the local hydrogeologic conditions. The spatial and temporal surveillance of the eruptions based on these convective data should take into consideration these conditions.

Our knowledge of the physico-chemical properties of volcanic plumes remains at an embryonic state, mainly because of the prohibitive cost of measurements made from aircraft, which alone can provide samples representative of the total aerosol and gaseous emission from a volcanic source. The authors show that a small Remotely Piloted Vehicle (R.P.V.), similar in design to the one they used for some probative flights over Mt. Etna, may be of great use in this field. They can, for instance, insure frequent measurement of the SO2/HCl ratio in volcanic emanations close to active craters at times when the eruptive vents themselves cannot be sampled directly. In June 1978, we were thus able to measure a mean ratio of SO2/HCl (7.6) in the Mt. Etna volcanic plume. In addition, a correlation spectrometer was in operation during the airborne sampling and allowed us to obtain order of magnitude values for the Mt. Etna discharge in water vapour (170000 tons/day), sulphur dioxide (1700 t/d), hydrochloric acid (340 t/d) and hydrofluoric acid (40 t/d). Widespread use of such R.P.V’s would insure the collection of a great deal of physicochemical data from volcanic plumes, data which are presently lacking and which could extensively enhance the efficiency of chemical methods of volcano surveillance.  相似文献   

Diffusion coefficients for Si, Ti, Al, Na, K, Ca, Mg and Fe between pairs of glasses of basaltic, rhyolitic or phonolitic compositions have been determinated experimentally. This method involves the heating of coaxial cylinders of paired glasses under atmospheric conditions, over a range of temperatures from 900 to 1300°C, followed by microprobe analysis determination of the concentration gradients across the interface.The measured diffusivities are similar for all cations and range from 10?13 cm2/s at 900°C to 5 × 10?9 cm2/s at 1300°C. Depending mainly on the composition contrast, the diffusion is characterized by asymmetrical concentration profiles. This peculiar feature increases with temperature and chemical gradients across the contact surface of the glasses and leads to higher diffusion coefficients (D) in the more “basic” glass of a given pair. In the case of the rhyolite-basalt couple, this variation increases by a factor of about 10 at 1300°C. Diffusion dependence on temperature follows an Arrhenius equation which gives activation energies ranging from 65 to 85 kcal/mole. Assuming a constant and overall D for the two glasses we have attempted to apply our results to some geological examples such as exchanges between molten enclaves and liquids of contrasting composition.  相似文献   

Owing to a critical examination of the taxonomic characteristics ofOscillatoria, such as gas vacuoles, calyptra, sheath, arrangement of the trichome, etc., this family has to be redefined. It is divided into two tribes:
  1. The ‘Vaginariées’ or rather the Schizothricées (Oscillatoria which have developed sheaths withseveral trichomes).
  2. The ‘Lyngbyées’, with or without sheath which only contain one trichome.
The first tribe includes the speciesSchizothrix (encompassingHydrocoleum, Dasygloe, Oligoclonium, Lyngbyopsis), Microcoleus (withSirocoleus) andPorphyrosiphon. The tribe of the ‘Lyngbyées’ is composed of theOscillatoria species (includingSpirulina, Arthrospira, Spirulinopsis, Glaucospira [?] andJuguspira [?]),Lyngbya (withPhormidium, Symploca, Katagnymene, Pelagothrix, Haliarachne, Proterendothrix, Cirrosiphon, Cyanohydnum) andCrinalium. The systematic position fo the four speciesIsocystis, Borzia, Sinaiella andPseudanabaena is somewhat doubtful and must be examined more closely for clarification.  相似文献   

Three samples of quartz containing glass inclusions from acid volcanic rocks have been studied. A chemical analysis of major elements in the glass by means of electron microprobe, and the study of their physical behaviour under the heating stage microscope, suggest, for two of them the existence of dissolved volatiles. These, extracted by vacuum pyrolysis were determined by means of mass spectrometry to be H2O, CO2, CO, etc. The sample which is richest in CO2 has been found to contain separate gas inclusions not enclosed in glass; these have been studied by eryometry. Results are discussed and possible secondary reactions and different sites (glass, dislocations, lacunae, subgrain boundaries in the mineral) origin are considered.  相似文献   

Resume En juin et juillet 1983, pendant l'éruption, on a procédé à une campagne de mesures magnéto-telluriques sur l'Etna. Elle a consisté en l'exécution de six sondages lents et d'une cinquantaine de mesures audio-magnéto-telluriques (AMT).On discute l'interprétation tant géophysique que structurale des données recueillies en tenant compte des conditions particulières dans lesquelles l'opération s'est effectuée. La méthode AMT identifie très bien la fracture majeure liée à l'éruption qui se manifeste par un baisse très sensible de la résistivité apparente. Les sondages lents, pour leur part, mettent en évidence des formations conductrices qu'il est difficile d'accorder avec le schéma proposé parR. Schick et al.L'observation d'une évolution dans le temps de certaines mesures en AMT est discutée ainsi que les conséquences qu'on pourrait en tirer quant à la surveillance directe ou indirecte de la situation du magma en profondeur.
Magneto-telluric measurements were carried out during the Etna eruption in June–July 1983. Six slow soundings and about 50 audiomagneto-telluric (AMT) measurements formed the survey programme.Geophysical and structural interpretations of data are given with taking into account the particular operational conditions. The major fracture associated with the eruption has been identified by the AMT method quite well in a very clear low of the apparent resistivity. On the other hand, slow soundings have shown conductive rock formations which it is difficult to fit theSchick et al.'s model.The time evolution of certain AMT measurements is discussed together with the possible implication for a direct or indirect surveillance of the magma situation in depth.

Many volcanic forms resulting from phreatomagmatic eruptions of differentiated magmas have been studied in the Massif Central (France), in the Phlegrean Fields (Italy), and on Saõ Miguel island (Azores). They show a continuous series between explosion crater maar type — and the hyaoloclastic tuff-cone. An essential feature of this morphological series is the preponderance of tuff-rings resulting from subaerial eruptions. Subaerial tuff-rings of basic compositions are less common than maars. A thermodynamic approach shows that the quantity of heat supplied by the different kinds of magmas and the water / magma ratio are the essential parameters controlling the activity, and the resulting morohology of these volcanoes.  相似文献   

The effect of discharges from two sewage treatment plants located on the northern shore of lake Geneva on surrounding sediments was investigated. Four forms of phosphorus were analyzed, together with extractable iron and organic carbon. Areal distribution of the parameters and correlation analysis show that the sewage treatment plant at Vidy discharges into the lake significant amounts of phospho-ferric precipitate. The influence of the other plant at Morges is more discrete, but its extent can be traced by the areal distribution of the ratios [Feextr.]/[non-apatite inorganic P] and [organic carbon]/[organic phosphorus].   相似文献   

Microscopic investigations have been done on the chondrites Sena and Nadiabondi (H5, not shocked), Ste. Marguerite en Comines (H4, very slightly shocked), Allegan (H5, slightly shocked). Only in such cases can the matrix be easily observed and compared to those of type 3 chondrites. The <100 μm debris found in types 4 and 5 that we have observed are not the result of the metamorphism of type 3 fines.The abundance of tiny debris is in direct relation with the intensity of the shock though this shock was insufficient to provoke either the induration of the stones or a significant loss of rare gases. The bulk of the fines are the result of local disaggregation of the most brittle parts from chondrules and fragments.A low-temperature matrix has not been observed in these meteorites but only in H3 chondrites, as a coating around the chondrules. The accretion modelists should take into account the absence or the scarcity of fine particles in their calculations.  相似文献   

Summary We propose a theoretical model based on the eddy diffusion which elucidates the polar conductivities repartition near the ground and the conductions current variations in relation with the altitude in the exchange layer. Investigations concerning the theoretical repartition of the electrical field and the space charge in relationwith the altitude were carried out and a method for calculating the diffusivity from electric parameters values (electric field, space charge, conductivity) near the ground surface has been elaborated. The diffusivity values thus obtained are compared with those deduced from the measurements of the thoron concentrations at different levels carried out on the same spot as the electric parameters measurements and at the same time.

Travail effectué dans le cadre d'un contrat CEA-Institute d'Optique Théorique et Appliquée.  相似文献   

Résumé On fait une application particulière de la théorie de la corrélation et de la régression pour l'interprétation des données résultant d'une prospection magnétique. Est déterminée, en premier lieu, la corrélation multiple entre l'intensité de la composante verticale du champ magnétique, la teneur en Fe et la profondeur d'un complexe porteur de minéralisations de fer. Le seconde partie de l'ouvrage présente un modèle d'estimation du contenu de fer et du volume de complexe minéralisé sur la base des courbes de régression déterminées. Dans la troisième partie du travail est effectué un calcul des erreurs d'appréciation de la qualité et de la quantité des réserves.  相似文献   

Résumé On introduit dans un calcul anciennement publié la notion de libre parcours moyen des petits ions dans l'air, et on en déduit les valeurs de leurs coefficients de fixation sur des aérosols ultrafins, électriquement chargés ou non. Ces résultats théoriques sont discutés et comparés aux résultats expérimentaux actuellement acquis.
Summary The idea of the mean free path of small ions is introduced in a theory previously published, and a value of the combination coefficients of these small ions on very small aerosols particles are evaluated. Theoretical results are discussed in comparison with experimental values.

We present an aeromagnetic survey of the Gulf of Valencia and the Balearic Islands (western Mediterranean). A total field anomaly map and a map of the anomalies reduced to the pole have been obtained. From these maps, it is apparent that there are two regions of opposing magnetic style: the Balearic archipelago which is magnetically very smooth, and the north Balearic basin (or Gulf of Valencia) where anomalies are in places very intense. From a comparison of these two domains, we conclude that the Valencian basin was created during an extensional tectonic phase.  相似文献   

Evaluating evapotranspiration in a river basin is an urgent and important problem which implies, among other things, an analysis and a comparison between different estimates. But, while comparing various methods, care must be taken to define homogeneous sets, which actually converge towards a common aim. For this reason, a few basic principles are given to guide the choice of homogeneity criteria.  相似文献   

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