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We report results on the construction of cosmological braneworld models in the context of the Einstein-Gauss-Bonnet gravity, which include the leading correction to the Einstein-Hilbert action suggested by superstring theory. We obtain and study the equations governing the dynamics of the standard cosmological models. We find that they can be written in the same form as in the case of the Randall-Sundrum model but with time-varying four-dimensional gravitational and cosmological constants. Finally, we discuss the cosmological evolution predicted by these models and their compatibility with observational data. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

The low energy effective theory for the Randall-Sundrum two-brane system is investigated with an emphasis on the role of the non-linear radion in the brane world. It is shown that the gravity on the brane world is described by a quasi-scalar-tensor theory with a specific coupling function. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Precision measurements of gauge couplings at particle accelerators strongly suggest that the standard model fields are unified at about 1016 GeV. This talk will consist of a brief review of this evidence and also how in such a setting variations in α em lead to much larger variations in Λ QCD . I will then describe how variations in the strong force will impact upon nuclear astrophysics, considering in particular the stability of di-nucleons and stellar and primordial nucleosynthesis. (Based upon collaborations with T. Dent and with A. Csoto, H. Oberhummer and H. Schlattl.) This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Theory of dynamical systems offers a possibility of investigating the space of all possible solutions. In the context of simple cosmological models such like Varying Speed of Light Friedman-Robertson-Walker (VSL FRW) models there exists a systematic method of reducing field equations to certain two-dimensional dynamical system. One of the features of this reduction is the possibility of representing the model as a Hamiltonian system in which the properties of the potential function V(X) can serve as a tool for qualitative classification of possible evolutions of a(t). Some important features like resolution of the flatness problem, existence of event horizons near the singularity can be visualized as domains on the phase-space. Then one is able to see how large is the class of solutions (labelled by the initial conditions) leading to the desired property. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

It is investigated the behaviour of the “constants” G, c and Λ in the framework of a perfect fluid LRS Bianchi I cosmological model. It has been taken into account the effects of a c-variable into the curvature tensor. Two exact cosmological solutions are investigated, arriving t the conclusion that if q < 0 (deceleration parameter) then G, c are growing functions on time t while Λ is a negative decreasing function on time.  相似文献   

I briefly present the Organizing Committee's and my own motivation for organizing this workshop, and I suggest a few key questions for which we will try to find possible answers in the coming days. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

In this paper we study the evolution of a LRS Bianchi I Universe, filled with a bulk viscous cosmological fluid in the presence of time varying constants “but” taking into account the effects of a c-variable into the curvature tensor. We find that the only physical models are those which “constants” G and c are growing functions on time t, while the cosmological constant Λ is a negative decreasing function. In such solutions the energy density obeys the ultrastiff matter equation of state i.e. ω = 1.  相似文献   

对IAU1976天文常数系统中的基础常数的测定方法进行了评述,指出十个基础常数已发生了许多变化,光速已成为常数,地球赤道半径可用于大地水准面的重力势代替,黄经总岁差需进行修改,章动常数已不能称为基础常数,其它常数也都有了新的测定结果,IAU1976天文常数系统已跟上不天文学的发展,并存在很大的缺陷,必须进行修订和改进,天文常数的测定方法和理论研究都在迅速发展之中,我们应当关心这个领域的研究。  相似文献   

The imposition of boundary conditions on the background fields of brane-world models leads to nonzero vacuum averages for the corresponding energy-momentum tensor. Methods from the qualitative theory of dynamic systems are used in this paper to study the cosmological evolution generated by this tensor. All the possible types of cosmological dynamics are examined for models with homogeneous and isotropic subspaces on the branes and the behavior of the corresponding solutions is studied in the early and late stages of evolution.  相似文献   

Assuming spherical symmetry we analyse the dynamics of an inhomogeneous dark radiation vaccum on a Randall and Sundrum 3-braneworld. Under certain natural conditions we show that the effective Einstein equations on the brane form a closed system. On a de Sitter brane and for negative dark energy density we determine exact dynamical and inhomogeneous solutions which depend on the brane cosmological constant, on the dark radiation tidal charge and on its initial configuration. We also identify the conditions leading to the formation of a singularity or of regular bounces inside the dark radiation vaccum. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Scenarios of land cover in China   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
A method for surface modeling of land cover change (SMLC) is developed on the basis of establishing transition probability matrixes between land cover types and HLZ types. SMLC is used to simulate land cover scenarios of China for the years 2039, 2069 and 2099, for which HLZ scenarios are first simulated in terms of HadCM3 climatic scenarios that are downscaled in zonal model of spatial climate change in China. This paper also analyzes spatial distribution of land cover types, area change and mean center shift of each land cover type, ecotope diversity, and patch connectivity under the land cover scenarios. The results show that cultivated land would decrease and woodland would expand greatly with climatic change, which coincides with consequences expected by implementation of Grain-for-Green policy. Nival area would shrink, and desertification area would expand at a comparatively slow rate in future 100 years. Climate change would generally cause less ecotope diversity and more patch connectivity. Ecosystems in China would have a pattern of beneficial cycle after efficient ecological conservation and restoration. However, if human activities would exceed regulation capacity of ecosystems themselves, the ecosystems in China might deteriorate more seriously.  相似文献   

The existence of three magnetic scenarios with magnetic field intensities one order apart was considered. CMEs were associated to different solar activity phenomena and solar features showing different characteristics. Those associated to intense magnetic fields were more complex, having either more components or multiple emissions and a greater magnetic energy to particle acceleration conversion rate. On the other hand, simple CMEs were found to associate to weak magnetic fields. No evidence was found that the process that leads to CME starts before their detection at 1.6 solar radii. This indicates that the whole volume moves upward simultaneously, no matter how deep it reaches into the solar atmosphere.  相似文献   

现代天文观测技术的日新月异、广义相对论的1PN近似方法在天体力学和天体测量中的广泛应用,使得有必要在1PN框架中严格而细致地重新审查天文常数系统。在相对论框架里,太阳系天体的质量应当定义为BD质量,它们的相对变化不超过10^-19,可视为守恒量;引力势满足的方程不再是Poisson方程而与坐标规范的选择有关,引力势也不再能用传统的球谐函数展开。应当选定一种规范,并且以BD多极矩作为天文常数。黄赤交  相似文献   

Several simple dark energy models on the brane are investigated. They are compared with corresponding models in the frame of 4d Friedmann-Robertson-Walker cosmology. For constraining the parameters of the models considered, recent observational data, including SNIa apparent magnitude measurements, baryon acoustic oscillation results, Hubble parameter evolution data and matter density perturbations are used. Also, explicit formulas of the so-called state-finder parameters in teleparallel theories are found that could be useful to test these models and compare Loop Quantum Cosmology and Brane Cosmology. The conclusion is reached that a joint analysis as the one developed here allows to estimate, in a very clear way, possible deviation of our cosmology from the standard Friedmann-Robertson-Walker one.  相似文献   

The standard model of gamma-ray burst afterglows is based on synchrotron radiation from a blast wave produced when the relativistic ejecta encounters the surrounding medium. We reanalyze the refreshed shock scenario, in which slower material catches up with the decelerating ejecta and reenergizes it. This energization can be done either continuously or in discrete episodes. We show that such a scenario has two important implications. First, there is an additional component coming from the reverse shock that goes into the energizing ejecta. This persists for as long as the reenergization itself, which could extend for up to days or longer. We find that during this time the overall spectral peak is found at the characteristic frequency of the reverse shock. Second, if the injection is continuous, the dynamics will be different from that in constant energy evolution and will cause a slower decline of the observed fluxes. A simple test of the continuously refreshed scenario is that it predicts a spectral maximum in the far-infrared or millimeter range after a few days.  相似文献   

We consider the dynamics of a test particle co-orbital with a satellite of mass m s which revolves around a planet of mass M 0 m s with a mean motion n s and semi-major axis a s. We study the long term evolution of the particle motion under slow variations of (1) the mass of the primary, M 0, (2) the mass of the satellite, m s and (3) the specific angular momentum of the satellite J s. The particle is not restricted to small harmonic oscillations near L 4 or L 5, and may have any libration amplitude on tadpole or horseshoe orbits. In a first step, no torque is applied to the particle, so that its motion is described by a Hamiltonian with slowly varying parameters. We show that the torque applied to the satellite, as measured by s = js/(n s J s) induces an distortion of the phase space which is entirely described by an asymmetry coefficient = s/, where = m s/M. The adiabatic invariance of action implies furthermore that the long term evolution of the particle co-orbital motion depends only on the variation of m s a s with time. Applying a constant torque to the particle, as measured by s = js/(n s J p) is then merely equivalent to replacing = s/ by = (sp)/. However, if the torque acting on the particle exhibits a radial gradient, then the action is no more conserved and the evolution of the particle orbit is no more controlled by m s a s only. We show that even mild torque gradients can dominate the orbital evolution of the particle, and eventually decide whether the latter will be pulled towards the stable equilibrium points L 4 or L 5, or driven away from them. Finally, we show that when the co-orbital bodies are two satellites with comparable masses m 1 and m 2, we can reduce the problem to that of a test particle co-orbital with a satellite of mass m 1 + m 2. This new problem has then parameters varying at rates which are combinations, with appropriate coefficients, of the changes suffered by each satellite.  相似文献   

We review some of the history and properties of theories for the variation of the gravitation and fine structure `constants'. We highlight some general features of the cosmological models that exist in these theories with reference to recent quasar data that is consistent with time-variation in alpha since a redshift of 3.5. The behaviour of a simple class of varying-alpha cosmologies is outlined in the light of all the observational constraints. We discuss the key role played by non-zero vacuum energy and curvature in turning off the variation of constants in these theories and the issue of comparing extra-galactic and local observational data. We also show why black hole thermodynamics does not enable us to distinguish between time variations of different constants. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

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