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The present paper outlines a cosmological paradigm based upon Dirac’s large number hypothesis and continual creation of matter in a closed static (nonexpanding) universe. The cosmological redshift is caused by the tired-light phenomenon originally proposed by Zwicky. It is shown that the tired-light cosmology together with continual matter creation has a universal Hubble constant H 0=(512π 2/3)1/6(GC 0)1/3 fixed by the universal rate C 0 of matter creation, where G is Newton’s gravitational constant. It is also shown that a closed static universe has a finite age τ 0=(243π 5/8GC 0)1/3 also fixed by the universal rate of matter creation. The invariant relationship H 0 τ 0=3π 261/2 shows that a closed static universe is much older (≈one trillion years) than any expanding universe model based upon Big-Bang cosmology. It is this property of a static universe that resolves any cosmic age crisis provided that galaxy formation in the universe is a continual recurring process. Application of Dirac’s large number hypothesis gives a matter creation rate C 0=4.6×10?48 gm?cm?3?s?1 depending only on the fundamental constants of nature. Hence, the model shows that a closed static universe has a Hubble constant H 0=70 km?s?1?Mpc?1 in good agreement with recent astronomical determinations of H 0. By using the above numerical value for H 0 together with observational data for elongated cellular-wall structures containing superclusters of galaxies, it is shown that the elongated cellular-wall configurations observed in the real universe are at least one hundred billion years old. Application of the microscopic laws of physics to the large-scale macroscopic universe leads to a static eternal cosmos endowed with a matter-antimatter symmetry. It is proposed that the matter-antimatter asymmetry is continuously created by particle-antiparticle pair annihilation occurring in episodic cosmological gamma-ray bursts observed in the real universe.  相似文献   

Brown's results (1964, 1968) concerning the distribution of orientation angles of spiral galaxies in different areas of the sky are discussed and a graphical statistical test is applied. The deviations from randomness are found to be significant. It seems difficult to ascribe them to selection effects. It is shown that the observed distributions can be explained, if the angular momenta in greater aggregations of galaxies are distributed at random on congruent precession cones with parallel axes. This hypothesis may apply if the following cosmological conditions hold:
  1. the matter in the universe was reheated after the recombination at an epoch, when most of the angular momentum was already transferred to the protogalaxies by tidal interaction, and the angular momenta of the protogalaxies in greater aggregations were predominantly parallel at the epoch of reheating;
  2. the ‘magnetic’ model of the universe is valid and the ‘urfield’ was uniform at least at the epoch of reheating. Under these assumptions, the ‘frozen-in’ magnetic field will give rise to forces, which — apart from slowing down the rotation of the protogalaxies — will cause precession of their angular momenta around the direction of the ‘urfield’.
For a rigid body approximation the equations of motion are derived and solved numerically. Approximate analytic solutions are also given. The precession period is in the range of 104 to 108 yr for plausible values of the parameters of the problem. The observed distributions in the four regions of the sky investigated are — via the precession hypothesis — compatible with a direction of the ‘urfield’ indicated by the work of Sofueet al. (1969) and Reinhardt and Thiel (1970) ofl II≈280°,b II≈+30° tol II≈100°,b II≈?30°.  相似文献   

Contrary to popular and scientific opinion of just a few decades ago, space is not an empty void. It is actually filled with high energy particles, magnetic fields, and highly conducting plasma. The ability of plasmas to produce electric fields, either by instabilities brought about by plasma motion or the movement of magnetic fields, has popularized the term Electric Space in recognition of the electric fields systematically discovered and measured in the solar system. Today it is recognized that 99.999% of all observable matter in the universe is in the plasma state and the importance of electromagnetic forces on cosmic plasma cannot be overstated; even in neutral hydrogen regions (10–4 parts ionized), the electromagnetic force to gravitational force ratio is 107.An early prediction about the morphology of the universe is that it be filamentary (Alfvén, 1950). Plasmas in electric space are energetic (because of electric fields) and they are generally inhomogeneous with constituent parts in motion. Plasmas in relative motion are coupled by the currents they drive in each other and nonequilibrium plasma often consists of current-conducting filaments. This paper explores the dynamical and radiative consequences of the evolution of galactic-dimensioned filaments in electric space.  相似文献   

Degeneracy effects for bosons are more important for smaller particle mass, smaller temperature and higher number density. Bose condensation requires that particles be in the same lowest energy quantum state. We propose a cosmic background Bose condensation, present everywhere, with its particles having the lowest quantum energy state, ?c/λ, with λ about the size of the visible universe, and therefore unlocalized. This we identify with the quantum of the self gravitational potential energy of any particle, and with the bit of information of minimum energy. The entropy of the universe (~10122 bits) has the highest number density (~1036 bits/cm3) of particles inside the visible universe, the smallest mass, ~10?66 g, and the smallest temperature, ~10?29 K. Therefore it is the best candidate for a Cosmic Background Bose Condensation (CBBC), a completely calmed fluid, with no viscosity, in a superfluidity state, and possibly responsible for the expansion of the universe.  相似文献   

The paper is based on Holberg's analysis of the Voyager photographs in both reflected and transparent light, combined with occultation data of stars seen through the rings. Besides rapidly varying phenomena (spokes, braided ring, etc.), which according to Mendis are due to gravito-electromagnetic effects, the ring consists of abulk structure, a fine structure, and also ahyperfine structure, showing more than 10000 ringlets. The large number of ringlets can be explained by the Baxter-Thompson ‘negative diffusion’. This gives the ringlets a stability which makes it possible to interprete them as ‘fossils’, which originated at cosmogonic times. It is shown that thebulk structure can be explained by the combined ‘cosmogonic shadows’ of Mimas, the co-orbiting satellites, and the Shepherd satellites. This structure originated at the transition from the plasma phase to the planetesimal phase (which probably took place 4–5×109 y ago). Further, Holberg has discovered that the shadows are not simple void region but exhibit a certain characteristic ‘signature’. This is not yet understood theoretically. Parts of thefine structure are explained by Holberg as resonances with the satellites. Parts are here interpreted as cosmogonic shadow effects. However, there are a number of ringlets which can neither be explained by cosmogonic nor by resonance effects. The most important conclusion is that an analysis of the ring data is likely to lead to areconstruction of the plasma-planetesimal transition with an accuracy of a few percent.  相似文献   

The most recently celebrated cosmological implications of the cosmic microwave background studies with WMAP (2006), though fascinating by themselves, do, however, create some extremely hard conceptual challenges for the present‐day cosmology. These recent extremely refined WMAP observations seem to reflect a universe which was extremely homogeneous at the recombination age and thus is obviously causally closed at the time of the cosmic recombination era. From the very tiny fluctuations apparent at this early epoch the presently observable nonlinear cosmic density structures can, however, only have grown up, if in addition to a mysteriously high percentage of dark matter an even higher percentage of dark energy is admitted as drivers of the cosmic evolution. The required dark energy density, on the other hand, is nevertheless 120 orders of magnitude smaller then the theoretically calculated value. These are outstanding problems of present day cosmology onto which we are looking here under new auspices. We shall investigate in the following, up to what degree a universe simply abolishes all these outstanding problems in case it reveals itself as an universe of constant total energy. As we shall show basic questions like: How could the gigantic mass of the universe of about 1080 proton masses at all become created? – Why is the presently recognized and obviously indispensable cosmic vacuum energy density so terribly much smaller than is expected from quantum theoretical considerations, but nevertheless terribly important for the cosmic evolution? – Why is the universe within its world horizon a causally closed system? –, can perhaps simply be answered, when the assumption is made that the universe has a constant total energy with the consequence that the total mass density of the universe (matter and vacuum) scales with . Such a scaling of matter and vacuum energy abolishes the horizon problem, and the cosmic vacuum energy density can easily be reconciled with its theoretical expectation values. In this model the mass of the universe increases linearly with the world extension Ru and can grow up from a Planck mass as a vacuum fluctuation. (© 2007 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

Cosmic energy equation represents the law of conservation of energy in the region expanding with time as the universe expands. It gives the evolution of kinetic and correlation potential energy with time in a cluster expanding as the universe expands. To understand the clustering of galaxies under the influence of gravitational force, cosmic energy equation is of great help. We use cosmic energy equation for extended structures (galaxies with halos) to analyse the gravitational galaxy clustering in different ways. We try to understand the influence of expansion on the clustering by deriving the relation between correlation parameter b V and scale factor R. We also derive the relation between the peculiar kinetic energy K and correlation parameter to know that when peculiar kinetic energy dominates over the kinetic energy of galaxies due to expansion. Besides, the evolution of specific heat and energy provides the information regarding the different states of clustering.  相似文献   

One of the earliest predictions about the morphology of the universe is that it be filamentary (Alfvén, 1950). This prediction followed from the fact that volumewise, the universe is 99.999% matter in the plasma state. When the plasma is energetic, it is generally inhomogeneous with constituent parts in motion. Plasmas in relative motion are coupled by the currents they drive in each other and nonequilibrium plasma often consists of current-conducting filaments.In the laboratory and in the Solar System, filamentary and cellular morphology is a well-known property of plasma. As the properties of the plasma state of matter is believed not to change beyond the range of our space probes, plasma at astrophysical dimensions must also be filamentary.During the 1980s a series of unexpected observations showed filamentary structure on the Galactic, intergalactic, and supergalactic scale. By this time, the analytical intractibility of complex filamentary geometries, intense self-fields, nonlinearities, and explicit time dependence had fostered the development of fully three-dimensional, fully electromagnetic, particle-in-cell simulations of plasmas having the dimensions of galaxies or systems of galaxies. It had been realized that the importance of applying electromagnetism and plasma physics to the problem of radiogalaxy and galaxy formation derived from the fact that the universe is largely aplasma universe. In plasma, electromagnetic forces exceed gravitational forces by a factor of 1036, and electromagnetism is 107 times stronger than gravity even in neutral hydrogen regions, where the degree of ionization is a miniscule 10–4.The observational evidence for galactic-dimensioned Birkeland currents is given based on the direct comparison of the synchrotron radiation properties of simulated currents to those of extra-galactic sources including quasars and double radio galaxies.  相似文献   

A clarification and discussion of the energy changes experienced by cosmic rays in the interplanetary region is presented. It is shown that the mean time rate of change of momentum of cosmic rays reckoned for a fixed volume in a reference frame fixed in the solar system is 〈p〉 =p V·G/3 (p=momentum,V is the solar wind velocity andG=cosmic-ray density gradient). This result is obtained in three ways:
  1. by a rearrangement and reinterpretation of the cosmic-ray continuity equation;
  2. by using a scattering analysis based on that of Gleeson and Axford (1967);
  3. by using a special scattering model in which cosmic-rays are trapped in ‘magnetic boxes’ moving with the solar wind.
The third method also gives the rate of change of momentum of particles within a moving ‘magnetic box’ as 〈pad = ?p ?·V/3, which is the adiabatic deceleration rate of Parker (1965). We conclude that ‘turnaround’ energy change effects previously considered separately are already included in the equation of transport for cosmic rays.  相似文献   

The question of the spatial homogeneity of the Universe is re-examined from the viewpoint of the hypothesis on the physical unity of the universe. It is shown that the demand for the universal validity of the theory of relativity implies that the average value of the Newtonian world potential is constant everywhere in the universe which is spatially homogeneous on a large scale. It turns out that Mach's principle is compatible with the special theory of relativity if the average value of the normalized world potential is exactly equal to–c 2. This fact may be interpreted as a consequence of the fundamental idea of the general relativity that cosmic matter determines the space-time metric in agreement with Mach's principle.  相似文献   

The determination of the origin of cosmic rays with observed energies in excess of 1017 eV that exceed the expected energies of cosmic rays accelerated by supernova remnants in the galaxy is a pressing problem in modern astrophysics. Hypernova remnants are one of the possible galactic sources of cosmic rays with energies of up to 1019 eV. Hypernovae constitute a class of extremely powerful supernova explosions, whose supposed progenitors are massive Wolf-Rayet stars. We analyze the special aspects of acceleration of cosmic rays in hypernova remnants that expand in wind bubbles of Wolf-Rayet progenitor stars. We show that these cosmic rays may attain maximum energies of 1018 eV even with a relatively conservative choice of acceleration parameters and account for tens of percent of the total cosmic ray flux observed in the vicinity of the earth in the energy range of 1016–1018 eV if the galactic hypernova explosion rate in the modern epoch reaches ? S ~ 10?4 year?1.  相似文献   

Possible waves and oscillations in the lunar photoelectron layer (PEL) are investigated. The steady state PEL is reviewed as a basis for discussing PEL motions. Magnetic fields are neglected, so that there are four possible wave modes to consider. The propagation through the PEL of the two electromagnetic modes is discussed. Positive-ion waves, the third mode, are dismissed and plasma waves are considered at length. It is concluded that there are no propagating waves in the PEL other than electromagnetic. However, there is a type of oscillation which appears to be new and which may not be strongly damped. With these oscillations, termed flight-time oscillations, the height of the PEL fluctuates as does the electric field. These oscillations appear to be analogous to the height oscillations of the vertical jet of water in a city park water fountain. If flight-time oscillations are not much damped then it would be simplest to interpret them as plasma oscillations continually driven by the upwelling photoelectron stream. A possible laboratory investigation of these oscillations is discussed. For the surfaces of the Moon and the planet Mercury, the flight-time oscillation frequency,ω F, is found to be respectively ç 4 × 106 and ç 107 rad s?1. The PEL's of those surfaces may be in a state of continual vertical ‘quivering’ due to flight-time oscillations, or may be quiescent.  相似文献   

The possibility of investigation of the cosmic plasma dynamics by the radio interference technique based on a finite time of radio wave propagation between the sounding and responding stations is shown. By locating the sounding station on a spacecraft the greatest contribution to the phase difference ΔΦ(t)or the phase difference growth rate Δ? between the sounding and response signals are caused by disturbances in close proximity to the spacecraft. This method permits interplanetary shock waves and tangential discontinuities to be registered and the velocities and plasma density changes on their fronts to be determined. By using experimental data of ΔΦ(t) or Δ?(t) one can also obtain information about plasma concentration jump, location and motion of bow shock wave and magnetopause and plasmapause. Available experimental data about different disturbances of cosmic plasma were analysed and the requirements on frequency stability of spacecraft-borne and groundbased radio equipment were estimated to register those disturbances. In most cases relative stability 10?11–10?13 provided by present atomic frequency standards is sufficient.  相似文献   

Specific dark energy models with linear inhomogeneous time-dependent equation of state, within the framework of 4d Friedman-Robertson-Walker (FRW) cosmology, are investigated. It is demonstrated that the choice of such 4d inhomogeneous fluid models may lead to a brane FRW cosmology without any explicit account of higher dimensions at all. Effectively, we thus obtain a brane dark energy universe without introducing the brane concept explicitly. Several examples of brane Rip cosmology arising from 4d inhomogeneous dark fluid models are given.  相似文献   

《Astroparticle Physics》2002,16(3):271-276
It has been suggested that cosmological γ-ray bursts (GRBs) can produce the observed flux of cosmic rays at the highest energies. However, recent studies of GRBs indicate that their redshift distribution likely follows the average star formation rate of the universe and that GRBs were more numerous at high redshifts. As a consequence, we show that photomeson production energy losses suffered by ultrahigh energy cosmic rays coming from GRBs would produce too sharp a spectral energy cutoff to be consistent with the air shower data. Futhermore, we show that cosmolgical GRBs fail to supply the energy input required to account for the cosmic ray flux above 1019 eV by a factor of 100–1000.  相似文献   

It is the purpose of this paper to illustrate the interrelation between the problems of the ‘missing mass’, the galactic age and the cosmological constant A (or its equivalent quantum vacuum densityρ v ). The inflationary picture of the early universe predicts that our present universe should have a very nearlyEuclidean metric. If we accept this concept, one would have to discriminate between two rather extreme Euclidean cosmological models:
  1. The standard model with ∧=0 and a densityρ c = 3H 0 2 G. There are difficulties ifH 0≥5- km s?1 Mpc?1 and the galactic aget 0≥14×109 years.
  2. The Euclidean Friedmann-Lemaître models with ∧>0, i.e., Δgt;0, i.e.,ρ v =ρ c ?ρ o , whereρ o is the present matter density, including the nonrelativistic dark matter. Hereρ v ‘competes’ with the missing mass.
Measurements of apparent diameters of galaxies up to redshifts of 2 will permit one to discriminate between the models provided that size evolution of galaxies can be determined or neglected (see Figure 3).  相似文献   

In the framework of a previously developed procedure the evolution of small spherically symmetric perturbations in a homogeneous R-W-F universe is analyzed. It turns out that the evolution tendency is mainly predicted by the state of the cosmic background. In the radiation dominated period the universe does not stimulate growing processes, a perturbation will be in a frozen state or it will diffuse. It is found that a dust dominated universe stimulates the perturbation masses to grow. The rate of this cosmic affected growing process is proportional to (R)–1/2 (R being the scale factor). Consequently almost all galaxies were formed at the beginning of the dust dominated era.  相似文献   

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