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The possibility of investigating the vertical structure of the magnetic field in chemically peculiar main-sequence stars is discussed. The nonuniform distribution of chemical elements over the surface complicates the problem substantially. The most efficient measurements are shown to be those of the longitudinal field components based on spectral lines with wavelengths longer and shorter than 3646 Å (shortward and longward of the Balmer jump), which form at different optical depths in the atmosphere. Various methodological problems are addressed that must be overcome in order to accomplish the task. The brightest magnetic star α 2 CVn is observed with the echelle spectrometer equipped with an Uppsala CCD chip. New observations corroborate our previous result: the longitudinal component of the magnetic field B e of the α 2 CVn star increases with depth by about 30% over the atmosphere thickness scale.  相似文献   

In searchs for flare stars in the vicinity of the Pleiades cluster, three flares were detected in 1970,1972, and 1977 in a star with the coordinates α 1950 = 3 h 48 m ·9, δ l950 = 25‡15’.8. The star’s brightness at a minimum is >21 m ·5. The star was tentatively assigned to the U Gem type. To confirm this assumption, we examined photographic plates for the period of 1947–1987. As a result, we found 12 more flares. The average recurrence time based on the 1963–1977 observations is about 330 days, and the maximum flare amplitude is >6 m .Narrow superflares and steady-state flares lasting over 40 days have been observed in the star. The results show that this is a dwarf nova of the UGSU subtype. Translated from Astrofizika, Vol. 42, No. 1, pp. 47–52, January–March, 1999.  相似文献   

We present the results of a study of the star HD34736. The spectropolarimetric observations carried out at the 6-m telescope showed the presence of a strong variable longitudinal magnetic field, exceeding ?4500 G. The analysis of the Hipparcos photometry gives a set of possible periods of the brightness variability of the star, of which $0_.^d 3603$ is preferred. The variable radial velocity of spectral lines of the star and some signatures of lines of at least one other component show that HD34736 is a binary short-period system. Modeling of the spectra allowed us to estimate the effective temperature T eff of the stars (13 700 and 11 500 K) and their projected rotational velocities υ sin i (73 and ≥ 90 km s?1). The analysis of all the available information about the star allows us to hypothesize that the object of study is a close, possibly interacting binary system.  相似文献   

Photometric observations of the variable star TX Oph were performed with CCD photometers during the observing seasons of 1999, 2000, and 2002. Analysis of these observations together with published data has confirmed the mean period of the main variability cycle P = 135d. 2613 over almost 70 years. A secondary cycle with a period of about 10–12 thousand days has also been found.  相似文献   

We report multi-wavelength observations towards IRAS 16547–4247, a luminous infrared source with a bolometric luminosity of 6.2 × 104 L . Dust continuum observations at 1.2-mm indicate that this object is associated with a dust cloud with a size of about 0.4 pc in diameter and a mass of about 1.3 × 103 M . Radio continuum observations show the presence of a triple radio source consisting of a compact central object and two outer lobes, separated by about 0.3 pc, symmetrically located from the central source. Molecular hydrogen line observations show a chain of knots that trace a collimated flow extending over 1.5 pc. We suggest that IRAS 16547–4247 corresponds to a dense massive core which hosts near its central region a high-mass star in an early stage of evolution. This massive YSO is undergoing the ejection of a collimated stellar wind which drives the H2 flow. The radio emission from the lobes arises in shocks resulting from the interaction of the collimated wind with the surrounding medium. We conclude that the thermal jets found in the formation of low-mass stars are also produced in high-mass stars.  相似文献   

The relation between period and spectral type is examined for 33 W Ursae Majoris stars for which accurate observations have enabled us to clearly classify their eclipse types at the primary minimum (transit (A) or occultation (W)). About a half of the examined stars are of A-type, and the rest correspond to W-type. Periods of W-type systems are found to fall within 0.25–0.5 days, while periods of A-type systems range between 0.25–0.9 days. For A-type systems certain period-spectral type relations seem to hold, but for W-type systems no definite relation could be found. Statistically, a W Ursae Majoris star will undergo a period change every ~17000 cycles, on the average, and a time scale for the period change (d lnP/dt)?1 is estimated to be about 106 years.  相似文献   

Long-term photometric and spectroscopic observations of the yellow symbiotic star LT Del are analyzed. UBV light curves are presented. Based on the observations of 20 cycles, we have refined the orbital period of the star, P = 476 · d 0 ± 1 · d 0. The brightness has been found to be unstable at some orbital phases with an amplitude up to 0 · m 3. We have measured the fluxes in hydrogen and helium emission lines and in continuum and investigated their relationship to the orbital period. The fluxes in hydrogen and HeI lines follow the UBV light curves in phase; the He II 4686 Å flux does not depend on the phase and is constant within the accuracy of our measurements. The intensity ratio of the 4686 Å andHβ lines changes from 0.2 to 0.9 over the period. We interpret the spectroscopic observations based on the hypothesis of heating and ionization of the stellar wind from a cool component by high-frequency radiation from a hot star with a temperature of 105 K. We have estimated the spectral type of the cool star from our photometry and its continuum energy distribution as a bright K2–4 red giant branch halo star. The bolometric luminosity and mass loss rate have been estimated for the K component to be L bol ~ 700L and \(\dot{M}\) ~ 10?8 M yr?1, respectively.  相似文献   

The photometric UBV observations of AS 338 that we began after its outburst in 1983 are presented. They were accompanied by yearly spectroscopic observations and by occasional estimations of the star’s infrared JHKL magnitudes. In June 1993, the star’s optical spectrum was extended to the ultraviolet via IUE observations of AS 338. Collectively, the above observations make it possible to trace the evolution of stellar activity over a period of 15 years in various spectral ranges. In particular, a short-time return of the hot component of AS 338 to the state when He II lines reappeared in the star’s spectrum was noted in 1993. At this time, a blend of the C IV λλ5802 and 5812 lines, which is typical of Wolf-Rayet spectra, was detected in it. In June 1993, the temperature of the hot component was T h ≈ 8.8 × 104 K, and the ratio of its bolometric flux to that of the red giant was F h, bol/F g, bol ≈ 1.0. In August, its temperature increased to ~1.0×105 K, while the bolometric flux dropped by a factor of ~1.5(F h, bol/F g, bol ≈ 0.7). In the B-V, U diagram, the points referring to this so-called quiescent state form a separate group shifted in B-V from all the remaining ones located in a horizontal strip with $\Delta U \approx 3\mathop .\limits^m 5$ and $\Delta (B - V) \approx 0\mathop .\limits^m 4$ . This allows us to diagnose the state of the hot component without spectroscopic observations of the star. In October 1993, the hot component flared up again. The main brightness rise took no more than 19 days. The outburst occurred shortly before eclipse egress of the hot component, whose duration was ~0.01P orb. In December 1993, F h, bol/F g, bol≤1.5 at maximum light. During the recurrent, even stronger outburst in April 1995, F h, bol/F g, bol≤3.4. The Hαline during outbursts has a P Cyg profile and broad wings stretching to velocities of ±1500 km s?1. The color temperature of the active hot component at short optical wavelengths and in the ultraviolet lies in the range of effective temperatures for hot supergiants. Nevertheless, it always produces an H II region in the circumstellar envelope that is larger in size than this binary system.  相似文献   

We present photoelectric and spectroscopic observations of the protoplanetary object V 1853 Cyg, a B supergiant with an IR excess. Over two years of its observations, the star exhibited rapid irregular light variations with amplitudes $\Delta V = 0\mathop .\limits^m 3$ , $\Delta B = 0\mathop .\limits^m 3$ , $\Delta U = 0\mathop .\limits^m 4$ and no correlation between color and magnitude. Its mean magnitude has not changed since the first UBV observations in 1973 (Drilling 1975). Low-resolution spectroscopic observations show that the spectrum of V 1853 Cyg in 2000 corresponded to that of a B1–B2 star with T eff ~ 20000 K. High-resolution spectroscopic observations confirm the conclusion that the profiles of absorption and emission lines are variable. We identified the star’s spectral lines and measured the equivalent widths of more than 40 lines. The star’s radial velocity is 〈V r 〉= ?49 × 5 km s?1, as measured from absorption lines, and ranges from–50 to–85 km s–1 for different lines, as measured from shell emission lines. The velocity of the dust clouds on the line of sight determined from diffuse interstellar bands (DIBs) and from interstellar Na I lines is 〈V r 〉= ?16 × 5 km s?1. The P Cyg profiles of the He I λ5876 Å and λ6678 Å lines suggest an ongoing mass loss by the star. An analysis of the observational data confirms the conclusion that the star belongs to the class of intermediatemass protoplanetary objects.  相似文献   

Photometric observations of the variable star EP Lyr were performed with a CCD photometer during the observing season of 2002. Analysis of these observations together with published data has confirmed the mean period of the main variability cycle P = 83.d248 over almost 100 years. The periodicity of the variations in the main cycle is investigated on the basis of O-C diagrams. The time scale of its variations ranges from 1–2 to 8–20 thousand days.  相似文献   

We present the Hα flux measurements for 44 nearby dwarf galaxies, derived from the observations at the 6-m BTA telescope. Hα fluxes were used to determine the rate of integral star formation of galaxies, SFR. For the observed galaxies the value of log SFR lies in the range from 0 to ?8 [M /yr]. The specific star formation rate for all the sample galaxies does not exceed the limit of log SSFR = ?9.2 [yr?1]. A burst of star formation was detected in the center of a nearby dwarf galaxy UGC2172.  相似文献   

Photoelectric (UBVR) observations of the eclipsing variable EQ Ori are presented. The ephemerides of primary minima are refined, and the range of the star’s light variations is determined. All light curves are solved by Lavrov’s direct method, and highly accurate photometric orbital elements are obtained for the system. The magnitudes and colors of each component are calculated and analyzed in two-color (U-B)-(B-V) and (U-B)-(V-R) diagrams. The system’s primary component is classified as a metallic-line Am star. The absolute parameters of the components are estimated, and the binary is classified as a detached system with a subgiant: A0 V and K2 IV. EQ Ori has a faint physical companion, which causes the epochs of primary minimum to be systematically displaced with a period of about 30 years. The expected parameters of the distant companion are estimated. The system’s components are at a pre-ZAMS evolutionary stage, with their age being 2×106 years. EQ Ori is thought to be a member of the Ori I association.  相似文献   

We report the results of position, photometric, and polarimetric observations of two near-Earth asteroids made with the 6-m telescope of the Special Astrophysical Observatory of the Russian Academy of Sciences. 1.2-hour measurements of the photometric variations of the asteroid 2009 DL46 made onMarch 8, 2016 (approximately 20m at a distance of about 0.23 AU from the Earth) showed a 0.m2-amplitude flash with a duration of about 20 minutes. During this time the polarization degree increased from the average level of 2–3% to 14%. The angle of the polarization plane and the phase angle were equal to 113° ± 1° and 43°, respectively. Our result indicates that the surface of the rotating asteroid (the rotation period of about 2.5 hours) must be non-uniformly rough. Observations of another asteroid—1994 UG—whose brightness was of about 17m and which was located at a geocentric distance of 0.077 AU, were carried out during the night of March 6/7, 2016 in two modes: photometric and spectropolarimetric. According to the results of photometric observations in Johnson’s B-, V-, and R-band filters, over one hour the brightness of the asteroid remained unchanged within the measurement errors (about 0.m02). Spectropolarimetric observations in the 420–800 nm wavelength interval showed the polarization degree to decrease from 8% in the blue part of the spectrum to 2% in the red part with the phase angle equal to 44?, which is typical for S-type near-Earth asteroids.  相似文献   

A Fabry-Perot spectrometer was used to map the H II region around the O star ξ Per in the Hβ emission line. The angular size of the region is \(9_.^ \circ 1 \times 6_.^ \circ 0\). The region-boundary contour drawn at the double background level is centered on the star. The accuracy of our emission intensity measurements is 0.2 rayleigh. The proximity of the nebula NGC 1499 has virtually no effect on the measured emission measure toward the star. The star excitation parameter derived from observations corresponds to the spectral type O7.5 III and is U(Sp)=56.0±8.4 pc cm?2; the mean electron density in the region is ne=3.1±0.4 cm?3.  相似文献   

We obtained a series of four observations of the isolated neutron star Geminga over an 18 month period using the Advanced Camera for Surveys (ACS) Wide Field Camera (WFC) on the Hubble Space Telescope in order to determine its trigonometric parallax. We find the parallax π=4.0±1.3 mas, corresponding to a distance to Geminga of 250 ?62 +120  pc, a result 60% larger than the previously published value. The proper motion is 178.2±1.8 mas/year. In this paper, we describe the analysis techniques in detail since the amplitude of the parallactic shift is smaller than the camera’s pixel size. We fit each star in the images with an appropriate effective PSF and applied a distortion correction to generate stellar positions accurate to 0.01 pixels (~0.5 mas). The 134 stars common to all images serve to establish a reference frame for alignment of the image series. Our observations were made around the times of maximum parallactic shift. We discuss the implications of this new distance measurement for the inferred radius of Geminga, and the neutron star equation of state.  相似文献   

This is a study of photometric data from the Hipparcos catalog and spectrophotometric observations by a group of Pulkovo observers in Bolivia of the variable star 2 Cen (V806 Cen). Fourier analysis yields a more precise value of 12.57 d for the period of the brightness variation instead of 12.0 d. Light curves constructed from the photometric data are found to have a smooth systematic variation with an amplitude on the order of 0m.2. Short duration changes in the brightness by 0m.1 take place over times of a few hours. The differences in the temperature and radius of the emitting layer at maximum and minimum brightness, which occur at phases of 0.00 and 0.58, respectively, are found. At the maximum the radius was smaller by 6% and the temperature was higher by 70 K; these differences may characterize the star’s pulsations.  相似文献   

We report the detection of series of close type I X-ray bursts consisting of two or three events with a recurrence time much shorter than the characteristic (at the observed mean accretion rate) time of matter accumulation needed for a thermonuclear explosion to be initiated on the neutron star surface during the JEM-X/INTEGRAL observations of several X-ray bursters. We show that such series of bursts are naturally explained in the model of a spreading layer of accreting matter over the neutron star surface in the case of a sufficiently high (? ? 1 × 10?9 M yr?1) accretion rate (corresponding to a mean luminosity L tot ? 1 × 1037erg s?1). The existence of triple bursts requires some refinement of the model—the importance of a central ring zone is shown. In the standard model of a spreading layer no infall of matter in this zone is believed to occur.  相似文献   

We present our long-term photometric and spectroscopic observations of a high-latitude B supergiant with an infrared excess—the protoplanetary nebula IRAS 18062+2410. OurU BV observations in 2000–2006 have confirmed the rapid irregular photometric variability of the star with a maximum amplitude as high as 0 . m 4 in V that we found previously. The BV and UB color indices vary with amplitudes as high as 0 . m 10 and 0 . m 25, respectively, and show no clear correlation with the brightness. Our V-band CCD observations on 11 nights in 2006 have revealed brightness trends during the night. The variability of IRAS18062+2410 is similar in pattern to the light variations in other hot post-AGB objects and some of the nuclei of young planetary nebulae. We assume that pulsations and a variable stellar wind can be responsible for the variability of these stars. In addition to the rapid variability, our 12-year-long observations have revealed a systematic decline in the mean brightness of IRAS 18062+2410. This may be related to a rise in the temperature of the star at constant luminosity as a result of its evolution. Low-resolution spectroscopic observations have shown a systematic increase in the equivalent widths of the Hα, Hβ, [NII]λ6584 Å, OI λ8446 Å, and [OII] λ7320–7330 Å emission lines. The changes in the star’s emission line spectrum are probably caused by an increase in the degree of ionization of the gas shell due to a rise in the temperature of the ionizing star. Our photometric and spectroscopic observations of IRAS 18062+2410 confirm the previously made assumptions that the star evolves very rapidly to the region of planetary nebulae.  相似文献   

A slitless UBVR spectrograph has been built for use on small telescopes. Test observations on the Zeiss-600 telescope at the Terskol peak demonstrated that the spectrograph is an efficient instrument for studying high-speed processes in variable stars with a high temporal resolution. The spectrograph resolving power R ≈ 100 in the vicinity of λ = 480 nm and the error in the determination of the wavelength is approximately 3 nm. The spectrograph provides a moderate signal-to-noise ratio for stars up to 16 m . It permits one to measure equivalent widths of unblended lines down to 0.1 nm. The developed special software based on the theory of quantum statistics makes it possible to detect relative variations in the spectrum of approximately 10?5–10?6 of the bolometric flux of the star. Observations with the spectrograph made it possible to detect variations of emissions in Balmer lines and Ca II H, K lines in the EV Lac flare star in the subsecond range. The spectroscopic monitoring permits one to study stellar flares with small amplitude, to carry out a comprehensive colorimetric analysis of flare plasma, and to determine temperatures and sizes of flares in the light intensity maximum. Observations of the transit of the HAT-P-1 B exoplanet demonstrate that the chromospheric activity power of the parent star does not vary during the transit. The slitless spectrograph with a low resolving capacity opens new prospects in studying active processes occurring on stars’ surfaces.  相似文献   

Speckle-interferometric observations of FU Ori are performed with the 6-m telescope of the Special Astrophysical Observatory with 600/40 nm and 800/100 nm (central bandwidth/halfwidth) filters. The companion star FU Ori S that was recently discovered at λ >-1.25µm was recorded in observations with the λλ==800/100 nm filter. The positional parameters and magnitude difference of the companion in the filter considered are found to be θ = (163.9 ± 1.0)°, ρ = (0.493 ± 0.007)″, Δm = 3.96 ± 0.28. An analysis of the spectral energy distribution of the companion implies that for the extinction A V toward FU Ori to be greater than about 1.6 m , i.e., the minimum value required by the available models of the fuor, the spectral type of the companion star must be no later than K3. The reliability of this conclusion and the possible ways for obtaining more accurate estimates of A V are discussed.  相似文献   

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