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We consider two types of streamer structures observed in the solar atmosphere. Structures of the first type are medium-scale configurations with scale lengths comparable to the scale height in the corona, kT/mg = 100 thousand km, which appear as characteristic plasma structures in the shape of a dome surrounding the active region with thin streamers emanating from its top. In configurations of this type, gravity plays no decisive role in the mass distribution. The plasma density is constant on magnetic surfaces. Accordingly, the structure of the configurations is defined by the condition ψ = const, where ψ is the flux function of the magnetic field. Structures of the second type are large-scale configurations (coronal helmets, loops, and streamers), which differ from the above structures in that their scale lengths exceed the scale height in the corona. For them, gravity plays a decisive role; as a result, instead of the magnetic surfaces, the determining surface is BgradΦ = 0. We constructed three-dimensional images of these structures. Some of the spatial curves called “visible contours” of the Br = 0 surface are shown to be brightest in the corona. We assume that the helmet boundaries and polar plumes are such curves.  相似文献   

In this work an exhaustive study of static massive configurations with a constant local adiabatic exponent (1) has been made under various physical conditions at the centre. The static parameters of these structures have been calculated at the extreme causality condition. These structures have been used to model neutron stars and the various neutron star parameters have been calculated. The radial pulsation and rotation of these configurations have also been discussed.  相似文献   

Spherical-symmetric massive structures with a relativistic polytropic equation of state have been studied in detail. Thevarious static parameters have been calculated under all possible variations of 0 (=P 0/E 00 pertaining to the central value) and the polytropic indexn. In particular, the values of the static parameters have been identified under the extreme relativistic conditions and for the most bound structures. The structures have been used to model neutron stars and the various neutron parameters have been calculated. Radial pulsation and rotation of these configurations have also been discussed.  相似文献   

Stellar structures with a constant local adiabatic index Γ have been discussed under the extreme relativistic condition (dP/dρ=1, at the center of the configuration). The equation of state,PαρΓ, where ρ r is the rest-mass density leads to the relations, (i)ρ=AP 1/Γ?P/(Γ?1) between energy density and pressure, and (ii)e=NP between internal energy density and pressure, where the constantN may be called local polytropic index. The local adiabatic index, Γ, is found to be related to the adiabatic index, γ, through a simple relation, Γ=γ(1+P/ρ). The maximum value of surface redshift comes out to be 0.614 when σ=(P/ρ)0=0.6. The structure are bound for σ≤0.83 and the maximum value of the binding coefficient is 0.181 at σ=0.4. For bound structures the central redshift z0≤8.24. The maximum mass of neutron star based upon such a model comes out to be 2.39M (for σ=0.4) and the maximum size comes out to be 13.7 km (for σ=0.2).  相似文献   

This paper presents a new family of interior solutions of Einstein–Maxwell field equations in general relativity for a static spherically symmetric distribution of a charged perfect fluid with a particular form of charge distribution. This solution gives us wide range of parameter, K, for which the solution is well behaved hence, suitable for modeling of superdense star. For this solution the gravitational mass of a star is maximized with all degree of suitability by assuming the surface density equal to normal nuclear density, ρ nm=2.5×1017 kg?m?3. By this model we obtain the mass of the Crab pulsar, M Crab, 1.36M and radius 13.21 km, constraining the moment of inertia >?1.61×1038 kg?m2 for the conservative estimate of Crab nebula mass 2M . And M Crab=1.96M with radius R Crab=14.38 km constraining the moment of inertia >?3.04×1038 kg?m2 for the newest estimate of Crab nebula mass, 4.6M . These results are quite well in agreement with the possible values of mass and radius of Crab pulsar. Besides this, our model yields moments of inertia for PSR J0737-3039A and PSR J0737-3039B, I A =1.4285×1038 kg?m2 and I B =1.3647×1038 kg?m2 respectively. It has been observed that under well behaved conditions this class of solutions gives us the overall maximum gravitational mass of super dense object, M G(max)=4.7487M with radius $R_{M_{\max}}=15.24~\mathrm{km}$ , surface redshift 0.9878, charge 7.47×1020 C, and central density 4.31ρ nm.  相似文献   

It is hypothesized that NP 0532 is seen from the Earth through a filament of high density of the Crab nebula. The variability of the dispersion measure of the pulsar NP 0532 is explained as due to variation in ionization produced in the filament by varying soft X-ray flux of NP 0532.  相似文献   

At the distancer?1015 cm from NP 0532 the plasma concentration decreases so that the intense low-frequency wave (ν=30 Hz) can propagate. The interaction of this wave with the electrons ejected from the pulsar should result in the IR radiation withF ν~102 fu at λ~10 μ. This flux is the order of the excess IR radiation from the Crab Nebula.  相似文献   

A number of white dwarf models have been calculated which correspond to various radial and nonradial modes of vibration with eigenfrequencies in agreement with the observed pulsation frequencies of the X-ray sources Hercules X-1 and Centaurus X-3. Most of the white dwarf models have hot interiors, but for calculational purposes these were simplified so that the bulk of the interior was isothermal, and the surface layers were designed to produce an energy generation rate of 1037 erg s?1 and to transport this energy continuously to the surface by radiative transfer. Cold white dwarfs have a fairly large spread of masses corresponding to the different overtone modes with the given eigenfrequencies, but in the hot models this spread of masses is greatly reduced, for both radial and nonradial modes. It is concluded that if the pulsating X-ray sources are hot white dwarfs, the mass of Cen X-3 probably lies in the range 0.7–1.2M , and the mass of Her X-1 probably lies in the range 1.1–1.25M (in accord with observation).  相似文献   

Based on the epicyclic approximation, we have simulated the motion of the young open star clusters IC 4665 and Collinder 359. The separation between the cluster centers is shown to have been minimal 7 Myr ago, 36 pc. We have established a close evolutionary connection between IC 4665 and the Scorpius-Centaurus association — the separation between the centers of these structures was ≈200 pc 15 Myr ago. In addition, the center of IC 4665 at this time was near two well-known regions of coronal gas: the Local Bubble and the North Polar Spur. The star HIP 86768 is shown to be one of the candidates for a binary (in the past) with the pulsar PSR B1929+10. At the model radial velocity of the pulsar V r = 2 ± 50 km s?1, a close encounter of this pair occurs in the vicinity of IC 4665 at a time of ?1.1 Myr. At the same time, using currently available data for the pulsar B1929+10 at its model radial velocity V r = 200 ± 50 km s?1, we show that the hypothesis of Hoogerwerf et al. (2001) about the breakup of the ζ Oph-B1929+10 binary in the vicinity of Upper Scorpius (US) about 0.9 Myr ago is more plausible.  相似文献   

A portion of an east limb flare-prominence observed in Hα by NOAA/Boulder and NASA/ MSFC patrol facilities on 30 April 1974 is analyzed. Following a rapid (~2 min) achievement of a maximum mass ejection velocity of about 375 km s?1, the ascending prominence reached a height of, at least, 2 × 105 km. We use a one-dimensional, time-dependent hydrodynamic theory (Nakagawa et al., 1975) to compute the total mass (~2 × 1011 g) and energy (~4 × 1026erg) ejected during this part of this event. Theoretical aspects of the coronal response are discussed. We conclude that a moderate temperature and density pulse (factors of ten and two, respectively), for a duration of only 3 min, is sufficient for an acceptable simulation of the Hα observations and the likely coronal response to the ascending prominence and flare-related ejections. No attempt was made to simulate the additionally-important spray and surge features which probably contributed a higher level of mass and energy efflux.  相似文献   

We analyze the encounters of the neutron star (pulsar) Geminga with open star clusters in the OB association Ori OB1a through the integration of epicyclic orbits into the past by taking into account the errors in the data. The open cluster ASCC21 is shown to be the most probable birthplace of either a single progenitor star for the Geminga pulsar or a binary progenitor system that subsequently broke up. Monte Carlo simulations of Geminga-ASCC21 encounters with the pulsar radial velocity V r = ?100±50 km s?1 have shown that close encounters could occur between them within ≤10 pc at about t = ?0.52 Myr. In addition, the trajectory of the neutron star Geminga passes at a distance of ≈25 pc from the center of the compact OB association λ Ori at about t = ?0.39 Myr, which is close to the age of the pulsar estimated from its timing.  相似文献   

The First Light Adaptive Optics (FLAO) system has been successfully commissioned at the Large Binocular Telescope. It delivers extreme adaptive optics performance using bright natural guide stars reaching 90 % Strehl Ratios in H-band. Observations with current adaptive optics systems are limited to the near infrared wavelengths, in these bands the diffraction limited resolution of the largest ground-based telescopes (8–10 meter class) is comparable to the one of the much smaller Hubble Space Telescope that observes in the visible bands. This study aims to demonstrate the feasibility of an adaptive optics system designed to achieve very high order correction at visible wavelengths (0.5 to 0.8 μ m) with significant sky coverage. Upgrading the FLAO design with a low noise CCD relaxes the reference magnitude limit needed to achieve greater performance. In particular, we demonstrate that a gain of 1–2 magnitudes is possible by upgrading the wavefront sensor with a very low read out noise CCD. For future AO systems, in addition to low noise CCDs, deformable (secondary) mirrors with a higher actuator density will be able to move the high order correction capability from the near infrared to the visible wavelengths (Strehl Ratio of 80 % in R (0.7 μ m), 60 % in V (0.5 μ m)). We investigate, by means of numerical simulation, the gain in imaging performance obtained at Near Infrared, Visible, and UV wavelengths. The results of these simulations have been used to derive the empirical relation between Strehl Ratio and magnitude of the reference star and we then use this relationship to perform a detailed sky coverage analysis based on astronomical catalog data. The detailed simulations of the Point Spread Functions allow us to compute Ensquared Energy and Strehl Ratio for the magnitude working range of such an Adaptive Optics system. We present the results of the instrumental isoplanatic angle determination. We then used these values to compute the relationship between correction level and the off-axis angle from the reference star. The Strehl Ratio relationship with the reference magnitude and the angular distance provides the information needed to perform the sky-coverage analysis, which demonstrates that the designed system is able to provide V and R bands correction on a not negligible few percent of the sky.  相似文献   

The magnetic distortion is estimated for neutron stars in which the matter in the interior consists of superfluid neutrons and superconducting protons. For type II proton superconductivity, the arrangement of magnetic flux in a two-dimensional lattice of quantized fluxoids and the kinetic energy of the supercurrent carriers cause some components of the spatially averaged stress tensor for field and superconductor to be several orders of magnitude greater than the components of the Max-well stress tensor for a uniform distribution of the same magnetic flux. It is shown that for the Crab pulsar PSR 0531+21, which is considered to have the greater part of its mass in the form of superfluid neutrons and superconducting protons, the magnetic distortion is almost certainly more important than the clastic energy of the outer shell in determining the departure of the inertia tensor from its spherically symmetric form. With the assumption that internal and external magnetic fields have the same symmetry axis, the external field dipole moment of the Crab pulsar is predicted to be approximately perpendicular to the spin direction, in agreement with a number of published interpretations of observational data.  相似文献   

Observations of the outer solar corona obtained by the High Altitude Observatory's coronagraph aboard Skylab reveal the presence of dark, ray-like structures in the corona. A systematic identification of these voids, which exist for periods of about 24 hr, is presented and their existence as a coronal phenomenon, as opposed to a subtle photographic effect, verified. Photometric analysis indicates that these features represent reductions in the coronal radiance on the order of 5% - or about 2–3 × 10?10 B at 3 R . The use of a previously determined model of the electron component of the corona permits specification of the electron density in the voids over the range 2.5–4.5 R . In spite of the inevitable uncertainties regarding their longitudinal extent, we estimate that their electron density is comparable to, or less than, that in coronal holes at similar heights. Projection of the phenomena onto synoptic surface maps indicates a close relationship with filaments and neutral lines; a potentially significant temporal correlation between the void formation and that of the underlying prominence is noted. The spatial and temporal resolution of the data set places stringent restrictions on any model which may be used to infer the physical processes of formation or decay of voids; several possibilities are suggested which involve either changes in the coronal base temperature or the magnetic flux.  相似文献   

The problem of finding nonsingular charged analogue of Schwarzschild’s interior solutions has been reduced to that of finding a monotonically decreasing function f. The models are discussed in generality by imposing reality condition on f. It is shown that the physical solutions are possible only for surface density to central density ratio greater than or equal to 2/3 i.e. $\frac{\rho_{a}}{\rho_{0}}\ge2/3$ . The unphysical nature of solutions with linear equation state has been proved. A generalization procedure has been utilized to generalize solutions by Guilfoyle (1999). Recently found solutions by Gupta and Kumar (2005a, 2005b, 2005c) are generalized by taking particular form of f and seen to have higher mass and more stable. The maximum mass is found to be 1.59482 M Θ . The models have been found to be stable once the physical requirements are established due to mass to radius less than 4/9, total charge to total mass ratio less than 1 and redshift quite low.  相似文献   

The paper deals with massive fluid spheres with an isothermal core (having finite central density) and a polytropic envelope in terms of the General Relativity. The matching of the solutions in the core and envelope has been done using Bondi's condition,H=0 and also without it. The study reveals that since this condition does not correspond to any particular physical situation the maximum values of fractional core size, fractional core mass and the redshift do not occur atH=0, but that they occur at some other point. Within the permissible physical conditions (dP/dρ≤1) the maximum values ofM core/M,R core/R and the surface redshift, for an isothermal coreP=ρ/3, are respectively 0.473, 0.554, and 0.565. Using the conditionH=0, it has been shown that for isothermal cores corresponding to the equation of the stateP≥0.6ρ, the configurations are pulsationally unstable.  相似文献   

We present analyses of new optical photometric observations of three W UMa-type contact binaries FZ Ori, V407 Peg and LP UMa. Results from the first polarimetric observations of the FZ Ori and V407 Peg are also presented. The periods of FZ Ori, V407 Peg and LP UMa are derived to be 0.399986, 0.636884 and 0.309898 d, respectively. The O?C analyses indicate that the orbital periods of FZ Ori and LP UMa have increased with the rate of 2.28×10?8 and 1.25×10?6 d?yr?1, respectively and which is explained by transfer of mass between the components. In addition to the secularly increasing rate of orbital period, it was found that the period of FZ Ori has varied in sinusoidal way with oscillation period of ~30.1 yr. The period of oscillations are most likely to be explained by the light-time effect due to the presence of a tertiary companion. Small asymmetries have been seen around the primary and secondary maxima of light curves of all three systems, which is probably due to the presence of cool/hot spots on the components. The light curves of all three systems are analysed by using Wilson-Devinney code (WD) and the fundamental parameters of these systems have been derived. The present analyses show that FZ Ori is a W-subtype, and V407 Peg and LP UMa are A-subtype of the W UMa-type contact binary systems. The polarimetric observations in B, V, R and I bands, yield average values of polarization to be 0.26±0.03, 0.22±0.02, 0.22±0.03 and 0.22±0.05 per cent for FZ Ori and 0.21±0.02, 0.29±0.03, 0.31±0.01 and 0.31±0.04 per cent for V407 Peg, respectively.  相似文献   

We present the results of a photometric study of 85 objects from the updated sample of galaxies residing in the nearby Lynx-Cancer void. We perform our photometry on u, g, r, and i-band images of the Sloan Digital Sky Survey. We determine model-independent galaxy parameters such as the integrated magnitudes and colors, effective radii and the corresponding surface brightness values, optical radii and Holmberg radii. We analyze the radial surface brightness profiles to determine the central brightness values and scale lengths of the model disks. We analyze the colors of the outer parts of the galaxies and compare them with model evolutionary tracks computed using the PEGASE 2 software package. This allowed us to estimate the time T SF elapsed since the onset of star formation, which turned out to be on the order of the cosmological time T 0 for the overwhelming majority of the galaxies studied. However, for 13 galaxies of the sample the time T SF does not exceed T 0/2 ~ 7 Gyr, and for 7 of them T SF ? 3.5 Gyr. The latter are mostly unevolved objects dominated by low-luminosity galaxies with M B > ?13.2. We use the integrated magnitudes and colors to estimate the stellar masses of the galaxies.We estimate the parameter M(H I)/L B and the gas mass fractions for void galaxies with known HI-line fluxes. A small subgroup (about 10%) of the gas-richest void galaxies with M(H I)/L B ? 2.5 has gas mass fractions that reach 94–99%. The outer regions of many of these galaxies show atypically blue colors. To test various statistical differences between void galaxies and galaxies from the samples selected using more general criteria, we compare some of the parameters of void galaxies with similar data for the sample of 195 galaxies from the Equatorial Survey (ES) based on a part of the HIPASS blind HI survey. The compared samples have similar properties in the common luminosity interval ?18.5<M g < ?13.5. The faintest void galaxies differ appreciably from the ES survey galaxies. However, the ES survey also contains about 7% of the so-called “inchoate” galaxies with highM(H I)/L B ratios, most of which are located far from massive neighbors and are probably analogs of void galaxies.  相似文献   

We analyze the families of central configurations of the spatial 5-body problem with four masses equal to 1 when the fifth mass m varies from 0 to \(+\infty \). In particular we continue numerically, taking m as a parameter, the central configurations (which all are symmetric) of the restricted spatial (\(4+1\))-body problem with four equal masses and \(m=0\) to the spatial 5-body problem with equal masses (i.e. \(m=1\)), and viceversa we continue the symmetric central configurations of the spatial 5-body problem with five equal masses to the restricted (\(4+1\))-body problem with four equal masses. Additionally we continue numerically the symmetric central configurations of the spatial 5-body problem with four equal masses starting with \(m=1\) and ending in \(m=+\infty \), improving the results of Alvarez-Ramírez et al. (Discrete Contin Dyn Syst Ser S 1: 505–518, 2008). We find four bifurcation values of m where the number of central configuration changes. We note that the central configurations of all continued families varying m from 0 to \(+\infty \) are symmetric.  相似文献   

The results of flux pulsar radioemission measurements at meter wavelengths, made at Pushchino Radio Astronomical Observatory of the Lebedev Physical Institute, are presented. Flux densities at 102, 85, 61 and 39 MHz have been measured for 85, 29, 37 and 23 pulsars correspondingly. Some of them were performed at all frequencies simultaneously. On the basis of these data and high frequencies data obtained by other authors, spectra of 52 pulsars were plotted. In practically all investigated pulsars we have detected a turn-over frequency at which the flux density of pulsar radioemission attained its maximum. Its mean value isv m =130±80 MHz. Averaged on many pulsars, the spectral index is negative in the 39–61 MHz frequency range and passes through zero at frequencies of about 100 MHz, becoming positive in the 100–400 MHz frequency range. It was noticed that the spectral index in the 100–400 MHz interval depends upon such pulsar periods as α100−=0.7logp+0.9. Using the spectra, more precise radio luminosities of pulsars have been computed.  相似文献   

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