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Over-exploitation of groundwater results in decline of water levels, leading to intrusion of salt water along the coastal region, which is a natural phenomenon. A groundwater quality survey has been carried out to assess such phenomena along the coast of Visakhapatnam, Andhra Pradesh, India. Brackish groundwaters are observed in most of the wells. The rest of the wells show a fresh water environment. The factors responsible for the brackish groundwater quality with respect to the influence of seawater are assessed, using the standard ionic ratios, such as Ca2+:Mg2+, TA:TH and Cl:HCO 3. Results suggest that the brackish nature in most of the groundwaters is not due to the seawater influence, but is caused by the hydrogeochemical process. Some influence of seawater on the groundwater quality is observed along the rock fractures. The combined effect of seawater and urban wastewaters is due to the inferior quality of groundwater in a few wells, where they are at topographic lows close to the coast.  相似文献   

The area in Guntur district, Andhra Pradesh, India, is selected to discuss the impact of seasonal variation of groundwater quality on irrigation and human health, where the agriculture is the main livelihood of rural people and the groundwater is the main source for irrigation and drinking. Granite gneisses associated with schists and charnockites of the Precambrian Eastern Ghats underlie the area. Groundwater samples collected seasonally, pre- and post-monsoons, during three years from forty wells in the area were analyzed for pH, EC, TDS, TA, TH, Ca2+, Mg2+, Na+, K+, CO32−, HCO3, Cl, SO42−, NO3and F. The chemical relationships in Piper’s diagram, Chebotarev’s genetic classification and Gibbs’s diagram suggest that the groundwaters mainly belong to non-carbonate alkali type and Cl group, and are controlled by evaporation-dominance, respectively, due to the influence of semi-arid climate, gentle slope, sluggish drainage conditions, greater water–rock interaction, and anthropogenic activities. A comparison of the groundwater quality in relation to drinking water quality standards proves that most of the water samples are not suitable for drinking, especially in post-monsoon period. US Salinity Laboratory’s and Wilcox’s diagrams, and %Na+ used for evaluating the water quality for irrigation suggest that the majority of the groundwater samples are not good for irrigation in post-monsoon compared to that in pre-monsoon. These conditions are caused due to leaching of salts from the overlying materials by infiltrating recharge waters. A management plan is suggested for sustainable development of the area.  相似文献   

Geoenvironmental effects of groundwater regime in Andhra Pradesh, India   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
 The Indian subcontinent has the largest semi-arid tropical (SAT) area among developing nations. The State of Andhra Pradesh falls under the SAT region in India and is mostly covered by compact and hard rocks, characterized by seasonal rainfall of a highly fluctuating nature, in both space and time. As a consequence of the green revolution and an increase in industrial activity, there has been an increase in the utilization of groundwater resources during the last two decades in Andhra Pradesh. The development has also caused a number of problems, such as water table decline, decrease in well yields and seawater intrusion. Although major irrigation projects have contributed to improved agricultural production, the associated problems of waterlogging, salinization and loss of valuable bioresources have led to the gradual degradation of the land, affecting agricultural productivity. Surface water and groundwater have also been polluted in several parts of the State because of untreated discharge of effluents from the industries into nearby streams or open lands. A brief account of the overall scenario of the hydrogeological framework and geo-environmental effects on the groundwater regime in Andhra Pradesh is presented. Possible management practices and conservation methods are suggested. Received: 9 August 1999 · Accepted: 10 July 2000  相似文献   

The medium- to coarse-grained and porphyritic granitoid of Dharmawaram, Karimnagar district, Andhra Pradesh, south India is a biotite-hornblende granite with notable contents of rare metal (Zr, Hf, Th) and rare earth (including Y) minerals like zircon, thorite, allanite, monazite and xenotime. Chemically, it is metaluminous (average A/ C+N+K = 0.95)-type, potassic (av. 5% K2O) granite, with dominantly sub-alkaline characters. It shows up to 8 times enrichment of rare metals (Zr, Hf, U, Th) and rare earths (including Y, Sc), with reference to their abundances in normal unevolved granite, and hence, fertile for some of these elements. Field, petrological, geochemical and isotopic data of potassic granite (PG) indicate involvement of silica-rich metasedimentary-basic crustal rocks (amphibole-quartzite, amphibolite, hornblende-biotite gneiss, etc.) in its genesis, at a depth range of 30 km. Further, chondrite-normalized REE patterns demonstrate that low-degree partial melting of source rocks is the major con  相似文献   

Plate tectonic activity has played a critical role in the development of petrotectonic associations in the Kadiri schist belt. The calc alkaline association of basalt, andesite, dacite and rhyolite(BADR) is the signature volcanic rock suite of the convergent margin. The N-S belt has gone below the unconformity plane of Cuddapah sediments. In the northern part geochemical and structural attributes of the Kadiri greenstone belt is studied along with microscopic observations of selected samples. Harker diagram plots of major elements generally indicate a liquid line of descent from a common source, such that BADR rocks are derived from a common parent magma of basaltic to andesitic composition. These calc-alkaline volcanic rocks are formed at convergent margins where more silicic rocks represent more highly fractionated melt. All the litho-units of this greenstone belt indicate crush and strain effects. The stretched pebbles in the deformed volcanic matrix with tectonite development along with associated greenschist facies metamorphism, alteration and hydration is remarkable. Flow foliation plane with N-S strike and very low angle(5° to 10°) easterly dip and N-S axial planar schistosity formed due to later phase isoclinal folding can be clearly identified in the field. Basic intrusives are quite common in the surrounding area. All the observations including the field setting and geochemistry clearly demonstrate ocean-continent subduction as the tectonic environment of the study area.  相似文献   

In India, the quantity and quality of water available for irrigation is variable from place to place. Assessment of water quality has been carried out to determine the sources of dissolved ions in groundwater. Quality of groundwater in a 398 km2 Peddavanka watershed of a semi-arid region of south India is evaluated for its suitability for drinking and irrigation purposes. The middle Proterozoic Cuddapah Supergroup and Kurnool Group of rocks underlie most of the watershed. The main lithologic units consist chiefly of quartzite, limestone, and shale. Seventy-six water samples were collected from open-wells and bore-holes. Water samples were collected representative of the post-monsoon (winter) and pre-monsoon (summer). The quality assessment is made through the estimation of Ca2+, Mg2+, Na+, K+, Cl, SO42−, CO32−, HCO3, total hardness as CaCO3, TDS, EC, and pH. Based on these analyses, parameters like sodium adsorption ratio, % sodium, residual sodium carbonate, non-carbonate hardness, potential salinity, Kelley’s ratio, magnesium ratio, index of base exchange and permeability index were calculated. According to Gibbs‘ ratio samples in both seasons fall in the rock dominance field. The overall quality of waters in the study area in post-monsoon season is high for all constituents ruling out pollution from extraneous sources.  相似文献   

Vertical electrical resistivity soundings were conducted in order to delineate groundwater potential aquifers in Peddavanka watershed, which is a catchment of about 398 km2 in Anantapur District, Andhra Pradesh, India. The main lithologic units in the watershed are quartzite, limestone, shale, and alluvium. Ninety-nine vertical electrical soundings were conducted using the Schlumberger configuration, covering the entire watershed. The data were interpreted with the help of master curves and auxiliary point charts. Interpretations of VES were used to generate a top layer apparent resistivity contour map and longitudinal conductance map. Isoresistivity contour maps were prepared and interpreted in terms of resistivity and thickness of various sub-surface layers using computer software (SURFER), and isocontour diagrams depicting the depth to bedrock were prepared. Resistivity results were correlated with the existing lithology. Based on the depth to bedrock, the thickness of the saturated layer and the resistivity of the second layer, a groundwater potential map has been prepared, in which good, moderate, and poor zones are classified. The study reveals that the weathered and fractured portions in shale and limestone that occur in the southernmost and central portions of the watershed area constitute the productive water-bearing zones categorized as good groundwater potential aquifers.  相似文献   

Gabbros at Purimetla occur in close association with the alkaline pluton. Petrography and petrochemistry of these gabbros indicate their tholeiitic nature. Chemical variation of these tholeiites suggests that an initial undersaturated tholeiitic magma yielded oversaturated fractions in the final stages of differentiation. Their regional distribution suggests that basic magmatism preceded the emplacement of the alkaline rocks in the Prakasam alkaline province.  相似文献   

《China Geology》2019,2(2):142-156
The Cuddapah Basin in southern India has a potential for uranium mineralization due to some favorable factors such as its temporal, stratigraphic and tectonic settings. Systematic exploration program conducted by the Atomic Minerals Directorate for Exploration and Research (AMD) within the Cuddapah Basin resulting in the recognition of distinct types of uranium mineralization, viz., strata bound type, fracture/shear-controlled type and tabular type. The Gulcheru Formation which is the lowermost unit of the Cuddapah Basin is dominantly arenitic in nature. During the exploration works, a number of uranium anomalies were identified with dimensions ranging from 1 m to 1.5 km. Gulcheru quartzite hosted uranium mineralization is intermittent and inconsistent in nature. The anomalous outcrops are distributed over a strike length of ca. 60 km between Gandi in the SE and Ambakapallein the NW. Presently, two different types of uranium mineralization are characterized on the basis of field observations, mapping and structural interpretation, petro-mineralogy and geochemistry. Although the host rock is same for both types, the mechanism of uranium enrichment is totally different. The Ambakapalle uranium mineralization is controlled by fault zone and associated hydrothermal activity. Whereas, the Tummalapalle uranium mineralization is litho-controlled in nature influenced by suitable four ‘P’ factors, i.e., provenance, porosity-permeability, precipitation and preservation. The geochemical characterization of Gulcheru quartzite suggest a passive margin type of provenance setting. Petro-mineralogically the quartz arenite suggests enough textural as well as mineralogical maturity. Ambakapalle quartzite is slightly strained and deformed due to faulting. Analysis of selected samples recorded 0.01% to 0.048% U3O8 and <0.01% ThO2. Petrographic observation revealed that the anomalies were appeared due to secondary uranium minerals occurring as surficial encrustations, fracture filling and lesser irregular patches. Structural analysis suggests the mineralization along E-W trace slip fault is possibly consistent in sub-surface. Tummalapalle quartzite is relatively less deformed arenitic in nature with significant enrichment in MREE. The genetic models for the two types of mineralization is totally different.© 2019 China Geology Editorial Office.  相似文献   

Summary A study of the mineralogy of zoned apatite-magnetite veins near Kasipatnam in the Eastern Ghats has led to the recognition of a broad paragenetic sequence starting with hyalophane, followed by calciferous pyroxene (salite-ferrosalite range), biotite, magnetite, zircon, fluorapatite, allanite and actinolite, calcite, barite and sulphide minerals. The fluorapatite is characteristically radioactive, containing appreciable amounts of thorium and rare earth elements. The association of hyalophane and calciferous pyroxene in the apatite-magnetite veins is due to the contamination of hydrothermal fluids by the calcareous material of the khondalite rocks. These veins are considered to be fracture filling metasomatic skam deposits displaying pegmatitic fabrics in charnockites of the Eastern Ghats. Zoned features and inward coarseness of minerals from margins of veins suggest that they have crystallized from skarn solutions, approaching a normal magmatic concept.
Studium der Apatit-Magnetit-Gänge nahe Kasipatnam, Distrikt Visakhapatnam, Andhra Pradesh, Indien
Zusammenfassung Das Studium zonarer Apatit-Magnetit-Gänge bei Kasipatnam in den östlichen Ghats hat zur Erkennung einer breiten paragenetischen Abfolge geführt. Diese beginnt mit Hyalophan und wird mit Ca-führenden Pyroxenen der Salit-Ferrosalit-Reihe, Biotit, Magnetit, Zirkon, Fluorapatit, Allanit, sowie Aktinolith, Calcit, Baryt und Sulfidmineralen fortgesetzt; dabei hört der Ca-führende Pyroxen nach einer Weile auf, während der Hyalophan bis zur vollständigen Kristallisation des Fluorapatits andauert. Der Fluorapatit, der beträchtliche Mengen an Thorium und an Elementen der Seltenen Erden enthält, ist charakteristischerweise radioaktiv. Die Assoziation von Hyalophan und Ca-führendem Pyroxen in den Apatit-Magnetit-Gängen ist in der Kontaminierung hydrothermaler Lösungen durch kalkiges Material der Khondalit-Gesteine begründet. Zonarbau und Vergröberung der Minerale vom Rand der Gänge gegen innen legen nahe, daß sie aus Skarnlosungen kristallisierten, wobei man sich einem normalen magmatischen Konzept nährt.

With 6 Figures  相似文献   

Groundwater in Palnad sub-basin is alkaline in nature and Na+-Cl-HCO3 type around Macherla-Karempudi area in Guntur district, Andhra Pradesh. Total dissolved solids (TDS) show strong positive correlation with Cl, Na+, Ca2+ and Mg2+, and positive correlation with SO42−, K+ and HCO3. Calcareous Narji Formation is the dominant aquifer lithology, and water-rock interaction controls the groundwater chemistry of the area. Chloro-alkaline indices (CAI) are positive at Miriyala, Adigopula, Mutukuru, Macherla and Durgi suggesting replacement of Na+ and K+ ions from water by Mg++ and Ca++ ions from country rock through base exchange reactions. Negative CAI values are recorded at Terala, Rayavaram and Nehrunagar, which indicate exchange of Na+ and K+ from the rock as cation-anion exchange reaction (chloro-alkaline disequilibrium). TDS range from 91 to 7100 ppm (Avg. 835 ppm) and exceed the prescribed limit of drinking water around Mutukuru, Durgi, Rayavaram, Khambampadu and Ammanizamalmadaka areas. Scanty rainfall and insufficient groundwater recharge are the prime factors responsible for high salinity in the area. Fluoride content ranges from <1 to 3.8 ppm and contaminated areas were identified around Macherla (1 sq km; 3.8ppm), Mandadi (1 sq km, 2.1ppm) and Adigopula (2 sq km, <1 to 3.7 ppm). The % Na+ content varies from 17 to 85 with the mean value of 57, and eighty (80) samples showed higher %Na+ in comparison to the prescribed limit of 60 for irrigation water. Sodium Adsorption Ratio (SAR) and % Na+ in relation to total salt concentration indicate that groundwater (51%) mostly falls under doubtful to poor quality for irrigation purpose. Groundwater of Adigopula village is fluoride contaminated and remedial measures are suggested to improve the water quality.  相似文献   

 This study was made to assess the groundwater quality in relation to agricultural and domestic uses in a part of the Peninsular Archean granite and gneissic complex of India. Water samples were collected from the existing wells in the Niva River basin, Chittoor district, Andhra Pradesh, India and analysed for major ions. The analytical data, processed and interpreted acoording to the WHO standards, reveal that, in general, the groundwater is suitable for both agricultural and domestic uses, exept in a few locations. High concentration of nitrates were observed in some of the wells (both agricultural and domestic) that are affected by the impact of industrial effluents. Multiple regression analysis was performed and used as a positive predictive tool in understanding the chemistry of the groundwater. Received: 2 May 1996 / Accepted: 14 October 1996  相似文献   

Sangla valley is situated at an altitude of ~ 3500 m above mean sea level and lies in the Kinnaur district of Himachal Pradesh. It is fed by river Baspa, a tributary of river Sutlej, that entrenches through the Quaternary glaciogenic deposits before emerging out of the valley and joining the river Sutlej at Karcham. The unstratified to stratified glaciogenic deposits consist of large boulders to fine silt and are classified into four major depositional facies on the basis of sedimentary texture and depositional environment. The facies — basal conglomerates, debris flow, water/sheet flow and laminites — represents the change in the environment of deposition from glaciofluvial to lacustrine and also the extent of the glacier to the valley floor during late Quaternary.  相似文献   

A geochemical soil sampling survey undertaken at Tumallpalle uranium mineralized zone Cuddapah district, has confirmed the presence of uranium anomalies in soils. Bulk soil samples were collected at every 20 m along the traverse from approximately 30 cm below the surface and were assayed for uranium by x-ray fluorescence (XRF) and inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS). The uranium anomalies detected by the insitu radiometric survey show a correlation with the helium highs. The soil gas helium studies have aided in delineating the subsurface extension of the deposit. This study endeavors for an integration of different techniques in a known area which could probably aid in delineating uranium zones for optimal exploitation in the future exploration programmes.  相似文献   

Hydrogeochemical investigations are carried out in the different blocks of Burdwan district, West Bengal, India in order to assess its suitability for drinking as well as irrigation water purpose. Altogether 49 representative groundwater samples are collected from bore wells and the water chemistry of various ions viz. Ca2+, Mg2+, Na+, K+, CO32−, HCO3, Cl, SO42− and NO3 are carried out. The chemical relationships in Piper and Gibbs diagram suggest that the groundwater mainly belongs to alkali type and Cl group and are controlled by rock dominance. A comparison of groundwater quality in relation to drinking water quality standards proves that most of the water samples are suitable for drinking water purpose whereas groundwater in some areas of the district has high salinity and high sodium adsorption ratio (SAR), indicating unsuitability for irrigation water and needs adequate drainage.  相似文献   

The complex depositional pattern of clay and sand in most of the areas controlled the vertical and lateral movement of nitrate in groundwater. The variation of nitrate concentration at different groundwater levels and the lateral distribution of nitrate in the groundwater at two sites indicated the filtration of nitrate by clayey formations. A rural agricultural district located in the Vamsadhara river basin, India was selected for studying the lateral and vertical distribution of nitrate in the groundwater and the association of nitrate with other chemical constituents. The nitrate concentrations in the groundwater are observed to vary between below detectable limit and 450 mg NO3/L. The sources for nitrate are mainly point sources (poultry farms, cattleshed and leakages from septic tanks) and non-point sources (nitrogenous fertilisers). The nitrate concentrations are increased after fertiliser applications. However, very high concentrations of nitrate are derived from animal wastes. Relatively better correlations between nitrate and potassium are observed (R = 0.74 to 0.82). The better relationship between these two chemical constituents in the groundwater may be due to the release of potassium and nitrate from both point and non-point sources. The nitrate and potassium concentrations are high in the groundwater from clayey formations.  相似文献   

Hydrogeomorphological, hydrogeological and geophysical investigations were carried out in the Pageru River basin of Cuddapah district, Andhra Pradesh, to delineate potential zones for future groundwater exploration. The study area is underlain by Proterozoic formations of the Indian Peninsula comprising limestones and shales as the sedimentary cover. Limestone and shale formations of the Cuddapah Super group that are later overlain by the Kurnool group (shale, limestone and quartzite) are exposed extensively. The high drainage density (2.61 km/km2) in the western region also suggests that the area is characterized by low permeable zones compared with low drainage density (1.04 km/km2) of the flood plains, which form the potential aquifers in the east. The hydro-geomorphological data are further supported from evidence of the water-table fluctuation in wells and resistivity of the saturated formations. The results indicate that the favourable, moderately favourable and poor zones characterized geomorphologically, have water-level fluctuations in the range of 0–2, 2–6 and above 6 m, respectively. The resistivities of these zones are also in the range of 1–26, 40–466, and >1,900 ohm-m. A few pumping tests have also been conducted to assess the broad range in the values of aquifer parameters. Based on these data, good to poor potential zones for obtaining groundwater have been delineated in the study area.
Resumen Se llevaron a cabo investigaciones hidrogeomorfológicas, hidrogeológicas y geofísicas en la cuenca del Río Pageru del distrito Cuddapah, Andhra Pradesh, con objeto de delimitar zonas potenciales para exploración futura de aguas subterráneas. El área de estudio consiste de formaciones Proterozoicas de la Península India con calizas y lutitas como cubierta sedimentaria. Las formaciones de caliza y lutita del Grupo Cuddapah Superior afloran extensamente y están cubiertas por el Grupo Kurnool (lutita, caliza, y cuarcita). La alta densidad de drenaje (2.61 km/km2) en la región occidental también indica que el área se caracteriza por zonas de baja permeabilidad en comparación con las planicies de inundación de baja densidad (1.04 km/km2) que forman los acuíferos potenciales del oriente. Los datos hidrogeomorfológicos tienen apoyo adicional a partir de evidencia proveniente de la fluctuación del nivel freático en pozos y resistividad de las formaciones saturadas. Los resultados indican que las zonas caracterizadas geomorfológicamente como zonas favorables, moderadamente favorables, y pobres tienen fluctuaciones de niveles de agua en el rango de 0–2, 2–6, y mayor de 6 m, respectivamente. Las resistividades de estas zonas también se encuentran en el rango de 1–26, 40–466, y mayores de 1,900 ohm-m. Se realizaron algunas pruebas de bombeo para evaluar los amplios rangos que tienen los valores de los parámetros de los acuíferos. Basado en esta información se delimitaron zonas con potencial bueno a pobre para obtener agua subterránea en la zona de estudio.

Résumé Des investigations hydrogéomorphologiques, hydrogéologiques et géophysiques ont été menées sur le bassin de la rivière Pageru du district de Cuddapah, Andhra Pradesh, pour délimiter les zones potentielles dans la future recherche deaux souterraines. La zone étudiée est, à la base, constituée par les formations protérozoïques de la péninsule indienne comprenant les calcaires et les shales de la couverture sédimentaire. Les calcaires et les shales du Super Groupe Cuddapah qui sont recouverts par le Groupe Kurnool (shale, calcire, quartzite) sont exposés de manière extensive. La densité importante de drainage (2.61 km/km2) dans la région ouest montre également que la zone est caractérisée par des perméabilités faibles par comparaison avec les plaines dinondation (densité de drainage: 1.04 km/km2), formant les aquifères potentiels de lEst. Les données hydrogéomorphologiques vont également dans le sens des données de fluctuation de la nappe et de résistivité des formations saturées. Les résultats indiquent que les zones caractérisées géomorphologiquement comme favorables, moyennement favorables et pauvres, possèdent des fluctuations respectives de lordre de 0 à 2, 2 à 6 et de plus de 6 m. La résistivité de ces zones est également de lordre de 1 à 26, 40 à 466 et de plus de 1900 ohm-m. Quelques pompages dessais ont également été conduits pour déterminer les valeurs moyennes des paramètres de laquifère. En se basant sur ces données, des zones potentielles bonnes à pauvres pour lexploitation des eaux souterraines ont été délimitées.

The effects of multiple industrial-pollutant sources on the groundwater system were evaluated in the Industrial Development Areas (IDAs) of Medak district, Andhra Pradesh (AP), India. The quality of groundwater in the region has been affected negatively due to the discharge of effluents on open land and into ponds, tanks, and streams. Water samples from surface-water bodies, dug wells,and bore wells were analyzed for their major ion concentrations. The high values of electrical conductivity (EC) and concentrations of Na+, Ca2+, Cl, and HCO3 indicate the impact of industrial effluents. Based on the hydrochemistry, the groundwater is classified into various types, such as sodium-chloride, sodium-bicarbonate, calcium-chloride, and magnesium-chloride, and its suitability for drinking and irrigation has been assessed. The present studies made it possible to demarcate areas of contaminated groundwater and those prone to contamination in the near future. Water in the area has deteriorated all along Nakka Vagu up to a maximum distance of 500–700 m from the eastern bank. The groundwater quality in and around Patancheru (to a depth of 30 m) has become hazardous. Some possible remedial measures are suggested. Electronic Publication  相似文献   

Fluorine distribution in waters of Nalgonda District, Andhra Pradesh, India   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Geochemical and hydrochemical studies were conducted in Nalgonda District (A.P.), to explore the causes of high fluorine in waters, causing a widespread incidence of fluorosis in the local population. Samples of granitic rocks, soils, stream sediments, and waters were analyzed for F and other salient chemical parameters. Samples from the area of Hyderabad city were analyzed for comparison. The F content of waters in areas with endemic fluorosis ranges from 0.4 to 20 mg/l. The low calcium content of rocks and soils, and the presence of high levels of sodium bicarbonate in soils and waters are important factors favoring high levels of F in waters.  相似文献   

In the management of water resources, quality of water is just as important as its quantity. In order to know the quality and/or suitability of groundwater for domestic and irrigation in upper Gunjanaeru River basin, 51 water samples in post-monsoon and 46 in pre-monsoon seasons were collected and analyzed for various parameters. Geological units are alluvium, shale and quartzite. Based on the analytical results, chemical indices like percent sodium, sodium adsorption ratio, residual sodium carbonate, permeability index (PI) and chloroalkaline indices were calculated. The pre-monsoon waters have low sodium hazard as compared to post-monsoon season. Residual sodium carbonate values revealed that one sample is not suitable in both the seasons for irrigation purposes due the occurrence of alkaline white patches and low permeability of the soil. PI values of both seasons revealed that the ground waters are generally suitable for irrigation. The positive values of Chloroalkaline indices in post-monsoon (80%) and in pre-monsoon (59%) water samples indicate absence of base-exchange reaction (chloroalkaline disequilibrium), and remaining samples of negative values of the ratios indicate base-exchange reaction (chloroalkaline equilibrium). Chadha rectangular diagram for geochemical classification and hydrochemical processes of groundwater for both seasons indicates that most of waters are Ca–Mg–HCO3 type. Assessment of water samples from various methods indicated that majority of the water samples in both seasons are suitable for different purposes except at Yanadipalle (sample no. 8) that requires precautionary measures. The overall quality of groundwater in post-monsoon season in all chemical constituents is on the higher side due to dissolution of surface pollutants during the infiltration and percolation of rainwater and at few places due to agricultural and domestic activities.  相似文献   

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