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具有空间结构的Lotka-Volterra模型的参数反演方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
根据Lotka—Volterra模型具有时空结构的特点,结合卫星定轨理论,提出一种非线性反演的实用方法,这种方法原理可用于一般系统连续时空数学模型的反演问题。  相似文献   

南宁市城区及外围在20世纪50~60年代陆续发现有18个煤矿田,其中6个煤田进行过较大规模的开采,并于21世纪初被关停而留下了不少的采空区。随着城市建设的发展,这些采空区会引发地面建筑等工程地基的下沉、塌陷等地质灾害。文章以二塘煤矿为例,介绍了高密度电阻法探测采空区的应用效果,对圈出的异常通过钻孔验证,证实与采空区基本吻合,而异常规模要比采空区大些。  相似文献   

如何通过大地电磁测深反演方法来提高数据解释的精度一直都是大地电磁测深研究领域的重要课题。针对大地电磁传统反演方法存在的初始模型依赖、易陷入局部最优的问题,提出了一种基于深度学习的大地电磁二维反演方法。该方法首先设计GoogLeNetINV神经网络;接着构造多种地电模型,在TM模式下通过正演得到视电阻率数据,组成训练数据集;然后用训练数据集训练该神经网络并调整网络参数;最后,将视电阻率数据输入已训练好的GoogLeNetINV神经网络直接得到反演结果。实验结果表明,该方法能快速、准确地反演出“未学习”过地电模型的位置和电阻率数据,具有较好的泛化能力;使用噪声数据测试仍能取得良好的反演结果,有一定的抗噪声能力。将该神经网络应用于Bendigo Zone实际数据资料处理中,反演得到的电阻率模型与地震解释一致,因此基于深度学习的大地电磁反演方法能有效解决大地电磁反演问题。  相似文献   

计算磁性矿休(脉)的产状参数,是磁异常解释推断的重要内容。本文主要讨论了利用磁异常复梯度振幅曲线A(x)和相位曲线Φ(x),某些特征点坐标及振幅值计算产状参数的方法—复梯度法。详细地推导了反演计算公式。  相似文献   

基于优化随机森林回归模型的土壤盐渍化反演   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
当前应用于土壤盐分含量(Soil Salinity Content,SSC)反演的随机森林回归(Random Forests Regression,RFR)较少关注对模型精度影响较大的反演参数子集和模型参数的同步优化.本研究选择渭-库绿洲和奇台绿洲为实验区,基于Landsat-5 TM、SRTM、MOD 11 A2.0...  相似文献   

常见的地球物理勘探方法有很多,其中包括重力勘探,磁法勘探,电法勘探,地震勘探,放射性勘探等。  相似文献   

为及时评价水平井压裂效果、准确反演裂缝参数,提出基于页岩油气藏压裂液返排数据的裂缝参数反演方法.以不稳定渗流理论为基础,考虑裂缝—基质间油水或气水两相复合流动,以及流体在储层中的复杂渗流机理,建立渗流数学模型并进行半解析求解,形成一套划分两相流动阶段的诊断曲线和反演裂缝参数的直线分析法,对半解析模型进行数值模拟验证.美...  相似文献   

重磁线性反演最后都要归结于解数据方程。由于重磁数据方程是奇异方程,通常大多数解方程组的方法都失效。因此,本文采用了正则化方法,通过模型试验,证明了该方法具有解奇异方程和压制高频干扰的功能。为了保证反演结果的可靠,本文提出了一套比较可行的处理资料过程。最后,反演计算了山西太原盆地的莫霍面和居里等温而,其结果与已有的地质、地球物理资料相吻合。  相似文献   

采用VAP(Velocity Azimuth Processing)方法反演多普勒雷达风矢量场,在利用各个距离圈径向速度随方位角分布的廓线推算风向和风速的设计中,要求基数据速度资料中没有明显的脉动.介绍了在多普勒天气雷达风场反演设计中,直接将方格法的速度资料处理过程融入到方格法风场反演的过程中,利用距离方格内保持中尺度特性的特点,不改变原始资料的同时保证风场反演的正确性.  相似文献   

Based on the relationship between the diameter and buried depth of goaf,the authors establish the forward modeling by Res2dmod and inverse the model by Res2dinv. Thus,three kinds of models are obtained:the model of single resistivity anomalous body,model of double different distance resistivity anomalous body,and model of layered resistivity anomalous body. Using forward and inversion,the image of detection is simulated,and the reliability is proved by comparing with the engineering examples.  相似文献   

Based on the relationship between the diameter and buried depth of goaf,the authors establish the forward modeling by Res2dmod and inverse the model by Res2dinv. Thus,three kinds of models are obtained:the model of single resistivity anomalous body,model of double different distance resistivity anomalous body,and model of layered resistivity anomalous body. Using forward and inversion,the image of detection is simulated,and the reliability is proved by comparing with the engineering examples.  相似文献   

In order to explore the mineral resources buried in sea mud,it is necessary to use seabed resistivity measuring equipment,which works closer to the sediments than ordinary ship-based geophysical measuring equipment. Because of the harsh environment of seafloor,high pressure and highly conductive seawater,marine magnetotelluric method developed slowly. The sea floor environment is similar to the environment of logging, According to the design of dual lateral logging equipment,a new equipment for seafloor electrical resistivity measurement is designed. Four 3D FEM models that contain resistivity abnormal targets are built to test the ability of this equipment to locate different shape of shallow buried resistivity abnormal targets in sea mud. The authors propose the method to correct the response curve while the bottom surface of this equipment is suspended or not parallel to the seafloor. The resistivity of targets can be calculated accurately.  相似文献   

The authors employ the high-density resistivity method during an archaeological investigation of Sumicheng site,an ancient city of the Tang Dynasty,to find evidence of human activities and locate a favorable target for archaeological excavation in the southern part of the outer city.There are two obvious high-resistivity structures,the south wall of the inner city and an ancient building near the south gate along the outer city wall,of which the resistivities are indicative of rammed soil foundations.The south wall of the inner city is continuous but is cut off abruptly to the east,which we suggest it is due to either wall damage or destruction.The resistivity signature of the target area is verified by archaeological excavation,proving the feasibility and effectiveness of implementing the high-density resistivity method for archaeological exploration.  相似文献   

古滑坡体地球物理调查方法技术的选择对勘探效果至关重要。以吉林省通化市拟建集安-通化高速公路滑坡体为例,采用折射波法和高密度电法,利用二维反演技术进行数据处理。结合地质信息,确定了滑坡体的形态及厚度变化,厚度最大约20 m,滑坡性质为堆积层滑坡。研究结果表明折射波法和高密度电法进行古滑坡勘探,效果较好。  相似文献   

Uncontrolled coal fires are natural disasters that may cause mineral loss and environmental damage. The traditional loop source transient electromagnetic method can effectively detect the low-resistivity region of coal fires, but its detection efficiency is not so good for high-resistivity regions. In view of this limitation, a technique based on electrical source transient electromagnetics is proposed in this paper to detect high-resistivity regions in the spontaneous combustion process of coal. Considering the complex geometry of the coal fire area, an unstructured tetrahedral grid is used in this study to realize the spatial discretization of the model, and solve the electromagnetic field based on a vector finite element algorithm. Numerical analysis is used to investigate methods for detecting coal fires and the characteristics of effective anomalies are further examined to provide guidance for practical detection.  相似文献   

Some unfavorable geological conditions can affect the construction of tunnels.In order to evaluate the damage degree of tunnel construction and determine the surrounding rock grade and stability of the tunnel,the authors used high-density resistivity method to detect the surrounding rocks of Shimodong tunnel in Xicheng Town of Helong City.The underground resistivity structures of the entrance,exit and middle parts of the tunnel are obtained.Through analysis,it is found that there are no bedrock faults near the tunnel,although some joints and fissures are developed in some locations,which are characterized by low-resistivity anomalies.The tunnel structures are stable overall,favorable for safe and efficient construction.The study also proves the good application effect of the high-density resistivity method in tunnel safety detection.  相似文献   

基于典型力学模型。以研究区域的岩性参数和研究块体的边界力作为反演参数进行数值模拟,研究了单纯形法,模式搜索法,鲍威尔法,变量轮换法,混合罚函数法,复合形法等6种最优化反演方法的反演效果和可靠性。结果显示6种方法都有较好的表现。在恰当的条件下,6种方法反演所得参数都达到或接近参数的理论值,迭代收敛图,位移拟合曲线和残差统计分布图直观地反映出6种方法的效果和可靠性,但对单纯形法和复合形法应给予较高的迭代收敛精度。  相似文献   

Full waveform inversion is mainly used to obtain high resolution velocity models of subsurface. The size of full waveform inversion will lead to a gigantic computation cost. Under the available computer resource and the limitation of full waveform inversion,the authors propose L-BFGS algorithm as the optimization method to solve this problem. In order to demonstrate the flexibility of the method,three different numerical experiments have been done to analyze the properties of full waveform inversion based on L-BFGS.  相似文献   

As an important geophysical tool,high density electrical technique infers the underground geological structures by processing and inverting the apparent resistivity data.Currently,the false anomalies have been frequently occurred in the graph of apparent resistivity pseudo-section or inverted geoelectrical section obtained from high-density electrical technique,and are difficult to remove.In this study,the authors explain the mechanism of the false anomalies and put forward the horizontal differential field method to identify the false anomalies.Based on the analysis of modeling results,this method is applied in the surveying data in Xinlei Quarry of Jiuquan,and the results confirm the effectiveness of the horizontal differential field method.  相似文献   

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