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随着各种形式的钻机在工程中得到广泛的应用,先进的钻机设计方法对钻机的跟进发展尤为重要。基于SolidWorks二次开发技术,提出了钻机零件参数化设计的思想;以岩心钻机卡盘为例,论述了岩心钻机关键零件结构参数化设计的具体步骤。该方法在Visual Basic程序生成的基本参数计算的用户界面上输入已知的参数,可以完成卡盘基本参数的自动计算,在卡盘参数化设计的用户界面上输入钻杆直径就能够在SolidWorks系统中生成卡盘的各零件结构图及其总装配图,实现钻机卡盘参数化设计的要求。此设计方法为钻机整体实现参数化设计奠定了基础。  相似文献   

要凤兰 《探矿工程》1995,(3):44-44,55
运用计算机编程实现参数化绘图地矿部勘探技术研究所要凤兰1概况近年来,计算机辅助设计与制图技术迅速发展,并且在各行业得到了广泛应用。特别是微型机CAD技术更是异军突起,迅速普及。在众多的微型机CAD软件中倍受青睐的软件之一是美国的AutoCAD通用软件...  相似文献   

基于Pro/E的PDC钻头参数化设计   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
基于Pro/E (Pro/ENGINEER)的二次开发平台,以煤炭系统常用的胎体式内凹型PDC钻头为例,在系统分析钻头结构特点和主要参数相关性的基础上,建立了钻头结构设计各参数相关性技术体系实体参数化设计模型。通过设计Φ65 mm胎体式内凹PDC钻头,验证了该模型能够快速、准确地利用参数变化完成钻头体的三维及二维结构图设计,从而大大提高了设计效率和质量,为钻头参数化设计提供了参考。  相似文献   

通过多年生产实践,对裘布衣微分方程和泰斯公式进行了探讨,并自研出一套新的抽水方法和相应的计算公式。  相似文献   

基于Pro/E的渐开线圆柱齿轮参数化实体设计   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在Pro/E环境下分析了渐开线圆柱齿轮三维造型的特征,应用Program模块进行二次开发,实现了全液压钻机回转器渐开线圆柱齿轮三维参数化实体设计,有效地提高了设计效率。  相似文献   

刘刚  韩志军等 《地球科学》2001,26(2):197-200
传统CAD技术的某些不足,影响了计算机辅助资源图件编绘系统的设计效率和在不同部门和不同使用对象中的广泛深入应用,针对这种情况,提出了新的参数化图形设计方法解决方案,在分析了系统特点和参数化设计理论的基础上,指出了参数化设计方法在资源图件编绘系统中模型建立与复用,图形自适应性和参数化图库等几方面的应用途径和实现参数化设计系统的难点和方法,参数化设计方法的实现和应用将显著提高图件编绘系统的灵活性和适应性。  相似文献   

参数化设计方法在地矿图件计算机辅助编绘中的应用   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:7  
应用参数化设计方法对CAD基础软件进行二次开发,可使地矿点源信息系统更能适应复杂地矿图件的编绘工作;以线型制作和图案填充为便说明,经设计的具体实现途径是用参数化表达图元内部特征和建立图元间关联关系的数据库;应用参数化设计方法进行图件编绘程序开发,关键在于建立正确的灵堂模型和灵活地应用数据库技术。  相似文献   

针对现有数据模型的不足,结合GIS数据模型的最新进展,在CAD、虚拟现实和仿真等领域得到应用的相关数据模型的基础上,提出使用基于特征的建模技术和面向对象的方法构建一个全新的基于特征的面向对象虚拟GIS数据模型。采用Oracle ORDB管理模式实现其面向对象的虚拟GIS数据库,并依据该模型设计了Client/Server层次结构的分布式虚拟GIS原型系统。  相似文献   

青藏铁路信息系统数据库设计   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2  
马明国  王雪梅  李新 《冰川冻土》2002,24(5):652-658
建立青藏铁路沿线地理信息系统(GIS), 不仅可直接服务于青藏铁路建设工程, 也可为铁路沿线的环境保护以及建成后的铁路运营管理服务发挥重要作用. 青藏铁路信息系统数据库具有数据量大, 数据项目众多, 直接为工程建设服务等特点. 该数据库设计的创新点主要体现在以下几个新技术的运用: 应用实用地理信息系统的概念设计数据库; 数据仓库的概念和技术在数据库集成中的应用; 面向对象技术在数据库设计中的应用; 利用元数据实现数据资源的快速检索. 数据库设计包括数据项目设计、数据概念化设计、数据详细设计和数据的集成设计.  相似文献   

为提高山东省测量标志管理、维护、巡查、使用、迁建等监管水平,促进测量标志管理的规范化、巡查的信息化、服务的网络化、信息更新的同步化、准实时化,山东省国土资源厅构建了山东省省测量标志动态监管信息平台,横向上实现了与各级国土资源综合监管平台的集成,纵向上实现了省、市两级测量标志管理部门的系统互联和数据的动态同步更新,提高了全省测量标志的使用效能。  相似文献   

We report whole-rock geochemistry and Sr–Nd–Pb isotopic compositions of mafic dykes intruded in the Precambrian granito-gneissic basement complex, exposed at Nyos, Batibo, Dschang and Foumban on the Cameroon Line. The dykes are alkaline (Batibo), transitional (Foumban), and subalkaline (Nyos, Batibo and Dschang) with SiO2 of 45–54 wt% and MgO of 2–9 wt%, similar to dykes reported in other areas of the Cameroon Line (CL) and the Central Atlantic Magmatic Province (CAMP). The abundances of rare earth elements (REE) and the Primitive Mantle normalised patterns for the Nyos, Batibo and Dschang dykes are similar to those of MORB, indicating that the dykes formed at shallower depths by a higher degree of partial melting relative to the Foumban dykes and the alkaline lavas of the CL. The transitional basaltic dykes with steeper REE patterns have their sources at deeper levels in the lithospheric mantle, possibly the garnet-spinel transition zone and were generated by a lower degree partial melting of the lithospheric and plume components. The Nyos and Batibo subalkaline dykes show similar isotopic compositions with a spectrum extending from depleted (DMM-like) to enriched (EM1-like) mantle, indicating the similarity in their source components. The Dschang dykes show distinct isotopic characteristics with relatively unradiogenic Nd-Pb isotope compositions compared to the Batibo and Nyos dykes. The Foumban transitional dykes with characteristic wide ranges in Sr-Nd-Pb isotopic compositions reveal varying contributions from enriched mantle components (EM1 and EM2) in addition to its plume signature similar to those of CL lavas. The Nyos and Batibo dykes alongside other dykes on the CL have low TiO2 abundances (<2 wt%), negative PM-normalised Nb-anomalies, and moderately to strongly enriched REE patterns, and isotopic composition that overlaps with those of CAMP, suggesting a similar lithospheric origin.  相似文献   

This paper reviews recent progress on the geotectonic evolution of exotic Paleozoic terranes in Southwest Japan, namely the Paleo-Ryoke and Kurosegawa terranes. The Paleo-Ryoke Terrane is composed mainly of Permian granitic rocks with hornfels, mid-Cretaceous high-grade metamorphic rocks associated with granitic rocks, and Upper Cretaceous sedimentary cover. They form nappe structures on the Sambagawa metamorphic rocks. The Permian granitic rocks are correlative with granitic clasts in Permian conglomerates in the South Kitakami Terrane, whereas the mid-Cretaceous rocks are correlative with those in the Abukuma Terrane. This correlation suggests that the elements of Northeast Japan to the northeast of the Tanakura Tectonic Line were connected in between the paired metamorphic belt along the Median Tectonic Line, Southwest Japan. The Kurosegawa Terrane is composed of various Paleozoic rocks with serpentinite and occurs as disrupted bodies bounded by faults in the middle part of the Jurassic Chichibu Terrane accretionary complex. It is correlated with the South Kitakami Terrane in Northeast Japan. The constituents of both terranes are considered to have been originally distributed more closely and overlay the Jurassic accretionary terrane as nappes. The current sporadic occurrence of these terranes can possibly be attributed to the difference in erosion level and later stage depression or transtension along strike-slip faults. The constituents of both exotic terranes, especially the Ordovician granite in the Kurosegawa-South Kitakami Terrane and the Permian granite in the Paleo-Ryoke Terrane provide a significant key to reconstructing these exotic terranes by correlating them with Paleozoic granitoids in the eastern Asia continent.  相似文献   

付刚  熊宗喜  秦沛 《探矿工程》2004,31(10):15-19
北京地铁五号线纵贯城区南北,传统降水施工受到限制,局部地段根本无法实施。采用辐射井降水工艺,既解决了降水问题,取得了良好效果,又为辐射井在地下工程降水应用开辟了新途径。着重介绍了辐射井施工技术原理、技术要求、遇到的困难及解决对策和建议。  相似文献   

多角度航空遥感飞行试验是黑河试验的重要组成部分,在介绍了机载红外广角双模式成像仪(Wide-angle Infrared Dual-mode line/area Array Scanner,WiDAS)的研制背景、硬件构架和多角度成像原理之后,结合其数据特点,详细描述了WiDAS数据处理流程并设计了WiDAS系统的红外产品体系。最后,用地面同步测量数据对定标后的WiDAS辐射亮温进行了验证,并从飞行数据中提取了黑河试验区6种典型地物的辐射亮温随观测角度的变化情况。  相似文献   

南京地铁一号线地下车站基坑分类   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
陈希文 《江苏地质》2002,26(3):165-170
首先提出了根据水文地质和工程地质特征以及基坑底板位置与含水层、隔水层之间的相互关系对地下车站基坑分类的原则。并根据这一原则把南京地铁地下车站基坑划分为三大类。同时按类型对6个地下车站基坑进行了表述。  相似文献   

This paper presents a thorough finite element (FE) parametric study of sheet pile wall deflections caused by deep dynamic compaction (DDC). In this study, the effects of several parameters which may affect the wall deflections were investigated. These parameters are (1) wall embedment length; (2) tamping distance; (3) impact energy per blow; (4) blow counts; (5) soil types on the supporting side of sheet pile walls; and (6) wall stiffness. The effects of these parameters were quantified and discussed, and the factors that help to reduce wall deflections were identified. A series of figures which depict the effects of these parameters were generated. Finally, some suggestions and recommendations for design and construction were reached.  相似文献   

朱晓亮  范建华  林小敏 《探矿工程》2014,41(1):40-43,48
地铁建设中始终面临着隧道开挖风险和毗邻建筑环境的风险,对其进行详细评价并找出主要影响风险源,对于控制工程风险、提高工程安全性和投资效益是地铁工程建设不可忽视的重要环节。应用可拓学方法,分别对南昌地铁二号线翠苑路-地铁大厦区间的隧道开挖风险和毗邻开挖区的建筑环境的风险进行评价,找出了最主要的风险影响因子,对同类工程建设具有借鉴意义。  相似文献   

深圳地铁5号线穿越深圳北东向断裂束的主要断裂之一九尾岭断裂,在主断裂下盘发育多条次生断裂和共轭断裂。断裂自身稳定性、断裂带及影响范围带的工程地质、水文地质特征对地铁线路的选择和影响是关键因素。通过断裂自身稳定性、地应力、区域构造活动性、断裂带工程水文特性方面综合分析了其对深圳地铁5号线的影响。得出断裂自身稳定性较好,但其影响范围内岩体破碎、节理裂隙发育、渗透系数大,地铁施工易导致掉块、坍塌、涌水等问题,应高度重视。对类似工程的勘察设计有一定的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

Abstract: Mount Bambouto is a polygenic stratovolcano of the Cameroon Volcanic Line, built between 21?Ma and 4.5?Ma. It is situated approximately 200?km NE of Mount Cameroon, between 09°55′ and 10°15′ longitude east and, 05°25′ and 05°50′ latitude north. The volcano covers an area of 500?km2 and culminates at 2740?m at Mélétan dome and bears a collapsed caldera at the summit (13?×?8?km). Mount Bambouto is characterized by several natural hazards of different origins: meteorological, such as landslides and rock falls; anthropogenic, such as bushfires, tribal wars and deforestation; and volcanological, such as volcanic eruption. The thematic map shows that 55–60% of the caldera has high probability of occurrence of mass movement. The caldera has a high population density (3000 inhabitants), which increases the level of risk, evaluated at approximately $US3.8 million for patrimony, 3000 civilian deaths and destruction of biodiversity.  相似文献   

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