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The Maeotian of Eastern Paratethys corresponds to the interval of the magnetochronological scale from the base of the subchron C4Ar2n to upper parts of the Chron C4n (9.6–7.5 Ma). Fission-track dates of Maeotian deposits are in general agreement with paleomagnetic chronology. In the continental stratigraphic scale of Western Europe this interval corresponds to zones MN10 (save the lowermost parts), MN11, and MN12 (upper part). Taking into account age estimates of MN zones boundaries established in Western Europe, the East European mammalian localities of Ukraine and Moldova can be stratified as follows: MN10, Raspopeni, Grebeniki, Novaya Emetovka 1, ?lower bed of Ciobruci; MN11, Novaya Emetovka 2; MN12, Cimislia, Ciobruci upper bed, Cherevichnoe, Tudorovo, Dzedzvtakhevi, and sites in the lower Pontian deposits. The faunal criteria used to distinguish MN zones in Western Europe cannot be completely applied to sites of the Eastern Paratethys because of paleozoogeographic distinctions between West and East European provinces. Specific criteria of zone boundaries definitions should be developed for the East European province.  相似文献   

The Vallesian lower boundary and “Hipparion-datum” are estimated as ranging in age from 11.2 to 10.7 Ma in Central to Western Europe and Western Asia. Judging from complete sections of Sarmatian marine sediments in the Tamanskii Peninsula and Transcaucasia with known paleomagnetic characteristics, the above dates correspond to the lower upper Sarmatian (Khersonian) of the Eastern Paratethys, although in Moldova and Ukraine the earliest hipparion remains are associated with the middle Sarmatian (Bessarabian) sediments. The normally magnetized middle Sarmatian deposits in hipparion localities of Moldova are correlative with an upper part of Chron C5An (upper boundary 11.9 Ma old) or, less likely, with Subchron C5r2n (base 11.5 Ma old). Consequently, the first occurrence of hipparions in southeastern Europe is recorded in the Middle Miocene, i.e., 0.7 m.y. (or 0.3 m.y.) earlier than the date of 11.2 Ma formerly accepted for the Vallesian lower boundary in Europe. Possible reasons for disagreements in age determination of the Vallesian base are discussed.  相似文献   

The biota of the 1.5 Ma period of the Middle Miocene Sarmatian of the Central Paratethys lack stenohaline components. This was the reason to interpret the Sarmatian stage as transitional between the marine Badenian and the lacustrine Pannonian stages. However, our new data indicate that brackish water conditions could not have prevailed. Sarmatian foraminifera, molluscs, serpulids, bryozoans, dasycladacean and corallinacean algae as well as diatoms clearly indicate normal marine conditions for the entire Sarmatian. During the Lower Sarmatian, however, a sea-level lowstand forced the development of many marginal marine environments. During the Late Sarmatian a highly productive carbonate factory of oolite shoals, mass-occurrences of thick-shelled molluscs and larger foraminifera, as well as marine cements clearly point to normal marine to hypersaline conditions. This trend is not restricted to the western margin of the Pannonian Basin System but can be observed in the entire Central and even Eastern Paratethys.  相似文献   

Palynological analysis of Sarmatian deposits found in the reference section Zelenskii Mountain-Cape Panagiya has produced new data on dinocysts and contributed to the palynological characteristics of the Sarmatian deposits of the Taman Peninsula. Six palynological assemblages have been found, reflecting the gradual replacement of forest associations with forest-steppe ones, and thus confirming the trend, revealed earlier, of climate aridization in the areas of the Eastern and Central Paratethys in the Late Sarmatian time. The distinctive cysts of the dinoflagellates Geonettia cf. clinea de Verteuil et Norris and Polykrikos schwarzii Bütschli are identified in Sarmatian deposits of the Taman Peninsula for the first time.  相似文献   

The Oligocene depositional history of the Thrace Basin documents a unique paleogeographic position at a junction between the Western Tethys and the Eastern Paratethys. As part of the Tethys, shallow marine carbonate platforms prevailed during the Eocene. Subsequently, a three-staged process of isolation started with the Oligocene. During the Early Rupelian, the Thrace Basin was still part of the Western Tethys, indicated by typical Western Tethyan marine assemblages. The isolation from the Tethys during the Early Oligocene is reflected by oolite formation and endemic Eastern Paratethyan faunas of the Solenovian stage. The third phase reflects an increasing continentalisation of the Thrace Basin with widespread coastal swamps during the Late Solenovian. The mollusc assemblages are predominated by mangrove dwelling taxa and the mangrove plant Avicennia is recorded in the pollen spectra. The final continentalisation is indicated by the replacement of the coastal swamps by pure freshwater swamps and fluvial plains during the Late Oligocene (mammal zone MP 26). This paleogeographic affiliation of the Thrace Basin with the Eastern Paratethys after ~32 Ma contrasts all currently used reconstructions which treat the basin as embayment of the Eastern Mediterranean basin.  相似文献   

New data specifying the age of the fauna from the Trlica locality near Pljevlja (Montenegro, Central Balkans) derived from material of excavations in 2010–2014 are discussed with the biostratigraphic analysis of two defined faunal levels TRL11–10 and TRL6–5 and its correlation with other faunas of Europe. It is shown that the fauna from the lower faunal level (TRL11–10) is correlative with the second half of the Early Pleistocene (Late Villafranchian, Zone MNQ 18, while the fauna from the upper faunal level existed in the post-Villafranchian time and its age is estimated to be the early Middle Pleistocene (MIS 19), not older.  相似文献   

Sea-level fluctuations in the terminal Eocene, Oligocene, and Neogene of the Eastern Paratethys are quantitatively assessed on the basis of facies and old coastlines traced on the northern platform shelf, levels of river valley incisions, and the study of seismic profiles. The first data massif allows the characterization and correlation of transgression stages in the history of the Eastern Paratethys. The greatest transgressions fall within the first half of the Late Eocene, mid-Early Oligocene, initial Late Oligocene, initial Early Miocene, the initial Tchokrakian, Karaganian and Sarmatian in the Middle Miocene, the middle and late Sarmatian and early Pontian in the Late Miocene, and the Akchagylian in the Caspian basin of the Pliocene. In contrast, the greatest incisions of northern rivers running from the platform allow us to establish the time and extent of the main declines in the base levels of the erosion. Maximal incisions date back to the terminal Eocene-initial Oligocene, terminal Solenovian time in the terminal Rupelian, the terminal Maikop in the Early Miocene, the terminal Sarmatian and middle Pontian in the Late Miocene, and the Early Pliocene in the Caspian basin. Large regressions also formed unconformity surfaces, traced on seismic profiles as erosion boundaries of several orders. The surfaces are confined to the Eocene/Oligocene boundary, middle and late Maikop, Sarmatian/Meotian boundary, middle Pontian, and terminal Miocene-initial Pliocene, as well as being traced even in the most deep-water basins. The synthesis of these data suggests a preliminary version for the curve of transgression-regression cyclicity. Its correlation with the eustatic curve shows their similarity only in the lower part-prior to the initial Middle Miocene, when Paratethys became a semi-closed basin.  相似文献   

The Agenian is the earliest Neogene European Land Mammal Age. It encompasses the mammalian zones MN1 (23.03–22.7 Ma) and MN2 (22.7–20.0 Ma) and roughly coincides with the Aquitanian standard age. Agenian mammalian assemblages from Western Europe encompass a mixture of rhinocerotid taxa of Oligocene affinities and of Miocene newcomers, mostly recorded in France, Germany, Switzerland, and to a lesser extent, Spain. Rhinocerotidae are documented by seven species referred to five genera (Pleuroceros pleuroceros, Protaceratherium minutum, Plesiaceratherium aquitanicum, Mesaceratherium paulhiacense, Diaceratherium lemanense, D. asphaltense, and D. aginense), further attesting to a low suprageneric diversity. Their systematics, morphology, ecology, stratigraphical and geographical ranges are detailed in the present article. Occurrences and geographical ranges of all seven rhinocerotid species are illustrated on palaeogeographical maps of the circum-Mediterranean region at 23 Ma (MN1) and 21 Ma (MN2). The richest Agenian localities (Paulhiac, MN1; Laugnac, MN2) record a specific diversity similar to that of Orleanian rhinocerotid assemblages, with up to five/six associated species. All Agenian rhinocerotid species from Western Europe are endemic to the concerned region, which is consistent with the complete geographic isolation of Western Europe by earliest Miocene times. However, all five genera are documented by twin species in coeval localities of South and Central Asia, which implies (1) vicariant speciation events by latest Oligocene times and (2) the existence of intermittent pathways for terrestrial megamammals such as rhinocerotids during the concerned interval.  相似文献   

The dispersal of the genus Homo occurred against a background of continuous environmental change. Here, dispersals of large mammals through the Levantine Corridor and into Western Europe and Java are studied and compared to existing records of climatic change and dispersals of early humans and lithic industry.The first human dispersal (with Oldowan lithic industry) out of Africa, around or shortly before 1.8 Ma may have been triggered by biological evolution and increased social organisation, rather than environmental change. After that event, increasing aridity led to decreased faunal exchange between Africa and Eurasia and may have isolated the human populations of Africa and Africa. Southern (Java) and Eastern Asia (China) also seem to have been isolated. Human dispersal into Western Europe may have been limited by closed environments in Central Europe until about 1.2 Ma ago, when faunal dispersal into Europe suggests the cyclic spread of open environments to the west. Acheulean technology originated in Africa, some 1.6–1.5 Ma ago, but its dispersal into Eurasia may have been obstructed by an arid Southwest Asia, until broadly about 0.9 Ma ago, when faunal exchange suggests that the area became temporarily less dry. By 0.6–0.5 Ma ago it reached Europe.  相似文献   

Oligocene–Miocene chronostratigraphic correlations within the Paratethys domain are still highly controversial. This study focuses on the late Early Miocene of the Swiss and S-German Molasse Basin (Late Burdigalian, Ottnangian–Karpatian). Previous studies have published different chronologies for this time interval that is represented by the biostratigraphically well constrained Upper Marine Molasse (OMM, lower and middle Ottnangian), Upper Brackish Molasse (OBM, Grimmelfingen and Kirchberg Formations, middle and upper Ottnangian to lower Karpatian, MN 4a–MN 4b) and Upper Freshwater Molasse (OSM, Karpatian–Badenian, MN 5). Here, we suggest a new chronostratigraphic framework, based on integrated magneto-litho-biostratigraphic studies on four sections and three boreholes. Our data indicate that the OBM comprises chrons 5D.1r and 5Dn (Grimmelfingen Fm), chron 5Cr (lower Kirchberg Fm) and the oldest part of chron 5Cn.3n (upper Kirchberg Fm). The OSM begins during chron 5Cn.3n, continues through 5Cn, and includes a long reversed segment that can be correlated to chron 5Br. The OMM-OSM transition was completed at 16.0 Ma in the Swiss Molasse Basin, while the OBM-OSM changeover ended at 16.6 Ma in the S-German Molasse Basin. As the lower Kirchberg Fm represents a facies of the Ottnangian, our data suggest that the Ottnangian–Karpatian boundary in the Molasse Basin is approximately at 16.8 Ma, close to the 5Cr–5Cn.3n magnetic reversal, and thus 0.4 Myr younger than the inferred age of 17.2 Ma used in recent Paratethys time scales. Notably, this would not be problematic for the Paratethys stratigraphy, because chron 5Cr is mainly represented by a sedimentation gap in the Central Paratethys. We also realise, however, that additional data is still required to definitely solve the age debate concerning this intriguing time interval in the North Alpine Foreland Basin. We dedicate this work to our dear friend and colleague Jean-Pierre Berger (8 July 1956–18 January 2012).  相似文献   

Global, glacio-eustatic sea-level changes massively influenced the depositional history of the Central Paratethyan region. Here, we correlate Middle Miocene global δ18O-shifts with ice volume changes on Antarctica and sea-level changes with corresponding phases of erosion (valley incision) and deposition in the Lower Austrian part of the Alpine–Carpathian Foredeep. This allows the exact dating of the valley formation. Two periods of positive δ18O-shifts resulted in sea-level drops of about 60 and 40 m, respectively. The first drop in the late Langhian (middle Badenian) at c. 13.9 Ma (Mi3b) was fast and caused severe erosion on the emerged foredeep. In a second, less pronounced step around 13.0 Ma (Mi4) in the middle Serravallian (late Badenian), the base level was further deepened after a period of alternating erosion and deposition. The combined sea-level change (80–120 m) fits well with the maximum thickness of Sarmatian sediments drilled within incised valley (110 m). The global sea-level falls affected not only the geological history of the foredeep. The intensive erosion (valley incision) is combined with delta progradation in the adjacent Vienna Basin. Due to this massive sea-level drop, the interruption of marine connections resulted in vast salt deposits and faunal crises within the Central Paratethys during this time.  相似文献   

This paper presents one of the richest and most complete vertebrate faunas of the late Middle Miocene (~12 Ma) of Central Europe. Up to now, sixty-two vertebrate taxa, comprising all major groups (fishes, amphibians, reptiles, birds, mammals), have been recorded. Based on sedimentological and palaeobiological evidences, this Fossillagerstätte is assumed to originate from a floodplain paleosol formed on top of a braided river sequence. The fauna points to a highly structured, somewhat vegetated landscape with a wide array of habitats (e.g., fluvial channels, sporadically moist floodplains, short-lived ponds, savannah-like open areas and screes). It was preserved due to a rapid drowning and the switch to a freshwater lake environment. Palaeoclimatological data, derived from pedogenic features as well as from biota, indicate an overall semi-arid, subtropical climate with distinct seasonality (mean annual precipitation 486 ± 252 mm, mean annual temperature ~15°C). This underlines the late Middle/early Late Miocene dry-spell in Central Europe. From taphonomical point of view, the irregularly distributed but roughly associated larger vertebrate remains refer to an in situ accumulation of the bone bed. Splintered bones, gnawing marks as well as rhizoconcretions and root corrosion structures record some pre- and post-burial modification of the taphocoenose. However, the findings of pellet remains argue for a very fast burial and thus to a low degree of time-averaging. For this reason, the fossil fauna reflects the original vertebrate community rather well and is a cornerstone for the understanding of late Middle Miocene terrestrial ecosystems in this region. Certainly, Gratkorn will be one of the key faunas for a high-resolution continental biostratigraphy and the comprehension of Europe’s faunal interchanges near the Middle/Late Miocene transition.  相似文献   

华北陆块早元古代基性岩墙群及其构造意义   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
华北陆块中部带的晋冀蒙地区早元古代未变形变质基性岩脉形成于1781~1765 Ma。东部陆块鲁西地区早元古代类似的基性岩脉形成时间约为1841 Ma。中部带基性岩脉依据其FeOt含量、(Nb/La)N和(Th/Nb)N值的差异能划分为组1、组2和组3三类。它们的元素-同位素组成变化表明,组1样品起源于再循环大陆玄武质组分参与的交代岩石圈地幔,组2样品源于交代富铁岩石圈地幔与MORB组分的混杂源区,组3样品则是受辉长质组分混染的、经俯冲改造而成的岩石圈地幔产物。相反,鲁西地区基性岩脉亏损HFSE,具MORB型钕同位素组成。上述地球化学特征支持华北陆块中部带约1780 Ma的基性岩脉与早期俯冲碰撞作用的关系密切,而东部陆块约1840 Ma基性岩脉类似于弧后盆地构造背景产物。  相似文献   

The first compiled composite section comprises continuous succession of upper Tithonian-lower Berriasian strata (Jacobi Zone) from different isolated outcrops of the Feodosiya area. Based on new magnetostratigraphic and sedimentological data, the paleomagnetic section is correlated with succession of M20r, M19n, M19r, M18b chrons and M18n.1r Subchron (“Brodno”). The thorough complex bio- and magnetostratigraphic correlation of the upper Tithonian-lower Berriasian interval (Jacobi Zone) carried out through the Western Tethys and Eastern Paratethys provided grounds for first defining age analogs of the Durangites Zone in the Crimean Mountains and specifying location of the boundary between the Jurassic and Cretaceous systems, as well as for determining late Tithonian age of strata in the Dvuyakornaya Bay section barren of fossils.  相似文献   

The latest Cretaceous continental vertebrate faunas of the wider Transylvanian area figured prominently in discussions concerning the Cretaceous–Paleogene Boundary (K-Pg) events when they were first described by Nopcsa between 1897 and 1929, because they were assumed to be late Maastrichtian in age. Subsequently their age was reconsidered as early Maastrichtian, and were thus regarded of lesser importance in understanding the K-Pg boundary events in Europe and worldwide. Moreover, Transylvanian continental vertebrate assemblages (the so-called ‘Haţeg Island’ faunas) were often lumped together as a temporally restricted assemblage with a homogenous taxonomic composition. Recent fossil discoveries and more precise dating techniques have considerably expanded knowledge of the Transylvanian vertebrate assemblages, their ages, and their evolution. A synthesis of the available stratigraphic data allows development of the first comprehensive chronostratigraphic framework of the latest Cretaceous Transylvanian vertebrates. According to these new data, expansion of continental habitats and emergence of their vertebrate faunas started locally during the latter part of the late Campanian, and these faunas continued up to the second half of the Maastrichtian. During this time, long-term faunal stasis appears to have characterized the Transylvanian vertebrate assemblages, which is different from the striking turnovers recorded in western Europe during the same time interval. This suggests that there was no single ‘Europe-wide’ pattern of latest Cretaceous continental vertebrate evolution. Together, the available data shows that dinosaurs and other vertebrates were relatively abundant and diverse until at least ca. 1 million years before the K-Pg boundary, and is therefore consistent with the hypothesis of a sudden extinction, although this must be tested with future discoveries and better age constraints and correlations.  相似文献   

The study of eight stratigraphic sections at the margin of the semi-enclosed Zsámbék Basin (Hungary) allows the sedimentary anatomy of oolitic–bioclastic systems in the Sarmatian of the Central Paratethys to be reconstructed. The mollusc, foraminiferal and ostracod associations indicate that the carbonate systems are Latest Badenian to Late Sarmatian in age. The Lower–Upper Sarmatian deposits are organized in superimposed subaqueous dunes prograding towards the basin on a low-angle ramp. During the Late Sarmatian, the ramp underwent subaerial erosion linked to a moderate relative fall in sea-level. Lagoonal deposits were later formed and microbial–nubeculariid–bryozoan–serpulid buildups were emplaced. The 'abnormal' marine conditions of the Sarmatian, conducive to the development of a poorly diversified flora and fauna and dominant non-skeletal grains, are linked to fluctuating salinities, mesotrophic to eutrophic conditions and perhaps high alkalinity.  相似文献   

中国东南部晚中生代火成岩的基底探讨   总被引:14,自引:1,他引:13  
根据浙闽赣粤地区出露的中深变质岩石构造组合,构造形迹和近年报道的同位素测年数据认为,中国东南部晚中生代火成岩之下存在一个前泥盆纪的变质基底,其中,前震旦纪的变质基底以呈面形分布的片岩,片麻岩及混合岩为特征,年龄值大于8亿年,是构成华南地区最古老的陆壳基底之一,俗称华厦古陆,9亿年左右,该陆块和扬子陆块碰撞,其缝合带为强兴-江山-东乡-萍乡断裂带,稍后,受区域拉张构造事件的影响,它被裂解为三个走向各异,分布在浙东南-闽西北,赣中-赣南和云开三个地区的块体,分别呈NEE,NNE和NE方向展布,三者之间为巨厚的震旦纪一早古生代沉积物质所充填,并有复式岩浆岩流出现,研究表明,中国东南部晚中生代火成岩的基底构造至少经历过三期构造一热事件的演化,这种古构造格局,制约了中国东南部中生代大规模构造-岩浆活动,岩浆成分差异及其空间展布。  相似文献   

The early Paleogene is critical for understanding global biodiversity patterns in modern ecosystems. During this interval, Southern Hemisphere continents were largely characterized by isolation and faunal endemism following the breakup of Gondwana. Africa has been proposed as an important source area for the origin of several marine vertebrate groups but its Paleogene record is poorly sampled, especially from sub-Saharan Africa. To document the early Paleogene marine ecosystems of Central Africa, we revised the stratigraphic context of sedimentary deposits from three fossil-rich vertebrate localities: the Landana section in the Cabinda exclave(Angola), and the Manzadi and Bololo localities in western Democratic Republic of Congo.We provide more refined age constraints for these three localities based on invertebrate and vertebrate faunas, foraminiferal and dinoflagellate cyst assemblages, and carbon isotope records. We find an almost complete absence of Danian-aged rocks in the Landana section, contrary to prevailing interpretations over the last half a century(only the layer 1, at the base of the section, seems to be Danian). Refining the age of these Paleocene layers is crucial for analyzing fish evolution in a global framework, with implications for the early appearance of Scombridae(tunas and mackerels) and Tetraodontiformes(puffer fishes). The combination of vertebrate fossil records from Manzadi and Landana sections suggests important environmental changes around the K/Pg transition characterized by an important modification of the ichthyofauna. A small faunal shift may have occurred during the Selandian. More dramatic is the distinct decrease in overall richness that lasts from the Selandian to the Ypresian. The Lutetian of West Central Africa is characterized by the first appearance of numerous cartilaginous and bony fishes. Our analysis of the ichthyofauna moreover indicates two periods of faunal exchanges: one during the Paleocene, where Central Africa appears to have been a source for the European marine fauna, and another during the Eocene when Europe was the source of the Central Africa fauna. These data indicate that Central Africa has had connections with the Tethyian realm.  相似文献   

Paratethys, the lost sea of central Eurasia, was an anoxic giant during Oligocene – early Miocene (Maikop Series) times. With a size matching the modern-day Mediterranean Sea and a history of anoxic conditions that lasted for over 20 Myrs, the eastern part of this realm (Black Sea-Caspian Sea domain) holds key records for understanding the build-up, maintenance and collapse of anoxia in marginal seas. Here, we show that the collapse of anoxic Maikop conditions was caused by middle Miocene paleogeographic changes in the Paratethys gateway configuration, when a mid-Langhian (Badenian-Tarkhanian) transgression flooded and oxygenated the Eastern Paratethys. We present an integrated magneto-biostratigraphic framework for the early Middle Miocene (Tarkhanian-Chokrakian-Karaganian regional stages) of the Eastern Paratethys and date the lithological transition from anoxic black shales of the Maikop Series to fossiliferous marine marls and limestones of the regional Tarkhanian stage. For this purpose, we selected two long and time-equivalent sedimentary successions, exposed along the Belaya and the Pshekha rivers, in the Maikop type area in Ciscaucasia (southern Russia). We show that a significant but short marine incursion took place during the Tarkhanian, ending the long-lasting Maikop anoxia of the basin. Our magnetostratigraphic results reveal coherent polarity patterns, which allow a straightforward correlation with the time interval 15–12 Ma of the Geomagnetic Polarity Time Scale. The Tarkhanian flooding occurred during a relatively short normal polarity interval that correlates with C5Bn, resulting in an age of 14.85 Ma. The regional Tarkhanian/Chokrakian stage boundary is located within C5ADn at an age of 14.75 Ma and the Chokrakian/Karaganian boundary is tentatively correlated with C5ACn and an age of 13.9–13.8 Ma. Our new Tarkhanian flooding age reveals a paleogeographic scenario that is different from many previous reconstructions. Instead of envisaging marine connections to the Indian Ocean, we show that major changes in connectivity between the Eastern and Central Paratethys seas have caused the influx of marine waters during the Tarkhanian. An increase in marine connectivity with the Mediterranean during a short episode of rapid sea-level rise triggered mixing and ended the widespread anoxia in the Eastern Paratethys. The mixing episode was short-lived (~100 kyr) as the sea-level rise slowed down and connectivity degraded because of tectonic uplift in the gateway area.  相似文献   

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