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Generally, nutrient cycle is closely related to the element distribution in biomass and the population dynamics in ecosystems. Carbon, nitrogen and phosphorus in Japanese anchovy (Engraulis japonicus) of different body lengths from the Huanghai Sea (Yellow Sea) were determined to better understand their variability and reasons during its life history. The mean content was 45.12%, 10.12% and 2.02% for C, N and P, respectively. Significant differences in C, N and P elemental composition were found among different sizes, which could be explained by varying proportions of storage compounds in whole body fish, and varying degrees of ossification. Considering abundant resources in Japanese anchovy, it was an important P-pool in the cycle of P. Moreover, the excreted N/P ratio was significantly different in fishes of different sizes, especially at high gross growth efficiency. In the past two decades, overexploitation tended to cause smaller body length in the community structure of anchovy, which presumably changed the nutrient cycle in food webs of the Huanghai Sea. Exptrapolation of the results indicates that Japanese anchovy may be important for conveying nutrient in the Huanghai Sea.  相似文献   

Many studies have revealed that anchovy has exhibited large variability in population size on decadal tim-escales. However, such works concerning anchovy population are mainly based on short historical catch records. In order to understand the causes of variability in fish stocks (natural and/or anthropogenic) and calibrate the error between catches and standing stocks, it is essential to develop long-term time series of fish stocks from the time when human impacts are minimal or negligible. Well preserved fish scales from sediment record are regarded as useful indicators revealing the history of fish population dynamics over the last centuries. Anchovy scales was first analyzed over the Yellow Sea and East China Sea and the largest abundance was found in the central South Yellow Sea where is regarded as the largest overwintering ground for Japanese anchovy (Engraulis japonicas). Thus in the central South Yellow Sea, two cores covering the last 150 years were collected for estimating fish scale flux. The scale deposition rate (SDR) records show that the decadal scale SDRs were obviously coherent between cores with independent chronologies. Thecalibration of downcore SDRs to the standing stocks of anchovy further validated that SDR is a reliable proxy to recon-struct the long-term anchovy population dynamic in the central South Yellow Sea where anoxic conditions prevail in the sediment. When assembled with other productivity proxies, it would be expected that SDR could be associated with changes in oceanic productivity and may make a contribution to determine the forcing factors and elucidate the mechanism of the process in future.  相似文献   

Quantitative identification of long-term changes in the abundance of Japanese anchovy (Engraulis japonicus) in the Yellow Sea is particularly important for understanding evolutionary processes of the Yellow Sea ecosystem. Unfortunately, the driving mechanisms of climate variability on the anchovy are still unclear due to the lack of long-term observational data. In this study, we used the fish scale deposition rate in the central Yellow Sea to reconstruct the time series of the anchovy stock over the past 400 a. On this basis, we further explored the impacts of the Pacific Decadal Oscillation (PDO) on the anchovy. Our results show that the anchovy stock is positively correlated with the PDO on a decadal time scale. In addition, anchovy abundance was relatively high during 1620–1860 AD (the Little Ice Age, LIA), though in a state of constant fluctuation; anchovy abundance maintained at a relatively low level after ~1860 AD. In particular, followed by overfishing since the 1980s, the anchovy stock has declined sharply. Based on these findings, we infer that fluctuations of the anchovy stock may be regulated by basin-scale “atmosphere–ocean” interactions. Nevertheless, the role of overfishing should not be ignored.  相似文献   

Peruvian anchovy (Engraulis ringens) stock abundance is tightly driven by the high and unpredictable variability of the Humboldt Current Ecosystem. Management of the fishery therefore cannot rely on mid- or long-term management policy alone but needs to be adaptive at relatively short time scales. Regular acoustic surveys are performed on the stock at intervals of 2 to 4 times a year, but there is a need for more time continuous monitoring indicators to ensure that management can respond at suitable time scales. Existing literature suggests that spatially explicit data on the location of fishing activities could be used as a proxy for target stock distribution. Spatially explicit commercial fishing data could therefore guide adaptive management decisions at shorter time scales than is possible through scientific stock surveys. In this study we therefore aim to (1) estimate the position of fishing operations for the entire fleet of Peruvian anchovy purse–seiners using the Peruvian satellite vessel monitoring system (VMS), and (2) quantify the extent to which the distribution of purse–seine sets describes anchovy distribution. To estimate fishing set positions from vessel tracks derived from VMS data we developed a methodology based on artificial neural networks (ANN) trained on a sample of fishing trips with known fishing set positions (exact fishing positions are known for approximately 1.5% of the fleet from an at-sea observer program). The ANN correctly identified 83% of the real fishing sets and largely outperformed comparative linear models. This network is then used to forecast fishing operations for those trips where no observers were onboard. To quantify the extent to which fishing set distribution was correlated to stock distribution we compared three metrics describing features of the distributions (the mean distance to the coast, the total area of distribution, and a clustering index) for concomitant acoustic survey observations and fishing set positions identified from VMS. For two of these metrics (mean distance to the coast and clustering index), fishing and survey data were significantly correlated. We conclude that the location of purse–seine fishing sets yields significant and valuable information on the distribution of the Peruvian anchovy stock and ultimately on its vulnerability to the fishery. For example, a high concentration of sets in the near coastal zone could potentially be used as a warning signal of high levels of stock vulnerability and trigger appropriate management measures aimed at reducing fishing effort.  相似文献   

In order to characterize the seasonal, bathymetric, and spatial distribution of the species, Palaemon adspersus, Palaemon elegans, and Crangon crangon, shrimps were sampled with a beam trawl in four stations at depths between 1 and 30 m from February 2002 to January 2004 on the Sinop Peninsula coasts of the southern Black Sea. One-way analysis of similarity (ANOSIM) results demonstrated that the caridean composition was significantly different (p < 0.001) between seasons and between sampling areas. No significant relationship of the caridean composition was evident between depth zones ranging from 1 to 30 m. These three carideans occurred together in 28.5% of the sampling occasions. Different seasonal migration pattern was evident for all the three species. Palaemon adspersus migrated inshore during relatively higher water temperatures, whereas C. crangon density decreased in the shallow waters during the same period, and P. elegans population was mostly observed at depth zones of 5–10 m and was only observed in the 30 m depth zone in winter. The abiotic factors that characterize the coexistence of these three carideans were primarily determined by the habitat types and bottom structures.  相似文献   

The behaviour of Ca, Mg, Na, K, Fe, Mn, Zn and radionuclides (U, Th, Pb, Ra) was studied in water, suspensions and sediments of an euxinic lagoonal environment of the French Mediterranean coast. The dynamic of these elements at the sediment-water interface is considered particularly in relation to the redox conditions, the nature of inorganic and organic supports and the sedimentation rate.  相似文献   

The Peruvian anchovy or anchoveta (Engraulis ringens) forages on plankton and is a main prey for marine mammals, seabirds, fish, and fishers, and is therefore a key element of the food web in the Humboldt Current system (HCS). Here, we present results from the analysis of 21,203 anchoveta stomach contents sampled during 23 acoustic surveys over the period 1996–2003. Prey items were identified to the genus level, and the relative dietary importance of different prey was assessed by determination of their carbon content. Variability in stomach fullness was examined relative to the diel cycle, the distance from the coast, sea surface temperature, and latitude, using generalized additive models (GAMs). Whereas phytoplankton largely dominated anchoveta diets in terms of numerical abundance and comprised >99% of ingested prey items, the carbon content of prey items indicated that zooplankton was by far the most important dietary component, with euphausiids contributing 67.5% of dietary carbon followed by copepods (26.3%). Stomach fullness data showed that anchoveta feed mainly during daytime between 07h00 and 18h00, although night-time feeding also made a substantial contribution to total food consumption. Stomach fullness also varied with latitude, distance from the coast, and temperature, but with substantial variability indicating a high degree of plasticity in anchoveta feeding behaviour. The results suggest an ecological role for anchoveta that challenges current understanding of its position in the foodweb, the functioning of the HCS, and trophic models of the HCS.  相似文献   

The reproductive cycle of anchovy, Engraulis encrasicolus (L.), was studied from monthly random samples of purse seine catches. A total of 1477 anchovy specimens were collected from January to December 2003 in the Zrmanja River estuary (Novigrad Sea). The analysis was based on the temporal evolution of gonadosomatic index, mass and stage of gonads. The total length of anchovy ranged from 4.5 to 14.5 cm and mass from 0.56 to 19.80 g. Sex ratio was slightly different from 1:1; the females were insignificantly predominated (♂/♀ = 0.99). The period of reproductive activity was from April to September coinciding with the most developed stages of gonads as well as with the highest gonad weights, and gonadosomatic indices. To estimate the length at maturity, a sub sample of 454 anchovy was taken from May to July (peak of anchovy spawning period). The length at which 50% of anchovy were mature (L50) was calculated to be 8.2 cm. The length–weight relationship of anchovy was described by the expression: W = 3.51 × 10−3 LT3.211 (r2 = 0.998). The relationships between total length–standard length and total length–fork length are LT = 1.1405LS + 0.2420 and LT = 1.0425 LF + 0.3944, respectively.  相似文献   

Various studies have revealed high concentrations of contaminants such as organochlorines (OCs) and heavy metals in Mediterranean cetaceans. A geographical trend of contamination (PCBs and DDTs) has been found for striped dolphin (Stenella coeruleoalba). In this study we used a non-lethal approach (skin biopsy) to investigate bioaccumulation of OCs, including polychlorobiphenyls (PCBs), DDTs, polychlorodibenzo-p-dioxins (PCDDs), polychlorodibenzofurans (PCDFs), trace elements (Hg, Cd, Pb) and CYP1A activity (BPMO) in nine striped dolphins sampled in the Aeolian area (Sicily – Italy) in summer 2002. The arithmetic mean value of BPMO activity in this group was 43.46 AUF/g tissue/h. This value is approximately 3 times and 5 times lower, respectively, than the value found in the Ionian and in the Ligurian groups. Skin biopsies of striped dolphins emerged as a suitable material for assessing the toxicological status of the various Mediterranean groups.  相似文献   

The identification of boundaries of genetic demes is one of the major goals for fishery management, and few Mediterranean commercial species have not been studied from a genetic point of view yet. The deep-water rose shrimp Parapenaeus longirostris (Lucas, 1846) is one of the most important components of commercial landings in Mediterranean, its fishery aspects have received much attention, regrettably without any concern for the genetic architecture of its populations. The population structure in the central and eastern Mediterranean Sea (captures from six Italian and two Greek landings) has been analysed on the basis of surveys carried out with mitochondrial and AFLP markers. Data revealed the presence of a gradual discrepancy along a west–east axis. This species, occurring mainly at a depth of between 100 and 400 m, is not strongly confined in isolated demes, but it demonstrates an ‘Isolation By Distance’ model, within the Mediterranean Sea, which includes geographical areas with a some degree of isolation. The role of hydrodynamic forces, such as currents, water fronts, is discussed; and a further evidence of the ‘Levantine isolation’ within Mediterranean basin is shown.  相似文献   

Leaf growth, biomass and production of Cymodocea nodosa were measured from October 2006 to September 2007 in Monastir Bay (Tunisia). Shoot density showed a clear seasonal pattern, increasing during spring and summer and decreasing during fall and winter. Monthly mean shoot density ranged between 633 ± 48 and 704 ± 48 shoots?m?2. The monthly average total biomass ranged between 560 ± 37 and 646 ± 32 g dry weight (DW)?m?2. Total biomass varied significantly among stations and sampling times but did not show seasonal variation. Leaf plastochrone intervals varied seasonally, with an annual average of 28–30 days. Leaf productivity was highest in August (2.61 g DW?m?2?day?1) and lowest in February (0.35 g DW?m?2?day?1). Annual belowground primary production varied from 263 to 311 g DW?m?2?year?1. Annual leaf production was approximately equal for all the stations (from 264 to 289 g DW?m?2?year?1). Variability in water temperature, air temperature and salinity explained the annual variability in biological characteristics. Changes in belowground and total biomass were not correlated with seasonal variability in the environmental parameters monitored. Additionally, a literature review was conducted of C. nodosa features at other Mediterranean sites, encompassing 30 studies from 1985 to 2014.  相似文献   

The abundance and community structure of metazoan meiofauna were studied in deep-sea sediments from the north and south Aegean Sea (Eastern Mediterranean) in summer 1997 and spring 1998. The two areas varied in their surface primary productivity with the northern area being more productive. Meiofaunal densities displayed strong spatial variability while no temporal changes were observed. Total metazoan density ranged from 128 to 1251 ind./10 cm2, with significantly higher values in the north. Meiofaunal biomass ranged from 27 to 391 μgC/10 cm2 with higher values also in the north. At all stations nematodes dominated the community, comprising on average more than 91% of the total abundance. On a broad scale, meiofaunal densities displayed a positive correlation with food availability (sediment-bound chloroplastic pigments, carbohydrates and lipids); carbon mineralization (an indicator of organic matter turnover) was significantly higher in the northern Aegean, providing evidence of high organic-matter input and intense benthic-pelagic coupling. The spatial structure of the nematode community indicated that the two areas were similar in terms of their dominant genera (Halalaimus, Acantholaimus, and Thalassomonhystera).  相似文献   

Current distribution of Atherina lagunae poses an interesting biogeographical problem as this species inhabits widely separate circum-Mediterranean lagoons. Statistical analyses of 87 biometric parameters and genetic variation in a portion of the cytochrome b gene were examined in four populations of A. lagunae from Tunisian and French lagoons. The results suggested a subdivision into two distinct Atherinid groups: one included the French lagoonal sand smelts and the second included the Tunisian ones. Tunisian lagoonal sand smelts were distinguished from the French ones by the lower number of lateral line scales, vertebrae, pectorals and first dorsal fin rays and the higher number of lower and total gillrakers. In addition, A. lagunae from Tunisian lagoons are characterised by short preorbital length, developed operculum, broad interorbital space, larger head, robust body and a relatively small first dorsal fin which is positioned backwards. In addition, intraspecific sequence variation in a portion of the cytochrome b gene was examined in 87 individuals from Tunisia and France. The high correlation between the results of the molecular phylogenetic tree and biometric statistical data analysis suggested that two different sibling species or at least sub-species or semi-species have colonised the lagoons. In addition, our analyses suggested that the evolution of A. lagunae probably occurred in two steps including marine sympatric speciation within the large Atherina boyeri complex and a post-Pleistocene colonisation of the lagoons.  相似文献   

This paper investigates patterns of variability in epiphytes of Posidonia oceanica leaves at various spatial scales around Sicily, including geographical differences among the Mediterranean basins, differences between the small islands and mainland, and the variability among and within replicated meadows in each of the previous conditions. Data on percentage cover of the most common epiphytic organisms were analysed by univariate techniques. Encrusting red algae, encrusting brown algae, filamentous algae, encrusting bryozoans, erect bryozoans, hydroids and Foraminifera were the most abundant taxa. Significant differences in the abundance of taxa were detected among geographical regions, while no significant differences were found between the islands and mainland. At smaller scales, variability was concentrated mostly among leaves 100s of centimetres apart and among meadows a few kilometres apart. These results suggest that both geographical and local processes are important in structuring the epiphytes of P. oceanica leaves in this area of the Mediterranean.  相似文献   

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