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Focal mechanisms of 10 intermediate-depth earthquakes (30相似文献
—The plate boundary between Iberia and Africa has been studied using data on seismicity and focal mechanisms. The region has been divided into three areas: A; the Gulf of Cadiz; B, the Betics, Alboran Sea and northern Morocco; and C, Algeria. Seismicity shows a complex behavior, large shallow earthquakes (h < 30 km) occur in areas A and C and moderate shocks in area B; intermediate-depth activity (30 < h < 150 km) is located in area B; the depth earthquakes (h 650 km) are located to the south of Granada. Moment rate, slip velocity and b values have been estimated for shallow shocks, and show similar characteristics for the Gulf of Cadiz and Algeria, and quite different ones for the central region. Focal mechanisms of 80 selected shallow earthquakes (8 mb 4) show thrust faulting in the Gulf of Cadiz and Algeria with horizontal NNW-SSE compression, and normal faulting in the Alboran Sea with E-W extension. Focal mechanisms of 26 intermediate-depth earthquakes in the Alboran Sea display vertical motions, with a predominant plane trending E-W. Solutions for very deep shocks correspond to vertical dip-slip along N-S trends. Frohlich diagrams and seismic moment tensors show different behavior in the Gulf of Cadiz, Betic-Alboran Sea and northern Morocco, and northern Algeria for shallow events. The stress pattern of intermediate-depth and very deep earthquakes has different directions: vertical extension in the NW-SE direction for intermediate depth earthquakes, and tension and pressure axes dipping about 45 ° for very deep earthquakes. Regional stress pattern may result from the collision between the African plate and Iberia, with extension and subduction of lithospheric material in the Alboran Sea at intermediate depth. The very deep seismicity may be correlated with older subduction processes. 相似文献
Summary The pattern of seismicity as a function of depth in the world, and the orientation of stress axes of deep and intermediate earthquakes, are explained using viscous fluid models of subducting slabs, with a barrier in the mantle at 670 km. 670 km is the depth of a seismic discontinuity, and also the depth below which earthquakes do not occur. The barrier in the models can be a viscosity increase of an order of magnitude or more, or a chemical discontinuity where vertical velocity is zero. LongN versus depth, whereN is the number of earthquakes, shows (1) a linear decrease to about 250–300 km depth, (2) a minimum near that depth, and (3) an increase thereafter. Stress magnitude in a subducting slab versus depth, for a wide variety of models, shows the same pattern. Since there is some experimental evidence thatN is proportional toe, where is a constant and is the stress magnitude, the agreement is encouraging. In addition, the models predict down-dip compression in the slab at depths below 400 km. This has been observed in earlier studies of earthquake stress axes, and we have confirmed it via a survey of events occurring since 1977 which have been analysed by moment tensor inversion. At intermediate depths, the models predict an approximate but not precise state of down-dip tension when the slab is dipping. The observations do not show an unambiguous state of down-dip tension at intermediate depths, but in the majority of regions the state of stress is decidedly closer to down-dip tension than it is to down-dip compression. Chemical discontinuities above 670 km, or phase transitions with an elevation of the boundary in the slab, predict, when incorporated into the models, stress peaks which are not mirrored in the profile of seismicity versus depth. Models with an asthenosphere and mesosphere of appropriate viscosity can not only explain the state of stress observed in double Benioff zones, but also yield stress magnitude profiles consistent with observed seismicity. Models where a nonlinear rheology is used are qualitatively consistent with the linear models. 相似文献
M. Godano E. Gaucher T. Bardainne M. Regnier A. Deschamps M. Valette 《Geophysical Prospecting》2010,58(5):775-790
We have developed a method that enables computing double‐couple focal mechanisms with only a few sensors. This method is based on a non‐linear inversion of the P, Sv and Sh amplitudes of microseismic events recorded on a set of sensors. The information brought by the focal mechanism enables determining the geometry of the rupture on the associated geological structure. It also provides a better estimate of the conventional source parameters. Full analysis has been performed on a data set of 15 microseismic events recorded in the brine production field of Vauvert. The microseismic monitoring network consisted of two permanent tools and one temporary borehole string. The majority of the focal mechanisms computed from both permanent tools are similar to those computed from the whole network. This result indicates that the double‐couple focal mechanism determination is reliable for both permanent 3C receivers in this field. 相似文献
Mireille Laigle Alfred Hirn Maria Sachpazi Christophe Clment 《Earth and Planetary Science Letters》2002,200(3-4):243-253
The western Hellenic arc has been commonly considered as a largely aseismic subduction zone, from the comparison of a small rate of shortening derived from the seismic moment release, with a large rate of convergence inferred from geology. Complete seismic coupling would instead be expected from models that consider a control by plate tectonic forces, because of the trenchward velocity of the Hellenic–Aegean upper plate now confirmed with GPS measurements. In the region of the Ionian Islands, a subduction interplate boundary has been recently imaged and its seismogenic downdip width suggested to be moderate, from reflection seismic profiling and local earthquake tomography. In the appropriate model for such an earthquake source region, which considers a single interplate fault and takes into account these features, the moderate seismic moment release is found consistent with complete seismic coupling of this subduction. The shallow downdip limit of the seismogenic zone can be interpreted as due to the interplate boundary being overlain there by the ductile deeper crust of the orogenically thickened Hellenides. 相似文献
2011年5月中国东北Mw5.7深震的非同寻常震源机制:区域波形反演与成因探讨 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
本研究利用中国区域宽频地震台的波形数据,应用gCAP (generalized Cut And Paste)方法反演了2010年2月18日和2011年5月10日中国东北中俄边界附近发生的两个深震的矩张量解,与全球地震矩张量测定机构的结果对比分析,证实了2011年5月深震具有显著的补偿线性单力偶矢量(CLVD)成分,表明基于区域波形资料的gCAP反演可获得较可靠的深震震源机制结果.结合研究区1977-2010年的深震震源机制数据反演确定的日本俯冲带前缘的区域应力场方向,分析认为2011年5月深震的非同寻常震源机制,可能是由于日本东北近海Mw9.0地震造成南东东向拉张应力的变化而造成的,属于日本俯冲带动力作用过程中的响应活动. 相似文献
Giovanni Costa Ivanka Orozova-Stanishkova Giuliano Francesco Panza Irina M. Rotwain 《Pure and Applied Geophysics》1996,147(1):119-130
The CN algorithm is utilized here both for the intermediate term earthquake prediction and to validate the seismotectonic model of the Italian territory. Using the results of the analysis, made through the CN algorithm and taking into account the seismotectonic model, three main areas, one for Northern Italy, one for Central Italy and one for Southern Italy, are defined. Two transition areas between the three main areas are delineated. The earthquakes which occurred in these two areas contribute to the precursor phenomena identified by the CN algorithm in each main area. 相似文献
基于一些简化的数值模型,根据弹性本构关系,用平面应变有限元方法计算了相变引起的体积变化、板块内部温度差、密度异常及边界力产生的应力场分布情况.数值模拟结果显示,热应力能够解释俯冲带深源地震的应力场方向特征,但解释不了深源地震的深度分布特征;有亚稳态橄榄石存在时密度异常所产生的应力场特征与地震观测结果所显示的应力场特征有所偏离;虽然橄榄石——尖晶石相变体积变化所产生的应力在橄榄石——尖晶石相变过渡区附近有最大值,其数值远远超过温度差和密度异常产生的应力场的最大剪应力数值,但在相变界面附近的区域,主压应力方向垂直于相变界面的方向,与地震观测结果所显示的主压应力的方向不一致.所以,不能用弹性模拟得出的俯冲带温度变化所产生的热应力、俯冲带密度变化所产生的应力、相变体积变化所产生的应力来对深源地震进行简单化的解释. 相似文献
岫岩-海城Ms5.4地震序列震源机制解 总被引:10,自引:3,他引:10
应用 P波初动符号资料 ,求解得到了岫岩 -海城 5.4级地震前、主、余震 2 0个 ML ≥ 4.0的震源机制解。分析表明 ,该地区的主压应力轴 (P)大多为 NEE- SWW向 ,主张应力轴 (T)大多为 NNW- SSE向 ,P、T轴仰角基本上小于 30°,表明力轴以水平者最多。N轴大多较陡。A、B节面的走向分别为 NWW向和 NNE向。岫岩 -海城地震主要为走滑断层类型。余震震源机制解绝大多数与主震相近 ,结果比较稳定 ,表明余震的应力场主要受主震震源应力场的控制 相似文献
On June 15, 1995 at 00:15 GMT a devastating earthquake (6.2ML) occurred in the western end of the Gulf of Corinth. This was followed 15 min later by the largest aftershock (5.4ML). The main event was located by the University of Patras Seismological Network (PATNET) at the northern side of the Gulf of Corinth graben. The second event (5.4ML) was located also by PATNET near the city of Egion, on a fault parallel to the Eliki major fault that defines the south bound of the Gulf of Corinth graben. A seismogenic volume that spans the villages of Akrata (SE) and Rodini (NW) and extends to Eratini (NE) was defined by the aftershock sequence, which includes 858 aftershocks of magnitude greater than 2ML that occurred the first seventeen days. The distribution of hypocentres in cross section does not immediately suggest a planar distribution but rather defines a volume about 15 km (depth) by 35 km (NW-SE) and by 20 km (NE-SW). 相似文献
Introduction Geoscientists concern the explanation of deep focus earthquakes greatly. As a great progress in understanding the formation of deep focus earthquakes, Sung and Burns (1976a, b) proposed that olivine could exist in transition zone in metastable form in the core of some cold subducting slabs, which have got supports from laboratory studies (Rubie, Ross, 1994). Iidaka and Suetsugu (1992) used the seismic data recorded by the dense seismograph networks in Japan to study the travelti… 相似文献
基于粘弹性平面应变有限元数值模拟方法,研究了俯冲带深部的应力场特征.当根据Karato等的研究结果给出俯冲板块的粘度结构时,橄榄石——尖晶石相变界面以下中心低粘区两侧出现应力集中区,而且其主压应力方向沿俯冲方向走向.其特征与已有的深源地震主压应力方向沿俯冲方向及深源地震有两个条带的地震观测结果相吻合.相变过渡区因矿物更小的颗粒粒度而导致的更小的等效粘度对俯冲带深部应力场的影响不大;存在和不存在亚稳态橄榄石楔的情况下,橄榄石——尖晶石相变过渡区附近都有最大剪应力的最大值出现,而其主压应力方向有垂直于橄榄石——尖晶石相变过渡区走向的趋势,尚与地震观测资料不符. 相似文献
2-D viscoelastic FEM simulation on stress state in the deep part of a subducted slab 总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0
Introduction It is found that there are some relationships between the thermal structures of subduction zones and the deep seismicity, while the mechanism relates the thermal structure and the deep seismicity is still unsure (Helffrich, Brodholt, 1991; Furukawa, 1994; Kirby, et al, 1996). From 1980s, geoscientists have constituted a series of numerical simulations on the stress states of subduction slabs. Based on the kinetic computation of Sung and Burns (1976a, b), Goto, et al (1983, 1987… 相似文献
本研究基于Global CMT提供的1196个1976年11月-2017年1月MW>4.6地震矩心矩张量解,对西北太平洋俯冲带日本本州至中国东北段的应力场进行反演计算,得到了从浅表到深部俯冲带应力状态的完整分布.结果显示:俯冲带浅表陆壳一侧应力场呈现水平挤压、垂向拉伸状态,洋壳一侧的应力状态则相反,即近水平拉张、近垂向压缩.沿着俯冲板片向下,应力主轴逐渐向俯冲板片轮廓靠拢,其中位于双地震层(120 km深度附近)之上的部分,主张应力轴沿俯冲板片轮廓展布而又比其更为陡倾;双地震层内的应力模式同典型Ⅰ型双层地震带内的应力模式一致,即上层沿俯冲板片轮廓压缩、下层沿俯冲板片轮廓拉伸;双地震层之下,应力模式逐步转变为主压应力轴平行于俯冲板片轮廓.通观所研究的整个俯冲系统,水平面内主压和主张应力轴基本保持了与西北太平洋板片俯冲方向上的一致性,同经典俯冲板片的应力导管模型所预言的俯冲带应力模式相符;而主张应力轴在俯冲板片表面之下的中源地震深度范围内转向海沟走向,或许同研究区域横跨日本海沟与千岛海沟结合带,改变的浅部海沟形态致使完整俯冲板片下部产生横向变形有关.
As part of a larger multi-institutional seismic monitoring experiment during June–August 1984 in the eastern Wasatch Plateau, Utah, data from a subarray of 20 portable seismographs were used to investigate seismicity in the East Mountain area, an area of active underground coal mining and intense microseismicity. Eight stations of the subarray were concentrated on top of East Mountain, about 600 m above mine level, at an average spacing of 2 to 3 km. The primary objective was the accurate resolution of hypocenters and focal mechanisms for seismic events originating at submine levels. Data from high-resolution seismic reflection profiles and drill-hole sonic logs yielded a detailed velocity model. This model features a strong velocity gradient in the uppermost 1 km, which has a significant effect on takeoff angles for first-arrivingP-waves from shallow seismic events. Two hundred epicenters located with a precision of ±500 m cluster within an area about 5 km in diameter and show an evident spatial association with four sites of longwall mining during the study period. A special set of foci rigorously tested for focal-depth reliability indicates submine seismicity predominating within 500 m of mine level and extending at least to 1 km, and perhaps to 2 km, below mine level. Continuous monitoring for a 61-day period (June 15–August 15) bracketed a 16-day mining shutdown (July 7–22) during which significant seismicity, comparable to that observed before the shutdown, was observed. Ten focal mechanisms for seismic events originating at or down to 2 km below mine level nearly all imply reverse faulting, consistent with previous results and the inferred tectonic stress field. Enigmatic events recorded with all dilatational first motions can be fit with double-couple normal-faulting solutions if they in fact occurabove mine level, perhaps reflecting overburden subsidence. If these events are constrained to occur at mine level, their first-motion distributions are incompatible with a double-couple source mechanism. 相似文献
We classified the most outstanding rupturesof the 1997 Umbria-Marche seismic sequence assecondary tectonic effects that occur within the zoneof deformation induced by the deep displacement on theseismogenic structure. The trend of the surfacedeformation is homogeneous within the entire area ofinterest and consistent with NE-oriented extensionevidenced by CMT focal solutions of the three mainshocks. We extrapolate the discontinuous sites ofbreak measurements and suggest that the localdeformation concentrates along four narrow bands.Location and direction of these bands are locallycontrolled by pre-existing structures. The comparisonbetween our data with the seismological data – such asmain rupture planes and spatial aftershockdistribution – highlights that three bands mark partof the boundaries of the NW-SE elongated aftershocksarea and the fourth occurs where this area is widest.Moreover, the analysis of the structural setting ofthe area suggests that N-S shear zones have stronglycontrolled the extension of the main rupture segmentsand the aftershock distribution. The surface rupturesare located within the area of coseismic deformationresulting from DInSAR data; we propose that theyrepresent the localized response to the verticalground deformation of the area. Finally, we discussthe contribution of the pattern of the 1997 surfacebreaks to the characterization of the seismogenicsource. 相似文献
利用广东新丰江锡场2012和2013年2次MS4.8地震震中附近的2009年1月至2015年6月精定位小震资料,依据小震丛集发生在大震断层面及附近的原则,采用模拟退火算法和高斯-牛顿算法相结合的方法,反演得到了锡场附近2条相交断层的详细参数及地理分布。NEE向断层F1的走向为78.5°,倾角为87.7°,长度约8.2km,以右旋走滑错动为主;NW向断层F2的走向为137.3°,倾角为87.9°,长度约5.9km,以左旋走滑错动为主。用断层附近ML3以上地震的震源机制解证明反演结果是可靠的,并由2次4.8级地震的震源机制解判断出各自的发震断层。 相似文献