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This paper investigates the conditions under which a marine ice sheet may adopt a steady profile. The ice is treated as a linear viscous fluid caused to flow from a rigid base to and over water, treated as a denser but inviscid fluid. The solutions in the region around the point of flotation, or ‘transition’ zone, are calculated numerically. In-flow and out-flow conditions appropriate to ice sheet and ice shelf flow are applied at the ends of the transition zone and the rigid base is specified; the flow and steady free surfaces are determined as part of the solutions. The basal stress upstream, and the basal deflection downstream, of the flotation point are examined to determine which of these steady solutions satisfy ‘contact’ conditions that would prevent (i) the steady downstream basal deflection contacting the downstream base, and (ii) the upstream ice commencing to float in the event it was melted at the base. In the case that the upstream bed is allowed to slide, we find only one mass flux that satisfies the contact conditions. When no sliding is allowed at the bed, however, we find a range of mass fluxes satisfy the contact conditions. The effect of ‘backpressure’ on the solutions is investigated, and is found to have no affect on the qualitative behaviour of the junctions. To the extent that the numerical, linearly viscous treatment may be applied to the case of ice flowing out over the ocean, we conclude that when sliding is present, Weertman's ‘instability’ hypothesis holds.  相似文献   

An implementation of the Ensemble Kalman filter (EnKF) with a coupled ice–ocean model is presented. The model system consists of a dynamic–thermodynamic ice model using the elastic-viscous-plastic (EVP) rheology coupled with the HYbrid Coordinate Ocean Model (HYCOM). The observed variable is ice concentration from passive microwave sensor data (SSM/I). The assimilation of ice concentration has the desired effect of reducing the difference between observations and model. Comparison of the assimilation experiment with a free-run experiment shows that there are large differences, especially in summer. In winter the differences are relatively small, partly because the atmospheric forcing used to run the model depends upon SSM/I data. The assimilation has the strongest impact close to the ice edge, where it ensures a correct location of the ice edge throughout the simulation. An inspection of the model ensemble statistics reveals that the error estimates of the model are too small in winter, partly a result of too low model ice-concentration variance in the central ice pack. It is found that the ensemble covariance between ice concentration and sea-surface temperature in the same grid cell is of the same sign (negative) throughout the year. The ensemble covariance between ice concentration and salinity is more dependent upon the physical mechanisms involved, with ice transport and freeze/melt giving different signs of the covariances. The ice-transport and ice-melt mechanisms also impact the ice-concentration variance and the covariance between ice concentration and ice thickness. The ensemble statistics show a high degree of complexity, which to some extent merits the use of computationally expensive assimilation methods, such as the Ensemble Kalman filter. The present study focuses on the assimilation of ice concentration, but it is understood that assimilation of other datasets, such as sea-surface temperature, would be beneficial.Responsible Editor: Jin-Song von Storch  相似文献   

Sensitivity study of the airice drag coefficient C Dai is presented with an iceocean coupled model for the Sea of Okhotsk. The C Dai?×?103 value is varied from 2 to 5 based on the direct measurements in the region. The maximum volume transport of the East Sakhalin Current and the mean sea ice velocity were intensified as C Dai increased. The sensitivity experiment with the icewater drag coefficient C Diw showed that the East Sakhalin Current volume transport is hardly affected by C Diw but significantly intensified by C Dai. While the ice drift in the off-ice-edge direction was intensified by the increase in C Dai and the decrease in C Diw, the ice edge location was nearly unchanged. This was due to melting caused by the relatively warm water inflow from the North Pacific. That is, sea ice extent in the region is strongly influenced by melting caused by a large iceocean heat transfer. In the active melting regions, the iceocean heat transfer of more than 100 W/m2 occurred even in mid-winter. This is the same order as the cooling by air in winter, and a heat insulation capacity of sea ice is weakened in such regions.  相似文献   

Dust grain size is a proxy for wind strength that en-trains it. Mineral aerosol blown from arid continent to remote sites has a broad diameter range, from less than 0.5 μm to larger than 75 μm[1]. For a long time, geolo-gists reveal the transport and sediment characteristics using grain size and size distribution. In loess research, grain size is widely used as the proxy for winter mon-soon strength[2,3]. Fractions entrained by the westerlies and winter monsoon can be discerned by grain size…  相似文献   

It has been well known by oceanographers that the World Ocean Circulation originates inNorth Atlantic near the Greenland, where in wintertime the cooled surface water descends to form North Atlantic Deep Waters (NADW). The NADW, when passing the Antarctic…  相似文献   

The 13-day-long Gjálp eruption within the Vatnajökull ice cap in October 1996 provided important data on ice–volcano interaction in a thick temperate glacier. The eruption produced 0.8 km3 of mainly volcanic glass with a basaltic icelandite composition (equivalent to 0.45 km3 of magma). Ice thickness above the 6-km-long volcanic fissure was initially 550–750 m. The eruption was mainly subglacial forming a 150–500 m high ridge; only 2–4% of the volcanic material was erupted subaerially. Monitoring of the formation of ice cauldrons above the vents provided data on ice melting, heat flux and indirectly on eruption rate. The heat flux was 5–6×105 W m-2 in the first 4 days. This high heat flux can only be explained by fragmentation of magma into volcanic glass. The pattern of ice melting during and after the eruption indicates that the efficiency of instantaneous heat exchange between magma and ice at the eruption site was 50–60%. If this is characteristic for magma fragmentation in subglacial eruptions, volcanic material and meltwater will in most cases take up more space than the ice melted in the eruption. Water accumulation would therefore cause buildup of basal water pressure and lead to rapid release of the meltwater. Continuous drainage of meltwater is therefore the most likely scenario in subglacial eruptions under temperate glaciers. Deformation and fracturing of ice played a significant role in the eruption and modified the subglacial water pressure. It is found that water pressure at a vent under a subsiding cauldron is substantially less than it would be during static loading by the overlying ice, since the load is partly compensated for by shear forces in the rapidly deforming ice. In addition to intensive crevassing due to subsidence at Gjálp, a long and straight crevasse formed over the southernmost part of the volcanic fissure on the first day of the eruption. It is suggested that the feeder dyke may have overshot the bedrock–ice interface, caused high deformation rates and fractured the ice up to the surface. The crevasse later modified the flow of meltwater, explaining surface flow of water past the highest part of the edifice. The dominance of magma fragmentation in the Gjálp eruption suggests that initial ice thickness greater than 600–700 m is required if effusive eruption of pillow lava is to be the main style of activity, at least in similar eruptions of high initial magma discharge.Editorial responsibility: J. Donnelly-Nolan  相似文献   

We present a two-phase model for the generation of meltwater and its propagation through the outer shells of icy satellites such as Europa, Enceladus or Titan. We exploit the analogy with the process of partial melt generation in the Earth’s interior by adopting the formalism of two-phase flow developed in the mantle-dynamics community, and by means of scaling analysis we derive a reduced system appropriate for our planetary application. The resultant system couples Darcy’s law with the deformation of the viscous ice matrix. We numerically investigate the system in a simplified one-dimensional geometry, corresponding to a laterally uniform ice layer, and analyze the role of various physical parameters. We focus on the leading-order effects, namely (i) the key importance of ice permeability, (ii) the role of complex ice rheology depending on temperature, deformation mechanisms and water content, (iii) the possible contribution of surface tension and (iv) the effects of mechanical coupling between the phases. Our analysis suggests that the global water transport through temperate ice is mainly controlled by ice permeability and can be well approximated by a model in which the complex ice rheology is parameterized in terms of a constant viscosity. While the mechanical coupling between the phases dramatically affects the flow at the local scale, the surface tension appears to be insignificant.  相似文献   

Interpretation of new ice core data and reappraisal of existing data, both from the basal part of the Vostok ice core, give strong support to a kind of thermohaline circulation in Lake Vostok. Although the salinity of the lake is considered as weak (less than 1‰), the prominent influence of salinity at high pressure and low temperature on water density makes such a circulation possible. As a consequence, subglacial melting along the northern shores of the lake is balanced, further south, by frazil ice production in the upper water column, its accretion and consolidation at the ice–water interface followed by accreted ice export out of the system together with the southeasterly glacier flow. The dynamics of the system is documented by a stable water isotope budget estimate, by inferences concerning accreted ice formation and by an investigation of ice properties at the transition between meteoric ice and accreted ice. This complex behaviour is the controlling factor on water, biota and sediment fluxes in the lake environment.  相似文献   

The air–sea ice CO2 flux was measured over landfast sea ice in the Chukchi Sea, off Barrow, Alaska in late May 2008 with a chamber technique. The ice cover transitioned from a cold early spring to a warm late spring state, with an increase in air temperature and incipient surface melt. During melt, brine salinity and brine dissolved inorganic carbon concentration (DIC) decreased from 67.3 to 18.7 and 3977.6 to 1163.5 μmol kg−1, respectively. In contrast, the salinity and DIC of under-ice water at depths of 3 and 5 m below the ice surface remained almost constant with average values of 32.4±0.3 (standard deviation) and 2163.1±16.8 μmol kg−1, respectively. The air–sea ice CO2 flux decreased from +0.7 to −1.0 mmol m−2 day−1 (where a positive value indicates CO2 being released to the atmosphere from the ice surface). During this early to late spring transition, brought on by surface melt, sea ice shifted from a source to a sink for atmospheric CO2, with a rapid decrease of brine DIC likely associated with a decrease in the partial pressure of CO2 of brine from a supersaturated to an undersaturated state compared to the atmosphere. Formation of superimposed ice coincident with melt was not sufficient to shut down ice–air gas exchange.  相似文献   

As an important component of the cryosphere, sea ice is very sensitive to climate change. The study of sea ice physics needs accurate sea ice thickness. This paper presents an electromagnetic induction (EM) technique which can be used to measure the sea ice thickness distribution efficiently and its successful application in the Antarctic Neila Fjord. Based on the electrical properties of sea ice and seawater and the application of electromagnetic field theory, this technique can accurately detect the distance between the EM instrument and the ice/water interface to measure the sea ice thickness. Analyzing the apparent conductivity data obtained by the electromagnetic induction technique and drill-hole measurements at same location allows the construction of a transform equation for the apparent conductivity and sea ice thickness. The verification of the calculated sea ice thickness using this equation indicates that the electromagnetic induction technique is able to determine reliable sea ice thickness with an average relative error of only 5.5%. The ice thickness profiles show the sea ice distribution in Neila Fjord is basically level with a thickness of 0.8 - 1.4 m.  相似文献   

With rapid development of microbiology on ex-treme environment, many microorganisms have been found on glacial surface and in deep glacier around the world. The extensive 16S rRNA sequence analysis of bacteria isolated from glacial samples indicates that the bacteria in ice are highly similar to those from ocean, lake, terrestrial sediment and agricultural soil on the earth[1,2]. This suggests a close relationship be-tween the microorganisms in glacial region and those in other environments s…  相似文献   

The relationship between the sea ice cover in the North Pacific and the typhoon frequency has been studied in this paper. It follows that the index for the sea ice cover in the North Pacific (ISA) both in December-January-February (DJF) and in March-April-May (MAM) is negatively correlated with annual typhoon number over the western North Pacific (TNWNP) during 1965―2004, with correlation coeffi-cients of -0.42 and -0.49 respectively (above 99% significant level). Large sea ice cover in the North Pacific tends to decrease TNWNP. Positive ISA (MAM) is associated with the tropical circulation and SST anomalies in the North Pacific, which may lead to unfavorable dynamic and thermal conditions for typhoon genesis over WNP from June to October (JJASO). The variability of the atmospheric circula-tion over the North Pacific, associated with the ISA anomaly in MAM is connected to the tropical at-mospheric circulation variability in MAM via the teleconnection wave train. Besides, as the tropical circulation has strong seasonal persistency from the MAM to JJASO, thus, the ISA in MAM-related variability of the tropical atmospheric circulation as well as the SST can affect the typhoon activity over the western North Pacific.  相似文献   

The role of meteoric smoke as condensation nuclei for mesospheric ice has recently been challenged by model simulations on the global transport of meteoric material. At the same time a considerable fraction of smoke particles is charged in the mesosphere. This has significant effects on nucleation processes as it can remove the Kelvin barrier. We suggest that in particular nucleation on negatively charged smoke is likely to be a dominant mechanism for mesospheric ice formation. This is in contrast to nucleation on positive ion clusters as the latter is largely hampered by efficient ion/electron recombination. Surprisingly, the large potential of nucleation on charged smoke has so far not been considered in mesospheric ice models. A challenging question concerns the fraction of mesospheric smoke that is actually charged. An improved understanding of mesospheric charging and nucleation will require laboratory experiments on nuclei in the transition regime between molecular and particulate sizes.  相似文献   

We propose a new method to investigate the relationships between neighbouring crystals and apply it to the textures measured along the upper 900 m of the NorthGRIP ice core. This method shows unexpected correlations between neighbours in the so-called normal grain growth regime, questioning the classical view on the onset of rotation recrystallization in ice-sheets. Moreover, the fractionation rate associated to the rotation recrystallization appears constant through time. Finally, grains with low-angle boundaries do not present a special distribution pattern of their c-axes. This suggests that rotation recrystallization is an isotropic process not affected by the direction of the macroscopic strain.  相似文献   

Melting of H2O ice during planetary impact events is a widespread phenomenon. On planetary surfaces, ice is often mixed with other materials; yet, at present, the partitioning of energy between the components of a shocked mixture is still an open question in the shock physics community. Knowledge of how much energy is partitioned into the ice component is necessary to predict and interpret a wide range of processes, including shock-induced melting and chemistry. In this work, we construct a conceptual framework for the thermodynamic pathways of the components in a shocked hydrodynamic mixture by defining three broad regimes based on the characteristic length scale of the mixture compared to the thickness of the shock front: (1) small length scale mixtures where pressure and temperature equilibrate immediately behind the shock front; (2) intermediate length scales where pressure but not thermal equilibration is achieved behind the shock front; and (3) long length scales where pressure equilibration requires multiple shock wave reflections. We conduct shock wave experiments, reaching pressures from 8 to 23 GPa, in an H2O ice–SiO2 quartz mixture in the intermediate length scale regime. In each experiment, all the parameters required to address the question of energy partitioning were determined: the shock velocity in the mixture, the shock front thickness, and the shock and post-shock temperatures of the H2O component. The measured pressure is in agreement with the bulk compressibility of the mixture. The shock and post-shock temperatures of the H2O component indicate that the ice was shocked close to the principal Hugoniot. Therefore, in the intermediate length scale regime, the partitioning of shock energy is defined initially by the Hugoniots of the components at the equilibrated pressure. We discuss energy partitioning in mixtures over the wide range of length and time scales encountered during planetary impact events and identify the current challenges in calculating the volume of melted ice. In some cases, the criteria for shock-induced melting of ice in a mixture are the same as for pure ice.  相似文献   

As fundamental parameters of the Antarctic Ice Sheet, ice thickness and subglacial topography are critical factors for studying the basal conditions and mass balance in Antarctica. During CHINARE 24 (the 24th Chinese National Antarctic Research Expedition, 2007/08), the research team used a deep ice-penetrating radar system to measure the ice thickness and subglacial topography of the “Chinese Wall” around Kunlun Station, East Antarctica. Preliminary results show that the ice thickness varies mostly from 1600 m to 2800 m along the “Chinese Wall”, with the thickest ice being 3444 m, and the thinnest ice 1255 m. The average bedrock elevation is 1722 m, while the minimum is just 604 m. Compared with the northern side of the ice divide, the ice thickness is a little greater and the subglacial topography lower on the southern side, which is also characterized by four deep valleys. We found no basal freeze-on ice in the Gamburtsev Subglacial Mountains area, subglacial lakes, or water bodies along the “Chinese Wall”. Ice thickness and subglacial topography data extracted from the Bedmap 2 database along the “Chinese Wall” are consistent with our results, but their resolution and accuracy are very limited in areas where the bedrock fluctuates intensely. The distribution of ice thickness and subglacial topography detected by ice-penetrating radar clarifies the features of the ice sheet in this “inaccessible” region. These results will help to advance the study of ice sheet dynamics and the determination of future locations of the GSM’s geological and deep ice core drilling sites in the Dome A region.  相似文献   

In this paper, climatic and environmental changes were reconstructed since 1129A.D. based on the Malan ice core from Hol Xil, the northern Tibetan Plateau. The record of δ 18O in the Malan ice core indicated that the warm-season air temperature variations displayed a general increase trend, the 20th-century warming was within the range of natural climate variability, and the warmest century was the 17th century while the warmest decade was the 1610s, over the entire study period. The “Medieval Warm Epoch” and “Little Ice Age” were also reflected by the ice core record. The dust ratio in the Malan ice core is a good proxy for dust event frequency. The 870-year record of the dust ratio showed that dust events occurred much frequently in the 19th century. Comparing the variations of δ 18O and the dust ratio, it is found that there was a strong negative correlation between them on the time scales of 101―102 years. By analyses of all the climatic records of ice cores and tree rings from the northern Tibetan Plateau, it was revealed that dust events were more frequent in the cold and dry periods than in the warm and wet periods.  相似文献   

Exchanges between oceanic and coastal waters are fundamental in setting the hydrography of arctic shelves and fjords. In West Spitsbergen, Atlantic Water from the West Spitsbergen Current exchanges with the seasonally ice-covered waters of the coast and fjords causing a major annual shift in hydrographic conditions. The extent to which Atlantic Water dominates the fjord systems shows significant interannual variability. Hydrographic sections taken between 1999 and 2005 from Isfjorden and the adjacent shelf have been analyzed to identify the causes of the variability in Atlantic Water occupation of the fjord system. By treating the fjord system as a coastal polynya and running a polynya model to quantify the salt release each winter, we conclude that the critical parameter controlling fjord–shelf exchange is the density difference between the fjord water masses and the Atlantic Water. We provide a full dynamical mechanism for the interaction between water masses at the fjord entrance to rationalize the interannual variability.  相似文献   

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