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Previous studies of diamonds from Finsch have shown that eclogitic inclusions are rare at Finsch and that the eclogitic garnet and clinopyroxenes are iron and manganese-rich. In order to expand the current database of information, 93 eclogitic diamonds were selected for this study. Eight diamonds were polished into plates for cathodoluminescence studies and infrared examination of diamond growth and 31 diamonds were cracked to retrieve inclusions. The eclogitic garnets analysed in this study are enriched in Fe and are relatively depleted in Ca and Mg relative to worldwide data. FeO contents for garnet range from 15 to 27 wt.% and MnO contents reach a maximum value of 1.6 wt.%. The eclogitic clinopyroxenes have relatively high FeO contents, up to 14.8 wt.% and K2O contents are low (<0.4 wt.%). Three non-touching garnet–clinopyroxene mineral pairs produce equilibration temperatures of 1138–1179 °C at an assumed pressure of 50 kb. No Type II diamonds were found during this study, all diamonds are of Type IaAB. Total nitrogen contents of Type IaAB diamonds range from 11 to 1520 ppm, with variable aggregation states (up to 84% nitrogen aggregated as B-defects). Distinct infrared characteristics suggest that the Finsch kimberlite sampled either more than one mantle source region of similar age but differing temperature, or two different populations of diamonds with different ages. The diamonds provide evidence of changing mantle conditions during crystallisation. Continuous diamond growth is illustrated by the presence of regular octahedral growth zones, although in some diamonds cubic growth is noted. One diamond shows evidence of platelet degradation, suggesting exposure to high temperatures and/or shearing stresses. 相似文献
Magnesium-rich, calcium-poor, lilac coloured garnets have been found in the heavy mineral concentrate of the Finsch kimberlite pipe. Some of these garnets contain sufficient chromium to place them within the compositional field of the garnets previously only reported as inclusions in diamonds.These lilac garnets are considered to have formed in equilibrium with the minerals found as inclusions in diamond and hence with the diamond itself. Their presence in the kimberlite should be diagnostic of the presence of diamond, but it is not known if there is any quantitative relationship. The garnets are considered to have a deeper provenance than the magnesian garnets commonly found as xenocrysts in kimberlite and in garnet peridotite xenoliths. The mantle composition at their depths of origin must be more refractory in nature than the peridotite xenoliths. The garnets having a higher magnesium and chromium content, a higher Mg/Fe ratio and lower calcium, aluminium and titanium than those found in the xenoliths. 相似文献
Ultrahigh pressure macro diamonds from Copeton (New South Wales, Australia), based on Raman spectroscopy of inclusions 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Mining of Cenozoic alluvial deposits at Copeton and Bingara (Eastern Australia) has produced two million macrodiamonds (0.25 ct median size). Raman spectroscopy is used to identify included minerals within uncut Copeton diamonds, with sealed chamber remnant pressures of 31.7 to 35.6 kbar for coesite, 13.6 and 22.7 kbar for clinopyroxene, and 7.6 kbar for grossular garnet. Assuming elastic behaviour, these values generate inclusion entrapment PT loci which intersect, restricting diamond formation conditions: from 250 °C, 43 kbar to 800 °C, 52 kbar. Larger than error (± 100 °C and ± 4 kbar), this range shows a systematic variation in inclusion composition with diamond zoning and N properties. Published research shows 1) Copeton and Bingara diamonds are unique, and 2) modern alluvium in the Bingara district carries mantle-formed garnet, captured by post-tectonic alkali basalt from an extensive diamondiferous ultrahigh pressure (UHP) terrane that stalled at depth because it is dominated by mafic eclogite. The combined Raman and geological results indicate two sets of subduction UHP diamond formation conditions/protolith are required, firstly cooler oceanic slab and secondly including higher temperature continental crust. The Copeton and Bingara stones are UHP macrodiamonds, and Carboniferous 40Ar/39Ar age dates on clinopyroxene inclusions should be interpreted as ages of crystallisation, representing the termination of subduction. The characteristic features of ruptured inclusions and etched percussion marks on Copeton and Bingara diamond indicate volcanic delivery to the earth's surface. Alluvial deposits elsewhere in Eastern Australia may carry similar diamond along with diamond of different origin. 相似文献
The two Palaeoarchaean volcano-sedimentary complexes of the Buck Ridge (Barberton Greenstone Belt, South Africa) and Kittys Gap (Coppin Gap Greenstone Belt, East Pilbara, Australia) have a similar geological setting and age (∼3.45 Ga). The predominantly volcaniclastic sediments are concentrated at the top of these complexes, and experienced thorough, (very) early diagenetic silicification. In many places the silicification process has led to excellent preservation of the primary sedimentary structures. Elsewhere it has resulted in their obliteration or replacement by diagenetic structures. The Buck Ridge chert forms a regressive-transgressive succession, deposited around base level, with lacustrine and littoral marine facies. Deposition of the Kittys Gap Chert was also close to base level, almost exclusively subaqueous, with tidal influence and a regressive sequential trend. 相似文献
The technique of multivariate analysis was used to investigate the geochemical relationships between the felsic rocks of the Bushveld Complex. The Bushveld granite and Rooiberg felsite form two distinct geochemical groups based on their major element compositions, possibly indicating that they originated from separate and genetically unrelated magmas. A discriminant function based on six major oxides was found to be 90 percent effective in distinguishing between the two groups. These conclusions have important implications for the petrogenesis of the Bushveld Complex. 相似文献
《Quaternary Research》1987,28(1):144-156
Equus Cave, in Quaternary tufa near Taung in the semiarid woodland of the southern Kalahari, yielded 2.5 m of sediment in which a rich assemblage of bones and coprolites was preserved. The fossils were accumulated mainly by hyenas during the late Pleistocene and Holocene. Pollen from coprolites reflects diet as well as vegetation over relatively large areas visited by hyenas, while pollen from sediments represents more local sources. The pollen sequence derived from coprolites and sediments demonstrates how the vegetation evolved from open grassland with small shrubs and occasional trees during the late Pleistocene, to open savanna with more small shurbs, then, during the last 7500 yr, to modern savanna. Temperatures were not more than 4°C cooler and it was slightly moister than today during the late Pleistocene phase; it became gradually warmer but relatively dry before optimal temperature and moisture conditions developed around 7500 yr B.P. Climatic conditions slightly less favorable for woodland occurred during part of the late Holocene. 相似文献
The Frome airborne electromagnetic (AEM) survey was designed to provide reliable pre-competitive AEM data to aid the search for energy and mineral resources around the Lake Frome region of South Australia. Flown in 2010, a total of 32,317 line kilometres of high-quality airborne geophysical data was collected over an area of 95,450 km2 at a flight line spacing mostly of 2.5 km, opening to 5 km spaced lines in the Marree–Strzelecki Desert area to the north. The Lake Frome region hosts a large number of sandstone-hosted uranium deposits with known resources of ~60 000 tonnes of U3O8 including the working In Situ Recovery operations at Beverley, Pepegoona, Pannikin and Honeymoon, and deposits at Four Mile East, Four Mile West, Yagdlin, Goulds Dam, Oban, East Kalkaroo, Yarramba and Junction Dam. The aims of the Frome AEM Survey were to map and interpret critical elements of sandstone-hosted uranium mineral systems including basin architecture, paleovalley morphology, sedimentary facies changes, hydrological connections between uranium sources and uranium deposition sites and structures. Interpretations of the data show the utility of regional AEM surveying for mapping crucial elements of sandstone-hosted uranium mineral systems as well as for mapping geological surfaces, structures and depth of cover over a wide area. Data from the Frome AEM Survey allow mineral explorers to put their own high-resolution AEM surveys into a regional context. Survey data were used to map and interpret a range of geological features that are associated with, or control the location of, sandstone-hosted uranium mineral systems and have been used to assess the uranium prospectivity of new areas to the north of the Flinders Ranges. 相似文献
Large maficultramafic layered intrusions may containlayers enriched in platinum-group elements (PGE). In many cases,the PGE are hosted by disseminated sulphides. We have investigatedthe distribution of the sulphides in three dimensions in twooriented samples of the Merensky Reef and the J-M Reef. Theaim of the study was to test the hypothesis that the sulphidescrystallized from a base metal sulphide liquid that percolatedthrough the cumulate pile during compaction. The distributionof sulphides was quantified using: (1) X-ray computed tomography;(2) microstructural analysis of polished thin sections orientedparallel to the paleovertical; (3) measurement of dihedral anglesbetween sulphides and silicates or oxides. In the Merensky Reefand the J-M Reef, sulphides are connected in three dimensionsand fill paleovertical dilatancies formed during compaction,which facilitated the downward migration of sulphide liquidin the cumulate. In the melanorite of the Merensky Reef, thesulphide content increases from top to bottom, reaching a maximumvalue above the underlying chromitite layer. In the chromititelayers sulphide melt connectivity is negligible. Thus, the chromititemay have acted as a filter, preventing extensive migration ofsulphide melt downwards into the footwall. This could partiallyexplain the enrichment in PGE of the chromitite layer and theobserved paucity of sulphide in the footwall. KEY WORDS: X-ray computed tomography; microstructures; sulphides; Merensky Reef; J-M Reef 相似文献
Metamorphic hornblende frequently yields spectra with progressively increasing 40Ar/39Ar age steps, often interpreted as caused by partial resetting due to thermally activated radiogenic argon loss by solid‐state diffusion. Yet, in many cases rising Ca/K ratio spectra for such samples imply the presence of minor inclusions of K‐contaminant minerals. To avoid parts of grains with mineral inclusions or compositional zoning we drilled tiny discs from thin sections under a petrographic microscope. Laser step‐heating of drilled biotite‐free hornblende discs yielded flat age and ratio spectra. In contrast, furnace step‐heated hornblende separates from the same samples produced apparent loss age spectra. Moreover, biotite‐free samples yielded flat spectra by laser and furnace dating. Consequently, apparent loss spectra result from degassing of included substantially younger biotite before its hornblende host during laboratory step‐heating; c. 2640 Ma hornblende ages constrain the Murmansk Terrane's cooling. 相似文献
Douglas fir trees and associated soils were sampled from the slopes of a small ( 4 km2) drainage basin in northeastern Washington to investigate the biogeochemical response to locally uraniferous groundwater. Uranium is preferentially incorporated in needles and twigs compared to larger branches or the trunk. The U concentration in needle ash ranges from 0.2 to 5.8 μg g−1 (ppm) and shows no correlation with the U concentration in associated soils. Rather, the distribution of anomalously uraniferous douglas fir (>1.0μg g−1 U in needle ash) appears to be controlled by observed or readily inferred pathways of near-surface groundwater movement in the drainage. These pathways include: (1) general downslope movement of subsurface runoff; (2) increased flux of near-surface groundwater near the toe of an alluvial fan; and (3) emergence of uraniferous (100–150 ng ml−1 [ppb] groundwater in the vicinity of a slope spring. The data also indicate the presence of near-surface uraniferous groundwater along a structurally controlled zone that parallels the north-south strike of the valley, and that includes the slope spring. The results suggest that biogeochemical sampling may be used to supplement more direct, but more limited, measurements of groundwater quality and flow regime in areas of near-surface contaminated groundwater. 相似文献
The effects of K–Si-metasomatism during the formation of Early Archean replacement cherts have been quantified in this study by the investigation of two well-known stratigraphic sections: the Msauli chert (MC, Barberton greenstone belt, South Africa) and the Kittys Gap chert (KGC, Pilbara craton, Western Australia). The KGCs have a dacitic precursor similar to Duffer Formation dacites (Pilbara craton), while the MCs are derived from Al-depleted komatiites similar to those from the Weltevreden Formation (Barberton greenstone belt). Mass balance calculations reveal that the volcaniclastic deposits had initial porosities of up to 85 vol.% for the KGC and of 65 vol.% for the MC. Secondary porosities (27 vol.%: MC, 8 vol.%: KGC) produced during K-metasomatism are proportional to the dissolution of Fe, Ca, Mg-rich glass and precursor minerals. Komatiites have a higher chemical exchange potential than dacites, each gram releasing 1.2 mmol Fe2+, 2.8 mmol Mg2+, 1.4 mmol Ca2+ and 1.1 mmol Na+ to seawater, together with 4.4 mmol O2−. K-metasomatism of 1 g of komatiite further implies an uptake of 0.67 mmol of K+ and 2.7 mmol of H+. The highest silica uptake is achieved for the KGC (82 mmol/g of precursor). This silica enrichment most likely operated in the water column and at the sediment–water interface by sorption mechanisms on the surface of detrital particles and particulate organic matter, as a result of seawater silica-saturation. Acidic conditions (pH 5.5–6.5) and hot temperatures (>70 °C) favored the formation of K-rich phyllosilicates by interaction with seawater during the early diagenetic alteration of the volcaniclastic particles. The widespread occurrence of K–Si-metasomatism in volcanic and sedimentary rocks can be regarded as a general alteration process of the Early Archean seafloor, with a major influence on seawater composition. The highly K-selective metasomatism confirms previous studies suggesting that the Archean ocean was acidic and probably in equilibrium with a CO2-rich atmosphere. 相似文献
《Russian Geology and Geophysics》2015,56(12):1757-1771
Time-domain induced polarization (IP) data are used for approach to ore prospecting problems on the flanks of the Julietta gold-silver deposit. IP time-domain data are analyzed on the basis of the Debye decomposition, which allows reconstruction of the relaxation time distribution. Experimental dependences of the IP parameters on the main petrophysical properties of disseminated ores were used to interpret field data. The Debye decomposition helped to identify zones of hydrothermally and metasomatically altered rocks containing finely disseminated sulfide minerals, which were missed when using the standard procedure for the analysis of IP data. The estimated content of sulfide minerals in the altered rocks agrees with geological data. 相似文献
Three dating techniques for metamorphic minerals using the Sm–Nd, Lu–Hf and Pb isotope systems are combined and interpreted in context with detailed petrologic data from crustal segments in NW Namibia. The combination of isochron ages using these different approaches is a valuable tool to testify for the validity of metamorphic mineral dating. Here, PbSL, Lu–Hf and Sm–Nd garnet ages obtained on low- to medium-grade metasedimentary rocks from the Central Kaoko Zone of the Neoproterozoic Kaoko belt (NW Namibia) indicate that these samples were metamorphosed at around 550–560 Ma. On the other hand, granulite facies metasedimentary rocks from the Western Kaoko Zone underwent two phases of high-grade metamorphism, one at ca. 660–625 Ma and another at ca. 550 Ma providing substantial evidence that the 660–625 Ma-event was indeed a major tectonothermal episode in the Kaoko belt. Our age data suggest that interpreting metamorphic ages by applying a single dating method only is not reliable enough when studying complex metamorphic systems. However, a combination of all three dating techniques used here provides a reliable basis for geochronological age interpretation. 相似文献
The lavas in the active volcanic chain of the Erta Ale were emplaced 1 million years ago on the new crust of oceanic character created by the separation of the Arabic plate and the African plate. This differentiated series ranges from the basalts to the hyperalkaline rhyolites, passing through all the intermediate members. It is characterized by an iron enrichment in the intermediate series, and the role of silica is secondary in the differentiation which is controlled by the fractionation of olivine, pyroxene, and calcic plagioclases. By applying correspondence factor analysis to the rock samples analyzed for major and trace elements, factors were found expressing the importance of certain associations between the samples and their elements. The variables were projected onto factorial axes and graphs were plotted automatically showing their positions. Ellipses corresponding to the groups based on the rock types, volcanoes, and the indices of Kuno were drawn so that their situation in relation to the oxides and trace elements could be seen. From the plan of the axes, the degree of differentiation of the samples in the considered series is indicated, and the petrological terminology of the rocks may be verified. Two graphs, representing the series, are proposed using indices for the oxides and traces obtained from the results of correspondence analysis. 相似文献
Giovanni Barbera Antonino Lo Giudice Paolo Mazzoleni Anna Pappalardo 《Sedimentary Geology》2009,213(1-2):27-40
Mineralogical (X-ray diffraction) and geochemical (X-ray fluorescence) compositional data of Alpine Tethyde mudrocks from Sicily were used to unravel the interplay of provenance and diagenesis by means of multivariate statistical methods (PCA, discriminant function analysis) designed for non-negative constant-sum data. The Sicilian Alpine Tethydes comprise Cretaceous–Eocene scaly shales (Mt. Soro and Upper Scagliose Shales Units), Eocene–Oligocene variegated shales (Troina and Nicosia Units), and Miocene Numidian shales (Nicosia Unit). The use of biplots of clr-transformed variables allows discrimination of two different groups of shales. High CIA values reveal a strongly weathered source area especially for the Numidian shales. The analyses of mixed-layered clay minerals indicate that the behaviour of K2O and geochemical affine elements is controlled by the diagenetic grade, which increases from south-west to north-east in response to tectonic loading. Ratios of selected elements (Zr, Y, La, Nb, Ti, Co, Cr, Ni), considered essentially unchanged with respect to the source rocks, are similar in the scaly and variegated shales, and resemble the Variscan Peloritani metamorphic basement. In contrast, the distinct geochemical signature of the Numidian shales reveals a source similar to the average cratonic sandstone, suggesting derivation from external sources located in the foreland. Multivariate discriminant analysis performed on selected trace elements confirms the previous suggestions. 相似文献
A. Kröner 《Precambrian Research》1984,26(2):199-201
Embaie Ferrow 《Geochimica et cosmochimica acta》2011,75(21):6725