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The effects of temperatures and salinities on germination of two halophytes, Kalidium capsicum and Suaeda physophora in northwestern China, were tested, and their seed size and seed production were compared. It was found that seed of Suaeda physophora germinate under 10℃, even about 0℃, and at a wide temperature range of 10―30℃. It showed about 50% germination in the concentration up to 0.7 mol/L NaCl; optimum germination temperature of Kalidium capsicum was between 20℃ and 30℃. The concentration of less than 0.3 mol/L NaCl inhibited absolutely its germination. Germination recovery was observed when salinities were reduced and total germination percentage exceeded 90%. Seeds of Kalidium capsicum showed no loss of viability while Suaeda physophora an annual loss of viability of 75% at room temperature. Mean weight of seeds of Suaeda physophora was about 8.5 times of Kalidium capsicum, whereas the number of seeds of the latter was more than 20 times of the former. Suaeda physophora was observed to be dependent on periodic precipitation in germination and seedling growth. It suggests the evident trace of the species with zonation pattern. On the other hand, the germination of Kalidium capsicum was affected by unpredictable rain and inundation. This species might be a type without zonation patterns in halophytes. It was concluded that both species are halophytes, but they are established successfully by different adaptation strategies in the early stage of life history.  相似文献   

Rainfall–runoff models with different conceptual structures for the hydrological processes can be calibrated to effectively reproduce the hydrographs of the total runoff, while resulting in water budget components that are essentially different. This finding poses an open question on the reliability of rainfall–runoff models in reproducing hydrological components other than those used for calibration. In an effort to address this question, we use data from the Glafkos catchment in western Greece to calibrate and compare the ENNS model, a research-oriented lumped model developed for the river Enns in Austria developed for the river Enns in Austria, with the operational MIKE SHE model. Model performance is assessed in the light of the conceptual/structural differences of the modelled hydrological processes, using indices calculated independently for each year, rather than for the whole calibration period, since the former are stricter. We show that even small differences in the representation of hydrological processes may impact considerably on the water budget components that are not measured (i.e. not used for model calibration). From all water budget components, direct runoff exhibits the highest sensitivity to structural differences and related model parameters.
EDITOR M.C. Acreman

ASSOCIATE EDITOR S. Huang  相似文献   


This paper describes the linear response of an inviscid two‐layer model of a deep ocean on an f‐plane to a hurricane translating across the surface at constant speed. The forcing is a localized, radially‐symmetric pattern of positive wind stress curl and negative pressure anomaly. Only the steady state response is considered. The principal result is the identification of an internal wake in the lee of the storm, present when the translation speed of the storm exceeds the baroclinic long wave speed. The amplitude of the wake depends on the length of time over which the stress is experienced at a given point. The angle of the wedge filled by the wake is small, an effect due to the fact that the scale of a hurricane is typically larger than the baroclinic radius of deformation. After the wake disperses, a geostrophically balanced baroclinic ridge remains along the storm track.  相似文献   

The main purpose of this paper is comparison of two different approaches of solution to the Simple Molodensky’s Problem, the Molodensky’s Approach and the Analytical Continuation Approach, based on numerical computation. Although these approaches have been described theoretically by several authors, e.g. Molodensky et al. (1960), Heiskanen and Moritz (1967), Vaníček (1974), Moritz (1980) and Holota (1991, unpublished results) and theoretical proof of equivalence was given by Heiskanen and Moritz (1967), Moritz (1971), Ecker (1971) and Pellinen (1972, unpublished results), only very few practical experiences about the differences between particular solutions and computational efficiency exist. In this paper we compare the above two mentioned approaches in terms of the G1-effect on quasigeoid. Both quasigeoid solutions are tested by the independent GPS/levelling approach and are also compared with the previous quasigeoid model of Slovakia where the G1-term has been approximated using the classical terrain correction. The effect of the G2-term is also numerically estimated, revealing that it might be significant for the precise quasigeoid determination. Some practical comments and recommendations are given at the end of the paper.  相似文献   

Streamflow modelling results from the GR4H and PDM hydrological models were evaluated in two Australian sub-catchments, using (1) calibration to streamflow and (2) joint-calibration to streamflow and soil moisture. Soil moisture storage in the models was evaluated against soil moisture observations from field measurements. The PDM had the best performance in terms of both streamflow and soil moisture estimations during the calibration period, but was outperformed by GR4H during validation. It was also shown that the soil moisture estimation was improved significantly by joint-calibration for the case where streamflow and soil moisture estimations were poor. In other cases, addition of the soil moisture constraint did not degrade the results. Consequently, it is recommended that GR4H be used, in preference to the PDM, in the foothills of the Murrumbidgee catchment or other Australian catchments with semi-arid to sub-humid climate, and that soil moisture data be used in the calibration process.  相似文献   

ReflectionandtransmisionofseismicwavesataninterfacebetwentwosaturatedsoilsJUNYANG(杨峻)SHIMINGWU(吴世明)ZhejiangUniversity,Hangz...  相似文献   

Thequasi┐staticsolutionsoftwokindsofthethermo┐elasticproblemandthetimespacedistributionfeatureoftheseismicprecursorfieldsYON...  相似文献   

Problems in hydrology and water management that involve both surface water and groundwater are best addressed with simulation models that can represent the interactions between these two flow regimes. In the current generation of coupled models, a variety of approaches is used to resolve surface–subsurface interactions and other key processes such as surface flow propagation. In this study we compare two physics-based numerical models that use a 3D Richards equation representation of subsurface flow. In one model, surface flow is represented by a fully 2D kinematic approximation to the Saint–Venant equations with a sheet flow conceptualization. In the second model, surface routing is performed via a quasi-2D diffusive formulation and surface runoff follows a rill flow conceptualization. The coupling between the land surface and the subsurface is handled via an explicit exchange term resolved by continuity principles in the first model (a fully-coupled approach) and by special treatment of atmospheric boundary conditions in the second (a sequential approach). Despite the significant differences in formulation between the two models, we found them to be in good agreement for the simulation experiments conducted. In these numerical tests, on a sloping plane and a tilted V-catchment, we examined saturation excess and infiltration excess runoff production under homogeneous and heterogeneous conditions, the dynamics of the return flow process, the differences in hydrologic response under rill flow and sheet flow parameterizations, and the effects of factors such as grid discretization, time step size, and slope angle. Low sensitivity to vertical discretization and time step size was found for the two models under saturation excess and homogeneous conditions. Larger sensitivity and differences in response were observed under infiltration excess and heterogeneous conditions, due to the different coupling approaches and spatial discretization schemes used in the two models. For these cases, the sensitivity to vertical and temporal resolution was greatest for processes such as reinfiltration and ponding, although the differences between the hydrographs of the two models decreased as mesh and step size were progressively refined. In return flow behavior, the models are in general agreement, with the largest discrepancies, during the recession phase, attributable to the different parameterizations of diffusion in the surface water propagation schemes. Our results also show that under equivalent parameterizations, the rill and sheet flow conceptualizations used in the two models produce very similar responses in terms of hydrograph shape and flow depth distribution.  相似文献   

According to the different pattern of sea surface temperature anomaly(SSTA) in the previous year of La Nia events,we categorized La Nia events into two types to investigate the different characteristics of tropical cyclone(TC) activity over the western North Pacific(WNP) in TC peak season of two types La Nia events.One type is following the previous El Nio event(La Nia I);the other is following the previous neutral phase or developing La Nia event(La Nia II).Results show that TC genesis frequency in the WNP during TC peak season of La Nia I is less than normal year,whereas it has no differences from normal year during La Nia II.The main reason is attributed to the different amplitude SSTA in the East Indian Ocean(EIO) and the western Pacific Ocean(WPO).Similar to the capacitor effect,strongly positive SSTA in the EIO-WPO during La Nia I triggers an equatorial baroclinic Kelvin wave,which intensifies the easterly in the lower troposphere and weakens the East Asian summer monsoon,and thus the TC frequency decreased during La Nia I.However,the easterly anomaly shows a weak response to the SSTA in the EIO-WPO during La Nia II,and there is no significant change in the environmental pattern over the WNP;so is TC frequency.The modulation of strong EIO-WPO SSTA on large-scale circulation over the WNP reduces the environmental barotropic energy conversion into synoptic-scale disturbances during La Nia I,and also suppresses TC disturbances.The understanding of two different types of La Nia events could help improve the seasonal prediction of TC activity in the WNP during La Nia.  相似文献   

The English Channel is part of the "Greater North Sea" sub-region in the Marine Strategy Framework Directive. However, the Channel is characterized by hydrologic, oceanographic and biogeographic features that support its division into two main entities: the western basin and the eastern basin. This paper summarizes the Channel's main natural features and principal human activities to examine the similarities and differences between both basins. The differences between the basins support an ecosystem-based management approach at the combined basin scale, rather than the present approach of separating the France and UK sides.  相似文献   

The modeling results are presented on the annual dynamics of seismicity in the northeastern segment of the Amur plate, which are obtained from statistical studies of the number of earthquakes with magnitudes 2 ≤ М ≤ 6 in different phases of variations in the Earth’s rotation rate. We have calculated a degree of relationship between the observed seismicity variations and phases of decrease and increase in the Earth’s rotation rate for the magnitude ranges between 2 ≤ М < 4 and 4 ≤ М < 5 using rank correlation methods. It has been established that epicenters of earthquakes with magnitudes 5 ≤ М ≤ 6 are spatially grouped into a sequence of homogeneous equally spaced, 3.5°–4°, on average, east-westerly oriented clusters.  相似文献   

Based on Biot theory of two-phase anisotropic media and Hamilton theory about dynamic problem,finite element equations of elastic wave propagation in two-phase anisotopic media are derived in this paper.Numerical solution of finite element equations is given.Finally,properties of elastic wave propagation are observed and analyzed through FEM modeling.  相似文献   

Simulation outputs were used to contrast the distinct evolution patterns between two types of El Niño. The modeled isotherm depth anomalies closely matched satellite sea surface height anomalies. Results for the El Niño Modoki (central Pacific El Niño) corresponded well with previous studies which suggested that thermocline variations in the equatorial Pacific contain an east–west oscillation. The eastern Pacific El Niño experienced an additional north–south seesaw oscillation between approximately 15° N and 15° S. The wind stress curl pattern over the west-central Pacific was responsible for the unusual manifestation of the eastern Pacific El Niño. The reason why the 1982/1983 El Niño was followed by a normal state whereas a La Niña phase developed from the 1997/1998 El Niño is also discussed. In 1997/1998, the Intertropical Convergence Zone (ITCZ) retreated faster and easterly trade winds appeared immediately after the mature El Niño, cooling the sea surface temperature in the equatorial Pacific and generating the La Niña event. The slow retreat of the ITCZ in 1982/1983 terminated the warm event at a much slower rate and ultimately resulted in a normal phase.  相似文献   

The case study of four Pc1 subauroral pulsation events from Finland has been carried out on the basis of the full-wave numerical method. This method has been applied to simultaneous Scandinavian EISCAT radar measurements of the ionospheric plasma parameters, and their vertical (altitude) profiles have been utilized. Two alternative plasma profiles with different ion composition displays have been put to the test. A comparison between both types of the modeled ionospheric Alfvén resonator (IAR) ground signal frequency response and the frequency range of the Pc1 signal records has been studied. The results of the applied method can illustrate possible quiescent or disturbance changes in the upper ionosphere above the dense F2 layer. The ionospheric region up to ∼ 2000 km has been taken into account for this comparative analysis.  相似文献   

Soil‐disturbing animals play a critical role in many ecosystem processes. The loss of native soil‐foraging mammals (e.g. greater bilby Macrotis lagotis; burrowing bettong, Bettongia lesueur) throughout vast areas of Australia has altered fundamental soil processes such as decomposition. Little is known about whether surviving native soil‐disturbing animals (e.g. short‐beaked echidna, Tachyglossus aculeatus) produce soil disturbances that are functionally equivalent to those of locally‐extinct native animals. We used a litter bag study to compare abiotic and biotic mechanisms of decomposition within the foraging pits of two native mammal species. We compared decomposition rates between landforms, which we used as a surrogate for soil texture; grass species Austrostipa scabra subsp. scabra and Triodia scariosa subsp. scariosa, which we used as our substrates; and the effects of chemically excluding fungi and/or termites. There were initial differences in the organic mass loss between echidna and bilby/bettong foraging pits, with bilby/bettong pits losing more over 30 days, and echidnas losing more over 63 days. However, over 396 days there was no significant difference between the two pit types. Landform (soil texture) and chemical exclusion of termites and fungi did not affect our measures of decomposition until the final stage of the study. The two grass species lost significantly different amounts of organic material at each collection interval, with Austrostipa losing more at 30, 63 and 130 days and Triodia losing more at the final 396 day collection. This provided the most consistent effect on decomposition. Our results highlight the temporal idiosyncrasies in the various drivers of decomposition in this dune‐swale system. Overall, this study provides evidence that the foraging pits of the short‐beaked echidna do not differ markedly from those of the locally extinct greater bilby and burrowing bettong in terms of their capacity to maintain rates of decomposition at an annual scale. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In this study, sea surface salinity(SSS) indexes are derived from reanalysis and observational datasets to distinguish the two types of(Central Pacific(CP) and Eastern Pacific(EP)) El Ni?o events in the tropical Pacific. Based on the SSS anomalous spatial and temporal pointwise correlations with sea surface temperature(SST) indexes of two types of El Ni?o events, the key areas with SSS variations for EP and CP El Ni?o events are identified. For EP El Ni?o events, the key areas are located over an arcuate area centered at(0°, 130°E) and in the central equatorial Pacific covering(5°S–5°N, 175°W–158°W). For CP El Ni?o events, the key areas are located in the northeastern western Pacific covering(2°N, 142°E–170°E) and in the southeastern Pacific covering(20°S–10°S, 135°W–95°W). The key areas for EP and CP El Ni?o events in this study are not located near the dateline in the equatorial Pacific and differ from those obtained from the regression or composite methods.Accordingly, these key areas are used to construct SSS indexes, termed as the CP/EP El Ni?o SSS index(CSI/ESI), to distinguish EP and CP El Ni?o events independently. The SSS indexes are verified by different datasets over varying time periods and they can be adequately used to identify the two types of El Ni?o events and serve as another useful tool for monitoring ENSO. These analyses offer novel insight into how to represent the diversity of El Ni?o events.  相似文献   

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