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Higher Education is frequently said to be in a time of disruption, and narratives of how that disruption will play out have become a cottage industry. This essay critically reviews four such narratives – two journalistic works, one corporatist, techno-capitalist vision of the unbundling of Higher Education in America, and one critical, scholarly defense of the university as a center of critical thinking. The essay reflects on what the latter text can tell us about how this coming disruption can be collectively managed by education professionals.  相似文献   

天山—兴蒙造山带是国内晶质石墨矿的主要成矿带,已查明柳毛石墨矿、石场石墨矿等多个大型沉积型石墨矿床,五义屯石墨矿矿床是近年在该带上新探获的一座大型晶质石墨矿床。本文阐述了该矿床的区域地质背景、地球物理特征、矿床地质特征,并分析了矿床成因和找矿方向。结果表明,该矿床是大型沉积变质型石墨矿床,矿体具明显层控特征,主要赋存于中-新元古界麻山岩群余庆岩组中;矿体品位厚度稳定,主要呈大鳞片粒级;矿体与围岩地球物理特征差异明显,具明显低阻高极化特征;本矿床具有成为超大型石墨矿床的潜力,其外围对寻找沉积变质型石墨矿床具有良好的资源远景。  相似文献   

中南地区锡、锰、铅锌、金、稀土等资源找矿潜力大,成矿条件有利,中国地质调查局组织实施了扬子陆块及周缘地质矿产调查工程和七个二级项目,全力支撑找矿突破战略行动锰、锡等重点矿种勘查目标的实现.扬子工程近两年来新发现大量矿化点,圈定了一批找矿靶区,总结了区域成矿规律,在扬子古陆核及其东南缘、北缘、华夏陆块群等构造演化等成矿地质背景研究取得较多进展,一批地质调查项目圈定的有利找矿靶区转入矿产勘查.依据国土资源部及地质调查局的工作部署,本文提出下一阶段工作的初步规划,继续在成矿区带开展1∶5万地质矿产调查和科技创新工作,聚焦华南陆块聚散过程中的资源效应和资源潜力评价,助力华南大宗矿种与战略性新兴矿种资源新格局和重要矿产资源基地建设.  相似文献   

《China Geology》2020,3(1):153-172
Serving as a way to understand the material composition, structure, and dynamic process of the Earth’s interior, deep earth exploration is driven by not only mankind’s pursuit of natural mysteries but also mankind’s basic need to obtain resources and guarantee economic and social development. The first phase of deep earth exploration of China (SinoProbe) was carried out from 2008 to 2016 and tremendous results were achieved. In 2016, the China Geological Survey launched a Deep Geological Survey Project (also referred to as the Project) to continuously explore the deep Earth. Focusing on the national energy resources strategy, the Belt and Road Initiative, and major basic issues of the geological survey, the Project was carried out in Songliao Basin (an important energy base in China) and major geological boundaries and tectonic units including Qilian Mountains-Tianshan Mountains and Qinzhou-Hangzhou juncture belt. The purpose of it is to reveal the process, structure, and forming patterns of the deep ore deposits and petroleum reservoirs, clarify the evolutionary pattem and controlling factors of Mesozoic environmental climate, and discover deep fine structures of key orogens, basins, and mountains by comprehensive geophysical exploration and scientific drilling. Great achievements have been obtained after more than three years of efforts, including a cumulative 1552 km of deep seismic reflection profiles and magnetotelluric profiles, an ultra-deep continental scientific drilling well, a scientific drilling pilot hole, and a magnetotelluric array and a portable broadband seismic array, both of which cover South China. Moreover, significant progress has been made in ultra-deep drilling technology, deep oil and gas discovery in Songliao Basin, and basic geological issues of Qilian Orogen and Qinzhou-Hangzhou juncture belt in South China, greatly accelerating the deep earth exploration in China and further consolidating China’s position as a power in deep earth exploration.  相似文献   

任凯珍  冒建  陈国浒 《城市地质》2011,6(1):45-48,29
本文主要介绍了地质灾害与地质环境的分布关系,并得出地质环境对地质灾害易发程度的影响等级,为地质灾害易发区划或预警区划因子权重的确定提供参考。  相似文献   

数字地质调查系统在提高调查数字化、规范化具有重要的作用。本文介绍了数字地质调查系统的基本情况,并对本系统在城市地质灾害调查应用提出了建议。  相似文献   

试论四川地质景观资源与地质演化的关系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
四川省大地构造演化复杂,主要划分为:扬子准地台基底生成阶段,扬子准地台发展阶段,川西地槽发展阶段,四川盆地发展阶段,高原隆起、大造山与第四纪冰川阶段.它们造就了数以千计的精品地质遗迹景观,其类型多样,特色鲜明,璀灿峥嵘,脍炙人口.  相似文献   

Geological outline of the Alps   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The Alps were developed from the Cretaceous onwards by subduction of a Mesozoic ocean and collision between the Adriatic (Austroalpine-Southalpine) and European (Penninic-Helvetic) continental margins.The Austroalpine-Penninic wedge is the core of the collisional belt, a fossil subduction complex which floats on the European lower plate. It consists of continental and minor oceanic nappes and is marked by a blueschist-to-eclogite-facies imprint of Cretaceous-Eocene age, followed by a Barrovian overprint. The collisional wedge was later accreted by the Helvetic basement and cover units and indented by the Southalpine lithosphere, which in turn was deformed as an antithetic fold-and-thrust belt.  相似文献   

尹硕 《地质论评》2022,68(5):1652-1652
为表彰一批在我国地质工作中做出突出成绩和贡献的女性地质科技工作者,向中国地质学会成立百年献礼,学会于2022年2月22日启动了第三届优秀女地质科技工作者奖的申报推荐工作。近期,学会召开第三届优秀女地质科技工作者奖评审会议。会后对评审结果在中国地质学会网站进行了为期5个工作日的公示,公示期间未收到任何异议。现将第三届优秀女地质科技工作者奖评选结果(获奖名单见附件)予以公布。  相似文献   

钻探是城市地质调查的重要技术手段,钻探编录则是直接获取第一手原始资料的重要环节,城市地质调查钻探编录不同于传统的矿产勘探地质编录,内容更为丰富和复杂。文中通过在编录中的实践,向从事此项工作的同行介绍一些心得体会。  相似文献   

地质灾害发育程度与当地地质条件息息相关,地质条件又主要与出露的地层岩性、构造产状、地形地貌相关;地质灾害发育情况亦与气象条件和人类工程活动有一定关系.  相似文献   

The Afro-Arabian dome includes the elevated continental regions enclosing the Red Sea, Gulf of Aden, and the Ethiopian rift system, and extends northwards as far as Jordan. It is more than an order of magnitude larger than other African uplifts. Both the structures and the igneous rocks of the dome appear to be products of the superimposition of two, perhaps three, semi-independent generating systems, initiated at different times but all still active. A strain pattern dominated by NW-trending basins and rifts first became established early in the Cretaceous. By the end of the Oligocene, much of the extensional strain had been taken up along the Red Sea and Gulf of Aden axes, which subsequently developed into an ocean. Palaeogene “trap” volcanism of mildly alkaline to transitional character was related to this horizontal extension rather than to doming. Further west, the East Sahara swell has a history of intermittent alkaline volcanicity which began in the Mesozoic and was independent of magmatism in the Afro-Arabian dome. Volcanicity specifically related to doming began in the Miocene along a N-S zone of uplift extending from Ethiopia to Syria. This elongated swell forms the northern termination of the East African system of domes and rifts, characterized by episodic vertical uplift but very little extension. Superimposition of epeirogenic uplift upon structures formed by horizontal extension took place in the Neogene. Volcanicity related to vertical tectonics is mildly alkaline in character, whereas transitional and tholeiitic magmas are found along the spreading axes.  相似文献   

祁鹏  郭刚  任亚平  崔敏  王欣 《现代地质》2021,35(4):1098-1105
针对西湖凹陷始新世平湖运动认识不深入的问题,以三维地震资料精细解释和综合地质分析为基础,系统总结了西湖凹陷平湖运动的地质表征.研究表明,平湖运动是西湖凹陷一次重大的构造事件,控制了始新世伸展应力场从前平湖组沉积时期的北西-南东向转为平湖组沉积时期的北西西-南东东向.在平湖运动过程中,西湖凹陷构造变形和沉积充填发生了巨大...  相似文献   

王钦贤  陈多福 《现代地质》2010,24(3):552-559
巨量天然气水合物广泛赋存于大陆坡海底和高纬度永久冻土带沉积物中,是重要的环境影响因素。有些地质历史时期发生的重大地质灾变可能是由天然气水合物分解释放甲烷引起的。持续时间短暂且显著的全球性海相和陆相碳同位素的负漂移、甲烷起源的极负碳酸盐岩碳同位素值(特别是δ13C<-40‰)、碳酸盐岩溶解、指示甲烷浓度异常的生物标志化合物、生物成因重晶石富集、类似冷泉碳酸盐岩发育的特殊沉积组构、海底垮塌及碳酸盐结晶扇(如文石)等是支持天然气水合物分解“假说”的主要证据。但这些证据还存在一定的局限性,该“假说”仍然存在较大的争论,因此需要进一步深入研究。  相似文献   

地质标本信息数字化与数字地质博物馆建设的宏观思考   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
曹希平 《地球学报》2007,28(2):205-208
标本信息是地质标本的价值所在.标本信息数字化是提高标本利用效率和使用价值的有效途径.数字博物馆是现代信息技术条件下地质标本信息数字化的一个形态.它以计算机网络方式把分散的标本数字化信息源组成一个有序的整体,并把这个整体以远程服务方式提供给全球的用户.在目前信息技术条件下,分布式数据源通过门户网站方式整合信息资源是信息共享的最好途径.  相似文献   

乐圆 《地球学报》2017,38(2):304-312
随着地学博物馆数量逐年大幅增加,除自身的基本陈列外,专题展览活动也随之加重,具有专业性、科学性、趣味性、及时性和延续性等多种特点.在国家文化繁荣发展的时代背景下,大部分地学博物馆陈列展示使用的展览内容框架雷同、千篇一律,难以激发观众参观热情.中国地质博物馆作为地学博物馆的“领头羊”对博物馆展览陈列设计特点进行了一系列的研究.本文以该馆为例,总结了地学博物馆展览陈列的设计原则、流程和要素.在原则方面,设计师在进行艺术设计同时需掌握地学知识;在流程方面,先策划,确定展品数量梳理展览大纲,再进行总体规划和展览艺术形式设计,最后实现协作与优化.在要素方面,展览陈列设计需要特别注意空间布局、展品选择、艺术表现形式、光环境设计、色彩设计等七个方面的应用.展览陈列设计师要努力挖掘和彰显地学专业的特性,不断创造新的表现形式,从而促进我国地学博物馆的蓬勃发展,更好地为公共事业做贡献.  相似文献   

付顺  陈晓琴  阚瑷珂 《华北地质》2011,34(2):139-145
在对四川大巴山国家地质公园地质遗迹景观实地调查研究的基础上,对资源类型进行了划分.综合前人的评价方法对地质遗迹景观进行定性与定量评价,结果表明,褶皱构造景观、岩溶地貌景观是公园的导向性地质遗迹景观.公园旅游资源的自然属性得分率较高,其典型性、稀有性、奇特性特征突出,资源的科学价值、美学价值高,旅游开发潜力大.  相似文献   

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