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Based upon the stochastic resonance theory,the formation mechanism of 100-kyr cycles in climate system is numerically studied in the perspective of stochastic dynamics.In this study,firstly we combine the idealized albedo model with the geological evidence and observation in climate system to construct a new albedo model.Secondly,a bistable nonlinear system is constructed by introducing the albedo model into zero-dimensional energy balance model.Finally,based on this new system,with the solar radiation cycles and stochastic perturbation simultaneously taken into account,the variation of 100-kyr cycles is analyzed by numerical simulations.The results show that,when the noise intensity reaches a certain value,the stochastic resonance can be triggered.However,the noise intensity in this level does not exist in the actual climate system.In order to explain the formation mechanism of 100-kyr glacial-interglacial cycles forced by the weak solar radiation cycles,besides the solar radiation stochastic perturbation,the stochastic dynamic effects of the other "non-solar" radiation stochastic perturbation in the climate change processes should also be considered.The stochastic dynamic simulations taking the two types of stochastic perturbation into consideration show that,when the two types of appropriately observable stochastic perturbation are introduced,the stochastic resonance also can be generated.In this situation,the contribution rate of solar radiation stochastic perturbation is about 38%,which proves the importance of solar radiation stochastic perturbation in the formation of 100-kyr climate cycles.  相似文献   

During the seymama expedition of the French R/V Marion Dufresne in the equatorial Indian Ocean, we retrieved giant piston cores (30–53 m long) as part of a high resolution palaeo-oceanographic and stratigraphic study of Pliocene-Pleistocene pelagic carbonates. Major changes in the compressional wave (P wave) velocity profiles recorded in these cores appear to be correlatable from the Madingley Rise (western equatorial Indian Ocean) to the southeast of the Maldives archipelago (central equatorial Indian Ocean), about 1700 km away, thus emphasizing the stratigraphic potential of acoustic records in uncemented pelagic carbonates.

As expected in deep-sea carbonate deposits, changes in P-wave velocity parallel past changes in coarse fraction content (> 63 μm). Changes in grain size appear to be mainly controlled by carbonate dissolution, as evidenced by a strong relationship between sand content and a foraminifer preservation index. Thus, in uncemented pelagic carbonates, P-wave velocities provide quick and easy to obtain qualitative information on carbonate dissolution pulses. As diagenesis takes place, however, compaction and cementation change the dynamic rigidity (μ) of the sediments and may conceal the original grain size signal.

Due to the strong positive relationship between P-wave velocity and coarse fraction content in uncemented pelagic carbonates, P-wave velocity profiles can be tied to a precise chronologic framework by correlating them to the composite grain size index curve (CGSI) established by Bassinot et al. for the tropical Indian Ocean [1,2]. This composite curve has been constructed by stacking the normalized coarse fraction records from ODP Site 722 (Owen Ridge, Arabian Sea [3]) and ODP Site 758 (Ninetyeast Ridge, central equatorial Indian Ocean [4]). In these two sites, detailed δ18O records provide the basis for precise inter-site correlations. They ensure the accuracy of the stacking procedure, which tends to reduce most of the local grain size signals and enhances the regional signal related to carbonate dissolution pulses [1,2]. A detailed chronostratigraphy of CGSI curve was developed by correlating the δ18O records of Sites 722 and 758 to the orbital chronology recently developed from ODP Site 677 [5]. The CGSI may be used as a reference curve for developing a sonostratigraphy in the tropical Indian Ocean.  相似文献   

A comparison of the oxygen isotope signal in deep-sea benthic foraminifera with the record of glacio-eustatic sea level for the last 160,000 years reveals that the amplitude of the benthic δ18O records predicts more continental ice volume than appears to be reflected in lowered sea level stands. These differences between the benthic δ18O ice volume estimates and radiometrically-dated records of eustatic sea level are consistent with the presence of a large floating Arctic Ocean ice mass during glacial intervals. The presence of an Arctic Ocean ice sheet during glacial intervals may account for the two climatic modes observed in oxygen isotope records which span the entire Pleistocene. The early Pleistocene (1.8 to 0.9 Myr B.P.) interval is characterized by low-amplitude, high-frequency δ18O fluctuations between glacial and interglacial periods, while the late Pleistocene (0.9 Myr B.P. to present) is characterized by large-amplitude, low-frequency δ18O changes. These two climatic modes can be explained by the initiation of earth orbital conditions favoring the co-occurrence of glacial period Arctic Ocean ice sheets and large continental ice sheets approximately 900,000 years before present.  相似文献   

Summary The Author mentions some geographical data apparently neglected when one is considering the origin of a developing tropical cyclone.
Résumé L'auteur avance quelques critiques au sujet de diverses techniques employées actuellement dans l'étude de l'origine des cyclones tropicaux.

The Nihewan (Nihowan) Basin is well known in the world for producing abundant mammal fossils and paleoliths. As one issue of the program 搕he early hominid evolution and environmental background in East Asia?a biostratigraphic survey was made in July 2001, and a large number of mammal fossils were un-earthed and 5 lithic artifacts were recognized from the Majuangou gully in the Nihewan Basin, Hebei Prov-ince, North China. 1 Stratigraphic section The new site is located on the south bank…  相似文献   

通过对“中国大陆环境钻探计划”首钻——云南鹤庆深钻前155 m约800 ka以来的岩芯进行孢粉研究,探讨了云南鹤庆盆地中更新世以来的植被演替与古气候变迁.研究表明鹤庆盆地周围山地的植被在约800 kaBP至6.98 kaBP之间经历了以松为主的针叶林、山地针阔叶混交林、寒温性针叶林的多次相互演替;从6.98 kaBP开始,植被发生了转折性变化,森林植被迅速退化,以草本为主,此时开始受到人类活动的影响,人类活动表现在砍伐森林和种植农作物等方面.与植被演替相应的古气候可划分为五个大的阶段,包含多次冷暖、干湿旋回.  相似文献   

天文气候学10万年问题的研究   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:7       下载免费PDF全文
为了研究第四纪晚更新世(约100万年前到2万年前)古气候的周期变化以及在轨道尺度上气候系统对太阳辐射的响应,本文发展了适合于非线性非平稳数据的分析方法即经验模态分解(EMD),对太阳辐射古气候记录进行了分析,进而重新认识了地球轨道周期变化影响下的太阳辐射的气候意义.研究结果表明,太阳辐射中偏心率的影响是相当大的,而不是以前认为的不到1%的影响,至少它是和太阳辐射的黄赤交角,岁差波段的信号是可以相比拟的.  相似文献   

It is apparent that there are three periods in various Quaternary paleoclimate records, the pe-riod of the Earth抯 orbital eccentricity cycles, ~100 ka, the period of the Earth抯 obliquity cycles, 41 ka, and the periods of the precession cycles, 23 ka and…  相似文献   

Long‐term changes and variability in river flows in the tropical Upper Suriname River Basin in Suriname (2–6°N, 54–58°W) are analysed, including the relation to sea surface temperatures (SSTs) in the tropical Atlantic and Pacific Ocean. To analyse variability, lag correlation and statistical properties of the data series are used. Long‐term changes are analysed using parametric and non‐parametric statistical techniques. The analyses are performed for the period 1952–1985. The results show that both river discharge series at Semoisie and Pokigron are non‐stationary and have a negative trend. The negative rainfall trend in the centre of Suriname may be responsible for the negative trend in the annual river discharges in the basin. The highest correlation (Pearson's coefficient c) is obtained when the Tropical North Atlantic (TNA) SSTs lags the monthly discharges at Pokigron by 3–4 months (c = 0·7) and when the Tropical South Atlantic (TSA) SSTs lags the discharges by 4 months (c = ? 0·7). It also follows that the high (low) monthly flows, from April–August (September–March) are associated with increasing (decreasing) SSTs in the TNA and with decreasing (increasing) SSTs in the TSA. The results also reveal that years with low (high) discharges are more related to warmer (colder) SSTs during the year in the TNA region and a southward displacement of the Inter‐Tropical Convergence Zone (ITCZ). However, the Pacific El Niño (La Niña) events may also be responsible for low (high) flow years in this basin. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The circulation and zonal wind anomalies in the lower troposphere over the equatorial western Pacific and their roles in the developing and decaying processes of the 1982–1983, 1986 –1987, 1991–1992 and 1997–1998 El Ni?o events and the occurrence of La Ni?a events are analyzed by using the observed data in this paper. The results show that before the developing stage of these El Ni?o events, there were cyclonic circulation anomalies in the lower troposphere over the tropical western Pacific, and the anomalies brought the westerly anomalies over the Indonesia and the tropical western Pacific. However, when the El Ni?o events developed to their mature phase, there were anticyclonic circulation anomalies in the lower troposphere over the tropical western Pacific, and the anomalies made the easterly anomalies appear over the tropical western Pacific. A simple, dynamical model of tropical ocean is used to calculate the response of the equatorial oceanic waves to the observed anomalies of wind stress near the sea surface of the equatorial Pacific during the 1997/98 ENSO cycle, which was the strongest one in the 20th century. It is shown that the zonal wind stress anomalies have an important dynamical effect on the devel-opment and decay of this El Ni?o event and the occurrence of the following La Ni?a event.  相似文献   

The accumulation of extraterrestrial 3He, a tracer for interplanetary dust particles (IDPs), in sediments from the Ontong Java Plateau (OJP; western equatorial Pacific Ocean) has been shown previously to exhibit a regular cyclicity during the late Pleistocene, with a period of ∼100 ka. Those results have been interpreted to reflect periodic variability in the global accretion of IDPs that, in turn, has been linked to changes in the inclination of Earth’s orbit with respect to the invariable plane of the solar system. Here we show that the accumulation in OJP sediments of authigenic 230Th, produced by radioactive decay of 234U in seawater, exhibits a 100-ka cyclicity similar in phase and amplitude to that evident in the 3He record. We interpret the similar patterns of 230Th and 3He accumulation to reflect a common origin within the ocean-climate system. Comparing spatial and temporal patterns of sediment accumulation against regional patterns of biological productivity and against the well-established pattern of CaCO3 dissolution in the deep Pacific Ocean leads to the further conclusion that a common 100-ka cycle in accumulation of biogenic, authigenic and extraterrestrial constituents in OJP sediments reflects the influence of climate-related changes in sediment focusing, rather than changes in the rate of production or supply of sedimentary constituents.  相似文献   

The Marathousa Member, Middle Pleistocene strata in the fluvio-lacustrine Megalopolis basin, southwest Greece, displays distinct but complicated lithological cycles comprising first-order alternation of lignites and detrital muds and second-order alternation expressed by frequent intercalation of organic layers. Palynological evidence indicates that the lithological cycles are driven by the Earth’s orbital forcing. All the lignite seams yield temperate oak forest whereas the detrital beds provide semi-arid steppe mainly of Artemisia. This means that the first-order lithological cycle represents the glacial/interglacial cycle (i.e., the 100-kyr eccentricity cycle), providing a timescale of at least 350 kyr to the Marathousa Member. Pollen also detects smaller-scale climate fluctuations in many of the subordinate organic layers, with the total number of fluctuations being five in a complete lignite-detritus couplet. This means that the second-order lithological cycle reflects the 21-kyr insolation cycle. A tentative phase relation between the lithological cycles and the astronomical cycles is shown based on palynostratigraphy and electron spin resonance dating. Lacustrine environments with increased water tables are implied for the glacial periods sedimentologically, in contrast to local swamp vegetation for the interglacial periods. The subordinate organic layers were formed under intermediate environments (climate, water depth, etc.) between full glacials and interglacials.  相似文献   

In this paper we report on Longgudong,an Early Pleistocene cave site in south China which was systematically excavated in 1999 and 2000,and where human teeth and associated stone artifacts were discovered within the same stratigraphic layer.The age of this site was estimated from faunal comparisons and palaeomagnetism and has been attributed to the Early Pleistocene,most probably the earlier Early Pleistocene.The human teeth from this site have been well studied.However,the stone artifacts are still unknown to most scholars.This paper thus presents an analysis of the lithics as the first firmly demonstrated stone tools associated with Early Pleistocene human fossils in south China.  相似文献   

Statistical study on the universal time variations in the mean hourly auroral electrojet index (AE-index) has been undertaken for a 21 y period over two solar cycles (1957–1968 and 1978–1986). The analysis, applied to isolated auroral substorm onsets (inferred from rapid variations in the AE-index) and to the bulk of the AE data, indicates that the maximum in auroral activity is largely confined to 09–18 UT, with a distinct minimum at 03–06 UT. The diurnal effect was clearly present throughout all seasons in the first cycle but was mainly limited to northern winter in the second cycle. Severe storms (AE > 1000 nT) tended to occur between 9–18 UT irrespective of the seasons whereas all larger magnetic disturbances (AE > 500 nT) tended to occur in this time interval mostly in winter. On the whole the diurnal trend was strong in winter, intermediate at equinox and weak in summer. The implication of this study is that Eastern Siberia, Japan and Australia are mostly at night, during the period of maximum auroral activity whereas Europe and Eastern America are then mostly at daytime. The minimum of auroral activity coincides with near-midnight conditions in Eastern America. It appears that the diurnal UT distribution in the AE-index reflects a diurnal change between interplanetary magnetic field orientation and the Earths magnetic dipole inclination.  相似文献   

Akiko  Omura  Koichi  Hoyanagi  Satoko  Ishikawa 《Island Arc》2006,15(3):355-365
Abstract   Both marine and terrigenous organic matter are deposited in shelf and continental slope environments. In the present study, the relationship between environmental changes in the Choshi area and the sedimentation of organic matter was examined. The sediments of the Choshi core were deposited on a shelf environment and their lithology and ichnofacies, as well as the composition of the contained kerogen (insoluble organic matter) indicate a shallowing upward succession. The organic matter preserved in the sediments is of both marine and terrigenous origin, on the basis of C/N ratios (5.90–9.45), δ13C values (−21.6‰−24.6‰) and kerogen microscopy. The total organic carbon (TOC) content (0.39–1.08%) of the sediments shows a positive correlation with the increase of terrigenous organic matter before 500 ka, but decreases (0.26–0.61%) after 500 ka as the shelf environment becomes shallower because of dilution, caused by the input of terrigenous inorganic clasts, and oxidation. The variation in TOC contents was thus influenced by the increasing sedimentation rate of terrigenous materials, including both organic and inorganic particles as the basin filled.  相似文献   

The 0.196 Ma, lithic-rich Abrigo Ignimbrite on Tenerife, Canary Islands contains localised massive, coarse pumice-rich ignimbrite lobes (MPRILs). They typically form low ridges up to 2 m high with axes parallel to the flow direction, and, in cross-section, they range from symmetrical to asymmetrical and highly skewed lobate bedforms generally with flat bases. The major components are rounded pebble- to cobble-sized phonolitic pumice clasts within an ignimbritic matrix of ash, fine lithics and minor crystals, which varies from lithic-rich to lithic-poor. Commonly, there is a vertical increase in pumice concentration from matrix-supported texture at the base to clast-supported at the top, accompanied by an increase in pumice clast size. MPRILs often thin and grade laterally perpendicular to current flow into planar pumice concentration zones. They occur at one or more stratigraphic levels as either solitary lobes associated with flat topography or as multiple onlapping lobes or within a laterally complex stratified pumice-rich ignimbrite facies (LCSPIs) near palaeotopographic highs.MPRILs are original depositional features, not erosional in origin and are derived from a larger pyroclastic flow. It is likely that pumice was segregated to the upper and outer regions of the parent flow causing a significant rheological contrast with the lower lithic-rich zone. The more pumice-rich parts are interpreted to have detached from the parent flow as it decelerated onto gentler slopes or interacted with topographic highs and raced ahead as mobile derivative pyroclastic flows. The flow-parallel ridge shape of MPRILs may be a result of fingering within these flows or concentration of pumice within the intermediary clefts. Deposition occurred “en masse” at the termination of the flow front. The resultant lobate deposits were then overridden and mantled by normal ignimbrite facies from either a later flow pulse or the following main part of the parent flow.  相似文献   

Branched and Isoprenoid Tetraether (BIT) index was considered as a proxy for terrestrial organic matter input in lake sediments, based on the assumption that branched glycerol dialkyl glycerol tetraethers (bGDGTs) are mainly derived from terrestrial soils. However, mounting evidences have showed that the in situ production of bGDGTs is widespread in lakes, challenging BIT as a reliable terrestrial input proxy. Recently, BIT has been proven to be a reliable proxy for paleohydrology in a small crater lake (Lake Challa) in accordance with a different mechanism. However, the response of BIT to paleohydrology variation may differ for different lakes. In this study, we investigate the variations in the BIT index and the concentrations of its related GDGTs in a 12-ka sediment core from Lake Qinghai, in combination with our previous results for surface sediments. We find that variations in BIT strongly depend on the concentration of crenarchaeol in both surface and ancient sediments of this lake, whereas bGDGT concentration varies much less remarkably. Considering that crenarchaeol production is positively correlated with water depth in Lake Qinghai, water depth may exert negative control on the BIT index in this lake. This case is inconsistent with the positive relationship between BIT and lake levels or rainfall intensity reported for Lake Challa, suggesting that the response of BIT to local paleohydrology is site specific in lacustrine systems. Hence, the application of sedimentary BIT as a paleohydrological proxy in a specific lake requires caution before confirming the environmental controls on BIT in that lake.  相似文献   

The Early Cretaceous may be considered a key period for understanding the evolution of the Earth’s magnetic field. Some still unsolved problems are related to the mode of paleosecular variation (PSV) of the Earth’s magnetic field before and during the Cretaceous Normal Superchron. We report here a detailed rock-magnetic, paleomagnetic and paleointensity investigation from 28 lava flows (331 standard paleomagnetic cores) collected in the Argentinean part of the Parana Flood Basalts (Formation Posadas) in order to contribute to the study of PSV during the early Cretaceous and to obtain precise Cretaceous paleomagnetic pole positions for stable South America. The average paleofield direction is precisely determined from 26 sites, which show small within-site dispersion and high directional stability. Five sites show evidences for the self-reversal of thermoremanent magnetization. 23 sites yielded normal polarity magnetization and only 3 are reversely magnetized. Moving windows averages were used to analyze the sequential variation of virtual geomagnetic pole’s (VGP) axial positions. Interestingly, the axial average VGP path traces an almost complete cycle around the geographical pole and passes near the location of all previously published Paraná Magmatic Province poles. Both paleomagnetic poles and average VGP paths are significantly different from the pole position suggested by fixed hotspot reconstructions, which may be due to true polar wander or the hotspot motion itself. Only 15 samples from 5 individual basaltic lava flows, yielded acceptable paleointensity estimates. The site mean paleointensities range from 25.2 ± 2.2 to 44.0 ± 2.2 μT. The virtual dipole moments (VDMs) range from 4.8 to 9.9 × 1022 Am2. This correspond to a mean value of 7.7 ± 2.1 × 1022 Am2 which is 96% of the present day geomagnetic field strength. These intensities agree with the relatively high values already reported for Early Cretaceous, which are consistent with some inferences from computer simulations previously published.  相似文献   

In remote, tropical areas human influences increase, potentially threatening pristine seagrass systems. We aim (i) to provide a bench-mark for a near-pristine seagrass system in an archipelago in East Kalimantan, by quantifying a large spectrum of abiotic and biotic properties in seagrass meadows and (ii) to identify early warning indicators for river sediment and nutrient loading, by comparing the seagrass meadow properties over a gradient with varying river influence. Abiotic properties of water column, pore water and sediment were less suitable indicators for increased sediment and nutrient loading than seagrass properties. Seagrass meadows strongly responded to higher sediment and nutrient loads and proximity to the coast by decreasing seagrass cover, standing stock, number of seagrass species, changing species composition and shifts in tissue contents. Our study confirms that nutrient loads are more important than water nutrient concentrations. We identify seagrass system variables that are suitable indicators for sediment and nutrient loading, also in rapid survey scenarios with once-only measurements.  相似文献   

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