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笔者在1:5万腊窝乡、里庄幅区域地质调查中,对区内出露的沉积盖层中的生物地层层序、古生物化石的产出状态、组合面貌和发育特征等进行了详细的研究。将区内生物地层单位分为玛多-马尔康分区雅江小区和盐源-丽江分区两个片区。自下而上,雅江小区建立有6个生物化石带,盐源-丽江分区建立有14个生物化石带。  相似文献   

Upper Devonian terrigenous red rocks in the middle Timan region enclose many paleopedocomplexes. Some sections include both paleosoil profiles with well-preserved coalified organic matter of in situ root systems and profiles lacking these features. Lithological investigations revealed that sedimentary beds are mostly composed of sand-to gravel-sized clay clasts (with small pebbles) and characterized by subaerial spasmodic proluvial genesis. The pelitic-silty bedded sediments accumulated in water basins with calm hydrodynamics are less widespread. It is established that organic matter of roots is preserved only if they are rapidly overlain by sediments of debris flows.  相似文献   

Reconsideration of the possible existence during the Upper Proterozoic of the Anga uplift northeast of the Kurtun river is indicated by the revised figures for the thicknesses of the threepart Baykalian series in the Kurtun river basin. No significant changes either in the thickness or the composition of the Baykalian series are shown by comparison of the sections along the Goloustnaya and Kurtun rivers and the tributaries of the Bugul'deyka and Anga. --Author.  相似文献   

广西六景泥盆纪吉维阶-弗拉斯阶界线层牙形石生物地层   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
广西六景泥盆系剖面是我国泥盆系标准剖面之一 ,通过对其吉维阶 -弗拉斯阶界线上下地层进行详细的牙形石生物地层研究 ,自上而下识别出 12个牙形石带 :Palmatolepis jamieae带、Palmatolepis hassi带、Palmatolepispunctata带、Palmatolepistransitans带、上 Mesotaxisfalsiovalis带、下 Mesotaxisfalsiovalis带、Klapperina dispar-ilis带、上 Schmidtognathus hermanni- Polygnathus cristatus带、下 Schmidtognathus hermanni- Polygnathus cristatus带、上 Polygnathus varcus带、中 Polygnathus varcus带、下 Polygnathus varcus带。吉维阶 -弗拉斯阶界线 (即中 -上泥盆统界线 )由 Ancyrodella binodosa→ Ancyrodella rotundiloba early form→ Ancyrodella rotundiloba late form这一演化线系中的 Ancyrodella rotundiloba early form的首次出现确定 ,处于下 Mesotaxis falsiovalis带下部 ,在谷闭组底界之上 1.80 m处。  相似文献   

The Middle Member of the Zorritas Formation in the Antofagasta region of northern Chile, yielded terrestrial and marine palynomorph assemblages which span the Devonian/Carboniferous boundary. The assemblages show a clear predominance of terrestrial palynomorphs with 70 miospore species, 18 marine phytoplankton species, two non-marine algae and one chitinozoan species, all coming from 15 productive levels. Palynomorphs are poorly preserved and most of them are reworked. Three palynological associations are recognized based on miospores. These are assigned to the Tournaisian–Visean, Tournaisian and probable latest Famennian. Age assignments are discussed in the frame of the spore zonal schemes established for Euramerica and western Gondwana. The stratigraphical distribution of spores allows the identification of the probable position of the Devonian/Carboniferous boundary within the Zorritas Formation. This system boundary is proposed for the first time in Palaeozoic sedimentary rocks of northern Chile. The presence of Gondwanan typical miospore species indicates affinities with this palaeocontinent even though the Tournaisian and Tournaisian–Visean miospore associations support the cosmopolitanism already suggested for the early Carboniferous flora. The significant number of reworked palynomorphs together with the sedimentological analysis of the studied sections, suggest that these deposits were severely impacted by the climatic change and major sea level fluctuations. Similar conditions were recorded in coeval western Gondwana basins.  相似文献   

Numerous caves and terraces with late Late Pleistocene (Upper Neopleistocene according to the Russian stratigraphic scale)–Holocene deposits are located in the Lemeza River valley in the surroundings of the Atysh waterfall, the native reserve territory of the Bashkortostan Republic. Lemeza River runs in the southern part of the western slope of the Urals and belongs to the Belaya River valley system (Russian Federation). A summary of the biostratigraphical investigations between 1992 and 2007 in this area is given. Deposits of cave and fluvial origin are characterized in the framework of the regional stratigraphy. The results of mammalian investigations and radiocarbon dating provide the basis for the stratigraphical subdivision. Palynology, mollusca, fishes, amphibian and reptiles are used for the reconstruction the palaeoenvironments. The Southern Urals stratigraphic subdivisions are correlated with Western European (Weichselian-Holocene), Eastern European (Russia) (Leningrad–Ostashkov–Shuvalov) and Uralian (Nevyansk–Polar Urals–Gorbunovsky) stratigraphic schemes.  相似文献   

泥盆-石炭纪过渡期是地球演化过程中的一个重要阶段,发生了地球气候系统从温室向冰室转型和生物灭绝等重大事件。准确且高分辨率的年代格架是理解这些事件的基础。本文利用高分辨率磁化率作为古气候替代指标,对贵州省长顺县睦化Ⅱ剖面和大坡上剖面以及广西壮族自治区南丹县度里剖面的泥盆-石炭系界线附近深水沉积序列进行旋回地层学研究。识别出受到短偏心率、斜率和岁差控制的沉积旋回厚度分别为1.092.39、0.290.73、0.180.51 m。利用轨道短偏心率进行天文校准,结果证实泥盆纪晚期短偏心率、斜率、岁差周期分别为约100、32.227.2和20.915 ka。利用大坡上剖面已知的U-Pb放射性同位素年龄和天文校准结果建立高精度浮动天文年代标尺并进行旋回地层对比。确定了泥盆-石炭系界线附近牙形类生物带和Hangenberg生物灭绝事件的持续时间,并计算出泥盆-石炭系界线年龄为(359.58±1.9) Ma。  相似文献   

The study provides the first data on organic matter from Upper Devonian deposits of the Shar’yu River section (Chernyshev Ridge, Northern Urals). Oil shales from the Middle and Middle–Upper Domanik intervals and carbonaceous shales from the Upper Frasnian intervals were analyzed. The biomarker analysis revealed similar characteristics of organic matter from studied samples and Domanik-facies rocks of the Ukhta area. It was also shown that organic matter from the studied Domanik section is characterized by compositional heterogeneity. The biomarker and stable carbon isotope compositions of bitumen extracts, their fractions, and kerogen of the Middle and Middle–Upper Domanik shales are different from those of the Upper Frasnian shale, which may indicate the variation in depositional setting.  相似文献   

Paper describes six species of neocheilostomine bryozoans occurring in the Middle Eocene-Early Miocene rocks of Western Kachchh, Gujarat, India. Taxa belong to the families Quadricellariidae Gordon, 1984, Vinculariidae Busk, 1852 and Poricellariidae, Harmer, 1926. Of these three species are new. These are Vincularia feddeni nov sp. Poricellaria waioriensis nov sp. and Poricellaria sakurkari nov sp. Two species, Nellia tenella (Lamarck, 1816) and Vincularia kutchensis (Tewari & Srivastava, 1967) already known from this region, are further reported here. Poricellaria complicata (Reuss, 1869)? is reported for the first time and indicates oldest record from India so far. Phylogenetic analysis using PAST programme indicates that Poricellariids and Vinculariids have not evolved from the same ancestor Nellia tenella (Lamarck, 1816)  相似文献   

杭州上泥盆统西湖组露头层序地层研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
依据露头剖面层序地层的详细研究,将杭州上泥盆统西湖组划分为2个三级层序,其高频变化表现为:海进及低位体系域的粒序变化主要表现为下粗上细的正粒序组构特征,总体表现为自下而上沉积水体由浅变深的退积型旋回;高位体系域自下而上表现为由细变粗的逆粒序组构特征,总体构成下细上粗的向上变浅的进积型旋回。认为构造活动和海平面变化是控制西湖组层序发育演化的主要因素,并将其发育演化分成三个阶段:滨岸相之近滨上部转换为前滨与后滨交替沉积阶段,曲流河之河道与边滩反复沉积阶段,浅海陆棚与近滨下部相间沉积阶段。  相似文献   

在对福建上杭上石炭统蜓类系统研究的基础上,根据蜓类化石在地层中的分布和垂向变化规律,自下而上建立了2个蜓带:Profusulinella带和Fusulina-Fusulinella带.Profusulinella带细分为2个亚带:Profusulinella staffellaeformis亚带和Profusulinella wangyui-Eofusulina triangula亚带;Fusulina-Fusulinella带细分为3个亚带:Fusulinella helence-Pseudostaffella paxadxa亚带,Beedeina meyiensis亚带及Fusulina quasicylindrica亚带.通过与我国华南沉积区和欧美同期蜓类生物地层的对比,解决了本区上石炭统地层的时代归属,为福建以及我国石炭系的划分和对比提供重要的基础资料.  相似文献   

The Middle Oxfordian to lowermost Upper Kimmeridgian ammonite faunas from northern Central Siberia (Nordvik, Chernokhrebetnaya, and Levaya Boyarka sections) are discussed, giving the basis for distinguishing the ammonite zones based on cardioceratid ammonites of the genus Amoeboceras (Boreal zonation), and, within the Kimmeridgian Stage, faunas–for distinguishing zones based on the aulacostephanid ammonites (Subboreal zonation). The succession of Boreal ammonites is essentially the same as in other areas of the Arctic and NW Europe, but the Subboreal ammonites differ somewhat from those known from NW Europe and Greenland. The Siberian aulacostephanid zones—the Involuta Zone and the Evoluta Zone—are correlated with the Baylei Zone (without its lowermost portion), and the Cymodoce Zone/lowermost part of the Mutabilis Zone (the Askepta Subzone) from NW Europe. The uniform character of the Boreal ammonite faunas in the Arctic makes possible a discussion on their phylogeny during the Late Oxfordian and Kimmeridgian: the succession of particular groups of Amoeboceras species referred to successive subgenera is revealed by the occurrence of well differentiated assemblages of typical normal-sized macro and microconchs, intermittently marked by the occurrence of assemblages of paedomorphic “small-sized microconchs” appearing at some levels preceeding marked evolutionary modifications. Some comments on the paleontology of separate groups of ammonites are also given. These include a discussion on the occurrence of Middle Oxfordian ammonites of the genus Cardioceras in the Nordvik section in relation to the critical review of the paper of Rogov and Wierzbowski (2009) by Nikitenko et al. (2011). The discussion shows that the oldest deposits in the section belong to the Middle Oxfordian, which results in the necessity for some changes in the foraminiferal zonal scheme of Nikitenko et al. (2011). The ammonites of the Pictonia involuta group are distinguished as the new subgenus Mesezhnikovia Wierzbowski and Rogov.  相似文献   

Calcareous algae are important constituents in reef complexes of Frasnian and Famennian ages in the Canning Basin of Western Australia and in reef and bank developments of Frasnian age in western Canada. At least 17 genera of skeletal calcareous algae occur in Upper Devonian carbonate facies in these two regions. Many algae are quantitatively significant constituents in various facies and some forms functioned as framebuilders in reef facies.Algae in back-reef facies includeGirvanella nodules and crusts, dasycladacean (Vermiporella) segments, radiosphaerid calcispheres, and solenoporacean red algae (Parachaetetes andSolenopora). Reef facies are characterized by encrusting forms, such asRenalcis (a problematic alga),Sphaerocodium (=Rothpletzella) (a green or blue-green alga), andKeega (an ancestral coralline red alga).Renalcis andSphaerocodium are principal framebuilders in Western Australia reef complexes, but are subordinate to stromatoporoids in most western Canada occurrences. Fore-reef facies contain deeperwater species ofSphaerocodium andParachaetetes.A similar distribution of Upper Devonian skeletal calcareous algae has been reported from the USSR; this same pattern probably occurs in carbonate complexes of this age in other regions of the world where diagenetic processes have not destroyed the fossil evidence.
Zusammenfassung Kalkalgen sind wichtige Bestandteile in Riffkomplexen der Frasnestufe und Famennestufe im Canning Bassin in West-Australien, und auch in Riffentwicklungen und Bankentwicklungen der Frasnestufe in West-Kanada. Mindestens 17 Gattungen von Kalkalgenskeletten treten in den oberdevonischen Karbonatfazies dieser beiden Regionen auf. Viele Algen sind quantitativ bedeutsame Bestandteile in verschiedenen Fazies, und einige Formen waren Gerüstbildner in Riffen.Die Algen in Riff-Fazies-Rückseiten umfassenGirvanella-Knötchen und -Krusten, Dasycladaceen-(Vermiporella-)Segmente, radiosphaeritische Calcisphaeren und Rotalgen (Parachaetetes undSolenopora). Riff-Fazies sind durch inkrustierende Formen, wieRenalcis (eine problematische Alge),Sphaerocodium (=Rothpletzella) (eine grüne oder blaugrüne Alge) undKeega (eine altertümliche coralline Rotalge) charakterisiert.Renalcis undSphaerocodium sind wichtige Gerüstbildner in Riffkomplexen in West-Australien, aber in den meisten Riffkomplexen West-Kanadas den Stromatoporen untergeordnet. Vorriff-Fazies enthalten Spezies vonSphaerocodium undParachaetetes aus größerer Wassertiefe.Eine ähnliche Verteilung der oberdevonischen Kalkalgenskelette ist aus der Sowjetunion berichtet worden. Wahrscheinlich ist die gleiche Verteilung in Karbonatkomplexen dieses Alters in anderen Regionen der Welt, wo diagenetische Prozesse die Fossilreste nicht zerstört haben, zu finden.

Résumé Les algues calcaires sont des éléments importants pour les complexes de récifs datant des époques Frasnienne et Famennienne dans le Bassin Canning de l'Australie Occidentale, et pour les développements de récifs et de batteries de l'époque Frasnienne dans le Canada de l'ouest. Il y a dans ces deux régions au moins 17 espèces d'algues calcaires squelettiques dans des faciès carbonates de l'époque du haut Dévonien. Dans divers faciès, beaucoup d'algues sont des constituants d'une importance quantitative et certaines formes ont servi de cadre à des faciès de récif.Dans des faciès de récif posterieurs nous trouvons parmi les algues des nodules et des croûtesGirvanella, des cerces dasycladacéan (Vermiporella), des calcisphères radiosphaerids, et des algues rouges solénoporacéans (Parachaetetes etSolenopora). Les faciès de récif sont caracterisés par des formes encroûtées, tels queRenalcis (une algue problemmatique),Sphaerocodium (=Rothpletzella) (une algue verte ou bleu-vert), etKeega (une algue rouge « coralligène ancestrale »).Renalcis etSphaerocodium sont des cadres principaux des complexes de récif de l'Australie Occidentale, mais sont subordonnés aux stromatoporoids dans la plupart des endroits du Canada de l'ouest ou se produit le même phénomène. Les faciès de récif frontaux contiennent des espèces deSphaerocodium et deParachaetetes dans des eaux plus profondes.Un rapport de l'URSS indique qu'il y a une distribution semblable des algues calcaires squelettiques de l'époque du haut Dévonien; cette même structure se retrouve probablement dans des complexes carbonates de cette époque pour d'autres régions du monde où des procédés diagénétiques n'ont pas détruit des fossiles.

Frasne Famenne Canning, , Frasne . , no- , 17 - . , . - Girvanella, Dasycladaceae (Vermiporella), Calcisphaere, Rhodophyta (Parachaetetes Solenopora). Renalcis — , Sphaerocodium, Rothpletzella, , , Keega, rllin. Renalcis Sphaerocodium , a. - Sphaerocodium Parachaetetes, . - . , .

Phosphatized remains indisputably belonging to conulariids have been found in the lower Famennian (Upper Devonian) deposits at the Kowala quarry in the Holy Cross Mountains, Poland for the first time. The ornamentation patterns and characteristics of the exoskeleton indicate that the conulariids, represented by at least two incomplete specimens, belong to a single species within the genus? Paraconularia. Some Polish Ordovician fossils previously described as conulariids either do not possess morphological characters seen in conulariids, or are too fragmentary to be confidently assigned to conulariids. Therefore, the fossils reported here not only represent the first documented record of conulariids in the Devonian of Poland, but the first true conulariids ever reported and illustrated from Poland. The exoskeleton of one specimen possesses at least three sublethal injuries. As the host deposit of marly shale originated in deep water, it is possible that the injuries did not result from purely physical factors, but rather from attempted predation. This interpretation is consistent with the fact that the lower Famennian deposits at Kowala preserve other predation-related structures such as fish coprolites, fragmented arthropod cuticle and regurgitated remains.  相似文献   

Existing facies models for Devonian reef systems can be divided into high‐energy and low‐energy types. A number of assumptions have been made in the development of these models and, in some cases, criteria that distinguish important aspects of the models are poorly defined. The Upper Devonian Alexandra Reef System contains a variety of reef fabrics from different depositional environments and is ideal for studying the range of environments in which stromatoporoids thrived and the facies from these different environments. A wide variety of stromatoporoid growth forms including laminar, tabular, anastamosing laminar and tabular, domal, bulbous, dendroid, expanding conical, concave‐up whorled‐laminar, concave‐up massive tabular and platy‐multicolumnar are present in the Alexandra Reef System. The whorled‐laminar and massive tabular concave‐up growth forms are virtually undocumented from other Devonian reefs but were common in the reef front of the Alexandra, where they thrived in a low‐energy environment around and below fair‐weather wave base. In contrast, high‐energy parts of the reef margin were dominated by bioclastic rubble deposits with narrow ribbon‐like discontinuous bodies of laminar stromatoporoid framestone. In the lagoon, laminar stromatoporoids formed steep‐sided sediment‐dominated bioherms in response to sea‐level rise and flooding. Relying mostly on the different reef facies in the Alexandra system, a new classification scheme for Devonian reef fabrics has been developed. Devonian reef fabrics can be classified as being: (i) sediment‐laden metazoan dominated; (ii) metazoan–microbial dominated (boundstone); (iii) metazoan dominated (framestone); or (iv) metazoan–marine cement dominated. Distinction of these fabrics carries important sedimentary and palaeoecological implications for reconstructing the depositional environment. With examples from the Alexandra Formation, it is demonstrated that reef facies accumulated in a range of depositional environments and that the simple observation of massive stromatoporoids with or without microbial deposits does not automatically imply a high‐energy reef margin, as otherwise portrayed in a number of the existing facies models for these systems.  相似文献   

The age of the Paleozoic sedimentary successions of the Yuryung-Tumus Peninsula in the Khatanga Gulf is determined as Middle Devonian, late Eifelian, and the beginning of the early Givetian on the basis of the study of brachiopods, ammonoids, nautiloids, bactritoids, gastropods, and conodonts, and in the terminology of the standard conodont succession, these deposits are not older than the late Eifelian Tortodus kockelianus Zone, but include the terminal Eifelian Polygnathus ensensis Zone and the first Givetian Polygnathus hemiansatus Zone and are no younger than the beginning of the early Givetian Polygnathus varcus Zone. The Middle Devonian sedimentary successions of the Yuryung-Tumus Peninsula show the level of the global sedimentary Ka?ak Event. The areas of distribution of the Devonian sedimentary deposits in the Yuryung-Tumus Peninsula in the Khatanga Gulf should be considered as one of the fragments of the regional geological structures of a remote (isolated?) region of the Taymyr Fold System rather than a component of the structures of the northern Siberian Platform.  相似文献   

南岭地区在晚三叠世-早侏罗世沉积了一套海陆交互相含煤地层,其中双壳类化石十分丰富,对其详细的生物地层 学研究可以为这套地层的划分和对比、识别该区侏罗系与三叠系界线提供重要的古生物资料。本文对湖南浏阳石康、湖南 宜章下坪和广东揭西灰寨三条剖面采集的海相和非海相双壳类化石进行了系统研究。结果显示研究区上三叠统-下侏罗统 具有4个双壳类生物带,即:半咸水相Unionites? emeiensis 顶峰带、海相Retroceramus subinconditus-Hiatella 组合带、海相 Ryderia guangdongensis-Parainoceramus jinjiensis组合带和半咸水相-陆相Kija ovata-Waagenoperna mytiloides组合带。对各生物 带代表化石在区域上的时代延限分析表明,Unionites ?emeiensis 顶峰带时代延限主要为瑞替期, Retroceramus subinconditus-Hiatella 组合带主要为赫塘期,Ryderia guangdongensis-Parainoceramus jinjiensis 组合带主要为辛涅缪尔期,但有 可能向上延伸至土阿辛期。经与海相同类生物带的对比,Kija ovata-Waagenoperna mytiloides 组合带时代延限大致为赫塘期 至土阿辛期。根据综合对比分析认为南岭地区半咸水相-陆相T-J 界线应位于Unionites? emeiensis 顶峰带与Kija ovata-Waagenoperna mytiloides 组合带之间,这与四川盆地陆相T-J界线(位于Modiolus weiyuanensis-Unionites? emeiensis 组合 带与Pseudocardinia (=Kija) kweichouensis-Cuneopsis sichuanensis 组合带之间) 和新疆准噶尔盆地陆相T-J 界线(位于 Waagenoperna-Yananoconcha(=Kija)组合带与下伏郝家沟组之间) 大致相当。  相似文献   

华南上泥盆统和下石炭统层序地层学   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
王训练  李世隆  王约 《地球学报》1997,18(1):98-105
本文把华南法门阶上部和杜内阶分为4个层序,自下而上依次命名为SQ0、SQ1、SQ2和SQ3。其中SQ0属斯图年阶(Strunian)(泥盆系最顶部),其余3个层序归杜内阶。这4个层序可以与欧美等地同期的层序进行对比,表明当时的海平面升降变化及其由此而产生的沉积层序具有全球的一致性。层序地层学、生物地层学和事件地层学综合研究表明,华南浅海相区与Siphonodelapraesulcata-S.sulcata界线一致的泥盆-石炭系界线不仅高于Cystophrentis带顶界,而且还应高于引起Cystophrentis绝灭的海退事件层的顶界。因此建议以Cystophrentis-Pseudouralina间隔带中最明显的一个海进面,即SQ1的海进体系域的底界作为华南浅海相区泥盆-石炭系界线。这条界线与泥盆-石炭纪之交海退事件层的顶界正好一致,大致相当于Pseudouralina组合带底部。  相似文献   

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