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The Moon: A Taylor perspective   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We address several current lunar problems. The data suggest that the Moon likely possesses an Fe-rich metallic core a few percent of lunar volume, although definitive proof is lacking. Refractory elements appear to be enriched relative both to the composition of the primordial solar nebula (CI) and the Earth. Very volatile elements appear to be depleted uniformly at high levels. We adopt the single-impact hypothesis for lunar origin, which formed a high-temperature silicate vapor disk, mostly of metal-poor silicate material from an impactor (Theia) that was already depleted in volatiles. We speculate that the curious lunar bulk-composition resulted from condensation from high-temperature vapor at around a few Earth radii. This could produce an enriched refractory-element composition that cut off below 1000 K, producing a uniform depletion in very volatile elements.  相似文献   

Dhofar 025 is a lunar highland breccia consisting mainly of anorthositic, with less common noritic, gabbronoritic, and troctolitic material. Rare fragments of low-Ti basalts are present as well, but no KREEP (component enriched in incompatible elements) was found in the meteorite. The cathodoluminescence study of this meteorite showed that its impact–melt matrix contains unusual cathodoluminescent (CL) objects of feldspathic composition, which frequently contain microlites of Fe-Mg spinel (pleonaste). They were presumably formed by impact mixing and melting of olivine and plagioclase with subsequent rapid quenching of the impact melts. Such mixing could happen either during assimilation of anorthosites by picritic/troctolitic magmas or during impact melting of troctolites. The enrichment of CL objects of Dhofar 025 in incompatible trace elements suggests that the mafic component of the impact mixture may be related to the high-magnesium suite rocks, which are frequently enriched in KREEP component. The depletion of CL objects in alkalis indicates their possible relation with residual glasses formed by evaporation. However, the presence of FeO in most objects points to the insignificant extent of evaporation. Thus, evaporation cannot explain the enrichment of the CL objects in Al2O3 and other refractory components, although this process definitely took place in their formation. Their similarity to the lunar pink spinel anorthosites, whose existence was predicted from orbital data, serves as an argument in support of the possible formation of the latters by impact mixing.  相似文献   

The paper presents the first analyses of major and trace elements in 19 lunar meteorites newly found in Oman. These and literature data were used to assay the composition of highland, mare, and transitional (highland-mare interface) regions of the lunar surface. The databank used in the research comprises data on 44 meteorites weighing 11 kg in total, which likely represent 26 individual falls. Our data demonstrate that the lunar highland crust should be richer in Ca and Al but poorer in mafic and incompatible elements than it was thought based on studying lunar samples and the first orbital data. The Ir concentration in the highland crust and the analysis of lunar crater population suggest that most lunar impactites were formed by a single major impact event, which predetermined the geochemical characteristics of these rocks. Lunar mare regions should be dominated by low-Ti basalts, which are, however, enriched in LREEs compared to those sampled by lunar missions. The typical material of mare-highland interface zones can contain KREEP and magnesian VLT basalts. The composition of the lunar highland crust deduced from the chemistry of lunar meteorites does not contradict the model of the lunar magma ocean, but the average composition of lunar mare meteorites is inconsistent with this concept and suggests assimilation of KREEP material by basaltic magmas. The newly obtained evaluations of the composition of the highland crust confirm that the Moon can be enriched in refractory elements and depleted in volatile and siderophile elements.  相似文献   

Northwest Africa (NWA) 4472 is a polymict lunar regolith meteorite. The sample is KREEP-rich (high concentrations of potassium, rare earth elements and phosphorus) and comprises a heterogeneous array of lithic and mineral fragments. These clasts and mineral fragments were sourced from a range of lunar rock types including the lunar High Magnesian Suite, the High Alkali Suite, KREEP basalts, mare basalts and a variety of impact crater environments. The KREEP-rich nature of NWA 4472 indicates that the sample was ejected from regolith on the nearside of the Moon in the Procellarum KREEP Terrane and we have used Lunar Prospector gamma-ray remote sensing data to show that the meteorite is most similar to (and most likely sourced from) regoliths adjacent to the Imbrium impact basin.U-Pb and Pb-Pb age dates of NWA 4472 phosphate phases reveal that the breccia has sampled Pre-Nectarian (4.35 Ga) rocks related to early episodes of KREEP driven magmatism. Some younger phosphate U-Pb and Pb-Pb age dates are likely indicative of impact resetting events at 3.9-4 Ga, consistent with the suggested timing of basin formation on the Moon. Our study also shows that NWA 4472 has sampled impact melts and glass with an alkali-depleted, incompatible trace element-rich (high Sc, low Rb/Th ratios, low K) compositional signature not related to typical Apollo high-K KREEP, or that sampled by KREEPy lunar meteorite Sayh al Uhaymir (SaU) 169. This provides evidence that there are numerous sources of KREEP-rich protoliths on the Moon.  相似文献   

The chemical equilibrium distribution of 69 elements between gas and melt is modeled for bulk silicate Earth (BSE) material over a wide P – T range (1000–4500 K, 10−6–102 bar). The upper pressure end of this range may occur during lunar formation in the aftermath of a Giant Impact on the proto-Earth. The lower pressures may occur during evaporation from molten silicates on achondritic parent bodies. The virial equation of state shows silicate vapor behaves ideally in the P - T range studied. The BSE melt is modeled as a non-ideal solution and the effects of different activity coefficients and ideal solution are studied. The results presented are 50% condensation temperatures, major gas species of each element, and the pressure and temperature dependent oxygen fugacity (fO2) of dry and wet BSE material. The dry BSE model has no water because it excludes hydrogen; it also excludes the volatile elements (C, N, F, Cl, Br, I, S, Se, Te). The wet BSE model has water because it includes hydrogen; it also includes the other volatiles. Some key conclusions include the following: (1) much higher condensation temperatures in silicate vapor than in solar composition gas at the same total pressure due to the higher metallicity and higher oxygen fugacity of silicate vapor (cf. Fegley et al. 2020), (2) a different condensation sequence in silicate vapor than in solar composition gas, (3) good agreement between different activity coefficient models except for the alkali elements, which show the largest differences between models, (4) agreement, where overlap exists, with prior published silicate vapor condensation calculations (e.g., Canup et al. 2015, Lock et al. 2018, Wang et al. 2019), (5) condensation of Re, Mo, W, Ru, Os oxides instead of metals over the entire P – T range, (6) a stability field for Ni-rich metal as reported by Lock et al. (2018), (7) agreement between ideal solution (from this work and from Lock et al. 2018) and real solution condensation temperatures for elements with minor deviations from ideality in the oxide melt, (8) similar 50% condensation temperatures, within a few degrees, in the dry and wet BSE models for the major elements Al, Ca, Fe, Mg, Si, and the minor elements Co, Cr, Li, Mn, Ti, V, and (9) much lower 50% condensation temperatures for elements such as B, Cu, K, Na, Pb, Rb, which form halide, hydroxide, sulfide, selenide, telluride and oxyhalide gases. The latter results are preliminary because the solubilities and activities of volatile elements in silicate melts are not well known, but must be considered for the correct equilibrium distribution, 50% condensation temperatures and mass balance of halide (F, Cl, Br, I), hydrogen, sulfur, selenium and tellurium bearing species between silicate melt and vapor.  相似文献   

The inner nebula out to ~3 A.U. was depleted in volatile elements that included potassium and manganese at a very early stage of solar-system history. The inner planets and many meteorites inherited this element signature, the cause of which probably was early violent solar activity. Because of this evidence for elemental depletions correlated with volatility, one might also expect to find examples of fractionation, particularly among lower mass elements. Here we discuss the search for such effects among the isotopes of K, Mg, Si, and Ca in a wide variety of terrestrial, lunar, and meteoritic samples. We examine examples of vaporization without isotope fractionation, and a comparison of the effects expected between distillation and condensation. Effects attributable both to evaporation and condensation are observed in refractory inclusions (CAIs) in meteorites and reflect localized events in the early nebula. However, the lack of isotopic fractionation that is observed among a wider variety of presolar-system materials rules out the general operation of Rayleigh-type fractionation on primitive solar-nebular material. We conclude with a discussion of volatileelement behavior during the giant Moon-forming impact that shows that the material in the Moon was not subjected to Rayleigh-type distillation.  相似文献   

The Moon     
Recent geochemical and geophysical data from the Moon enable a revision of earlier interpretations regarding lunar origin, structure and bulk composition. Earth and Moon show many similarities among their isotopic compositions, but they have evolved in totally dissimilar ways, probably related to the deficiency of water and volatile elements in the Moon as well as the vast differences in size and internal pressure. Some global geochemical differences from the Earth such as volatile depletion based on K/U ratios have been established. However, all current lunar samples come from differentiated regions, making the establishment of a bulk composition more reliant on bulk geophysical properties or isotopic similarities; it remains unclear how the latter arose or relate to whole Moon composition. The lack of fractionation effects among the refractory and super-refractory elements indicates that the proto-lunar material seems unlikely to have been vaporized while the presence of volatile elements may place lower limits on proto-lunar temperatures. The apparent lack of geochemical evidence of an impacting body enables other possible impactors, such as comets, to be considered. Although the origin of the Moon remains currently unknown, it is generally believed that the Moon originated as the result of a giant impact on the Earth.  相似文献   

Nine fine-grained feldspathoid-, grossular-, spinel-, pyroxene-bearing inclusions from the Allende meteorite were analysed by instrumental neutron activation analysis. On the average, these inclusions are enriched in the refractory lithophile elements Ca, Sc, Ta and the rare earths by factors of 5–30 relative to Cl chondrites but are depleted in the refractory and volatile siderophiles, Ir, Co and Au. The volatile elements Fe, Cr and Zn are present at levels of 3.38–8.51%, 326–2516 ppm and 308–1376 ppm, respectively. Textural, mineralogical and chemical data suggest that the fine-grained inclusions formed in the solar nebula by the simultaneous condensation of volatiles and refractory lithophile elements which failed to condense into the coarse-grained, high-temperature condensate inclusions. The marked differences in the enrichment factors for different refractories in the fine-grained inclusions are caused by relatively small differences in their accretion efficiencies into the coarse-grained ones. The trace element data indicate that the refractories in the fine- and coarse-grained inclusions can only be the cosmic complements of one another if the fine-grained ones represent no more than ~ 20% of the most abundant refractory elements.  相似文献   

The Earth’s tungsten budget during mantle melting and crust formation   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
During silicate melting on Earth, W is one of the most incompatible trace elements, similar to Th, Ba or U. As W is also moderately siderophile during metal segregation, ratios of W and the lithophile Th and U in silicate rocks have therefore been used to constrain the W abundance of the Earth’s mantle and the Hf-W age of core formation. This study presents high-precision W concentration data obtained by isotope dilution for samples covering important silicate reservoirs on Earth. The data reveal significant fractionations of W from other highly incompatible lithophile elements such as Th, U, and Ta. Many arc lavas exhibit a selective enrichment of W relative to Th, U, and Nb-Ta, reflecting W enrichment in the sub-arc mantle via fluid-like components derived from subducting plates. In contrast, during enrichment by melt-like subduction components, W is generally slightly depleted relative to Th and U, but is still enriched relative to Ta. Hence, all arc rocks and the continental crust exhibit uniformly low Ta/W (ca. 1), whereas W/Th and W/U may show opposite fractionation trends, depending on the role of fluid- and melt-like subduction components. Further high-precision W data for OIBs and MORBs reveal a systematic depletion of W in both rock types relative to other HFSE, resulting in high Ta/W that are complementary to the low Ta/W observed in arc rocks and the continental crust. Similar to previous interpretations based on Nb/U and Ce/Pb systematics, our Ta/W data confirm a depletion of the depleted upper mantle (DM) in fluid mobile elements relative to the primitive mantle (PRIMA). The abundance of W in the depleted upper mantle relative to other immobile and highly incompatible elements such as Nb and Ta is therefore not representative of the bulk silicate Earth. Based on mass balance calculations using Ta-W systematics in the major silicate reservoirs, the W abundance of the Earth’s primitive mantle can be constrained to 12 ppb, resulting in revised ratios of W-U and W-Th of 0.53 and 0.14, respectively. The newly constrained Hf-W ratio of the silicate Earth is 25.8, significantly higher than previously estimated (18.7) and overlaps within error the Hf-W ratio proposed for the Moon (ca. 24.9). The 182Hf-182W model age for the formation of the Earth’s core that is inferred from the 182W abundance and the Hf/W of the silicate Earth is therefore younger than previously calculated, by up to 5 Myrs after solar system formation depending on the accretion models used. The similar Hf/W ratios and 182W compositions of the Earth and the silicate Moon suggest a strong link between the Moon forming giant impact and final metal-silicate equilibration on the Earth.  相似文献   

PCA (Pecora Escarpment) 02007 and Dhofar 489 are both meteorites from the feldspathic highlands of the Moon. PCA 02007 is a feldspathic breccia consisting of lithified regolith from the lunar surface. It has concentrations of both incompatible and siderophile elements that are at the high end of the ranges for feldspathic lunar meteorites. Dhofar 489 is a feldspathic breccia composed mainly of impact-melted material from an unknown depth beneath the regolith. Concentrations of incompatible and siderophile elements are the lowest among brecciated lunar meteorites. Among 19 known feldspathic lunar meteorites, all of which presumably originate from random locations in the highlands, concentrations of incompatible elements like Sm and Th tend to increase with those of siderophile elements like Ir. Feldspathic meteorites with high concentrations of both suites of elements are usually regolith breccias. Iridium derives mainly from micrometeorites that accumulate in the regolith with duration of surface exposure. Micrometeorites have low concentrations of incompatible elements, however, so the correlation must reflect a three-component system. We postulate that the correlation between Sm and Ir occurs because the surface of the Feldspathic Highlands Terrane has become increasingly contaminated with time in Sm-rich material from the Procellarum KREEP Terrane that has been redistributed across the lunar surface by impacts of moderate-sized, post-basin impacts. The most Sm-rich regolith breccias among feldspathic lunar meteorites are about 3× enriched compared to the most Sm-poor breccias, but this level of enrichment requires only a few percent Sm-rich material typical of the Procellarum KREEP Terrane. The meteorite data suggest that nowhere in the feldspathic highlands are the concentrations of K, rare earths, and Th measured by the Lunar Prospector mission at the surface representative of the underlying “bedrock;” all surfaces covered by old regolith (as opposed to fresh ejecta) are at least slightly contaminated. Dhofar 489 is one of 15 paired lunar-meteorite stones from Oman (total mass of meteorite: 1037 g). On the basis of its unusually high Mg/Fe ratio, the meteorite is likely to have originated from northern feldspathic highlands.  相似文献   

Many lunar highland rocks have been extensively metamorphosed during the late heavy bombardment of the Moon 3.9–4.0 AE ago. Rubidium and other, more volatile elements were preferentially mobilized during this event, which resulted in a considerable scatter of RbSr model ages. This scatter can be considerably reduced by estimating the original Rb content on the basis of Sm or other, less mobile, incompatible elements. The principal uncertainty on the corrected model ages of 4.25–4.45 AE comes from the original Sm/Rb ratio.Highland rocks enriched in incompatible elements in most cases are mixtures between KREEP-basalt and other highland rock types. After corrections for Rb mobilization 3.9–4.0 AE ago, slight isotopic differences among KREEP-enriched rocks from different landing sites becomes noticeable. These differences correspond to different meteoritic groups as defined by Morgan et al. (1974). Apparently there existed slightly different KREEP basalt reservoirs, with formation ages ranging from 4.25 to 4.45 AE. These reservoirs were partly exposed through impacts of basin-forming planetesimals 3.9–4.0 AE ago. The resulting impact melts were contaminated with meteoritic material from the bombarding planetesimals.The 4.63 ± 0.1 AE RbSr isochron of trace element poor highland rocks (Schonfeld, 1976) is determined by a K,Rb- and Ba-rich component, which formed earlier and independently of KREEP basalts.  相似文献   

Apatite has been analyzed from mare basalts, the magnesian-suite, the alkali-suite, and KREEP-rich impact-melt rocks using an electron probe microanalysis routine developed specifically for apatite. We determined that all the lunar apatite grains analyzed are predominantly fluorine rich; however, they also contain varying concentrations of chlorine and a missing structural component that, after ruling out other possibilities, we attribute to OH. Apatite grains from mare basalts are compositionally distinct from the apatite grains in the magnesian-suite, the alkali-suite, and KREEP-rich impact-melt rocks, which all had similar apatite compositions. Apatite grains in mare basalts are depleted in chlorine, and many of the analyzed grains have stoichiometry that suggests a significant OH component (i.e., >0.08 structural formula units), whereas apatite grains in the magnesian suite, alkali suite, and KREEP-rich impact melts are enriched in chlorine and do not typically have a missing structural component that could be attributed to OH (within the detection limit of 0.08 sfu). From these data, we infer that residual liquids in the mare basalts were enriched in H2O and fluorine relative to chlorine at the time of apatite crystallization, whereas residual liquids in magnesian-suite, alkali-suite, and KREEP-rich impact melts were enriched in chlorine relative to H2O and fluorine at the time of apatite crystallization. The relative volatile abundance that we determined for the mare basalts is identical to the previously determined relative volatile abundance for the lunar picritic glasses. This result indicates that the observed relative volatile abundance signature of the picritic glass source is the same as that in the mare basalt source regions. The magnesian-suite, alkali-suite, and KREEP-rich impact-melt rocks likely reflect a volatile source with different volatile abundances than the sources of mare volcanics. Moreover, the magnesian-suite, alkali-suite, and KREEP-rich impact-melt rocks may reveal the relative volatile abundance of urKREEP, the residual melt of the magma ocean. This difference in relative magmatic volatile abundance among the lithologic groups investigated cannot be explained by degassing of a single source composition (relative to magmatic volatiles). The most reasonable explanation for the compositional disparity is a difference in the relative volatile abundances in the magmatic source regions of the Moon. Therefore, we conclude that the Moon has a heterogeneous distribution of magmatic volatiles within its interior, with a chemical divide (with respect to magmatic volatiles) existing between magmas that arise by partial melting of the lunar mantle and magmas that have seen significant contamination by a KREEP component.  相似文献   

Gujba is a coarse-grained meteorite fall composed of 41 vol% large kamacite globules, 20 vol% large light-colored silicate globules with cryptocrystalline, barred pyroxene and barred olivine textures, 39 vol% dark-colored, silicate-rich matrix, and rare refractory inclusions. Gujba resembles Bencubbin and Weatherford in texture, oxygen-isotopic composition and in having high bulk δ15N values (∼+685‰). The 3He cosmic-ray exposure age of Gujba (26 ± 7 Ma) is essentially identical to that of Bencubbin, suggesting that they were both reduced to meter-size fragments in the same parent-body collision. The Gujba metal globules exhibit metal-troilite quench textures and vary in their abundances of troilite and volatile siderophile elements. We suggest that the metal globules formed as liquid droplets either via condensation in an impact-generated vapor plume or by evaporation of preexisting metal particles in a plume. The lower the abundance of volatile elements in the metal globules, the higher the globule quench temperature. We infer that the large silicate globules also formed from completely molten droplets; their low volatile-element abundances indicate that they also formed at high temperatures, probably by processes analogous to those that formed the metal globules. The coarse-grained Bencubbin-Weatherford-Gujba meteorites may represent a depositional component from the vapor cloud enriched in coarse and dense particles. A second class of Bencubbin-like meteorites (represented by Hammadah al Hamra 237 and QUE 94411) may be a finer fraction derived from the same vapor cloud.  相似文献   

Condensate objects observed in the lunar regolith are distinctly separated on the basis of morpho-logical and chemical characteristics into droplets condensed during the expansion of an impact-generated vapor cloud and films condensed on the relatively cold surface of mineral particles. Using the analyses of both condensate forms and experimental data on the evaporation of melt corresponding to a typical lunar highland rock of the gabbro-anorthosite composition from Apollo 16 sample 68415.40, the temperature conditions of vapor condensation during lunar impact events were estimated. The comparison of condensate compositions with the analyses of vapors from the evaporation experiment showed that, compared with the compositions of droplet-type condensates, the condensate rims were formed from a vapor with high contents of refractory CaO and Al2O3 and at very different condensation temperatures. The enrichment of vapor in CaO and Al2O3 could be attained only at high temperatures of melt evaporation (higher than ∼ 1850°C according to experimental data). The estimated condensation temperatures of droplets are significantly lower, ∼1750–1500°C. Rim-type condensates were produced by vapor quenching on the relatively cold surface of a solid mineral particle, which resulted in almost complete precipitation of all major components of the silicate vapor without fractionation in accordance with their individual volatilities.  相似文献   

Fragments of aluminous enstatite from lunar meteorites of highland origin were investigated. It was found that such fragments usually occur in impact breccias of troctolitic composition. The aluminous enstatite contains up to 12 wt % Al2O3 and shows low CaO (<1 wt %) and almost constant high Mg/(Mg + Fe) ratio (89.5 ± 1.4 at %) identical to that of the Earth’s mantle. With respect to these parameters, the aluminous enstatites are distinctly different from common orthopyroxene of lunar rocks. The aluminous enstatite associates with spinel (pleonaste), olivine, anorthite (clinopyroxene was never found), and accessory minerals: rutile, Ti-Zr oxides, troilite, and Fe-Ni metal. The same assemblage was described in rare fragments of spinel cataclasites from the samples of the Apollo missions. Thermobarometry and the analysis of phase equilibria showed that the rocks hosting aluminous enstatite are of deep origin and occurred at depths from 25 km to 130–200 km at T from 800 to 1300°C, i.e., at least in the lower crust and, possibly, in the upper mantle of the Moon. These rocks could form individual plutons or dominate the composition of the lower crust. The most probable source of aluminous enstatite is troctolitic magnesian rocks and, especially, spinel troctolites with low Ca/Al and Ca/Si ratios. The decompression of such rocks must produce cordierite-bearing assemblages. The almost complete absence of such assemblages in the surficial rocks of lunar highlands implies that vertical tectonic movements were practically absent in the lunar crust. The transport of deep-seated materials to the lunar surface was probably related to impact events during the intense meteorite bombardments >3.9 Ga ago.  相似文献   

Stuart Ross Taylor 《Earth》1973,9(2):101-123
Prior to the receipt of the lunar samples, it was the scientific consensus that tektites were melted and splashed material formed during large cometary or meteorite impact events. Whether the impact took place on the Earth or the Moon was the topic of a long-standing scientific debate, which raged with particular intensity during the decade previous to the lunar landings.Four definite and separate tektite-strewn fields are known: bediasites (North America, 34 m.y.); moldavites (Czechoslovakia, 14 m.y.); Ivory Coast (1.3 m.y.); and Southeast Asian and Australian fields (0.7 m.y.). A fifth possible occurrence, of high-Na australites, possibly 3–4 m.y. old, remains to be substantiated. The age of infall of the australites is not agreed upon. Radiometric and fission track dates agree with the magnetic stratigraphy for deep-sea core microtektite occurrences at about 0.7 m.y. Terrestrial stratigraphic evidence favours a recent (30,000 years) date.The chemistry of tektites appears to reflect that of the parent material, and losses during fusion appear to be restricted to elements and compounds more volatile than cesium. Terrestrial impact glasses provide small-scale analogues of tektite-forming events, and indicate that only the most volatile components are lost during fusion.The Apollo lunar missions provide critical evidence which refutes the hypothesis of lunar origin of tektites. Tektite chemistry is totally distinct from that observed in lunar maria basalts. These possess Cr contents which are two orders of magnitude higher than tektites, distinctive REE patterns with large Eu depletions, high Fe and low SiO2 contents, low K/U ratios and many other diagnostic features, none of which are observed in the chemistry of tektites. The lunar uplands compositions, as shown by Apollo 14, 15 and 16 samples and the μ-ray and XRF orbiter data, are high-Al, low-SiO2 compositions totally dissimilar to those of tektites. The composition of lunar rock 12013 shows typical lunar features and is distinct from that of tektites. The small amounts of lunar K-rich granitic material found in the soils have K/Mg and K/Na ratios 10–50 times those of tektites.The ages of the lunar maria (3.2–3.8 aeons) and uplands (> 4.0 aeons) are an order of magnitude older than the parent material of the Southeast Asian and Australian tektites, which yield Rb-Sr isochrons indicating ages of the order of 100–300 m.y. The lunar lead isotopic compositions are highly radiogenic whereas tektites have terrestrial Pb isotopic ratios. Lunar δ18 O values are low (< 7 per mil) compared with values of +9.6 to +11.5 per mil for tektites. In summary, a lunar impact origin for tektites is not compatible with the chemistry, age or isotopic composition of the lunar samples. A lunar volcanic origin, recently revived by O'Keefe (1970) encounters most of the same problems. Recent lunar volcanism (< 50 m.y.), if the source of tektites, should contribute tektite glass to the upper layers of the regolith. None has been found. The presence of meteoritic components in tektites, and the high pressure phase coesite, are more readily interpreted as evidence of impact.The element abundances and inter-element variations in tektites do not resemble those in terrestrial igneous rocks, but show a close similarity to terrestrial sandstones. The composition of the Southeast Asian tektites, australites and moldavites resembles that of micaceous sandstones or subgreywackes, the Ivory Coast tektite composition is similar to that of greywacke, and the bediasite chemistry is analogous to that of arkose.No suitable terrestrial impact site has been identified for the bediasites, Southeast Asian tektites and australites. It is suggested that a search for the source of these latter strewnfields be made using satellite photographs to look for wide shallow craters produced by super-Tunguska type events on areas of Mesozoic sandstones. The moldavites were possibly formed during the Ries Crater event but, if so, the precise source of the material remains to be identified. The Ivory Coast tektites are linked by chemistry, isotope and age evidence to the Bosumtwi Crater, Ghana. The overall evidence now supports the origin of tektites by cometary (or meteorite) impact on terrestrial sedimentary rocks.  相似文献   

Two general classes of lunar impact breccias have been recognised: fragmental breccias and melt breccias. Fragmental breccias are composed of clastic-rock debris in a finely comminuted grain-supported matrix of mineral and lithic fragments. Impact melt breccias have crystalline to glassy matrices that formed by cooling of a silicate melt. Most lunar impact breccias in our collection probably sample ejecta from large complex craters or multi-ring basins, although linking individual breccias to specific impact events has proven surprisingly difficult. A long-standing problem in lunar science has been distinguishing clast-poor impact melt breccias from igneous rocks produced by melting of the lunar interior. Concentrations and relative abundances of highly siderophile elements derived from the meteoritic impactor provide a useful discriminant, especially when combined with petrologic and geochemical evidence for mechanical mixing. Most lunar impact melt breccias have crystallisation ages of 4.0?–?3.8 Ga, corresponding to an episode of intensive crustal metamorphism recorded by whole-rock U?–?Pb isotopic compositions of lunar anorthosites. This may reflect a short-lived spike in the cratering rate, although other explanations are possible. The question of whether or not a cataclysmic bombardment struck the Earth and Moon at ca 3.9 Ga remains open and the subject of continuing investigations.  相似文献   

Several workers have proposed that lunar samples were magnetized by a field created by a lunar core of molten Fe. Low abundances of siderophile elements in lunar rocks are compatible with formation of a metallic lunar core. A molten Fe core requires that the bulk of the Moon was above, or close to, the melting point, a requirement which disagrees with most models of the lunar thermal regime.A core (or perhaps a layer or pockets) of molten Fe-Ni-S, at or close to the eutectic composition would act as a lunar dynamo, and be at a temperature (approx. 1000°C) consistent with some reasonable models of lunar thermal history. The existence of a Fe-Ni-S core would also partly explain the depletion in volatile elements in lunar basalts. Such a core, occupying up to 20 per cent of the Moon's radius requires a bulk S content for the moon of only 0.3 wt per cent.  相似文献   

Although the Moon is depleted in volatile elements compared to the Earth, these depletions are not in accord with simple volatility. For example, the CsRb ratios of the Earth and Moon inferred from basalts are approximately one seventh and one half of the CI ratio, respectively. Volatility considerations alone predict that the lunar CsRb ratio should be equal to or lower than the terrestrial ratio if the Moon was derived entirely from Earth mantle material. Thus hypotheses such as rotational fission which invoke derivation of lunar material entirely from the Earth's mantle may be excluded. The collisional ejection hypothesis of lunar origin requires at least 18% of lunar material to be derived from a projectile with dehydrated CI composition to match the lunar CsRb ratio, and 25%–50% to match both the lunar CsRb ratio and absolute concentrations of Cs and Rb. It remains to be demonstrated that this relatively large contribution of projectile material is consistent with other elemental abundances and element ratios in the Moon.  相似文献   

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