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The isotopic systematics of noble gases (He and Ar) were studied in Neoarchean and Paleoproterozoic lower crustal xenoliths from the Belomorian mobile belt. The xenolith suite is dominated by garnet granulites (Grt + Cpx + Pl ± Opx ± Qtz ± Kfs ± Phl ± Hbl) and two-pyroxene or garnet pyroxenites (Cpx + Pl ± Grt ± Opx ± Hbl ± Qtz). The xenoliths and the host Devonian ultramafic lamprophyres forming diatremes and explosion dikes contain fluid with similar He and Ar isotopic compositions. It was found that the fluid was trapped by the rocks and xenolith minerals approximately simultaneously with the formation of the lamprophyres. This conclusion is based on the identical K-Ar ages of the majority of xenoliths and ultramafic lamprophyres. When the xenoliths were transported toward the surface by high-temperature ultrabasic melts, the noble gases occurring in them were partly (Ar) or completely (He) lost. The melts were contaminated by meteoric waters during their emplacement in the upper crust, which resulted in that the Ar isotopic composition of lamprophyres approached the composition of atmospheric Ar. The fluid phase that was liberated during melt crystallization severely affected the xenoliths, diminishing the difference between the isotope compositions of He and Ar in the xenoliths and ultramafic lamprophyres. The He isotope composition includes an admixture of mantle 3He, which is suggested by the high measured 3He concentrations, exceeding the calculated values, and high 3He/36Ar ratios in the xenoliths and their host lamprophyres. The fraction of the mantle component in the fluid trapped by the xenoliths was estimated as ~20%.  相似文献   

The repeated isotopic and geochemical study of zircons of the eclogite from Stolbikha Island (Gridino settlement area) allows one to interpret the U-Pb age value of about 2700 Ma by central parts of zircon grains as a magmatic event time, probably rejuvenated to a degree by intense manifestation of the eclogite metamorphism of about 1880 Ma age. The Svecofennian high-pressure metamorphism caused a partial recrystallization of zircons of magmatic origin and the appearance of their rims showing typical geochemical characteristics of eclogite zircons.  相似文献   

NanoSIMS measurements of Ti, P, Y, Ce, and Hf in zircon separates from the Youngest Toba Tuff, the Bishop Tuff, the Quottoon Igneous Complex, the Sierra Nevada batholith, and an Adirondack migmatite show that micron-scale oscillatory zoning of Ti is common. The zircons we have studied typically display banded concentration gradients, having between 1 and 7 peaks in Ti abundance over length scales of 10–20 μm—the beam diameter commonly used for SIMS trace-element zircon analyses—with amplitudes of up to 4.5 ppm Ti (baseline values are ~1–4 ppm) and widths (measured at half-height) of between ~0.2 and 4 μm. Spatial correlations between concentrations of Ti and other trace elements (P, Y, and Ce) are also common, but variable in character, ranging from oscillatory co-variation of Ti, P, Y, and Ce to cases where only a subset of peaks for a given element is spatially correlated with peaks in Ti. There are also longer length-scale, generally positive correlations among concentrations of Ti, P, Y, and Ce (i.e., gradients on which narrower peaks are superimposed). In contrast, Hf concentrations are either uncorrelated or inversely correlated with these longer length-scale variations in Ti concentrations. The wide range in Ti concentrations over distances of less than 1 μm and the various correlations between Ti concentrations and those of the other analyzed elements suggest that on the micron scale and at temperatures between ~700 and 800 °C, zircon-liquid Ti partitioning is not controlled by bulk or lattice equilibrium. Treating our NanoSIMS Ti ion maps as though they were conventional SIMS analyses (i.e., generating an average Ti concentration for each map), we evaluate the hypothesis that while micron-scale variations in Ti concentrations might be kinetically controlled, when averaged over 100–400 μm2, such variations capture the thermal state of the growing zircon. Using these average Ti concentrations, independent petrologic pressure and temperature constraints, estimates of silica and titania activities based on phase assemblages as well as calculations using rhyolite-MELTS, we show that crystallization temperatures predicted by Ti-in-zircon geothermometry generally do not agree with the independently constrained temperatures for the samples.  相似文献   

A sequence of mineral associations was examined in eclogitized basites of the Krasnaya Guba dike field in the Belomorian Mobile Belt. Two morphological types of eclogite and eclogite-like rocks were recognized: (1) eclogite rocks that developed after ferrogabbro dikes and completely replaced these dikes from contact to contact and (2) eclogite-like rocks that developed after gabbronorites in zones of ductile deformations and shearing. According to data mineral geothermobaromety, both rock types were formed within temperature and pressure ranges corresponding to high-pressure and high-temperature amphibolite facies at T = 700 ± 40°C and P = 10.0 ± 0.5 kbar. The peak metamorphic parameters of the host gneisses are analogous. The decompressional stage, which is unambiguously identified by reaction textures, occurred at 630–660°C and 7.9–8.2 kbar. As the temperature and, first of all, pressure decreased, the SiO2 activity in the fluid systematically varied. The eclogitization of the basites took place locally in relation to fluid fluxes, which were restricted to zones of intense deformations, at variable SiO2 activity. The rocks show evidence of two stages of post-eclogite amphibolization. Older amphibolization 1 was coeval with the late prograde metamorphic stage (T = 650°C, P = 10–11 kbar). Younger amphibolization 2 affected eclogitized basite dikes and unaltered gabbronorites (together with their host gneisses) over large areas. This process coincided with decompression (T = 580°C, P = 7–8 kbar) and was likely accompanied by the exhumation of deep zones of BMB to upper-middle crustal levels.  相似文献   

本总结了榴辉岩的高温高压弹性波速测量结果,并将其应用于苏鲁超高压变质带地震资料的解释。由于榴辉岩具有高密度和高波速,它们和长英质片麻岩、大理岩、石英岩、角闪岩、麻粒岩、蛇纹石化橄榄岩的界面可以产生强反射。如果俯冲的陆壳物质以榴辉岩与围岩互层的形式在上地幔保留下来,就可能在造山带的上地幔产生地震反射。根据CCSD孔区地震剖面所建立的地壳成分模型表明:苏鲁超高压带地壳浅部的高速层可归因于夹在花岗质片麻岩、副片麻岩、角闪岩等岩石中的榴辉岩和超基性岩;中地壳主要由中酸性片麻岩、斜长角闪岩和副片麻岩组成;下地壳以中基性麻粒岩为主。在该超高压变质带现今的深部地壳,榴辉岩含量很少或几乎没有。因此,折返的超高压变质岩是以构造岩片的形式沿一系列剪切带逆冲并覆盖在正常的中下地壳之上,深部榴辉岩的缺乏可能与下地壳拆沉作用无关。  相似文献   

高展  张贵宾 《岩石学报》2017,33(6):1775-1788
柴北缘超高压变质带作为中国西部深俯冲的一个研究热点,对其变质泥质岩的碎屑锆石年龄研究对了解此区内深俯冲大陆的前寒武纪演化历史,及与华北克拉通及华南克拉通的亲缘性讨论具有重要意义。本文选取柴北缘超高压变质带中绿梁山和都兰的变质泥质岩,筛选锆石利用LA-ICP-MS进行定年并讨论其地质意义。实验结果表明碎屑锆石年龄分为三个组别集中,分别是1100Ma、1000~800Ma和800~500Ma,并分别代表了古老的结晶基底、与Rodinia超大陆相关的碰撞和裂解事件以及古祁连洋的演化。板块亲缘性分析表明柴达木-祁连地区可能与扬子克拉通西缘具有亲缘性,可能作为扬子克拉通西缘的延伸而与扬子克拉通相连。通过结合碎屑锆石数据及板块亲缘性分析并对比现今西太平洋边缘的演化模式,本文提出了一个在早古生代北祁连为主动大陆边缘,柴北缘为被动大陆边缘;在祁连地体北侧的古祁连洋闭合后柴北缘转变为主动大陆边缘的构造演化模式。  相似文献   


Local isotopic and geochemical studies of the zircons from metasomatites of the Terskii greenstone belt allowed us to determine two stages of metamorphism (2680 and 2025 My) and two stages of metasomatosis (2600 and 1800 My). Almost all the zircons were either metasomatic or affected to some degree by metasomatic processes caused by the enrichment of zircons in light rare earth elements, Th, U, Sr, and Ba, and flattening of the Ce anomaly.


U-Pb zircon isotopic data on rocks from the Kandalaksha-Umba zone of the Lapland granulite belt in the Por’ya Bay area constrain the age of the protolith of the apodacite (apotonalite) Opx-Bt granulite gneisses at 2799 ± 4 Ma, and the age of the apogabbronorite Grt-Opx-Cpx-Hbl crystalline schists at 2315 ± 23 Ma. The U-Pb sphene age of the magmatic crystallization of the postmetamorphic granodiorites is 1901 ± 5 Ma. The zircon yields the U-Pb age of the contamination of xenogenic zircons, which were captured during the dissolution of xenoliths of the host Grt-Opx-Cpx-Hbl crystalline schists in granodiorite melt. The comparison of the most important attributes of the endogenic histories of the adjacent Lapland Granulite and Belomorian Mobile belts testifies to their similar evolutionary histories: (1) the protolith age of the acid Opx-Bt granulites of the Lapland Belt (2799 ± 4 Ma) coincides with the protolith age of acid gneisses in the Belomorian Belt (2890-2690 Ma); (2) the ages of the gabbronorite protolith of Grt-Opx-Cpx-Hbl granulites in the Lapland Belt (2315 ± 23 Ma) and gabbro-anorthosite in the Kolvitsa Massif (2462-2423 Ma) are close to the protolith age of eclogitized gabbronorites in the Belomorian coronite suite (2.46–2.36 Ga); (3) the age of granulite metamorphism of acid and mafic rocks in the Lapland Belt is 1912–1925 Ma, and the age of eclogite metamorphism of gneisses and metabasites in the Belomorian Belt is approximately 1.9 Ga, i.e., their metamorphism took place in Svecofennian time; (4) the peak pressure of granulite metamorphism in the Lapland Belt was 9–11 kbar at a temperature of 800–850°C, whereas the peak metamorphic parameters of eclogite metamorphism in the Belomorian Belt were 10–12 kbar and 640–700°C. This means that the metamorphic complexes of the Lapland and Belomorian belts had the same Mezo- and Neoarchean protoliths hosting bodies of Paleoproterozoic gabbroids and were completely formed largely by a single cycle of Svecofennian high-pressure zonal metamorphism within a temperature range from the lowest grade of the eclogite to the granulite facies.  相似文献   

The first geochemical study of titanite from eclogites and associated rocks of the Belomorian Mobile Belt (BMB) by secondary ion mass spectrometry made it possible to establish the compositional features of this mineral in the garnet-bearing and garnet-free assemblages. Titanite from garnet-bearing assemblages is characterized by upward convex REE pattern and lowered HREE content relative to LREE, as well as the average GdN/YbN ratio around 16.5. Titanite from metaultrabasic rock inherits the specific features of the host rock, which should be taken into account when comparing with titanite from metagabbro. Results of U-Pb (TIMS) dating of titanite confirms the identification of the early and late stages of the Svecofennian metamorphism in the studied areas of BMB: early metamorphism with the peak eclogite facies conditions at around 1900 Ma, retrograde amphibolite facies metamorphism at 1870–1880 Ma, and late allochemical metamorphism accompanied by the pegmatite formation with an age of 1840 Ma.  相似文献   

The Southern Irumide Belt(SIB) is an orogenic belt consisting of a number of lithologically varied Mesoproterozoic and Neoproterozoic terranes that were thrust upon each other.The belt lies along the southwest margin of the Archaean to Proterozoic Congo Craton,and bears a Neoproterozoic tectonothermal overprint relating to the Neoproterozoic-Cambrian collision between the Congo and Kalahari cratons.It preserves a record of about 500 million years of plate interaction along this part of the Congo margin.Detrital zircon samples from the SIB were analysed for U-Pb and Lu-Hf isotopes,as well as trace element compositions.These data are used to constrain sediment-source relationships between SIB terranes and other Gondwanan terranes such as the local Congo Craton and Irumide belt and wider afield to Madagascar(Azania) and India.These correlations are then used to interpret the Mesoproterozoic to Neoproterozoic affinity of the rocks and evolution of the region.Detrital zircon samples from the Chewore-Rufunsa and Kacholola(previously referred to as Luangwa-Nyimba) terranes of the SIB yield zircon U-Pb age populations and evolved ε_(Hf)(t) values that are similar to the Muva Supergroup found throughout eastern Zambia,primarily correlating with Ubendian-Usagaran(ca.2.05-1.80 Ga) phase magmatism and a cryptic basement terrane that has been suggested to underlie the Bangweulu Block and Irumide Belt.These data suggest that the SIB was depositionally connected to the Congo Craton throughout the Mesoproterozoic.The more eastern Nyimba-Sinda terrane of the SIB(previously referred to as Petauke-Sinda terrane) records detrital zircon ages and ε_(Hf)(t) values that correlate with ca.1.1-1.0 Ga magmatism exposed elsewhere in the SIB and Irumide Belt.We ascribe this difference in age populations to the polyphase development of the province,where the sedimentary and volcanic rocks of the Nyimba-Sinda terrane accumulated in extensional basins that developed in the Neoproterozoic.Such deposition would have occurred following late-Mesoproterozoic magmatism that is widespread throughout both the Irumide and Southern Irumide Belts,presently considered to have occurred in response to collision between a possible microcontinental mass and the Irumide Belt.This interpretation implies a multi-staged evolution of the ocean south of the Congo Craton during the mid-Mesoproterozoic to late-Neoproterozoic,which ultimately closed during collision between the Congo and Kalahari cratons.  相似文献   

Based on their REE contents and REE patterns,eclogites from the ultra-high pressure metamorphic belt in central China may be roughly divided into xis types including LREE-rich.LREE-rich positive Eu anomaly,LREE-rich negative Eu anomaly,REE pattern-smooth,MREE-rich and HREE-rich.The LREE_rich,LREE-rich positive Eu anomaly and LREE-rich negative Eu anomaly types of eclogites are dominant .REE types of eclogites in different areas can be compared and the REE feactures of the same REE type of eclogites in different areas are similar.The results of reconstruction of the primary rocks show that the primary rocks of eclogites possibly are dominated by continental tholeiites which are the product of partial melting of relatively fertile mantle and the rocks of tholeiite crystallization-differentiation.There is perfect evolution relationship among the primary rocks of the LREE-rich, LREE-rich positive Eu anomaly and LREE-rich negative Eu anomaly types of eclogites and among those of the REE pattern smooth and MREE-rich types of eclogites,the former three types were deried from continental settings and the latter two from nearly oceanic settings.Meanwhile,it is concluded that the mantle sources of primary rocks of the eclogites are inhomogeneous and the primary rocks of eclogites in this area appear to have undergone varying degree of crustal contamination.  相似文献   

在详细形态和内部结构研究基础上,对碧溪岭橄榄岩锆石进行了配套的U-Pb年龄和Hf同位素分析.碧溪岭橄榄岩锆石主体是变质成因的,但有少量岩浆锆石残留.这些锆石主体给出了220~210 Ma的变质生长/重结晶作用年龄;一颗具较高Th/U比值的锆石给出646 Ma的近协和年龄,限定了早期岩浆结晶作用的最小年龄.真正的侵位年龄可以由745 Ma的上交点年龄来限定;210~222 Ma则记录着深俯冲陆壳折返过程中的锆石生长.除少数颗粒的εHf为负值外(-2.9),大部分锆石的εHf是正的(高速+8.1)并具新元古代的亏损地幔模式年龄(0.6~1.0 Ga,平均0.8 Ga).这些结果说明碧溪岭橄榄岩的初始物质是扬子大陆岩石圈内新元古代岩浆堆积作用产物.这样的岩浆堆积物来源于亏损的软流圈地幔,侵入于扬子的深部地壳之中(如底侵)并部分混染了古老地壳组分.它们随扬子向华北之下深俯冲碰撞和造山带折返过程中经历着复杂的变质改造作用.  相似文献   

永安岩体位于钦杭结合带南部,属桂东南十万大山-大容山复式岩体的一部分,其岩石类型为斑状堇青黑云花岗闪长岩。对永安岩体斑状堇青黑云花岗闪长岩进行了LA-ICPMS锆石U-Pb测年,获得其年龄为252. 8±3. 3Ma,为晚二叠世花岗岩。对永安岩体花岗岩进行的全岩地球化学分析结果表明,岩石富Al、高K,铝饱和指数A/CNK均大于1. 1,标准矿物分子刚玉均大于1%;岩石富集轻稀土元素,亏损重稀土元素,轻重稀土元素分馏明显,稀土元素的球粒陨石标准化配分曲线为轻稀土元素富集的右倾型,具弱负铕异常;岩石富集大离子亲石元素(Rb、Ba、K、Sr),亏损高场强元素(Nb、P、Ti、Ta)和Ba、Sr。花岗岩的锆石εHf(t)=-14~-8,tDM2=2. 3~1. 8 Ga。通过本文工作,结合前人关于永安岩体矿物学、全岩地球化学、Hf同位素和锆石微量元素的分析资料,认为永安岩体岩石为强过铝质S型壳源花岗岩,地幔组分没有提供成岩物质,但地幔底侵作用为成岩提供了热能,花岗岩形成于后碰撞阶段的拉张环境中。  相似文献   

The magnesium and strontium contents of fossil ostracod-shell calcite have been used extensively in the reconstruction of water composition and temperature in lakes and, to a lesser degree, in marginal-marine waters and in the deep ocean. Current instrumentation may allow single shells of these calcite microfossils to be analysed and most studies have taken advantage of this capability. However, there is now good evidence for large intra-sample variability in the trace-element content of ostracod shells, both in living populations and in fossil assemblages, and this has implications for any attempt to distinguish the low-frequency (∼decadal or longer) trends in water temperature and composition that are often the goals of palaeoenvironmental studies, from higher-frequency (seasonal or interannual) ‘noise’. In this study, the Mg and Sr contents of living and fossil populations of six species of marine, marginal-marine and shallow-marine ostracods from 11 sites are used to investigate sources of variability and to estimate critical sample sizes for stratigraphic studies. Results confirm that variability amongst individual samples is generally wide and cannot be attributed to instrumental error or sample handling alone. In some instances, variability can be explained by fluctuations in water composition and/or temperature, although this has to be evaluated in each case. Some evidence points to non-environmental control on variability in shell composition, perhaps connected to genetically-controlled differences in physiology that affected calcification, early diagenetic alteration, or the role of environmental factors other than temperature or water composition. However, further work is needed to verify this. In some stratigraphic studies, large numbers (>20) of individual shells would need to be analysed in order to detect low-frequency environmental changes with any degree of confidence, although fewer shells may often suffice. The critical sample size depends on the variability at each study site, which should ideally be evaluated using pilot studies.  相似文献   

Several types of metabasites of different age were identified in the southern part of Pezhostrov Island: eclogites with a magmatic protolith age of about 2200 Ma and 2500 Ma old metagabbroanorthosites that retained no eclogitic assemblage. It is shown that the Paleoproterozoic eclogites dominate volumetrically over Archean eclogites in the Belomorian eclogitic province. Eclogites with the youngest Jatulian protolith age (no older than 2200 Ma) occur with the same frequency as those with the Archean protolith age. A new find of eclogites with a Paleoproterozoic age of magmatic protolith and generalization of accumulated geochronological data confirm the recognition of an extended zone of high-pressure metamorphism with an age around 1900 Ma in the Belomorian mobile belt.  相似文献   

Morphoscopic studies of zircons, including optical microscopic and SEM (backscattered electron mode), from the Rôniers valley (West-Poli, Northern Cameroon) indicate an important crystallization of zircon during a medium-grade garnet-kyanite metamorphic event. This was associated with a deformation (D1) and with the emplacement of a basic and intermediate plutonic suite (BIP). U-Pb dating of these zircon gave almost concordant Pan-African ages (630 Ma) which contribute to a solution of a major regional uncertainty about the age of the regional D1 event, which, in the mobile belt of Central Africa, has been considered previously either as Pan-African or as Lower to Middle Proterozoic. A chronological framework is proposed for the evolution of northern Cameroon.
Zusammenfassung Eine kristallmorphologische Bearbeitung von Zirkonen aus Glimmerschiefern des Rôniers-Tals (Westlich von Poli, Nord-Kamerun) wurde mit Durchlicht- und mit RasterElektronen-Mikroskopie (Rückstrahl Elektronen) ausgeführt. Verbunden mit einer Bearbeitung des strukturgeologischen und metamorphen Rahmens führt sie zu der Vorstellung einer massiven Auskristallisation der Zirkone anläßlich eines tektono-metamorphen Ereignisses mittlerer Stärke in der Granat-Disthen Fazies. Dieses Ereigniss ist von einer Deformationsphase (D1) und der Platznahme eines basischen bis intermediären Gesteinsverbandes (BIP) begleitet worden. Eine U/Pb Datierung dieser Zirkone ergibt praktisch konkordante pan-afrikanische Alter (630 M.J.) Diese Resultate klären eine Ungewissheit in Bezug auf das Alter des stärksten metamorphen Schieferung, die hier als Resultat des Ereignisses D1 gedeutet wird. Je nach der geographischen Stellung innerhalb der zentral-afrikanischen mobilen Zone wurde bis jetzt das Alter dieser Schieferung als pan-afrikanisch oder als unter- bis mittelproterozoisch gegeben. Ein chronologischer Ablauf kann somit für die Entwicklung des nordkamerunischen Gebietes vorgeschlagen werden.

Résumé Une étude morphologique de zircons provenant des micaschistes de la vallée des Rôniers (ouest de Poli, Nord Cameroun) a été menée aussi bien en microscopie optique qu'en microscopie à balayage (électrons rétrodiffusés). Combinée à l'étude de l'environnement structural et métamorphique, elle conduit à l'idée d'une cristallisation massive du zircon pendant un événement tectono-métamorphique de degré moyen dans le faciès à grenat-disthène. Cet épisode s'accompagne d'une phase de déformation (D1) et de la mise en place d'une association basique à intermédiaire (BIP). Une datation U/Pb de ces zircons donne des âges panafricains (630 Ma) pratiquement concordants. Ces résultats permettent de lever une ambiguïté sur l'âge de la foliation métamorphique principale interprétée comme résultant de l'événement D1: elle est considérée selon les endroits de la zone mobile d'Afrique centrale soit d'âge panafricain soit d'âge protérozoïque inférieur à moyen. Une chronologie de l'évolution du domaine nord camerounais est proposée.

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