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We have used time-resolved spectroscopy to measure the colour dependence of pulsation amplitudes in the DAV white dwarf G29-38. Model atmospheres predict that mode amplitudes should change with wavelength in a manner that depends on the spherical harmonic degree ℓ of the mode. This dependence arises from the convolution of mode geometry with wavelength-dependent limb darkening. Our analysis of the six largest normal modes detected in Keck observations of G29-38 reveals one mode with a colour dependence different from the other five, permitting us to identify the ℓ-value of all six modes and to test the model predictions. The Keck observations also show pulsation amplitudes that are unexpectedly asymmetric within absorption lines. We show that these asymmetries arise from surface motions associated with the non-radial pulsations (which are discussed in detail in a companion paper). By incorporating surface velocity fields into line profile calculations, we are able to produce models that more closely resemble the observations.  相似文献   

In each season when the DA pulsating white dwarf G29-38 has been observed, its period spectrum appears very different, but it always contains a forest of harmonics and cross-frequencies. The ratio of the amplitude of these non-linear frequencies A c to the product of the amplitudes of the corresponding parent modes A 1 A 2 has been measured. The results are compared with the predictions given by three existing theoretical models. Our analysis shows that the non-linear frequencies present in the period spectrum of G29-38 owe their presence mostly to the inelastic response of the stellar medium to the perturbation travelling through it, rather than to the non-linear response of the emergent luminous flux to the surface temperature variation. This analysis also confirms that most identified modes are ℓ=1, as previously asserted by Kleinman et al.  相似文献   

An analysis of the evolution of the amplitude spectrum over many seasons of the DA pulsating white dwarf G29-38 has been performed. Neither beating nor resonant mode coupling can account for the observed appearance and disappearance of modes, although some of them clearly grow while others get damped. Therefore some unknown non-adiabatic, non-linear process has to be invoked that affects both the mode selection mechanism and the driving efficiency on a time-scale as short as a day.  相似文献   

An analysis of the phase spectrum of the DA pulsating white dwarf G29-38 over many seasons has been performed. This complements a companion paper which analyses the evolution of the temporal spectrum of G29-38.
We show that, with one exception, the relative phases of the harmonics and combination frequencies are all oscillating in phase with their parent modes. This not only suggests that these non-linear frequencies owe their presence to harmonic distortion and not to resonant mode coupling, but also explains the typical pulse shapes observed in the light curves of large-amplitude variable white dwarfs.
The one exceptional cross-frequency that does not show a phasing with its parent modes is thought to be a resonance.  相似文献   

Asteroseismology is a powerful tool used for detecting the inner structure of stars, which is also widely used to study white dwarfs. We discuss the asteroseismology of DAV stars. The period-to-period fitting method is discussed in detail, including its reliability in detecting the inner structure of DAV stars. If we assume that all observed modes of some DAV stars are the l = I cases, the errors associated with model fitting will be always large. If we assume that the observed modes are com- posed of I = 1 and 2 modes, the errors associated with model fitting in this case will be small. However, there will be modes identified as l = 2 that do not have ob- served quintuplets. G29-38 has been observed spectroscopically and photometrically for many years. Thompson et al. made 1 modes identifications in the star through the limb darkening effect. With 11 known I modes, we also study the asteroseismology of G29-38, which reduces the blind l fittings and is a fair choice. Unfortunately, our two best-fitting models are not in line with the previous atmospheric results. Based on factors like only a few observed modes, stability and identification of eigenmodes, identification of spherical degrees, construction of physical and realistic models and so on, detecting the inner structure of DAV stars by asteroseismology needs further development.  相似文献   

We present optical time series spectroscopy of the pulsating white dwarf star G 29-38 taken at the Very Large Telescope (VLT). By measuring the variations in brightness, Doppler shift and line shape of each spectrum, we explore the physics of pulsation and measure the spherical degree (ℓ) of each stellar pulsation mode. We measure the physical motion of the g modes correlated with the brightness variations for three of the eight pulsation modes in this data set. The varying line shape reveals the spherical degree of the pulsations, an important quantity for properly modelling the interior of the star with asteroseismology. Performing fits to the Hβ, Hγ and Hδ lines, we quantify the changing shape of the line and compare them to models and previous time series spectroscopy of G 29-38. These VLT data confirm several ℓ identifications and add four new values, including an additional ℓ= 2 and a possible ℓ= 4. In total, from both sets of spectroscopy of G 29-38, eleven modes now have known spherical degrees.  相似文献   

The pulsating DA white dwarfs are the coolest degenerate stars that undergo self-driven oscillations. Understanding their interior structure will help us to understand the previous evolution of the star. To this end, we report the analysis of more than 200 h of time-resolved CCD photometry of the pulsating DA white dwarf star EC 14012−1446 acquired during four observing epochs in three different years, including a coordinated three-site campaign. A total of 19 independent frequencies in the star's light variations together with 148 combination signals up to fifth order could be detected. We are unable to obtain the period spacing of the normal modes and therefore a mass estimate of the star, but we infer a fairly short rotation period of  0.61 ±0.03 d  , assuming the rotationally split modes are  ℓ= 1  . The pulsation modes of the star undergo amplitude and frequency variations, in the sense that modes with higher radial overtone show more pronounced variability and that amplitude changes are always accompanied by frequency variations. Most of the second-order combination frequencies detected have amplitudes that are a function of their parent mode amplitudes, but we found a few cases of possible resonantly excited modes. We point out the complications in the analysis and interpretation of data sets of pulsating white dwarfs that are affected by combination frequencies of the form   f A + f B − f C   intruding into the frequency range of the independent modes.  相似文献   

We present FUSE H Lyman series spectroscopy of the hot white dwarf companion to the 4th magnitude A1 III star β  Crt, which shows that it has an unusually low mass,     , and has almost certainly evolved through binary interaction. This system could be a long-sought remnant of Algol-type evolution, although radial velocity measurements appear to show that the pair are not close. Instead, micro-variations in the proper motion of β  Crt as measured by Hipparcos suggest that the period could be as high as ∼10 yr. However, a low-mass white dwarf in a system with a period ≳3 yr is difficult to explain by conventional models for binary evolution. We speculate on alternative models for the evolution of this system which involve an eccentric binary or multiple components.  相似文献   

The interpretation of pulsation data for sun-like stars is currently facing challenges quite similar to those faced by white dwarf modelers ten years ago. The observational requirements for uninterrupted long-term monitoring are beginning to be satisfied by successful multi-site campaigns and dedicated satellite missions. But exploration of the most important physical parameters in theoretical models has been fairly limited, making it difficult to establish a detailed best-fit model for a particular set of oscillation frequencies. I review the past development and the current state of white dwarf asteroseismology, with an emphasis on what this can tell us about the road to success for asteroseismology of other types of stars.  相似文献   

Using the latest non-local thermodynamic equilibrium (non-LTE) synthetic spectra and stellar model calculations, we have evaluated the potential effect of the presence of heavy elements in the photospheres of hot H-rich DA white dwarfs. In particular, we have examined their influence on the effective temperature and surface gravity perceived from analysis of the Balmer line profiles. It is apparent that both the inclusion of non-LTE effects in the models and significant quantities of heavy elements act independently to lower the value of T eff determined from a particular spectrum. Hence, the true effective temperatures of the heavy element-rich DA white dwarfs, currently estimated to be above 55 000 K, are apparently lower than previously reported from pure-H LTE analyses, by some 4000–7000 K. We do not see any similar influence on measurements of log g . This work concentrates on a group of relatively bright well-studied objects, for which heavy element abundances are known. As a consequence of this, establishment of correct temperatures for all other hot white dwarfs will require a programme of far-UV spectroscopy in order to obtain the essential compositional information. Since only stars with effective temperatures lying notionally in the range from ≈ 55 000 to 70 000 K (52 000–62 000 K when the non-LTE effects and heavy elements are taken into account) have been considered here, important questions remain regarding the magnitude of any similar effects in even hotter white dwarfs and pre-white dwarfs. The resulting implications for the plausibility of the evolutionary link between the main hot DA population and their proposed precursors, the H-rich central stars of planetary nebulae, need to be investigated.  相似文献   

We report the detection, from the Far Ultraviolet Spectroscopic Explorer (FUSE) data, of phosphorus in the atmospheres of GD71 and two similar DA white dwarfs. This is the first detection of a trace metal in the photosphere of the spectrophotometric standard star GD71. Collectively, these objects represent the coolest DA white dwarfs in which photospheric phosphorus has been observed. We use a grid of homogeneous non-local thermodynamic equilibrium synthetic spectra to measure abundances of  [P/H]=−8.57+0.09−0.13, −8.70+0.23−0.37  and  −8.36+0.14−0.19  in GD71, RE J1918+595 and RE J0605−482 respectively. At the observed level we find that phosphorus has no significant impact on the overall energy distribution of GD71. We explore possible mechanisms responsible for the presence of this element in these stars, concluding that the most likely is an interplay between radiative levitation and gravitational settling, possibly modified by weak mass loss.  相似文献   

We report a study of the photospheric composition of the hot DA white dwarf WD 2218+706, which is also the central star of the old planetary nebula DeHt5. Helium is detected in the far-UV spectrum. In addition, the star clearly contains significant quantities of elements heavier than He at abundances generally a factor of 2 to 10 higher than those found in the archetypal heavy element-rich DA G191−B2B. This is the first detection of trace He using the He  ii λ 1640 line in an isolated DA white dwarf, but the low surface gravity is more indicative of a binary evolution route from the red giant branch rather than a path along the asymptotic giant branch (AGB) as a single star. However, the absence of any evidence for a companion star and the uncertainty in the measured mass for WD 2218+706 still allow the possibility of an origin along an AGB evolutionary track.
We reanalyse the existing optical spectra of WD 2218+706 using our latest pure H and heavy element-rich model atmospheres, obtaining a good match between the observed and synthetic spectra with either set of models. We find little evidence of any inconsistency in the temperature required to fit individual Balmer lines, as reported elsewhere for this star. Any discrepancies we see are confined to the H α line and the core of H β but they do not compromise our analysis.  相似文献   

This paper is aimed at exploring the effects of diffusion on the structure and evolution of low-mass helium white dwarfs. To this end, we solve the multicomponent flow equations describing gravitational settling and chemical and thermal diffusion. The diffusion calculations are coupled to an evolutionary code in order to follow the cooling of low-mass, helium core white dwarf models having envelopes made up of a mixture of hydrogen and helium, as recently suggested by detailed evolutionary calculations for white dwarf progenitors in binary systems. We find that diffusion causes hydrogen to float and the other elements to sink over time-scales shorter than evolutionary time-scales. This produces a noticeable change in the structure of the outer layers, making the star inflate. Thus, in order to compute accurately the mass–radius relation for low-mass helium white dwarfs we need to account for the diffusion processes during (at least) the white dwarf stages of the evolution of these objects. This should be particularly important when studying the general characteristics of binary systems containing a helium white dwarf and a pulsar.
In addition, we present an analytic, approximate model for the outer layers of the white dwarf aimed at interpreting the physical reasons for the change in the surface gravity for low-mass white dwarfs induced by diffusion.  相似文献   

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