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英国乡村发展政策演变及启示   总被引:8,自引:5,他引:8  
龙花楼  胡智超  邹健 《地理研究》2010,29(8):1369-1378
诸多成功案例表明,全球化有助于加快经济发展知识与实践的国际转移,将国际知识转移至地区经济发展实践中,为地区发展战略问题提供国际上相关解决方案。英国在其乡村发展历程中也曾经历过与目前中国相类似的发展阶段并遇到相似的发展问题,涉及乡村经济的多样化转型、对新技术和市场扩张的适应和基础设施改善等方面。因此,借鉴英国解决这些问题的经验和教训有助于解决目前中国乡村发展过程中遇到的诸多问题。本文分析了英国乡村发展政策的演变及其阶段性特征,其政策变化的特点主要体现在政策制订由"自上而下"转向"自下而上"、强调政策的综合性、注重乡村发展计划的长远性和可持续性、重视运用法律和市场手段等方面,最后从政策制订、乡村发展计划的实施以及发展项目选择等方面探讨了其对我国乡村发展的政策启示。并指出,考虑到国际乡村发展政策的趋同与差异,任何国际乡村发展政策和模式的采纳均需要根据我国特殊的文化、经济、政治传统和环境予以调整。  相似文献   

This paper explores some implications for New Zealand's rural community of Britain's foot and mouth epidemic in the light of growing international trade and travel, and changes in New Zealand's rural society. The paper includes ecological mapping with a projected/likely spatial distribution of an epidemic in New Zealand, and an assessment of the possible institutional and social responses in the wake of a disease outbreak. It notes the course of the epidemic in Britain, and possible differences and similarities in institutional response frameworks between Britain and New Zealand.  相似文献   

南极数据目录系统(ADDS)初步研究   总被引:5,自引:4,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
ADDS是国际南极领域高度重视和许多国家共同研究的课题,是南极数据国际交流和共享的基础,也是国际南极数据管理发展的首要切入点。本文阐述了ADDS的六条开发原则并对其框架结构加以了分析,指出ADDS应采用国际目录网络(IDN)的目录交换格式(DIF),以利于提高南极数据目录的兼容性和实用性。本文还说明了AMD工具箱的设计思想及所要达到的目的及其改进方法。经过研究和实践,对南极数据目录条目的分类、ADDS的开发提出了见解及其实施方面的建议,预测了可能存在的问题及其解决方案,展望了今后的发展方向。  相似文献   

‘Brain drain’ has been one of the abiding topics of public debate during 2000. Emigration of New Zealanders much more than immigration of new settlers has dominated discourses about international migration, even though for much of the year the country experienced overall net migration gains rather than net losses. This paper addresses the migration of New Zealanders with reference to both the international shortage of skilled labour, especially ‘white’ English speaking labour, and the growing debate about ‘replacement’ migration. The gradual recognition, both by politicians and academics, of a ‘New Zealand diaspora’ is examined.  相似文献   

The relationship between mainstream development policy (and perhaps also development studies) and postcolonial theorists has often been characterized as a dialogue of the deaf. Rather like in the old 'debates' between adherents of modernization and neo-Marxist theories, the protagonists are often thought to be talking at or past one another, rather than with each other. This paper reassesses some firmly held views on both sides of the schism. On the one hand, many official development agencies appear to promote business as usual (often quite literally, as a recent War on Want report attests in the case of the UK's DFID using its aid budget to promote profitable opportunities for British corporations). On the other hand, some postcolonial purists rely on surprisingly modernist, totalizing discursive techniques while claiming post-structural credentials, or baulk at the prospects of practical engagement. Discrepancies between theory, discourse, policy and practice are not the preserve of one side. However, the middle ground is firmer and better trodden than most believe. Considerable progress has been made and the paper assesses examples of productive engagement and concludes with suggestions for carrying forward the challenges.  相似文献   

The period 1996-2001 has witnessed a refocusing of population growth on Sydney and Melbourne as both cities have developed significant concentrations of so-called 'new economy' jobs and taken on, to greater or lesser extents, the characteristics of global cities. The consequence of these trends, for Sydney most particularly, is population growth. This paper establishes this demographic reality by describing recent demographic trends in Sydney and possible future scenarios for Sydney's population, given differing levels of fertility, internal migration and international migration. A related future trend is also traced--that the number of households in Sydney will grow more rapidly than the population due to changes in household structure. This raises the issue of how and where these households will be accommodated, given the relative land shortage in the Sydney Statistical Division and given that there is no doubt that planners in New South Wales will be attempting to maintain and enhance Sydney's status as a global city. In sum, the paper argues that Sydney planners should be preparing for growth of around one million people in the next 20 years and a further one million in the following 30 years. To maintain that potential future residents of Sydney can be redirected to other parts of New South Wales is a vain hope.  相似文献   

Constructions of 'whiteness' in the geographical imagination   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Peter Jackson 《Area》1998,30(2):99-106
Summary Following debates in geography and across the social sciences about the social construction of 'race', there has been a growing recognition that these arguments apply with equal force to dominant groups as well as to the categorization of so-called ethnic minorities. This paper traces these developments through a brief review of recent work on the social construction of 'whiteness' in literary, historical and ethnographic research. It examines some specific constructions of 'whiteness' at the national scale (in the United States, Britain and Aotearoa/New Zealand) and concludes with some empirical evidence from fieldwork in North London, where it is suggested that constructions of 'whiteness' are articulated through discourses of Englishness.  相似文献   

"In the 1990s the population [of New Zealand] is experiencing higher levels of mobility than at any time in its history. However, with regards to European migration to New Zealand, the settler flows of the past have been overtaken in importance by reverse flows of temporary migrants. Now flows of new settlers come predominantly from Asia and the Pacific....This paper is about return migration--a process that has been largely ignored in the literature on international migration to New Zealand."  相似文献   

New Zealand origin academics have played a key role in the academic study of Australia's population in the post-war period. The paper argues that New Zealanders have contributed not only to the furthering of knowledge of the processes of change in the Australian population but have been important in the teaching of population geography in Australian universities, made inputs into policy relating to population and been influential in the development of the Australian Population Association. Major contributions have been made by New Zealanders not only in the traditionally strong areas of population geography such as internal and international migration but also in the areas of fertility, mortality and ageing.  相似文献   

Abstract. Acceptance of the concept of sustainable development as a long term goal has shifted the nature of the debate about the environment and its relation to development. Previously, emphasis was on the adverse effects of economic development on the environment. It is now argued that a degraded and deteriorating environment is a threat to economic development. However, if the promise of sustainability is to be fully explored some fundamental changes must be made. The most important changes concern: first, the way ecological factors are integrated into economic decision making; second, the design of domestic policies; third, the emergence of environmental change as a force in international relations; and, fourth, the need to restructure the international economy and global political arrangements. Canada and New Zealand provide examples of efforts to tackle these issues, to halt environmental destruction and resource depletion, and to meet global development needs.  相似文献   

Abstract: A key objective in the New Zealand Curriculum, in the learning area of the social sciences, is that students are taught the knowledge and skills to enable them to explore and analyse people's values and perspectives. A specific achievement standard for the NCEA at Level 2 (year 12) concerns learning about disparities in development within or between countries. This article raises the issue of how the concept of ‘development’ is taught. It outlines some of the historical uses of the term and discusses how the concept is constructed in the curriculum. It explores what students learn about development in the classroom and possibilities for broadening how the concept might be taught.  相似文献   

Of the several classifications of services, each emphasizes different characteristics. The International Standard Industrial Classification (ISIC) is used for a comparative study on the transformation into service economies of the U.S., Canada, Great Britain, France, West Germany, Italy and Japan. Service economies are defined as national economies in which employment in services surpassed that in manufacturing. The pace of the evolution of service economies has been rapid with North America leading, followed in order by Great Britain, France, Italy, Japan and West Germany. Service economies have important implications for urban growth, intercity competition, and international trade.  相似文献   

新时期长江三角洲区域联动发展的战略性思考   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
该文通过分析世界经济竞争空间主体、国际产业梯度转移方式、国内区域经济竞争格局的新变化,论述了长江三角洲地区实施区域联动发展战略的必要性。剖析长江三角洲地区实现联动发展的主要动力机制在于国内外经济竞争压力、企业跨地区发展、政府间经济合作、区域基础设施一体化。提出长江三角洲实现区域联动发展的主要领域和对策。  相似文献   

Global environmental politics and policy are conventionally seen as the province of nation-states and international negotiations. However, there has been increasing attention devoted to the part that local places can play in the pursuit of (global) sustainable development. In this paper, I explore the role of local government in Australian greenhouse policy. A brief outline of the role of local government in environmental management is followed by a short history of greenhouse policy in Australia. From its initial marginal position, local government has begun to occupy a more prominent role in greenhouse policy development and implementation. The paper examines the processes that have led to this change, the development of local greenhouse and energy policies in Newcastle, New South Wales, and the initiation of the 'Cities for Climate Protection' program by the federal government. In conclusion, some thoughts on the problems and prospects of a local approach to the greenhouse issue are offered.  相似文献   

西北太平洋: 21世纪的地理--政治枢纽   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
20世纪初,英国著名地理学家麦金德在其名著《历史的地理枢纽》一书中,通过对地理大发现以后世界政治地图,尤其是欧洲政治地图变化的分析,提出了“大陆腹地”的概念,并把中、东欧地区称为国际政治的“枢纽”地区。二战以后,美、英等西方国家正是基于麦金德的这一思路,把围堵“枢纽”地区作为其全球战略的重中之重,拉开了长达半个世纪的“冷战”帷幕。冷战结束以后,世界政治地理格局发生了重大变化,西北太平洋地区以其重要的地理位置、蓬勃发展的经济和急剧增长的军备,成为国际地缘政治中新的“枢纽”地区。本文从政治军事地理角度对这一问题进行了初步研究,供关心西北太平洋地区局势的同仁参考。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. In The Shaping of America Donald Meinig describes a United States averse to challenging Britain geostrategically but emerging as a powerhouse economy by the late 1890s. But America embarked on a sustained economic struggle with Britain in 1861 by embracing protectionism; America's Civil War ironclads were as much to resist Britain as fight the Confederacy; and in 1866 uss Miantonomoh helped persuade Britain to reconsider, then pay, the Alabama Claims. Britain never retaliated in the economic struggle by moving to protectionism and in the late 1800s began to appease America in geostrategic terms. This struggle intensified in the 1920s and 1930s as America and Britain competed for control of international transportation, international communication, and the global oil supply, but by the mid‐1940s American hegemony was clear. This article traces the course of the complex economic and political struggle for hegemony in the light of recent models of transitions in the world economy.  相似文献   

Janet Dobson  John Stillwell 《Area》2000,32(4):395-401
Summary The purpose of this contribution is to draw attention to a particular sub-group of the population whose migration behaviour has been largely neglected by population geographers but whose activities are of sufficient extent and consequence to require closer investigation. The paper outlines some evidence of the magnitude and geography of internal and international child migration in Britain in the 1990s and argues that research might usefully focus on the relationship between child migration and the school system, and the implications of this interdependence for public policy.  相似文献   

Sustainable livelihoods approaches used in international development are applied to a vulnerable New Zealand catchment. The Waiapu Catchment has a high proportion of indigenous residents, and is one of the most remote and deprived areas in the country. Linear and centralised approaches to indigenous development have failed to bring about desired changes. We identify “capitals” (social, human/political, physical, natural, financial and cultural) present in the catchment. From this assessment, we propose capital‐based holistic approaches to bring about community‐led change. The assessment and resulting approaches can be used in other vulnerable environments around the world.  相似文献   

In the oil palm frontier regions of West New Britain and Oro provinces, Papua New Guinea, customary land tenure arrangements are changing in response to the growing demand for land for agricultural development. This paper examines one aspect of these changes, namely the gifting and selling of customary land for oil palm development to people who have no customary birthrights to the land. By analysing how access rights are maintained over the relatively long cultivation cycle of oil palm (approximately 25 years), and in the context of the rapidly changing socio-economic and demographic environments of the oil palm frontiers, the paper demonstrates that while land transactions seemingly entail the commodification of land, land rights and security of land tenure remain embedded in social relationships. For customary landowners, the moral basis of land rights is contingent on 'outsiders' maintaining particular kinds of social and economic relationships with their customary landowning 'hosts'. In exploring how these social relationships are constituted through the performance of particular kinds of exchange relationships, the paper provides insights into relational concepts of land rights and how these are able to persist in Papua New Guinea's oil palm frontier regions where resource struggles are often intense and where large migrant populations are seeking land for agricultural development.  相似文献   

变化发展中的中国人文与经济地理学   总被引:9,自引:4,他引:5  
陆大道 《地理科学》2017,37(5):641-650
学科方向与研究领域的确定是学科发展的灵魂。人文与经济地理学是研究领域乃至研究方向均处于变化中的学科,重新认识人文与经济地理学的研究领域与学科方向至关重要。通过梳理几十年来中国人文与经济地理学主要分支学科发展阶段,总结了人文与经济地理学对转型发展社会背景的响应,一方面要坚持学科交叉的性质,以“人-地系统”为理论方向和走理论与实践相结合的道路,另一方面人文与经济地理学者要以新的心态、新的视野,来思考未来发展的重点领域、发展理念以及理论与方法的创新。对长期以来学科涉及到的主要问题,战略性、咨询性、预测性甚至总结经验性(成果表现为发展学科理论)的工作将会逐渐增加,重要性将逐渐显现。阐述了信息化与社会空间经济组织、区域经济新格局与新型城镇化等重要研究领域的发展变化趋势,就“国际热点”与“国际前沿”、理论研究及理论与实践的关系等重要问题的研究理念以提出了新设想,并提出将“人文地理学”改称为“人文与经济地理学”的建议。  相似文献   

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