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 Analogue experiments in part I led to the conclusion that pyroclastic flows depositing very high-grade ignimbrite move as dilute suspension currents. In the thermo–fluid–dynamical model developed, the degree of cooling of expanded turbulent pyroclastic flows dynamically evolves in response to entrainment of air and mass loss to sedimentation. Initial conditions of the currents are derived from column-collapse modeling for magmas with an initial H2O content of 1–3 wt.% erupting through circular vents and caldera ring-fissures. The flows spread either longitudinally or radially from source up to a runout distance that increases with higher mass flux but decreases with higher gas content, temperature, bottom slope and coarser initial grain size. Progressive dilution by entrainment and sedimentation causes pyroclastic currents to transform into buoyant ash plumes at the runout distance. The ash plumes reach stratospheric heights and distribute 30–80% of the erupted material as widespread co-ignimbrite ash. Pyroclastic suspension currents with initial mass fluxes of 107-1012 kg/s can spread for tens of kilometers with only limited cooling, although they move as supercritical, strongly entraining currents for the eruption conditions considered here. With increasing eruption mass flux, cooling during passage through the fountain diminishes while cooling during flow transport increases. The net effect is that eruption temperature exerts the prime control on emplacement temperature. Pyroclastic suspension currents can form welded ignimbrite across their entire extent if eruption temperature is To>1.3.Tmw, the minimum welding temperature. High eruption rates, a large fraction of fine ash, and a ring-fissure vent favor the formation of extensive high-grade ignimbrite. For very hot eruptions producing sticky, partially molten pyroclasts, analysis of particle aggregation systematics shows that factors favoring longer runout also favor more efficient aggregation, which reduces runout. As a result, very high-grade ignimbrites cannot spread more than a few tens of kilometers from their source. In cooler pyroclastic currents, particles do not aggregate, and the sedimentation process may involve re-entrainment of particles, which potentially leads to more extensive cooling and longer runout; such effects, however, are only significant when net erosion of substrate occurs. Model results can be employed to estimate mass flux and duration of ignimbrite eruptions from measured ignimbrite masses and aspect ratios. The model also provides an alternative explanation of the observed decrease in H/Lratios with ignimbrite mass. Received: 10 May 1998 / Accepted: 21 October 1998  相似文献   

 Coarse, co-ignimbrite lithic breccia, Ebx, occurs at the base of ignimbrite E, the most voluminous and widespread unit of the Kos Plateau Tuff (KPT) in Greece. Similar but generally less coarse-grained basal lithic breccias (Dbx) are also associated with the ignimbrites in the underlying D unit. Ebx shows considerable lateral variations in texture, geometry and contact relationships but is generally less than a few metres thick and comprises lithic clasts that are centimetres to a few metres in diameter in a matrix ranging from fines bearing (F2: 10 wt.%) to fines poor (F2: 0.1 wt.%). Lithic clasts are predominantly vent-derived andesite, although clasts derived locally from the underlying sedimentary formations are also present. There are no proximal exposures of KPT. There is a highly irregular lower erosional contact at the base of ignimbrite E at the closest exposures to the inferred vent, 10–14 km from the centre of the inferred source, but no Ebx was deposited. From 14 to <20 km from source, Ebx is present over a planar erosional contact. At 16 km Ebx is a 3-m-thick, coarse, fines-poor lithic breccia separated from the overlying fines-bearing, pumiceous ignimbrite by a sharp contact. This grades downcurrent into a lithic breccia that comprises a mixture of coarse lithic clasts, pumice and ash, or into a thinner one-clast-thick lithic breccia that grades upward into relatively lithic-poor, pumiceous ignimbrite. Distally, 27 to <36 km from source Ebx is a finer one-clast-thick lithic breccia that overlies a non-erosional base. A downcurrent change from strongly erosional to depositional basal contacts of Ebx dominantly reflects a depletive pyroclastic density current. Initially, the front of the flow was highly energetic and scoured tens of metres into the underlying deposits. Once deposition of the lithic clasts began, local topography influenced the geometry and distribution of Ebx, and in some cases Ebx was deposited only on topographic crests and slopes on the lee-side of ridges. The KPT ignimbrites also contain discontinuous lithic-rich layers within texturally uniform pumiceous ignimbrite. These intra-ignimbrite lithic breccias are finer grained and thinner than the basal lithic breccias and overlie non-erosional basal contacts. The proportion of fine ash within the KPT lithic breccias is heterogeneous and is attributed to a combination of fluidisation within the leading part of the flow, turbulence induced locally by interaction with topography, flushing by steam generated by passage of pyroclastic density currents over and deposition onto wet mud, and to self-fluidisation accompanying the settling of coarse, dense lithic clasts. There are problems in interpreting the KPT lithic breccias as conventional co-ignimbrite lithic breccias. These problems arise in part from the inherent assumption in conventional models that pyroclastic flows are highly concentrated, non-turbulent systems that deposit en masse. The KPT coarse basal lithic breccias are more readily interpreted in terms of aggradation from stratified, waning pyroclastic density currents and from variations in lithic clast supply from source. Received: 21 April 1997 / Accepted: 4 October 1997  相似文献   

We describe the stratigraphy, chronology, and grain size characteristics of the white trachytic tuff (WTT) of Roccamonfina Volcano (Italy). The pyroclastic rock was emplaced between 317 and 230 Ma BP during seven major eruptive events (units A to G) and three minor events (units BC, CD, and DE). These units are separated by paleosol layers and compositionally well-differentiated pyroclastic successions. Stratigraphic control is favored by the occurrence at the base of major units of marker layers. Four WTT units (1 to 4) occur within the central caldera. These are not positively correlated with specific extracaldera units.The source of most of the WTT units was the central caldera. Units B and C were controlled by the western wall of the caldera, whereas units D and E were able to overcome this barrier, spreading symmetrically along the flanks of MC. The maximum pumice size (MP) of units increases with distance from the caldera, whereas the maximum lithic size (ML) decreases. MP and ML of the marker layer of unit D (MKDa–MKDp) do not show any systematic variations with respect to the central caldera. In contrast, the thickness of surge MKDa decreases with distance from the source, and MKDp accumulates to the north of MC probably controlled, respectively, by mobility-transport power and by wind blowing northwards.The grain size characteristics of the WTT deposits are used for classifying the units. There is no systematic variation of the grain size as a function of stratigraphic height either among units or within single units. Large variation of components in subunit E1, with repetitive alternation of pyroclastic flow to surge through fallout vs. surge deposits, suggests that the process of eruption took place in a complex or piecemeal fashion.Pumice concentration zones (PCZ) occur at all WTT levels on the volcano, but they are much thicker and pumice clasts are much larger within the central caldera. These were probably originated by the disruption of lava (flow or dome) to pumice fragments and fine ash due to sudden depressurization and interaction with lake waters of the molten lava. Local basal PCZ are, in some cases, similar to the lapilli-rich “layer 1P” that has been described elsewhere, and may have been deposited from currents transitional between pyroclastic surge and flow. Other basal PCZ formed in response to small undulations in the substrate, or can be originated by fallout. Lenticular PCZ within ignimbrite interiors and tops are interpreted to record marginal pumice levees and pumice rafts, some of which were buried by subsequant pyroclastic flows.Lithic concentration zones (LCZ) also occur at various stratigraphic height within the extracaldera ignimbrites, whereas intracaldera LCZ are absent, probably due to the fact that ignimbrite currents are strongly energetic and erosive near vent. LCZ at the top of basal inversely graded layers are formed by mechanical sieving or dispersive pressure in response to variable velocity gradients and particle concentration gradients (a segregation process). Coarse LCZ and coarse lithic breccias (LB), that reside in the interior or tops of pyroclastic flows and that occur in medial to distal areas, are interpreted to be the result of slugs of lithic-rich debris introduced by vent collapse or rockslides into the moving pyroclastic flows along their flow paths. These LCZ become mixed to varying degrees due to differential densities and velocities relative to the pyroclastic flows (desegregation processes).  相似文献   

Yasuto  Itoh  Toshiyasu  Miyazaki  Seiji  Nishizaki 《Island Arc》2007,16(3):457-464
Abstract   Neotectonic crustal deformation in central Japan near a triple-junction of plates is investigated on the basis of paleomagnetic data. The progressive thermal demagnetization test isolated characteristic remanent magnetization from 18 sites of the early Quaternary Eboshidake volcanic rocks erupted around the termination of active strike-slip faults. The site-mean directions show considerably large scatter in declinations, and easterly deflection in average (Dm = −161.7°). On the basis of inclination statistics, measured inclinations (Im = −48.9°, δI = 6.6°) are concordant with an expected value from latitude of the study area. Because the sampling was planned to cover a wide stratigraphic range and eliminate the effect of geomagnetic secular variation, an easterly deflection is attributed to clockwise rotation around vertical axis. Together with previous paleomagnetic data, the present study indicates that clockwise-rotated areas in central Japan are aligned on a northeast–southwest recent shear zone delineated through geodetic survey. Deflection and scatter of paleomagnetic declinations of the Eboshidake volcanic rocks are much greater than those extrapolated from a recent strain rate, and might be explained by complicated motion anticipated at fault terminations and/or enhanced crustal rotation under elevated temperatures around a Quaternary volcanic province.  相似文献   

Regional and local characteristics of active fault patterns and elevation variation throughout Honshu, Japan are characterized in terms of their fractal dimensions; this allows variation in these complex variables to be compared directly to the scalar properties of net Quaternary vertical displacement, elevation and 10- and 110-year horizontal strains. The comparisons reveal that, throughout Honshu as a whole, there is significant correlation (r=0.75) between Quaternary vertical displacement, elevation, and its fractal properties. There is poor correlation, however, of elevation and its fractal properties to horizontal crustal strain, and also between Quaternary vertical displacement and horizontal crustal strain. A slight negative correlation is observed between the fractal properties of the active fault system and horizontal crustal strain measured over 10- and 110-year time periods (–0.43 and –0.26, respectively). The correlation between the 10-year (1985–1994) and 110-year (1883–1994) area strains, 0.48, reveals the occurrence of considerable change in the distribution of regional strain over these short time frames. Local computations of the correlation between data sets made for overlapping 160 km length windows of data spaced every 20 km along analysis lines reveal internal fluctuations in the correlation between variables. The local correlation between Quaternary vertical displacement and elevation is highest through central Japan and the Kinki Triangle. There is weak negative correlation between area strain and fractal dimensions of the active fault network. The local correlation between the fractal dimensions of active faults and horizontal area strain over the recent 10-year time period averages about –0.6 through central Japan in an area that extends across the Kinki Triangle through the northern part of central Honshu and northeast across the Itoigawa Shizuoka Tectonic Line. In general, regions of greatest complexity in the active fault network are associated with persistent negative area or compressional strain. Sparsely faulted areas in general coincide with areas of positive or roughly zero area strain. The presence of negative correlation through central Japan and the Kinki Triangle area in the recent 10-year period results from a decrease of area strain within an increasingly complex active fault system that reaches maximum negative values concentrated in the Kinki Triangle during the 1985–1994 time period.  相似文献   

The (U-Th)/He dating method applied to U-rich phases such as zircon and apatite has sufficient sensitivity and precision to be of potential use for dating relatively recent geologic events such as volcanic eruptions. However, in phases with crystallization ages less than ∼1 Ma, chemical fractionation within the 238U decay series may modify the He ingrowth rate, causing He ages computed from the secular equilibrium age equation to be incorrect. The resulting systematic error depends on the [230Th/238U] activity ratio of the dated phase when it is erupted, and on the eruption age. Zircons, which exclude Th relative to U, will likely have secular equilibrium He ‘ages’ that underestimate the eruption age by up to a few tens of %, decreasing with increasing eruption age. Apatites tend to accommodate U and Th with little fractionation, so apatite secular equilibrium He ages will be nearly concordant with eruption age. If minerals are erupted immediately after crystallization, the disequilibrium effect can be reasonably accounted for based on Th/U systematics. However, crystals are likely to reside for unknown but potentially long periods in a magma chamber, such that the degree of secular disequilibrium will be reduced prior to the onset of He accumulation. (U-Th)/He analyses of co-genetic phases that fractionate the U/Th ratio differently, like apatite and zircon, can be used to better constrain eruption age, as well as to provide insights into magma chamber residence time. We illustrate this approach with (U-Th)/He analyses of zircons and apatites of the Pleistocene-age Rangitawa Tephra, New Zealand.  相似文献   

Takahiro  Yamamoto 《Island Arc》2005,14(2):199-212
Abstract River incision into bedrock results in the decrease of burial depths, which can be of critical importance, for example, in the safe long‐term storage of high‐level radioactive waste. For the long‐term prediction of river erosion, it is essential to know the rate of incision during the Late Quaternary period. In the Abukuma Mountains on the forearc side of northeast Japan, a low‐relief peneplain that was uplifted in the Pliocene period is widely developed. Degradational fluvial terraces that are discontinuously distributed along draining rivers are scattered in the study area. The fluvial sediments were mainly transported from the summit regions as debris flows or hyperconcentrated flows. The terrace deposits are capped by a series of eolian veneers containing key tephra beds. From the oldest to the youngest, these tephra beds are the 150–125 ka Iizuna–Kamitaru tephra, the 135–125 ka Hiuchigatake–Tagashira tephra, the 120 ka Adatara–Dake tephra, the 70–80 ka Bandai–Hayama‐2 tephra, the 45 ka Numazawa–Mizunuma tephra and the 42 ka Bandai–Hayama‐1 tephra. Using tephrochronological data, the terraces are divided into three groups: higher, middle and lower. The ages of formation of the higher, middle and lower terraces are estimated to be within marine isotope stage (MIS) 6, MIS 5.4–5.2 and MIS 3 to MIS 2, respectively. The incision rate, calculated from the relative height between the terrace surface and present‐day valley floor fill, is 1.5–0.8 m/10 000 years in the elevations from 350 to 700 m. The calculated rate does not show significant differences between the higher, middle and lower terraces. All the relative heights decrease with increasing elevation, because the erosional rates of streams in the upper reaches are lower than those in downstream reaches where the discharge rates are higher. This value can be regarded as an estimate of the rate of incision in granitic mountains where there is no volcanic or distinct tectonic activity.  相似文献   

Geochemical analysis of fine grained (<20 μm) tephra found in ice cores is inherently difficult, due to the typically low number and small size of available particles. Ice core tephra samples require specialized sample preparation techniques to maximize the amount of information that can be gained from these logistically limited samples that may provide important chronology to an ice record, as well as linking glacial, marine and terrestrial sediments. We have developed a flexible workflow for preparation of tephra and cryptotephra samples to allow accurate and robust geochemical fingerprinting, which is fundamental to tephrochronology. The samples can be prepared so that secondary electron imagery can be obtained for morphological characterization of the samples to ensure that the sample is tephra-bearing and then the sample can be further prepared for quantitative electron microprobe analysis using wavelength dispersive techniques (EMP-WDS), scanning electron microscopy with energy dispersive spectrometry (SEM-EDS), laser ablation inductively coupled mass spectrometry (LA-ICP-MS) or secondary ion mass spectrometry (SIMS). Some samples may be too small for typical instrumentation conditions to be used (i.e. 20 μm beam on the EMP) to analyze for geochemistry and we present other techniques that can be employed to obtain accurate, although less precise, geochemistry. Methods include analyzing unpolished tephra shards less than 5 μm in diameter with a 1 μm beam on an SEM; using the “broad beam overlap” EMP method on irregular particles less than 20 μm in diameter, and analyzing microlitic shards as well as aphyric shards using EMP to increase the number of analyzed shards in low abundance tephra layers. The methods presented are flexible enough to be employed in other geological environments (terrestrial, marine and glacial) which will help maximize and integrate multiple environments into the overall tephra framework.  相似文献   

Kazuhiko  Fujita  Hiroaki  Shimoji  Koichi  Nagai 《Island Arc》2006,15(4):420-436
Abstract A new method for reconstructing depositional environments of larger foraminifera‐bearing limestones is proposed. First, depth and spatial distributions of empty tests of 10 foraminiferal taxa in a 1–2 mm size fraction were examined using 32 surface sediment samples collected from depths shallower than 200 m, located to the west of Miyako Island, Ryukyu Islands, northwest Pacific. Distributional ranges of empty tests in the 1–2 mm size fraction appear to be more limited than those including other size fractions in previous reports, partly because larger empty tests of each taxon are less easily transported than smaller ones. Multivariate analyses (Q‐mode cluster analysis and non‐metric multidimensional scaling ordination) based on binary (presence/absence) data of the 10 taxa delineate four sample groups, each of which corresponds to different depositional environments: nearshore zone/bay inlet; back‐reef to fore‐reef; outer shelf to shelf slope; and shelf slope distant from coral reefs. Next, these modern data were applied to reconstruct the depositional environment of a rock section distributed in the Shiratorizaki area (Irabu Island, Ryukyu Islands), which consists of larger foraminiferal limestone of the Pleistocene Ryukyu Group. Multivariate analyses were performed on the fossil plus the modern foraminiferal data to explore the possible relationship of the fossil associations with variations in modern associations, demonstrating that the fossil foraminiferal associations resemble the modern outer shelf associations. The modern analog technique was also applied to estimate paleobathymetry using fossil foraminiferal data. The results indicate that the section studied was deposited in outer shelf environments at depths between 53.5 and 98.6 m. These paleoenvironmental interpretations are consistent with previous studies based on sedimentary facies and the computer‐based expert system. The modern dataset and methods used in our work would be particularly useful for paleoenvironmental reconstructions of Quaternary reef and shelf carbonates along active margins of the northwest Pacific.  相似文献   

40Ar/39Ar ages and paleomagnetic correlations using characteristic remanent magnetizations (ChRM) show that two main ignimbrite sheets were deposited at 4.86 ± 0.07 Ma (La Joya Ignimbrite: LJI) and at 1.63 ± 0.07 Ma (Arequipa Airport Ignimbrite: AAI) in the Arequipa area, southern Peru. The AAI is a 20–100 m-thick ignimbrite that fills in the Arequipa depression to the west of the city of Arequipa. The AAI is made up of two cooling units: an underlying white unit and an overlying weakly consolidated pink unit. Radiometric data provide the same age for the two units. As both units record exactly the same well-defined paleomagnetic direction (16 sites in the white unit of AAI: Dec = 173.7; Inc = 31.2; α95 = 0.7; k = 2749; and 10 sites in the pink unit of AAI; Dec = 173.6; Inc = 30.3; α95 = 1.2; k = 1634), showing no evidence of secular variation, the time gap between emplacement of the two units is unlikely to exceed a few years. The >50 m thick well-consolidated white underlying unit of the Arequipa airport ignimbrite provides a very specific magnetic zonation with low magnetic susceptibilities, high coercivities and unblocking temperatures of NRM above 580°C indicating a Ti-poor titanohematite signature. The Anisotropy of Magnetic Susceptibility (AMS) is strongly enhanced in this layer with anisotropy values up to 1.25. The fabric delineated by AMS was not recognized neither in the field nor in thin sections, because most of the AAI consists in a massive and isotrope deposit with no visible textural fabric. Pumices deformation due to welding is only observed at the base of the thickest sections. AMS within the AAI ignimbrite show a very well defined pattern of apparent imbrications correlated to the paleotopography, with planes of foliation and lineation dipping often at more than 20° toward the expected vent, buried beneath the Nevado Chachani volcanic complex. In contrast with the relatively small extent of the thick AAI, the La Joya ignimbrite covers large areas from the Altipano down the Piedmont. Ti-poor titanomagnetites are the dominant magnetic carriers and AMS values are generally lower than 1.05. Magnetic foliations are sub horizontal and lineations directions are scattered in the LJI. The AMS fabrics are probably controlled by post-depositional compaction and welding of the deposit rather than transport dynamics. Electronic supplementary material  The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

Il-Soo  Kim  Myong-Ho  Park  Byong-Jae  Ryu Kang-Min  Yu 《Island Arc》2006,15(1):178-186
Abstract   Data on the late Quaternary tephra layers, tephrostratigraphy, geochemistry and environment were determined in two sediment cores from the southwestern part of Ulleung Basin (East Sea/Sea of Japan), representing marine-oxygen isotope stages 1–3. The cores consist mainly of muddy sediments that are partly interbedded with silty sands, lapilli tephra and ash layers. The lapilli tephra layers (Ulleung-Oki tephra, 9.3 ka) originating from Ulleung Island consist mainly of massive-type glass shards, whereas the ash layers (Aira-Tanzawa ash, 22.0–24.7 ka) derived from southern Kyushu Island are mainly composed of typical plane-type and bubble-wall glasses that are higher in SiO2 and lower in Na2O + K2O than the lapilli tephra layers. Except for the tephra layers, fine-grained sediments throughout the core sections are mostly of marine origin based on geochemical data (C/N ratios, hydrogen index, S2 peak) and Tmax. In particular, organic carbon contents increased during Termination I, probably as a result of an influx of the deglacial Tsushima Current through the Korea Strait.  相似文献   

张家口断裂第四纪构造变形与活动性研究   总被引:8,自引:4,他引:4  
本文根据野外详实资料对张家口断裂的构造变形和活动性进行分析与研究,结果表明:断裂由西、中、东3段组成,各段多由北西向和近东西向2组多条次级断层组成,总体呈北西西走向展布,长达70km,控制着张家口及附近的第四纪构造演化和地貌发育;北西向断层构成断裂的主体,为高角度的逆(或正)走滑断层,近东西向断层较短,表现为正倾滑,第四纪期间2组断层持续活动,以脆性变形为特征;断裂端部段落与北东向断裂交汇,活动性较弱,构造表现不甚清楚,中部段落活动强烈,晚更新世以来单条断层的平均垂直活动速率大于0.07—0.30mm/a,总的垂直活动速率可能达到1.33mm/a。  相似文献   

Based on detailed field investigations,this paper describes the geometrical characteristics and tectonic activities of the Zhangjiakou fault at the northwest of Beijing. This fault strikes mainly northwest to west,short parts of which strike near east to west,dipping north,and extends over a length of 70km. It is a major geological and geomorphological margin,controlling the neotectonic movement in this region. On the south side of the Zhangjiakou fault are the Late Quaternary unconsolidated deposits,forming basins; while on the other side are Mesozoic volcano debris and Pre-Mesozoic metamorphic rocks, forming lower mountains and hills. The Zhangjiakou fault consists mainly of high-angle inverse strike-slip fault and partially of normal strike-slip fault. Among these,the north-dipping NW-NWW-trending secondary faults,constituting the main fracture of the fault,have inverse characteristics; those near the EW-trending secondary faults are links of the former faults,with a smaller length and normal faulting characteristics. Thus,the Zhangjiakou fault is a north-dipping inverse and partially south-dipping normal strike-slip fault. The Zhangjiakou fault has been continuously active since the Quaternary. With the exception of the western end extension,which has been active since the late Pleistocene, the main part of the fault has been active since the Holocene. The central main segment of the Zhangjiakou fault is more active. Since the mid-late period of the late Pleistocene,the average vertical slip rate of a single fault has been over 0. 07mm /a ~ 0. 30mm /a. The Zhangjiakou fault has multi-slip surfaces,and the total vertical slip rate reaches 1. 33mm /a,estimated from the Qingshuihe river terraces and the relevant drilling data.  相似文献   

A detailed study of the morphology and micro‐morphology of Quaternary alluvial calcrete profiles from the Sorbas Basin shows that calcretes may be morphologically simple or complex. The ‘simple’ profiles reflect pedogenesis occurring after alluvial terrace formation and consist of a single pedogenic horizon near the land surface. The ‘complex’ profiles reflect the occurrence of multiple calcrete events during terrace sediment aggradation and further periods of pedogenesis after terrace formation. These ‘complex’ calcrete profiles are consequently described as composite profiles. The exact morphology of the composite profiles depends upon: (1) the number of calcrete‐forming events occurring during terrace sediment aggradation; (2) the amount of sediment accretion that occurs between each period of calcrete formation; and (3) the degree of pedogenesis after terrace formation. Simple calcrete profiles are most useful in establishing landform chronologies because they represent a single phase of pedogenesis after terrace formation. Composite profiles are more problematic. Pedogenic calcretes that form within them may inherit carbonate from calcrete horizons occurring lower down in the terrace sediments. In addition erosion may lead to the exhumation of older calcretes within the terrace sediment. Calcrete ‘inheritance’ may make pedogenic horizons appear more mature than they actually are and produce horizons containing carbonate embracing a range of ages. Calcrete exhumation exposes calcrete horizons whose morphology and radiometric ages are wholly unrelated to terrace surface age. Composite profiles are, therefore, only suitable for chronological studies if the pedogenic horizon capping the terrace sequence can be clearly distinguished from earlier calcrete‐forming events. Thus, a detailed morphological/micro‐morphological study is required before any chronological study is undertaken. This is the only way to establish whether particular calcrete profiles are suitable for dating purposes. Copyright © 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

A dated landscape history of the Allt nan Uamh valley in the Assynt area is constructed, spanning the last 300 ka, using geomorphological analysis, U-series speleothem dating, and existing cave surveys. The mean rate of valley deepening is estimated to lie between 47 and 68 m per glacial/interglacial cycle of 100 ka. This, combined with an estimated duration of glaciation, implies glacial erosion rates of about 2 mm a−1, in agreement with modern process measurements. © 1997 by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

本文根据青岛市活断层探测与地震危险性评价项目初查阶段第四纪地层分析、遥感影像解译、地球化学探测、地质地貌调查与探槽开挖、浅层地震勘探与钻孔探测、地质年代测定等获得的丰富的第一手资料,对青岛沧口断裂的地质构造特征和第四纪活动性进行了详细分析与综合研究,结果表明:沧口断裂经历多期构造变动,是本区的重要断裂之一,它由多支断层组成,控制了中生代的火山活动、盆地沉积和岩浆侵入以及晚第四纪的盆地沉积、山体隆升和水系发育;第四纪以来,沧口断裂的主要活动发生于中更新世晚期至晚更新世早期,表现出中高角度向南东倾的逆冲活动特点,错断了上更新统底面1—6m,而最新活动时代为晚更新世中期,以走滑活动为主,垂直错距0.2—1.1m。  相似文献   

甘肃北山地区晚第四纪构造变形特征及演化趋势   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王峰  苏刚  晋佩东 《地震研究》2004,27(2):173-178
通过对甘肃北山地区ETM影像的细致分析和初步野外考察,对北山地区晚第四纪以来断裂活动时代和运动性质进行了研究。结合附近地区天山构造带、青藏高原北部边缘断裂的演化过程和区域构造应力场状态,对北山地区晚第四纪以来变形机制和演化趋势进行了研究。认为北山地区现今构造格局是在印度板块与欧亚板块相碰撞形成的北东向挤压构造应力场的作用下,重新激活东西向的晚古生代、中生代断裂,并产生北东向新生断裂而形成。晚第四纪以来,北山地区构造变形以南北向缩短为主,伴随有东西向伸展。随着印度板块的向北运移,北山地区的构造变形将进一步增强,即南北向缩短和东西向的扩展将进一步增强。  相似文献   

The I ingwu fault is in the eastern boundary of the southern section of Yinchuan graben. It hasa close relation to seismicity in the Lingwu-Wuzhong region.Few researches have been done.In this Paper,on the basis of tee data obtained from field investigation,the activity features inLate Quaternary have been discussed.The vertical displacement and its slip rate have been alsoestimated.The fault is 48km in length,being divided into 3 segments according to geologicaland topographical characteristics.The last rupture along its northern and middle segments wasoccurred in late of Late Pleistocene or early Holocene while that along the southern segmentwas occurred in midle Holocene.The vertical slip rate is estimated as 0.23~025mm/a sinceabout 66ka B.P.based on the vertical displacements of terracesⅠ,Ⅱ and Ⅲ and their ages.  相似文献   

潮汕盆地主要受控于北东向和北西向2组断裂构造,盆地及周缘曾发生过多次破坏性地震。因此,厘定相关断裂的构造特征和第四纪活动性,对合理评估区域地震危险性至关重要。在系统总结和分析已有第四系钻孔年代学的基础上,采用野外地质调查与地球物理勘探相结合的方法,对潮汕盆地及周缘断裂构造开展详细的研究工作。盆地周缘基岩区断裂构造野外解析表明,北西向断裂具有正断层性质,兼具左行走滑特征,北东向断裂以逆冲变形为主。结合盆地第四系覆盖区浅层人工地震探测和已有地层年代学分析结果,进一步厘定了榕江断裂、韩江断裂、饶平-汕头断裂和普宁-潮州断裂在潮汕盆地内的几何学展布和晚更新世以来的活动特征。  相似文献   

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