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A tephrostratigraphy for Erebus volcano is presented, including tephra composition, stratigraphy, and eruption mechanism. Tephra from Erebus were collected from glacial ice and firn. Scanning electron microscope images of the ash morphologies help determine their eruption mechanisms The tephra resulted mainly from phreatomagmatic eruptions with fewer from Strombolian eruptions. Tephra having mixed phreatomagmatic–Strombolian origins are common. Two tephra deposited on the East Antarctic ice sheet, ~ 200 km from Erebus, resulted from Plinian and phreatomagmatic eruptions. Glass droplets in some tephra indicate that these shards were produced in both phreatomagmatic and Strombolian eruptions. A budding ash morphology results from small spheres quenched during the process of hydrodynamically splitting off from a parent melt globule. Clustered and rare single xenocrystic analcime crystals, undifferentiated zeolites, and clay are likely accidental clasts entrained from a hydrothermal system present prior to eruption. The phonolite compositions of glass shards confirm Erebus volcano as the eruptive source. The glasses show subtle trends in composition, which correlate with stratigraphic position. Trace element analyses of bulk tephra samples show slight differences that reflect varying feldspar contents.  相似文献   

Tephrochronology is one of the most effective ways to correlate and date Quaternary deposits across large distances. However, it can be challenging to obtain direct ages on tephra beds when they are beyond the limit of radiocarbon dating, do not contain mineral phases suitable for 40K-40Ar (or 40Ar/39Ar) dating, or suitable glass shards for fission-track dating are not available. Zircon U-Pb dating by laser ablation-inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (LA-ICP-MS) is an emerging technique for dating young (<1 Ma) tephra. Here, we demonstrate that LA-ICP-MS zircon U-Pb dating can produce reliable ages for key tephra beds found in Yukon and Alaska. We assessed five different techniques for calculating tephra maximum depositional ages from zircon U-Pb ages for eight tephra beds. Our preferred zircon U-Pb ages (reported with 2σ uncertainties), based on a Bayesian model for calculating maximum depositional ages, are broadly consistent with previously established chronology constructed from stratigraphy, paleomagnetism, and/or glass fission track and 40Ar/39Ar ages: Biederman tephra (178 ± 17 ka), HP tephra (680 ± 47 ka), Gold Run tephra (688 ± 44 ka), Flat Creek tephra (708 ± 43 ka), PA tephra (1.92 ± 0.06 Ma), Quartz Creek tephra (2.62 ± 0.08 Ma), Lost Chicken tephra (3.14 ± 0.07 Ma), and GI tephra (542 ± 64 ka). We also present newly revised glass fission-track and 40Ar/39Ar ages recalculated from previous determinations using updated ages for the Moldavite tektite and Fish Canyon Tuff standards, and updated K decay constants. For Pleistocene age zircon crystals, corrections for 230Th disequilibrium and common-Pb are significant and must be treated with caution. Similarly, apparent tephra ages are sensitive to the choice of method used to calculate a maximum depositional age from the assemblage of individual crystallization ages. This study demonstrates that LA-ICP-MS zircon U-Pb dating can be successfully applied to numerous Pliocene-Pleistocene Alaskan-Yukon tephra, providing confidence in applying this method to other stratigraphically important tephra in the region.  相似文献   

A 1075 cm long core (Lz1120) was recovered in the south-eastern part of the Lake Ohrid (Republics of Macedonia and Albania) and sampled for identification of tephra layers. Magnetic susceptibility investigations show rather high magnetic values throughout the core, with peaks unrelated to the occurrence of tephra layers but instead to the relative abundance of detrital magnetic minerals in the sediment. Naked-eye inspection of the core allowed us to identify of two tephra layers, at 896–897 cm and 1070–1075 cm. Laboratory inspection of the grain-size fraction > 125 μm allowed for the identification of a third cryptotephra at 310–315 cm. Major element analyses on glass shards of the tephra layers at 896–897 cm and 1070–1075 cm show a trachytic composition, and indicate a correlation with the regionally dispersed Y-3 and Y-5 tephra layers, dated at ca 30 and 39 cal ka BP. The cryptotephra at 310–315 cm has a mugearitic–benmoreitic composition, and was correlated with the FL eruption of Mt. Etna, dated at 3370 ± 70 cal yr BP. These ages are in agreement with five 14C AMS measurements carried out on plant remains and macrofossils from the lake sediments at different depths along the core.  相似文献   

A 5 mm thick tephra layer has been identified in the lacustrine sediments of Moon Lake in the Arxan-Chaihe volcanic field (ACVF) in Greater Khingan Mountains (NE China). The visible tephra layer is clearly revealed as a distinct peak in magnetic susceptibility measurements. The tephra layer consists mainly of brown vesicular glass shards and minor amounts of plagioclase, olivine and clinopyroxene. Major and minor element analysis has been carried out on the glass shards and plagioclase minerals. Glass shards show low concentrations of K2O, similar to the eruptive products derived from post-Miocene volcanoes of the ACVF. The plagioclase phenocrysts in both lava and tephra from ACVF, and in the tephra recorded in Moon Lake are labradorites. During the Late Pleistocene to Holocene, there were also extensive explosive eruptions in the nearby Nuominhe volcanic field (NVF). Volcanic rocks from the ACVF are easily distinguished from those derived from the NVF, having distinctly different K2O concentrations. This compositional variation is likely the result of different magmatic processes operating in the ACVF and NVF. Radiocarbon dating on organic materials from the lacustrine sediments dates the tephra layer to ca. 14,200 cal yrs BP, which implies that it was generated by a previously unknown Late Pleistocene explosive eruption in the ACVF. These results, for the first time, give a direct tephra record in this area, and suggest that identification of further tephra and/or cryptotephra in local sedimentary basins such as crater lakes of scoria cones and maars will be significant for dating the Late Pleistocene to Holocene volcanic eruptions and will help to establish a detailed record of the volcanic activity in the ACVF. The newly discovered tephra layer also provides a dated tephrochronological marker layer, which will in future studies provide a means to synchronise local sedimentary records of the climatically variable Late Glacial.  相似文献   

Volcanic glass shards from tephra layers in the Byrd Station ice core were chemically analyzed by electron microprobe. Tephra in seven layers have similar peralkaline trachyte compositions. The tephra are believed to originate from Mt. Takahe, on the basis of their chemical similarity to analyzed rocks from Mt. Takahe and because dated rock samples from the volcano are younger than 250,000 years old. Glass shards from 726 m deep in the Dome C ice core, which is 2400 km from Byrd Station, are composed of peralkaline trachyte and may have also been derived from Mt. Takahe. The tephra could have resulted from eruptions which were triggered by increased ice loading during the late Wisconsin glaciation. Preliminary grain size data suggest the eruptions were only minor and they were unlikely to have instantaneously altered global climate as have explosive eruptions in the tropics. Nevertheless, the effect of this localized volcanic activity upon the Antarctic energy budget warrants further investigation.  相似文献   

Volcanic glass shards from three tephra layers at 788, 1457, 1711 m depth in the 2164-m Byrd Station ice core from the West Antarctic Ice Sheet were analysed by electron microprobe. Glass shards within each tephra layer are homogeneous and have peralkaline trachyte compositions. Mt. Takahe, 450 km north-northwest of the drill site is considered the most likely eruptive source, although Toney Mountain, 460 km to the north is also a possible source. Tephra layers in ice cores from the West Antarctic ice sheet may offer a valuable tool for stratigraphic correlation.  相似文献   

Tephra, usually produced by explosive eruptions, is deposited rapidly, hence, it can serve as a distinctive and widespread synchronous marker horizon correlating terrestrial, marine and ice core records. The tephra from Changbaishan Millennium eruption, a widely distributed tephra, is an important marker bed across the Japan Sea, Japan Islands and even in the Greenland ice cores 9000km away from volcanic vent. In this study, a discrete tephra was identified in the Quanyang peat~45km northeast to the Changbaishan volcano. Radiocarbon 14 C dating on the plant remains constrains an age of 886-1013calAD(95.4%)to the tephra layer, which can correspond to the Millennium eruption of Changbaishan in time. In addition, there was no similar volcanic eruption in the surrounding areas except Changbaishan at the same time. This tephra shows rhyolitic glass shards major element compositions similar to those rhyolitic tephra from Millennium eruption. This study illustrates that tephra from Millennium eruption has been transported to Quanyang peat~45km northwest to the Changbaishan volcano. Additionally, the diameter of the pumice lapilli is up to 0.3cm, implying that the tephra must be transported more distal away from Quanyang peat and formed a widely distributed isochronic layer. Glass geochemistry of the Quanyang tephra, different from the distal tephra recorded at Sihailongwan, Japan, and Greenland ice, shows a close affinity to the pyroclastic flow deposits of the Millennium eruption while not from fall deposits. This may indicate that distribution of the Millennium eruption of Changbaishanin in different directions may be controlled by different stages of eruption. This layer with well-defined annual results can be used to optimize the chronological framework of the corresponding sedimentary environment, thus facilitating more accurate discussion of corresponding environmental changes, which can achieve the contrast of the ancient climate records in the whole Northeast China-Japan and arctic regions.  相似文献   

The establishment of a tephra framework for the Greenland ice-cores spanning the last glacial period, particularly between 25 and 45 ka b2k, provides strong potential for precisely correlating other palaeoclimatic records to these key archives. Tephra-based synchronisation allows the relative timing of past climatic changes recorded within different depositional environments and potential causal mechanisms to be assessed. Recent studies of North Atlantic marine records have demonstrated the potential of tracing cryptotephra horizons in these sequences and the development of protocols now allows a careful assessment of the isochronous nature of such horizons. Here we report on tephrochronological investigations of a marine sequence retrieved from the Goban Spur, Eastern North Atlantic, covering ∼25–60 ka b2k. Density and magnetic separation techniques and an assessment of potential transport and depositional mechanisms have identified three previously unknown isochronous tephra horizons along with deposits of the widespread North Atlantic Ash Zone II and Faroe Marine Ash Zone III. Correlations between the new horizons and the Greenland ice-core tephra framework are explored and despite no tie-lines being identified the key roles that high-resolution climatostratigraphy and shard-specific trace element analysis can play within the assessment of correlations is demonstrated. The previously unknown horizons are new additions to the overall North Atlantic tephra framework for the last glacial period and could be key horizons for future correlations.  相似文献   

Tephra layers occur in deep-sea sediments of the northeastern Indian Ocean, adjacent to western Indonesian are. The layers range in age from Recent to Late Miocene. Relative abundance of light and heavy mineral species in all tephra layers have been determined, and pure glass shards from representative samples have been analyzed chemically for major oxides. On the basis of the chemical data, three distinct provinces can be recognized: (1) an extensive province of rhyolitic tephra layers, ranging in age back to Late Miocene, is found adjacent to Sumatra; (2) a more restricted province of dacitic layers, adjacent to Sunda Strait and western Java; and (3) a province of andesitic layers, found adjacent to eastern Java and the Lesser Sunda Islands. Chemical composition of tephra layers in each province remains constant with time. As an example, tephra layers from the rhyolitic province are characterized by a high and restricted range of SiO2 (75–77%) when expressed on an H2O-free basis.Tephra layers recovered from the study area were examined for chemical evidence of secondary alteration. The analyses revealed that H2O is the only major oxide in the glass shards which increases progressively with the age of the tephra layers regardless of the bulk composition. H2O, however, reaches a “saturation point” of 4–5% in the layers 250–400 thousands of years old and remains constant to the oldest recovered tephra layer (7.5 m.y. old).The decrease in silica content in deep-sea tephra layers eastward along the Indonesian volcanic arc coincides with a similar eastward decrease in average silica content in Indonesian lavas. A relatively high silica content in lavas from Sumatra, with associated ignimbrites and their deep-sea ash-fall equivalents is closely linked to thick pre-Cenozoic crust. In the portion of the arc to the east of Sumatra, the crust is Cenozoic and thin. Difference in silica content of both the lavas and deep-sea tephras along the Indonesian arc is considered in regard to the hypothesis of “magma filtering” which is based on the contrasting density gradients of ascending magma and the upper crust.  相似文献   

In this study are discussed new SEM-EDS analyses performed on glass shards from five cores collected in the Central Adriatic Sea and two cores recovered from the South Adriatic Sea. A total of 26 tephra layers have been characterized and compared with the geochemical features of terrestrial deposits and other tephra archives in the area (South Adriatic Sea and Lago Grande di Monticchio, Vulture volcano). The compositions are compatible with either a Campanian or a Roman provenance. The cores, located on the Central Adriatic inner and outer shelf, recorded tephra referred to explosive events described in the literature: AP3 (sub-Plinian activity of the Somma-Vesuvius, 2710 ± 60 14C years BP); Avellino eruption (Somma–Vesuvius, 3548 ± 129 14C years BP); Agnano Monte Spina (Phlegrean Fields, 4100 ± 400 years BP); Mercato eruption (Somma–Vesuvius, 8010 ± 35 14C years BP; Agnano Pomici Principali eruption (Phlegrean Fields, 10,320 ± 50 14C years BP); Neapolitan Yellow Tuff (Phlegrean Fields, 12,100 ± 170 14C years BP). Some of these layers were also observed in the South Adriatic core IN68-9 in addition to younger (AP2, sub-Plinian eruption, Somma–Vesuvius, 3225 ± 140 14C years BP), and older layers (Pomici di Base eruption, Somma–Vesuvius, 18,300 ± 150 14C years BP). Significant is the tephra record of core RF95-7 that, for the first time in the Adriatic Sea, reports the occurrence of tephra layers older than 60 ka: the well known Mediterranean tephra layers X2 (ca. 70 ka), W1 (ca. 140 ka) and V2 (Roman origin, ca. 170 ka) as well as other tephra layers attributed, on the basis of geochemistry and biostratigraphy, to explosive eruptions occurred at Vico (138 ± 2 and 151 ± 3 ka BP) and Ischia (147–140 ka BP).  相似文献   

Records of Toba eruptions in the South China Sea   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Three layers of volcanic tephra, sampled from ODP 1143 Site in the South China Sea, were observed at the mcd depth of 5.55 m, 42.66 m, and 48.25 m, and named, in this paper, layers of A, B, and C, respectively. All of these tephra layers have an average thickness of ca. 2 cm. They were constrained in age of ca. 0.070 Ma, ca. 0.80 Ma, and ca. 1.00 Ma, respectively, by the microbiostratigraphy data. These tephra layers were predominated by volcanic glass shards with a median grain size of 70–75 μm in diameter. Major chemical compositions analyzed by EMPA and comparison with the previous data from other scatter areas suggest that these three layers of tephra can correspond to the three layers of Toba tephra, YTT, OTT, and HDT, respectively, erupting during the Quaternary. The occurrence of these tephra layers in the South China Sea implies that the Toba eruptions often occurred in the summer monsoon seasons of the South China Sea during the Quaternary, and that the strength of eruptions was probably stronger than that previously estimated.  相似文献   

Tephrostratigraphic correlations commonly rely on geochemical composition supported by additional constraints (e.g., multiple stratigraphically ordered tephra, geochronological-stratigraphical constraints, and isotopic determinations), which provide key clues to restrict the number of possible candidates and disambiguate the correlation of a specific tephra among compositionally similar volcanic sources/tephra. However, such additional data may not be available or acquirable, leaving the geochemical data as sole, but challenging viable approach. In this study, two geochronologically poorly constrained late Pleistocene tephra from the eastern Adriatic –from a sand profile on Mljet Island (M-53/2) and from a marine sediment core from Pirovac Bay (PROS 721)– were correlated to known eruptions using only geochemical data (major and trace elements of glass shards), which were treated using both log ratio transformed and raw data. After the statistical treatment of the geochemical data using bivariate plots, linear discrimination analyses and selbal algorithm, the tephra M-53/2 and PROS 721 were suitably correlated with the widespread tephra generated during the Campi Flegrei eruptions of Massereia del Monte (Y-3 marine tephra, 29.0 ± 0.8 ka) and Neapolitan Yellow Tuff (14.5 ± 0.4 ka), respectively. This study showed that the correlation was hardly tenable when using the raw data, as opposed to compositional approach, which yielded satisfactory results. As a consequence, the distribution of Massereia del Monte/Y-3 tephra extended far toward the northeast, while a better chronological model, for reconstructing the paleoenvironmental changes at the Pirovac Bay location and the Holocene sea-level dynamics, could be obtained.  相似文献   

We investigated a late Quaternary terrestrial sedimentary sequence (Uwa Formation) in core IC2, from a site adjacent to that of the reported core IC on NW Shikoku Island, SW Japan, and developed its tephra and pollen stratigraphy to refine the age model of the formation. First, we identified 19 horizons with high glass shard concentrations in the IC2 core sediments as possible tephras or cryptotephras, and correlated them with reported tephras on the basis of the major- and trace-element compositions of their glass shards. All correlated widespread tephras and cryptotephras were products of volcanoes in the Kyushu volcanic zone (Aso, Kakuto, Aira, Ata, and Kikai calderas). Second, we confirmed the presence in core IC2 of two pollen zones dominated by Quercus subgen. Cyclobalanopsis, which is an indicator of very warm interglacial vegetation. In the Japanese Islands, these two vegetation zones have usually been considered to characterize marine isotopic stages (MISs) 1 and 11. A previous study of the Uwa Formation correlated the upper pollen zone to MIS 1, but the lower zone was not correlated to MIS 11; rather, it was inferred to be older than MIS 12 because it was stratigraphically below the “Oda” tephra (equivalent to a distal Kasamori 5 [Ks5] tephra [MIS 12]). In this study, however, noting that the Naruohama-IV tephra (Nh-IV; MIS 10d) and Ks5 cannot be distinguished by their shard chemistries, we inferred that the suggested “Oda” tephra actually correlates to Nh-IV, rather than to the Ks5 tephra. By re-assigning the “Oda” tephra to Nh-IV, we could correlate the underlying Quercus subgen. Cyclobalanopsis-abundant zone to MIS 11 and, consequently, a pair of pollen zones indicating cool and warm conditions below the MIS 11 pollen zone to MISs 12 and 13, respectively. The resulting age model whereby tephra and pollen constraints are integrated showed a roughly constant sedimentation rate from MIS 13, without any long-term gaps; further, our MIS 13 horizon in core IC2 corresponds to the reported 1 Ma tephra horizon in core IC. Therefore, these findings represent a dramatic change in the Uwa Formation age model and validate the Uwa Formation as one of the most useful terrestrial archives of Quaternary tephrostratigraphy and paleoclimatic fluctuation in SW Japan.  相似文献   

This paper demonstrates the use of tephrochronology in dating the earliest archaeological evidence for the settlement of Iceland. This island was one of the last places on Earth settled by people and there are conflicting ideas about the pace and scale of initial colonisation. Three tephra layers, the Landnám (‘land-taking’) tephra layer (A.D. 877 ± 1), the Eldgjá tephra (A.D. 939) and the recently dated V-Sv tephra (A.D. 938 ± 6) can be found at 58% of 253 securely-dated early settlement sites across the country. The presence of the tephras permits both a countrywide comparison, and a classification of these settlement sites into pre-Landnám, Landnám and post-Landnám. The data summarised here for the first time indicate that it will be possible to reconstruct the tempo and development of the colonisation process in decadal resolution by more systematically utilising the dating potential of tephrochronology.  相似文献   

Il-Soo  Kim  Myong-Ho  Park  Byong-Jae  Ryu Kang-Min  Yu 《Island Arc》2006,15(1):178-186
Abstract   Data on the late Quaternary tephra layers, tephrostratigraphy, geochemistry and environment were determined in two sediment cores from the southwestern part of Ulleung Basin (East Sea/Sea of Japan), representing marine-oxygen isotope stages 1–3. The cores consist mainly of muddy sediments that are partly interbedded with silty sands, lapilli tephra and ash layers. The lapilli tephra layers (Ulleung-Oki tephra, 9.3 ka) originating from Ulleung Island consist mainly of massive-type glass shards, whereas the ash layers (Aira-Tanzawa ash, 22.0–24.7 ka) derived from southern Kyushu Island are mainly composed of typical plane-type and bubble-wall glasses that are higher in SiO2 and lower in Na2O + K2O than the lapilli tephra layers. Except for the tephra layers, fine-grained sediments throughout the core sections are mostly of marine origin based on geochemical data (C/N ratios, hydrogen index, S2 peak) and Tmax. In particular, organic carbon contents increased during Termination I, probably as a result of an influx of the deglacial Tsushima Current through the Korea Strait.  相似文献   

Refractive indices of incompletely hydrated tephra glasses vary widely. Thus, glass refractive index is not a practical indicator for identifying Holocene tephras. Hydration near the surface of tephra glass shards can be removed by either hydrofluoric acid treatment or annealing for 12 h at 400°C. The annealing procedure is a particularly reliable and simple way to dehydrate tephra glasses. Standard deviations (s) of refractive indices for glasses after 12 h annealing are small (s=0.0014–0.0018), in contrast with untreated glasses (s=0.0034–0.0405). The refractive indices of dehydrated tephra glasses are 0.006–0.014 lower than those of the untreated (hydrated) glasses. Using the 400°C 12-h annealing procedure, values for the refractive indices of eight Holocene tephras in Hokkaido were obtained. These refractive indices are useful indicators for identification and correlation of Holocene tephras.  相似文献   

The present study aimed to test reliability of luminescence and electron spin resonance (ESR) methods to date tephra. We investigated on three Japanese marker tephras, Ikeda-ko (6.4 ka), Aira-Tn (30 ka) and Aira-Iwato (45–50 ka). A systematic studies were performed using different minerals (quartz and feldspar), different grain fractions (75–250 and 250–500 μm), different luminescence and ESR signals, like optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) of quartz, infrared stimulated luminescence (IRSL) of feldspar, including recently developed least faded post infrared IRSL (pIR-IRSL), and ESR signals from paramagnetic centers Al and Ti–Li of quartz. Ages obtained using pIR-IRSL signal of plagioclase with preheat of 320 °C, 60 s and stimulation at 300 °C are consistent with the reference ages. High dose detection range (up to ∼600 Gy) and accurate age estimation enable pIR-IRSL of feldspar a promising methodology to date quaternary tephra. ESR ages from quartz are grossly correlated with the reference ages but large deviation and large associated errors are observed, possibly due to either low signal to noise ratio or heterogenous dose response of different aliquot in multiple aliquot additive dose (MAAD) approach.  相似文献   

The discovery of a cryptotephra (nonvisible volcanic horizon) in a windblown sand archaeological site in Poland highlights how luminescence and tephrostratigraphy may combine to better refine the chronology of such sites. In this study we identify a cryptotephra horizon which on the basis of major and minor element geochemistry and an OSL age of 2.3 ± 0.1 ka is correlated to the Glen Garry tephra. The different methodological strengths of OSL and tephrostratigraphy may be harnessed to counter the limitations of a single approach to produce a more secure chronology. Although in this study the tephra deposition event is shown to post-date the archaeological activity, the methodological approach is clearly demonstrated. Further investigations will reveal if cryptotephra layers are commonly preserved in such environmental settings. If this is so then future applications of this approach may prove to be more widely applicable.  相似文献   

A detailed tephrochronological study was undertaken in three deep-sea cores collected in the Tyrrhenian and Ionian Seas. The age and the origin of the marine tephra were inferred from oxygen isotope records of foraminifera and from major element compositions of glass-shards. Seventy-one eruptions were detected in the time interval 90,000–200,000 yrs during which the volcanoes of the Roman and Campanian regions and of the southern Italy were in activity. This is attested by the consistency of the geochemical compositions of both marine and terrestrial deposits. Most of the marine tephra consisted in trachytes and phonolites characterizing a Roman and Campanian origin. Several tephra were proposed as key-horizons for proximal and distal sediments. Among them, one tephra originating from Mount Etna (149,300 yrs) and five tephra from Pantelleria island (130,000 yrs, 163,600 yrs, 192,500 yrs, 197,400 yrs and 198,400 yrs) were northerly dispersed. Several other key horizons originated from the Campanian or Roman provinces were detected as far as 1000 km from the vents.  相似文献   

The first of four successive pulses of the 1974 explosive eruption of Fuego volcano, Guatemala, produced a small volume (∼0.02 km3 DRE) basaltic sub-plinian tephra fall and flow deposit. Samples collected within 48 h after deposition over much of the dispersal area (7–80 km from the volcano) have been size analyzed down to 8 φ (4 μm). Tephra along the dispersal axis were all well-sorted (σ φ = 0.25–1.00), and sorting increased whereas thickness and median grain size decreased systematically downwind. Skewness varied from slightly positive near the vent to slightly negative in distal regions and is consistent with decoupling between coarse ejecta falling off the rising eruption column and fine ash falling off the windblown volcanic cloud advecting at the final level of rise. Less dense, vesicular coarse particles form a log normal sub-population when separated from the smaller (Mdφ < 3φ or < 0.125 mm), denser shard and crystal sub-population. A unimodal, relatively coarse (Mdφ = 0.58φ or 0.7 mm σ φ = 1.2) initial grain size population is estimated for the whole (fall and flow) deposit. Only a small part of the fine-grained, thin 1974 Fuego tephra deposit has survived erosion to the present day. The initial October 14 pulse, with an estimated column height of 15 km above sea level, was a primary cause of a detectable perturbation in the northern hemisphere stratospheric aerosol layer in late 1974 to early 1975. Such small, sulfur-rich, explosive eruptions may substantially contribute to the overall stratospheric sulfur budget, yet leave only transient deposits, which have little chance of survival even in the recent geologic record. The fraction of finest particles (Mdφ = 4–8φ or 4–63 μm) in the Fuego tephra makes up a separate but minor size mode in the size distribution of samples around the margin of the deposit. A previously undocumented bimodal–unimodal–bimodal change in grain size distribution across the dispersal axis at 20 km downwind from the vent is best accounted for as the result of fallout dispersal of ash from a higher subplinian column and a lower “co-pf” cloud resulting from pyroclastic flows. In addition, there is a degree of asymmetry in the documented grain-size fallout pattern which is attributed to vertically veering wind direction and changing windspeeds, especially across the tropopause. The distribution of fine particles (<8 μm diameter) in the tephra deposit is asymmetrical, mainly along the N edge, with a small enrichment along the S edge. This pattern has hazard significance.  相似文献   

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