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《Quaternary Geochronology》2008,3(1-2):114-136
We present chronological constraints on a suite of permanently frozen fluvial deposits which contain ancient DNA (aDNA) from the Taimyr Peninsula of north-central Siberia. The luminescence phenomenology of these samples is first discussed, focusing on the optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) decay curve characteristics, thermoluminescence (TL) properties, and signal compositions of quartz from these previously unstudied deposits. Secondly, we assess the suitability of these samples for OSL dating and present the OSL chronologies obtained using both single-grain and multi-grain equivalent dose (De) measurements. The results of our analyses reveal a large amount of inter-aliquot variability in OSL decay curve shape that is directly related to differences in the size of the 280 °C TL peak and the associated slowly bleached ‘S2’ OSL component. Longer OSL stimulation durations are adopted in the De measurement procedure to prevent the progressive build-up of slowly bleached signal components throughout successive single-aliquot regenerative-dose (SAR) measurement cycles. The use of low preheat temperatures in the SAR procedure also reduces the deleterious effects of these slowly bleached signal components. The resultant single-grain and multi-grain OSL chronologies obtained using this approach are stratigraphically consistent and are in close agreement with independently established 14C ages at our sites. The findings of this research reveal the potential of OSL dating as a means of providing a reliable chronometric framework for sedimentary aDNA records in permafrost environments.  相似文献   

In this study, fine-grain quartz was used for luminescence dating for lava baked samples from different sites in Datong. Optical stimulated luminescence (OSL), thermal transferred OSL (TT-OSL)/recuperated OSL (Re-OSL) and thermoluminescence (TL) dating protocols were applied. For these samples, the OSL signals saturate at about 300–400 Gy, which limits their age to less than 100 ka based on their ambient dose rates. The TT-OSL/Re-OSL method has poor dose recovery. TL dating gives reliable results, and multiple-aliquot regenerative-dose TL method with sensitivity change correction based on the 325 °C TL peak of a test dose can be applied for samples up to 400 ka. The results indicate that the ages of the volcanoes in Datong are from 380 ka to 84 ka. The volcanic activity started earlier in the southeast area than those in the northwest part, which is consist with the literature data.  相似文献   

Unlike the well-studied optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) signal of (macrocrystalline) quartz, not much is known about OSL from natural amorphous and microcrystalline silicon dioxide. These materials – generally termed “silex” – were widely used for prehistoric tool production, and thermoluminescence (TL) is routinely applied do date the firing event of heated specimens. This study presents data on basic OSL characteristics of silex such as signal composition and component-resolved thermal stability as well as the applicability of OSL for dating of burnt lithic tools.Fitting of LM-OSL curves yielded similar components (mostly five) as observed for quartz, with the photoionization cross-sections being in the same order of magnitude for both materials. Three different methods (LM-OSL pulse annealing, short-shine pulse annealing as well as the varying heating rate method) were applied to study the thermal stability of components and allowed calculating trap parameters E and s, and hence the electron retention lifetime. Only the most light-sensitive (“fast-like”) component proved to be of sufficient thermal stability for dating applications, as evidenced from coherent experimental results. All other components already diminished at preheating temperatures > 200 °C. Pulse annealing measurements further indicate that electron populations sampled by OSL and those responsible for the ca. 380 °C TL-“dating peak” are not identical. Dose recovery tests applying an OSL-SAR protocol with “hot bleach” in between the regeneration cycles showed good reproducibility of a known dose if only the initial OSL signal (ca. 0–0.5 s at 90% LED power) is used. Finally, obtained OSL-SAR and TL ages based on the blue TL emission are in agreement within errors for two Middle Paleolithic archeological samples showing a “fast-like” component. These results verify the experimental findings of sufficient long-term stability of the initial OSL signal. Since not all silex specimens deliver a bright and stable OSL signal, optical ages of suitable samples may serve as an additional internal check for the paleodose estimate rather than substituting TL as a standard technique for dating of heated silex.  相似文献   

Raised beach sand deposits along the southeastern coast of Norway were dated by optical (OSL) and infrared stimulated luminescence (IRSL) and the quartz and K-feldspar luminescence characteristics were described. Due to the poor quartz luminescence characteristics, only a limited number of samples were suitable for OSL dating. More promising are the K-feldspar extracts, with typical K-feldspar luminescence characteristics and no sign of fading. For equivalent dose (De) determination, sand-size quartz and feldspar extracts were used, applying a single aliquot regenerative (SAR) protocol. Both, OSL and IRSL De estimates show a wide distribution, unexpected for beach deposits. The calculated OSL and IRSL age estimates were generally in good agreement and the correctness of the ages was confirmed by independent age control. Because only a limited number of the quartz samples were suitable for OSL dating, IRSL dating of the K-feldspar represents an alternative to OSL quartz dating.  相似文献   

Portable optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) readers are robust devices that allow rapid determination of luminescence signals of polymineralic coarse-grained samples. To date, however, the utility of portable OSL readers has largely been confined to the construction of luminescence profiles that depict variations of luminescence signal intensities with depth. Because the luminescence signals used to construct such profiles are uncalibrated, it is neither practical to quantitatively compare portable OSL data from different sites nor is it possible to approximate sample ages. Such comparisons could be facilitated by converting portable OSL signals into equivalent doses (De). However, determining De requires the construction of unique growth curves for each sample; a laborious procedure that negates the rapidity associated with portable measurements. To circumvent that limitation, we construct standardised growth curves (SGCs) using normalized regeneration dose signals obtained using a portable OSL reader from the feldspar component of polymineralic sands from five disparate eolian dune sites in Alberta, Canada. Comparison of SGCs from different samples indicates general congruence and we merge these to construct a regionally applicable curve which we test by comparing the De obtained from given samples with that obtained using conventional OSL dating protocols. Results show that, though the uncertainties associated with the portable OSL data are high, the De values from the two approaches are linearly proportional. This direct variation enables portable OSL SGC De values to be used independently in reconnaissance studies that aim to screen samples for more detailed analysis using standard OSL methods. The affordability of portable OSL readers suggests that the approach could be attractive to researchers who do not have ready access to conventional OSL readers.  相似文献   

The properties of the quartz luminescence signal have been shown to be a useful tool for sediment provenance analysis. These provenance studies are based on the sensitivity of the fast optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) component, which is also used for sediment dating. Besides the widespread occurrence of quartz in terrigenous sediments, OSL sensitivity can be acquired using relatively fast and low-cost measurements compared to sediment provenance analysis methods based on accessory minerals or isotopes. Additionally, laboratories worldwide already have an extensive database of recorded quartz OSL signals primarily measured for dating studies, and these data could potentially be repurposed for provenance analysis of Quaternary sedimentary systems through OSL sensitivity calculation. Here, we investigate the use of OSL quartz signals measured in sediment dating surveys for OSL sensitivity calculation and evaluation of changes in sediment sources. The OSL sensitivity was calculated and expressed as %BOSLF, which corresponds to the percentage of the fast OSL component signal (blue stimulation) to the total OSL curve; such approach is advantageous as it does not require any normalisation of the measured signal intensity to dose or aliquot size (weight). Three sets of samples from Amazonian fluvial sediments are investigated: two sets of Holocene floodplain sediments representing different sediment sources to the Amazonian fluvial system, i.e. the Amazon craton and the Andes Mountain belt, and a set of samples from the Içá Formation, a paleo-fluvial system active during the Pleistocene whose provenance is not fully known. Results show that the quartz OSL signal derived from the first test doses (Tn) applied in dating protocols had the best performance for %BOSLF calculation when compared to results from a measurement protocol designed specifically for sediment provenance analysis. There is significant correlation (R2 = 88) between sensitivities derived from Tn and a specific OSL provenance analysis protocol. The proposed approach indicates to be appropriate for sediment provenance analysis since it is able to discriminate signal differences among samples from known sources: Brazilian cratonic quartz yield high sensitivity values (mean %BOSLF >70), in contrast to the relatively lower values from Andean quartz (mean %BOSLF <50). In general, quartz OSL sensitivities from the Içá Formation samples fall into the same range of modern sediments transported by the Içá and Japurá rivers draining the Andean Eastern Cordillera of Colombia and Ecuador. We also observe a decrease in quartz OSL sensitivity during the Holocene, notably after 4 ka, with younger deposits showing lower sensitivity. Sediment provenance variations are discussed in terms of watershed rearrangement and/or precipitation-driven changes during the Late Pleistocene and Holocene across Amazonia.  相似文献   

All Quaternary dating methods involve the measurement of one or more variables to estimate the age of a sample. Each measured quantity has an associated error and uncertainty, and may also be subject to natural variation. We review the statistical estimation of such uncertainties and variation for comparing and interpreting age estimates, with specific reference to the estimation of equivalent dose (De) values in the optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) dating of sediments. We discuss statistical aspects of OSL signal and background estimation, the determination of De values for multi-grain aliquots and individual mineral grains from the same and different samples, and the extent of variation commonly observed among such estimates. Examples are drawn from geological and archaeological contexts. We discuss the strengths and weaknesses of various graphical methods of displaying multiple, independent estimates of De, along with statistical tests and models to compare and appropriately combine them. Many of our recommendations are applicable also to the clear presentation of data obtained using other Quaternary dating methods. We encourage the use of models and methods that are based on well established statistical principles and, ideally, are validated by appropriate numerical simulations; and we discourage the adoption of ad hoc methods developed using a particular set of measurement conditions and tested on a limited number of samples, as these may not be applicable more generally. We emphasise that the choice of statistical models should not be made solely on statistical grounds (or arbitrary rules) but should take into account the broader scientific context of each sample and any additional pertinent information.  相似文献   

The Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau is an important area for the study of Quaternary glaciation. Optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) dating has the potential to contribute to the chronology of glaciation in this region, but it is important to assess the accuracy of OSL dating of these glacial sediments. In this study, single grain quartz OSL signals are examined for five glacial samples collected from the moraines outside the Baiyu Valley, southeastern Tibet. The quartz grains exhibit poor luminescence characteristics, with a small proportion of grains passing the screening criteria. Grains which pass the screening criteria have relatively low signal intensity, leading to De values with large uncertainties. MAM and CAM were used to determine De values for these samples. The OSL ages are consistent with the sequence of events derived from the geomorphological relationship of the samples, and also with previous published radiocarbon ages. However, it is more difficult to reconcile the OSL ages and the terrestrial cosmogenic nuclide (TCN) 10Be ages. Analysis of both single grain quartz OSL data and TCN 10Be data is complex in this area. Further work is required to increase confidence in the OSL ages generated for the glacial sediments from this region.  相似文献   

Quartz is a preferred mineral which is widely used for optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) and cosmogenic radionuclide (CRN) dating methods. Any contamination in the sample may mislead and result in erroneous results for both the dating methods (e.g. OSL or CRN). Therefore it is essential to get pure quartz before the measurements of OSL and CRN. Presence of other minerals can introduce unaccounted luminescence signal in the case of OSL, similarly in the case of CRN unaccounted concentration of 10Be and 26Al may be introduced. Therefore, in order to get reliable ages from CRN and OSL, extraction of pure quartz from the sediment becomes necessary. Protocols have been developed to extract pure quartz from the sediment, e.g., the separation of quartz from feldspar and other heavy minerals can be achieved by applying 2-step density separation. This is followed by HF leaching which usually removes the feldspar contamination from the quartz (if any left). However, in some cases, this method is not successful, especially in the case of feldspar rich samples or in the samples with intergrowth of feldspar in quartz crystals. This paper reports a method that is effective in separating quartz and feldspar. A small amount of fine grained iron powder was used to make feldspar as magnetic mineral and it is separated from quartz using isodynamic magnetic separator effectively. Efficacy of the method was tested with different analytical instruments such as scanning electron microscope (SEM), OSL/TL reader and inductively coupled plasma mass spectromete (ICP-MS). The analytical tests showed that the proposed method eliminates feldspar by ~95%.  相似文献   

Sediments deposited by the AD 869 Jogan tsunami offer an opportunity to test the reliability of optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) dating of relatively old historical tsunami deposits. We collected a geoslicer sample from sand deposited on the Sendai Plain, northeastern Japan, by the Jogan tsunami and applied quartz OSL dating to it. We then compared the OSL ages with the known age of the tsunami event. In ascending order, the sedimentary sequence in the geoslicer sample consists of the beach–dune sand, lower peat, Jogan tsunami deposit, upper peat, pre-2011 paddy soil, and the 2011 tsunami deposit. To obtain equivalent dose (De,bulk), a standard single-aliquot renegerative-dose (SAR) protocol was applied to large aliquots of the 180–250 μm fraction of two samples from the beach–dune sand, and four samples from differing levels of the Jogan tsunami deposit. The OSL decay curves were dominated by the medium component; thus, for two samples from the Jogan deposit the fast-component OSL signal was isolated and used to determine the equivalent dose (De,fast). Using De,bulk, OSL ages of the tsunami deposit were underestimated by ∼40%, and even the beach–dune sand was dated younger than AD 869. In contrast, De,fast provided a robust age estimate with only slight underestimation. A pulse annealing test showed that the bulk and medium-component OSL signals were thermally unstable. The medium component in the natural OSL was clearly truncated in comparison to the regenerated OSL; the medium component is thus considered to be the main cause of the underestimated ages. Similar effects of a dominant medium-component OSL have been reported in tectonically active regions, which are also prone to tsunamis. The effect of this dominance should be carefully considered in quartz OSL dating of tsunami deposits.  相似文献   

A number of recent optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) studies have cited post-depositional mixing as a dominant source of equivalent dose (De) scatter across a range of sedimentary environments, including those previously considered ‘best suited’ for OSL dating. The potentially insidious nature of sediment mixing means that this problem may often only be identifiable by careful statistical analysis of De data sets. This study aims to address some of the important issues associated with the characterisation and statistical treatment of mixed De distributions at the multi-grain scale of analysis, using simulated De data sets produced with a simple stochastic model. Using this Monte Carlo approach we were able to generate theoretical distributions of single-grain De values, which were then randomly mixed together to simulate multi-grain aliquot De distributions containing a known number of mixing components and known corresponding burial doses. A range of sensitivity tests were undertaken using sediment mixtures with different aged dose components, different numbers of mixing components, and different types of dose component distributions (fully bleached, heterogeneously bleached and significantly overdispersed De distributions). The results of our modelling simulations reveal the inherent problems encountered when dating mixed sedimentary samples with multi-grain De estimation techniques. ‘Phantom’ dose components (i.e. discrete dose populations that do not correspond to the original single-grain mixing components) are an inevitable consequence of the ‘averaging’ effects of multi-grain De analysis, and prevent the correct number of mixing components being identified with the finite mixture model (FMM) for all of the multi-grain mixtures tested. Our findings caution against use of the FMM for multi-grain aliquot De data sets, even when the aliquots consist of only a few grains.  相似文献   

The reliability of single-grain optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) dating of young (<500 years old) samples is assessed by examining the results of 166 single-grain OSL analyses of Australian alluvial, lacustrine, estuarine, coastal and marine sediment samples. All samples have been analysed using the modified SAR protocol of Olley et al. [2004b. Optical dating of Holocene sediments from a variety of geomorphic settings using single grains of quartz. Geomorphology 60, 337–358], with burial doses (Db) calculated by fitting a single Gaussian curve to the peak of a multi-Gaussian summed probability distribution (PDFGaussian). The near-equivalence of this approach to currently accepted methods of palaeodose estimation – namely the minimum age and central age models of Galbraith et al. [1999. Optical dating of single and multiple grains of quartz from Jinmium rock shelter, northern Australia: part I, experimental design and statistical models. Archaeometry 41, 339–364] – is demonstrated. Considered as a whole, OSL ages calculated using the PDFGaussian Db determination method are consistent with other chronometric, geomorphological, botanical and historical indicators of depositional age, while four alternative (previously published) methods are generally less reliable when applied to the samples analysed here. The single-grain data from 12 samples of known age (reported by Olley et al. [2004b. Optical dating of Holocene sediments from a variety of geomorphic settings using single grains of quartz. Geomorphology 60, 337–358]) are re-analysed using the PDFGaussian approach, with all but one yielding a Db consistent with the independently known age. Examples of luminescence data (dose recovery tests, preheat plateaux, continuous-wave and linear-modulated OSL, growth curves, single-grain dose distributions) are provided that together indicate the suitability of Australian quartz for dating young sediments.  相似文献   

Optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) is a technique that has been applied from the mid‐1980s, mainly for sediment dating. The OSL technique is based on sample stimulation by light to determine the luminescence signal that is stored in the crystal lattices of sediment grains after deposition, burial by later sediment and subsequent exposure to ionizing radiation from radioactive elements in the surrounding sediment. In such sediment dating, two parameters are required: the equivalent dose (i.e. the luminescence signal stored in the grains), and the dose rate (i.e. the ionizing energy from α, β and γ radiation emitted by naturally occurring radioisotopes in the deposit, plus the effects of cosmic radiation). In this research, the OSL technique is not used for dating. The study goal is to analyse only the luminescence signals (the total photon counts) in polymineral samples obtained after light stimulation in the blue (BLSL) and infrared (IRSL) wavelengths using a portable OSL reader designed and built at the Scottish Universities Environmental Research Centre (SUERC). Three fluvial case studies – from Cambodia, Australia and Mexico – are used to illustrate the geomorphological interpretations possible with the portable OSL reader data from sediments resulting from a range of different depositional processes. The case studies show that aspects of sediment's transport and depositional processes can be inferred from the portable OSL reader data, providing valuable insights into geomorphological history. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

There is little geochonological data on sedimentation in dambos (seasonally saturated, channel-less valley floors) found throughout Central and Southern Africa. Radiocarbon dating is problematic for dambos due to (i) oxidation of organic materials during dry seasons; and (ii) the potential for contemporary biological contamination of near-surface sediments. However, for luminescence dating the equatorial site and semi-arid climate facilitate grain bleaching, while the gentle terrain ensures shallow water columns, low turbidity, and relatively long surface exposures for transported grains prior to deposition and burial. For this study, we focused on dating sandy strata (indicative of high-energy fluvial events) at various positions and depths within a second-order dambo in central Uganda. Blue-light quartz optically stimulated luminescences (OSL) ages were compared with infrared stimulated luminescence (IRSL) and thermoluminescence (TL) ages from finer grains in the same sample. A total of 8 samples were dated, with 6 intervals obtained at 35, 33, 16, 10.4, 8.4, and 5.9 ka. In general, luminescence ages were stratigraphically, geomorphically and ordinally consistent and most blue-light OSL ages could be correlated with well-dated climatic events registered either in Greenland ice cores or Lake Victoria sediments. Based upon OSL age correlations, we theorize that extreme fluvial dambo events occur primarily during relatively wet periods, often preceding humid-to-arid transitions. The optical ages reported in this study provide the first detailed chronology of dambo sedimentation, and we anticipate that further dambo work could provide a wealth of information on the paleohydrology of Central and Southern Africa.  相似文献   

Similar to the loess in the Chinese Loess Plateau (CLP), the loess deposits in the Ili basin of Central Asia arid area play an important role in understanding the climate and environmental changes. However, in contrast to the intensively investigated loess deposits in the CLP, the Ili loess is still insufficiently known and poorly understood. The geochronology study of the Ili loess remains controversial. In order to examine the potential of optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) dating for the Ili loess, we carry out a combined luminescence and radiocarbon dating study on a 6.9 m loess section in the south margin of the Ili basin. Polymineral fine grains were investigated by post infrared (IR) OSL using a Multiple-Aliquot Regenerative-dose (MAR) protocol. Radiocarbon dating of organic carbon were carried in a 3 Megavolt (MV) multi-element Accelerator Mass Spectrometry (AMS). The results indicate that the OSL ages are in agreement with the observed stratigraphy in the field, which is well correlated with that of the CLP, but the AMS 14C ages are much younger than the OSL and assumed stratigraphical ages. Thus, the OSL dating technique may provide an absolute chronology in this loess section. Further methodological approaches and more samples analysis will lead to the improvement of this chronology for high-resolution paleoclimatic interpretation.  相似文献   

Luminescence dating is one of the leading techniques to establish chronologies for loess-palaeosol sequences and has been successfully applied to different minerals and grain size fractions. Using optical stimulated luminescence (OSL) from quartz, we present for the first time a high resolution chronology for the loess section Ostrau in Saxony/Germany. We compare OSL ages derived from two different grain size fractions, coarse (90–200 μm) and the fine grain (4–11 μm) separates. Our results show that the loess section is divided into two parts, separated by a hiatus. OSL samples from the upper part of the loess section show equivalent doses of De < 100 Gy. De values >180 Gy are observed for the lower part of the loess section. The coarse and fine grain ages agree and also fit to the litho- and pedostratigraphy for the upper part of the profile. For the lower part of the profile the coarse grained quartz OSL is in saturation. The fine grained quartz OSL is not saturated but it appears that the fine grain OSL ages underestimate the sedimentation age. Approaches to explain the De differences between the grain size fractions are presented (e.g. post-depositional translocation, dosimetry). A modified SAR protocol for the fine grain fraction produced ages that are in good agreement with expected ages based on litho- and pedostratigraphy. Although further investigations are needed, our results show the suitability of the Saxonian loess belt for OSL dating.  相似文献   

《Quaternary Geochronology》2008,3(1-2):99-113
The Chinese Loess Plateau (CLP) is of major interest to Quaternary geologists because it represents an important terrestrial archive of palaeoclimatic fluctuations. Previous multiple-aliquot luminescence dating studies of Chinese loess mainly used thermoluminescence (TL) and infrared stimulated luminescence (IRSL) signals of polymineral fine-grains; these are known to be subject to anomalous fading and thus will tend to yield age underestimations. In this paper we investigate whether the blue-light stimulated luminescence (BLSL) signals from 63 to 90 μm quartz grains extracted from three western Chinese loess sites (Zhongjiacai, Le Du and Tuxiangdao) can be used to establish a reliable chronology. The single-aliquot regenerative-dose (SAR) procedure is used for the equivalent dose (De) determinations and the suitability of our measurement protocol is confirmed by dose recovery tests. The influence of an IRSL signal on the quartz De measurements derived from BLSL has been investigated. From these results we conclude that an IRSL contamination, expressed as an IRSL/BLSL ratio, of up to 10% can be accepted before the values of De are significantly affected. All three sites yield stratigraphically consistent and spatially highly reproducible optical ages up to about 50–70 ka. At the Tuxiangdao site a marked hiatus in the record is identified between ∼20 and ∼30 ka; this remained undetected in previous studies and clearly highlights the importance of high-resolution optical dating in Chinese loess research. The optical ages presented in this work provide more evidence for episodic loess deposition and varying loess accumulation rates in the western part of the CLP. Our study seems to confirm the potential of optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) dating using the SAR procedure applied to the very fine sandy quartz fraction in Chinese loess back to ∼40–50 ka (∼120–150 Gy).  相似文献   

Geochemically-fingerprinted tephra beds provide unique chronostratigraphic markers for comparing Quaternary sedimentary records across eastern Beringia (Alaska and Yukon Territory). Establishing reliable numerical age control on these tephra horizons enables them to be placed within firm temporal frameworks and increases their potential as correlative tools for regional palaeoenvironmental reconstructions. To this end we present new single-grain and multi-grain quartz optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) chronologies for loess deposits bracketing three well-documented and regionally significant variants of the Sheep Creek tephra (SCt) at two sites in west-central Yukon Territory (Ash Bend and Quartz Creek). Single-grain OSL ages bracketing the SCt-A and SCt-K reveal that these tephras were deposited during late Marine Isotope Stage (MIS) 5 or early MIS 4. The SCt-C variant and associated organic-rich bed at Ash Bend were likely deposited during late MIS 5, based on a single-grain OSL age of ∼81 ka for the overlying sediments. The single-grain OSL ages obtained for these deposits are in stratigraphic order and in broad agreement with a fission track age estimate of ∼77 ka for the SCt-K. In contrast, comparative chronologies obtained using multi-grain aliquots are stratigraphically inconsistent and unexpectedly young when compared with the independent SCt-K age. Detailed examination of the single-grain OSL datasets reveal a range of unfavourable luminescent properties that could have contributed to the multi-grain aliquot age discrepancies; including, very low yields of luminescent grains, weak OSL signal sensitivities and large populations of aberrant grains (particularly 0 Gy grains and ‘dim’ grains with a tendency to sensitise during the equivalent dose (De) measurement sequence) that have similarly sized OSL signals as grains used for De analysis. Synthetic aliquot De datasets constructed from single-grain OSL measurements reveal that the large proportional light sum contributions of 0 Gy and dim grains could possibly account for multi-grain age underestimations in some of the Ash Bend samples. In light of these potentially problematic averaging effects, we do not consider the multi-grain OSL ages to be reliable and suggest that single-grain approaches may be preferable for dating sediments with similar quartz luminescence behaviours across this region.  相似文献   

We use three different approaches of optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) to study young fluvial sediments located at the main channels of one of the largest fluvial systems of North America: the Usumacinta–Grijalva. We use the pulsed photo‐stimulated luminescence (PPSL) system also known as portable OSL reader, full OSL dating and profiling OSL dating in samples extracted from vertical sediment profiles (n = 9) of riverbanks to detect changes in depositional rates of sediments and to obtain the age of the deposits. The results of the PPSL system show that the luminescence signals of vertical sediment profiles highly scattered from the top to the bottom contrast with the luminescence pattern observed on well‐reset sequences of fluvial deposits where luminescence increase from the top to the bottom of the profile. The profiling and full OSL ages yielded large uncertainty values on their ages. Based on the inconsistencies observed in both ages and luminescence patterns of profiles we suggest that these fluvial deposits were not fully reset during their transport. As an explanation, we propose that in the Usumacinta and Grijalva rivers the cyclonic storms during the wet season promote the entrainment of large volumes of sediments due to high‐erosional episodes around the basin resulting from hyper‐concentrated and turbid flows. We conclude that the PPSL, profiling and full OSL dating of sediments are useful tools to quantify and to assess the depositional patterns in fluvial settings during the Holocene. These techniques also can yield information about sites where increases in the sediment load of rivers may produce poorly resetting of grains affecting the results of OSL dating. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Dust depositions are critical archives for understanding interior aridification and westerly climatic changes in Central Asia. Accurate and reliable dating of loess is very important for interpreting and correlating environmental records. There remains a disparity between luminescence ages and radiocarbon dating of late Quaternary loess from the Ili Basin in Central Asia. In this study, we establish a closely spaced quartz optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) chronology for the 20.5-m-thick Nilka loess section in the Ili Basin. Based on OSL ages, two intervals of higher mass accumulation rate occurred at 49–43 ka and 24–14 ka. We further compare these OSL ages with 23 accelerator mass spectrometry (AMS) 14C ages of bulk organic matter. The results indicate that the OSL and radiocarbon ages agree well for ages younger than ca. 25 14C cal ka BP. However, beyond 30 cal ka BP, there is no consistent increase in AMS 14C age with depth, while the OSL ages continue to increase. These differences confirm the observation that the AMS 14C ages obtained using conventional acid–base–acid (ABA) pretreatment are severely underestimated in other terrestrial deposits in Central Asia, which could be due to 2–4% modern carbon contamination. However, OSL dating is applicable for constructing an accurate chronology beyond 30 cal ka BP. We suggest caution when interpreting paleoenvironmental changes based on radiocarbon ages older than 25 cal ka BP.  相似文献   

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