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We present a new analysis of an archived Chandra HETGS X-ray spectrum of the WR+O colliding wind binary γ2 Velorum. The spectrum is dominated by emission lines from astrophysically abundant elements: Ne, Mg, Si, S and Fe. From a combination of broad-band spectral analysis and an analysis of line flux ratios we infer a wide range of temperatures in the X-ray-emitting plasma (∼4–40 MK). As in the previously published analysis, we find the X-ray emission lines are essentially unshifted, with a mean FWHM of  1240 ± 30 km s−1  . Calculations of line profiles based on hydrodynamical simulations of the wind–wind collision predict lines that are blueshifted by a few hundred  km s−1  . The lack of any observed shift in the lines may be evidence of a large shock-cone opening half-angle (>85°), and we suggest this may be evidence of sudden radiative braking. From the R and G ratios measured from He-like forbidden-intercombination-resonance triplets we find evidence that the Mg  xi emission originates from hotter gas closer to the O star than the Si  xiii emission, which suggests that non-equilibrium ionization may be present.  相似文献   

We report the serendipitous discovery of a population of low-mass, pre-main-sequence (PMS) stars in the direction of the Wolf–Rayet/O-star binary system γ 2  Vel and the Vela OB2 association. We argue that γ 2  Vel and the low-mass stars are truly associated and approximately coeval, and that both are at distances between 360 and 490 pc, disagreeing at the 2 σ level with the recent Hipparcos parallax of γ 2  Vel, but consistent with older distance estimates. Our results clearly have implications for the physical parameters of the γ 2  Vel system, but also offer an exciting opportunity to investigate the influence of high-mass stars on the mass function and circumstellar disc lifetimes of their lower mass PMS siblings.  相似文献   

This paper presents calculations for forbidden emission-line profile shapes arising from colliding wind binaries. The main application is for systems involving a Wolf–Rayet (WR) star and an OB star companion. The WR wind is assumed to dominate the forbidden line emission. The colliding wind interaction is treated as an Archimedean spiral with an inner boundary. Under the assumptions of the model, the major findings are as follows. (i) The redistribution of the WR wind as a result of the wind collision is not flux conservative but typically produces an excess of line emission; however, this excess is modest at around the 10 per cent level. (ii) Deviations from a flat-toped profile shape for a spherical wind are greatest for viewing inclinations that are more nearly face-on to the orbital plane. At intermediate viewing inclinations, profiles display only mild deviations from a flat-toped shape. (iii) The profile shape can be used to constrain the colliding wind bow shock opening angle. (iv) Structure in the line profile tends to be suppressed in binaries of shorter periods. (v) Obtaining data for multiple forbidden lines is important since different lines probe different characteristic radial scales. Our models are discussed in relation to Infrared Space Observatory data for WR 147 and γ Vel (WR 11). The lines for WR 147 are probably not accurate enough to draw firm conclusions. For γ Vel, individual line morphologies are broadly reproducible but not simultaneously so for the claimed wind and orbital parameters. Overall, the effort demonstrates how lines that are sensitive to the large-scale wind can help to deduce binary system properties and provide new tests of numerical simulations.  相似文献   

We present a detailed, extensive investigation of the photometric and spectroscopic behaviour of WR 30a. This star is definitely a binary system with a period around 4.6 d. We propose the value         . The identification of the components as WO4+O5((f)) indicates a massive evolved binary system; the O5 component is a main-sequence or, more likely, a giant star. The radial velocities of the O star yield a circular orbit with an amplitude         and a mass function of 0.013     . The spectrum of WR 30a exhibits strong profile variations of the broad emission lines that are phase-locked with the orbital period. We report the detection of the orbital motion of the WO component with     , but this should be confirmed by further observations. If correct, it implies a mass ratio     . The star exhibits sinusoidal light variations of amplitude 0.024 mag peak-to-peak with the minimum of light occurring slightly after the conjunction with the O star in front. On the basis of the phase-locked profile variations of the C  iv λ 4658 blend in the spectrum of the WO, we conclude that a wind–wind collision phenomenon is present in the system. We discuss some possibilities for the geometry of the interaction region.  相似文献   

We have obtained complete phase coverage of the WC7+O binaries WR 42 = HD 97152 and WR 79 = HD 152270 with high signal-to-noise ratio (S/N), moderate-resolution spectra. Remarkable orbital phase-locked profile variations of the C  iii λ 5696 line are observed and interpreted as arising from colliding wind effects. Within this scenario, we have modelled the spectra using a purely geometrical model that assumes a cone-shaped wind–wind interaction region which partially wraps around the O star. Such modelling holds the exciting promise of revealing a number of interesting parameters for WR+O binaries, such as the orbital inclination, the streaming velocity of material in the interaction region and the ratio of wind momentum flux. Knowledge of these parameters in turn leads to the possibility of a better understanding of WR star masses, mass-loss rates and wind region characteristics.  相似文献   

We review existing ROSAT detections of single Galactic Wolf–Rayet (WR) stars and develop wind models to interpret the X-ray emission. The ROSAT data, consisting of bandpass detections from the ROSAT All-Sky Survey (RASS) and some pointed observations, exhibit no correlations of the WR X-ray luminosity ( L X) with any star or wind parameters of interest (e.g. bolometric luminosity, mass-loss rate or wind kinetic energy), although the dispersion in the measurements is quite large. The lack of correlation between X-ray luminosity and wind parameters among the WR stars is unlike that of their progenitors, the O stars, which show trends with such parameters. In this paper we seek to (i) test by how much the X-ray properties of the WR stars differ from the O stars and (ii) place limits on the temperature T X and filling factor f X of the X-ray-emitting gas in the WR winds. Adopting empirically derived relationships for T X and f X from O-star winds, the predicted X-ray emission from WR stars is much smaller than observed with ROSAT . Abandoning the T X relation from O stars, we maximize the cooling from a single-temperature hot gas to derive lower limits for the filling factors in WR winds. Although these filling factors are consistently found to be an order of magnitude greater than those for O stars, we find that the data are consistent (albeit the data are noisy) with a trend of in WR stars, as is also the case for O stars.  相似文献   

In the light of recent recalculations of the  19F(α, p)22Ne  reaction rate, we present results of the expected yield of 19F from Wolf–Rayet (WR) stars. In addition to using the recommended rate, we have computed models using the upper and lower limits for the rate, and hence we constrain the uncertainty in the yield with respect to this reaction. We find a yield of  3.1 × 10−4 M  of 19F with our recommended rate, and a difference of a factor of 2 between the yields computed with the upper and lower limits. In comparison with previous work we find a difference in the yield of a factor of approximately 4, connected with a different choice of mass loss. Model uncertainties must be carefully evaluated in order to obtain a reliable estimate of the yield, together with its uncertainties, of fluorine from WR stars.  相似文献   

We have observed the energetic binary Cygnus X-3 in both quiescent and flaring states between 4 and 16 μm using the ISO satellite. We find that the quiescent source shows the thermal free–free spectrum typical of a hot, fast stellar wind, such as from a massive helium star. The quiescent mass-loss rate arising from a spherically symmetric, non-accelerating wind is found to be in the range (0.4–2.9)×10−4 M yr−1, consistent with other infrared and radio observations, but considerably larger than the 10−5 M yr−1 deduced from both the orbital change and the X-ray column density. There is rapid, large-amplitude flaring at 4.5 and 11.5 μm at the same time as enhanced radio and X-ray activity, with the infrared spectrum apparently becoming flatter in the flaring state. We believe that non-thermal processes are operating, perhaps along with enhanced thermal emission.  相似文献   

We present results of an ≈20-ks X-ray observation of the Wolf–Rayet (WR) binary system WR 147 obtained with XMM–Newton . Previous studies have shown that this system consists of a nitrogen-type WN8 star plus an OB companion whose winds are interacting to produce a colliding wind shock. X-ray spectra from the pn and MOS detectors confirm the high extinction reported from infrared studies and reveal hot plasma including the first detection of the Fe Kα line complex at 6.67 keV. Spectral fits with a constant-temperature plane-parallel shock model give a shock temperature   kT shock= 2.7  keV (   T shock≈ 31  MK), close to but slightly hotter than the maximum temperature predicted for a colliding wind shock. Optically thin plasma models suggest even higher temperatures, which are not yet ruled out. The X-ray spectra are harder than can be accounted for using 2D numerical colliding wind shock models based on nominal mass-loss parameters. Possible explanations include: (i) underestimates of the terminal wind speeds or wind abundances, (ii) overly simplistic colliding wind models or (iii) the presence of other X-ray emission mechanisms besides colliding wind shocks. Further improvement of the numerical models to include potentially important physics such as non-equilibrium ionization will be needed to rigorously test the colliding wind interpretation.  相似文献   

We present the first digital CCD images and long-slit spectroscopy of the optical ring nebula around the Wolf–Rayet star θ Mus. The CCD images obtained through narrow-band filters centred at [O  iii ] and Hα show that the nebula has a filamentary structure, similar to supernova remnants, mainly seen in [O  iii ]. A spatial detachment between [O  iii ] and Hα images suggests excitation stratification, or multiple rings. An analysis of the physical conditions in the nebula was performed by means of long-slit CCD spectra. The spectral images show that the nebula is of low density and medium excitation. By means of quotients of recombination and collisional spectral line fluxes we determine that the principal excitation mechanism is photoionization. We have determined the electronic temperature and density, and chemical abundances for the oxygen at different sites within the nebula. Nebular chemical abundances are found to be similar to the Galactic ISM, indicating that the nebula is mainly composed of swept up material.  相似文献   

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