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周粉粉  郭蒙  钟超  常禹  于方冰 《地理科学》2022,42(10):1838-1847
以Fire_CCI51为主要数据源,应用GIS空间分析技术对呼伦贝尔地区2001—2019年草原火的时空分布进行了研究,结果发现:呼伦贝尔草原火时间上具有年际波动较大、循环周期不定和春、秋两季双峰式集中的特点;空间上集中分布在东部森林草原、边境线附近,呈现出东多西少、北多南少的格局。利用相关分析方法对主要气象因子(平均降水量、最高气温、最小相对湿度、最大风速)与草原火之间的关系进行了深入分析,发现气象因子与草原火之间不存在显著相关;通过对呼伦贝尔市1981—2015年的草原起火原因统计数据分析发现,人类活动是导致草原火发生的主要因素。应用空间分析方法对边境线20 km缓冲区内的草原火进行了提取,发现境外过火面积远高于境内而且俄罗斯的过火面积远高于蒙古和中国。  相似文献   

草原作为我国最大的陆地生态系统,对生态安全、生物多样性、畜牧业等具有重要的意义,但草原生态承载力有限,随着人口和社会经济压力的不断增加,对草原的过度利用导致草原生态破坏严重,草原生态系统面临巨大威胁。为了恢复和保护草原生态系统,2002年前后国家在草原破坏严重的地区实施禁牧政策。政策实施以来,草原得到很大程度的恢复,生态效果明显,但政策实施过程中也出现了一些新的问题。探索北方农牧交错区草原利用效率和存在的问题可为进一步制定相关政策提供依据,对北方农牧交错区的生态环境修复和可持续发展有重要的意义。本文通过对相关文献的综述和典型禁牧区的研究,从禁牧政策的效益、问题和农户支持度等方面,进行了研究和论述,主要结论包括:(1)北方农牧交错区草原生态承载力低,生态赤字严重。(2)禁牧政策虽对生态环境的改善起到很大作用,但在一些禁牧区,当地政府不能因地制宜实施禁牧政策,再加上配套实施和基础设施滞后,草场界限模糊以及政策宣传和监管力度不够等问题导致了新的草原退化,草原生态恢复大打折扣。(3)禁牧政策实施对农户的生产和生活造成一定的影响,部分农户无法顺利完成生计方式的转型,又因生态补偿标准低和补偿有失公平等问题无法弥补禁牧造成的经济损失,导致农户生活水平有所下降,加深了生态环境与农户生计之间的矛盾,部分农户对禁牧政策的支持度较低。  相似文献   

The objective of this paper is to document the role of fire in shaping the landscape by identifying links between historical fire records and the current landscape indicating that fire favors certain land use/land cover (LULC) types. We geo-referenced fire records taken from 1922 to 2000 in Aitoloakarnania, the largest prefecture -in terms of surface area- of Greece and compared the past LULC classes where fires burned to the present landscape. The outputs indicated a shift of the historic fire ignition points from natural to agricultural-related LULC classes since a significant proportion of fire incidents that, according to the fire records, burnt natural vegetation units is currently located in agricultural landscape units. Additionally, a significant proportion of the fire-affected land cover classes retain their character thus supporting the argument that these classes, especially fire-prone or fire-resistant, have developed mechanisms to cope with fire. In such ecosystems the role of fire is to maintain rather than transform land cover classes.The findings of this research lead us to conclude that fire can be perceived as a long-term landscape modifier in the Mediterranean, although its effects may vary from region to region because of differences in regeneration patterns among the main land cover types, topographic constraints and local fire histories. Historical fire records extending back to the early 20th century proved to provide valuable information that can reveal interesting patterns of fire burning history and explain present land cover and use patterns. This knowledge, documented from historical records, can be used to develop fire management and land cover/land use management planning.  相似文献   

This paper examines spatial and temporal patterns of large to medium‐sized fires across the Indonesian Archipelago using remote sensing, particularly the MODIS fire products, over a 14 years period (2000–13 inclusive) in conjunction with climatic and land data in a GIS. Results showed fires (burned area and number of fires) were detected the most in year 2002 and least in 2010. The extent of burning was correlated with the annual Southern Oscillation Index with most burning occurring during times of sustained negative SOI values, which generally means drier conditions across the region. Most of the detected fires occurred in the middle of the dry season and in drier eastern Indonesia. Across Indonesia, approximately 1.5 per cent of available open vegetation area burned, whereas only 0.5 per cent of forest area burned. Most open vegetation burning was detected in the savanna with an area equivalent to 11.1 per cent of its extent being burned over the 14 years. On Sumba Island, where the pronounced dry season extends for at least four months, open vegetation is the most common land cover type, of which 99 per cent burned by area over the study period making it the island with the most burned areas in the Indonesian Archipelago.  相似文献   

2001—2018年印度尼西亚MODIS活跃火的发生特征与响应   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
刘佳  梁一行  李鹏  肖池伟 《地理学报》2020,75(9):1907-1920
基于印度尼西亚2001—2018年FIRMS MODIS活跃火(Active Fire)位置数据,通过GIS渔网(1 km×1 km)定量分析了该国活跃火的发生概率、强度及其对厄尔尼诺的响应。结果表明:① 印度尼西亚18年间至少发生过一次活跃火的区域(即“有火区”)占22.79%,五大岛屿“有火区”以加里曼丹岛最多,巴布亚岛最少。活跃火发生以低概率为主,集中在8—10月,加里曼丹岛和苏门答腊岛分布最多;中概率分布较少,苏门答腊岛东部低地平原和加里曼丹岛南部及西南沿岸最为集中;高概率零星分布,大部分集中在爪哇岛和苏拉威西岛。② 活跃火的发生强度以1级(1次/a)和2级(2~3次/a)为主,3级(4~7次/a)次之。1~5级(1~22次/a)活跃火主要集中在加里曼丹岛和苏门答腊岛,6级(23~165次/a)活跃火集中在爪哇岛、苏门答腊岛和苏拉威西岛,且强度从中心向四周递减。此外,不同概率组内活跃火的发生强度也不同,低、中、高概率活跃火分别以1次/a、1~3次/a、2~7次/a为主。③ 印度尼西亚8—10月活跃火对强、弱厄尔尼诺的敏感度不同,其响应表现在活跃火频次与影响面积显著增加,厄尔尼诺越强,活跃火响应程度越高。其中,苏门答腊岛响应程度最高,巴布亚岛最低。  相似文献   

Relatively little is known about vegetation fire regimes in China. In this study, we investigated fire regime characteristics and their potential drivers, utilizing information extracted from the MODerate resolution Imaging Spectrometer (MODIS) satellite. Twelve fire regime variables were selected and computed on a regular grid over all of China, using MODIS burned area and active fire data during the period 2001 to 2016, to identify fire incidence and its inter-annual variability, seasonality, intensity, fire size distribution and vegetation types affected by fire. The variables were normalized and clustered to define six fire regimes with distinctive fire attributes. Results show that 78.6% of the land in China was affected by fire during the study period. The barren or sparsely vegetated lands of western China are nearly fire-free. Active fires were observed in Central China, but area burned was not detectable from MODIS. Forest fires in northeastern China are relatively large, infrequent, with a short fire season that peaks in non-winter seasons and higher inter-annual variability, implying a high likelihood of accidental causes. In contrast, forest fires in southern China are relatively small, frequent, with a long fire season that peaks in non-summer seasons, and lower inter-annual variability, suggesting regular use as a land management tool. Low inter-annual variability and low fire intensity were associated with cropland fires, whereas grassland fires generally exhibit the opposite traits. We have also discussed the potential drivers of each fire regime characteristics.  相似文献   

Vegetation fires are one of the most serious environmental problems in several ecoregions of India. The purpose of this study is to characterize spatio‐temporal characteristics of fire events in Orissa state, eastern India. In this study, ATSR satellite remote sensing data have been used to quantify fire events from 1997 to 2006. The spatial scan statistic that quantifies ‘hotspot’ areas of fire risk has been used to identify statistically significant fire clusters during the ten‐year time period. To assess the causative factors of fires, topographic, vegetation, climatic, anthropogenic and accessibility factors were used in a robust multivariate statistical framework. Results suggested a clear variation in hotspots of fire occurrences among districts. Of the several districts, the most likely cluster of fire events has been identified in Jharsuguda district followed by secondary clusters in Gajapati, Phulbani, Anugul, Debagarh, Balangir and Raygada. The first three principal components (PCs) from multivariate statistical analysis could explain 70.48% of variance in biophysical and socio‐economic indicators of fire events. The loadings were fairly large and highly positive for deciduous forest percentage, elevation, slope mean, aspect mean, and rural population density in the first PC explaining 40.21% of variance. The second PC included drought index, average temperature and illiteracy explaining nearly 19.2% variance. The third PC had a strong positive association with cropped area and forest cover explaining 10.98% of the total variance. Overall, by quantifying the disparities in fire events in space and time, this study demonstrates the utility of the spatial scan statistic in identifying priority areas of fire risk. Our results on fire hotspots and causative factors of risk can guide forest managers toward the best management strategies for avoiding damage to forests, human life, and personal property in the study area.  相似文献   

A simple ecological model underlies contemporary fire policy in many West African countries. The model holds that the timing (or seasonality) of annual savanna fires is a principal determinant of vegetation cover. The model's origin can be traced to the ideas held by influential colonial scientists who viewed anthropogenic fire as a prime force of regional environmental degradation. The main evidence in support of the model derives from the results of a series of long-term burning experiments carried out during last century. The experimental results have been repeatedly mapped onto fire policy often taking the form of a three-tiered model in which fire exclusion is considered the ultimate management objective, late dry-season fire is discouraged and early dry-season fire is allowed but only under specific, often state-controlled circumstances. This paper provides a critique of contemporary fire policy in the region and the fire ecology model on which it is based. Through an analysis of burn scars for the 2002–3 fire season generated from ETM+ imagery, the study documents the spatiotemporal pattern of burning for an area in southern Mali. It argues that current policy, which is informed by an a-spatial model, cannot adequately account for the critical pattern of burning that is characteristic of the region. A reinterpretation of the burning experiments is presented in light of four factors: empirical data; recent developments in patch-mosaic theory; historical evidence on the effects of fire suppression; and data on indigenous burning strategies, all of which suggest a need to reconsider current fire policy.  相似文献   

中南半岛旱季VIIRS活跃火的空间特征与国别差异   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
热带是全球活跃火(active fire)的集中发生区,客观认识其空间特征、国别差异及其动态变化对评估区域生物质燃烧及其碳排放等具有重要意义。作为热带季风气候典型区,中南半岛旱季活跃火发生发展空间特征及其动态变化仍缺乏清晰认识。为此,论文利用可见光红外成像辐射仪(VIIRS) S-NPP 2012—2019年活跃火矢量数据,基于核密度与空间自相关评价了中南半岛及国别旱季尤其是其特征月份(2—4月)活跃火发生发展的密集程度、集聚特征及其动态变化。结果表明:① 中南半岛活跃火核密度低值区占比最大(79%),高值区最小(4%);柬埔寨、缅甸、老挝等经济落后国家的核密度均值明显高于泰国和越南;2012—2019年核密度高值区具有朝高海拔、向内陆与趋边境等分布特征,且柬埔寨东北部长居高值区。② 活跃火核密度中值区变化集中在1—4月,且多分布在低、高值区周围;高值区变化集中在2—4月,由柬埔寨东北部逐渐向缅甸东/西部、泰国西北部以及老挝北/南部转移。③ 半岛与5国活跃火核密度在旱季具有显著空间正相关性,空间集聚类型以“高—高”型和“低—低”型集聚为主,越南、柬埔寨等国局部自相关性强于泰国和老挝。  相似文献   


Forest fires are a kind of natural hazard with a high number of occurrences in southern European countries. To avoid major damages and to improve forest fire management, one can use forest fire spread simulators to predict fire behavior. When providing forest fire predictions, there are two main considerations: accuracy and computation time. In the context of natural hazards simulation, it is well known that part of the final forecast error comes from uncertainty in the input data. These data typically consist of a set of GIS files, which should be appropriately conflated. For this reason, several input data calibration methods have been developed by the scientific community. In this work, the Two-Stage calibration methodology, which has been shown to provide good results, is used. This calibration strategy is computationally intensive and time-consuming because it uses a Genetic Algorithm as a solution. Taking into account the aspect of urgency in forest fire spread prediction, it is necessary to maintain a balance between accuracy and the time needed to calibrate the input parameters. In order to take advantage of this technique, one must deal with the problem that some of the obtained solutions are impractical, since they involve simulation times that are too long, preventing the prediction system from being deployed at an operational level. A new method which finds the minimum resolution reduction for such long simulations, keeping accuracy loss to a known interval, is proposed. The proposed improvement is based on a time-aware core allocation policy that enables real-time forest fire spread forecasting. The final prediction system is a cyberinfrastructure, which enables forest fire spread prediction at real time.  相似文献   

Wildfires are an important factor of landscape dynamics in fire-prone environments of the world. In the Mediterranean, one of the most fire-susceptible environments globally, between 45,000 and 50,000 wildfires are recorded every year, causing disturbances in forest and grassland ecosystems. As a Mediterranean country, Croatia faces these problems, averaging over 1000 registered wildfires annually, with the coastal areas dominated by forest fires and continental Croatia by fires on agricultural lands. This research combines various landscape and socio-economic factors in the analysis of fire occurrence in Croatia’s southernmost region of Dalmatia. Around 275 of the largest fires (encompassing 98% of the total burnt area) registered in 2013 were investigated using OLS, and different spatial indices were employed to analyse regional variability in fire distribution. The results revealed that areas more prone to fires are the northern inland areas of Dalmatia and its entire coastal zone. Altitude and vegetation type demonstrated a correlation with fire occurrence, but an increase in population in the study area was also correlated with wildfire occurrence. Regarding vegetation, the grasslands and Mediterranean shrubland (maquis) were found to be the most fire-prone vegetation types in the study region, the distribution of which can be linked to different socio-economic and demographic processes occurring in the Eastern Adriatic.  相似文献   

羊啃食动力学模拟与内蒙古西部气候变化适应   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
将定性分析、民主参与式评估和定量数值模拟方法结合起来,对阿拉善气候变化适应问题进行了简要评估并重点分析了土地退化、放牧和草原管理策略之间的关系。阿拉善主要的适应政策是禁牧和生态移民。禁牧后荒漠草原植被得到恢复,但移民增加了绿洲压力,过度开垦又造成周边土地沙化;过度抽取地下水致使水位下降并伴随咸水入侵和地表盐碱化。禁牧的另一个副作用是造成草原鼠害加重及火灾风险增加,生物多样性也呈现先升后降趋势。一些灌木因缺乏啃食出现退化迹象等,说明一定程度的啃食有利于维持草原生态平衡。因此,动物是草原生态系统不可或缺的成员之一。我们用一个包含动物啃食等的森林生态动力模式模拟了啃食动力学,结果表明,有限的放牧有利于草场更新并能充分利用草原资源;过度放牧导致草场退化并伴随羊群死亡。因此,需要将圈养和限制性放牧结合起来,制定可持续性适应政策。  相似文献   

过度放牧加剧了中国草地的退化程度,破坏了草地生态系统重要的生态和经济价值。“草畜平衡”政策在中国全面实施已超过十年,旨在平衡饲草产量与牲畜消耗之间的关系。本文梳理了政策评价的统计资料和相关文献,指出以草畜平衡为主导的生态补偿政策不仅对草地的恢复效果存在很大的不确定性,而且阻碍了部分超载地区的减畜,甚至还对牧民生计产生负面影响。为解决当前困境,本文基于生态学理论提出了从控制牲畜数量到维持和改善草地健康的根本性策略性转变的理论框架和实现途径,以期推动我国草地的可持续发展。研究结果表明,“草畜平衡”政策失灵的根本原因在于其干预了牧民自主使用承包草场的行为,而且基础理论和方法也存在缺陷。相比而言,以草地生态系统健康为衡量标准实施奖惩政策,不仅能够激发牧民自主经营草原的积极性,而且比“草畜平衡”政策更具科学性和可行性。  相似文献   

The changing contexts in the drylands of Africa in which pastoralists operate pose potential negative effects for the livelihood sustenance of pastoralists. We examined present livelihood adaptations among Afar pastoralists in north eastern Ethiopia through a household survey. With an average per capita income of 1.20 USD a day (PPP-adjusted in 2006), all households surveyed in the study area fall below the international 2 USD a day poverty line. Most Afar pastoralists have become increasingly involved in farming and non-farming/non-pastoral activities, but do not display a total detachment from traditional mobile herding. Pastoral households are still less likely to diversify their livelihoods, while semi-pastoral and agro-pastoral households keep livestock more as an additional insurance against failure in other livelihood activities such as farming. This indicates combining livestock production and farming has improved or at least constrained declines in livelihood outcomes. Our quantitative findings are congruent with the general patterns of pastoral livelihood contraction occurring in the region even if a substantial group of pastoralists continue to engage in keeping livestock. These findings are highly relevant in a management context, suggesting more encompassing, and locally adapted policy and development strategy rather than a wholesale abandonment of support to pastoral livelihood styles.  相似文献   

Early dry-season prescribed fires can reduce fuel loads and thus prevent or mitigate the severity of late, high-intensity fires that spread widely in savanna ecosystems and damage woody plants. However, due to the lack of scientific knowledge regarding fuel characteristics and fire behavior in West African savannas, this practice can have effects that are diametrically opposed to those desired and may threaten the environment. There are three crucial parameters that must be considered when planning early-season prescribed fires: the ignition probability, the rate of spread of a fire and the amount of fuel consumed. In this study, 231 early-season prescribed fires were conducted in three savanna ecosystems in Senegal in order to characterize these three fundamental parameters.Logistic regression analyses revealed that fuel moisture content and relative humidity are good predictors of ignition probability. Multiple linear regressions were used to investigate the relationships between fire rate of spread, fuel consumption or fire intensity and fuel and weather conditions. Readily usable nomographs for forest managers were created based on those relationships that proved to be significant. Kruskal–Wallis tests performed to compare the observed rates of fire propagation with those predicted using BehavePlus showed no statistically significant difference between them.  相似文献   

Geomorphological research has played an important role in the development and implementation of soil erosion assessment tools. Because policy and management approaches include the use of soil erosion assessment tools, soil erosion research directly affects the public in terms of providing information on natural hazards and human impacts, and also as the basis for regulatory policy on land management. For example, soil loss calculations and geomorphological expertise are used to support soil conservation planning, both through agricultural legislation that defines maximum tolerable soil loss rates, and through federal and local legislation that requires soil erosion controls on many construction sites.To be useful for decision makers, soil erosion models must have simple data requirements, must consider spatial and temporal variability in hydrological and soil erosion processes, and must be applicable to a variety of regions with minimum calibration. The growing use of erosion models and Geographic Information Systems (GIS) in local to regional scale soil and water conservation raises concerns about how models are used. This has prompted interest in methods to assess how models function at management scales and with the types of data that are commonly available to users. A case study of a GIS-based soil erosion assessment tool using the process-based Water Erosion Prediction Project (WEPP) shows that using commonly available data rather than research grade data can have (predictably) a significant impact on model results. If model results are then used in management decisions, it is critical to assess whether the scale and direction of variation in results will affect management and policy decisions. Geomorphologists provide unique perspectives on soil erosion and can continue to affect policy through soil erosion research. This research should focus on fundamental processes, but equally important is continued development and evaluation of models that are matched to real world data availability, geomorphic settings, and information needs.  相似文献   

This article reports on the results from a spatiotemporal analysis of disaggregate fire incident data. The innovative analysis presented here focuses on the exploration of spatial and temporal patterns for four principal fire incident categories: property, vehicle, secondary fires, and malicious false alarms. This research extends previous work on spatial exploration of spatiotemporal patterns by demonstrating the benefits of comaps and kernel density estimation in examining temporal and spatiotemporal dynamics in calls for services. Results indicate that fire incidents are not static in either time or space and that spatiotemporal variation is related to incident type. The application of these techniques has the potential to inform policy decisions both from a reactive, resource‐allocation perspective and from a more proactive perspective, such as through spatial targeting of preventive measures.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. Fires on Sumatra and Kalimantan have taken a heavy toll on Indonesia' remaining tropical forests. Drought exacerbates the fire hazard, but it does not cause the fires, most of which have been the result of inappropriate land‐use policies and practices. Peatland fires have emitted vast quantities of smoke that periodically blanket large parts of insular Southeast Asia, impairing visibility, disrupting travel, hampering economic activity, and posing serious health risks. The development agenda of Indonesia' New Order regime paid scant attention to forest management, including the need to detect, control, and suppress unwanted fires.  相似文献   

森林碳汇决策与农村可持续发展研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
认为有必要在基于碳汇的土地利用和当地可持续发展之间建立一种更加明确的联系.依托一个中国-加拿大合作项目,以中国贵州省黎平县为例,阐述了一种将森林碳汇、森林资源管理以及如何促进当地可持续发展联系起来的综合评估方法,并且着重介绍了能帮助资源管理和规划部门实施这种综合评估的土地利用决策支持工具(LUDST).  相似文献   

Understanding the spatial patterns of fire ignitions and fire sizes is essential for understanding fire regimes. Although previous studies have documented associations of human-caused fire ignitions with road corridors, less consideration has been given to understanding the multiple influences of roads on the fire regime at a broader landscape-scale. Therefore, we examined the difference between lightning- and human-caused fire ignitions in relation to forest road corridors and other anthropogenic and biophysical factors in the eastern Cascade Mountains of Washington State. We used geographical information systems and case-control logistic regression models to assess the relative importance of these explanatory variables that influence the locations of lightning versus human-caused ignitions.We found that human-caused ignitions were concentrated close to roads, in high road density areas, and near the wildland-urban interface (WUI). In contrast, lightning-caused ignitions were concentrated in low road density areas, away from WUI, and in low population density areas. Lightning-caused ignitions were also associated with fuels and climatic and topographic factors. A weak but significant relationship between lightning-caused fire and proximity to gravel roads may be related to fuels near roads or to bias in detection and reporting of lightning-caused fires near roads. Although most small fires occurred in roaded areas, they accounted for only a small proportion of the total burned area. In contrast, the large fires in roadless and wilderness areas accounted for most of the burned area. Thus, from the standpoint of the total area burned, the effect of forest roads on restricting fire size is likely greater than the impact of roads on increasing fire ignitions. The results of our study suggest that roads and their edge effect area should be more widely acknowledged as a unique type of landscape effect in fire research and management.  相似文献   

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