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Effect of addition of municipal solid waste compost (MSWC) on two metals viz. copper (Cu) and zinc (Zn) contents of submerged rice paddies were studied. Experiments were conducted during the three consecutive wet seasons from 1997 to 1999 on rice grown under submergence, at the Experimental Farm of Calcutta University, India. A sequential extraction method was used to determine the metal (Cu and Zn) fractions in MSWC and cow dung manure (CDM). Both metals were significantly bound to the organic matter and Fe and Mn oxides in MSWC and CDM. Metal content in rice straw was higher than in rice grain. Metal bound with Fe and Mn oxides in MSWC and CDM best correlated with straw and grain metal followed by exchangeable and water soluble fractions. Carbonate, organic matter bound and residual fractions in MSWC and CDM did not significantly correlate with rice straw and grain metal. The MSWC would be a valuable resource for agriculture if it can be used safely, but long-term field experiments with MSWC are needed to assess by regular monitoring of the metal loads and accumulation in soil and plants.  相似文献   

This paper shows the results of a ground magnetic survey carried out to study solid waste landfills. The area located southward of Gualeguaychú town was chosen as a pilot case. This zone was selected considering the available knowledge about the cessation of operations, and the interest of the local authorities in verifying the existence of anomalies indicative of possible dangerous pollutants. The total magnetic field was measured along six profiles, and the corresponding anomalies were calculated. The profiles were modelled in 2.5 D, and along them Eulers deconvolution was used to estimate the depth to the sources. The first and the second derivatives of the residual magnetic field were calculated, in order to sharpen the anomalies. Our interpretation suggests that the characteristics of the modelled bodies and the magnitudes of the detected anomalies do not indicate the presence of drums in the sanitary infill.  相似文献   

The present article discusses an overview on the contamination of non-segregated open municipal solid waste (MSW) in and around a dumping site at Garchuk in Guwahati city, Assam, India. Analysis showed depth-wise variations in the concentrations of selected heavy metals in MSW and their subsequent accumulations with increasing depths. Zinc was the most abundant heavy metal in MSW. Six-step selective sequential extractions revealed that most of the heavy metals in MSW were in the residual phase except zinc. Analysis of the leachate from MSW showed high concentrations of fluoride, chloride, ammonium–nitrogen and the ratio of biological oxygen demand/chemical oxygen demand. Concentrations of all the heavy metals in the leachates were higher than the Indian national effluent standards. High amounts of biological oxygen demand, heavy metals, total and fecal coliforms in water samples from the adjoining water body (Deepor Beel, a Ramsar site) of the MSW dumping site indicated its unsuitability for domestic use. Principle component analysis showed that influence of MSW leachate was the major source of water contamination in Deepor Beel. Though accumulation of heavy metals in different vegetables growing in MSW dumping site did not exceed the recommended maximum intake, it was a significant additional source of heavy metals in cooked human diet.  相似文献   

Lyså, A., Hjelstuen, B. O. & Larsen, E. 2009: Fjord infill in a high‐relief area: Rapid deposition influenced by deglaciation dynamics, glacio‐isostatic rebound and gravitational activity. Boreas, 10.1111/j.1502‐3885.2009.00117.x. ISSN 0300‐9483. Seismic profiles and gravity cores have been collected from the previously glaciated Nordfjord system on the west coast of Norway. The results give new information about the deglaciation history of the area and contribute to our understanding of fjord fill in high relief areas. During the last deglaciation, up to 360 m of sediments was deposited in the 135 km long fjord system. Shortly after the coastal area became ice‐free, ~12 300 14C years BP, the first ice‐marginal deposits were formed, probably due to a minor glacier re‐advance. The greatest volume of sediments in the fjord was deposited during the Allerød ice recession period, the Younger Dryas re‐advance and the succeeding ice retreat period until the ice disappeared from the fjord in early Preboreal. During the Allerød, the fjord was ice‐free and glaciomarine stratified sediments were deposited. The ice margin is suggested to have been located just west of Lake Strynevatnet before the advance during the Younger Dryas. In the late phase of the Younger Dryas, and within the succeeding ~1000 years, the glacio‐isostatic rebound was rapid, and extensive re‐sedimentation took place. Slide activities continued into mid‐Holocene, albeit with less intensity and were followed by normal and calm marine conditions that prevailed until the present. One huge rock avalanche into the fjord took place between 2200 and 1800 14C yr BP, probably triggering a tsunami and several slides in the fjord. Even though glacigenic sediments totally dominate in terms of sediment volume, the present study underlines the importance of re‐sedimentation and other gravitational processes in such fjord settings.  相似文献   

Qom is the eighth most populated city in center of Iran, and its population growth rate is among the highest in this country. Th presence of a Great Salt Lake, petroleum potential and tourism attractions in this city sheds light on the importance of how solid waste landfill locations should be disposed, located and managed as an environmental issue. Considering the key parameters in landfill site selection, in this study a series of location analysis have been conducted to locate optimum regions for municipal solid waste disposal, using analytical hierarchy process (AHP) and geographical information system (GIS). The main factors in selecting the suitable location for waste disposal include geomorphology–hydrography, environmental–social factors and design criteria, each of which are subdivided into several categories. Criteria are selected according to the regional condition; therefore, important factors such as distance from sea and forested areas were not considered. In the next step, digital layers are weighted and classified according to the available standards and expert judgment. Then, analytical multi-criteria decision-making algorithms as AHP and weighted linear combination are applied upon existing layers in GIS. The results show that by implementing the AHP method in this region only 7% of the study area has a very good and appropriate condition for landfill location and the field observation confirms them. Finally, considering the environmental effects of landfill, appropriate locations are suggested.  相似文献   

In an experimental mesocosm system, we evaluated changes in morphology and tissue nutrient content (carbon [C], nitrogen [N], phosphorus [P]) of eelgrass (Zostera marina L.) as influenced by increased temperature and nitrate. During the late summer-fall growing season (14 weeks, August through mid-November), control plants were compared to plants grown at elevated temperatures (3°C to 4°C above ambient, based on 20-yr weekly means) and elevated water column nitrate enrichment (8 μM NO3 , pulsed daily). Both increased temperature and increased nitrate led to declines in shoot density (by 40% and 48% for nitrate and temperature treatments, respectively), as well as decreased leaf and root production. High temperature promoted increased total C content of leaf tissues, whereas high nitrate increased the percentage of N in belowground tissues and depressed the C∶N ratio in aboveground tissues. The data indicated that increases in nitrate or temperature can significantly reduce the size ofZ. marine shoots and can also alter the internal C and N content. This reduction was not associated with significant increases in light-attenuating algae as we controlled epiphytic growth, so we suggest that a direct physiological mechanism or other mechanism was involved.  相似文献   

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