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A three-dimensional, finite-element flow model was used to assess the hydrogeological effects of depressurizing coalbeds lying in the Weary Creek exploration block, Elk River valley, southeastern British Columbia, Canada. The simulation results permit, at an early stage, assessment of the environmental and economic implications of how the flow system may respond to depressurization. Estimated reservoir conditions for the coal-seam gas targets lying within the Upper Jurassic–Lower Cretaceous Mist Mountain Formation indicate that the coalbeds must be depressurized by up to 350 m to attain the critical gas desorption pressure. The simulations suggest that depressurizing has little effect on groundwater flux to the Elk River. Simulated water production for three depressurizing wells operating under steady-state, single-phase flow for initial reservoir conditions of 13 and 16.5 cm3/g is 645 m3/d (4,057 barrels/d) and 355 m3/d (2,233 barrels/d), respectively. Groundwaters collected from monitoring wells have relatively low salinity, ranging from about 250–1,300 mg/L. The groundwater is supersaturated with respect to Ca–Mg–Fe carbonates (calcite, dolomite, and siderite) and Al-bearing silicates, including kaolinite and illite. Dissolved trace-metal concentrations are low; only Fe, Cd, Cr, and Zn exceed Canadian water-quality guidelines for aquatic life. Groundwaters were devoid of the more soluble monocyclic aromatic organic compounds, including benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, and polycyclic aromatic compounds, including naphthalene. Electronic Publication  相似文献   

Discovery of high contents of methane gas in coals of the Mist Mountain Formation in the Elk River valley, southeastern British Columbia, Canada, has led to increased exploration activity for coal-seam gas (CSG). CSG production requires groundwater abstraction to depressurize the coal beds and to facilitate methane flow to the production wells. Groundwater abstraction will have hydrodynamic effects on the flow system, and an understanding of the groundwater flow system is needed to evaluate these effects. The purpose of this paper is to describe the groundwater flow system in the area by means of a groundwater flow model and interpretation of hydrochemical and isotopic analyses of groundwater and surface water. Groundwater flow for the Weary Creek exploration area is modeled in two vertical sections. The model domains, based on classic upland–lowland conceptual flow models, are approximately 10,000 m long and 4,000 m deep. Each consists of a fixed water-table boundary and no-flow boundaries along the traces of major faults. Steady-state groundwater flow is calibrated to hydraulic-head, streamflow, and groundwater-recharge data. Simulated steady-state velocity fields define regional and local flow components consistent with the conceptual model. The results are consistent with regional trends in δ2H, δ18O, tritium, and TDS, which define two distinct groundwater groups (A and B) and a third of intermediate composition. An active, shallow, local flow component (group A) is recharged in beds cropping out along subdued ridges; this component discharges as seeps along lower and mid-slope positions in the southern part of the study area. The waters are tritiated, relatively enriched in δ2H and δ18O, and have low TDS. A deeper regional flow component (group B), which originates at a higher altitude and which discharges to the Elk River valley bottom, is characterized by non-tritiated groundwater with relatively depleted δ2H and δ18O, and higher TDS. Groundwater contributes less than 10% of the total direct flow to the Elk River, as indicated by flow measurements and by the absence of group A and group B characteristics in the river water. Thus it is hypothesized that groundwater extraction during CSG production will have little impact on the river. The groundwater flow model developed in this work is used in a companion paper to further test this hypothesis. Electronic Publication  相似文献   

Humboldt, Arago, and the temperature of groundwater   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

 The San Antonio-El Triunfo mining district, located at a mountainous region 45 km south-east of La Paz, Baja California, has been worked since the late 1700s. Mine waste material produced during 200 years of mineral extraction area poses a risk of local groundwater pollution and eventually, regional pollution to the Carrizal (west basin) and the Los Planes (east basin) aquifers. There are different types of deposits in the mining area. These are dominated by epithermal veins, in which arsenopyrite is an important component. Carrillo and Drever (1998a) concluded that, even though the amount of mine waste is relatively small in comparison to the large scale area, significant As in groundwater derived from the mine waste piles is found locally in the groundwater. This paper shows the results of geochemical analyses of groundwater samples from the San Antonio-El Triunfo area and the Carrizal and Los Planes aquifers during several years of monitoring (1993–1997). The highest values of total dissolved solids (TDS) and As are in the mineralized area where the mining operations occurred (∼1500 ppm TDS and 0.41 ppm As). The lowest concentrations of TDS and As are, in general, away from the mineralized area (∼500 ppm TDS and 0.01 ppm As). Sulfate and bicarbonate (alkalinity) are, in general, high near the mineralized area and low away from it. The arsenic concentrations vary seasonally, especially after the heavy summer thunderstorms. Geochemical modeling (MINTEQA2 and NETPATH) and analysis of the regional geochemical evolution of the groundwater from the mining area towards the aquifer of Los Planes shows that the most likely hydrochemical processes include: dilution, precipitation of calcite, and adsorption of As onto surfaces of iron oxyhydroxides (ferrihydrite). These processes act as natural controls to the extent and amount of As pollution in the Carrizal and Los Planes aquifers. Received: 4 May 1999 · Accepted: 22 February 2000  相似文献   

 "Capture" is the increase in recharge and the decrease in discharge that occurs when pumping is imposed on an aquifer system that was in a previous state of approximate dynamic equilibrium. Regional groundwater models are usually used to calculate capture in a two-step procedure. A steady-state solution provides an initial-head configuration, a set of flows through the boundaries for the modeled region, and the initial basis for the capture calculation. The transient solutions provide the total change in flows through the boundaries. A difference between the transient and steady-state solutions renders the capture calculation. When seasonality is a modeling issue, the use of a single initial hydraulic head and a single set of boundary flows leads to miscalculations of capture. Instead, an initial condition for each season should be used. This approach may be accomplished by determining steady oscillatory solutions, which vary through the seasons but repeat from year to year. A regional groundwater model previously developed for a portion of the San Pedro River basin, Arizona, USA, is modified to illustrate the effect that different initial conditions have on transient solutions and on capture calculations. Received, September 1996 · Revised, October 1997 · Accepted, October 1997  相似文献   

Relation of streams, lakes, and wetlands to groundwater flow systems   总被引:14,自引:10,他引:14  
 Surface-water bodies are integral parts of groundwater flow systems. Groundwater interacts with surface water in nearly all landscapes, ranging from small streams, lakes, and wetlands in headwater areas to major river valleys and seacoasts. Although it generally is assumed that topographically high areas are groundwater recharge areas and topographically low areas are groundwater discharge areas, this is true primarily for regional flow systems. The superposition of local flow systems associated with surface-water bodies on this regional framework results in complex interactions between groundwater and surface water in all landscapes, regardless of regional topographic position. Hydrologic processes associated with the surface-water bodies themselves, such as seasonally high surface-water levels and evaporation and transpiration of groundwater from around the perimeter of surface-water bodies, are a major cause of the complex and seasonally dynamic groundwater flow fields associated with surface water. These processes have been documented at research sites in glacial, dune, coastal, mantled karst, and riverine terrains. Received, April 1998 · Revised, July 1998, August 1998 · Accepted, September 1998  相似文献   

 Only minor attention has been given in the past to the study of closed-basin hydrogeology in evaporitic environments, because these basins usually contain poor-quality groundwater. The motivation for hydrogeological research in the Los Monegros area in northeastern Spain was the approval in 1986 of a large irrigation project in the Ebre River basin. The irrigation of 60,000 ha is planned, partly in an evaporitic closed basin containing playa lakes. The project has given rise to environmental concerns. The evaluation of the hydrologic impacts of irrigation requires quantifying properly the hydrogeology of the area. With the available information, a conceptual hydrogeological model was formulated that identifies two main aquifers connected through a leaky aquitard. On the basis of the conceptual model, a numerical model was calibrated under steady-state conditions using the method of maximum-likelihood automatic parameter estimation (Carrera and Neuman, 1986a). The calibrated model reproduces the measured hydraulic heads fairly well and is consistent with independent information on groundwater discharge. By the solution of the inverse problem, reliable parameter estimates were obtained. It is concluded that anisotropy plays a major role in some parts of the lower aquifer. The geometric average of model conductivity is almost two orders of magnitude larger than the average conductivity derived from small-scale field tests. This scale effect in hydraulic conductivity is consistent with the findings of Neuman (1994) and Sánchez-Vila et al. (1996). Received, December 1997 · Revised, December 1997 · Accepted, January 1998  相似文献   

On the basis of the isotopic composition of water in the northern part of Epirus, Greece, from springs at different altitudes with well-defined recharge areas, the altitude effect on the δ18O value of groundwater is –0.142±0.003ö (100?m)–1 and is uniform over the entire study area. Using the δ18O composition of surface water and groundwaters, the contribution of Ioannina Lake and the channel draining the lake water to the Kalamas River to the recharge of springs and boreholes was confirmed and quantitatively defined. In contrast, the Voidomatis and Vikos Rivers are not sources for recharge of the big springs along their banks. However, water from the Aoos River does replenish the aquifer in the unconsolidated deposits underlying the plain of Konitsa. In addition, limestones of Senonian–Late Eocene ages, dolomites, and limestones of the "Vigles" facies are hydraulically interconnected, and the limestones of the "Pantokrator" facies are hydraulically isolated from the other carbonate formations.  相似文献   

 This paper demonstrates that both cation exchange, a commonly invoked mechanism, and silicate hydrolysis, which is less commonly considered, can produce Na-HCO3-type water in sedimentary rocks. Evolution of Na-HCO3 groundwater beneath the Oak Ridge Reservation, Tennessee, USA, was studied by comparing observed end-member groundwater composition from multiport samplers to compositions generated by reaction-path geochemical models. Observed groundwater compositions could be reproduced by either the silicate-hydrolysis model or the cation-exchange model. Secondary minerals precipitated in the silicate-hydrolysis model are similar to those present along fractures in the shale and carbonate host rocks, and observed molar Sr2+/Ca2+ ratios more closely resemble evolution from shale weathering. Both mechanisms should be considered to understand the evolution of Na-HCO3 groundwater. Received, April 1998 · Revised, January 1999 · Accepted, March 1999  相似文献   

 The Heretaunga Plains, Hawke's Bay, New Zealand, is underlain by Quaternary fluvial, estuarine-lagoonal, and marine deposits infilling a subsiding syncline. Within the depositional sequence, river-channel gravels form one of the most important aquifer systems in New Zealand. An interconnected unconfined–confined aquifer system contains groundwater recharged from the Ngaruroro River bed at the inland margin of the plain, 20 km from the coast. At the coast, gravel aquifers extend to a depth of 250 m. In 1994–95, 66 Mm3 of high quality groundwater was abstracted for city and rural water supply, agriculture, industry, and horticulture. Use of groundwater, particularly for irrigation, has increased in the last 5 years. Concern as to the sustainability of the groundwater resource led to a research programme (1991–96). This paper presents the results and recommends specific monitoring and research work to refine the groundwater balance, and define and maintain the sustainable yield of the aquifer system. Three critical management factors are identified. These are (1) to ensure maintenance of consistent, unimpeded groundwater recharge from the Ngaruroro River; (2) to specifically monitor groundwater levels and quality at the margins of the aquifer system, where transmissivity is <5000 m2/d and summer groundwater levels indicate that abstraction exceeds recharge; (3) to review groundwater-quality programs to ensure that areas where contamination vulnerability is identified as being highest are covered by regular monitoring. Received, January 1998 / Revised, August 1998, March 1999 / Accepted, April 1999  相似文献   

 The coastal aquifer system of southern Oahu, Hawaii, USA, consists of highly permeable volcanic aquifers overlain by weathered volcanic rocks and interbedded marine and terrestrial sediments of both high and low permeability. The weathered volcanic rocks and sediments are collectively known as caprock, because they impede the free discharge of groundwater from the underlying volcanic aquifers. A cross-sectional groundwater flow and transport model was used to evaluate the hydrogeologic controls on the regional flow system in southwestern Oahu. Controls considered were: (a) overall caprock hydraulic conductivity; and (b) stratigraphic variations of hydraulic conductivity in the caprock. Within the caprock, variations in hydraulic conductivity, caused by stratigraphy or discontinuities of the stratigraphic units, are a major control on the direction of groundwater flow and the distribution of water levels and salinity. Results of cross-sectional modeling confirm the general groundwater flow pattern that would be expected in a layered coastal system. Groundwater flow is: (a) predominantly upward in the low-permeability sedimentary units; and (b) predominantly horizontal in the high-permeability sedimentary units. Received, October 1996 Revised, August 1997 Accepted, September 1997  相似文献   

Patterns in groundwater chemistry resulting from groundwater flow   总被引:11,自引:7,他引:11  
 Groundwater flow influences hydrochemical patterns because flow reduces mixing by diffusion, carries the chemical imprints of biological and anthropogenic changes in the recharge area, and leaches the aquifer system. Global patterns are mainly dictated by differences in the flux of meteoric water passing through the subsoil. Within individual hydrosomes (water bodies with a specific origin), the following prograde evolution lines (facies sequence) normally develop in the direction of groundwater flow: from strong to no fluctuations in water quality, from polluted to unpolluted, from acidic to basic, from oxic to anoxic–methanogenic, from no to significant base exchange, and from fresh to brackish. This is demonstrated for fresh coastal-dune groundwater in the Netherlands. In this hydrosome, the leaching of calcium carbonate as much as 15 m and of adsorbed marine cations (Na+, K+, and Mg2+) as much as 2500 m in the flow direction is shown to correspond with about 5000 yr of flushing since the beach barrier with dunes developed. Recharge focus areas in the dunes are evidenced by groundwater displaying a lower prograde quality evolution than the surrounding dune groundwater. Artificially recharged Rhine River water in the dunes provides distinct hydrochemical patterns, which display groundwater flow, mixing, and groundwater ages. Received, May 1998 · Revised, August 1998 · Accepted, October 1998  相似文献   

 The Dawu well field, one of the largest in China, supplies most of the water for the Zibo City urban area in Shandong Province. The field yields 522,400–535,400 m3/d from an aquifer in fractured karstic Middle Ordovician carbonate rocks. Much of the recharge to the aquifer is leakage of surface water from Zihe Stream, the major drainage in the area. Installation of the Taihe Reservoir in 1972 severely reduced the downstream flow in Zihe Stream, resulting in a marked reduction in the water table in the Dawu field. Since 1994, following the installation of a recharge station on Zihe Stream upstream from the well field that injects water from the Taihe Reservoir into the stream, the groundwater resources of the field have recovered. An average of 61.2×103 m3/d of groundwater, mostly from the Ordovician aquifer, is pumped from the Heiwang iron mine, an open pit in the bed of Zihe Stream below the Taihe Reservoir. A stepwise regression equation, used to evaluate the role of discharge from the reservoir into the stream, confirms that reservoir water is one of the major sources of groundwater in the mine. Received, May 1998 / Revised, May 1999 / Accepted, June 1999  相似文献   

 Drilling of 15 boreholes at a disused liquid waste disposal site near Perth, Western Australia, has indicated that a contamination plume extends about 1000 m in a southerly direction from the site in the direction of groundwater flow. The plume is up to 600 m wide and 5–40 m thick. Chemical and microbiological analyses have indicated that contaminated groundwater contains high concentrations of ammonia, iron, and bacteria at levels that commonly exceed national drinking water guidelines. It is likely that a proposed water supply production well in the path of the contamination plume will have to be abandoned, and additional wells may have to be abandoned if the plume continues to extend in the direction of groundwater flow. There is currently insufficient information to indicate whether the plume is continuing to expand, but studies on similar plumes in the Perth metropolitan area have indicated that contaminated groundwater can move at rates up to 100 m yr–1. Several other liquid waste disposal sites are now located in residential areas of Perth where wells are used for garden irrigation. Further work is required to ensure that there is no potential impact of groundwater contamination on public health in these areas. Received: 31 July 1995 · Accepted: 18 September 1995  相似文献   

在放射性废物处置库的选址过程中,地下水水化学特征是最重要的因素之一。为了查明西北某放射性废物处置预选区地下水水化学特征及其演化机制,对该区地下水水样进行了水质测试,综合运用Piper三线图法、相关性分析、饱和指数模拟和质量平衡反应模拟,全面分析了该预选区地下水水化学类型的空间分布和地下水水演化的主要水文化学过程。结果表明:研究区地下水在北部山区接受补给,并向南运移,地下水类型随径流由SO4.Cl—Na型转变为Cl.SO4—Na型。地下水在径流过程中主要经历了溶滤作用、蒸发浓缩作用和阳离子交换作用等水文化学过程,它们是控制该区地下水水化学组分演化的关键。  相似文献   

Geomorphic aspects of groundwater flow   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
 The many roles that groundwater plays in landscape evolution are becoming more widely appreciated. In this overview, three major categories of groundwater processes and resulting landforms are considered: (1) Dissolution creates various karst geometries, mainly in carbonate rocks, in response to conditions of recharge, geologic setting, lithology, and groundwater circulation. Denudation and cave formation rates can be estimated from kinetic and hydraulic parameters. (2) Groundwater weathering generates regoliths of residual alteration products at weathering fronts, and subsequent exhumation exposes corestones, flared slopes, balanced rocks, domed inselbergs, and etchplains of regional importance. Groundwater relocation of dissolved salts creates duricrusts of various compositions, which become landforms. (3) Soil and rock erosion by groundwater processes include piping, seepage erosion, and sapping, important agents in slope retreat and headward gully migration. Thresholds and limits are important in many chemical and mechanical groundwater actions. A quantitative, morphometric approach to groundwater landforms and processes is exemplified by selected studies in carbonate and clastic terrains of ancient and recent origins. Received, May 1998 · Revised, September 1998 · Accepted, October 1998  相似文献   

 A serious problem in Spain is presented, where the water and soil were contaminated by lindane produced by the chemical industry, at a time when environmental legislation was limited, and the hydrogeological characterization of the low permeability materials was insufficient. The waste-disposal sites where the lindane accumulated lacked suitable sealing and also had notable filtration. The non-existence of a safe waste-disposal site, and the economic and social problems of transporting lindane residues forced the alternative proposal of confining these residues in situ (Government of Aragón, 1995, 1996). Once the surface sealing was carried out, the problem centred on the site's underground confinement. The purpose of this publication is to present the particular hydrogeological behaviour of materials, which were initially considered impermeable because of the presence of very consolidated sandstone beddings and the vertical disposition of the strata, and so allowed the lindane to escape through the groundwater. In addition, this publication describes the procedures carried out in order to achieve effective underground confinement at the waste-disposal site. Received: 12 October 1999 · Accepted: 31 January 2000  相似文献   

 This article provides a critical synopsis of the effects of groundwater flow on mineral diagenesis. Emphasis is placed on those aspects and processes that change porosity and permeability in carbonate aquifers, because they are of particular importance to human societies as sources of supplies of water for human consumption (drinking, irrigation) and of crude oil and natural gas. Diagenetic settings in carbonates as well as clastics are generally ill defined. This paper proposes a new comprehensive classification of diagenetic settings into near-surface, shallow-, intermediate-, and deep-burial diagenetic settings; hydrocarbon-contaminated plumes; and fractures. These settings are defined on the basis of mineralogy, petroleum, hydrogeochemistry, and hydrogeology. This classification is applicable to all sedimentary basins. Diagenesis is governed by various intrinsic and extrinsic factors that include thermodynamic and kinetic constraints, as well as microstructural factors that may override the others. These factors govern diagenetic processes, such as dissolution, compaction, recrystallization, replacement, and sulfate–hydrocarbon redox-reactions. Processes such as cementation, dissolution, and dolomitization require significant flow of groundwater driven by an externally imposed hydraulic gradient. Other processes, such as stylolitization and thermochemical sulfate reduction, commonly take place without significant groundwater flow in hydrologically nearly or completely stagnant systems that are geochemically "closed." Two major effects of groundwater flow on mineral diagenesis are enhancement and reduction of porosity and permeability, although groundwater flow can also leave these rock properties essentially unchanged. In extreme cases, an aquifer or hydrocarbon reservoir rock can have highly enhanced porosity and permeability due to extensive mineral dissolution, or it can be plugged up due to extensive mineral precipitation. Received, April 1998 · Revised, July 1998 · Accepted, September 1998  相似文献   

 Computer models are commonly used by regulators and managers to make predictions regarding groundwater flow and contaminant concentrations at various locations and times. However, the uncertainty associated with those predictions is often overlooked, despite the fact that an assessment of such uncertainty is critical in the formulation of policy decisions. One method of quantifying the uncertainty of model predictions, based on the collective uncertainties of the model parameter input values, is to use an approximation of the three-point Gauss–Hermite quadrature formula. The Gauss–Hermite approximation is a convenient substitute for simple Monte Carlo sampling, because it requires fewer model runs and provides an immediate sensitivity analysis of parameter main effects and two-way interactions. For example, a model with four parameters, each with its own associated uncertainty, needs to be run only 33 times to complete the Gauss–Hermite analysis. For an application to a contaminant-transport model, the Gauss–Hermite approximation compares well to the full method, with considerable savings in computing effort. By comparison, Latin hypercube sampling can be more flexible, but it is more complex to use in some circumstances and cannot as easily generate the detailed sensitivity analysis that the Gauss–Hermite approach offers. Received, October 1997 Revised, August 1998 Accepted, August 1998  相似文献   

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