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50 au mn nma a mumuu auu, m ¶rt; aul mmuu uma, a¶rt;au n mu u¶rt;a u uua aauu u mmu. mam naam, m amu mn nma mmmm mu¶rt;a, u a au :  相似文献   

Regional groundwater flow in deep aquifers adds advective components to the surface heat flow over extensive areas within the Great Plains province. The regional groundwater flow is driven by topographically controlled piezometric surfaces for confined aquifers that recharge either at high elevations on the western edge of the province or from subcrop contacts. The aquifers discharge at lower elevations to the east. The assymetrical geometry for the Denver and Kennedy Basins is such that the surface areas of aquifer recharge are small compared to the areas of discharge. Consequently, positive advective heat flow occurs over most of the province. The advective component of heat flow in the Denver Basin is on the order of 15 mW m−2 along a zone about 50 km wide that parallels the structure contours of the Dakota aquifer on the eastern margin of the Basin. The advective component of heat flow in the Kennedy Basin is on the order of 20 mW m−2 and occurs over an extensive area that coincides with the discharge areas of the Madison (Mississippian) and Dakota (Cretaceous) aquifers. Groundwater flow in Paleozoic and Mesozoic aquifers in the Williston Basin causes thermal anomalies that are seen in geothermal gradient data and in oil well temperature data. The pervasive nature of advective heat flow components in the Great Plains tends to mask the heat flow structure of the crust, and only heat flow data from holes drilled into the crystalline basement can be used for tectonic heat flow studies.  相似文献   

Ground water discharge to the Great Lakes around the Lower Peninsula of Michigan is primarily from recharge in riparian basins and proximal upland areas that are especially important to the northern half of the Lake Michigan shoreline. A steady-state finite-difference model was developed to simulate ground water flow in four regional aquifers in Michigan's Lower Peninsula: the Glaciofluvial, Saginaw, Parma-Bayport, and Marshall aquifers interlayered with the Till/"red beds," Saginaw, and Michigan confining units, respectively. The model domain was laterally bound by a continuous specified-head boundary, formed from lakes Michigan, Huron, St. Clair, and Erie, with the St. Clair and Detroit River connecting channels. The model was developed to quantify regional ground water flow in the aquifer systems using independently determined recharge estimates. According to the flow model, local stream stages and discharges account for 95% of the overall model water budget; only 50% enters the lakes directly from the ground water system. Direct ground water discharge to the Great Lakes' shorelines was calculated at 36 m3/sec, accounting for 5% of the overall model water budget. Lowland areas contribute far less ground water discharge to the Great Lakes than upland areas. The model indicates that Saginaw Bay receives only approximately 1.13 m3/sec ground water; the southern half of the Lake Michigan shoreline receives only approximately 2.83 m3/sec. In contrast, the northern half of the Lake Michigan shoreline receives more than 17 m3/sec from upland areas.  相似文献   

The effect of regional and local ground water circulation systems on the Heat Flow Density (HFD) field is demonstrated by two examples from Switzerland, one near St. Gall in an area at the northern border of the Alps, and the other northwest of Zurich along the eastern end of the Jura mountains. Detailed HFD maps of both areas slow pronounced high heat flow zones which are attributed to discharge of subsurface water which has migrated laterally over several 10 km. Seepage velocities on the order of several mm/yr have been calculated. Geothermal information is not available about the infiltration zones where low HFD values are expected. Geochemical and isotopic analysis of water samples from springs and drillholes indicates the recharge zones and demonstrates the effect of extensive regional systems. These results indicate that in regions with significant topographic relief HFD mapping can be seriously biased if drillholes are positioned in valleys which correspond to discharge areas with relatively high HFD, whereas the low heat flow zones remain undetected.  相似文献   

Summary The paper presents results of heat flow measurements made in 6 deep bores in the Czechoslovakian part of the Upper Silesian coal basin. The heat flow measured was in the range from 1.74 to 1.87 cal/cm2s. The undisturbed period before the temperature measurement in the bore is discussed and results of repeated temperature measurements carried out 0.1, 1,5 and 36 days after cessation of drilling in one of the bores NP-522, are also given. Although the temperature in the bore still differs considerably from equilibrium, it is possible to determine the temperature gradient with an accuracy better than 5% as soon as 5 days after drilling was finished.  相似文献   

Summary The distribution of radioactive elements(Th, U, K) and trace elements(Rb, Sr, Ba, Pb, Zr, Ti, Cu, Cr, Ni, V) of acid granulites from the south-east margin of the Bohemian Massif (SW Moravia) was under study. The investigated rocks are characterized by a great variability ofTh/U ratios andTh andU contents; a linear relationship between theTh andU values was observed. A close relation between theU and biotite contents with a statistically significant linear correlation coefficient of +0.85 was found. In agreement with geological and petrological investigations, the concentrations of radioactive elements correspond to the contents observed in the rocks with metamorphic intensity between the amphibolite and granulite facies. The investigated rocks have extremely lowSr concentrations distinguishing them from other acid granulites of the world.Rb contents are rather variable reaching, however, the highest values among the acid granulites of various granulite areas.  相似文献   

Summary The coalification data of 12 boreholes in the Central Bohemian Basin are used to evaluate the paleotemperature gradients for the Upper Carboniferous period of the basin's development. Two versions of the burial history considered are supposed to yield an upper and a lower estimate. According to the more probable lower version, the average values of the paleogradient suggest an increasing tendency from west to east in the interval of 45–53K/km. The current geothermal gradients vary in the range of 28–35K/km. By combining the present thermal conductivity and the paleogradients, we have tried to estimate the Upper Carboniferous heat flow. Its values range from 96mW/m 2 to 117mW/m 2 .The results obtained can be compared with the paleogradient estimates in the Saar-Nahe Basin (F. R. of Germany). This region, which is similar with respect to the time of origin and tectonic pattern to the Central Bohemian Basin, displays on the average a slightly higher Permo-Carboniferous geothermal gradient of 60K/km.  相似文献   

Williams Lake, Minnesota is a closed‐basin lake that is a flow‐through system with respect to ground water. Ground‐water input represents half of the annual water input and most of the chemical input to the lake. Chemical budgets indicate that the lake is a sink for calcium, yet surficial sediments contain little calcium carbonate. Sediment pore‐water samplers (peepers) were used to characterize solute fluxes at the lake‐water–ground‐water interface in the littoral zone and resolve the apparent disparity between the chemical budget and sediment data. Pore‐water depth profiles of the stable isotopes δ18O and δ2H were non‐linear where ground water seeped into the lake, with a sharp transition from lake‐water values to ground‐water values in the top 10 cm of sediment. These data indicate that advective inflow to the lake is the primary mechanism for solute flux from ground water. Linear interstitial velocities determined from δ2H profiles (316 to 528 cm/yr) were consistent with velocities determined independently from water budget data and sediment porosity (366 cm/yr). Stable isotope profiles were generally linear where water flowed out of the lake into ground water. However, calcium profiles were not linear in the same area and varied in response to input of calcium carbonate from the littoral zone and subsequent dissolution. The comparison of pore‐water calcium profiles to pore‐water stable isotope profiles indicate calcium is not conservative. Based on the previous understanding that 40–50 % of the calcium in Williams Lake is retained, the pore‐water profiles indicate aquatic plants in the littoral zone are recycling the retained portion of calcium. The difference between the pore‐water depth profiles of calcium and δ18O and δ2H demonstrate the importance of using stable isotopes to evaluate flow direction and source through the lake‐water–ground‐water interface and evaluate mechanisms controlling the chemical balance of lakes. Published in 2003 by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Ground water is a vital, but underappreciated, natural resource in the Great Lakes basin. It meets many human needs and contributes significantly to the hydrology of the Great Lakes and the health of ecosystems. This paper provides an overview of ground water in the Great Lakes and the institutional and legal setting that governs the use, protection, diversion, and removal of water from the basin and proposes a citizen-centered vision for management of ground water in the 21st century.  相似文献   

Gu A  Gray F  Eastoe CJ  Norman LM  Duarte O  Long A 《Ground water》2008,46(3):502-509
Sulfate (S and O) isotopes used in conjunction with sulfate concentration provide a tracer for ground water contributions to base flow. They are particularly useful in areas where rock sources of contrasting S isotope character are juxtaposed, where water chemistry or H and O isotopes fail to distinguish water sources, and in arid areas where rain water contributions to base flow are minimal. Sonoita Creek basin in southern Arizona, where evaporite and igneous sources of sulfur are commonly juxtaposed, serves as an example. Base flow in Sonoita Creek is a mixture of three ground water sources: A, basin ground water with sulfate resembling that from Permian evaporite; B, ground water from the Patagonia Mountains; and C, ground water associated with Temporal Gulch. B and C contain sulfate like that of acid rock drainage in the region but differ in sulfate content. Source A contributes 50% to 70%, with the remainder equally divided between B and C during the base flow seasons. The proportion of B generally increases downstream. The proportion of A is greatest under drought conditions.  相似文献   

In this article the relative roles of precipitation and soil moisture in influencing runoff variability in the Mekong River basin are addressed. The factors controlling runoff generation are analysed in a calibrated macro‐scale hydrologic model, and it is demonstrated that, in addition to rainfall, simulated soil moisture plays a decisive role in establishing the timing and amount of generated runoff. Soil moisture is a variable with a long memory for antecedent hydrologic fluxes that is influenced by soil hydrologic parameters, topography, and land cover type. The influence of land cover on soil moisture implies significant hydrologic consequences for large‐scale deforestation and expansion of agricultural land. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

There are few studies on the hydrogeology of sedimentary rock aquitards although they are important controls in regional ground water flow systems. We formulate and test a three-dimensional (3D) conceptual model of ground water flow and hydrochemistry in a fractured sedimentary rock aquitard to show that flow dynamics within the aquitard are more complex than previously believed. Similar conceptual models, based on regional observations and recently emerging principles of mechanical stratigraphy in heterogeneous sedimentary rocks, have previously been applied only to aquifers, but we show that they are potentially applicable to aquitards. The major elements of this conceptual model, which is based on detailed information from two sites in the Maquoketa Formation in southeastern Wisconsin, include orders of magnitude contrast between hydraulic diffusivity (K/S(s)) of fractured zones and relatively intact aquitard rock matrix, laterally extensive bedding-plane fracture zones extending over distances of over 10 km, very low vertical hydraulic conductivity of thick shale-rich intervals of the aquitard, and a vertical hydraulic head profile controlled by a lateral boundary at the aquitard subcrop, where numerous surface water bodies dominate the shallow aquifer system. Results from a 3D numerical flow model based on this conceptual model are consistent with field observations, which did not fit the typical conceptual model of strictly vertical flow through an aquitard. The 3D flow through an aquitard has implications for predicting ground water flow and for planning and protecting water supplies.  相似文献   

International borders, ground water flow, and hydroschizophrenia   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A substantial body of research has been conducted on transboundary water, transboundary water law, and the mitigation of transboundary water conflict. However, most of this work has focused primarily on surface water supplies. While it is well understood that aquifers cross international boundaries and that the base flow of international river systems is often derived in part from ground water, transboundary ground water and surface water systems are usually managed under different regimes, resulting in what has been described as "hydroschizophrenia." Adding to the problem, the hydrologic relationships between surface and ground water supplies are only known at a reconnaissance level in even the most studied international basins, and thus even basic questions regarding the territorial sovereignty of ground water resources often remain unaddressed or even unasked. Despite the tensions inherent in the international setting, riparian nations have shown tremendous creativity in approaching regional development, often through preventive diplomacy, and the creation of "baskets of benefits," which allow for positive-sum, integrative allocations of joint gains. In contrast to the notion of imminent water wars, the history of hydropolitical relations worldwide has been overwhelmingly cooperative. Limited ground water management in the international arena, coupled with the fact that few states or countries regulate the use of ground water, begs the question: will international borders serve as boundaries for increased "flows" of hydrologic information and communication to maintain strategic aquifers, or will increased competition for shared ground water resources lead to the potential loss of strategic aquifers and "no flows" for both ground water users?  相似文献   

Three-dimensional grids representing a heterogeneous, ground water system are generated at 10 different resolutions in support of a site-scale flow and transport modeling effort. These grids represent hydrostratigraphy near Yucca Mountain, Nevada, consisting of 18 stratigraphic units with contrasting fluid flow and transport properties. The grid generation method allows the stratigraphy to be modeled by numerical grids of different resolution so that comparison studies can be performed to test for grid quality and determine the resolution required to resolve geologic structure and physical processes such as fluid flow and solute transport. The process of generating numerical grids with appropriate property distributions from geologic conceptual models is automated, thus making the entire process easy to implement with fewer user-induced errors. The series of grids of various resolutions are used to assess the level at which increasing resolution no longer influences the flow and solute transport results. Grid resolution is found to be a critical issue for ground water flow and solute transport. The resolution required in a particular instance is a function of the feature size of the model, the intrinsic properties of materials, the specific physics of the problem, and boundary conditions. The asymptotic nature of results related to flow and transport indicate that for a hydrologic model of the heterogeneous hydrostratigraphy under Yucca Mountain, a horizontal grid spacing of 600 m and vertical grid spacing of 40 m resolve the hydrostratigraphic model with sufficient precision to accurately model the hypothetical flow and solute transport to within 5% of the value that would be obtained with much higher resolution.  相似文献   

江汉盆地热流史、沉积构造演化与热事件   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
江汉盆地是我国前新生代海相油气勘探的重要领域之一,为研究海相烃源岩的热演化史提供地热学参数,以镜质体反射率(Ro)为古温标进行热史反演,获得了盆地的热流史.印支运动以前,盆地基底热流为50~55mW/m2;晚印支-早燕山期,热流整体升高;不同构造单元达到最高古热流的时间不同,潜北断裂以北,157Ma左右达到最高古热流(~72 mW/m2),潜北断裂以南,43 Ma左右达到最高古热流(71~76 mW/m2);晚喜山期,热流迅速降低,盆地快速冷却.盆地热流史和沉积构造演化、岩浆活动热事件的耦合关系表现为:印支运动以前,海相盆地稳定建造阶段为统一的低热流背景,岩浆活动微弱;晚印支-早燕山期,构造活动性增强产生深部热搅动,热流整体升高;中燕山期挤压改造变形阶段热流值的高低受控于岩浆活动热事件的分区表现,盆地基底热流表现为北降南升;晚燕山-早喜山期,陆相伸展盆地建造与叠加改造阶段,岩浆活动热事件的区域特征决定热背景分区;晚喜山期,盆地萎缩,为热流值降低的冷却过程.  相似文献   

Post V  Kooi H  Simmons C 《Ground water》2007,45(6):664-671
The use of hydraulic head measurements in ground water of variable density is considerably more complicated than for the case of constant-density ground water. A theoretical framework for dealing with these complications does exist in the current literature but suffers from a lack of awareness among many hydrogeologists. When corrections for density variations are ignored or not properly taken into account, misinterpretation of both ground water flow direction and magnitude may result. This paper summarizes the existing theoretical framework and provides practical guidelines for the interpretation of head measurements in variable-density ground water systems. It will be argued that, provided that the proper corrections are taken into account, fresh water heads can be used to analyze both horizontal and vertical flow components. To avoid potential confusion, it is recommended that the use of the so-called environmental water head, which was initially introduced to facilitate the analysis of vertical ground water flow, be abandoned in favor of properly computed fresh water head analyses. The presented methodology provides a framework for determining quantitatively when variable-density effects on ground water flow need to be taken into account or can be justifiably neglected. Therefore, we recommend that it should become part of all hydrogeologic analyses in which density effects are suspected to play a role.  相似文献   

The role of hand calculations in ground water flow modeling   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Haitjema H 《Ground water》2006,44(6):786-791
Most ground water modeling courses focus on the use of computer models and pay little or no attention to traditional analytic solutions to ground water flow problems. This shift in education seems logical. Why waste time to learn about the method of images, or why study analytic solutions to one-dimensional or radial flow problems? Computer models solve much more realistic problems and offer sophisticated graphical output, such as contour plots of potentiometric levels and ground water path lines. However, analytic solutions to elementary ground water flow problems do have something to offer over computer models: insight. For instance, an analytic one-dimensional or radial flow solution, in terms of a mathematical expression, may reveal which parameters affect the success of calibrating a computer model and what to expect when changing parameter values. Similarly, solutions for periodic forcing of one-dimensional or radial flow systems have resulted in a simple decision criterion to assess whether or not transient flow modeling is needed. Basic water balance calculations may offer a useful check on computer-generated capture zones for wellhead protection or aquifer remediation. An easily calculated "characteristic leakage length" provides critical insight into surface water and ground water interactions and flow in multi-aquifer systems. The list goes on. Familiarity with elementary analytic solutions and the capability of performing some simple hand calculations can promote appropriate (computer) modeling techniques, avoids unnecessary complexity, improves reliability, and is likely to save time and money. Training in basic hand calculations should be an important part of the curriculum of ground water modeling courses.  相似文献   

Various authors, analysing the set of accelerograms recorded at Gubbio Piana (GBP) (central Italy), have demonstrated that strong amplification occurs at this accelerometric station, which is installed within an alluvial basin. In particular, Ambraseys et al. [(2005a), Bull Earthq Eng 3:1–53; (2005b), Bull Earth Eng 3:55–73] observed that the strong motion peaks at GBP greatly exceed the median values predicted by the attenuation relationships they derived for Europe. In this work, we analyse and discuss some characteristics of the ground motion recorded at the GBP station. We show that the ground motion parameters, such as peak-ground acceleration and peak-ground velocity, are strongly influenced by the presence of locally induced surface waves that produce both a lengthening of the significant shaking duration and an increase in the peak values with respect to a nearby bedrock site. The basin-induced surface waves are observed in the three components of motion and their effects on the peak values are particularly evident in the vertical component. In the frequency domain, the energy of the surface waves is mostly restricted to the frequency band 0.4–0.8 Hz for both the horizontal and vertical components. The horizontal and vertical Fourier amplitudes are also very similar, and this indicates that the H/V spectral ratio technique is not applicable to describing the site response due to the propagation of seismic wave in a complex 2D/3D geological structure. Finally, a preliminary polarization analysis shows that the directions of polarization, as well as the degree of elliptical polarization, exhibit a strong variability with time, that may be related to a complex propagation of Love and Rayleigh waves within the basin.  相似文献   

Temperatures have been measured in nine boreholes (ranging from 400 to 900 m in depth) in the Jharia Gondwana sedimentary basin of the Indian shield. About two hundred thermal conductivity determinations have been made on core samples from these holes. Temperature profiles, Bullard plots and heat flow profiles of these holes indicate different types of disturbances in the shallow geothermal regime, attributable principally to groundwater movement. Heat flow in the region of the “anticlinal high” is about 0.4 HFU higher than the heat flow in the main synclinal region of the basin. The possible sources for this variation are regional groundwater movement and upwelling of thermal waters through a deep-seated fault/fracture system. The heat flow of 1.9 HFU characterizing the main synclinal region, taken as the regional value for the basin as a whole, has been related to the heat generation of the Precambrian basement rocks. A plot of heat flow vs. heat generation falls in line with three plots for the Precambrian complexes of the Indian shield, indicating the absence of a thermal anomaly due to deeper crustal conditions underneath this basin.  相似文献   

Pitrak M  Mares S  Kobr M 《Ground water》2007,45(1):89-92
Borehole dilution techniques use repeated fluid column profiling after establishment of an initial uniform condition to monitor the rate at which ambient ground water moves into a borehole. Application of the dilution technique in a monitoring well makes it possible to estimate the horizontal Darcy flow velocity of ground water in the aquifer surrounding the borehole. Previous investigators have demonstrated the technique using either relatively concentrated saline solutions or deionized water to produce a fluid column with properties distinctly different from those of local ground water. We present a new dilution technique using the food color Brilliant Blue FCF (Euro code E-133) to mark the fluid column and using a specially constructed photometric sensor to characterize the dilution of this dye over time. The effective application of this technique is documented by two practical examples.  相似文献   

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