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Six volcanic rocks, reconnaissance samples representing most of the temporal and compositional variation in the Pinacate volcanic field of Sonora and Arizona, are characterized for major element and Nd---Sr isotopic compositions. The samples consist of basanite through trachyte of an early shield volcano, and alkali basalts and a tholeiite from later craters and cinder cones. With the exception of the trachyte sample, which has increased 87Sr/86Sr due to crustal effects, all 87Sr/86Sr values fall between 0.70312 and 0.70342, while εNd values are all between + 5.0 and + 5.7. Clinopyroxene in a rare spinel-lherzolite nodule derived from the uppermost mantle beneath the field has 87Sr/86Sr of 0.70320 but εNd of + 8.8, three εNd units higher than the volcanic rocks. Both the volcanic rocks and the nodule record the presence of asthenospheric, rather than enriched lithospheric mantle beneath Pinacate. This is consistent with one or both of (a) proximity of Pinacate to the Gulf of California spreading center and (b) presence of similar asthenospheric mantle signatures in volcanic rocks over a wide contiguous area of the southwestern USA. We consider the comparison to other southwestern USA magma sources as the more relevant alternative, although a definite conclusion is not possible at this stage.  相似文献   

This communication reports the occurrence of an ash layer intercalated within the late Quaternary alluvial succession of the Madhumati River, a tributary of the lower Narmada River. Petrographic, morphological and chemical details of glass shards and pumice fragments have formed the basis of this study. The ash has been correlated with the Youngest Toba Tuff. The finding of ash layer interbedded in Quaternary alluvial sequences of western Indian continental margin is significant, as ash being datable material, a near precise time-controlled stratigraphy can be interpreted for the Quaternary sediments of western India. The distant volcanic source of this ash requires a fresh re-assessment of ash volume and palaeoclimatic interpretations.  相似文献   

冈底斯西段赛利普一带分布有大面积的钾质火山岩,以前曾被划归上新世一早更新世赛利普群。作者对这套火山岩地层进行了详细野外调查并重新测制了火山岩地层剖面,在该套火山岩下伏及层间湖相碎屑沉积层中获得ESR年龄0.268Ma与0.349Ma。岩石学、岩石化学研究表明,这套火山岩是以安粗质熔岩为主的钾玄岩系列一钾质碱性玄武岩系列火山岩,岩石类型及岩石组合稳定,岩层产状平缓,岩石新鲜,层位相对清楚,故将其命名为赛利普组,属第四纪早一中更新世。这一发现对研究冈底斯构造带新生代以来岩浆活动、构造演化,进而探讨青藏高原隆升机制有着重要的地质意义。  相似文献   

广西北海涠洲岛(含斜阳岛)是我国最大的第四纪火山岩海岛,岛内出露中更新世(Q2)溢流相玄武质火山岩、晚更新世(Q3)空落一沉积相沉火山碎屑岩和全新世(Q4)爆发一溢流相玄武质火山岩,其中中更新世为玄武岩,全新世多为碧玄岩或苦橄质碧玄岩。两者比较,前者相对高SiO2、低MgO;后者相对高MgO、低SiO2。在地球化学上,这些玄武质火山岩均属无Eu异常的轻稀土元素富集和无Nb异常的强不相容元素富集类型,较之原始地幔和N—MORB具较低的Th/La值(0.04~0.28)、La/Nb值(0.52~0.91)、Rb/Nb值(0.45~1.09)、^87Sr/86 Sr值(0.70352~0.70443)以及较高的eNd值( 3.2~ 5.2)。上述特征说明,晚更新世火山岩经历了以橄榄石和斜长石为主的分离结晶,全新世火山岩则代表了部分熔融形成的原生岩浆,同化混染作用对这两种岩浆演化的影响程度很低。根据微量元素和同位素示踪可知,涠洲岛地区火山岩的源区类似于洋岛,其岩浆来自更深的软流圈,且无大陆岩石圈组分的卷入。为此进一步推测,我国雷琼和北部湾地区深部存在一个从属于南海盆地地幔热柱的亚热柱,该亚热柱的活动一直持续到全新世。  相似文献   

基于对渤海湾西岸河北省海兴小山火山丘附近500 25 m 深CK3孔进行的磁性地层学研究,确认该钻孔揭示了吉尔伯特(Gilbert)极性时科奇蒂(Cochiti)亚时以来的地层,底部层位年龄约为4 38 Ma;结合 14 C 测年和地层关系,可见本孔中所见4期火山活动分别发生在2.12 Ma、1.34 Ma、35~70 ka 和10~15 ka;与渤海湾滨海平原几个质量较高的钻孔古地磁研究成果对比显示,黄骅坳陷第四纪期间整体向NE方向倾斜,沉积物平均粒径变化与测井曲线有较好的对比关系和同步性。依据沉积物特征、沉积构造以及测井相、粒度分析资料综合分析,确定全孔揭露地层大多发育泛滥平原沉积,即使是分支间湾亚相也少见湖泊-湖沼相沉积,沉积物多呈氧化状态。晚更新世以来3期海侵地层皆为潮坪沉积,其底板埋深与整个渤海湾西岸所见相符,可以按海洋氧同位素分期划分。  相似文献   

Placer deposits mark the ultimate stage of mineral separation in clastic sediments by physical processes in an aquatic regime, whereas duricrusts are an example of extreme element separation by chemical processes in continental environments of deposition. In Quaternary sediments in SE Germany such contrasting types of sediments formed on the NE Bavarian Basement which is underlain by metamorphic and pegmatitic rocks reflecting intense primary element differentiation by themselves.  相似文献   

珠江三角洲第四纪沉积物Cd元素的分布特征及成因   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
刘子宁  窦磊  张伟 《地质通报》2012,31(1):172-180
根据珠江三角洲平原区44个钻孔揭示的第四系,对晚更新世以来沉积物的地球化学特征进行了系统分析,结合沉积物粒度,探讨了珠江三角洲平原区第四纪沉积物Cd的分布特征、高含量来源及迁移富集规律。研究结果表明:①珠江三角洲第四纪沉积物的Cd含量地区差异较大,西江、北江冲积区为主要富集区,而潭江和东江冲积区为背景区。②物质来源、沉积物粒度、沉积环境与有机质含量共同影响了珠江三角洲第四纪沉积物Cd的含量分布,西江、北江冲积区受控于富Cd的泥盆系、石炭系砂页岩,而东江、潭江冲积区主要由贫Cd的燕山期花岗岩等限定;沉积物平均粒径(φ值)与Cd含量存在显著正相关关系;另外,温暖湿润、海陆交互作用强烈的沉积环境与富含有机质的地区有利于Cd的聚积富集。③西江、北江流域相对富Cd岩石风化的产物,特别是具高强度Cd含量的铅锌多金属矿区,是西江、北江冲积区Cd高含量的主要来源。④珠江三角洲第四纪沉积物Cd的高含量区分成西江、北江西北部和东南濒海两大片区,究其原因,前者由区域发育的铅锌多金属矿控制,后者则受海陆交互作用沉积环境的影响。  相似文献   

刘子宁  窦磊    张伟 《地质通报》2012,31(01):172-180
根据珠江三角洲平原区44个钻孔揭示的第四系,对晚更新世以来沉积物的地球化学特征进行了系统分析,结合沉积物粒度,探讨了珠江三角洲平原区第四纪沉积物Cd的分布特征、高含量来源及迁移富集规律。研究结果表明:①珠江三角洲第四纪沉积物的Cd含量地区差异较大,西江、北江冲积区为主要富集区,而潭江和东江冲积区为背景区。②物质来源、沉积物粒度、沉积环境与有机质含量共同影响了珠江三角洲第四纪沉积物Cd的含量分布,西江、北江冲积区受控于富Cd的泥盆系、石炭系砂页岩,而东江、潭江冲积区主要由贫Cd的燕山期花岗岩等限定;沉积物平均粒径(φ值)与Cd含量存在显著正相关关系;另外,温暖湿润、海陆交互作用强烈的沉积环境与富含有机质的地区有利于Cd的聚积富集。③西江、北江流域相对富Cd岩石风化的产物,特别是具高强度Cd含量的铅锌多金属矿区,是西江、北江冲积区Cd高含量的主要来源。④珠江三角洲第四纪沉积物Cd的高含量区分成西江、北江西北部和东南濒海两大片区,究其原因,前者由区域发育的铅锌多金属矿控制,后者则受海陆交互作用沉积环境的影响。  相似文献   

王洪燕    张传林 《地质通报》2011,30(08):1171-1181
对青藏高原西北缘普鲁北钾质火山岩进行40Ar-39Ar定年得到的最新年龄为0.81Ma±0.21Ma。火山岩的SiO2含量为53.08%~55.12%,全碱含量为7.36%~8.04%,K2O/Na2O比值为1.17~1.2,属橄榄安粗岩系列。岩石以高度富集LREE、LILE(K、Rb、Sr、Ba、Th等)和高度亏损HREE、HFSE(Nb、Ta、Ti等)元素为特征。岩石具高的(87Sr/86Sr)i比值(0.7088~0.7089)和低的εNd值(-6.05~-5.54),表明火山岩源区为EMⅡ型的经古俯冲作用改造的大陆岩石圈富集地幔。同时,其Ti/Y、Zr/Y、La/Rb、Zr/Rb、K/La、Pb/La比值类似于板内洋岛玄武岩(OIB),可能暗示岩浆源区经历过软流圈流体或者深部流体对古俯冲地幔楔的叠加交代作用。普鲁北钾质火山岩为青藏高原西北缘晚新生代陆-陆碰撞造山深部岩石圈拆沉作用在地表响应的岩浆产物。  相似文献   

王洪燕  张传林 《地质通报》2011,30(8):1171-1181
对青藏高原西北缘普鲁北钾质火山岩进行40Ar-39Ar定年得到的最新年龄为0.81Ma±0.21Ma.火山岩的SiO2含量为53.08%~55.12%,全碱含量为7.36~8.04%,K2O/Na2O比值为1.17~1.2,属橄榄安粗岩系列.岩石以高度富集LREE、LILE(K、Rb、Sr、Ba、Th等)和高度亏损HR...  相似文献   

Deep sea sediment cores taken between 50° and 75°N in the North Atlantic, in water depths varying between 1340 and 3850 m, were examined to provide an astronomically calibrated late Quaternary time-scale based on physical property records. Magnetic susceptibility and gamma ray attenuation porosity evaluator (GRAPE) density changes of these cores revealed significant responses to orbital forcing in the eccentricity (100 kyr), obliquity (41 kyr) and precessional (23, 19 kyr) bands. At 75°N (Greenland Sea), a response to obliquity forcing was weak despite the fact that it should become more pronounced in sediments at high latitudes. Application of bandpass filtering at the obliquity period (41 kyr), however, showed that variance at this period did exist in the magnetic susceptibility record, but at a very low power. At 50°N stacked curves of magnetic susceptibility correlated strongly with the SPECMAP curve for the past 500 ka. Since about 65 ka, dropstone layers are recorded in both magnetic susceptibility and GRAPE data of Rockall Plateau sediments. Although Rockall Plateau sediments show peaks in physical properties that correlate with Heinrich events (H1, H2, H4, H5, H6), such a relationship was not readily observed in Norwegian-Greenland Sea records. Heinrich events at Rockall Plateau sites indicate a northward flow of icebergs in the eastern North Atlantic. This flow pattern and the presence of Heinrich events during the past 65 ka raise the questions of whether similar events occurred before this time period, and to what kind of ice sheet dynamics and climatic-oceanographic conditions favoured major iceberg surges from the Laurentide ice sheet to the North Atlantic at 50°N.  相似文献   

The influence of glacier hydrology on the time-dependent morphology and flow behaviour of the late Weichselian Scandinavian ice sheet is explored using a simple one-dimensional ice sheet model. The model is driven by orbitally induced radiation variations, ice-albedo feedback and eustatic sea-level change. The influence of hydrology is most marked during deglaciation and on the southern side of the ice sheet, where a marginal zone of rapid sliding, thin ice and low surface slopes develops. Such a zone is absent when hydrology is omitted from the model, and its formation results in earlier and more rapid deglaciation than occurs in the no-hydrology model. The final advance to the glacial maximum position results from an increase in the rate of basal sliding as climate warms after 23000 yr BP. Channelised subglacial drainage develops only episodically, and is associated with relatively low meltwater discharges and high hydraulic gradients. The predominance of iceberg calving as an ablation mechanism on the northern side of the ice sheet restricts the occurrence of surface melting. Lack of meltwater penetration to the glacier bed in this area means that ice flow is predominantly by internal deformation and the ice sheet adopts a classical parabolic surface profile.  相似文献   

第四纪(Quaternary)是地球科学中广泛使用的术语,代表地质年代中最晚的时段.在探讨全球环境变化趋势时,第四纪研究具有重要地位.但第四纪作为地质年代和地层单位的地位和底界问题,自18世纪提出以来,在国际学术界中就一直存在不同的观点;尤其是2004年部分权威学者和国际组织提出取消第四纪的方案,引发了激烈的国际大辩论.直到2009年,第四纪在地质年代中的正式地位及其底界划分方案,才最终获得了国际地科联的官方批准.回顾第四纪最初命名到正式地位确定的过程,特别强调了中国科学家立足于黄土等地质记录的研究工作,积极地参加了这场讨论,对于第四纪在地质学中的地位确立做出了重要贡献.  相似文献   

The Pirapemas Lineament is a remarkable 200-km-long, NE-SW trending structure in the Barreirinhas Basin, one of the several Brazilian coastal basins. This lineament splits the study area in two sectors of distinctive morphology, drainage patterns, and sedimentary covers. Terrain northward of the lineament presents a smooth topography with sub-parallel to sub-dendritic drainage patterns, whereas a dissected plateau characterized by incised valleys and rectangular drainage pattern occurs southward, suggesting a structural control by joints and faults. Geological field data, crossed with thermal luminescence (TL) and optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) dating, revealed that the surface southward of the lineament consists mostly of Miocene and late Pleistocene sedimentary deposits, represented by the Barreiras Formation and the Post-Barreiras sediments, respectively. In contrast, relatively younger sands mantle most of the northward terrain, as indicated by well-preserved paleodune deposits that grade into active aeolian dunes of the Lençóis Maranhenses National Park. Geomorphological and geological data analysis suggests that the northern sector is under the effect of subsidence, proving that the Pirapemas Lineament is an active agent modeling the landscape in the region. Geophysical data (gravity and seismic) confirm that such a structural feature is the surface expression of an active deep-seated basement fault.  相似文献   

In the Mersin area, Quaternary calcretes are widespread, and occurred in a variety of forms, as namely powdery, nodular, tubular, fracture-infill, laminar crust, hard laminated crust (hardpan), pisolithic crust. They are predominantly calcite, and small amount of palygorskite associated with them as a minor component. Calcite δ18O and δ13C values of the calcretes vary from −4.31 to −6.82 and from −6.03 to −9.65‰ PDB, respectively. These values are consistent with values of pedogenic calcretes reported in literature from worldwide sites. The oxygen isotope values indicate formation under the influence of meteoric water at estimated temperatures from 25 to 32 °C. The carbon isotope values are typical for pedogenic calcretes, reflecting development under the C3-dominated vegetation cover and semiarid or seasonally arid climatic conditions.  相似文献   

Clay minerals eroded from soils by rivers and wind action become entrained in shallow‐ as well as deep‐water masses of the surrounding seas. Their pattern on the sea floor gives clues to their propagation by ocean currents. Clay mineral assemblages in sediment cores can be used as a useful proxy to decipher past changes in the intensity of ocean currents or in the nature of the palaeoclimatic processes on the adjacent landmasses. Three cores taken from beneath the path of the present‐day Leeuwin Current in the Timor Passage, from off the Australian North West Shelf and off the North West Cape of Western Australia are investigated. They provide a Late Quaternary record of environmental changes. Kaolinite and chlorite are transported into the Timor Passage today by the Indonesian Throughflow, while illite is provided locally from Timor. The Leeuwin Current leaves the Timor Passage with a characteristic clay mineral signature acquired in the Indonesian Archipelago (kaolinite, chlorite and illite). Uptake of clay minerals along its way through the Timor Sea, e.g. illite from the Kimberley area, changes this signature. South of North West Cape chlorite, injected by the rivers of the Pilbara region into the path of the Leeuwin Current, is prominent in surface sediments in less than 1000 m water depth and outlines the flow of the current today. During the last glacial period, the volume of the Indonesian Throughflow decreased and less kaolinite and chlorite reached the Timor Passage. Offshore from North West Cape, a reduction in chlorite during the last glacial may indicate a decrease or absence of the Leeuwin Current and/or a reduction in the input of chlorite due to drier conditions on land. A maximum of illite in recent sediments and the Holocene offshore from North West Cape results from the input of material from rivers periodically draining the adjacent hinterland. Again, a reduction in illite points to a drier climate in the area during the last glacial.  相似文献   

Coccoliths were studied from the ODP Hole 1002C and core PL07‐39PC in the Cariaco Basin. Increases in Emiliania huxleyi are synchronous with decreases of Gephyrocapsa oceanica and vice versa. A new index (GEX) based on the relative abundances of these two taxa is proposed, and correlates with various other proxies. It is shown that GEX can serve as upwelling proxy. This confirms that the Intertropical Convergence Zone shifted north during the Bølling/Allerød, south during the Younger Dryas and back north during the Preboreal. The upwelling proxy shows few discrepancies with the terrigenous record. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

大兴安岭北段诺敏河第四纪火山24座,分布于诺敏河及其支流毕拉河和甘河支流奎勒河,火山岩分布面积约600km2。诺敏河火山岩均属于钾质系列火山岩(K2O含量2%~4%,且K2O>Na2O-2%),类似于邻区五大连池-科洛钾质火山岩,具有来自类似的富钾地幔源区。但诺敏河火山岩的K2O含量明显低于五大连池-科洛火山岩的K2O含量(一般4%~6%)。东北地区和内蒙东部处于中亚造山带东段,从古生代到新生代,多重构造-岩浆活动导致火山岩源区地球化学非均一性和火山岩的多样性。根据本文提出的火山岩K-Ar年龄(2.3~0.128Ma)及火山地质特征,可将诺敏河第四纪火山岩分为四期。早期(早更新世)火山活动主要沿诺敏河和奎勒河流域分布,火山产物多被晚期沉积物或火山产物所覆盖。中更新世保留的火山锥体及熔岩流是诺敏河第四纪火山产物的主体,表明是第四纪火山活动的高潮期。晚更新世-全新世火山活动限于毕拉河流域,典型的四方山火山和马鞍山火山是该时期火山活动的代表作,保留了较完好的火山地质地貌特征。从火山产物的时空展布,推测诺敏河第四纪火山活动有从东向西发展的趋势。  相似文献   

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